Showing posts with label environmental stupidity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label environmental stupidity. Show all posts

Eco-Friendly Light Bulbs Increase Cancer Risk, Says University Study

"Eco-friendly" CFL: Deadly
Safer, Simpler

Jan. 7, 2013 - Those energy efficient fluorescent light bulbs that the Leftists in Congress are forcing upon us are potentially deadly, says a study by the prestigious Stony Brook University on Long Island, NY.

The bulbs are  advertised as "eco-friendly" and less expensive to use, but they have serious drawbacks. Aside from causing a mercury spill hazard materials event when broken, we now learn that they emit extreme levels of ultra violet radiation. The bulbs are also called "compact fluorescent light" (CFL) bulbs.

“When there is something in your house, you don’t perceive any danger, you wouldn’t get that close to an x-ray in a doctor’s office,” says Miriam Rafailovich, Professor of Materials Science at Stony Brook University in New York. That's from a report by CBS4 Miami, which also noted that the study "found that the bulbs emit rays so strong that they can actually burn skin and skin cells." CBS4 quoted Marcia Simon, a Professor of Dermatology, who said, "The results were that you could actually initiate cell death."

Canadian TV Commentator Slams Obama for Keystone Debacle

Canadian television commentator and columnist Ezra Levant laid into Barack Obama for his recent rejection of the Keystone Pipeline project.

Here is Levant's great rant, on video,  about what he calls Obama's "Keystone cop-out."

Levant also wrote about it in the Calgary Sun on January 21. His column had the great headline, "Obama chose conflict Venezuelan oil over ethical Canuck oil, and movie stars over working men, women."

Here is an excerpt:

U.S. President Barack Obama made a choice last week: He chose Venezuela over Canada. That's what he did when he rejected the proposed Keystone XL pipeline that would have taken oilsands oil from Alberta to the Gulf Coast of Texas.

That pipeline would have delivered 700,000 barrels of oil every day from Canada (and from a new oilfield called Bakken that straddles the North Dakota-Saskatchewan border). Which is almost precisely the amount of oil Venezuela now ships to the United States, to those same refineries in Texas. With one fell swoop, Obama could have replaced conflict oil, from a belligerent, authoritarian OPEC regime, with ethical oil from Canada. But he didn't.  More at the Calgary Sun...

You can also read more at Levant's blog, which is cleverly called "Ezra Levant."
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Al Gore's Buzzkill Graduation Speech at U of Tennessee

Graduation! A time for young people to be hopeful and feel good about themselves. A good graduation speech will fire them up even more. "Go get 'em," a good commencement speaker will say, "there are challenges, but you're ready now to go take on this big world." Al Gore, on the other hand, might have a few University of Tennessee grads thinking about suicide. I mean, you listen to this speech and begin to wonder why you should even get up tomorrow morning. Hat tip to AFP Blog.

Earth Day, Mayor Daley and Fake Grass

April 22, 2010 - Chicago laughingly calls itself a "City in a Garden." Mayor Richard M. Daley prides himself on being a green guy, very environmentally sensitive. Don't make me laugh. The next time you pass a public school in Chicago or walk through a park, take a closer look at the "grass" - particularly on athletic fields. It just might be fake.

While Mayor Daley is vocal about planting weeds on the "green" rooftop of City Hall, he's rather quiet about the fact that a lot of natural grass is being ripped up and replaced by artificial turf. That's right, fake grass. It contributes nothing to the environment. It doesn't produce oxygen. It provides no habitat for insects, no feeding ground for birds or other small animals. The Chicago Park District says it will save money because it's cheaper than maintaining real sod.

Today, Mayor Daley played host to Ray LaHood, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transporation. They addressed a crowd in Daley Plaza downtown, surrounded by concrete, steel, glass and asphalt.

LaHood told the crowd, "You are in the greenest city in America with the greenest mayor in America! And we all oughta be happy about that!"  I don't know whether LaHood was serious, just naively mistaken, or really that ignorant of the thousands of cities, towns and villages across America that are far greener than Chicago. 

As Bill Cameron reported on WLS News this afternoon, LaHood's words "sounded good, but Chicago still lags far behind many other big cities on the basic environmental discipline of getting normal household garbage recycled."  

