Showing posts with label 49th ward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 49th ward. Show all posts

Bullet Hits Popular Coffee House in Rogers Park, Chicago

Common Cup coffeehouse Rogers Park
Common Cup - Chicago News Bench file photo
May 11, 2013 - An apparent drive-by shooting today has shaken up a quiet coffee shop on Chicago's far northeast side. Gunshots were fired around 12:30 p.m. today in the 1500 block of W. Morse Avenue in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood today. An excellent report at Chicago News Report says that "an investigating officer discovered a bullet hole in a window at 1501 West Morse." That's where Common Cup coffee house sits on the southwest corner of Morse and N. Greenview.

The CNR report noted that a woman was walking along Morse Avenue "when she heard gunshots behind her… when she turned around, a black sedan zoomed passed her, said authorities. Another eyewitness saw a silver car and two black males flee the area of the shooting. One male was limping… possibly, from an injury sustained in the shooting. The limping suspect was last seen going into a gangway near 1443 West Morse, said police."

An update to the CNR report said police were looking at an abandoned vehicle, in which they found shell casings. "Authorities believe the car was used in the Morse Avenue shooting," said CNR.

Also See:

Will CTA Close Jarvis Red Line Station? Maybe!

January 25, 2011 - Chicago - This is a first: I'm agreeing with 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore. He's sounding the alarm over the CTA's proposal to shut down the Jarvis station in Rogers Park. That would be bad. CTA wastes a hell of a lot of money elsewhere, so what's the reasoning? Attend a public meeting on Wednesday, January 26 to learn more. Also see details below in an excerpt written by Ald. Moore on his own website: I just learned today that three of the six options the CTA is considering in its proposed "improvements" to the Red and Purple line include the permanent closing of the Jarvis el station. This is unacceptable. As I reported to you last week, the CTA is hosting a series of "public scoping meetings" to discuss the proposals. I urged you to attend the 49th Ward meeting to join me in pushing for improvements to the Jarvis, Morse and Loyola stations. Little did I know that not only were improvements to Jarvis not contemplated, the CTA was in fact thinking about closing the station! At this point, no funding for the Red Line improvements has been identified and the work is still many years away, but it's not too early to state loudly and clearly that the Jarvis el station must stay open. Join me at the CTA's "public scoping meeting" TOMORROW (Wednesday, January 26th), 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. at New Field School, 1707 W. Morse (at Clark). Tell the CTA you OPPOSE the closing of the Jarvis el Station. Instead, demand the CTA give our community a long overdue NEW Jarvis Station, as well as improvements to the Morse and Loyola stations. I apologize for the last minute notice, but as I indicate above, I just learned today that the CTA was contemplating the closing of Jarvis. [Here is] a flier urging people to attend the meeting. Please feel free to make copies of the flier and distribute to your friends and neighbors: Save_the_Jarvis_El[1].pdf (115 KB) Read more at Ald. Moore's website....

I'm Baaaaack...

Back in da hood: Just in time for the 2011 aldermanic election, Chicago News Bench has returned to its birthplace in Rogers Park. We've set up our new World Headquarters in a secret location deep within the 49th Ward, behind enemy territory, watching, waiting, watching, waiting...

New Book, "Piss 'Em All Off," Promises Just That

Former aldermanic candidate Don Gordon is now an author. He lost to Joe Moore in a vicious run-off election in April, 2007 up in Chicago's 49th Ward. Gordon learned a lot during that nightmarish experience, and now shares some of his knowlegde in a new book. I love the title, "Piss 'Em All Off... and other practices of the effective citizen." Gordon was something of a community activist himself before running for alderman (his main issue has always been preservation of the lakefront, especially along his beloved Rogers Park neighborhood on Chicago's north side). Author Gordon will be signing copies of his new book and answering questions this coming weekend on both Saturday, October 9 from 10:00 am to Noon and also on Sunday, October 10 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. WHERE: Charmers Cafe, 1500 W. Jarvis (at Greenview) in Rogers Park, Chicago. (Very little street parking, but a short 1/2 block from the Jarvis CTA Red Line station.) The book is described by Gordon as an effort to closely examine "the five practices of being an effective citizen, showing that they are simple, require little of our time, and make a dramatic difference in how government responds." Is he talking about the Tea Party? No, not intentionally, anyway. Gordon is not a Tea Partier, but like many self-described "Democrats" he shares many of their values. Like many of those Democrats, he probably wouldn't admit this. Even so, Don Gordon is a bright man with a likable personality (I've gotten drunk with him on more than one occasion) and it would be well worth your while to meet him and check out his book. Gordon sounds Tea Party-ish in his recent media release, in which he poses these questions: "Tired of getting screwed over by a government that's out of touch? Weary of corrupt and incompetent politicians who make things worse? Frustrated by a political system that works only for the well-connected? Well don't give up! Our democracy is indeed failing, but it's you and I who are responsible. Only we can make a difference, and only if we take the time to do what is necessary. What we need is a guide that explores the practices of effective citizenship. This book is that guide." We need all the informed advice we can get these days in our troubled republic, and Don Gordon is more informed than most. But I can't help urging you to remind my friend Mr. Gordon that he should attend one or two Tea Party rallies. He would, I think, find a lot of common ground there. More about the book and the book signing here...

