Showing posts with label hate crimes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hate crimes. Show all posts

Crazed Black Mob Attacks White Man, Woman, Media Ignores Story

May 1, 2012 - Yet ANOTHER brutal attack by a black mob - most or all of which were Democrat voters - has slipped under the radar of the Mainstream Media. The victims - a white man and a white woman - are reporters employed by The Virginian-Pilot newspaper, which actually avoided the story for two full weeks. No other local media reported the story either, although they were all aware of it. Once again, the mainstream media and so-called leaders are not addressing the current rash of attacks by black hate mobs.

The Virginian-Pilot ran the story today. Editorial writer Michelle Washington's column included this:
Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim.
The victim's friend, a young woman, tried to pull him back into his car. Attackers came after her, pulling her hair, punching her head and causing a bloody scratch to the surface of her eye. She called 911. A recording told her all lines were busy. She called again. Busy. On her third try, she got through and, hysterical, could scream only their location.
Washington noted that neither reporter was seriously injured. She noted, almost in passing, that the story had been ignored by her own paper for half a month:
Two weeks have passed since reporters Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami - friends to me and many others at the newspaper - were attacked on a Saturday night as they drove home from a show at the Attucks Theatre. They had stopped at a red light, in a crowd of at least 100 young people walking on the sidewalk. Rostami locked her car door. Someone threw a rock at her window. Forster got out to confront the rock-thrower, and that's when the beating began.
Washington went on to give some details about the encounter that Forster and Rostami had with the police after the attack, and noted the frustration that local police have in dealing with such savagery.

Then, however, Washington veered back to the two-week delay in acknowledging the attack on two of its own. What she wrote sounds, at first, reasonable, but in fact it amounts to a lame avoidance of fully accepting journalistic responsibility:
Here's why their story is in the paper today. We cannot allow such callousness to continue unremarked, from the irrational, senseless teenagers who attacked two people just trying to go home, from the police officer whose conduct may have been typical but certainly seems cold, from the tweeting nitwits who think beating a man in Norfolk will change the death of Trayvon Martin. How can we change it if we don't know about it? How can we make it better if we look away? Are we really no better than this?
Marjon Rostami
Dave Forster
She never does say why the Forster-Rostami story "is in the paper today" and did not appear there two weeks ago. Washington tried to divert the blame onto the attackers ("senseless teenagers"), the police ("cold") and idiots on Twitter ("tweeting nitwits").

While all of those are certainly factors, Washington neglected to mention another factor: She and her fellow  writers and editors at The Virginian-Pilot are a bunch of gutless politically correct cowards. To their credit, they did finally publish the story, but only after it became clear to them that they could not keep it hidden forever. But the vast majority of other mainstream media outlets are in the habit of avoiding and ignoring stories like this one because it does not fit their politically correct agenda or paradigm.

As Washington herself asked, "How can we change it if we don't know about it? How can we make it better if we look away? Are we really no better than this?" While Washington deserves some small credit for even asking the question, the rest of the media is, sadly, no better than that.

Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of this whole story is the omission of any direct quotes from either Forster or Rostami. Both are capable writers and reporters. It is odd that they, rather than Washington, did not write about the attack.

