Showing posts with label democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democrats. Show all posts

The Legend of Poopalosi and the Poop-Strewn Streets of San Francisco

Democrat Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. As such, she is third in the line of succession for the Presidency. She's a politically powerful woman, and she lives in what could be called a literally shitty city. 

San Francisco is Pelosi's home, and it has become legendary for the vast quantity of human feces strewn along its streets. 

The city has a huge number of homeless people, many of whom are mentally ill. Many of them frequently poop on sidewalks and other public spaces. In October 2018 San Francisco was named the "Poop Capital of the U.S.," and the problem has only continued to get worse.

Which brings us to the wonderfully-titled video, "Nancy Pelosi vs The 'Sh%tposting' Crapper Bandit." Done by "Felix Rex" (one of my favorite YouTubers), the video examines what I'll call a "protest poop" laid down on Nancy Pelosi's driveway. 

Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. On Saturday, Sept. 12, a live-streamer called "Armando" set up his camera across from Pelosi's house, then strategically squatted in her driveway

San Francisco is the city of human feces, used needles, and aggressive panhandlers. "America, this is your future under Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi." ~ John Philips, Orange County Register

Hypocrite Nancy Pelosi Calls Religious People Hypocrites For Not Opposing Immigration Policy

Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks about immigration
to law enforcement officers in Fort Wayne, Indiana
on Thursday. (Mike Moore/Journal-Gazette/AP)
Nancy Pelosi hates it when people quote the Bible. 
Many Democrats do.

They tend to treat religion as they treat the Constitution: They hate it unless they can selectively pluck part of it to suit their momentary requirements.

When they find a suitable bit, they twist its meaning to progress their agenda.

BizPac Review reports that "Pelosi lambasted [US Attorney General] Sessions for quoting the Bible and chastised people of faith for not calling for a path to citizenship for DACA recipients. She also criticized him for not demanding an end to the separation of children from families of illegal immigrants during the prosecution of adults. Pelosi’s comments came in light of President Donald Trump’s stated refusal on Friday to sign an immigration bill that House Republicans were finalizing."

Pelosi Blames Bush For VA Scandal, But Obama Knew In 2008

May 24, 2014 - It was sadly predictable: Some Democrats are blaming former President George W. Bush for the scandal currently rocking the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Nancy Pelosi, Obama's Propaganda Minister
Propaganda Minister Nancy Pelosi
"At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list," CNN reported on April 30. "The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources."

Most notable among the blame-Bush Dems is Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif).  The Washington Examiner notes that Pelosi did not actually blame Bush by naming him, "but she alluded to him early and often in the press briefing."

"Maybe when we go into war, we should be thinking about its consequences and its ramifications," Pelosi said while discussing the scandal. "You would think that would be a given, but maybe it wasn't. And so, we go in a war in Afghanistan, leave Afghanistan for Iraq with unfinished business in Afghanistan. Ten years later, we have all of these additional veterans. In the past five years, two million more veterans needing benefits from the VA. That's a huge, huge increase."

Russia Today (RT) Falsely Connects West Virginia Chemical Spill To US House Republicans (UPDATED)

January 12, 2014 - (Updated Jan. 13) - The terrible chemical spill in West Virginia last Thursday is a horrible thing. We all agree on that. But who is to blame? Well, certainly Freedom Industries is. That's the company whose chemicals tainted the local water supply for nine counties, and they're owned by the Koch Brothers. Yes, those Koch Brothers, the ones who support Republicans. But there are others to blame: The Democrats who control West Virginia's state government.

Russia Today (RT) ran a story with this incredibly misleading headline: "US House passed bill ravaging toxic-waste law - on same day as W. Virginia chemical spill."

RT wrote this: "As West Virginians were learning Thursday of a devastating chemical spill in the Elk River that has rendered water undrinkable for 300,000 people, the US House of Representatives was busy gutting federal hazardous-waste cleanup law." Emphasis is mine, and made to show you that whatever the U.S. House of Representatives was doing last Thursday had nothing whatsoever to do with what was happening at the same time in West Virginia.

Democrat NH Legislator Wants to Make State "So Unwelcoming That Some Will Choose Not to Come"

Jan. 4, 2013 - A state legislator in New Hampshire thinks that restricting people's freedoms is a good idea. Really. Cynthia Chase, 69, Democrat and fan of Saul Alinsky, is worried about a movement called the "Free Staters," who are Libertarians determined to "free" New Hamphire. Chase is a member of New Hampshire's House of Representatives. She represented the Cheshire 3 district from 2010 to 2012, and has represented the Cheshire 8 district since December 5, 2012.

"Thanks to the Free State Project," says their Facebook page, "thousands of liberty-minded people are moving to New Hampshire, working within and without its political system to reduce the size and scope of government. The plan is to inspire 20,000 or more pro-liberty activists to join our efforts to reduce burdensome taxation and regulation, reform state and local law, opt out of federal mandates, protect individual rights, expand free markets, restore constitutional federalism, and much more."

