Showing posts with label hypocrites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypocrites. Show all posts

MSNBC News Crew Busted For Not Wearing Masks During Live Report

An MSNBC news crew invaded the resort town of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin on Monday, May 25. The reporter, Cal Perry, was reporting live mid-afternoon along the lakefront and noted that "nobody" was wearing masks.

What Perry did not note was that his support team were also maskless, but a bold passerby bombed the live report by calling them out on camera.

At about 15 seconds into the video (below), you see a man in a Packers jersey pass behind Perry. He's holding a phone and recording the situation. Perry doesn't know he's about to get ambushed as the man doubles back around, only to be "interviewed" by Perry (at 33 seconds):
Perry, on live television, knew he was exposed as a hypocrite. He threw his hands up and was suddenly lost for words. Back in the studio, all MSNBC anchorwoman Katy Tur could say was, "Striking images." That's a bit weird, considering that the sight of normal people walking around without masks on is not – even during the Coronavirus pandemic – is not necessarily "striking."

But here's the best part: Remember the man in the Packer's jersey? He shared his own video of the event, and it verifies what he said: None of the video crew was wearing a mask.

Ten bucks says Cal Perry took his own mask off as soon as the camera was turned off. And the Mainstream Media wonder why we don't trust them.

Lake Geneva is a beautiful resort town in Walworth County, southern Wisconsin. It is known for world-class hotels, spas, and dining as well as boating and fishing. It has many great things to do for most budgets and is very family-friendly. Nature lovers will enjoy hiking and biking trails. It's no surprise that Tripadvisor named Lake Geneva as one of North America's best lake towns "for relaxation or adventure."

Demand A Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F--- Themselves (Extended Cut)

Actors who glorify guns and butchery demand a vague "plan" to stop the same violence and killing that they glamorize in film and television...

Hypocrisy in Action: Celebs 'Demand a Plan'
Jan. 1, 2013 - Hollywood is a culture of violence. Big stars make big bucks portraying psychotic killers, shooting people in orgies of bloody gore.  

These actors glorify guns and killing, but they want you to "demand a plan" to stop real-life killings.

Look, we're all for stopping the violence. The real issue here is the hypocrisy and stupidity of the celebrities who appeared in a video called "Demand a Plan to Gun Violence." (Watch it below.)

In response to that video, a video titled "Demand a Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F*** Themselves" points out the double standard and hypocrisy of those celebrities. The response video was posted by "Mike Hunt" (hey, maybe that's his real name) on YouTube on Dec. 25, 2012.

The celebrities' plea to "demand a plan" is vague at best; they suggest no plan themselves. The video was put out by a group called "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" (MAIG) as a response to the Dec. 14, 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. 28 people died in that horrific attack, including gunman Adam Lanza. At the MAIG website, there is a proposal for action, but no part of their "plan" would prevent another Adam Lanza from stealing his mother's guns and going on a killing spree. SEE THE VIDEOS BELOW.

Obama, Emanuel, Gregory Hypocrites About Armed School Guards

Dec. 26, 2012 - The hypocrisy of Liberals, Democrats and other subspecies of anti-gun creatures is mind-boggling.

After the Dec. 14 shooting that killed 28 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, the NRA's Wayne LaPierre called for placement of armed guards in all of the nation's schools.

As predicted, the anti-gun crowd immediately howled that guns are not a way to protect kids in schools, many arguing that it would only compound the problem. And yet...

The hypocrisy comes from politicians such as Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and His Royal Highness Barack Obama, and such as NBC's David Gregory. They say they are anti-gun, each has made statements against putting armed guards in schools, they all send their children to private schools where armed personnel protect the staff and students.

Emanuel and Obama, and thousands of other politicians, never appear in public without a cadre of well-armed guard flanking them for protection. And who can blame them? They want to be safe. They feel that armed guards protect themselves and their kids. So, why then, do they tell us that the same thing won't protect you and me?

"As it happens," notes, "Gregory sends his kids to D.C.-based Sidwell Friends, the same expensive, high-end school the President sends his own children to. Every day that school features armed security details. In fact, the security department is quite large for such a small school as Daniel Halper points out."

Yet, hypocritical elitists such as Obama, Emanuel and Gregory insist that what works well for them is not appropriate for the average ordinary peasant. “It’s outrageous and unsettling that the NRA would choose to address gun violence not by taking assault weapons off our streets, but by adding more guns to our schools,” Emanuel said in a written statement. “That is not the right answer for our society, our schools and most importantly our children.”

"While the Obama administration is calling the idea of armed protection at our schools crazy, they are not mentioning the fact that Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC, has 11 security officers and is seeking to hire more," points out (See the classified ad here.) "This of course is on top of the secret service officers that are at the school daily since Obama's daughter attend there. Joe Biden's grandchildren as well as children and grandchildren of other high profile political figures attend Sidwell Friends. One more note here. As Hillary and Bill Clinton were calling for gun control, their daughter was attending Sidwell Friends for the superb protection afforded by the added by the schools armed security."