Why You Should Hate the Hate Crimes Prevention Act

Star Parker rips into the hypocrisy and legal flaws of the new "Hate Crimes Prevention Act," which Barack Obama signed on October 28. Parker (photos) is a favorite columnist around here. She is the founder and president of CURE, the Coalition for Urban Renewal & Education, a 501c3 non-profit think tank that provides a national voice of reason on issues of race and poverty in the media, inner city neighborhoods, and public policy. Here is her Nov. 2 column, "New hate crimes law is a mistake." President Barack Obama has signed into law the Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Actually, he signed into law the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act tacked onto which was the hate crimes legislation. Sen. Harry Reid, our brave Democratic majority leader, slipped the hate crimes bill into the defense authorization bill to avoid having to have our senators consider the controversial hate crimes bill on its own. It's for good reason that our Democratic legislators wanted to hide under a rock while passing this terrible piece of legislation. It may help them with the far left wing of their party. But weakening and damaging our country is not something to be proud of. And that is exactly what this new hate crime law does. The bill adds extra penalties to violent crimes when they are deemed motivated by gender, sexual orientation, or disabilities. It's the first major expansion of hate crimes legislation originally passed in 1968, targeted then to crimes aimed at race, color, religion, and national origin. After signing this new law, Obama celebrated it by saying that in this nation we should "embrace our differences." But law isn't about embracing our differences. It is about providing equal and non-arbitrary protection to all citizens. Equal protection for every individual American under the law is what the 14th Amendment to our Constitution, passed after the Civil War, guarantees. That this nation takes this guarantee seriously -- that there are no classes of individuals treated differently under the law -- has been a justifiable obsession of blacks. A society in which all life is not valued the same, where murder of one citizen is not the same as the murder of another citizen, is a horror that black Americans have known too well. So it is a particular irony that this major expansion of the politicization of our law has been signed by our first black president. What could it possibly mean that the penalty for the same act of violence -- for murder -- may be different depending on what might be deemed to be the motivation? Can you imagine a football game where the penalty for roughing the passer is 20 yards rather than 15 yards if the referee concludes that the violence perpetrated was motivated because the quarterback was homosexual? Is it not a sign of our own pathology that we now have codified that it is worse to murder a homosexual than someone who has committed adultery, even with your husband or wife, or who has slandered or robbed? Isn't the point murder? Can we really believe that someone capable of murder is less likely to do so if the victim is a homosexual and the penalties are greater? It should be clear that hate crime law has nothing to do with improving our law but rather with creating favored political classes. It is something that should be hateful to everyone who cares about a free society, and particularly hateful to those, such as blacks, who have been victimized by politicization of law. How about the sad and pathetic recent murder of a 16-year-old Christian black honor student in Chicago by four teenage thugs, also black? A hate crime? Black on black homicides are tearing up our inner cities. Hate crimes? The social breakdown that produces the disproportionate violence in black America is the product of the same moral relativism and politicization of law that has produced hate crime bills. We already have a source, which instructs against murder and to love your neighbor as yourself. But this has been banned from our schools and our public spaces. So once again, in what is becoming our Godless nation, we mistake the disease for the cure. More Articles from Star Parker: The Health Care Fatal Conceit We can expect the same results from government taking over health care as we've gotten from housing socialism. Al Sharpton, today's Orval Faubus Sharpton blocked Limbaugh like Governor Orval Faubus tried to block black children from entering Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957. Consumers need protection -- from government 700 of 1600 payday loan offices in Ohio have closed. Outrage over ACORN, but not abortion A great lie has found its way into our national culture -- a lie that has deadened our senses -- that we can contend with life's challenges in a morally relative way. Video: Star Parker with Neil Cavuto African-Americans are no longer buying into the 'plantation mentality' of the Left. Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service Coalition for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) 722 12th Street, NW Fourth Floor Washington, DC 20005 Telephone 202-479-2873 Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

Derrion Albert, Killed by KKK Surrogates

Update: I received this kind note from reader "Trpy" in Santa Ana, California:
 "As an African American, I must say that was the best article I have read. If I were a Klan member, I would retire from active duty and just watch from the side lines."

The Ku Klux Klan couldn't have killed 16-year old Derrion Albert last week in Chicago any more effectively than the black kids who beat the life out of him.

Opinion by Tom Mannis
Chicago News Bench

Derrion is the young man who was beaten to death by a mob of bloodthirsty savages last Thursday near the Agape Community Center in the far southside Chicago neighborhood of Roseland. From all accounts, Derrion did nothing to provoke the vicious attack. Witnesses say he was merely passing by, in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Derrion was black. All of his attackers are black. No Klansmen were anywhere nearby.

Fools, and race baiters like Jesse Jackson, Sr. (I will not call him "reverend"), constantly scream about the Ku Klux Klan and their attacks on Black Americans. To listen to Jackson and his ilk, you might think that the KKK has millions of members and is killing Black Americans on a genocidal scale. This is simply not true, and the sad truth is that far more Blacks are murdered every year by fellow Blacks than the KKK is capable of.

Is the Klan omnipresent? Are they everywhere, hiding under your bed and behind every corner? Hardly. The Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish organization that is hated by the KKK, says that there are more than 40 different Klan groups exist, "many having multiple chapters.... including a few that boast a presence in a large number of states. There are over a hundred different Klan chapters around the country, with a combined strength of members and associates that may total around 5,000."

There are 50 states in the U.S. That means, if the ADL numbers are correct, that there is an average of only 100 KKK members per state. There are, on average, more violent gang members in any big city neighborhood than there are Klan members in an entire state.

