Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts

What Trump REALLY said about White Supremacists (Biden is Lying)

Joe Biden - and thousands upon thousands of others on the Left - keep repeating a heinous lie about President Donald Trump.

Never missing a chance to call someone a racist, even if they are not, Biden and his Democrat Party comrades have continued to spread the falsehood that Trump called the neo-Nazis and White supremacists in the Charlottesville clashes "very fine people."

In fact, Trump specifically and explicitly said that they "should be condemned totally."

Despite the easy availability of video showing Trump saying exactly that, ignorant Leftists swallow the lie that is deliberately spread by Democrat politicians - even  by those who know that it's false.

WATCH and hear for yourself what Trump really said:
"The veins bulging from his head?" What?

Update, Sept. 6: This video from Don't Walk, Run! Productions, posted Sept. 3, breaks down the Left's lies about Charlottesville nicely:

(Follow DontWalkRUN on Twitter)

Despite this, liberal politicians and ordinary everyday liberal idiots have embraced the falsehood and continue to spread it to other, equally stupid liberals. And of course, much of the media is complicit.

In fact, many media outlets
let Joe Biden get away with launching his presidential campaign with the Charlottesville lie as a supporting pillar.

A year and a half after the Charlottesville clashes, and after Trump condemned the neo-Nazis and White supremacists, Biden continues with the lie.

Consider this opinion piece by James S. Robbins in USA Today on April 26, 2019 (emphasis added):
....former Vice President Joe Biden announced his run for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. He came out of the gate hard, citing the tragic August 2017 clash at Emancipation Park in Charlottesville between right- and left-wing demonstrators that left three dead and 38 injured. “That’s when we heard the words from the president of the United States that stunned the world and shocked the conscience of this nation,” Biden intoned, that there were “some very fine people on both sides.”  Biden said that Trump “assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” and that in this moment Biden concluded “we are in a battle for the soul of the nation.”
 The problem with Biden's statement, as that USA Today article points out, is this:
Taken out of context, the “fine people” quote does look troubling, but Trump’s critics never tell the whole truth. The statement came from an August 15, 2017 press availability, in which the president was engaged in a spirited discussion with journalists over the broader implications of the Charlottesville street clash. Check the transcript.
The relevant portion of the transcript is faithfully reproduced in the Robbins column, which ends with this:
For Joe Biden in particular, exploiting the Charlottesville myth is a way to head-off other racially-charged issues, like his Anita Hill problem, his 1994 crime bill problem, his school desegregation problem, and his simply being an old white guy problem.
But Democrats would do better to focus on countering the rising tide of antisemitism in their own ranks rather than repeating the false and defamatory Charlottesville narrative.
Otherwise they will be losing the votes of a lot of very fine people.
Is Joe Biden running his own campaign? Is he mentally fit? If so, it would be rational to conclude that he knows he's lying about Trump's Charlottesville statement. If Biden sincerely believes that Trump called them"very fine people," then it's also rational to conclude that Biden is utterly incompetent.

Biden is a serial liar, and the nation knew this decades ago. Want proof? Watch this:

MSNBC News Crew Busted For Not Wearing Masks During Live Report

An MSNBC news crew invaded the resort town of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin on Monday, May 25. The reporter, Cal Perry, was reporting live mid-afternoon along the lakefront and noted that "nobody" was wearing masks.

What Perry did not note was that his support team were also maskless, but a bold passerby bombed the live report by calling them out on camera.

At about 15 seconds into the video (below), you see a man in a Packers jersey pass behind Perry. He's holding a phone and recording the situation. Perry doesn't know he's about to get ambushed as the man doubles back around, only to be "interviewed" by Perry (at 33 seconds):
Perry, on live television, knew he was exposed as a hypocrite. He threw his hands up and was suddenly lost for words. Back in the studio, all MSNBC anchorwoman Katy Tur could say was, "Striking images." That's a bit weird, considering that the sight of normal people walking around without masks on is not – even during the Coronavirus pandemic – is not necessarily "striking."

But here's the best part: Remember the man in the Packer's jersey? He shared his own video of the event, and it verifies what he said: None of the video crew was wearing a mask.

Ten bucks says Cal Perry took his own mask off as soon as the camera was turned off. And the Mainstream Media wonder why we don't trust them.

Lake Geneva is a beautiful resort town in Walworth County, southern Wisconsin. It is known for world-class hotels, spas, and dining as well as boating and fishing. It has many great things to do for most budgets and is very family-friendly. Nature lovers will enjoy hiking and biking trails. It's no surprise that Tripadvisor named Lake Geneva as one of North America's best lake towns "for relaxation or adventure."

CNN's Brian Stelter Never Looked So Good

Brian Stelter is keeping up with current trends (click to enlarge)

Brian Stelter, one of CNN's talking heads, wants to keep up with the changing times.