Cameron did not mention the fact that Mayor Daley seems intent on getting ahead of other urban communities in the replacement of natural grass with artificial turf. 

The cost-savings argument made to justify the fake grass is insulting. The city is doing a very anti-green thing by destroying natural grass in the name of cost savings. If a private company tries to save a few dollars by not "going green," however, they chance being ridiculed or even fined. Let the city rip up the environment, however, and it's called "another park improvement."

Furthermore, to carry the Park District's cost-saving argument to its logical end, real trees should be replaced with artificial ones. After all, it costs a lot of money for tree trimming crews to maintain the tens of thousands of trees in parks and along the public way. A single new tree planted by the city can cost well upwards of $200, not including labor costs for sticking it in the ground.

The next time you hear Mayor Daley talk about being green, ask yourself this: How green is it to replace hundreds of acres of natural grass throughout Chicago with what amounts to outdoor carpeting?

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More CO2 From Planes? Or Iceland's Volcano?

That troublesome volcano in Iceland, Mount Eyjafjallajoekull, has virtually crippled air travel in much of Europe. The enormous amounts of volcanic dust and ash is dangerous to jet engines. That, however, is not all that spews out of a volcano. Gigundo amounts of gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), also come out.

This ingenius graph shows just how ridiculous Al Gore and his CO2-phobic followers really are. We found it at Information Is (Click to enlarge)

The European aviation industry alone puts out far more CO2 per day than Eyjafjallajoekull currently puts out. You can find the supporting data sheet here

But, you may say, doesn't this prove that we're right to be concerned about human contribution to CO2 in the atmosphere?

Actually, it shows just how much a single, relatively small volcano puts out in a short amount of time. That's one volcano. It's Nature. Now think of all of the other active volcanos farting out CO2, not to mention the trillions of plant and animal organisms doing the same thing 24/7, as they have for billions of years and will continue to do long after we've left the planet. (Gotcha.)

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Chicago Police Issue Earth Hour Alert

A friend alerted me to this Earth Hour announcement by the Chicago Police Department, which was released on March 24, 2010: For the third consecutive year, the City of Chicago will participate in Earth Hour by turning off non-essential lights on March 27, 2010 from 8:30-9:30 pm. Last year, more than 200 downtown buildings, 35 municipalities, 1,400 landmarks, businesses, schools and churches participated throughout Illinois. Earth Hour is an initiative of the World Wildlife Fund, and is a voluntary event to call attention to the problem of climate change. Residents are encouraged to participate. However, do not turn off emergency, security, lobby, stairwell or hallway lights. 

My was quite agitated by this announcement from the Chicago Police. I have to be honest and say that I have no problem with it, even though I agree that Earth Hour is a scam. It's designed to trick stupid people into giving money to "help fight global warming," even though we've seen that movement discredited over the past several months ("Climategate"). 

The police announcement is actually helpful, and here's why: There are, undoubtedly, some people who are still unaware of Earth Day, or do not fully understand what the event is, and might be confused or even frightened when they see lights going off all around them. Additionally, the announcement gives the good advice to "not turn off emergency, security, lobby, stairwell or hallway lights." Those lights, after all, are needed for safety. 

So, what ticked off my friend? No doubt it was this part: "Earth Hour is an initiative of the World Wildlife Fund, and is a voluntary event to call attention to the problem of climate change. Residents are encouraged to participate." I think he was okay up to point where it said that Earth Hour is meant to highlight "the problem of climate change" and that "Residents are encouraged to participate." 

Let's break that down. Earth Hour is, in fact, brought to you by the environmental extremists at the World Wildlife Fund. It is, in fact, a voluntary event, and is, in fact, meant to "call attention" to "the problem of climate change." It is also fact that residents of Chicago "are encouraged to participate." Mayor Daley and most of his City Council of Fools, for example, encourage you participate. So, everything stated in the CPD announcement is, in fact, true. I don't think CPD is promoting Earth Day. They merely explained it and issued some related, common sense safety tips.

Even a conservative wingnut like me can agree that climate change happens, and that it presents problems. I don't agree that Humankind is the cause of it. For more than four billion years we've had ongoing climate change and it's likely that we always will. That said, climate change can present certain problems and challenges. Turning your lights off for one hour, however, and giving money to con artists is not the way to deal with it. 

