Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun control. Show all posts

Republicans Threaten To Impeach Obama Over Executive Order On Guns

Jan. 15, 2013 - Prominent Republicans are saying that they would move to impeach Barack Obama if he uses executive orders to limit access to firearms. The White House will announce its plan of action on Wednesday, Jan. 16 at 11:45 ET. Obama will reveal "concrete proposals" to limit our Second Amendment rights, including a ban on "assault weapons" and ways to "strengthen" background checks for gun buyers.

The White House has 19 executive actions that it says are ready for Obama to implement. Such action by Obama would be unilateral. That is, it would be the Executive branch of federal government bypassing the Legislative branch (Congress) to unilaterally make law.

"The president is also expected to outline 19 executive actions that he can unilaterally take, according to Capitol Hill Democrats briefed on his plan," reports The Hill. "Those executive actions are likely to include more aggressive enforcement of existing gun laws, increasing federal research on gun violence and stronger prosecutions of those who lie on gun background checks.‬"

Biden: Obama Could Use Executive Order for Gun Control

Der Fuhrer Barack Obama
Jan. 9, 2013 - "The president is going to act," Biden said to reporters before he met with gun violence victims and gun control advocate. "There are executives orders," said Biden, "there's executive action that can be taken."

Biden added, "We haven't decided what that is yet. But we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required."

In other words, the Obama Regime will do as it damned pleases, legislative action be damned, representative government be damned, the Constitution be damned. The Imperial Presidency further advances itself.

Alex Jones Beclowns Himself On Piers Morgan Tonight: Full Interview

Alex Jones on Piers Morgan Tonight, Jan. 7, 2013
Alex Jones on Piers Morgan Tonight, Jan. 7, 2013
Nuttier than squirrel crap
Jan. 8, 2013 - Man, this is hot stuff. Alex Jones was on Piers Morgan Tonight yesterday, and sparks flew. Here is the full video of that encounter, below, which was taped in CNN's studios in New York.

It was one of the best drubbings that Morgan has experienced since rock legend and gun rights advocate Ted Nugent kicked his arse back in May, 2011.

There was a table between Morgan and Nugent, but on Monday there was no barrier between Jones and Morgan. They sat inches away from each other, and for much of the encounter Morgan actually looked frightened, as though he feared that Jones would physically attack him at any moment.

Unfortunately, Jones came of (as usual) as a complete nutter. He's one of those guys who, no matter what he says, it tends to sound crazy. His verbal style is, well, crazy. But the fact is that Jones is a dishonest fear-mongering opportunistic egoist, with a delusional paranoid personality that is either real or very well feigned. VIDEO BELOW.

Demand A Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F--- Themselves (Extended Cut)

Actors who glorify guns and butchery demand a vague "plan" to stop the same violence and killing that they glamorize in film and television...

Hypocrisy in Action: Celebs 'Demand a Plan'
Jan. 1, 2013 - Hollywood is a culture of violence. Big stars make big bucks portraying psychotic killers, shooting people in orgies of bloody gore.  

These actors glorify guns and killing, but they want you to "demand a plan" to stop real-life killings.

Look, we're all for stopping the violence. The real issue here is the hypocrisy and stupidity of the celebrities who appeared in a video called "Demand a Plan to Gun Violence." (Watch it below.)

In response to that video, a video titled "Demand a Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F*** Themselves" points out the double standard and hypocrisy of those celebrities. The response video was posted by "Mike Hunt" (hey, maybe that's his real name) on YouTube on Dec. 25, 2012.

The celebrities' plea to "demand a plan" is vague at best; they suggest no plan themselves. The video was put out by a group called "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" (MAIG) as a response to the Dec. 14, 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. 28 people died in that horrific attack, including gunman Adam Lanza. At the MAIG website, there is a proposal for action, but no part of their "plan" would prevent another Adam Lanza from stealing his mother's guns and going on a killing spree. SEE THE VIDEOS BELOW.

New White House Petition Asks Sen. Diane Feinstein Be Tried For Treason

Dec. 28, 2012 - A new petition to the White House asks that U.S. Senatrix Diane Feinstein (D-Calif) be tried in federal court "for treason to the Constitution." 