Ze shows off zer new look in a recent promotional shot for the failing network.

"Call me Brianna," Stelter said, "I'm woke as hell and glam, baby."

Trump Deports Univision Anchor Jorge Ramos From Press Conference

August 25, 2015 - Univision anchor Jorge Ramos was kicked out of Donald Trump's press conference in Iowa this evening (video below). Ramos just would not shut up, and persisted on asking a long drawn out question even though Trump had called on another reporter to ask a question. Ramos was clearly out of order deliberately disruptive.

Univision anchor kicked out of Trump press conference
The moment of ejection!
The Washington Post reports this:

"Two minutes into Donald Trump's news conference here Tuesday night came the question he tried to silence.

"Mr. Trump, I have a question," said Jorge Ramos, the top news anchor at Univision and one of the country's most recognizable Mexican-Americans, as he stood up in the front row of journalists.

"Excuse me," the Republican presidential front-runner told Ramos. "Sit down. You weren't called. Sit down."  Ramos, holding a piece of paper, calmly tried to ask Trump about his plan to combat illegal immigration. "I'm a reporter, an immigrant, a senior citizen," he said. "I have the right to ask a question."

Trump was having none of it, however, and motioned for a bodyguard to eject him. However, just a few minutes later, Ramos was allowed back into the conference and to ask questions.

Mom Says Ted Cruz Did Not Terrify Her Little Girl

Ted Cruz, official photo
Ted Cruz is not actually Satan
March 16, 2015 - The leftwing blogosphere and minor media outlets are again portraying US Senator Ted Cruz as a mean and hateful person. He's not just mean, according to their narrative, but a cruel and sadistic man who terrifies young children.

Cruz spoke while standing before a casual audience at a free "chili and chat" event with the Strafford County Republican Committee in Barrington, New Hampshire yesterday. He said that "the world's on fire," a remark not meant literally but as a reference to the conflicts around the globe. It set off a firestorm of liberal idiocy.

That remark accidentally became a lighthearted moment in which Cruz showed tenderness toward a curious young child. But that moment has been twisted into something monstrous by crazed left wing bloggers. My favorite example of the leftist truth twisting is an innaccurate piece of garbage written by an attractive blond imbecile named Jessica K. Roy at New York Magazine:

Mommy, why is that mean man yelling at me? a 3-year-old named Julie Trant must have thought to herself on Sunday afternoon, when her parents brought her to a Ted Cruz speech in Barrington, New Hampshire. Forced to sit scarily close to the spittle-spewing angry monster posing as a junior senator from Texas, Julie was understandably confused and scared when Cruz told the crowd, "The whole world is on fire."

That paragraph is a steaming pile of untruth. To begin with, Cruz was not yelling at anybody when he said, "The Obama economy is a disaster, Obamacare is a train wreck and the Obama-Clinton foreign policy of leading from behind — the whole world is on fire." Off to his left, 3-yr. old Julie sat with her parents and listened attentively. Curious, Julie piped up and asked, "The world is on fire?"

UPDATED: Russia Today Host Denounces Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Refuses Trip To Crimea

Abby Martin is serious
Martin: Honest but still employed
March 4, 2014 - News service Russia Today (RT) is funded by the Russian government. Some call RT the Kremlin's overseas propaganda channel. So it must have been somewhat uncomfortable for them when Abby Martin, popular host of "Breaking The Set," wrapped up her show Monday night with a monolog criticizing Russia's invasion of Crimea in the Ukraine. Martin is an American who works at RT's studios in New York City.

How did RT react to Martin's brave honesty? In typical Russian fashion, they said they would send Martin off to Crimea to get a "better understanding" of situation on the ground. 

Liz Wahl, former RT news anchor and producer
Liz Wahl: Honestly Quit
UPDATE:  One of Abby Martin's colleagues, Liz Wahl, was paying close attention to Tuesday's Martin-RT spat. Wahl, a news anchor and producer in RT's Washington, D.C. bureau, quickly expressed her moral support for Martin on Twitter:

My girl @AbbyMartin: Russia Today Host Abby Martin Goes Spectacularly Off-Message In #Ukraine Broadcast

Wahl was thinking carefully about her own next move.

On Wednesday, she shocked viewers by quitting live on air, saying that she could no longer work for a network "that whitewashes the actions of Putin. I'm proud to be an American and believe in disseminating the truth, and that is why, after this newscast, I am resigning." More, with video of Wahl's resignation.

At the end of her Tuesday show, Martin said, "What Russia did is wrong. "I admittedly don't know as much as I should about Ukraine's history or the cultural dynamics of the region but what I do know is that military intervention is never the answer and I will not sit here and apologize or defend military aggression."