I am in no way defending or apologizing for the KKK, a group that I consider to be vile and dangerous. We are right to be mindful of them, but the simple fact is that more Black Americans are killed by other Black Americans every month than the KKK kills in a decade.

Consider this: According to the US Department of Justice, 94% of black victims were killed by blacks from 1975 to 2005.

An excellent article by Marissa McGill at (Sept. 4, 2009) noted the ongoing crisis of "black on black" violence. She wrote:

Guns don’t kill people. PEOPLE kill people. What has warped our minds and diseased our souls to provoke us to take someone’s life away from them? Does the African American community suffer from that much hatred, insecurity, and pain that we must murder each other, like it’s nothing? I don’t want to use the term “violence” anymore. We have become numb to the word in our community. Let us call it what it really is: Attempted Self-Annihilation. (Full article)

She's right, in my opinion. However, plenty of murders are done without guns. Knives, fists, hands around a throat, and so on, including the wooden sticks that killed Derrion Albert. Regardless of the weapons used, the weapons did not make the decision to kill or maim.

Will Jesse Jackson and his posse ever rant about the vicious thugs who kill their black brothers and sisters, cousins and neighbors? Admittedly they have, but rarely. You're much more likely to hear the alarmist race baiters scream about the KKK (Jackson-speak for "whitey"). Would Jackson and his followers ever admit that Black Americans are killing more blacks than the KKK could even dream of killing?

Consider these "hate crime" numbers from the FBI:

In 2007, the FBI says there was a nationwide total of 9,006 "hate crime" offenses (source). That's total. Of that total, "Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter" totaled a whopping nine (9). Repeat: Nine "hate crime" killings in all of 2007. Other numbers include 1,116 aggravated assaults and 1,684 simple assaults, but remember that the 9,006 figure includes both violent and non-violent crimes (159 burglaries, for example). All 9.006 are categorized as "hate crimes."

Let's assume, for the sake of discussion, that all nine of the killings were done by Klansmen. Nine black people dead is a bad weekend in Chicago, and tragic to be sure, but it is hardly a nationwide genocidal effort by the KKK. Nobody would call nine killings "genocide," yet the race baiters would love for their simple-minded sycophants to keep on believing that the KKK is on a terrible mass-murder rampage, nationwide, every day. It just ain't so.

The beasts who murdered honor student Derrion Albert did what is done so tragically often in America: They killed an innocent young person, a kid with promise. They did the KKK's dirty work. They killed a black kid. They killed out of hate, but this crime will not be listed as a "hate crime." All of this shows the absurdity of even using the "hate crime" designation. Derrion Albert is dead, but no more dead than he would be today had his killers been drunk white Klansmen. He is no less dead for the fact that his attackers were of the same race.

Worried about the KKK? They're certainly a group that needs to be monitored, but these days they've got it easy. Unwitting surrogates do the killing for them, accomplishing more evil and mayhem in a single drunken Uptown weekend than the Klan ever could. The far bigger worry for Black Americans these days, however, is the black kid walking next to you on the playground. He's more likely to kill you than are the 100 or so Klansmen in your state.

References to "KKK" at

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Hate Crimes Bill Won't Protect Straight Honkies