In Rogers Park, They're Putting Lipstick on Pigs

49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore wants to paint over the crumbling infrastructure of CTA and Metra underpasses in Rogers Park. It's like putting lipstick on pigs. Moore is good at coverups. We are all still wondering what happened to that box of ballots in the April 2007 aldermanic run-off election, for example, and we'd love to know what kind of paper Moore and convicted check kiter Robert Creamer used to exchange in a back office. Another kind of coverup that the Rogers Park alderman is good at: Putting lipstick on a pig. While CTA and Metra underpasses are crumbling throughout the city, including his own 49th Ward, Moore wants murals on the rusting steel and crumbling concrete. It won't improve the underpasses one bit structurally, of course, and undoubtedly some folks will not be pleased with the artwork that will finally be applied. In the photos here, we see crumbling CTA infrastructure. Is Moore trying to get this fixed? Nope, but he's elated that pretty paint will soon be applied to underpasses such as these. (Above: CTA underpass at N. Glenwood and W. Pratt. Left: Crumbling underpass at Jarvis CTA station, one block from Moore's 49th Ward Service Office.) Moore and his leftist pals seem to have a phobia about blank spaces. If a wall is simply white or gray, it reminds them of how empty their own lives are and so they try to fill it with something, anything, just to fill it. They did this a few years ago by hiring an artist to apply a dreadful mural on the Morse Avenue CTA underpass (photo below). After the garish thing was completed, the Morse underpass was still crumbling. The only difference the mural made: Instead of a white, crumbling structure, the Morse underpass became a crumbling structure painted in a garish, day-glo psychedlic acid trip vomit motiff. The mural has not reduced the level of crime near the station and it has not motivated businesses to move onto Morse Avenue. The mural was nothing more than a public relations stunt by Moore. Today, the mural is peeling, cracking, and stained by water that leeches through the crumbling cement (see two photos below). While the Morse Avenue Mural project was underway in 2008, Moore and others spoke dreamily of a "Mile of Murals" project along the CTA elevated tracks in Rogers Park, already well past the promised date of August, 2007. That didn't happen, in part because CTA backed out of the deal. Now, Moore has come up with an alternate plan, which he outlined in an email blast on Wednesday, June 23, 2010. "Calling All Artists!" screamed the headline of Moore's June 23 email, "Applications to Design an Underpass Mural Now Being Accepted." "Dear Neighbor," wrote Moore, "All Chicago-based artists are invited to submit a design for one of twelve murals that will grace the CTA and Metra underpasses in the 49th Ward. The 'Mass Underpass Murals Project' was one of the funding proposals that received voter approval in the Participatory Budgeting Election last April in which I gave the 49th Ward residents the power to determine how I would spend the 49th Ward's capital budget allocation." The "Participatory Budgeting Election" that Moore refers to was a publicity stunt back in April. Moore "asked the residents of the 49th Ward to decide directly how to spend his $1.3 million capital budget for 2010. Over the past six months, 49th Ward residents identifiedneeds, researched projects, and prepared full spending proposals. Beginning April 5, 2010, with early voting, and culminating in an election held on April 10th,2010, all 49th Ward residents age 16 and over, regardless of citizenship or voter registrationstatus, were invited to vote for their favorite ward improvement projects. Each voter was entitled to vote for up to eight (8) projects. Ballots were cast by 1,652 ward residents." (Source: 49th Ward Participatory Budgeting Initiative April 10, 2010 Election Result - PDF) The population of the 49th Ward is just over 60,000. There are approximately 20,000 registered voters, but Moore is very proud that 1,652 "ward residents" - including a few illegal aliens, no doubt - decided how to spend the $1.3 million capital budget. The items chosen are mostly laughable in these times of city budgetary crunches. The underpass murals will cost $84,000 ("estimated") and received an unimpressive 740 votes. Compare that to these more practical items: "Additional Benches and Shelters on CTA 'El' Platforms" would also cost an "estimated" $84,000 but received only 487 votes. A "Traffic/Pedestrian Signal on Clark at Chase," estimated at $230,000, received only 494 votes. Another item, "Street Resurfacing: 1200-1500 W. Lunt," will cost an "estimated" $93,500 but received only 210 votes. In fact, it was a "runner up" project and received less votes than any other item. Another runner-up was "Intersection safety improvements at Clark and Farwell," estimated to cost a mere $2,600. That received 334 votes. So, painting over crumbling infrastructure is a higher priority in Rogers Park than is street resurfacing, benches and shelters on CTA platforms, and intersection safety. And Joe Moore is pleased as punch about that. One wonders what kind of idiots voted in Moore's "Participatory Budgeting Election" and why their priorities are so screwy. If you're an artist who is eager to rip off the taxpayers, you can apply to paint one of the murals here or pick up an application during regular business hours at Moore's 49th Ward Service Office, 7356 N. Greenview (at Jarvis). The following CTA underpasses are designated to receive a mural: Columbia, Estes, Farwell, Greenleaf, Pratt. The following Union Pacific (Metra) underpasses are designated to receive a mural: Estes, Farwell, Greenleaf, Morse, Pratt, Rogers, Touhy.