New White House Petition Asks Sen. Diane Feinstein Be Tried For Treason

Dec. 28, 2012 - A new petition to the White House asks that U.S. Senatrix Diane Feinstein (D-Calif) be tried in federal court "for treason to the Constitution." 

Feinstein, says the petition, "has made it clear she does not believe in the Constitution or the inalienable rights of Americans to keep and bear arms." (See full text below.)

The petition is undoubtedly inspired by an anti-assault weapon bill that Feinstein will introduce at the start of the next Congress. Equally certain is that Feinstein is doing this to make political hay out of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14. And just how do we know an "assault weapon" ban would NOT have stopped Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza? Because it didn't, points out

Diane Feinstein hates
the U.S. Constitution
There is confusion over whether Lanza used a Bushmaster AR-15 rifle at the school, but a report by NBC News (watch this video) says that state and federal officials said that while four handguns were found in the school, no long gun seemed to have been used. Lanza's Bushmaster AR-15 was still in the trunk of his car, where police found it unused at the scene. By the way: The Bushmaster AR-15 is not an "assault weapon." The video even shows police removing Lanza's Bushmaster from the car trunk.

The anti-Feinstein petition was posted on Dec. 27.  As of 4:50 p.m. EST today, it had garnered 4,741 signatures, needing another 20,259 to reach the required 25,000 for the White House staff will review it, "ensure it’s sent to the appropriate policy experts, and issue an official response." The petition is non-binding and will probably just be laughed off by anti-gun White House staffers, sympathetic to Feinstein, when they "review" it.

Peter Ferrara, contributor at Forbes, has a few words to say today about Feinstein's pending bill and the nonsensical hysteria about "assault weapons" in general.

Ferrara wrote that "assault weapon" is a term that "is just a PR stunt that fools the gullible and easily deluded. It is defined in legislation by cosmetic features that frighten white bread suburbanites, but do not involve any functionality of any gun. We tried it, conservatives said it wouldn’t work, and it didn’t work. Yet, it is the liberal answer to the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Conn." Ferrara adds, "A Connecticut state law already banned assault weapons. The difference that made in stopping the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary: zero, zilch, nada, as the saying goes."

Cunning Stunt: Feinstein and some scary props.
Jacob Sullum at RedState points out that "the term assault weapon was invented by the anti-gun lobby as a way of blurring the distinction between military-style semiautomatics, which fire once per trigger pull, and selective-fire assault rifles, which can be set to fire continuously (a distinction that President Obama, who wants to bring back the 'assault weapon' ban, either does not grasp or deliberately obscures).... Guns are not 'assault weapons' until legislators arbitrarily decide they are."

Of course, none of these inconvenient facts matter to the anti-gun folks because they want all guns to be banned. A.W.R. Hawkins, lately of, would agree with me. The attack on so-called "assault weapons" is a clever emotional use of language that allows them, as Peter Ferrara wrote, to "fool the gullible and easily deluded."

Watch the video above, in which Feinstein discusses her treasonous, anti-Constitution, anti-Bill of Rights assault weapons legislation bill in a guest appearance on PBS Newshour, Dec. 17.

In a scholarly thesis titled "Rational Basis Analysis of 'Assault Weapon' Prohibition," David B. Kopel examined the constitutionality and justification for banning such guns. His conclusion, in part (with my emphasis added):
"The demand for 'assault weapon' prohibition is often accompanied by a self-righteous insistence that only a criminal or a maniac would oppose prohibiting extremely dangerous firearms which have no legitimate use and are the criminal weapon of choice. But the closer one looks at the reasons given for 'assault weapon' bans the less one sees. The prohibition is no more rational than a prohibition on beer based on legislative 'findings' that beer grows on trees, that a single sip always causes instant physical addiction, and that beer is more dangerous than other alcohol because it is stored in aluminum containers. If the rational basis test means anything, it means that an 'assault weapon' prohibition is unlawful."
The full text of the petition against Diane Feinstein:


Try Senator Dianne Feinstein in a Federal Court For Treason To The Constitution

The Constitution was written to restrain the government. No amendment is more important for this purpose than the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendment was written so the power could be kept with the citizenry in the face of a tyrannical government. It was well understood the Constitution acknowledged certain rights that could not be limited by government.

Senator Dianne Feinstein has made it clear she does not believe in the Constitution or the inalienable rights of Americans to keep and bear arms. She is actively working to destroy the 2nd amendment with her 2013 assault weapons ban. For this reason we the people of the united States petition for her to be tried in Federal Court for treason to the Constitution.

An outline of her bill may be found here:

Created: Dec 27, 2012
Issues: Firearms


Obama, Emanuel, Gregory Hypocrites About Armed School Guards

Dec. 26, 2012 - The hypocrisy of Liberals, Democrats and other subspecies of anti-gun creatures is mind-boggling.