Feinstein, says the petition, "has made it clear she does not believe in the Constitution or the inalienable rights of Americans to keep and bear arms." (See full text below.)

The petition is undoubtedly inspired by an anti-assault weapon bill that Feinstein will introduce at the start of the next Congress. Equally certain is that Feinstein is doing this to make political hay out of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14. And just how do we know an "assault weapon" ban would NOT have stopped Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza? Because it didn't, points out

Diane Feinstein hates
the U.S. Constitution
There is confusion over whether Lanza used a Bushmaster AR-15 rifle at the school, but a report by NBC News (watch this video) says that state and federal officials said that while four handguns were found in the school, no long gun seemed to have been used. Lanza's Bushmaster AR-15 was still in the trunk of his car, where police found it unused at the scene. By the way: The Bushmaster AR-15 is not an "assault weapon." The video even shows police removing Lanza's Bushmaster from the car trunk.

The anti-Feinstein petition was posted on Dec. 27.  As of 4:50 p.m. EST today, it had garnered 4,741 signatures, needing another 20,259 to reach the required 25,000 for the White House staff will review it, "ensure it’s sent to the appropriate policy experts, and issue an official response." The petition is non-binding and will probably just be laughed off by anti-gun White House staffers, sympathetic to Feinstein, when they "review" it.

Peter Ferrara, contributor at Forbes, has a few words to say today about Feinstein's pending bill and the nonsensical hysteria about "assault weapons" in general.

Ferrara wrote that "assault weapon" is a term that "is just a PR stunt that fools the gullible and easily deluded. It is defined in legislation by cosmetic features that frighten white bread suburbanites, but do not involve any functionality of any gun. We tried it, conservatives said it wouldn’t work, and it didn’t work. Yet, it is the liberal answer to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Conn." Ferrara adds, "A Connecticut state law already banned assault weapons. The difference that made in stopping the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary: zero, zilch, nada, as the saying goes."

Cunning Stunt: Feinstein and some scary props.
Jacob Sullum at RedState points out that "the term assault weapon was invented by the anti-gun lobby as a way of blurring the distinction between military-style semiautomatics, which fire once per trigger pull, and selective-fire assault rifles, which can be set to fire continuously (a distinction that President Obama, who wants to bring back the 'assault weapon' ban, either does not grasp or deliberately obscures).... Guns are not 'assault weapons' until legislators arbitrarily decide they are."

Of course, none of these inconvenient facts matter to the anti-gun folks because they want all guns to be banned. A.W.R. Hawkins, lately of, would agree with me. The attack on so-called "assault weapons" is a clever emotional use of language that allows them, as Peter Ferrara wrote, to "fool the gullible and easily deluded."

Watch the video above, in which Feinstein discusses her treasonous, anti-Constitution, anti-Bill of Rights assault weapons legislation bill in a guest appearance on PBS Newshour, Dec. 17.

In a scholarly thesis titled "Rational Basis Analysis of 'Assault Weapon' Prohibition," David B. Kopel examined the constitutionality and justification for banning such guns. His conclusion, in part (with my emphasis added):
"The demand for 'assault weapon' prohibition is often accompanied by a self-righteous insistence that only a criminal or a maniac would oppose prohibiting extremely dangerous firearms which have no legitimate use and are the criminal weapon of choice. But the closer one looks at the reasons given for 'assault weapon' bans the less one sees. The prohibition is no more rational than a prohibition on beer based on legislative 'findings' that beer grows on trees, that a single sip always causes instant physical addiction, and that beer is more dangerous than other alcohol because it is stored in aluminum containers. If the rational basis test means anything, it means that an 'assault weapon' prohibition is unlawful."
The full text of the petition against Diane Feinstein:


Try Senator Dianne Feinstein in a Federal Court For Treason To The Constitution

The Constitution was written to restrain the government. No amendment is more important for this purpose than the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendment was written so the power could be kept with the citizenry in the face of a tyrannical government. It was well understood the Constitution acknowledged certain rights that could not be limited by government.

Senator Dianne Feinstein has made it clear she does not believe in the Constitution or the inalienable rights of Americans to keep and bear arms. She is actively working to destroy the 2nd amendment with her 2013 assault weapons ban. For this reason we the people of the united States petition for her to be tried in Federal Court for treason to the Constitution.