Yet Another Ginderske-Westgard Fraud and Failure

JUNE 5, 2010 - James "Jim" Ginderske will probably run for alderman again next year in Chicago's 49th Ward. He's been building his political resume since 2006, when he launched his poorly run aldermanic campaign against incumbent Joe Moore.

Since losing to Moore and two other contenders in February, 2007, Ginderske has become a shameless lapdog of Joe Moore and overseen the stunning failure of two of his own pet projects: "Neighbors for a Healthy Rogers Park" (NHRP) and "The Urban Coaster."

Ginderske keeps racking up spectacular failures, and continues to lie about them and misrepresent himself. First, let's look at The Urban Coaster. Then we'll examine the NHRP.

The Urban Coaster was first incorporated in October, 2008. It was involuntarily dissolved by the State of Illinois on March 12, 2010. 

However, it continues to illegally misrepresent itself as "The Urban Coaster, Inc." (when we checked the "About" page on their website at 10:00 a.m., June 5, 2010). There, the publisher is listed as "The Urban Coaster, Inc." It's the "Inc." part that's the problem.

They cannot legally use "Inc." in their name, because they are not a legal corporation in Illinois. The original signers of the Articles of Incorporation on October 22, 2008 were James J. Ginderske, Francis Scudellari (right) and Thomas Westgard (left).

Westgard, an attorney of sorts, is currently listed as a Contributing Writer. He should certainly be aware that it is illegal for an entity to use "Inc." in its name and constitutes misrepresentation if, in fact, the entity is not a legal corporation. Such is the case with The Urban Coaster.

Curiously, Jim Ginderske calls himself the publisher of The Urban Coaster on his LinkedIn page and says he still holds that title. He says he's in the "Newspapers industry," but we wonder how that can be true when in fact the Urban Coaster seems to no longer be putting out a dead-tree version. He may technically be in publishing, but no longer in newspapers. The question, then, remains: Who, exactly, is really the publisher of The Urban Coaster?

There is a notice at the bottom of that "About" page that says, "All materials are Copyright The Urban Coaster, Inc." Since there is no such entity as "The Urban Coaster, Inc.," we can't help but wonder who actually owns the copyrights to any "materials" posted after their involuntarily dissolution on March 12, 2010.

The Urban Coaster was originally both an online and actual paper publication that billed itself as covering "all the news that fits the neighborhoods of Rogers Park, West Ridge, and Edgewater along the shore of Lake Michigan on Chicago's far North Side."

The Urban Coaster has not printed a paper version since late 2009. Their last post on Twitter was October 16, 2009. The last time they posted to their Facebook wall was March 22, 2009. It still has its website, and the most recent posting was on May 28, 2010.

The Urban Coaster usually misses or ignores the big local stories in favor of non-local headlines such as "Is the Informal Economy the Best Hope for Africa?" (May 27, 2010), "The Threat of Extremism in South Africa" (April 6, 2010), "The Tragedy of Niger's Coup" (February 23, 2010) and "Understanding Rwanda in the Context of Haiti" (January 29, 2010). That can be considered "neighborhood news" only if you live in Africa or Haiti, not Rogers Park, Illinois.

No Union Label: The Urban Coaster presents itself as pro-union, yet the Urban Coaster itself is not and never has been a union shop. Ginderske brags about his union membership but proudly participates in a non-union operation.

No Hablas Espanol: In March, 2008 there was a public meeting in Rogers Park, at which Dan Haley, the new publisher of the News-Star newspaper, introduced himself to the community. Neither Westgard nor Ginderske bothered to show up, but Ginderske minions Francis Scuddellari and Terry "Cookie" Feingold were in attendance. Both men were integral cogs in the 2007 Ginderske aldermanic campaign and both are still listed on the Urban Coaster staff roster. Feingold raised his hand and asked Haley if the News-Star had plans to publish a Spanish language version, citing Rogers Park's large Latino population. Haley said they had no such plans, and Feingold effectively chided him for not caring about the Spanish speakers among us.

The Urban Coaster has never published a Spanish version of itself either online or in paper. For that matter, Feingold's own catering company's website is English-only.

The Urban Coaster, as noted, is not incorporated, so it is misrepresenting itself by using the name "The Urban Coaster, Inc." on its website. It's not the first time, either.

The Urban Coaster has been in violation now (again) since March 12, 2010 by calling themselves "Inc." on a website that still, apparently, accepts advertising. As of June 5, 2010 at 11:36 a.m., Terry Feingold is still listed as their contact for advertising. The next item on that page, below Feingold's name, is "The Urban Coaster, Inc." To be selling advertising - or anything else - while misrepresenting yourself as a corporation is a violation of law.


Illinois law states that
"Any corporation which (i) puts forth any sign or advertisement, assuming any name other than that by which it is incorporated or otherwise authorized by law to act or (ii) violates Section 3.25, shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor and shall be deemed guilty of an additional offense for each day it shall continue to so offend." (Source: Illinois General Assembly web site; see "Article 16 - Penalties".) As of this writing on June 5, 2010, it's coming up on 90 days since they lost their corporate status, yet they continue to use a name that is not "authorized by law." 