After the Dec. 14 shooting that killed 28 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, the NRA's Wayne LaPierre called for placement of armed guards in all of the nation's schools.

As predicted, the anti-gun crowd immediately howled that guns are not a way to protect kids in schools, many arguing that it would only compound the problem. And yet...

The hypocrisy comes from politicians such as Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and His Royal Highness Barack Obama, and such as NBC's David Gregory. They say they are anti-gun, each has made statements against putting armed guards in schools, they all send their children to private schools where armed personnel protect the staff and students.

Emanuel and Obama, and thousands of other politicians, never appear in public without a cadre of well-armed guard flanking them for protection. And who can blame them? They want to be safe. They feel that armed guards protect themselves and their kids. So, why then, do they tell us that the same thing won't protect you and me?

"As it happens," notes, "Gregory sends his kids to D.C.-based Sidwell Friends, the same expensive, high-end school the President sends his own children to. Every day that school features armed security details. In fact, the security department is quite large for such a small school as Daniel Halper points out."

Yet, hypocritical elitists such as Obama, Emanuel and Gregory insist that what works well for them is not appropriate for the average ordinary peasant. “It’s outrageous and unsettling that the NRA would choose to address gun violence not by taking assault weapons off our streets, but by adding more guns to our schools,” Emanuel said in a written statement. “That is not the right answer for our society, our schools and most importantly our children.”

"While the Obama administration is calling the idea of armed protection at our schools crazy, they are not mentioning the fact that Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC, has 11 security officers and is seeking to hire more," points out (See the classified ad here.) "This of course is on top of the secret service officers that are at the school daily since Obama's daughter attend there. Joe Biden's grandchildren as well as children and grandchildren of other high profile political figures attend Sidwell Friends. One more note here. As Hillary and Bill Clinton were calling for gun control, their daughter was attending Sidwell Friends for the superb protection afforded by the added by the schools armed security."

Perhaps Emanuel's hypocrisy was best summed by Jim Johnson of WLS 890 AM in Chicago:
"Oh, outraged huh? Gee, if he's soooo outraged, then why doesn't he pull his kids out of the LAB School at the U of C campus. Guess the 2 U of C armed police officers that work the Lab School everyday just make for such a scary and unsafe environment. Oh wait, if he did that then he just might have to enroll his kids in the local CPS school by his house!?!?! Wait, that can't happen. CPS is just good enough for the peasants kids but not for his little angels. Double standard hypocrite." (h/t: Second City Cop)
Johnson was referring to The University of Chicago Laboratory School, an exclusive and expensive private school. Before he ascended to the Throne, Obama sent his daughters to this bastion of education for the wealthy and privileged. Emanuel currently sends his own kids there. (This begs for a discussion of their hypocrisy about school choice and school vouchers, but we'll save that for another day.)

What the anti-gun idiots do not seem to understand is the painfully obvious fact that when there is a mad killer on the loose in a school, there will be a scramble to call 911. And why is 911 called? To get police to the scene, of course, so that they can - drum roll, please - introduce guns into the school, and thereby stop the lunatic. In other words - and this is what the anti-gun morons cannot seem to comprehend - the defensive guns will be in a school that's under attack sooner or later. Yet, with incredibly dysfunctional "logic," the anti-gun imbeciles opt have the defensive guns arrive later, after the murderous attacker has had more time to kill than he would have if an armed guard, armed teacher or other armed staff member been able to draw his or her own pistol and end the killing well before the police dispatcher even finished with the first 911 call.

"How have our nation's priorities gotten so far out of order?" asked LaPierre in his statement. "Think about it. We care about our money, so we protect our banks with armed guards. American airports, office buildings, power plants, courthouses - even sports stadiums - are all protected by armed security. We care about the President, so we protect him with armed Secret Service agents. Members of Congress work in offices surrounded by armed Capitol Police officers. Yet when it comes to the most beloved, innocent and vulnerable members of the American family - our children - we as a society leave them utterly defenseless, and the monsters and predators of this world know it and exploit it. That must change now!"

So there they are: Obama and fellow anti-gun clowns telling us that we need stricter gun laws. They tell us what we cannot do to protect our own children, while they themselves do exactly what they say would be wrong for us. It should be remembered that the State of Connecticut and the City of Chicago have some of the toughest gun laws in the nation. And just how are those working out?

Free Phones and 47 Percenters - SEIU Morons Prove Romney Right

Sept. 27, 2012 - "Give it away, give it away, give it away now."  Watch this woman protesting with others outside of a Mitt Romney campaign rally in Cleveland, Ohio yesterday.

"RealFreedom1776" posted the video to YouTube and noted that this woman "explains how Obama gives all minorities free phones and that is why they should vote for him." I mean, seriously, these folks could just as well have been chanting "WE! ARE! THE FORTY SEVEN PERCENT!"