Perhaps Emanuel's hypocrisy was best summed by Jim Johnson of WLS 890 AM in Chicago:
"Oh, outraged huh? Gee, if he's soooo outraged, then why doesn't he pull his kids out of the LAB School at the U of C campus. Guess the 2 U of C armed police officers that work the Lab School everyday just make for such a scary and unsafe environment. Oh wait, if he did that then he just might have to enroll his kids in the local CPS school by his house!?!?! Wait, that can't happen. CPS is just good enough for the peasants kids but not for his little angels. Double standard hypocrite." (h/t: Second City Cop)
Johnson was referring to The University of Chicago Laboratory School, an exclusive and expensive private school. Before he ascended to the Throne, Obama sent his daughters to this bastion of education for the wealthy and privileged. Emanuel currently sends his own kids there. (This begs for a discussion of their hypocrisy about school choice and school vouchers, but we'll save that for another day.)

What the anti-gun idiots do not seem to understand is the painfully obvious fact that when there is a mad killer on the loose in a school, there will be a scramble to call 911. And why is 911 called? To get police to the scene, of course, so that they can - drum roll, please - introduce guns into the school, and thereby stop the lunatic. In other words - and this is what the anti-gun morons cannot seem to comprehend - the defensive guns will be in a school that's under attack sooner or later. Yet, with incredibly dysfunctional "logic," the anti-gun imbeciles opt have the defensive guns arrive later, after the murderous attacker has had more time to kill than he would have if an armed guard, armed teacher or other armed staff member been able to draw his or her own pistol and end the killing well before the police dispatcher even finished with the first 911 call.

"How have our nation's priorities gotten so far out of order?" asked LaPierre in his statement. "Think about it. We care about our money, so we protect our banks with armed guards. American airports, office buildings, power plants, courthouses - even sports stadiums - are all protected by armed security. We care about the President, so we protect him with armed Secret Service agents. Members of Congress work in offices surrounded by armed Capitol Police officers. Yet when it comes to the most beloved, innocent and vulnerable members of the American family - our children - we as a society leave them utterly defenseless, and the monsters and predators of this world know it and exploit it. That must change now!"

So there they are: Obama and fellow anti-gun clowns telling us that we need stricter gun laws. They tell us what we cannot do to protect our own children, while they themselves do exactly what they say would be wrong for us. It should be remembered that the State of Connecticut and the City of Chicago have some of the toughest gun laws in the nation. And just how are those working out?

Concealed Carry: Politicians Get Armed Protection, But Not School Kids

Dec. 15, 2012 - Within minutes of the terrible school shooting in Newtown, CT politicians and ordinary folks started screaming for tougher control control laws. The only armed person at Sandy Hook Elementary School was Adam Lanza, the demented killer. Reports say that Lanza forced his way into the building. Had there been an armed door guard, things might have turned out very differently in Newtown.

As I wrote yesterday, schools are known to law enforcement as being attractive targets for criminally insane people bent on killing. That fact makes it hard to understand why so few schools have armed guards to protect the children and staff.

One factor that killers consider when choosing their targets is the amount of armed opposition they might encounter. Even the criminally insane are smart enough to choose a location where nobody else will have guns, where guns are banned. It should be pointed out that if Adam Lanza had a gone into the school without a gun but swinging a machete, he still would have killed a lot of people.

"Policies making areas 'gun-free' provide a sense of safety to those who engage in magical thinking," wrote Glenn Harlan Reynolds in USA Today on Dec. 14, "but in practice, of course, killers aren't stopped by gun-free zones. As always, it's the honest people — the very ones you want to be armed — who tend to obey the law."

The loudest voices now renewing the cry for more gun laws are politicians, mostly Democrats.  They argue that schools should be gun-free zones, and that allowing school staff to be armed would be dangerous. But which is more dangerous: Having yet another school left vulnerable to yet another armed crazy person's homicidal whims, where he can walk about shooting people at ease for many minutes until the police arrive? The moment the killer enters the building, it is in fact no longer "gun-free."

So, a bad guy is walking the halls of the school: Someone calls 911, but how they must wait for  police to arrive - with guns. Guns, not anti-gun laws, will save them from the bad guy. Police do what armed staff could have done minutes before, and needless deaths sooner, and that's shoot the attacker. But people died in the time it took police to arrive and get a bead on the bad guy.

Scott Brown Challenges Elizabeth Warren's Native American Ancestry; PJTV Calls Her Out For Hypocrisy

May 8, 2012 - American Indian Princess Elizabeth Warren is skewered by PJTV's Zonation in a wicked new video. Writes PJTV on their video post, "Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren held herself out as a Native America, even though she has difficulty identifying actual Native Americans in her family tree. Was she taking advantage of employment programs meant to help minorities, or is Elizabeth Warren entitled to different treatment based on a very distant relative?"  The whole ugly flap started when Warren claimed that she was 1/32 Native American (Cherokee), which resulted in Harvard University Law School promoting her as a minority hire. At the time, said The Boston Globe, the law school faced criticism for not having enough minority members in its faculty.

Check out the video:

Meanwhile, an ABC News report today says that Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown (R) is calling on Warren "to release her law school applications in response to the questions about the recent revelations that she self-identified as Native American based on her tenuous Cherokee bloodline." Warren and Brown will probably face each other in a "hotly contested" race for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts.

“Serious questions have been raised about the legitimacy of Elizabeth Warren’s claims to Native American ancestry and whether it was appropriate for her to assume minority status as a college professor,” Brown's statement said.