An outline of her bill may be found here:

Created: Dec 27, 2012
Issues: Firearms


Watch Full Interview: Ted Nugent Schools Subversive Foreigner Piers Morgan on Guns and Freedom

Ted Nugent on Piers Morgan Tonight
Ted Nugent on Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN.
"Suck my machine gun."
Dec. 24, 2012 - Here is the full 29-minutes of Piers Morgan's interview of Ted Nugent on CNN on May 19, 2011 (video below).  Legendary rock star, hunter and gun enthusiast Nugent held his own in the discussion, effectively destroying the British fop's weak arguments against the Second Amendment. This interview seems even more poignant today, in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, CT on Dec. 14, 2012.

Morgan, a disgraced British journalist now living in the U.S., has always been anti-gun, but like so many other Liberals he has ramped up his anti-Second Amendment mission a few notches. So much so, in fact, that many Americans are calling for Piers Morgan to be deportated, including a petition to the White House to get him kicked out of the country.

The interview is wide-ranging. The good stuff - the fireworks - starts at 10:30  minutes into the video. The verbal exchange was good-natured intense, but Nugent was in no mood to take Morgan's liberal spewings without hitting back. Nugent is often underestimated by people who assume he's an ignorant redneck rock 'n' roller, but as he has proven so many times, he again proved that he has a strong command of statistics and history. Nugent doesn't mince his words, either.

"Anybody who wants to disarm me can drop dead," Nugent told Morgan. "Anybody who wants to make me unarmed and helpless, people that want to literally create the proven places where more innocents are killed, called 'gun-free zones,' we're gonna beat you. We're gonna vote you out of office. Or, suck on my machine gun. You can take it whichever way you like."

Morgan's weak come back: "Much as I'd love to suck on your machine gun, the whole point of your defense is a lot of people do drop dead precisely because you are armed to the teeth, much as you would like everyone else to be."

"Not true at all," said Nugent. "Piers, break this down. See, you're so British..."

"No, you write this down," Morgan interrupted, "80 people a day die in America from gunshots."

Nugent to Morgan: Kiss my ass.
"And 75 of them, to 78 of them, statistics by the Uniform Crime Report by the FBI and the UN Study on Violent Crime, 78 of those 80 are let out of their cages by corrupt judges and prosecutors who know the recidivism is out of control, know that they'll commit their crimes again, and they let them walk. From plea bargaining, early release and programs. Kiss my ass! Where you have the most armed citizens in America you have the lowest violent crime rate. Where you have the worst [strictest] gun control you have the highest crime rate. Piers, choose one. Do you want a lot of crime? We have it, gun-free zones. Do you want less crime? We have that. More people with concealed weapons permits. Why do you guys resist [those] statistics?"

Morgan, of course, had no good reply to Nugent citing facts from the FBI and the UN. He could not comprehend Nugents facts. Instead, he took the well-worn Liberal anti-intellectual path of letting his feeling overrule reality. No wonder Morgan's ratings are in the basement.

Morgan asked Nugent, in an accusatory question, if he wanted everyone in America to have a gun.

"What I want," said Nugent, "is the Second Amendment. We the people, free individuals, have the right to keep and bear arms for self defense. Find fault with that."

"Well, I can find lots of fault with that," replied British citizen Piers Morgan. "You end up with what happened with [Congresswoman] Gabby Gifford in Tuscson."

"That guy," Nugent said, referring to Jared Loughner, the man who shot Gifford, "went through the cracks of the mental health system."

I won't spoil your fun by giving away any more of the conversation. It is well worth watching the full interview. It was relevant in 2011. Now, at the end of 2012 and with the gun-control debate at a fever pitch, it is even more relevant. Sadly, the anti-gun crowd comes at the issue with cherry picked statistics and a lot of emotion, clouding their ability to reason and use logic. Like many of the ignorant Leftists who oppose the Second Amendment, Piers Morgan has cited his native Britain as a model for gun control as a way to reduce violence. That's amazing, because the facts and numbers show that strict gun control in the UK has had exactly the opposite effect. Like Nugent said, "Do you want a lot of crime? We have it, gun-free zones."