It will come as no surprise to many of you that the protesters were paid by the SEIU to be there and chant their nonsense. "We don't want no Bain Economy!" they mumbled, but had no idea what Bain is.

Obamaphone devotee and Democrat voter
Yes, and isn't that exactly the kind of thing that Mitt Romney referred to (clumsily) when he said that "47 percent" of Americans are on the dole?

Yes, I know: Not ALL of those getting assistance from the government are slackers. I know.

However, it is undeniable that a large number of them are just like this woman, happy to have their votes and their political loyalty bought for damned free cell phone and a few loaves of bread. They don't see that they and others are enslaved, trapped in a very-hard-to-break cycle of dependency. They don't see that their "free" Obamaphone is not really free, but that it is paid for by taxpayer money. They don't see that taxpayers' money is forcibly taken from them to pay for that Obamaphone.  Many who do, though, don't care or shrug it off.

Okay, some of them do care. I live in Chicago, and I talk to the homeless and the poor. I am acquainted with about a dozen people (all white, by the way) who are receiving food stamps. Four or five have an "Obamaphone." They call it that with a sneer, however.

Above:  Obama video released Sept. 27 attacks Romney for speaking the truth.

The people I know are desperately looking for work, and a cell phone is a vital tool for them in their job hunt. Needless to say, food to keep you alive is important too. My point is simple: Some benefits receivers hate being on the dole, but have no choice. Even so....

The woman in the top video, however, is one of those people who Mitt Romney was thinking of when he said, "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what." That woman speaks not for all of the 47% who are getting help. Rather, she speaks for those who make a career and a lifestyle of sucking at the government teat. I have no doubt that Mitt Romney is aware of the fact that some of those receiving benefits are conservatives and are not happy to have to take public aid - and that plenty actually agree with him. Think of the woman in the first video telling us we need to keep Obama "in president" because he gives away free cell phone.  Think of her when you hear Romney say that there are people "who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it." He might have said it better, but Romney was essentially right.

Hat tip to Angry White Dude.

Is Harry Reid a Sicko? We Have The Right To Know!

U.S. Senator Harry Reid, alleged pedophile
This is huge: A U.S. Senator and a hot scandal involving the molestation of innocent children. Is Sen. Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, a pedophile monster? We don't know, we're asking. The American People demand answers, and we all have the right to ask - don't we? It seems a reasonable question to pose to the man who put so much effort into a bill that would be accurately but not officially known as "The Pedophile Protection Act."

I was first alerted to this potential bombshell by the  wicked graphic, shown here, on Facebook. It's one of those items that makes the rounds on the Internet with no attribution, but I did a search and found a post over at with the title "Harry Reid is a pedophile." It begins with this:

"I got that from a reliable source who made me promise not to reveal his name.  But he knows.  Honest. Now I’m sure some would expect me to back up this claim with some of those 'fact' thingys or maybe a link or two.  Well, given that I’ve promise anonymity for my source, not happening.  Just Google 'Harry Reid pedophile' there are 1.79 million hits."

That's not quite accurate, by the way. For the sake of journalistic accuracy, I did a Google search of "Harry Reid pedophile," with and without quotation marks. The results:  Five results with quotation marks, and "about 9,840,000 results" without them. But what's a discrepency of more than 8 million Google search hits when we're talking about the alleged pedophile Harry Reid?

The discerning reader will quickly realize that the piece is clever satire, designed to show the hypocrisy and calculated lying by Democrats to discredit Mitt Romney. Reid recently told the media that “somebody” at the Bain Capital told him that Romney has not released his tax returns because he didn’t pay any taxes for ten years. That's all Reid would offer. Hearsay: A rumor he heard, quite possibly while he was being pleasured in a gay bath house for all we know.

It's an old trick, of course: Make wild accusations against your enemies and insist that you cannot name your sources. No matter how absurd the accusation, it ends up sticking in the minds of some who hear. The damage is done. Like a wildly aimed shotgun blast, most of the shot pellets miss their mark but a few reach the target. The damage is done. Goal achieved. That's what Harry Reid and his fellow Democrats do all too frequently. Slam and scram, that's how they work. It's a tactic that's Alinsky recommended.

So we join in asking whether the despicable defender of pedophiles is a pedophile himself. As they say, the burden of proof is on him now. If a few pellets of this shot hit some dimwitted targets who cannot discern satire from reality, so be it.


Urban Dictionary Defines 'Harry Reid' As Sexual Position

She stood there naked, wanting it, but he was clueless.
It was like trying to seduce Harry Reid.

Urban Dictionary is a source that many people consult when they hear a befuddling phrase or word. While "Harry Reid" is not a confusing phrase - it's the name of a jerk U.S. Senator from Nevada - it does have a meaning other than that jerk's name. Or, at least, that's what Urban Dictionary now says.

So, what's a "Harry Reid?" Urban Dictionary defines it as a "sexual position where you climb on top and then do absolutely nothing. Named for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)."