"Hate crimes" is just another way of saying "thought crimes." George Orwell's predictions of Big Brother punishing us for what we think is a reality in America today, and it's about to get worse if Senate Bill 909 (S.909) passes today. Also called "The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act," S.909 is officially called the "Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act." This is the bill that, among other weird things, would make make pedophiles a "protected class" of people and public criticism of child molesters a "hate crime." Thank you, Democrats. What Orwell didn't see coming, however, was a Caucasion-hating, heterophobic Big Brother. In reality today, Big Brother is Barack Obama. Today, Politico writes about S.909, a Democrat amendment to a defense spending bill: Republicans are protesting Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s move to attach a controversial hate-crimes proposal to a must-pass defense bill, but they may not have the votes to stop it. In an effort to circumvent GOP opposition, the Nevada Democrat has proposed the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act as an amendment to a $680 billion defense authorization bill. Full Article.... Apparently the Democrats feel that S.909 would not fare well as a stand-alone bill, so they are parasitically attaching it to a defense authorization bill. (See " Carter Clews summed it up well in his NetRight Nation column on July 14: The highly charged "Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009" (S. 909) would make it a federal crime to violently attack anyone you hate. Unless, of course, the anyone you hate happens to be a white heterosexual. That's right, S. 909 -- aka, the "hate crimes bill" -- being pushed through by the Obama Administration as one of its highest legislative priorities would make it a federal crime to commit a violent act against anyone based on race or gender orientation -- unless the race was Caucasian and the orientation was towards the opposite sex. Full Article.... The whole notion of "hate crimes" is repugnant to many of us. Is it wrong to physically attack somebody, for example, just because they are homosexual? Is it wrong to physically attack someone because of their race, ethnicity, or any other reason? Yes, of course it is, but "hate crimes" laws elevate those attacks to a higher level than identical attacks made on somebody who is not a member of a "protected class"of people. Examples of a protected class would be any non-white person, handicapped persons, homosexual persons, and - you get the idea. It is wrong to punch, kick, shoot, stab, spit on or kill any person for any reason other than self-defense, and even then there are limits. The question, however, is why is it more wrong to do those things to some people, and less wrong for others? The obvious answer - the only answer - is a hatred for the others. Those "others" are heterosexual white people. If you break somebody's nose or even kill them, how are their injuries any worse for the motivation having been "hate" rather than robbery, rape or simple lunacy? "Hate crimes" legislation involves much more than simple phyical attack, however. It goes to thought and speech. (See "Thought Crime Bills Threaten Talk Radio") An example: If some jerk yells "nigger!" or "faggot!" at someone on the street, that jerk can be arrested for and charged with a hate crime in many cities, including Chicago. However, if another jerk yells "honky!" or "cracker!" or "bitch!" then no "hate crime" has officially occured. Fair? No, for more than one reason: Both the "honky!" screamer and the "nigger" screamer are jerks, but they are treated differently. Neither, however, should be arrested for yelling, which is, after all, speech. Last time I checked, expressing one's opinion is a guaranteed right in this country, at least the Constitution says so. In practice however, that has not been true for a while, and it's about to get much worse. "Hate crimes" legislation is the ultimate manifestation of "political correctness." RELATED: "Hate Crimes" Bill Attached As Amendment To Defense Authorization Liberal Lawmakers Love Their Sex Freaks and Hate Christian Ministers Hate Crimes Prevention Act has far-reaching effects Are Dems trying to sneak 'hate crimes' through? Holder fails to explains why 'hate crimes' legislation is necessary Holder “Hate Speech” Video Floods Senate The Origins of Political Correctness Leave a Comment... See Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Former KKK Member Apologizes For Attack

A touching video here, in which a former KKK member apologizes to a black man for beating him 50 years ago at a bus stop. The black man, John Lewis, is today a Congressman. We can all learn much from listening to these men open their hearts. Watch the video here, at CNN. Hat tip to friend Levois. CNB RSS Feed

Is Alderman Joe Moore a "Tool of Hamas?"

Some of the anti-Semitism sweeping Europe and North America has struck in Chicago in recent days, especially on the city's north side. In light of that, a flashback to May of 2008 seems appropriate. 50th Ward Alderman Bernard Stone (photo, right) called 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore (photo, below left) an "ignorant cry baby" who is "a tool of Hamas." Stone made his remarks in a live telephone interview with morning hosts "Don and Roma" on WLS 890 AM (photo, below right). FLASHBACK to May 15, 2008: Alderman Bernard Stone called Alderman Joe Moore an ignorant cry baby who is a tool of Hamas. Speaking live by phone on WLS 890 AM this morning with morning hosts Don Wade and Roma about the humiliating defeat of his two-year old foie gras ban, Moore said that the Chicago City Council has "lost even the pretense of a democracy." Moore went on to embarass himself for nearly 10 minutes. Hear the full Moore interview (6.6 mb mp3 file.) IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING MOORE'S PHONE INTERVIEW, 50th Ward Alderman Bernie Stone was interviewed.Stone, on the phone, said Moore was a "cry baby" who doesn't know proper procedure for City Council meetings. Stone said that had Moore followed procedure, he could have spoken, but Daley called the vote without Moore doing what was required. But that's not all that Stone said.Moore is a "tool of Hamas," Stone said. Stone said the particular anti-war resolution that Moore was proposing would serve as a propaganda tool for Hamas, which is sworn to destroy Israel.The end result of the exchange between Moore and Don Wade, then Stone and Don Wade, is that Joe Moore was painted as a boob who does not understand City Council procedures, is a cry baby who is whining about losing a battle, and he's a useful idiot for anti-American interests. ORIGINAL POST... Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