In case YOU don't know what Earth Day is, here's a brief explanation from the Earth Hour wackos themselves: On Earth Hour hundreds of millions of people around the world will come together to call for action on climate change by doing something quite simple—turning off their lights for one hour. The movement symbolizes that by working together, each of us can make a positive impact in this fight, protecting our future and that of future generations. Learn more about how Earth Hour began, what we’ve accomplished, and what is in store for 2010. 

Promoting that symbolism is expensive. Newspaper and magazine ads, billboards, placards on taxis and buses and trains and so on cost money. The salaries for the staff at the World Wildlife Fund costs money, too, which is why they ask you to donate to the cause. You, too, could be a "Partner in Conservation," starting with a donation of $1,000. 

Parishioners of the Church of Global Warming & Climate Change can rest easier knowing that the money they give to save a drowning polar bear will actually help pay to keep the lights on at the offices of the World Wildlife Fund. Keep that in mind when you turn out the lights in your home during Earth Hour.

Obama Lying About Public Support for Oil Drilling

Drill Now? The public wants the United States to develop its ability to become more energy self-sufficient. An official poll by the federal government even said so. Will Barack Obama honor the wishes of the American people? Shhhh-yaaah, right ... not. Do you even need a poll to tell you that we need to be energy independent? If you’re the President of the United States or one of his political appointees and you’re ideologically opposed to new oil and natural gas development offshore, what do you do when the public registers its overwhelming support for new drilling in public opinion polls? You dance, delay, and deceive. You speak melodious words about seeking the wisdom of the public in making these decisions and then ignore evidence of the public will when you get it, or worse, you hide it. So writes Vince Haley at today. If you're a leftist ideologue like Barack Obama, bent on destroying the energy industry, no poll in the world will alter your opinion, or your goal of keeping energy costs high. You think that's an overstatement? It's not. Obama WANTS energy costs to remain high - and to go even higher. LISTEN to him admit that himself, and remember that the next time you're at a gas pump. It amounts to economic sabotage, and that qualifies as treason. RELATED: Obama: Spike energy costs to make people go 'green' Obama's Energy Budget: More Taxes, Higher Prices Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

The Green Police Are Already Here

Audi's Super Bowl commercial (see it below) was not only funny, it's frighteningly accurate as a look into the future of American freedoms - and the lessening thereof. The ad pokes fun at "green laws," and shows people being arrested by Eco Fascists for doing things deemed environmentally irresponsible. The scenes in the ad, however, are really not so exaggerated. As reported here in December of 2007, Congress passed a law that will force us all to replace the incandescent bulb with the compact fluorescent lightbulb (CFL), requiring that traditional bulbs be phased out by 2020. You got that? It will be illegal to use a normal, incandescent light bulb. The new CFLs contain mercury, and dropping one literally creates a hazmat situation. Watch the video, then we'll continue.... Environmentalists show their true colors in the case of CFL bulbs. Many of the environmental laws are more about control of people than about protection of the environment, and the environmentalists unwittingly admit this. An example of this comes from "Indranil M." in an article he wrote at (emphasis added): "Though these CFL bulbs contain mercury and are Hazardous to the environment, because of which they also happen to be non-Biodegradable. But there is no need to worry. There are web sites like energy star and earth911 which will give you proper instructions for its disposal without harming the environment." "No need to worry?" Nah! When that CFL burns out, just seek out the complicated instructions for disposal, and be sure to follow them lest you pose a health risk to yourself. Read what the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advises if if a mercury-containing light bulb breaks. It's laughable. Compare that to tossing the harmless incandescent bulbs into your trash bin and forgetting about it. How can environmentalists and their Liberal sympathizers justify this as a move to protect the environment? Well, they can't really, not logically. RELATED: Audi's Eco-Fascism Green Police Super Bowl XLIV Advertisements Is this ad funny or scary? – Telegraph Blogs Bush signs bill to increase fuel efficiency LA Times, 12/20/2007 Incandescent stupidity: Washington outlaws 100-watt lightbulbs Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) and Mercury CFL Bulbs Have One Hitch: Toxic Mercury : NPR CFLs & Hazardous Waste How to Join the Green Police Force Environmental fascists claim pets are harmful to the environment Environmental Extremists Reverse Natural Order Energy & Environment CLIMATEGATE Anthropogenic Global Warming, history's biggest scam Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Latino Farmers be Damned, Save the Minnow!