Why would they name a sex act after Harry  Reid? As Urban Dictionary explains, it's for his lack of leadership and, essentially, being a do-nothing politician. One of the examples of how to use the phrase "Harry Reid" in a sentence:

"He talked a big game, but it turns out he was completely clueless. It was like sleeping with 'Harry Reid'."

And why not? It's only fitting that one of the top clowns in the Democrat Party should have a sexual position named after him. After all, Democrats are obsessed with sex. The only irony is that Reid is one of the least likely in his party to actually get any.

War On Women? Really?

May 16, 2012 - Here is a powerful new video by none other than the Small Business Association (SBA), posted to YouTube on May 16, 2012.

The description posted on YouTube:

If it feels like 1984 in real life, it should. The threats to our religious liberty and conscience rights are very real.  The question that needs to be asked of this president is "who decides"? Time and time again, President Obama has affirmed that it is the government who decides -- government who decides what women want and think. 

John Edwards, Democrat
Monika Lewinsky, Woman
President Obama and his allies in Congress and the abortion lobby must stop the "War on Women" who don't agree with them!

It's President Obama's job to protect the freedom of all women and men to practice their beliefs. Yet, an all-out assault has been launched by this administration on people of faith and conscience. Our rights are at stake and we must do something to stop it now. We must expose him! Learn more at

Of course, the Republican Party is not waging "war" on women. The notion itself is ludicrous, and a group of Republican members of Congress said so publicy this week.

"Democrats’ attempt to paint themselves as defenders of women," reported NewsMax today, "and Republicans as insensitive to female concerns has no basis in reality, 14 GOP congresswomen write on Politico."

The charge that the GOP is waging a "war on women," opined a reader in in a letter to The Washington Times today, "highlights just how contemptuous the political left is of voter intellect. Only someone with an IQ three points above a rock or a Democratic Party ideologue would believe Republicans are actually conducting any sort of war on women’s rights."

Crazed Black Mob Attacks White Man, Woman, Media Ignores Story

May 1, 2012 - Yet ANOTHER brutal attack by a black mob - most or all of which were Democrat voters - has slipped under the radar of the Mainstream Media. The victims - a white man and a white woman - are reporters employed by The Virginian-Pilot newspaper, which actually avoided the story for two full weeks. No other local media reported the story either, although they were all aware of it. Once again, the mainstream media and so-called leaders are not addressing the current rash of attacks by black hate mobs.

The Virginian-Pilot ran the story today. Editorial writer Michelle Washington's column included this:
Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim.
The victim's friend, a young woman, tried to pull him back into his car. Attackers came after her, pulling her hair, punching her head and causing a bloody scratch to the surface of her eye. She called 911. A recording told her all lines were busy. She called again. Busy. On her third try, she got through and, hysterical, could scream only their location.
Washington noted that neither reporter was seriously injured. She noted, almost in passing, that the story had been ignored by her own paper for half a month:
Two weeks have passed since reporters Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami - friends to me and many others at the newspaper - were attacked on a Saturday night as they drove home from a show at the Attucks Theatre. They had stopped at a red light, in a crowd of at least 100 young people walking on the sidewalk. Rostami locked her car door. Someone threw a rock at her window. Forster got out to confront the rock-thrower, and that's when the beating began.
Washington went on to give some details about the encounter that Forster and Rostami had with the police after the attack, and noted the frustration that local police have in dealing with such savagery.

Then, however, Washington veered back to the two-week delay in acknowledging the attack on two of its own. What she wrote sounds, at first, reasonable, but in fact it amounts to a lame avoidance of fully accepting journalistic responsibility:
Here's why their story is in the paper today. We cannot allow such callousness to continue unremarked, from the irrational, senseless teenagers who attacked two people just trying to go home, from the police officer whose conduct may have been typical but certainly seems cold, from the tweeting nitwits who think beating a man in Norfolk will change the death of Trayvon Martin. How can we change it if we don't know about it? How can we make it better if we look away? Are we really no better than this?
Marjon Rostami
Dave Forster
She never does say why the Forster-Rostami story "is in the paper today" and did not appear there two weeks ago. Washington tried to divert the blame onto the attackers ("senseless teenagers"), the police ("cold") and idiots on Twitter ("tweeting nitwits").

While all of those are certainly factors, Washington neglected to mention another factor: She and her fellow  writers and editors at The Virginian-Pilot are a bunch of gutless politically correct cowards. To their credit, they did finally publish the story, but only after it became clear to them that they could not keep it hidden forever. But the vast majority of other mainstream media outlets are in the habit of avoiding and ignoring stories like this one because it does not fit their politically correct agenda or paradigm.

As Washington herself asked, "How can we change it if we don't know about it? How can we make it better if we look away? Are we really no better than this?" While Washington deserves some small credit for even asking the question, the rest of the media is, sadly, no better than that.

Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of this whole story is the omission of any direct quotes from either Forster or Rostami. Both are capable writers and reporters. It is odd that they, rather than Washington, did not write about the attack.

Black Mob Attack on Matthew Owens Caused by Theft, Not Basketball

April 26, 2012 - Matthew Owens was savagely attacked and nearly killed by a group of about 20 black people on Saturday, April 21 in Mobile, Alabama. Previous reports said that Owens, 40, was targeted for brutality after he asked some neighbor kids to keep the noise down as they played basketball around 8:30 p.m. However, a report today on says that Owens's sister tells a different story.

Owens suffered severe head trauma and remains in the hospital. His sister, Ashley Parker, told Daily Caller that one of her own kids saw something being stolen from a neighbor's porch on Delmar Drive. Ms. Parker says that the alleged thief was also one of the people who attacked her brother moments later. From Daily Caller:
Ashley Parker, whose brother Matthew Owens is clinging to life after the assault, said Owens was attacked after her 21-year-old daughter witnessed a group of African-American youth moving from yard to yard in the neighborhood and taking something that didn’t belong to them. She told Owens, who confronted the youths. She “saw one of them take something off a porch,” Parker said, “and that is when Matthew approached them and told them they need to go home.”
Terry Rawls on April 25, 2012. Rawls was arrested for
taking part in the beating of Matthews Owens.
(Press-Register/Victor Calhoun)
After they beat the living hell out Matthew Owens, the mob walked away. One of them called back, "That's justice for Trayvon," a reference to Florida teen Trayvon Martin, fatally shot by George Zimmerman in February. The Owens beating is just one of many vicious and hateful attacks by blacks against non-blacks in the wake of the ongoing Martin-Zimmerman case.

One arrest was made in the case. Terry Rawls, 44, surrendered to Mobile police on Wednesday and was charged with first-degree assault. His bail was set at the remarkably low amount $7,500. Alabama Live reports that "records indicate" that "Rawls is scheduled for a May 10 court appearance."

As noted in our previous report about the Matthew Owens beating, no civil rights "leaders" have bothered to speak out against the obviously racist attacks by blacks. Jonathan Capehart has a short roundup of some of the more notable black-on-white attacks in his column at the Washington Post today.
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Peggy West, the Milwaukee County Supervisor Who Didn't Know Arizona Borders Mexico, Faces Charges of Campaign Violations

Sylvia Ortiz: Ticked off at Peggy Romo West
February 22, 2012 - She didn't know where the State of Arizona is two years ago, and now it seems that 12th District Supervisor Milwaukee County Supervisor Peggy Romo West could not find her campaign rules book.

West, running for re-election, is accused by opponent Sylvia Ortiz of campaign violations by allegedly using Milwaukee County employees and vehicles in her campaign efforts. They face off in the spring general election, to be held on April 3, 2012.

Not only that, but Ortiz also criticizes West for  posting about county business on Facebook and Twitter during county board committee meetings.

But wait, there's more! Ortiz also says that there's something fishy about the filing of West's nomination papers at the county Election Commission. "Ortiz claimed that Romo West gained an advantage," reports JSOnline, "because a commission staffer took home some of Romo West’s nomination papers 'to put a rush on analyzing them'." Ortiz is not somebody you want mad at you: She can take the heat, as she proved in a jalapeno eating contest in May, 2011.

Peggy West campaigning: What truck?
A report on Hispanicnewsnetwork's Blog says that Sylvia Ortiz, candidate for 12th Milwaukee County Supervisor District "filed an ethics complaint that could possibily result in criminal charges against current Supervisor Peggy Romo West." The complaint was filed on Monday, February 13.

"Ortiz also filed a complaint with the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office," says Hispanicnewsnetwork. "Ortiz is requesting the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office to review West actions and documents detailing her postings for possible infractions of the law while in office."

As for the Facebook and Twitter activities, "I am outraged," Ortiz said in a statement as reported by JSOnline. The Ortiz statement said that Peggy West’s social media posts could give her "unlawful advantages" in the campaign. .JSOnline reported that West unfriended Ortiz on Facebook. "Romo West’s personal Twitter page Friday had removed all posts except one sent to her February 7 regarding a fundraiser for Romo West.

Ortiz had apparently been archived West's posts on Twitter and Facebook. According to the Hispanicnewsnetwork report, "Ortiz released West’s compiled documents totaling 183 pages of postings in social media and photos showing West with campaign t-shirt seating inside a Milwaukee County vehicle."

Incredibly, "West posted a photo of herself inside a County truck," reported Hispanicnewsnetwork, "with a Re-elect West campaign t-shirt on September 6, 2011, according to Ortiz."

Perhaps, on reflection, it's not so incredible. After all, Peggy Romo West is the woman who leaped to national fame for not knowing that Arizona borders Mexico. It is documented that she's not terribly bright, and so it should come as no surprise that West would actually post photos of herself wearing a campaign shirt while being given a ride in a County vehicle.