Principals and Teachers Who Carry Guns at School (ABC Report)

Dec. 20, 2012 - A recent report by ABC News examines the issue of arming teachers and principals in public schools. This is a very hot debate in the U.S. after the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, where Adam Lanza shot and killed 27 students and school staff. Some of the students interviewed in the ABC report support this idea, saying that they feel safer knowing their teachers are armed. Others don't, of course.

ABC noted that about 28,300 schools across the U.S. have armed security staff.

The obvious question to anti-gun people, then, is this:

If armed staff in a school is such a bad idea, then why have we not heard of any unfortunate incidents in those 28,300 schools?  ABC cited the National Center for Education Statistics as the source for those numbers.

I can't help but wonder why some fear the idea of armed teachers more than they fear an armed lunatic attacking them while they are defenseless. Would those folks put a "Gun Free Zone" sign in their own front yard? Why do they think it's safer to be unprotected when a shooter enters their school, and then have to endure more killings while they wait for the police to show up -- with their guns?

7 Wounded, 1 Dead in Shootings on Chicago's South Side

July 20, 2010 - Last night, Chicago police were involved in four separate gunfights on the South Side and in the Little Village neighborhood (map). There were at least four shooting incidents (as you'll read below). All together, at least seven people were struck by gunfire (no police officers) with at least one dead. A CPD officer who I know was involved with two of the incidents. He phoned me on his way home at 10:20 p.m. and said he was involved with the 9:00 p.m. incidents in the 6300 block of South Vernon (map) and the one in the Back of the Yards neighborhood (map). He said the police had to pull out their rifles for these. My friend told me that he personally saw five bad guys get shot, one of whom he saw die at the scene, not later in the hospital as reported by the Chicago Tribune. Exclusive: My officer friend was involved with incidents One and Two, detailed below. What my officer friend told me, and what the Chicago Tribune story below does not tell you, is that police went to the 6300 block of South Vernon to quell a fight between two gangs, and the gangs then turned their fire on the police. So, with that extra tidbit from us exclusively, here's what the Trib reported late Monday night: Incident #One, 9:00 PM: In the most recent shooting, four men were shot in the West Woodlawn neighborhood, officials said. The shootings occurred on the 6300 block of South Vernon Avenue at about 9 p.m., said Chicago Fire Department spokesman Quention Curtis. (Editor's Note: My CPD officer friend said this happened in Englewood.) Incident #Two, 9:00 PM: In the Back of the Yards neighborhood, at about the same time, one person was reported shot on the 5100 block of South May Street, said Curtis. A spokesman for the Cook County medical examiner's office said they were notified of a shooting death at that address. The victim was taken in serious-to-critical condition to Stroger Hospital where he was later pronounced dead. (Editor's Note: My CPD officer friend was involved in this one, too, but he said he saw the victim die on the scene.) Incident #Three, 10:30 PM: About 10:30 p.m. in the Englewood neighborhood, a 17-year-old boy was shot in the 6800 block of South Justine Street. He was taken in serious-to-critical condition to Stroger Hospital, said Curtis. (Editor's Note: By this time, my CPD officer friend was pulling into his driveway at home.) Incident #Four, 7:13 PM: ....two 18-year-old men were shot in the Little Village neighborhood.... [They were shot] on the street on the 2100 block of South Spaulding Avenue at 7:13 p.m. .... Hey Chicago, how's that new restrictive handgun ordinance working out for ya? It sure has made the streets safer, hasn't it? That Mayor Daley and his City Clowncil are friggin' geniuses, ain't they?

Pat Dollard's Headline of the Week

Pat Dollard gets my vote for Headline of The Week, and it's only Tuesday. 

"Toughest Gun Control Laws In The Nation Lead To Historic Violent Crime Wave" is a post that hits the nail square on its head. Even the subhead is great: "Obama’s Chicago So Out Of Control Lawmakers Demand National Guard To Lock It Down."

Dollard notes that "Two Illinois lawmakers say violence has become so rampant in Chicago that the National Guard must be called in to help. Chicago Democratic Reps. John Fritchey and LaShawn Ford made a public plea to Gov. Pat Quinn on Sunday to deploy troops. The request comes amid a recent surge in violent crime, including a night last week that saw seven people killed and 18 wounded, mostly by gunfire."