A video interview of Jim Ginderske and Francis Scudellari talking about the beginnings of The Urban Coaster (Part 1 here; Part 2 here) reveals much. (Fast forward to 3:20 in Part 1 to get to the Ginderske-Scudellari portion.) The interview was recorded at the Heartland Cafe on March 21, 2009 during a live radio broadcast hosted by SDS member and lifelong marxist Michael James. (Little did any of them know, at the time, that The Urban Coaster would have the same kind of spectacular success that the late Air America enjoyed.)

It's darkly amusing to hear Ginderske insist that The Urban Coaster would be unbiased (in fact, it's had a boldly pro-socialist slant from the beginning), and to hear them promise, in Part 2, that "within a year" they would publish a Spanish version of The Urban Coaster.

As noted, that has yet to happen, and with no paper version - and no advertising - there seems little chance that they their promise will be kept. Involuntarily dissolved by order of the State of Illinois one year and nine days after that promise was made, it seems like just one more broken Ginderske promise.

Neighbors for a Healthy Rogers Park (NHRP) was first incorporated in December, 2006, at the height of Ginderske's 2007 aldermanic run. 

It was involuntarily dissolved by the State of Illinois on May 9, 2009. NHRP was created primarily as an attempt to make Ginderske look like a man of the people and a guy who just wanted to help the neighborhood. With the benefit of hindsight, we can now see that Ginderske neglected NHRP when it was no longer politically useful to him.

Watch for him to try to rehabilitate the discredited NHRP, however, as he gears up for another aldermanic run in 2011. Ginderske continues to make lame attempts now and then to misrepresent NHRP as a legitimate group.

As recently as September 14, 2009 (four months after losing its legal status as a corporation), Ginderske was pushing NHRP. According to the Minutes of the Public Hearings on the FY2010 Preliminary Budget, page 3, for the Cook County Health and Hospitals System Board of Directors, he was registered as "Jim Ginderske, Representative, Neighbors for a Healthy Rogers Park" and submitted "written testimony." We couldn't find the details of that testimony, but we bet that Ginderske did not tell the Board that the group he was representing had been involuntarily dissolved by the State of Illinois months earlier.

Ginderske lists himself as the current "President" of NHRP on his LinkedIn page. He claims that NHRP is in the "Research industy."

In July, 2008, Chicago News Bench noted that NHRP had not given a full accounting of any money that passed through its hands. Today, on June 5, 2010, we would still like to see a full accounting from NHRP.

Ginderske's partner in these messes: Thomas J. Westgard was Ginderske's campaign chair in the 2007 run for alderman. Westgard has been an integral part of Ginderske's fraudulent NHRP and Urban Coaster failures. Will he be part of Ginderske's sure-to-be-fraudulent 2011 campaign?


Two Kids Fall From Church Window in Chicago

Two 6-year-old girls fell out of the window of a building this morning in the Rogers Park on Chicago's far north side, reports Chicago Breaking News. Just past 10:00 a.m., it is reported, the girls "fell from a window of a building that is located behind the United Church of Rogers Park, 1545 W. Morse Ave. The children were taken to Children's Memorial Hospital with leg injuries, but their conditions weren't immediately available, according to the Chicago Fire Department." The building from which they fell is in a portion of the United Church of Rogers Park that is leased to St. Mary's Ethiopian Orthodox Church. They might just as easily have been injured walking up the steps to the Ashland Avenue entrance of the church. As you see in our photos here, those steps are in serious, long-term disrepair. In the photo to the left, a local mentally-challenged man attempts acrobatics on them with his bicycle. In the photo below, members of the church walk down the unsafe steps. We reported on these unsafe conditions of the United Church of Rogers Park back in June of 2009, but here's a fresh report today: Chicago Breaking News quotes a member of United Church's board as saying, "Two of the kids found their way to the stairwell and out of the eyes of their parents," and that the kids "unlocked a window on the landing where they were playing." He said the girls fell into a concrete courtyard. There is a big sign on the Morse Avenue side of the church that says "This Congregation Rejects War." We dare say that more people have been injured in the United Church of Rogers Park by non-warfare incidents than otherwise. RELATED: Rogers Park Man Was Murdered ABC7 Chicago

Chicago Alderman Joe Moore's Racially Insensitive Yearbook Photos

(Updated, 2-20-2019)~ Years ago, while still in college, future Chicago Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward, Rogers Park) hung with a crowd that some might call racist. The nearly-all white group of students apparently thought it was funny to mock ghetto life.

These are photos (click them to enlarge) from Moore's 1980 yearbook, when Moore was a senior. How do you interpret "The Ghetto" in these images?

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam got in trouble in January, 2019 for yearbook photos showing him in blackface.

Will Northam's fellow Democrat Joe Moore be held to the same scrutiny? (Don't hold your breath.)

What Moore and his gang did is not much different than what a fraternity did in San Diego years later. That fraternity was accused of racism for allegedly mocking Black History Month.  The Associated Press reported this:
Administrators at the University of California, San Diego are investigating a ghetto-themed party organized by fraternity students to mock Black History Month, and will determine if the students involved should be disciplined in the next few weeks....