Mark Oxner's Campaign Video Shows Obama as Crazy Ship Captain, Alan Grayson as his Parrot

UPDATED January 27, 2012 - Facebook banned Oxner's ad for this video shortly after we posted this at 12:50 PM CT on Wednesday, January 25. See that full update here: Banned By Facebook: Mark Oxner's "Ship of Fools" Campaign Video! 

January 25, 2012 - There are a lot of badly made campaign videos out there, but now and then one comes along that can only be called brilliant. Congressional candidate Mark Oxner (Republican) has released one of those. It was released last night.

It's titled "Turn This Ship Around: Mark Oxner For Congress" (watch below). Oxner, 40, is running in Florida's new 27th Congressional District against uber-liberal, former Congressman Alan Grayson (Democrat).

The video not only slams Grayson, but also Barack Obama. It depicts Obama as the demented captain of ship about to sail over a deadly waterfall. Grayson is accurately portrayed as Obama's faithful parrot.

For those who might thing Oxner's video is unfairly harsh, it would be fitting now to remind you that Grayson compared Daniel Webster, his Republican challenger in 2010, to the Taliban. A Grayson campaign video called Webster a "religious fanatic" and accused him of being "anti-woman." Grayson was heavily criticized by Florida media for going too far in his criticism, and many voters felt the same: Webster beat Grayson in the 2010 race for Florida's old 8th District.

Grayson is known for his outrageous and often deliberately false statements. In 2009 Grayson said that Republicans "want you to die quickly" (see video, left).

UPDATED: Are Children Signing Walker Recall Petitions In Wisconsin?

UPDATED: November 23, 2011 - Were these two Recall Walker petition signers underage? Apparently not, according to a report by WISN TV Milwaukee. In a video report, WISN interviewed Lateesah Love, 20, one of the signers who many thought looked too young to sign a petition. Watch the WISN video about the recall petition signers. Our original post appears below, preserved for the record.

November 19, 2011 - Milwaukee - We all know Democrats love voter fraud, but this is over the top. Right out in the open, these two young "ladies" signed a petition to recall Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker.

Question: Do they look like they are 18, the age you need to be in Wisconsin to vote -- or to sign a recall petition?

The frame to the left was taken from a disturbing new video (below), just uploaded to YouTube today. It was posted by "hawzwood," who titled the video "Occupy Milwaukee - Apparent Recall Walker Signature Fraud." Hawzwood added this description:

"Recall Walker Signature Collection Fraud -- Cigarettes for Signatures. This video and pictures were collected on the corner of 7th and North Ave. in Milwaukee during the "Occupy Milwaukee" protest/takeover of the bridge. These appear to be children under the age of 18. They were also given cigarettes in exchange for their signatures. They were asked if it would be OK to contact them to enlist their help in getting signatures from their friends."

Stunning! Cong. Quigley Apologizes To Muslims

September 20, 2011 - In a "surprise appearance" at the American Islamic College Conference in Chicago on Saturday, Congressman Mike Quigley (IL 5th Dist.) apologized to Muslims on behalf of the United States "for discrimination."
At 2:05 minutes into the video, Quigley told the audience that "discrimination comes in many forms, many shapes and many guises."
Rep. Quigley then said, "You have my pledge to work with you, to fight them, and I think it's appropriate for me to apologize on behalf of this country for discrimination you have faced." The audience warmly applauded Quigley's apology. Quigley gave no specifics about the discrimination to which he referred in the video, which was made by friend and colleague Rebel Pundit. Leading up to his apology, Quigley made general references to "scapegoats" and people who are "different," but he offered no examples of that for which he apologized. "He rambled on about the typical racism and discrimination that the liberal left is so convinced America is rampantly infected with," wrote Rebel Pundit. "As you can see in the video.... he proceeded in his congressional capacity to apologize on behalf of the country for discrimination against muslims’ faith." In other words, Quigley implied that the U.S. has been - and still is - discriminating against Muslims within our own borders. By apologizing "on behalf of this country," Quigley was acting as your proxy. In effect, the Democrat congressman was telling a room full of Muslims that you and I have been guilty of discrimination toward them. Does this apologist speak for you? Click here for contact information for Congressman Mike Quigley. Let him know how you feel about his apology and calling this nation discriminatory. You can also tweet him at @RepMikeQuigley or visit him on Facebook at

More Surprises from Obama Healthcare Law-Michael A. Minton

Written by Michael A. Minton
Remember this famous quote from then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi? "[W]e have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Well, we're finding out.

If this wasn't the Obama administration, this would seem an unbelievable story. While we were promised that Congress would have plenty of time to read every bill that went through when the Democrats controlled both chambers, this, along with other bills, was shoved down the American peoples' throats before there was ever time to absorb it. Now come the consequences.