The spineless Illinois Governor, Pat Quinn, has already said that he will not send in the troops without a request from Mayor Daley. He knows full well, of course, that Daley will make no such request. Apparently, the overrated, overhyped "positive loitering" efforts in Chicago have not been as effective as hoped for.

Chicago is 2,000 police officers short of what it's budgeted for, and what it needs. You gotta wonder just how much Daley, who is accompanied by armed guards everywhere he goes, really hates and despises the people he lords over.

Daley and Weis keep saying that the National Guard is not needed, and that they have better ideas. The extent of Daley's "better ideas" is more gun control. You know, to make it even tougher for the good guys to protect themselves. Weis hasn't had an original idea since... well, you tell me when that was.

While Daley and Obama are busy enabling illegal immigration with their rhetoric and advocacy of santuary cities, the people here in Chicago are being slaughtered in the streets. Dollard, a man who has seen combat first hand, knows that it's often more deadly in Chicago than in most parts of Iraq or Afghanistan. In a moving April 14 editorial in the Austin Weekly News, we are told that "To date, more young people have been shot in Chicago than Soldiers in Iraq-159 students have been shot this school year alone."

If Daley and Weis really cared, they'd put aside political considerations and egos and beg Gov. Quinn to send in the Guard. Daley hasn't got the intelligence or the balls to understand that his unconstitutional gun laws have no effect whatsoever on the bad guys getting and using firearms. Meanwhile, the law abiders are left defenseless and at the mercy of God and a call to 911.

Please remember:  Guns don't kill people, more than 60 years of bad social policy kills people.

National Guard Urged to Quell Chicago Violence  CBS News
Chicago Lawmakers: Call In the National Guard Fox News
Mr. Mayor, you must do something to save our kids‎ Austin Weekly News

For The Record - Why Guns Are Good (Video)

A liberal friend of mine told me yesterday that he had an epiphany over the weekend. He owns an antique long-barrel gun, you see, and it finally struck him that gun ownership is not only a good idea for self protection, but that Chicago's gun laws haven't done a damned thing to stop the gun-toting gangstas from shooting up the place. One step toward recovery, he is, and I dedicate this post to him.

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Gun Control is People Control

"Black Sphere" blogger Kevin Jackson is upset. On second thought, he's downright pissed off. It's a righteous pissed-offedness, as displayed regularly in his excellent blog. His recent rant on the stupidity and dangers of gun control are a good case in point. Mad as hell, K-Jack focuses on his object d'ire and shoots a sidewinder missile straight into it. So the guns in Mexico are supposed to be from the US. Who cares? Like the gun control Liberals really need that as an excuse to try to get rid of the 2nd Amendment? The recent shooting incidents will undoubtedly provide even more manna from heaven for the gun control crowd. And that manna is the potential for money. Like any "crisis," gun deaths in America can be exploited too. There are those who exploit the issue by overstating it, then using it to raise money (for "non-profit" organizations that pay fat salaries) or to build a political career upon. Or both, sometimes. Guns have replaced rich White Republican men as the new Boogeyman, despite the fact that guns don't shoot people. Like Democrat Liberal lunatics care about the facts. We all know that it was Bush getting teenage girls pregnant, and not horny teenage boys, right? The logic of putting the blame where it belongs is lost on Liberal nitwits. Try telling a Liberal that a gun (an inanimate object) doesn't kill people, it's people who kill people. Gun control hasn't worked at all in keeping firearms out of the hands of the bad guys. Watch their eyes roll back, the tick under their left eye speed up, their breathing become shallower. They cannot grasp the fact that plenty of murders are committed with cars, baseball bats, butcher knives, rope, beer bottles, bare hands, and so on. The bad guys have their guns, and they far outnumber the police, who cannot be everywhere at once. Guns have been politicized, but not baseball bats or other blunt objects. And that's the point. It's the politicization of guns that has people crazy over the issue. That insanity has killed people by denying them the right and opportunity to effectively defend themselves from attackers. It makes as much sense to outlaw guns, as it does to outlaw cars. How many auto fatalities are there each year because of cars? Thousands. If there were no cars, then there would be no drunk driving, or crazy spouses running over each other, or people talking on cell phones while driving, who kill pedestrians. Get my point? I get your point, Kevin. The average Lefty doesn't, sadly. As you point out in your post, however, there are some Leftists who do get it. Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Castro, Kim Jung-il, Pol Pot, and a long list of others. Oh, and Barack Obama. Chicago News Bench RSS Feed CommieBama Hats and More