She finished with this: "All we can do now is hope for a peaceful outcome for a terrible situation and prevent another full blown cold war between multiple super powers. Until then I'll keep telling the truth as I see it. Have a good night everyone, I'll see you back here to break the set tomorrow."

What Martin said about her lack of knowledge about Ukraine came back to bite her. Russia Today's official statement, released on Tuesday afternoon, said "RT doesn’t beat its journalists into submission, and they are free to express their own opinions, not just in private but on the air. This is the case with Abby’s commentary on the Ukraine. We respect her views, and the views of all our journalists, presenters and program hosts, and there will be absolutely no reprimands made against Ms. Martin."

Martin's public defiance: Facebook, Tuesday afternoon
The punchline: "In her comment Ms. Martin also noted that she does not possess a deep knowledge of reality of the situation in Crimea," said RT. "As such we’ll be sending her to Crimea to give her an opportunity to make up her own mind from the epicentre of the story."

No reprimands, RT said -- other than ripping her out of the comfort of New York and whisking her off to a war zone. Would RT put Abby Martin up in decent hotel in Crimea? It would be awful to think of her, a sophisticated New York gal, bunking in Russian barracks with a bunch of drunken, smelly Cossack cabbage eaters.  But she's not going to Crimea.

Abby Martin has made her refusal public on both Facebook and TwitterAbby Martin has the best furrowed-brow look of righteous indignation in all of news broadcasting. She is courageous and outspoken, and not afraid to use these qualities for resisting RT editors or their Kremlin overlords. Today she seems more powerful than Pussy Riot in concert.

"The footage has since gone viral," reports The Independent (UK), "with some surmising that Martin's moment of defiance could be met with some severe punishment by her employers. However, sharp-eyed viewers may have noticed that she was reading from the auto-cue and, therefore, presumably had permission from producers of the show to express her beliefs." Really?

Reading from the auto-cue? Josie Ensor at The Telegraph (UK) disagrees, calling Martin's remarks "unscripted." Whatever, who cares? Scripted or not, they were her words. Martin said that "the coverage I have seen of Ukraine has been truly disappointing from all sides of the media spectrum and rife with disinformation." It is, therefore, ironic that Ensor called Martin's calm and rational commentary a "tirade," which is defined as "a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation." Martin's calm commentary lasted a mere 75 seconds. Ensor's exaggerated characterization of Martin's comment, then, is actually disinformation and at least a little bit disappointing. 
Also See:
Russian TV Host Who Slammed Moscow Says She Won't Go To Crimea NPR
Outspoken Russia Today Anchor Declines to Be Sent to Crimea ABC
Liz Wahl, unemployed, says quitting RT not 'a self-promotional stunt' Politico
Russian news website hacked, word "Russian" replaced with "Nazi" ITProPortal
Abby Martin Blasts Rachel Maddow for 9/11 Comments - YouTube

Man Marries Dog? How a Nigerian Website Helped Perpetuate Hoax Story About Human-Animal Wedlock

February 2, 2014 - Did a man marry a dog in California? No, but there are a lot of people who are busy re-tweeting, "liking," and copying-and-pasting a fake news story about it. The story is a hoax, but a lot of gullible sheeple actually believe the story, even though it's painfully obvious that it's a not real.

It's damned depressing to know that so many people are so damned ignorant that they are not able to distinguish parody from reality.

I came across the fake story via a timeline photo on Facebook today. It was reposted (shared) by "J," who apparently swallowed the story as truth. She even prefaced her repost of the photo, originally posted by "Scannews," with this comment: "And the left has destroyed the definition of marriage. And here we go!!!!"  

Nigeria's best news source?
Sure, here we go. Another gullible fool breathlessly spreading bad information. With four exclamation marks, no less. What's really happened is that morons have destroyed the definition of "well informed."

"J" was so eager to believe the man-married-dog story that she didn't do 60 seconds of research to confirm whether it was true -- or not. She is probably unaware that the photo and fake story she shared were posted by a Nigerian news organization called

Actually, Scannews shamelessly copied and pasted an old item from a parody website called National Report, where all of the "news" stories are fake.

But NR doesn't intend to fool anybody. They're just having fun, in the same way that The Onion produces fake news with a smirk and a wink. In 2002, a major Beijing newspaper republished a fake story about the U.S. Congress demanding a new Capitol building with a retractable dome. Ridiculous, yes, but the Beijing Evening News "translated portions of the Onion's tall tale word-for-word in the international news page," reported In exactly the same way, Scannews was suckered by the National Report man-animal marriage spoof story.