A party invitation posted on Facebook told students to wear large T-shirts, rapper-style urban clothing by makers such as FUBU, and gold chains, according to a copy posted on the Web site for San Diego TV station 10News. Women were urged to go as "ghetto chicks." The post said such items as watermelon and cheap beer would be served.

What were Joe Moore (photo, right) and his college posse thinking when they created "Joe's Ghetto?"

Moore graduated with a B.A. from Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois in 1980.

Related Articles:

Why yearbooks keep revealing skeletons in politicians’ closets (Vox)

Blackface, KKK hoods and mock lynchings: Review of 900 yearbooks finds blatant racism (USA Today)

Joe's Ghetto: The Early Years (Chicago News Bench)

N. Side Chicago Woman Killed by Snow Plow

February 9, 2010 - Tragic accident in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood takes the life of a woman about one block from where she lived. An elderly woman, identified as Yuliya Polzikova, 71, was struck and killed this afternoon by a snow plow a short distance from her Rogers Park home, authorities said. The accident occurred at about 2:15 p.m. in the 1300 block of West Morse Avenue, Chicago police said.... According to police, Polzikova was walking on Morse when she was struck by a Chevrolet Silverado with an attached plow clearing a private parking lot. More at Reaction Radio... Ms. Polzikova resided in the 1200 block of West Morse Avenue. The Chicago Tribune reported that Ms. Polzikova "was rushed to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, where she was pronounced dead a short time later, a medical examiner's spokesman said. The police Major Accident Investigation Unit was interviewing the plow driver. The unidentified driver was expected to receive citations related to the collision, police said." Also See: Woman, 71, fatally struck by snow plow in Rogers Park - Chicago Sun-Times Elderly Woman Struck and Killed by Snow Plow in Rogers Park - MyFoxChicago Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Merry Christmas, Rogers Park

Here's my Christmas gift to Chicago's 49th Ward. Click image to enlarge (it's big). Add liquor, collect political favors and enjoy!

Chicago Alderman Encourages Public Drunkeness

"You can't trust a promise someone makes while they're
drunk, in love, hungry, or running for office." Joe Moore
Holiday Pub Crawl in Rogers Park this Sunday Dear Booze Lovers, Looking for a fun way to start the holiday season? Let's get drunk early this year at the ROGERS PARK HOLIDAY PUB CRAWL! WOO HOO! Sponsored by the Rogers Park Boozers Alliance (RPBA), the Pub Crawl takes place this Sunday, December 6th, 4-8 p.m., starting at the RPBA's office, 1448 W. Morse. I don't know if they'll have open booze in the office, but we can certainly hope so! Now, there are a lot of drinking establishments in the 49th Ward, but we're only going to the ones that are owned by my political allies! Why not, right?!? What the hell do you care if I show preference over all of the other fine saloons in Rogers Park? Here are the pubs owned by my political suck-ups:Duke's Hideaway, 6920 N. Glenwood Ave. (Niel the owner is on lots of my committees! Niel and his wife Mary think I'm an idiot, but they're useful to me and I tell the cops to ignore the dope smoking in the parking lot behind the place.) • Heartland Cafe Buffalo Bar, 7000 N. Glenwood Ave. (Owners Michael and Katie are two of my best aparatchiks. In spite of them being shut down last year for having a filthy kitchen and moldy ice machine, I'm sure they'll serve drinks in clean glasses. Just don't look at the ice cubes too closely!) • The Morseland, 1218 W. Morse Ave. (Purely opportunist politically, the owners and management hate my guts, but they play ball with me and that's all I care about.) • The Glenwood, 6962 N. Glenwood Ave. (This is a "gay" bar, and gays are generally Democrats, and Democrats will vote for a box of kitty litter if you call it a Democrat. And I call myself a Democrat, so drink up Mary!) We'll just avoid these other drinking establishments, even though they pay taxes too. These people do not deserve the honor of my presence: The Oasis, 6809 North Sheridan Road Jarheads, 6973 North Clark Street Poitinstil, 1502 West Jarvis Avenue Lighthouse Tavern, 7301 North Sheridan Road Bruno and Tim's Lounge, 6572 North Sheridan Road There are more, of course, but I don't want to give them free advertising. Say, this reminds me: Did you ever see that great video of me on a pub crawl in 2007 when I was buying drinks for voters and giving away cheap trinkets? No? You can see it by clicking here. Tickets are $10 if purchased in advance, $15 at the door. No one under 21 years old will be admitted. Don't ask me where the proceeds will go. It's none of your business. You can purchase tickets online at , or pay at the door at RPBA's office on the day of the event. For more information contact I look forward to getting shitfaced and pissing in an alleyway with you on Sunday! Sincerely, Joe Moore Visit the website of the 49th Ward Click here to be removed from our email list Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

Busted: SEIU Violating Election Law, 2007

I thought it would be a good time to revisit a polling place violation by some SEIU member during the 2007 Aldermanic run-off election in Chicago's 49th Ward. Incumbent Joe Moore was heavily supported by SEIU and ACORN. Here are photos that I took of some SEIU people inside of a polling place on election day, taping up flyers and talking to people as they came through the entrance. When they realized that I was on to them, they left, then yelled at me that I must have been imagining things. I guess my camera has a vivid imagination. Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Alderman Joe Moore, ACORN and SEIU