Obama Threatens Our Constitutional Rights

Like it or not, the Second Amendment is part of our Constitution. Obama and his Chicago Mafia, however, don't like the Second Amendment, which is part of the Bill of Rights. In fact, they don't much like the Constitution as a whole. But let's concentrate here on the right to bear arms, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment. Gun owners - legal, law abiding gun owners - have been under attack by the anti-Constitution crowd for decades. But now, as pointed out by NRA Institute for Legislative Action, the rights of gun owners is in greater danger than ever. (As a historical note, you should know that the first thing that any dictator does when they first take power is to take away the guns away from those they wish to subjugate.) The NRA-ILA states on their web site: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will take oaths to uphold the Constitution, but we know by their deeds and their words that they believe the Second Amendment rights of American citizens must be severely restricted. We know the people Obama will appoint to his cabinet and to other federal offices will be almost universally anti-gun. Obama’s selection of Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff is a perfect example of the hostility the Obama White House will have for gun owners’ rights. Emanuel, now an anti-gun congressman from Illinois, was once described as the Clinton administration’s "point man on gun control." Continued... Back to the dictators and gun control: In 1928, five years before the rise of Hitler, Germany's freely elected government enacted a "Law on Firearms and Ammunition." This law required anyone who owned a firearm, or who wanted to own a firearm, to make themselves known to the authorities....."Proof of need" was made a condition for issuance of all licenses, not just the carry permit. Mandatory prison sentences were imposed on anyone who professionally sold or transferred a firearm or ammunition without a license....As a result of the 1928 Law, all firearms and firearms owners were registered. To take firearms from anyone they distrusted, the Nazis simply did not renew permits....Nazis could now easily confiscate all firearms and ammunition from any, or all, selected groups. The gun law of 1928 had served the Nazis well. It made almost all law abiding firearms owners known to the authorities. The 1928 law on firearms and ammunition helped the Nazis to destroy democracy in Germany, by disarming the law abiding majority, whom they feared. Full essay... ALSO SEE: Six Things You Should Know About the Second Amendment Jews and "Gun Control"
In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me — and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Chicago's Gun Buy-Back Getting It Done?

Is Mayor Daley's gun buy-back program working? The city claims that around 6,000 guns were collected on July 26, five days ago. People turning in firearms were given $100 prepaid MasterCards. "15-year-old shot in front of Chicago home," reports ABC7 Chicago today. And then there are the ever-rising crime stats. Who knows, perhaps if the gun buy-back had not taken place, the 15-year old would have been shot by two people instead of one. The Idiot Daley on having a gun in your home: "It's like having gasoline sitting in your home, sitting there, and you're lighting a wick every night and you're wondering whether or not it's going to go off, and it goes off like that in your hand." [Source] What a fool. A gun is an inanimate object. It doesn't just "go off," as any of Daley's armed bodyguards can tell him. Can you imagine worrying about automobiles that way? Does Daley sit at home every night "wondering whether or not it's going to start itself up, and it drives off like that all by itself!" Pardon my French, ladies and gentlemen, but the Idiot Daley and those who think as he does are fucking imbeciles. RELATED: Evanston Delays New Gun Law: Evanston aldermen Monday postponed a vote on changes to the city's weapons ordinance after speakers from anti-gun violence groups asked for time to meet with the city's legal staff and develop more restrictive legislation. More at Gun Buybacks Fail Gun Buybacks Fail To Cut Crime, Killings Programs Attract Wrong Weapons, Study Says Abducted, Beaten, Raped and Left for Dead (short video)

Idiots Want Killers to "Turn In a Gun"

Once again, we see the stupidity of Liberalism and proof that it stems from mental illness. It often manifests itself in delusionary actions and beliefs. You know, like levitating the Pentagon. Or anti-crime neighborhood walks, or Petunias for Peace. What nonsense.