The environmentalists again prove how insane they are. Comedian Paul Rodriquez is very serious about this issue. He is the chair of the California Latino Water Coalition, and he's ticked off big time about the Federal Government shutting off water to farmers in order to save a two-inch fish that's not even endangered. Environmental insanity has caused a man-made drought, destroying crops, jobs and families. As Rodriquez says, "this is not the change we voted for." Are YOU a citizen of the United STRAIGHTS of America? Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

The Fake Crises of Global Warming and Swine Flu

By now, you've probably had a good chuckle over the hysteria about the predicted swine flu "pandemic." Hands gripping both sides of their heads, mouths open wide in a scream of alarm, health officials an government spokespersons worldwide warned that we're all gonna die. The Great Swine Flu Scare of 2009 had its opening night, so to speak, and it failed at the box office. No pandemic, no sign of one. Remember the avian flu ("bird" flu) scare that started several years ago? That one didn't fly either. Then there's the "crisis" of Global Warming. The difference between global warming and the current swine flu: The swine flu, although not the pandemic it was advertised as, actually existed and not merely theoretical. Global warming, on the other hand, is still theoretical. The theory behind it is flawed and growing more discredited every day. An editorial in Investors Business Daily (IBD), on May 26, skewers the Waxman-Markey climate change bill, which is yet another attempt by alarmists to scare us into compliance and further their agendas of gaining increased power and bigger budgets to control. Here's an excerpt from IBD (emphasis added): The public is told that climate change legislation is urgently needed to save the planet. But the evidence that the global warming scare is all about power and politics, not the environment, keeps piling up. The Waxman-Markey climate change bill that would establish a regime to limit carbon dioxide emissions through a cap-and-trade system was passed out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee last week. IBD goes on to ask this: If global warming were a grave threat, wouldn't getting a CO2 emissions restriction law passed and signed take precedence over lawmakers' objections on behalf of their constituents? The fact that.... so many Democrats would rather have no bill than to let it become law without input from the Agriculture Committee exposes the global warming scare: It's not about the environment — it's about power and politics. Truth can be so inconvenient when trying to get power, but politics can often obscure the truth. Hundreds of millions of people have had the wool pulled over their eyes regarding global warming, but the wool shows signs of fraying. If you're looking for scientific discussion about this, with real scientists who dispute the Al Gore-style propaganda, there are two essential global warming videos that must be seen. Global warming theory has become so discredited that many who claimed it was real have actually stopped using the term. Now, they call it "climate change," a safe generic term that allows them wiggle room in the face of reality. That reality is this: The world has not warmed over the past ten years as predicted. By my recollection, Al Gore predicted a few years ago that Miami would be under water by 2011, and that doesn't seem imminent. Now, many of the same scientists who pushed the global "warming" nonsense are actually saying that we're undergoing global "cooling." In fact, there are now 32000 scientists who do not agree with the global warming “consensus," and that number keeps growing. Along with Weather Channel founder John Coleman, over 30,000 scientists are trying to sue Al Gore for fraud. It's all a tacit admission by the "global warming" crowd that it's nothing more than fraud, a hoax perpetrated for political purposes. It's simple, really. Convince enough people that there is a crisis (any crisis), and they're more willing to let the government take more money to "solve" the crisis, and to impose more government rules and control over just about anything to "save" us. RELATED: Waxman-Markey Bill Is Most Anti-Consumer Legislation Ever ... DailyTech - Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling The Global Warming Myth? - ABC News Power Line - Dispelling the Global Warming Myth Video: The Great Global Warming Swindle Video: CBC - Global Warming Doomsday Called Off Video: Glenn Beck Interviews John Coleman, Founder of Weather Channel Video: Glenn Beck on Global Warming Bullies Video: See Al Gore's Hypocrisy! Related items from Chicago News Bench: Hypocritical Energy Efficiency Workshop... Environmental McCarthyism NASA: Global Warming is "Natural" Methane Madness and the Idiocy of Experts A Few Experts Comment on Inconvenient Truth The Earth Is Flat Leave a Comment... CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter

Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Malaria Has Got To Go

Today, April 25, is "World Malaria Day." Millions of people around the world die every year from malaria. Because of environmentalist efforts to ban many pesticides, especially DDT, millions of people have died - and are dying - unnecessarily. Malaria could be easily controlled, but the Left and their enviro-radical allies simply will - not - allow - it.
Environmentalists and their allies on the Left knowingly allow millions of human beings to die of malaria.
Between 300 and 500 million people contract malaria every year. You will probably encounter some nonsense today about how to combat this horrible disease, which is spread primarily by mosquitos.
Malaria is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted via the bites of infected mosquitoes. In the human body, the parasites multiply in the liver, and then infect red blood cells. Symptoms of malaria include fever, headache, and vomiting, and usually appear between 10 and 15 days after the mosquito bite. If not treated, malaria can quickly become life-threatening by disrupting the blood supply to vital organs. In many parts of the world, the parasites have developed resistance to a number of malaria medicines. (Source:
World Health Organization)
An example of the nonsense you may encounter today:
...the organization Malaria No More is using social media tools to spread the word and raise donations to buy lifesaving mosquito nets. The article urges us to "Tweet to beat malaria," and goes on to say, "On World Malaria Day, $30 buys 3 mosquito nets to save lives. Please donate!" (Source) "Tweeting" to beat malaria? Malaria is a parasite. When a mosquito bites, it sucks blood from its victim. Some of the blood in the insect's gut, from a previous victim, can mix with the new victim's blood, thereby infecting the new bite victim. I'm not sure how getting a bunch of people to send messages to each other on Twitter will prevent that process or kill trillions of malaria-bearing mosquitos. This is just more "Leftist Magical Chanting," as I've called it previously. It is reminiscent of the hippies trying to levitate the Pentagon to stop the Vietnam war. It is as useless as a neighborhood crime walk, and as effective as anti-crime candlelight vigil. Hey hey, ho ho, ma-lar-eee-yaa has got to go. You have to wonder who's making a windfall profit from the sale of mosquito nets, which may save a handful of lives but do absolutely nothing to save the millions of people who are bitten by mosquitos when they're not under the damned nets. Earlier this week, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton gave a nonsensical video speech just for Malaria Day: "We're using proven drugs to treat malarial illness, and simple tools to prevent the disease, including insecticide nets, indoor spraying, and safe, inexpensive drugs for pregnant women.... With solutions already in hand, we can envision a world free of the scourge of malaria.... So today, we reaffirm our committment, not just to curbing the spread of this disease but to working with our global partners to end malaria as a major public health threat. We will redouble our own efforts and we will call on our partners to join us in reaching the day when we can celebrate a world without malaria." That sounds nice, but Clinton omitted some very important information. She never once mentioned the possibility of spraying insecticides to combat the mosquitos that spread malaria. She certainly didn't tell you that environmentalists have forced poor nations to stop spraying DDT and other pesticides about 40 years ago. If that had not happened, malaria might have been eradicated by now. The Environmental Protection Agency banned DDT, a powerful pesticide, in 1972. Certainly, tens of millions of people would not have died, and hundreds of millions more would not have become dibilitated or orphaned by malaria. Everything that Clinton spoke about in her fluffy video was about treatment of malaria or the feeble attempt to prevent it by means of "insecticide nets." Neither of those measures do any good on any significant scale. As to the effectiveness of the nets, Hillary Clinton omitted this recent news story: "Studies have indicated that two species of malaria-transmitting mosquitoes found in Kenya have developed resistance to permethrin and DDT," Vincent Corbel, a malaria specialist with the World Health Organization, told a symposium held in Nairobi on 23 April. (Source: "KENYA: Act now on growing insecticide resistance, says malaria expert" - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, April 24, 2009) reported this in February, 2009: "Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) primarily protect only the people sleeping under them and are less effective than generally assumed because ITN distribution does not equate with consistent use. And while the mass distribution of ITNs has undoubtedlysaved thousands of lives, mosquitoes are becoming increasingly resistant to the insecticides used on them, partly because the same chemicals are used in farming.Recent studies have identified growing resistance in Benin and Uganda, where free net distribution has occurred for a decade." (Source: "New insecticides are crucial in battle against malaria" -, February 19, 2009) Get this straight, folks: Those measures cannot and will never bring about "a world without malaria." Unless the primary source of the disease is attacked (mosquitos), the world will continue to need donated nets and medicine. Let me repeat myself: Nets might keep the mosquitos away from you while you're in a tent or laying down to sleep. Meanwhile, millions of disease-bearing mosquitos are breeding and buzzing around right outside, ready to inject you with malaria the moment you go outside. As the Left so loves to do, Hillary Clinton proposes more Band-Aids when what is really needed is major medical treatment. The treatment needed: Spraying large areas with insecticides to kill off the mosquitos. The solution is so simple that it's mind boggling. Spraying with DDT would virtually eliminate the problem in many, many large areas