UPDATE, 9/17/09: HOUSE VOTES TO DEFUND ACORN, 375-75 Chicago Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward) has friends in low places, particularly ACORN and Service Employees International Union (SEIU). ACORN, a criminal organization, has very, very close ties to SEIU. SEIU Local 880 shares office space with ACORN in Chicago (at 650 S. Clark Street, Chicago). That's where the National ACORN Housing Corporation hangs its collective hat. SEIU Local 73 (1165 North Clark Street, #500, Chicago, 60620), of course, works closely with Local 880. Both have supported Moore heavily in the past. It is curious that both the national SEIU web site and their Illinois site now omit address listings for Local 880 (a/o Sept 15, 2009). ACORN referred to SEIU Local 880 as a "sister union" on page 38 of their 2005 Annual Report (PDF). Joe Moore has close ties to both organizations. On the same page, ACORN wrote, "For over twenty years, SEIU Local 880 – currently the largest local union in Illinois – has organized thousands of homecare workers and home childcare workers..." It should be noted that Locals 73 and 880 are not your average locals. In fact, they often lead the rest of the SEIU in Illinois. According to (emphasis added): Although SEIU has 18 locals in the state, it is dominated by a few big locals. Local 73 has 23,000 members who are public employees (Christine Boardman, president, and Joanna Misnik, communications: 312-787-5868).... Staff director Keith Kelleher has organized over 30,000 home care workers into Local 880 (Myra Glassman, media contact, 312-939-7490 ext. 135), including state employees as well as workers previously considered "independent contractors" for social service agencies which are reimbursed by the state. And in 2005, 50,000 home child care providers in Illinois won the right to organize and voted for Local 880 as their collective bargaining agent. The local has also been a leader in the campaign for a "living wage" in the city. The ACORN connection is also noted by (emphasis added): Labor unions often form coalitions with community groups to advance common interests. A few deserve special mention. Citizen Action/Illinois (312-427-2114; William McNary, co-director) bring together unions, community, senior citizen and other groups to promote candidates and legislation. ACORN (312-939-7488; Madeline Talbott, director) organizes mainly in low-income neighborhoods and works closely with SEIU, especially Local 880, on issues such as living wages or in support of independent-minded political candidates.... "Independent-minded political candidates?" Really? Are we to believe that SEIU or ACORN would support an "independent-minded" candidate who favors brining a Wal-Mart into a neighborhood? Are the Democrats that they endorse and support (try finding a Republican that gets their help) really "independent-minded," or are they toadies to the DNC's party line and leftist ideology? Was John McCain, called "the maverick" and hailed for being independent-minded by Democrats and Republicans alike, not "independent-minded" enough to earn SEIU's support? Alderman Moore pretends to be an independent-minded maverick who stands up to Chicago Dictator Richard Daley, while in reality he rubber stamps Daley more than 70% of the time in City Council voting. Even so, SEIU apparently thinks Moore is "independent-minded" enough for them. And why not? Although Daley was at odds with Moore, the unions and ACORN over the "living wage" issue in 2006, Dictator Daley is generally pro-SEIU and ACORN. "Independent-minded candidate," in the lexicon of unions and community organizers, translates to "someone who agrees with us." It helps, too, if the candidate is a Democrat. Here are just a few links about Moore's circle of diseased bedmates: New Ground 38 - Chicago Democratic Socialists of America - "SEIU Local 880 and ACORN share office space." - Marathon Pundit: Ald. Moore: Putting the unions' money where his ... Citizens for Joe Moore SEIU Local 880 PAC 1024 Elysian Fields New Orleans, LA 70117 $1000.00 6/8/2006 Individual Contribution Citizens for Joe Moore ... From Moore's Own Web Site: Moore also has picked up the support of ....the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 880. Paid for by SEIU IL Council too? - Toni Duncan ACORN Duo - Toni Duncan Chicago News Bench: Analyzing Joe Moore's SEIU Money - In total, Moore's D2s show 89 receipts for SEIU money, totaling $155,958.01. YouTube - SEIU Says - 06.12.2007 (Part 2 of 2) - Endorsement of Moore ALSO SEE: The Twenty-Five Million Dollar AlderRace - Aldertrack archive SEIU: ‘One of the Pillars of the ACORN Family’ - Hundreds Show Up to Protest SEIU Thuggery - Gateway Pundit SEIU violence justified v. union-busting union - The Union News Nurses Blast SEIU for Deceit in Hiding Violence at Michigan - Apr 24, 2008 - Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Who Ald. Moore Really Screamed "F--- You" To