Again, another "Turn in a Gun" event in Chicago. Do the idiots who operate this project really believe that gangsters and people bent on murder will turn their guns in for $100 gift card? Good God, these people are dumb. The type of people who turn in their guns are not the type who want to continue using them. In other words, the guns being collected by this program are probably no threat.

Meanwhile, Mayor Daley's bodyguards continue to carry loaded handguns. The hypocrite Daley wants you to turn in your handgun, Sucker, for a lousy $100 gift card.

How much money can a gangster punk make in one night with a gun? Answer: More than $100, chump.

Blood in Chicago's Streets

Early in the week, and lots of violence in Chicago. "And It's Not Even the Weekend," says Second City Cop (SCC) darkly. All I can say is, thank God and Dictator Daley for the strict anti-handgun ban in Chicago. (What? The bad guys have guns anyway and the ban only prevents law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves? Well, then, nevermind.) SCC posts these notes (abbreviated): A 15-year-old boy was shot and wounded in his lower back early Tuesday in Chatham... A 15-year-old boy was released from the hospital Tuesday while his 11-year-old friend remained in stable condition with gunshot wounds... Two teenagers shot standing on a South Side street corner ran to a nearby fire station seeking help Tuesday night... A 9-year-old boy and a 22-year-old man were wounded in a shooting....and a woman was shot in the parking lot of ... A teenager was shot and critically wounded Tuesday night in a church... READ SCC's FULL POST...

Gun Hysteria: Mayor Daley Needs an Enema

It should be noted that had Mathew Shepard had a handgun with him on the night he was murdered, he might not have been murdered. He may have been able to defend himself.

Okay, with that said:

Steve McClure writes this about Mayor Daley's hyperbolic overreaction to Wednesday's U.S. Supreme Court ruling that handgun ownership is indeed allowed by the Constitution:

Daley is upset because groups already have indicated his city, which has a handgun ban similar to Washington D.C., will face a lawsuit in the wake of the decision by the Supremes. Daley can be as upset as he’d like, but looking at the statistics it appears Chicago’s ban on handguns hasn’t kept handguns from people who don’t really care what is or is not allowed by law. FULL POST at

Indeed. The ruling also threatens to pull down a major pillar of the Daley Administration: His unconstitutional denial of our Second Amendment right to own a handgun in the City of Chicago.

RELATED: Chicago Gun Ban Challenged; SF Suit Expected

Girls Just Wanna Have Guns

Guns Might Have Prevented NIU Massacre

Political correctness killed those students at NIU last week. If the administrators of NIU had been smart enough to allow their security guards to carry firearms, and had an armed guard been in the large hall where a nutjob opened fire from a stage last week, the guard might have been able to take down the shooter before more people were shot. It must also be noted that metal detectors could have helped, as well.

If political correctness had not allowed the lunatic shooter to be on the streets, rather than institutionalized as we now know he should have been, he could not have killed those students and badly injured more. His girlfriend would not be heartbroken today. I wouldn't be writing this post and you wouldn't be reading it.

If the State of Illinois would butch up and allow conceal-carry, Susie or Justin or Britney sitting in the fourth row of that auditorium might have been able to take down the insane killer before he could get off a second shot.

48 of our 50 states allow conceal-carry in some form or another. Illinois is one. Wisconsin, where the NIU shooter bought his weapon, is the other. But the usual crowd of spineless, clueless anti-gun propagandists have been screaming for more gun control. Idiotic, that. Chicago already has strict gun control. Do the gangsters care? Do they obey those laws? Drugs are strictly illegal, too. But walk down any street in Chicago, Morse Avenue for example, and you'll pass plenty of people who are carrying guns and/or drugs. About the only people in Chicago, in Illinois (and Wisconsin) who conceal and carry firearms are the criminals. 

The law abiding people are denied the legal right to do so. That's you, pal. Instead of screaming for more gun control, we should all be demanding the right to carry a registered weapon to be able to defend ourselves, our families, our friends, our classmates.

Gun Control In Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe police have ordered all civilians to surrender firearms in what insiders said was a precautionary measure in a charged country after the government demolished thousands of homes and informal businesses in a controversial urban clean-up exercise -

Hat tip to The Firearm Blog!