The "Scannews" page on Facebook represents, an online Nigerian news service. The "About Us" page at their main website is sadly amusing. It says this:

Russia Today (RT) Falsely Connects West Virginia Chemical Spill To US House Republicans (UPDATED)

January 12, 2014 - (Updated Jan. 13) - The terrible chemical spill in West Virginia last Thursday is a horrible thing. We all agree on that. But who is to blame? Well, certainly Freedom Industries is. That's the company whose chemicals tainted the local water supply for nine counties, and they're owned by the Koch Brothers. Yes, those Koch Brothers, the ones who support Republicans. But there are others to blame: The Democrats who control West Virginia's state government.

Russia Today (RT) ran a story with this incredibly misleading headline: "US House passed bill ravaging toxic-waste law - on same day as W. Virginia chemical spill."

RT wrote this: "As West Virginians were learning Thursday of a devastating chemical spill in the Elk River that has rendered water undrinkable for 300,000 people, the US House of Representatives was busy gutting federal hazardous-waste cleanup law." Emphasis is mine, and made to show you that whatever the U.S. House of Representatives was doing last Thursday had nothing whatsoever to do with what was happening at the same time in West Virginia.

Note To Rush Limbaugh: The Polar Vortex Is Real

Rush Limbaugh
January 6, 2013 - I'm a fan of Rush Limbaugh, but he is dead wrong about the polar vortex that's freezing most of the United States this week. More specifically, he is wrong about how and why the media are discussing the polar vortex.

Limbaugh told listeners today that the polar vortex is being used by the Left to help convince us that the record cold temps do not negate global warming. That may be so; I would not put it beyond them. But there is a problem with the way Limbaugh said this, which I'll get to in a moment.

"Limbaugh opened his program after a long holiday hiatus with a screed against the media," noted Conservative Infidel, "telling listeners that cable network weather reports are obviously designed to promote the idea of man-made climate change."

Pajama Boy Ethan Krupp Admits He's A"Liberal F-ck"

December 27, 2013 - (Language Advisory) - If you thought "Pajama Boy" Ethan Krupp was just another "liberal f-ck," you were were right. In fact, he proudly calls himself just that. It exploded on the Internet today that Krupp once described himself as "a liberal fuck" in one of his own blog posts. In the same post, he also admitted to using the tactics of Saul Alinsky. In fact, Krupp's definition of "liberal f-ck" is straight out of Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals."

Krupp is the cocoa-sipping, flannel clad, unofficial face of Obamacare who gained notoriety by appearing in two horrid online promos and one absurd video that urged people to #GetTalking about healthcare. The propaganda pieces were made to encourage Americans to visit has been dissected and ripped apart in the conservative blogosphere for about a week now, and many Leftists are not too happy that Krupp is now a permanently affixed meme of socialist healthcare.

Setting The Record Straight: The Washington Examiner Was NOT The First To Reveal Pajama Boy's Real Name

December 22, 2013 - The Internet exploded last week with laughter when it "discovered" a plaid clad flannel failure dubbed "PajamaBoy" by conservative bloggers. His real name was not known to more than a few of those bloggers.

In a post on November 1, titled "Creepy: OFA encourages parents to have ‘the talk’ with their children this holiday," published PajamaBoy's real name:
Now OFA is urging parents this holiday season to have “the talk” with their children — you know, the talk about buying health insurance from the Obamacare exchange....Is it just us, or does that kid (actually Ethan Krupp, OFA’s content writer) look young enough to still be covered under his parents’ plan? And will the video help families #GetTalking?
Charlie Spiering, Washington Examiner
Charlie Spiering
Was the very first to publish his name? I don't know, but it was the earliest one I found. In any case, it was well before the Washington Examiner's post by Charlie Spiering on December 19, which was headlined "Meet Ethan Krupp: Pajamacare boy and Organizing for Action employee."

That headline is misleading because it makes it seem as though the Washington Examiner was the first to reveal that Pajama Boy as Ethan Krupp. Was Charlie Spiering really unaware of previously published references to Ethan Krupp?

Charlie Spiering as Pajama Boy
Charlie Spiering probably likes hot cocoa, too.
Click to enlarge
Spiering never did tell us how he came to learn PajamaBoy's real name, which is a bit suspicious. Hard journalistic investigation? Diligent scouring of the Internet? Or did he learn it by reading or some other website that named Krupp weeks before he "revealed" it?

As happens too often, other bloggers lazily reposted the Examiner piece without digging a little deeper. That spread the false impression that Krupp's name was not known until Dec. 19.

Could Saturday Night Live Have Saved Pajama Boy's Reputation? Maybe, But It's Too Late Now

Pajama Boy Ethan Krupp
Pajama Boy Ethan Krupp: Cocoa Puff
December 21, 2013 - Do I even need to explain who "Pajama Boy" is? He first appeared in early November, but the world was largely unaware of him until a few days ago. Suddenly, he became one of the hottest Internet memes and a favorite target of ridicule for conservative pundits.