Warren - and Harvard - have been harshly criticized for the hypocrisy of the minority status assigned to her for claiming 1/32 Native American ancestry. "Senatorial wannabe Elizabeth Warren, aka Fauxcahontas," wrote Gayle Fee and Laura Raposa with Megan Johnson in a scathing op-ed in The Boston Herald, "said she listed herself as a minority in law school directories because she was hoping to meet others with Native American roots. So isn’t it a shame that Liz took a pass on last weekend’s 17th annual Harvard Powwow????"

The Sickening Hypocrisy of the Left (Video)

I've often spoken and written about the Left's penchant for advocating violence against their political opponents. Not only is that the case, but the Left is unabashedly hypocritical about it. Remember their empty, cynical, politically calculated calls for "civility" in the wake of the shooting of Rep. Giffords? Sure you do. You gagged on that, didn't you? This video offers one of the best illustrations I've seen of that sad truth. It's a must-share, especially good to send to your liberal acquaintances who don't believe you when you say that the Left is a festering pot of hateful goo. Enjoy!

Hundreds of Liberals Protest Obama's Birthday Bash in Chicago

Uptown, Chicago - On Wednesday, August 3, as many as 300 liberals demonstrated their displeasure with President Obama. They did so in Uptown, a far north neighborhood of Chicago along the shoreline of Lake Michigan. My good friend John Ruberry covered the unhappy campers in Uptown in his post, "Leftists protest Obama at 50th birthday party fundraiser in Chicago."

I lived in Uptown for two years, from late 2008 to late 2010, about two blocks from the Aragon. That's where the Obama birthday bash was held. Uptown is one of the most violent neighborhoods on Chicago's north side (as I have reported many times here on Chicago News Bench). I have personally photographed more than one murder scenes within a few blocks of the Aragon over the past three years (see here and here and here).

The protesters listed many reasons for being unhappy with Obama, as seen on their homemade signs. One reason for them to be unhappy with Obama, however, was apparently missing: He is one of the least "green" presidents we've had to suffer. As with so many of his lavish trips, Obama and his birthday entourage left a big fat carbon footprint. "Hypocrites," says the National Review, in their post titled "Trying to Add Up the Carbon Footprint of Obama’s Birthday Bashes."

The Aragon, by the way, did not turn a single light out for Earth Hour last year.

Green Liberals at UW-Madison Should Turn Off Air Conditioners

July 20, 2011 - Madison, WI - Wisconsin's capitol city and liberal haven is broiling in a major heat wave this week, along with much of the United States. As would be expected, this has raised the demand for electricity, mostly due to increased use of air conditioning systems. The University of Wisconsin-Madison is having an especially hard time. As reported by WISC-TV in Madison, "About 40 buildings across the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus continue to be affected by air conditioning problems on Tuesday after failures at several power plants." A UW official, says WISC, said that "as air-conditioning demand continues to outpace supply. Update, July 21, 2011: New All-time Record for Power Demand - WMTV (The liberals just can't live without their a/c! What, you think all the power demand is from evil Republicans?) The Journal-Sentinel Online has a story yesterday about record power usage in Madison. Imagine all those uber liberals cranking up their air conditioners. Do you think they slept better in drier, cooler air? Or did they lose sleep because they felt guilty about contributing to global warming? There's a sweet irony to all of this increased sweating on the UW campus. The vast majority of those sweating, I'm willing to bet, are liberals who devoutly believe in Al Gore's discredited doctrine of Global Warming. Ergo, they are the type of people who for years have been lecturing us about "going green" and using less electricity. This includes not only students, but much of the faculty and staff. They're all sweating this week, and they're all hypocritically wishing that the university can quickly restore the air conditioning on campus. I say, Let them sweat. Give them the chance to live without hypocrisy and in swelting heat. It's only natural, isn't it? And isn't being as close to nature as possible a big part of being "green?" You betcha. The University of Wisconsin should just turn off the entire cooling system. Seriously: Think about how un-green it is to run a gargantuan cooling system for nearly a hundred buildings on a 40,000 student campus. Some of the people I hope are sweating the most are the "climate change/global warming" media experts employed by UW-Madison. You can see them by clicking here. The ones I want to really sweat the most, however, are the global warming freaks at and the Al Gore drones over at You just know they're all maxing out their a/c this week, even as they plan new ways to tell us how naughty we are for still using incandescent light bulbs. Perhaps I should be a little easier on the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After all, they're not exactly the greenest school around. "Despite accolades for three other University of Wisconsin campuses," reported the Badger-Herald, "UW-Madison was not included in a list of the country’s top green college campuses according to a Princeton Review report" that was released in April, 2010. "Although the list included Wisconsin institutions such as UW-Oshkosh, UW-Milwaukee and UW-Stevens Point, UW was not among the top 286 chosen for the guide to display." This just tells me that despite their preaching and posing, the UW-Madison leadership does not practice the green ways that it preaches. Turn up the heat, then, and let 'em sweat. Full disclosure: I am an alumnus of the UW-Madison (B.A. Journalims, 1977). I am also a conservative who believes that the Sun is hot and can actually affect Earth's temperatures.