$20,000 Reward for Synagogue Vandals

In Chicago, Jewish houses of worship and schools have recently been vandalized. A Jewish group is offering a large reward to anybody who can help catch the bastards (my word), as Lorraine Swanson reports in a News-Star web extra report tonight: At a Martin Luther King Day press conference, the Anti-Defamation League of Chicago and the Jewish Federation today announced a $20,000 reward for information leading to arrests in hate crimes in West Ridge and Lake View. Standing with Chicago Police and the Commission on Human Relations at the commission's office at 740 N. Sedgewick, local Jewish leaders offered the reward for leads in the throwing a Molotov cocktail at Temple Sholom in Lake View last month and spray-painting and brick throwing this month at two synagogues and two high schools in West Ridge. Full Article at News-Star... RELATED: ALDERMAN CALLED "TOOL OF HAMAS" (May 2008) - Alderman Bernard Stone called Alderman Joe Moore an ignorant cry baby who is a tool of Hamas. Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

Savage CTA Attack on New Year's Eve

Rogers Park, Chicago - After the recent New Year's Eve celebration, a Rogers Park bar owner and bar staff were viciously attacked as they tried to board the Red Line train around 3:30 a.m., January 1, 2009. The owner and staff tried to enter the Morse Avenue CTA EL Station (at N. Glenwood), where about 12 juveniles (estimated at 15-17 years old, both boys and girls) were loitering inside the terminal and blocking the turnstyles. (It should be noted that the CTA employees at the Morse station frequently allow loitering, smoking and drug dealing inside and outside of the station without calling security or police.) They were "viciously attacked" as the girls were "egging on the young boys to prove their manhood. The beating continues. The blood flows. The CTA security and personal do nothing." Will Jesse Jackson run up to Rogers Park to protest what could be described as a hate crime? The CTA Morse El station is approximately 180 feet from the new Morse Theatre, which opened last October, 2008. The theater hoped originally to open in September, but the small matter of a gang style break in and arson delayed that. Many local residents are ignorant enough to believe (still) that the presence of a nice new business will reduce crime on this deeply troubled strip of Rogers Park. What the ignorant seem blind to is the fact that the Morse Theatre is not in the business of providing security for Morse Avenue, Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward) still doesn't give a rat's behind about gang activity on and around Morse Avenue (even after 17 years as the city council representative), and the 24th District police are reactionary and not preventative in their approach to crime. CTA should be held liable for damages suffered by the bar staff. Had such an attack happened in a business establishment, the business would be held liable for not protecting the safety of its patrons. CTA should not be able to get away with this, nor should Alderman Moore or the 24th District police commander. It was New Year's Eve, for God's sake. Any fool should have known that the likelihood for trouble is heightened. The usually lax attention that the cops pay to the Morse El station should have been improved at least temporarily until sunrise on January 1, and Alderman Moore should have demanded that weeks ago. CPD needs to explain why a group of minors was allowed to loiter at 3:30 a.m. in a spot that should have been heavily patroled all night and until the sun was up. CTA needs to explain why their employee/s and the third-party security company did not call police or intervene in the attack, and why the little savages were allowed to loiter there in the first place. Yes, I did call them savages. Why no, that's not a racist remark. It's an accurate description of people who commit acts of savagery. What Rogers Park needs is a good public stoning of the local police commanders, the alderman and a few CTA officials. I suggest the intersection of Morse and Glenwood as the venue.