"Pajama Boy"is a derogatory name that conservative pundits pinned on him. The actor's real name is Ethan Krupp, and he will forever be remembered as the dweeb in one-piece plaid pajamas, delicately clutching a cup of hot cocoa, in a piece produced by Organizing For America (OFA) for use by There's a horrible video too (watch it below) in which Krupp portrays the same dweeby dude. His family is weirdly uncomfortable about having a frank discussion about getting health insurance.

Ethan Krupp is a 20-something grad of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. An aspiring actor, Krupp's career now seems suddenly aborted by the severe trashing he's gotten over the past few days. It's probably safe to say that Krupp has been forever typecast in our collective memory as a smirking little a-hole who has no idea what real life is about and wants to lecture you about how to live your own.

The decision to let himself become the new face of Obamacare has probably destroyed his acting career. With his world seeming to crumble all around him, there might have been one thing that could have saved young Ethan's tattered reputation: An appearance on Saturday Night Live on the night of December 21. Any later date beyond that will be too late to resurrect him. Nothing else can undo what Krupp has done to himself, which is to retreat from public scrutiny, go silent and hide in the shadows.

An appearance on SNL is not as far-fetched as you might think. Krupp is a student at The Second City improv theater group, which in turn is well connected to Saturday Night Live. Krupp was a student at The Second City in Chicago when the video was made. The mother in the video is portrayed by Kimmie Companik-Warner, an associate faculty member of The Second City Training Center. One wonders if anybody at The Second City tried to arrange for SNL to invite Krupp onto the show.

Imagine a sketch that spoofs the "Get ready to have the talk" video. Envision a skit in which a frustrated Pajama Boy sits at his computer going crazy because the Obamacare website won't let him sign up. Imagine a skit that features the wussy Krupp as a tough guy super hero, tongue-in-cheek of course.

The result might have allowed a nearly instant rehabilitation of Ethan Krupp. He would have shed the "Pajama Boy" stink and stuck it to all those mean conservative bully bloggers. He would have turned it around.

But Ethan Krupp is one of those guys who runs for cover the moment any criticism comes his way. He was an editor of the Madison Misnomer, a  "humor" rag that had no problem with ripping other people apart. Now it's Krupp being publicly ridiculed, and he can't take the heat. Rather than ride his sudden notoriety and play it for laughs and do some self-promotion, the spineless fool has the last several days scrubbing the Internet of any traces of himself that he can access. He deleted or locked his accounts at YouTube, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and more after he was outed as Pajama Boy. How could he think that would preserve his image, and that the world would not notice that all of his online presence suddenly disappeared?

Think of it another way. Suppose some actor makes a debut in a major film, and his looks and performance are widely ridiculed in the media. In reaction, that actor deletes all of his social media accounts and refuses to answer the phone. He just... disappears. What would you think of that actor? Well, that's what Krupp did.

In light of his cowardice, it is not reasonable to expect that Ethan Krupp would have accepted an invitation to mock himself on Saturday Night Live. The folks at SNL are risk takers, after all, but they know a chicken-shit loser when they see one and are not willing to take that kind of risk. The last thing they want is a sniveling amateur like Krupp to freeze up on stage or do something to mess up the show, which is broadcast live.

Sure, he might have appeared on SNL if they had asked him. Sure, someone there might have talked him back to his senses - what few senses he had. Only a self-absorbed fool with no sense would not have foreseen the reaction to the Obamacare ad and video. For an aspiring improv actor, Krupp seems oddly out of touch with who he is and how guys like him are perceived. He's learning that now, the hard way.

"Well, if Krupp can’t achieve fame," wrote Jim Treacher at Daily Caller, "infamy is the next best thing." Sure, but Krupp has achieved world-class dork infamy, and that's never good.

Post Script: Check out "SNL Script: Pajama Boy Meets Duck Dynasty," a speculative script for a Saturday Night Live skit posted at Free Republic.

Could Flesh-Eating Drug 'Krokodil' Become Popular in US?

Image credit: fritscdejong on Flickr, via
October 21, 2013 - Krokodil is a deadly, nightmarish synthetic heroine. It may be just hitting the United States after becoming popular in Russia about three years ago. The effects of Krokodil are hellish: Gangrene, rotting flesh, green scaly skin, and death are just some symptoms of use.

"While methamphetamine and heroin are guaranteed to give you a slow, painful death, if you want to speed up the process, take this drug," said DEA supervisory agent Sue Thomas, as quoted by Deseret News on October 6. "If you just want to speed up and horrify the death process a little more, take this drug. It will rot you from the inside out, leaving you with gaping wounds that will leave bones exposed, horrible abscesses and it's a horrific death," she said. The same Deseret News article noted that "Recently, two cases of people using Krokodil were confirmed in Arizona. Thomas said that's concerning to Utah DEA agents." (My emphasis added.)