Video Examines Right Wing Hatred (LOL)

Andrew Klavan's "Stop the Hate!" is a brilliant look at right wing hate speech and the violence that it spawns (or not). Klavan's description of his video sums it up: "In a world where conservatives are branded fascist for wanting more liberty and racist for wanting people to be treated equally, something must be done to stop them ... right?" Uh huh. After you watch the video, be sure to take the Right Wing Hate Speech Quiz at American Thinker. Hat tip to Facebook denizens Robert Black and Debra Orton RELATED: Chicago News Bench: This is Leftist Humor

Woman Yells "Nigger" Repeatedly On Street Corner, Does Not Apologize

Cracker radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger came under fire this week for actually saying "nigger" during her on-air show on Tuesday, August 10. The far-left organizaion Media Matters posted the audio and a transcript of an exchange between Schlessinger and a caller who claimed to be a Black woman. Schlessinger issued an apology the next day for saying "nigger," but when you listen to the audio and read the transcript you have to wonder if that apology was really necessary. Take this excerpt, for example: CALLER: How about the N-word? So, the N-word's been thrown around -- SCHLESSINGER: Black guys use it all the time. Turn on HBO, listen to a black comic, and all you hear is nigger, nigger, nigger. CALLER: That isn't -- SCHLESSINGER: I don't get it. If anybody without enough melanin says it, it's a horrible thing; but when black people say it, it's affectionate. It's very confusing. I was walking down the street yesterday, and like any other day, I encountered Black people calling each other "nigger" or referring to somebody who is not present as "nigger." Here's an example of the exchange that I heard yesterday, which I will translate into Ivoronics for you: "Hey nigger!" the woman shouted to an acquaintance standing across the street. She was, I'd guess, in her mid-20's. She continued, "Nigger, shit! Get your ass over here, nigger!" Her friend, a Black man about the same age, crossed the street. "I was on my way to the motherf*cking clinic, bitch," he said affectionately. "Have you seen Jimmy?" she asked. "I have not seen that nigger in a fortnight," the man responded. "That motherf*cker is not right in his head. Nigger's crazy." Okay, we'll stop there. You get the idea. Neither of the man nor the woman involved in that conversation, nor any of the several people standing within earshot of them, have demanded an apology for saying "nigger" repeatedly. On her show on Tuesday, Schlessinger pointed out that there is hypocrisy when it comes to using the word "nigger." She's right, and she's certainly not the first person to point this out. Another excerpt after these videos (language advisory)...
Here's another excerpt from the show's transcript: CALLER: It's OK to say that word? SCHLESSINGER: It depends how it's said. CALLER: Is it OK to say that word? Is it ever OK to say that word? SCHLESSINGER: It's -- it depends how it's said. Black guys talking to each other seem to think it's OK. CALLER: But you're not black. They're not black. My husband is white. SCHLESSINGER: Oh, I see. So, a word is restricted to race. Got it. Can't do much about that. CALLER: I can't believe someone like you is on the radio spewing out the "nigger" word, and I hope everybody heard it. SCHLESSINGER: I didn't spew out the "nigger" word. CALLER: You said, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." SCHLESSINGER: Right, I said that's what you hear. CALLER: Everybody heard it. SCHLESSINGER: Yes, they did. CALLER: I hope everybody heard it. SCHLESSINGER: They did, and I'll say it again -- CALLER: So what makes it OK for you to say the word? SCHLESSINGER: -- nigger, nigger, nigger is what you hear on [HBO] -- Tell me that Schlessinger is wrong. You can't, really, and I suspect that the caller may have been deliberately trying to set Schlessinger up for a gotcha moment. If that's the case, the set up worked. However, the audio and the transcript of the event only show the caller to be hypersensitive, duplicitous and hypocritical about language. In her apology, Schlessinger said "I articulated the N-word all the way out – more than one time... And that was wrong. I’ll say it again – that was wrong.” No, Dr. Schlessinger's cowardly apology and bowing to political correctness is what's wrong. By the way, I apologize for calling Dr. Schlessinger a "cracker."