of the malaria-affected world. As the BBC reported in August, 2000: Some of the world's poorest countries say their fight against malaria is being threatened by environmental agencies in the West. Every 20 seconds a young child somewhere in the developing world contracts malaria and because they cannot afford modern drugs developing countries tackle the disease with cheap pesticides like DDT. In Britain and other European countries, DDT has been banned for years because it's toxic and damages crops and wildlife - and some environmental groups want the ban extended world-wide. (See "Environmentalists threaten malaria fight," BBC, August 30, 2000) In October, 2006, self-described environmentalist Richard A. Posner, Judge, United States Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Senior and Lecturer, University of Chicago Law School, wrote that the benefits of using the pesticide DDT to fight malaria outweigh the risks when balanced against the loss of life caused by malaria. Posner wrote the following (emphasis added): I am a strong environmentalist, and support the ban on using DDT as a pesticide. Although Rachel Carson's belief that DDT causes cancer has not been substantiated, there seems little doubt that its widespread use as a pesticide, if continued, would have caused a significant reduction in biodiversity because of its lethal effect on many fish and bird species. Althouth the World Health Organization (WHO) actually approved DDT for dealing with malaria, it never actively supported it. "While DDT repels or kills mosquitoes that carry the malaria parasite," wrote Joanne Silberner for NPR's All Things Considered, "it doesn't get much good press. In 1962, environmentalist Rachel Carson wrote a book, Silent Spring, about how [DDT] persists in the environment and affects not just insects but the whole food chain....In the early 1960s, several developing countries had nearly wiped out malaria. After they stopped using DDT, malaria came raging back and other control methods have had only modest success." (Source: "WHO Backs Use of DDT Against Malaria" - National Public Radio, September 15, 2008) Judge Posner, then, doesn't like DDT. He doesn't like malaria either, however. Posner, unlike so many environmentalists, is rational about the subject of DDT v. Malaria and puts human life first: Considering how much cheaper and easier it would be to (largely) eliminate malaria than to eliminate AIDS (which would require behavioral changes to which there is strong cultural resistance in Africa), the failure of the African countries, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and private foundations and other nongovernmental organizations to eliminate most malaria by means of indoor spraying with DDT is a remarkable political failure. (Source: Global Envision) Hillary Clinton is a party to that political failure. The Left, as a whole, is too. In 1997, the New York Times noted that "In the 1950's, experts were optimistic that malaria could be wiped out, and for a time DDT and other insecticides led to a sharp reduction of mosquitoes and of the disease. But the use of DDT and similar chemicals was sharply curtailed because of their dreadful environmental effects, and partly as a result malaria began a long upswing around the world in the 1960's and 70's. DDT's "dreadful environmental effects," they say. How's this for dreadful environmental effect of not using DDT: Billions of human beings horribly affected by malaria, and tens of millions dead. How many humans do you think would have died as a result of the "dreadful environmental effects" of using DDT? More or less than from malaria? I'd guess far less. The NYT article continued: As a single disease, malaria has a bigger impact on the world than anything you can think of,'' said Dr. Kazem Behbehani, director of the division for control of tropical diseases at the World Health Organization in Geneva. ''And it's spreading.'' Source: "Malaria Makes a Comeback, And Is More Deadly Than Ever," New York Times, January 18, 1997) A response to the New York Times article, by George Reisman, Ph.D., professor of Economics at Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management, shone a spotlight on the guilt of the Left and the radical environmentalists in worldwide malarial catastrophe (emphasis added): The malaria epidemic is the result of the vicious, antihuman philosophy of environmentalism. Environmentalism regards wild speculation as the equivalent of scientific proof, and the "environment" - from California condors and spotted owls to rock formations and jungles - as intrinsically valuable and fully on a par with the value of human life. In the instance of the banning and continued prohibition of DDT and the consequent return of malaria as a leading killer of human beings, the environmentalists demonstrate their indifference to the value of human life. (Full post at Also see the index entry "Ecology movement" in Reisman's book Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics [Ottawa, Illinois: Jameson Books, 1996]. Happy Malaria Day. It's a "holiday" that we could have avoided decades ago. Since the environmentalists stand in the way of real progress in the war on malaria by denying the use of DDT or equivalent pesticides on a meaningful scale, perhaps we could have a can hold a big candlelight vigil and chant "Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Malaria Has Got To Go!" RELATED: George Reisman's Blog on Economics, Politics, Society, and Culture IRIN In-depth Killer Number One: The fight against malaria ... Malaria Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment on ... DDT, a bane of environmentalists, returns as a weapon against ... Malaria WHO's New Guidelines Supporting DDT To Control Malaria ... The Malaria Clock - A Green Legacy Of Death Where Are The Greens On Malaria? - April 21, 2006 - The New York Sun New insecticides are crucial in battle against malaria - SciDev.Net Malaria: Anti-DDT policies are deadly WHO Backs Use of DDT Against Malaria : NPR CDC Malaria Risk Map Rachel [Carson] Was Wrong Malaria and DDT CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter

Can We Fart During Earth Hour?

The global warming alarmists are still at it. (I'm sorry, are we supposed to call it "climate change" now? Whatever.) 

This weekend, we're supposed to turn our lights out to save the planet. For an hour. What will the idiot hypocrites do after an hour? Why, they'll turn the lights back on! Bravo! 

Thank you, idiots, for saving the planet. You'll feel better about yourselves, I'm sure, as you lay down to sleep tomorrow night, the night of "Earth Hour." As Milo Yiannopoulos put it in his blog, "Let me get this straight: we're being told that, in order to raise awareness about rising global temperatures, we ought to... fumble around in the dark for a bit." 

Yesterday, I watched a moron in front of a national weather map on the Weather Channel as he waved his arms up and down, telling us that the huge blizzard (blizzard!) crossing the US right now is because of "global warming." You see, he explained, global warming causes fluctuations in the weather. You see, he explained, we've never seen anything like the fluctuations were seeing now. As a guilty afterthought, he noted "in the 150 years or so that we've been keeping records." 

Apparently, the Weather Channel moron believes that prior to the Industrial Revolution, there were no fluctuations in the weather in the four billion years that this planet has existed. Everyday was exactly like the previous day. No need for weather forecasting in the year 1820, no sir, because there were no fluctuations. 

The Weather Channel ignoramus is completely unaware that "in the last 10 years, the earth's temperature has not risen. Over the last century, it has risen 0.75 degrees. Less than a degree." Perhaps the idiot is completely unaware of the thousands of scientists, such as Prof. Nir Shaviv, Department of Physics at Hebrew University, Israel, who are trying to tell us that Al Gore is full of crap. 

Suddenly, according to the Church of Global Warming Uhm Climate Change, humans have done what God Himself apparently neglected to do. Humyns have added fluctuations to the weather, by means of carbon dioxide production and, to follow Al Gore's logic, farting. Oh yes, farting, which is largley methane, another greenhouse gas. The Church of Global Warming Uhm Climate Change commands all of us to "save the planet" in various ways, including buying the right to continue to produce greenhouse gases with "carbon credits" and other ingenious methods. Such as turning the lights out for one hour one day every year. (Say, doesn't everyone turn their lights out at least eight hours every night already?) 