Hate Crime Report Was Hoax

Charge: Filing a false police report Oh, and also lying about a "hate crime" that seems to have been fabricated by this lying liar. From the Chicago Tribune: Jilani, a Muslim student, who said a masked gunman assaulted her on October 9, 2008 after he wrote anti-Muslim slurs in a women's restroom at Elmhurst College. Jilani, 19, of Oak Brook, was arrested a week later after authorities concluded there was no merit to her complaint. Now, seriously. Is it believable that someone would write anti-Muslim crap on a wall? You betcha. Is it believable that such a person would then put on a mask and hang around, then assault the first Muslim female he sees? No, not really, and that's how the Elmhurst Police felt about it, too. "The totality of all the evidence, and interviews with staff and students at the college ... concluded that this incident never happened," said Elmhurst Police Chief Steve Neubauer. What really happened? The Tribune: Jilani's report of an attack followed several weeks of tension on campus that began when some students allegedly called anti-Muslim slurs at students protesting the treatment of U.S. captives at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp. Let's see. It's probably safe to guess that Ms. Jilani is a liberal, based on the fact that she was participating in a protest against Guantanamo. It's safe to say she's a Muslim. It's probably safe, as well, to say that she was involved in anti-US activities, she hates the US military, probably subscribes to Saul Alinsky's methods, and is bitter for reasons she is not well-read enough to fully understand. She probably made the false hate crime accusation out of hatred itself. Ms. Jilani is a hate filled person who decided to strike out in a cowardly way: Lie, and lie to get somebody in legal trouble because of .... because of the "crime" of honestly speaking their thoughts. Of course, in this case, there was nobody honestly speaking their allegedly anti-Muslim speech. Remember, she lied about that. But one must wonder if Ms. Jilani gets all in a lather when she hears or reads her fellow liberals - and some of her fellow Muslims - make heinous slurs and hate speech against non-Muslims, conservatives, capitalists, the US military. It's probably a safe bet that she engages in such hate speech herself. The Tribune continued: As officials at the private college, affiliated with the United Church of Christ, called the incident a hate crime, hundreds of students rallied to show solidarity with their Muslim peers, who constitute about 25 of the school's 3,300 students. [SOURCE: Chicago Tribune] By the way, remember the crazy white bitch who falsely claimed that a black man assaulted her because she was wearing a McCain button? That made national headlines and had a good run in the broadcast media for about three full days. Did you see the same kind of coverage for Safia Jilani's equally outrageous lies? No, you did not. Ask yourself why that is. Sadly, it has become all too common to make up false accusations of hate crimes. I don't like rude speech, but the idea of fining or imprisoning somebody for saying something is revolting. It's become a favorite weapon of the Lying Left. RELATED: Police charge student for faking anti-Muslim 'hate crime' Police: Student made up story of being attacked Safia Jilani NBC Chicago Jihad Watch: Spencer: The Hate Crimes Racket Staging Hate Crimes: The Academic Left's Reichstag Gambit Michelle Malkin » GWU student journalist admits hate crime hoax Jihad Watch: Fitzgerald: Muslim hate crimes hoaxes: don't be a dope More Muslim "Hate Crime" Myths - Daniel Pipes Blog The Truth Seeker - Calif. Professor Charged with Hate Crime Hoax Hate Crimes Against Muslim Student at Arizona State a Hoax A Hoax Exposed at Princeton