ACLU's Hypocritical Arizona Travel Alert

July 1, 2010 - The ACLU has issued a "travel warning" to people considering a visit to Arizona. According to FoxNews today: American Civil Liberties Union affiliates in Arizona, New Mexico and 26 other states put out the warnings in advance of the Fourth of July weekend. The Arizona chapter has received reports that law enforcement officers are already targeting some people even though the law doesn't take effect until July 29, its executive director said. The ACLU "warning" is incredibly - and typically - hypocritical. I'm not going to rehash the virtues of the Arizona law (SB1070) here. Instead, let's wonder here why the ACLU and others are so concerned about Arizona's alleged human rights violations, while they give the Toilet Republic of Mexico a free pass for its own gross and well-documented brutal treatment of foreigners on its own soil. Some examples: Migrants assaulted by federal agents return to their country (English tranlation from Migrantes asaltados por federales regresan a su país, June 14, 2010) As has happened in other occasions earlier this year, Mexican federal police in Chahuites, state of Oaxaca, assaulted some 300 Central American migrants riding a freight train. A priest from a shelter for transients in that area said that, “As in the previous two assaults, the agents acted brutally……..and kicked them while (the victims) were face down on the ground.” After the assault, a group of migrants complained to the National Human Rights Commission with the help of the local Salvadoran Consul. But afterward, federal police agents threatened them with firearms and demanded that they retract the allegations in front of video cameras. (Source: Tuscon Citizen) Mexico: Hold Military to Account on Rights Abuses (Mexico City) - April 29, 2009 - Mexico is failing to hold members of the military who commit human rights violations accountable, undercutting its efforts to curb drug-related violence and improve public security, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. (Source: Human Rights Watch) Mexico Human Rights - Human Rights Concerns Human rights concerns persist, particularly at the state level where violence surrounds local elections and misuse of the judicial system is common. Federal efforts to combat violence against women in the border town of Ciudad Juárez have continued with limited success. A number of human rights defenders have been threatened and at least three journalists have been killed despite proposed legislation to strengthen human rights protection in the Constitution. (Source: Mexico migrants face human rights crisis, says Amnesty "Migrants in Mexico are facing a major human rights crisis leaving them with virtually no access to justice, fearing reprisals and deportation if they complain of abuses," said Rupert Knox, who contributed to the report, Invisible Victims: Migrants on the Move. "Persistent failure by the authorities to tackle abuses carried out against irregular migrants has made their journey through Mexico one of the most dangerous in the world," he added. (Source: BBC News) Time to Speak up on Military Abuse in Mexico The Mexican army's human rights record is very troubling. Soldiers deployed in counternarcotics operations have engaged in grave abuses, such as killings, torture, rape, and beatings. And if the abuses themselves aren't worrisome enough for the Obama administration, their impact on the efficacy of the drug war should be. Each time that civilians are abused, Mexican soldiers contribute to the climate of violence and lawlessness in which the cartels thrive. Worse, the force's abuses have cost it public trust and cooperation, both of which are vital to effective counternarcotics operations. (Source: Foreign Policy) Paramilitaries Kill Two Human Rights Activists in Oaxaca In Mexico, two human rights activists have been shot dead in the state of Oaxaca. The victims have been identified as Beatriz Cariño, director of the Mexican human rights group CACTUS, and Jyri Antero Jaakkola, a human rights observer from Finland. They were traveling as part of a convoy attempting to deliver aid to a town that’s been targeted by paramilitary blockades since the 2006 uprising against Governor Ulises Ruiz. (Source: Mexico rights agency decries slaying of reporter Mexico's National Human Rights Commission urged authorities Tuesday to investigate the killing of a reporter in the Pacific coast state of Guerrero, the fourth slaying of a Mexican journalist this year.... The rights commission said in a statement that "the impunity of attacks against journalists is unacceptable." The panel says at least 61 journalists have been killed in Mexico since 2000 -- 12 last year and four so far in 2010. Press freedom groups say Mexico is one of the world's most dangerous countries for journalists. (Source: Bloomberg BusinessWeek) With years and years of profound human rights violations on the part of Mexico's military, police and others against it's own indigenous peoples and migrants from neighboring nations, why has the ACLU not issued a "travel warning" for people going there?

Happy Father's Day, Dan Proft

Being a father is a sacred trust and a blessing from God. Being a father is not just a joyful responsibility. Actually having a father and knowing him, having him be a part of your life, is also a blessing. What a shameful thing it is for a man to ignore a child that is his. Dan Proft knows this first hand, so we wish him a special "happy Father's Day."

One of Dan Proft's favorite sayings is, "We need to invest in families." I'm sure he means time and love, in addition to other peoples' tax dollars. Proft frequently says that we should all "respect life." He means that he's anti-abortion, of course, but I'm so sure that he also means that children who are already born and leading their young lives should be respected, too, and that their fathers should be there at every step of the way. To merely allow someone to be born and then to abandon them, after all, is not very respectful.

Dan Proft is the guy who placed sixth in the Illinois Republican primary for governor back in February. He claims to a "conservative" and is even referred to (although often with snickering) as "the ultra-conservative Dan Proft." Proft calls himself an "unapologetic conservative." As such, I'm sure, he knows and cherishes the meaning of being a good father. He was an adopted child, after all, and therefore knows first hand just how horrible it is for a child to not have one's real father in his or her life.

"Our most important right is the right to life," Proft said on his campaign website. "A respect for life means more than defending the unborn, it requires us to serve those born to disadvantageous circumstances and to find them loving homes for them. Thirty-seven years ago, I was adopted by parents who made the choice to welcome me into a loving, caring home. There are many children today who need stable homes, and those children, and the families that welcome them will have no stronger advocate in the governor’s office than me. According to the Dave Thomas Foundation, 60% of Americans have been personally touched by adoption. I am glad to say that I am a product of that happiness today."

As a student of social trends and current affairs, Dan Proft must be well aware of the fact that growing up without a father is one of the leading causes of juvenile deliquency and, later, a life of crime and/or academic failure. That's not to say, of course, that all fatherless children turn out bad, but the fact is that a disproportionately high number of them do.

Proft promised that - if elected governor - a Proft Administration would "Defend life from conception to natural death." I'm oh-so-sure that he must have also meant that a good father would do that for his own child, and not just leave that sacred duty to the government - or anybody else.

I'll bet that Dan Proft, as a Christian and a conservative, remains celibate and would never think of sleeping around. No sir, not Dan Proft. He's pure as the driven snow, you know, and that's why you should hang on his every word, whether he's speaking at a VFW hall or as a regular commentator and talk show host on WLS 890 AM.

Proft noted that it "is entirely natural for parents to want the best education possible for their children." Not just education, of course. I'm very certain that Dan Proft means that parents want the best of everything possible for their children. I'm sure that if he had a beautiful young daughter he'd want the best for her. Proft would want to see her grow up, to make sure she's studying, getting along well with other kids, dreaming the right kind of dreams, setting the right kind of goals. If Dan Proft had a daughter (hypothetically, of course) he'd be proud to publicly escort her to the opera and show her off. He'd want to be at her high school and college graduations, and eventually to walk her down the aisle at her wedding. If he had a son (again, hypothetically), Proft would want to play ball with him, do the graduation routines, and teach him to treat women with respect and dignity, and to always do the right thing. Right?