And now, the rest of the ugly story: On June 20, Chicago Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward) screamed "F--- You!" when he was denied entrance to a VIP reception at an IVI-IPO dinner. Moore didn't have the right ticket, but His Excellency felt he was entitled. He was not, he was denied, he had a fit and he then yelled the obscene insult. But there is more to the story: Who Moore directed that obscenity at, and the rest of what he said. Bob Bartell is the IVI-IPO State Chairman. He is (was?) also a close friend of Moore. Sources tell Chicago News Bench that Bartell was a guest at Joe Moore's secret wedding (June 7, 2008). When Moore was denied entrance to the IVI-IPO's V.I.P. reception on June 20, 2009, he tried to over the gate keeper's head by appealing to Bartell to wave the rules for him. When Bartell upheld the rule, Moore went balistic. "F--- you," Moore hollered, "and your family." The insult was aimed at Bob Bartell personally, not at the room in general. Moore's meaning was clear: "Family" includes more than the spouse. It includes parents, kids, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. Joe Moore told Bob Bartell that he and his entire family should just get f---ed. This is just another reason why Moore will have a hard time finding party support for any bid he might make for re-election in 2011. IVI-IPO Chairman Bob Bartell, who is also well connected with the Northside DFA (Democracy For America), is probably not as charmed by Moore as he used to be. Other reasons include the fact that the Northside DFA itself has not been charmed with Moore for a while; it's difficult to find many people in their ranks who think highly of Moore. The SEIU is not as charmed as they once were, since Moore tried to effectively replace them with a Boys and Girls Club at a public facility in his 49th Ward. Moore has relied heavily on the SEIU for both campaign money and campaign workers. Having been betrayed by Moore, they may not be as willing to pony up as much cash or as many thugs next time around. Also see: Joe Moore Has A Meltdown at IVI-IPO Dinner Sidebar I once told Joe Moore to f--- himself, and I said it to his face at the Morse CTA station on a busy weekday morning in 2008. He was on the sidewalk handing out propaganda. As I walked past him, I said "f--- yourself" just loud enough for him to hear me. I kept walking, intent on catching a train, unaware that Moore had followed me into the dingy station. There, with the smell of urine all around, I suddenly heard Moore yell "What did you say?!?" I turned, saw Moore standing there, his normally pasty face all flushed and red. I stared at him, my eyebrows raised in a silent "Bring it on, Joe." He repeated himself, louder this time. People were watching. "What did you say to me?" he demanded. "I told you to f--- yourself," I said matter-of-factly. About a dozen CTA commuters laughed. Moore's red face became even redder, his chin wobbled horizontally, he stammered something unintelligible, his eyes rolled. I laughed. Moore turned heel and left the station, back to flashing fake smiles at constituents on the sidewalk. I tell you this to only to note that there was something that I did not say to Moore that morning, something that I would never say to him. Although I told Moore to f--- himself, I left his family out of it. None of Moore's spawn or blood relatives have anything to do with his (alleged) corruption or (proven) ineptitude (as far as I know), and they should not be dragged into the argument. (In Moore's case, however, wife Barbara is fair game since she brags that she tells Joe what to do and how to do it, even when she's sober.) Moore, being a yutz with no class, had no reservations about cursing out his dear friend Bob Bartell's entire family. Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

DevCorp North's Disingenuous Name Change

There's been a minor fuss over the "name change" of the notorious DevCorp North in East Rogers Park. They want everyone to know that they are now "Rogers Park Business Alliance," but the fact is that their Entity Name is still "DevCorp North," as listed with the Illinois Secretary of State. The reason given for the "name change" is weird. DevCorp's July 30 press release states that their new name "allows" them "to build on past successes and focus on strengthening business and building community in Chicago's most diverse neighborhood." Huh? Why would a name change be required for that? You can see the full press release here. In addition, the fact that public-money-sucking DevCorp has employed an advertising agency to help get the word out about the name change raises more questions. The most obvious question: How much is DevCorp/RPBA spending for a simple task that any of the dullards in their own office could have done? That July 30 press release was sent as an attachment by Mark Farina (email of Chicago ad agency a5 Group, Inc. at 1 N. LaSalle Street in Chicago. I sent an email to Mark Farina on Sunday, August 2, in which I asked him the following questions: Dear Mr. Farina: A few questions, please: What is a5inc? Did DevCorp North simply change its name, or is this part of a restructuring of the corporation? Why did DevCorp North - a name well known in Rogers Park already - feel the need to change its name? (The statement by Board president Tommy FitzGibbon, as appears on the website page, does not address any of these questions.) Does the name change mean that DevCorp / RPBA has or will cease any business conducted outside of Rogers Park (e.g., in Wrigleyville)? The IL Sec. of State shows that the Entity Name is STILL "DevCorp North" (File Number 53052711), and that "Rogers Park Business Alliance" is merely the Assumed Name. Why was the Entity Name NOT changed as well? Inasmuch as the actual Entity Name is STILL "DevCorp North," is the announcement of a "name change" to "better reflect" the community not somewhat disingenuous? READ MORE ABOUT DEVCORP HERE... Leave a Comment... See Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Julie Hamos is Lost and Confused