Even so, writer Adam Taylor says that Krokodil will not sweep America. He said so in an October 21 article in Business Insider, titled "Why Russia's Flesh-Eating Drug 'Krokodil' Won't Sweep Through America." Taylor even seems to doubt that Krokodil is in the U.S., referring to "alleged U.S. cases." Note, however, that DEA's agent Thomas acknowledged the presence of Krokodil in two confirmed cases in Arizona. Note also that on October 9 Business Insider ran an article by Michael Kelley titled "Russia's Terrifying Form Of 'Homemade Heroin' Seems To Be Spreading Across The US."

"The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has released a statement for the public to be aware of Krokodil, a drug allegedly from Russia," reported International Business Times on October 14. "Jack Riley, special agent-in-charge of DEA Chicago Field Division, said the agency was 'very concerned' about the news of patients being treated at Presence St Joseph Medical Center."

Adam Taylor
Adam Taylor seems to be at odds with reality, the media and the DEA in saying that Krokodil cannot become popular ("sweep") in America. In fact, he's at odds with himself. Taylor based his October 21 argument largely on the fact that codeine, a key ingredient of Krokodil "is easy to obtain in Russia" but "In America, it isn't."

Taylor contradicts himself: On September 26, Business Insider published his article titled "Russia's Horrifying Flesh-Eating Drug 'Krokodil' Reportedly Spreads Into The United States." In that piece, Taylor wrote that "the U.S. now had its first two recorded cases of the use of Desomorphine, also known as 'krokodil.' The drug is made using readily available codeine...." (Emphasis added.)

Updated: Media Can't Get It Right On Chicago's Uptown Shooting on June 28

JJ Peppers in Uptown, scene of gunfire on July 28, 2013
(Screenshot from WGN TV video)
June 29, 2013 - UPDATED, 2:00 PM - Chicago media can't seem to get their story straight on yesterday's shooting in Chicago's north side Uptown neighborhood. Is the number of victims five, four or six? Were they all male or were some female? How many people were actually hit by gunfire in Uptown last night? 

The shooting happened by a JJ Peppers store in a strip mall around 7:15 PM on Friday at the intersection of N. Sheridan Road and W. Lawrence Avenue. Initial news reports said that five men were hit by gunfire, four critically wounded and one seriously.

Google search for "shooting uptown peppers wgn"
On WGN TV's 9PM newscast on Friday, however, Gaynor Hall reported from the shooting scene that police had amended the number of wounded down to four, all which were in "good condition."

WGN has since removed Hall's report and edited their story to reflect what other local media are saying: SIX people were wounded, two of which were female.

A Google search for "shooting uptown peppers wgn" finds a link to WGN's story, originally headlined "Four people shot outside Uptown strip mall."

That story today, however, has the edited headline "Six people shot outside Uptown strip mall," but still has this URL:

NBC5's story, screenshot at 3:00 PM, June 29, 2013
Laughably, NBC5 has a story headline that is non-committal: "Several Wounded in Uptown Shooting." NBC updated their story at 10:30 last night to say that "A police department spokesman said four were injured, adding that they were four males of unknown ages."

That's what Gaynor Hall reported for WGN. NBC has apparently not felt it necessary to update their story.

Some of the blame for this confusion should probably go the the Chicago Police Department for giving out bad information to the media.

Previous Reports, Friday, June 28:

UPDATED 10: 30 PM - Four  men were hit by gunfire this evening around 7:15 PM in the Uptown neighborhood on the city's north side.

NBC5 tweet from June 28, 2013: "5 wounded, 4 critically"
WGN TV is reporting late tonight that the Chicago Police say the number of those hit was actually four. WGN quotes police officials as saying that all four victims are in good condition at Illinois Masonic and St. Francis hospitals.

The shooting happened in front of the JJ Peppers convenience store in a strip mall at the intersection of N. Sheridan Road and W. Lawrence Avenue. It's a particularly rough part of a very rough neighborhood, just  one block east of the Aragon Entertainment Center.Two people were shot at the same location on June 10. The shooting happened even as a "positive loitering" event was taking place across the street (see below).

NBC5 Chicago reported that "Shots rang out at about 7:15 p.m. in the 4800 block of North Sheridan Road, a fire department spokesperson said. Five ambulances responded to the scene. Four people were critically wounded and one person was in serious condition, the spokesperson said." NBC notes that the story is still developing.

ABC7 Chicago said that all victims are male. "Four people were critically wounded and one person was in serious condition, Fire Media Affairs said. Two males were taken to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center and two males were taken to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, police News Affairs Officer Daniel O'Brien said."