Unequal Hatred For All

Two white people were brutally murdered by some black men back in January. I've been watching this story for months, more interested in how the media handled it than the actual murder. The most interesting thing about the way the media handled it was, frankly, that they did not handle it. Virtually no coverage. Why? Because it was too uncomfortable for editors to categorize. To sensitive. Too challenging to the meaning of "hate crime," which is what some are insisting it was. I admit I was reluctant to jump on the story until now, partly because it was hard to substantiate due in no small way to the lack of mainstream media coverage. It was difficult to tell the nutter reports from the legit ones. Needless to say, a lot of white supremicist types jumped this story early on. It was all over the neo-nazi sites and similar web pages. But today it's front page news in the Chicago Tribune, and you don't get more mainstream than that. The story is about the double murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, "a young Knoxville couple out on an ordinary Saturday night date" back in January 2007. The murders were incredibly heinous and brutal. Both Channon and Christopher were carjacked, kidnapped, raped and ultimately murdered. Both Channon and Christopher were white. Their accused killers are black. Was this a "hate crime?" An excerpt from today's Chicago Tribune story (emphasis mine): But it's not just conservative whites and extremists who have criticized the national silence over the Knoxville case. "Black leaders are not eager to take this on because it's one more thing that would cast a negative light on African-Americans," said Earl Ofari Hutchinson, an author and nationally syndicated black columnist who has written frequently about the reluctance of black leaders to denounce crimes committed by blacks against whites. "There's already an ancient stereotype that blacks are more violent and crime-prone, anyway." Country music star Charlie Daniels, who lives 150 miles from Knoxville, contrasted scant coverage of the Christian-Newsom murders with the national media frenzy that erupted last year when a black woman accused three white members of the Duke University lacrosse team of raping her at a party. Which begs the question: Was the black woman who falsely accused the Duke lacrosse players herself guilty of a hate crime? The boys were found to be innocent. The accuser was found to have lied repeatedly; she fabricated the crime that she accused them of. Why? Out of hate? Writer Ellis Washington was an editor at The Michigan Law Review and a law clerk at The Rutherford Institute. He graduated from John Marshall Law School and is a lecturer and freelance writer on constitutional law, legal history, political philosophy and critical race theory. Washington recently wrote a column titled "Are hate crime statutes constitutional?" An excerpt (emphasis mine): The irony of the hate crime statutes is that they were conceived, promoted and enacted into law by socialists, progressives, liberals, leftist pols and activist groups like the ACLU, People for the American Way,, NAACP, NOW and the Human Rights Campaign, and codified into law by liberal activist judges who have nothing but utter contempt for the original intent of the constitutional Framers and the rule of law. However, in line with the zeitgeist of this post-rationalist age, they carve out a class of special punishments against the criminal defendant that has violated one of their protected groups – minorities, women, atheists, gays, Islamic terrorists, anarchists, illegal aliens. This, dear reader, is the height of cynicism and a shameless perversion of the rule of law and the Constitution. FULL ARTICLE... A few years ago, some gay people in the largely gay "Boys Town" Chicago neighborhood raised the roof about some idiots in a car driving around yelling things at them. "Fags!" I've had drinks with friends in some of the clubs in Boys Town, and you regularly hear gays calling each other "fags." It's like some blacks, who shout "Hey Nigga!" at each other from across the street. The gays didn't like the guys in the car calling them "fags." I don't blame them. Sure, the idiots in the car meant to insult. The remarks were probably meant as hateful. But was it a "crime?" The offended gays said it was. But what if the situation was reversed? Let's ramp it up. If a straight person kills a gay person, is it a "hate" crime? Let's cut to the chase and ask, if somebody is different from their victim, does that make the crime a "hate" crime? One more notch: If a white person kills a black person, is it a hate crime? If a black person kills a white person, can it be a hate crime? If a dwarf kills a tall person, is it a hate crime? Presidential Candidate Ron Paul says this about hate crimes legislation: Hate crime laws not only violate the First Amendment, they also violate the Tenth Amendment. Under the United States Constitution, there are only three federal crimes: piracy, treason, and counterfeiting. All other criminal matters are left to the individual states. Any federal legislation dealing with criminal matters not related to these three issues usurps state authority over criminal law and takes a step toward turning the states into mere administrative units of the federal government. FULL ARTICLE by Ron Paul... If a murder is classified as a "hate crime," is the dead victim more dead because the killer hated him? Of course not. But it adds a new layer to the legal case. It costs the taxpayers more money. It also causes resentment amongst members of groups that are not "protected," as Ellis Washington notes. The question, "Why don't we have the same protection against 'hate crimes' that that group does?" is a valid - and frequently asked - question. RELATED: Black Racism: The Hate Crime That Dare Not Speak It's Name Outside the local Wichita press, however, virtually the only media to report this hate crime were and the American Renaissance newsletter. While the federal government rushes to Los Angeles to investigate an incident in which a handcuffed youth was slammed into the hood of a car and punched by an officer, a pall of silence still blankets the horrendous racial murder of four young people whose murderers are now on trial. The difference in the responses to these two stories can hardly be attributed to anything other than the skin color of the perpetrators and the victims involved. Apparently the sexual torture and brutal executions of four promising youngsters is of no interest to the nation's moral guardians, because the victims happen to be white. FULL ARTICLE... ABC News: New Details Emerge in Matthew Shepard Murder Six years ago, on a cold October night on the outskirts of Laramie, Wyo., 21-year-old gay college student Matthew Shepard was brutally beaten, tied to a fence and left for dead.... The story garnered national attention when the attack was characterized as a hate crime. But Shepard's killers, in their first interview since their convictions, tell "20/20's" Elizabeth Vargas that money and drugs motivated their actions that night, not hatred of gays. FULL STORY... House Passes Hate Crimes Bill Protecting GLBT Americans, Women, and People with Disabilities - FULL ARTICLE... CAIR's Hate Crimes Nonsense - article by Daniel Pipes Specifically, the number of "anti-Muslim hate crimes in the United States" has gone up dramatically. FULL STORY... RealClearPolitics - Articles - Why Not Hate Crimes For All? The bill simply asserts that hate crimes affect such commerce and are committed using articles that have "traveled" in interstate commerce. FULL STORY...