It is now being reported that "Obamacare" will allow millions of middle-class Americans to get healthcare coverage for practically nothing. In fact, up to three million Americans who retire early, at the age of 62, will qualify for the federal-state sponsored insurance program Medicaid.

Believe it or not, couples who can earn up to $64,000.00 per year will, in the year 2014, qualify for the program which is intended for low income and disabled Americans. This is because, as the AP reports, "in a major change from today, most of their Social Security benefits would no longer be counted as income for determining eligibility."

The Associated Press says the "Medicare chief actuary Robert Foster says ‘The situation keeps me up at night. I don't generally comment on the pros or cons of policy, but that just doesn't make sense,' Foster said during a question-and-answer session at a recent professional society meeting. It's almost like allowing middle-class people to qualify for food stamps, he suggested.

‘This is a situation that got no attention at all,' added Foster. ‘And even now, as I raise the issue with various policymakers, people are not rushing to say ... we need to do something about this.'"

Of course, all of this is happening at a time when both the federal and state governments are drowning in debt. With Medicaid, the federal government pays 60% of Medicaid costs, while states must pay 40% of the costs. Obviously, neither can afford the added expense of the problem posed in the bill that "we had to pass to know what was in it."

The depth of ineptness in the Democrat party is just unfathomable. BOTH houses of Congress were controlled by Democrats when this bill was passed, and obviously a Democrat president signed it into law. This is an important point. As 2012 approaches, we must remember that we not only have an inept president who needs to be replaced, but we also have inept members of Congress who need replacing as well!

Of course, for many of these Congressional seats, and even the highest office in the land, I would suggest that you keep in mind that many of those making a lot of the noise, and prompting most of the change on Capitol Hill, are Tea party members who are motivated, invigorated and most importantly, true to their word.

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About the Author:
Michael A. Minton got his start in politics at the ripe old age of six, when his father, G. Terry Minton, ran for alderman in Louisville, Kentucky. "Mike" has worked in campaigns to elect (well, naturally his dad), former Rep. Anne Northup, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and most recently in the failed Romney for president campaign.

Mike got his start in his writing career as a freelance reporter for Talon News Service, and has since gone on to create his own blog, Mr. Right Opinion, and now operates a new blog called What's Right is Right.

He has been published in a number of online and print publications to include: Jefferson Review, Heritage Institute, Men's News Daily,,, Hawaii Reporter, Lincoln Heritage Institute,,, The Pioneer News and others.
Mike is a member of Providence Baptist Church in Brooks, KY, a single father of two daughters, an amateur genealogist, and has been involved in acting, including a role in Camelot at the Kentucky Center for the Arts in Louisville.
Health care graphic from

WI Democrat Wants To Smack Her Up (Audio)

Did he mean it literally? "A Wisconsin democrat running in a recall election," reports, "left a message on a woman’s answering machine," and it was ugly. After speaking with a female constituent on the phone, Rep. Fred Clark of Baraboo said he felt like "smacking her around." Clark who is running in a recall election. Hear the audio in the video below, or click here to listen to an mp3 (40 seconds). According to the WISGOP report, "The comment was recorded on the home answering machine of Sue and John Stapelman of Baraboo. Clark phoned the family while making campaign calls, and had a short, curt conversation with Sue Stapelman. Stapelman then hung up the phone, but her answering machine was still rolling, and caught Clark saying, 'I feel like calling her back and smacking her around'." To be fair, no reasonable person should take Clark's words as meaning that he wants to literally hit Ms. Stapleman. He obviously meant that he wanted to "smack her around" verbally. You cannot, after all, physically beat somebody up by "calling her back" on a phone. Even so, Clark's words were poorly chosen and there is no doubt that this will get a lot of play in Wisconsin during the recall election.

Union Rally Crowd Smaller Than Reported

February 26, 2011 - Chicago - CNB - Between 400 and 500 people attended a rally organized by unions and socialist groups at Noon today. The event took place at the James Thompson Center downtown. The well-attended event was peaceful but boisterous, with enthusiastic supporters of public sector unions chanting and cheering speakers. See our slideshow below. 

An attendance of 500 is good, especially considering the damp, cold weather that included some snow. Nevertheless, some feel it necessary to exaggerate the number. 

Bob Roman, writing for the DSA Labor Network's "Talking Union" blog, wrote that there were 2,000 people in attendance. My own count, as indicated above, was between 400 and 500. My photo here was taken just before Noon. Roman wrote, "By the time the rally began, the plaza was nearly full, and organizers announced about 2,000 people were present." 

It's not clear from Roman's post whether he was actually at the event. If he was, he's mistaken about the numbers. If he was not there, then he's accepting the false crowd estimate of "the organizers," and equally mistaken. Granted, more people poured into the plaza after I took this photo, but nowhere near 2,000. Roman is "editor of New Ground, the newsletter of Chicago Democratic Socialists of America."