So, happy Father's Day to Dan Proft, a guy whose biological father was not in his life but was fortunate enough to be adopted into a loving household with both a mother figure and a father figure. See how well Dan Proft turned out? He's an inspiration to all of us, no? Remember: Any animal can sire a litter of offspring. It takes a real man to be a dad. I have no doubt that Dan Proft, and you and I, will remember our fathers - our dads - on Sunday, June 20.

"To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter." ~Euripides


Full Text of Arizona's SB1070 Immigration Law

As a service to Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Comrade Barack Hussein Obama, US Atty. Gen. Eric Holder, that idiot Napolitano woman, and Democrats everywhere, here's the full text of Arizona's controversial and misunderstood immigration law: Now, read it before you go mouthing off about it. Then, compare it to the draconian immigration laws of Mexico: RELATED: Mexico's Glass House: How the Mexican constitution treats foreign residents, workers and naturalized citizens by J. Michael Waller, Ph.D. , Center For Advanced Defense Studies Calderon Criticism of Arizona Law Overlooks Mexico's Tough Immigration Policy FoxNews

Earth Day, Mayor Daley and Fake Grass

April 22, 2010 - Chicago laughingly calls itself a "City in a Garden." Mayor Richard M. Daley prides himself on being a green guy, very environmentally sensitive. Don't make me laugh. The next time you pass a public school in Chicago or walk through a park, take a closer look at the "grass" - particularly on athletic fields. It just might be fake.

While Mayor Daley is vocal about planting weeds on the "green" rooftop of City Hall, he's rather quiet about the fact that a lot of natural grass is being ripped up and replaced by artificial turf. That's right, fake grass. It contributes nothing to the environment. It doesn't produce oxygen. It provides no habitat for insects, no feeding ground for birds or other small animals. The Chicago Park District says it will save money because it's cheaper than maintaining real sod.

Today, Mayor Daley played host to Ray LaHood, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transporation. They addressed a crowd in Daley Plaza downtown, surrounded by concrete, steel, glass and asphalt.

LaHood told the crowd, "You are in the greenest city in America with the greenest mayor in America! And we all oughta be happy about that!"  I don't know whether LaHood was serious, just naively mistaken, or really that ignorant of the thousands of cities, towns and villages across America that are far greener than Chicago. 

As Bill Cameron reported on WLS News this afternoon, LaHood's words "sounded good, but Chicago still lags far behind many other big cities on the basic environmental discipline of getting normal household garbage recycled."  

Cameron did not mention the fact that Mayor Daley seems intent on getting ahead of other urban communities in the replacement of natural grass with artificial turf. 

The cost-savings argument made to justify the fake grass is insulting. The city is doing a very anti-green thing by destroying natural grass in the name of cost savings. If a private company tries to save a few dollars by not "going green," however, they chance being ridiculed or even fined. Let the city rip up the environment, however, and it's called "another park improvement."

Furthermore, to carry the Park District's cost-saving argument to its logical end, real trees should be replaced with artificial ones. After all, it costs a lot of money for tree trimming crews to maintain the tens of thousands of trees in parks and along the public way. A single new tree planted by the city can cost well upwards of $200, not including labor costs for sticking it in the ground.

The next time you hear Mayor Daley talk about being green, ask yourself this: How green is it to replace hundreds of acres of natural grass throughout Chicago with what amounts to outdoor carpeting?

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Scott Lee Cohen Bashes Giannoulias, Regrets Dropping Out

Scott Lee Cohen is finally acknowledging reality. Some of it, anyway. In an interview this afternoon at the Fox Chicago studios, he finally shows sign of realizing that he was screwed by the Illinois (un)Democratic Party. Cohen criticized fellow Democrat Alexi Giannoulius for being inexperienced and unqualified to run for U.S. Senate, and called him out as a hypocrite for asking him to step off of the Democrats' Governor-Lt. Governor ticket.

The video of that interview, below, gives hints of Cohen's sprouting indignity at the unjust fate dumped upon him by the Political Machine.  Fast forward to 3:38 into the video here for Scott Lee Cohen's withering attack on Alexi Giannoulius.

XXXCohen, as you probably know, is the man who was forced to resign from the race for Lt. Governor by the (un)Democratic Party in February, just days after he won the primary fair and square.

Gov. Pat Quinn, running for re-election, didn't like the idea of a running mate with a tarnished past.

Cohen has no criminal record and is a respected businessman, but his involvement with woman of - well, let's just say of questionable repute - was enough for Quinn's henchmen to lean on Cohen.

One of those henchmen is current State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, running for U.S. Senate against Republican Mark Kirk. Giannoulias has his own multitude of problems, all of which are more serious than anything Cohen was saddled with.

Cohen told Fox News, "I see my past and my history and," (three second pause), "I look at a what people like Giannoulius have going on right now, and his scandal that's coming to light. Where did he have the audacity to ask me to step down? Uhm, it doesn't make sense to me. And, I think that had I given it more time and, and cleared my head a little bit, I may not have stepped down."

Cohen was asked why he felt it was wrong for Giannoulius to ask him to get out of the race.