Uptown Update had a first-hand report, published at 8:50 PM. Their lead story until then, ironically, was about another useless "positive loitering" event from 7-8 pm, at the southwest corner of Lawrence and Sheridan, just inches from a shooting that "positive loitering" is supposed to prevent. The shooting, in front of JJ Peppers, is at the northwest corner of the intersection.

Also See: Uptown's Positive Loiterers: Useless Chicago News Bench

Panic Storm: Media Post Bogus Reports, Fools Retweet It

May 31, 2013 - 8:30 PM CDT - The tornado outbreak in the nation's midsection today caused a lot of panic, and news rooms were not immune. A bogus report of "mass casualties" at a Holiday Inn in Earth City,  Missouri by a Fox News affiliate today worried a lot of people unnecessarily.

There was also the bogus report of people trapped under rubble at Busch Stadium in St. Louis, which also must have frightened a lot of people. Fox is not the only media outlet today to pass along outlandishly bad information. AccuWeather and KMOV St. Louis were also guilty of horrifically irresponsible journalism. It's as though these "journalists" were more concerned with beating their competition to publish online than they were with actually confirming what it was they were reporting. The end result was not journalism, but nothing more than bad gossip.

It was a frustrating day on Twitter
Sharing the blame, however, are all of the gullible idiots on Twitter who mindlessly re-tweeted the bad reports. They are the kind of morons who lack any critical thinking abilities and are too lazy to take a moment to confirm something they see online.

Okay, but WHICH "local news sources?
They're the kind of fools who just love bad gossip and eagerly pass it along. Dozens of people were tweeting the Holiday Inn rumor, with no link to any source. It got so bad that Chicago News Bench tweeted this: "KMOV TV has NOTHING about a "mass casualty" event at a Holiday Inn. PEOPLE, CITE YOUR SOURCES OR SHUT THE F--- UP" (@chinewsbench).

A great post at details the making of the false Holiday Inn mass casualty story:

Demand A Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F--- Themselves (Extended Cut)

Actors who glorify guns and butchery demand a vague "plan" to stop the same violence and killing that they glamorize in film and television...

Hypocrisy in Action: Celebs 'Demand a Plan'
Jan. 1, 2013 - Hollywood is a culture of violence. Big stars make big bucks portraying psychotic killers, shooting people in orgies of bloody gore.  

These actors glorify guns and killing, but they want you to "demand a plan" to stop real-life killings.

Look, we're all for stopping the violence. The real issue here is the hypocrisy and stupidity of the celebrities who appeared in a video called "Demand a Plan to Gun Violence." (Watch it below.)

In response to that video, a video titled "Demand a Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F*** Themselves" points out the double standard and hypocrisy of those celebrities. The response video was posted by "Mike Hunt" (hey, maybe that's his real name) on YouTube on Dec. 25, 2012.

The celebrities' plea to "demand a plan" is vague at best; they suggest no plan themselves. The video was put out by a group called "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" (MAIG) as a response to the Dec. 14, 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. 28 people died in that horrific attack, including gunman Adam Lanza. At the MAIG website, there is a proposal for action, but no part of their "plan" would prevent another Adam Lanza from stealing his mother's guns and going on a killing spree. SEE THE VIDEOS BELOW.

How to Watch the Presidential Debates, October 3, 2012

In case you missed it, we've got the full debate and a poll here.

Graphic: WDDE Delaware
Oct. 3, 2012 - The highly anticipated, first Presidential Debate of 2012 is tonight, America. The fun goes from 9:00 to 10:00 PM (Eastern Time / 0100-0230 UTC) tonight.

We've got a list of where you can watch or hear Mitt Romney and Barack Obama duke it out.

Will moderator Jim Lehrer have to pull them apart? (We sure hope so. Don't you?)

The debates will be carried live from the University of Denver by many major television and radio networks. You can also watch the presidential debate live on the Internet.

Tonight's debate "will focus on domestic policy and be divided into six time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on topics to be selected by the moderator and announced several weeks before the debate," according to 2012 Election Central. "The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the topic."

ABC, C-Span, CBS, Fox, NBC, PBS, Univision (Spanish/Espanol)
Cable: CNN, Fox News, Fox Business Network, MSNBC
 Details about the shows on the above media can be found at The Washington Post website.  

YouTube joined with ABC to do a livestream (free to watch).
Ustream will livestream the debate via PBS NewsHour and CBS News (free to watch).
Sunlight Foundation website.
C-Span has a special page for their debate livestream.
Voice Of America (VOA) will begin live streaming at 0100-0230 UTC.
Univision will broadcast en Espanol.

Too many to list all of them, but most stations owned by or affiliated with major news networks will air the debate live tonight. CNN will present live coverage on SiriusXM Satellite Radio.


What Are They Smoking at's Big Hyperbole
August 31, 2012 - I am still saddened by the passing of the great Andrew Breitbart.