Can we fart while the lights are out, or do we get special dispensation for that? The madness is global, if you'll pardon the term. Much money is being spent, and much more will be spent, on voodoo methods of "saving the planet." Fortunately, not everyone yet has drunk the Al Gore Kool-Aid, and there are still rational researchers putting out rational studies. One for instance, comes from Spain. 

"According to a study from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid," write Spanish blogger Barcepundit, "If Spain's experience is any guide, there are serious job losses from green stimulus mesaures like the ones contemplated in Obama's plans. According to a study from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, for every new job sustained by subsidized renewable energy at least 2.2 are lost in other industries..." (Hat tip to 

Rationality will not stop dunces from turning off their lights on Saturday, March 28 for 60 minutes. Nor will it get in the way of the Obama-embraced environmental madness that keeps tightening its grip on our government and society in general. To wit, with emphasis added: President Obama declared the [current] Red River floods in North Dakota and Minnesota a wake up call to take global warming seriously. As with most global warming alarmists, he opened his mouth before checking the facts. In reality North Dakota and Minnesota, the sources of the Red River, had a much colder than normal winter (Dec-Feb). For North Dakota it was the 18th coldest and for Minnesota the 19th coldest in the past 114 years. (Source: Turtle Island blog...) 

Fluctuations? How about that record cold weather? The rational imbeciles of the Church of Global Warming Uhm Climate Change tell us that as the world gets warmer, we can expect some parts of the planet to get colder. 

Try this experiment: Turn on the oven in your kitchen to 450 degrees. Once fully heated, open the oven door but keep the oven turned on for another half hour. Go to any room at the other end of your house. Has the heat from the oven made that room at the other end of your house colder? Go on, we'll wait for you while you check. .... It didn't? You sure

Hypocritical Energy Efficiency Workshop Tonight (bring an old pair of shoes)

Hypocrisy knows no bounds in Rogers Park. An email blast from Chicago's 49th Ward Alderplaya Joe Moore urges us to attend a meeting tonight do learn about "energy efficiency." (You might want to bring an old pair of shoes, if you know what I mean.) Joe Moore claims to be very "green." He's environmentally hip and oh-so-sensitive to the environment. So much so, you see, that he usually drives the two short blocks from his large, energy-inefficient house on Fargo to his dumpy ward office at Jarvis and N. Greenview. (It's okay, you see, because that little two-block drive leaves a tiny little carbon footprint. After all, it's not like he's driving all the way downtown, right?) Oh, and there's the good folks at DevCorp North, Moore's puppets, who claim to be oh-so-sensitive to the environment, too. That's why their staff drives a big freeking Ford F250 pickup truck, which has gets between 10.5 - 11 MPG in town and 12.5 - 14 MPG on the highway. (It's okay, though, because that's better than, say, 3 to 6 miles to the gallon.) Here is the full text of Greenie Joe Moore's email: Free Energy Efficiency Workshop Tonight Dear Neighbor, The 49th Ward Green Corps is pleased to join with the Edgewater Community Council in supporting Loyola University's "Building a Sustainable Community Series" which kicks off tonight with a workshop on energy efficiency. Please join us: Building a Sustainable Community.pdf (395 KB) Tuesday, December 16, 7:00 to 8:30 PM, at Loyola University Chicago/ Simpson Multi-Purpose Room, 6333 N. Winthrop, at the corner of Winthrop and Sheridan. Energy Efficiency, part of Loyola University Chicago's Building a Sustainable Community Series in partnership with Edgewater Community Council and 49th Ward Green Corps Gain insight from Loyola and community-based experts on how to save energy. This is the kick-off of a planned four-part Building a Sustainable Community monthly series that will continue through March. For details, contact Loyola Community Relations at 773-508-7450 or email at We appreciate Loyola University's work in supporting and linking Chicago's North Lakefront communities in our environmental efforts. Mark your calendars now for the upcoming workshops on January 17, February 17 and March 21. Please also plan to join in our Earth Day Celebration on April 25. If you are interested in learning more about the 49th Ward Green Corps, please contact Very truly yours, Joe Moore Visit the website of the 49th Ward Click here to be removed from our email list RELATED READING: 31000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda Ecofascism / Fascist Ideology: The Green Wing of the Nazi Party ... Hitler Was Greedy: - Reason Magazine Were the Nazis radical environmentalists?