"He has many more skeletons than I'll ever have," he said, "I believe that as time goes on and it gets closer to the general [election] other things will come to light with him."  Cohen then criticized Giannoulias for not having enough experience to be a U.S. Senator.

I expect we'll hear more of this kind of talk from Cohen as he continues to regain his self confidence over the coming days and weeks. Scott Cohen will be a keynote speaker at the Reform Chicago Now meeting on April 14. It will be interesting to see how the Illinois (un)Democratic Party responds to Cohen in light of (a) what he is saying is true and (b) the Democrats of Illinois are nothing more than a gang of criminals and/or criminal enablers.

Cohen Blasts Giannoulias‎ Fox Chicago
Scott Lee Cohen: The Exit Interview Chicago magazine
Scott Lee Cohen: I Was Kicked Out For Being Jewish Chicagoist
Madigan 'strongly urged' Cohen to drop out Chicago Sun-Times
In Defense of Scott Lee Cohen - Chicago News Bench
The Privilege of Voting in Illinois

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Bob Beckel and Scott Lee Cohen Both Have PPP

Scott Lee Cohen is not the only guy in the news with PPP: Past Prostitute Problems. Liberal commentator Bob Beckel has PPP, too. The Illinois Democrat Party is freaked out about Scott Lee Cohen and his alleged relationship to a woman they claim was a prosititute. Cohen, who won the Democrat primary for Illinois' Lieutenant Governor on Feb. 2, is now by law the running mate of incumbent governor Pat Quinn. Cohen, by the way, claims that he thought the former girlfriend was simply a massage therapist. The irony here is so rich that it's positively artery clogging. The prostitutes and whores who run the Illinios Democrat Party sell themselves to the highest bidders as a routine matter of conducting business. Just as Illinois State Senator Heather Steans, for example. You think Rod Blagojevich was an exception? Nah, he was just dumber than most of them and got caught. To call Cohen unfit to run because he once had a relationship with a prostitute is the height of hypocrisy, even if by analogy and metaphor. The liberal media are hypocrites, too, as typified by Bob Beckel, one of the most annoying men ever to disgrace himself on America's television screens. Why Beckel is a frequent guest on Sean Hannity's show at Fox is beyond me, but there he was on Monday, February 1, falsely calling journalist Hannah Giles a "ho." For those of you in Kankakee, "ho" is slang for "whore," which is slang for prostitute. Lori Ziganto, a fine journalist herself, wrote this about that on For those who didn’t see the show, the creepy Bob Beckel called Hannah Giles, Queen of the awesome ACORN take-down, a Ho during his Monday night appearance on “Hannity.” Yes, THAT Hannah Giles, the beautiful young woman who pretended to be a prostitute in those ACORN sting videos. Giles herself wrote a wicked response to Beckel's slur against her, and posted it at In the summer of 2002 Beckel came to know 20-year old “Tiffany,” a professional hooker who, after establishing a business relationship with him, attempted to extort $50,000 in exchange for her not exposing their relationship to his ex-wife and employers. Whoa! I mean, Ho! Beckel was involved with a whore, uh ho, uh prostitute, uh sex worker. I guess his involvement with an actual prostie disqualifies him from ever running for public office as a Democrat in Illinois, because the virtual prosties at the Democrat Party couldn't possibly have someone like him disgracing their untarnished reputations. Columnist and CNB contributor Warner Todd Huston wrote about the criminal nature of Illinois politicians in January, about three weeks before Cohen won his primary race: Illinois has had three governors sent to prison and a fourth, Rod Balgojevich, waiting to find out if he will become the next to take up residence behind bars. The “Land of Lincoln” has had over 80 legislators sent to prison since the 1970s. But Cook County deserves special recognition for its corruption and criminal politicians.... Full post at American Conservative Daily The Christian Science Monitor had a good report about the sliminess of the Illinois political sewer in late 2008: Three of the state’s seven previous governors have been convicted and served time. Since 1971, by one count, 31 Chicago aldermen and some 1,000 public officials and businessmen have been convicted. “We’re the corruption capital of the United States,” says Dick Simpson, a political scientist at the University of Illinois in Chicago and a former Chicago alderman, who maintains that state corruption count. “We have more [corruption] even than New Jersey and Louisiana, which are our competitors.” Bob Beckel and Pat Quinn will continue disgracing themselves by committing character assassination on people who are not corrupt, or not as corrupt, or no more corrupt, than many of the lawmakers who currently sit in the Illinois Legislature, the Chicago City Council and the Cook County Board of Commissioners. God forbid somebody like Scott Lee Cohen should want to stand next to the squeaky clean, non-corrupt, anti-vice Illinois Democrats. Somebody might get dirty. RELATED: Glenn Beck on Jan Schakowsky's Robber-Baron Husband New Madigan Mailer Slams Steans for Blago Ties and Lying Campaign Flyer Links Steans to Blago Pay-to-Play Scandals involving leaders of the Democrat Party Chicago News Bench: Ricky Hendon, Race Baiting Clown Sen. Heather Steans, Money Whore Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Now We Know Aldermen's Shit Don't Stink