I am also saddened, however, by the lowering of journalistic quality within the Breitbart online empire since we lost the Big Man.

A weird example of the lowered quality comes to us today at Breitbart's Big Hollywood site, in a post weirdly titled "Clint Eastwood's RNC Speech Schools Late Night Comics." The first line of the post is not only weird as well, but patently false.

The post was centered around Clint Eastwood's talking-to-an-empty-chair-as-Obama performance at the Republican National Convention.

For some reason, the writer wrote that "The American media was stunned last night to see the first Obama jokes ever performed on National TV."  Wait: What?!?

While the American media might have been "stunned" by Eastwood's jokes about Obama, and that's probably an overstatement, I rather doubt that they were stunned because Eastwood's were "the first Obama jokes ever performed on National TV."

The reason for that is quite simple: They were NOT the first Obama jokes ever performed on National TV, as you see by the videos here.

Maybe they don't read Politico over at Breitbart World HQ. If they did, they might have remembered a post from January, 2012 that cited a study by the Center for Media and Public Affairs.

That study indicated that “Republican presidential hopefuls accounted for five of the top ten joke targets of leading late-night TV talk show hosts in 2011.”

That's no surprise, of course, but here IS a surprise: "Still, no one bore the brunt of late-night humor more than a Democrat - President Barack Obama - who had 342 jokes made at his expense. And it was Jay Leno who had the most fun at the president’s expense, ribbing Obama more than twice as often as David Letterman."  We ALL know this to be true, yet said that Eastwood's performance at the RNC included "the first Obama jokes ever performed on National TV." So I ask again: What the hell are they smoking over at

Earth to "342 jokes" made at Obama's expense in 2011 - on national television!  Jimmy Kimmel, Bill Maher and Jay Leno - among others - have made plenty of jokes at Obama's expense on national television over the past four years.

I don't think that any of them felt "schooled" by Eastwood's RNC performance last night.

Seriously, I'm losing patience with - and faith in - and their weird exaggerations of late.

Anderson Cooper Comes Out As Albino

Anderson Cooper of CNN has come out of the closet to admit that he is an albino. "Pigment challenged, actually," Cooper said at a press conference today.

UPDATED 2024: He's still an albino.

Anderson Cooper is an albino
Anderson Cooper is a lifelong albino

Cooper doesn't mind the term "albino," but thinks it carries too many negative connotations thanks to Hollywood's portrayals of albino people as evil freaks. It's "all about albino pride," he said.

"Albino-American is kind of nice too," he said, "although I guess we're not really an ethnic group. We should be, though." He went to point out that albinism is nothing to fear and is not contagious. "You cannot catch albinism," he said, "no matter how hard you try."

Albinism, or "hypopigmentation," is not a laughing matter, says Cooper. It's a genetic disorder that has no cure. "I'm not aware of any 5K runs to help fight albinism, are you?" he asked rhetorically.

Albinism is not a fatal disorder, it does make it difficult for albino animals to blend in with their surroundings. "The up side, though," chuckled Cooper, "is that we're more visible to drivers at night."

He said that revealing his albinism makes him feel "more free to be myself," and that he can now "stop wearing blue contact lenses to hide my albino condition."

Some people are shocked by his pink eyes when they first see them, but Cooper just gives his award-winning smile and tells them to "think pink."

Most people, he says, do not have a problem with his eyes. "They match the rest of me," he says, "which is so obviously lacking any pigmentation that my pink eyes just seem more normal, if you will." That's why he wears blue contact lenses on air.

"Didn't everyone already suspect that Anderson was an albino?" asked one of the reporters at the press conference. "I mean, come on," she said.

Herman Cain Will Replace Neal Boortz In January 2013

Neal Boortz in action
June 4, 2012 - It was announced this morning that former pizza king and GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain will replace conservative talker Neal Boortz when he retires from Atlanta's WSB Radio next January. 

Cain will need little training: He has had his own talk show in the past. Cain, 66, had his own talk show on WSB radio from 2008 until 2011. That's when he left radio to run for president.

Boortz is widely known as “The Talkmaster” and “The High Priest of the Church of the Painful Truth.”

From Herman Cain's photos on Facebook; click to enlarge
Cain posted this photo on Facebook this morning, along with this comment:

WSB Radio: I will replace Neal Boortz upon his retirement in January. The Herman Cain Show will debut on January 21, 2013! Major kudos to Neal for his 42 years behind the microphone being a bold, vocal advocate for what is right in the world...I am honored you kept my seat warm all these years. — with Neal Boortz.

“It’s time for me and my wife, Donna, to hit the road," said Boortz, to pursue their love of traveling. More at WSB's website.

Also see: Neal Boortz's Fake Commencement Speech