Oh, to be a member of the Royal City Council of Chicago. But even Chicago royalty - and those who think they should be treated royally - are challenged now and then. Some of the 50 pompous asses on Chicago's City Council, also known as "crooks" or "aldermen," think they're too damned good for security checks. You know, the same security checks that their subjects must endure when entering many a public building. We've known for many years that most of them are elitist prisses, but their recent whining about being required to walk through a metal detector merely offers reconfirmation. The Chicago Sun-Times's Fran Spielman (a favorite) reported on this latest examle of pomposity on October 30: Chicago aldermen with their noses out of joint today demanded to know why they are searched along with the masses at the city’s central headquarters for administrative hearings. Spielman quotes one of the aldermen, an elitist prick who seems to feel that his gold badge magically proves to security guards that he is not bent on committing physical harm with a weapon: “Why am I searched as an alderman and as an attorney?…I don’t want to be searched going through a city building. There’s only 50 of us and we all have gold badges,” said Ald. Howard Brookins (21st). Oooooh, not only as an alderman, but as an attorney! With a gold frikking badge! Brookins, however, was not the only pompous ass in the room. Among the others was Her Royal Lowness Carrie Austin: Budget Committee Chair Carrie Austin (34th) was so “offended,” she warned Bruner what might happen if he fails to “take another look at your policy.” Pompous Ass Austin actually threatened to screw with somebody's budget just because she was being treated like anybody else entering the city’s central headquarters for administrative hearings. Elitist? Austin's abuse of power and position fits the definition. Hell, she is the definition. “It’s not a matter of giving anybody any preference. But us that are aldermen—we are the ones who set your budget. If we’re the ones setting your budget maybe we’ll take an adjustment” downward, if the policy is not rescinded, Austin warned. Full article at Chicago Sun-Times... In other words, bow down to me, commoner, kiss my ring or I shall punish you for your insolence. Well, screw you, Howard Brookins and Carrie Austin, and screw all the rest of the pantloads on the City Council who feel that they're above the law and deserve special treatment. Shove your gold badges up your gold-plated asses, with the pins well extended. Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

SEIU, Banks and Hypocrisy

About 5,000 clueless people in Chicago are protesting the eeeeevil banks during American Bankers Association meeting in Chicago. They're pissed at banks and bailouts, you see, and they're saying nasty things about those nasty, eeeevil bankers. Sadly, none of them are saying anything about the eeeeevil Democrats who set the banks up for their piggish behavior in the first place. And who supported those eeeeevil Democrats? Why, the clueless people protesting the banks! Some folks would call that a circle jerk of sorts, but I don't use such language on this blog. Marathon Pundit has more, plus a good video of screeching witch Anne Burger, the Change to Win chair, and SEIU Illinois chairman Tom Balanoff, an associate of everyone's buddy, Rob Blagojevich. RELATED: The Moral Hazards of Barney Frank's Bank Salvation Plan - Wall Street Journal Protesters Take to the Streets Against ABA Convention - Chicago Tribune SEIU rallying outside American Bankers Association Chicago meeting‎ - Chicago Sun-Times Bankers wary of Obama small business lending plan - Reuters More Than 5000 Taxpayers to Converge on American Bankers Association Convention -Reuters Welcome To The American Bankers Association Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

Obama's Bush Bashing Blame-O-Rama

Blame Bush! That's the unofficial mantra of the Democrat Party, and Barack Obama is not immune to the pyschosis. Michael Swartz points out that blaming Bush is a hollow that has little - if any - substance this late in the game. Swartz writes that "since his swearing in on January 20 Barack Obama has continued to blame his predecessor for 'inherited' problems and the President may indeed have had a few legitimate complaints." Obama's eagerness to blame the previous administration for current woes, however, is hypocritical. Swartz addresses points this out, noting Obama's hypocrisy: Yet he’s been unwilling to change many Bush-era policies, particularly in the realm of national security. Obama has also chosen to ramp up the war in Afghanistan while continuing the withdrawal from Iraq begun in the latter stages of President Bush’s term. As Commander-in-Chief President Obama has the perfect right to halt these military endeavors but chosen against complete withdrawal, frustrating his support base on the antiwar Left to no end. Full Post at NetRight Nation... As for the war that Obama inherited, it should be remembered that both presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon inherited a war in Viet Nam from a previous administration - that of John Kennedy. Both Johnson and Nixon continued that war, escalating it exponentially from the Kennedy days. Whereas Obama shows no sign at this point of escalating the war effort in either Iraq or Afghanistan, he is showing a deadly similarity to Johnson and Nixon in one crucial way: His willingness to stay in a war without a willingess or the fortitude to actually win it. That cost Johnson his presidency when the Democrat Party made it clear to him that he would not get their support for nomination to a second term. Johnson decided to not seek a second term. Obama has apparently not learned the lesson of Viet Nam: Don't start (or engage in) a war that you have no intention of winning. Democrat and liberal voters are growing more and more frustrated with Obama every week over broken promises, not the least of which is his action - or inaction - regarding our overseas military engagements. Obama might want to get to work now on a withdrawal speech. No, not withdrawal from Iraq or Afghanistan, but withdrawal from the 2012 presidential election. It's time for Obama to stop whining and deflecting responsibility, or to get out of the way. Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

Is Obama Hitler? Was Bush? Ask MSNBC

Hat tip to Flopping Aces for this amazing video, which brilliantly highlights the hypocrisy of the Left. Hosted by Rachel Maddow (a mentally dim, extremely effeminate man and one of the most blatantly biased "news" persons ever to sit in front of a television camera). Watch - and laugh - as scenes that directly contradict Maddow's spoken words are mixed in. Brilliant! Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!