Julie Hamos (D-Evanston) has been the Illinois State Representative for the 18th District since 1998, but she has been signalling to her constituents that she no longer wants her current job. She did that by very publicly considering a run for the Illinois Attorney General's office, a position currently held by Lisa Madigan. It was assumed by many, including Hamos, that Madigan probably wouldn't run for re-election in favor of seeking an even higher office, most likely a U.S. Senate seat. They were all wrong. Yesterday (July 8), Madigan said that she intends to keep her job as the Illinois AG. This not only makes Hamos look foolish, it puts her in a tight spot. It's not certain what Hamos is running for now. Indeed, her own web site seems to avoid that issue. "Hamos for Illinois" has a tired ring to it, but "Illinois" is not an office, and I could not find anything that actually says she is running for re-election. "Hamos for Illinois" says nothing and commits her to nothing. So, what office is Julie Hamos running for? Her press release today, sent to us by email, was equally nonspecific. (See full text of the release further below.) The press release commends Lisa Madigan, the woman she hoped to replace, then goes on to say, "Over the past few months I have met with Democratic and community leaders and heard the concerns of voters across Illinois. In the coming days I plan to revisit those supporters and ask for their best ideas on how I can work for the people of Illinois. I look forward to hearing their ideas and input as I discuss my next steps with my family." In other words, Hamos is rudderless. She's shooting up flares in the middle of a dark sea, hoping for a passing ship to rescue her. The actions of Madigan and Hamos could actually cause ripples in Chicago's 49th Ward and, therefore, affect the outcome of the 2011 aldermanic campaign. On June 28, Evanston attorney Jeff Smith declared his candidacy for the 18th District seat. Smith, like most, was fairly confident that Hamos was about to bow out and seek the AG job. His battle, uphill from the start, might now steepen to a vertical climb. Smith is well known to the local Democrat power elite, but the average voter has never heard of him. He is best known in some parts of the 18th District as a former legal counsel to Chicago Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward). That ward lies adjacent to the southern border of the 18th District. If Smith can deftly play off of the unintentional admission by Hamos that she no longer wants the job of representing the 18th District, Smith could actually have a chance at winning. To make that play would not be difficult, but Smith faces a possible challenge from Joe Moore. As noted here on July 6, Alderman Moore has privately told a number of people that he is considering a run for the 18th Legislative District. Now that Hamos has all but bowed out of the AG race, however, Moore will likely lose interest. He would probably be held back by the local Democrat cabal and essentially ordered to not challenge their darling Julie. The local Democrats have lost a lot of faith in Moore since he barely won re-election in a tight 2007 runoff. He is alleged to have stolen the election, which he officially won by less than 300 votes after spending over a million dollars and viciously slandering Don Gordon, his runoff challenger. Moore pissed off the SEIU, a formerly staunch ally, over the Boys and Girls Club fiasco in Rogers Park in 2008. Last month, he lost still more respect by yelling "F--- You and your family!" to a high ranking IVI-IPO official in a roomful of high ranking Democrat leaders after being refused admission to a VIP reception for which he had not purchased a ticket. The local DFA has long been divided on its support for Moore. Like Hamos, Moore is now known as someone who doesn't want to remain in the office he currently holds. It doesn't help a candidate when voters know he or she really doesn't give a damn about the office they are running for anymore. It's like telling your boss that you'd rather be working for a different department or even another company. Even without the Madigan decision to run for re-election, Julie Hamos was not assured of her own re-election. That's probably why she was looking for another gig; she knows she's in trouble with her own constituents. One of those constituents is Anne Leary, who publishes Backyard Conservative and has been a harsh critic of Hamos for years. On June 26, Leary wrote the following: "So perennial tax-hiker heinous Hamos is posing as a reformer in a planned run for Illinois attorney general. But how can we forget how she and shifty Jeff Schoenberg, in cahoots with Tony Rezko and Gov. Blago, sneaked through legislation targeting her own district, holding hearings everywhere but here." Read the full post... Everywhere except her own 18th District, that is. That's the district she was so eager to get out of, and the one that she is still not sure she wants to represent. Here is the full text of the floundering, begging-for-help press release from Julie Hamos, June 8, 2009 (emphasis added): For Immediate Release Contact: Mike Fourcher, (847) 550-3777 Julie Hamos Commends Lisa Madigan's Decision Following the news of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan's decision to run for reelection, State Representative Julie Hamos released this statement: "Lisa Madigan has been a strong Attorney General and an excellent leader for the state of Illinois. I was pleased to learn that she will continue to provide excellent leadership to our state in these difficult times. "Over the past few months I have met with Democratic and community leaders and heard the concerns of voters across Illinois. In the coming days I plan to revisit those supporters and ask for their best ideas on how I can work for the people of Illinois. I look forward to hearing their ideas and input as I discuss my next steps with my family." Since 1998, Julie has been the State Representative for the 18th District. As Chair of the House Mass Transit Committee, she led the 2008 rescue of the regional transit system with comprehensive funding and reform. Her legislative priorities reflect her commitment to all of Illinois, including new laws to make housing more affordable and available statewide; health care legislation to expand access to reproductive, mental health and long-term care services. In 1981 she joined the staff of then-State's Attorney Richard M. Daley, serving as legislative counsel and policy advisor where she authored Illinois' first legislation on domestic violence and sexual assault. Julie has received more than 20 "top legislator" awards from organizations and agencies and was named one of Crain's Chicago Business "25 Women to Watch" in 2007. She lives in Evanston with her husband, Alan Greiman. Additional information can be found at RELATED: Field lining up to succeed Hamos - Wilmette Life, July 8 Madigan fallout: Illinois pols survey new political landscape - The Civic Report, July 8 Julie Hamos for (watch this space) Change of Subject - Eric Zorn, July 3 Follow the Money - Backyard Conservative, May 2006 Leave a Comment... See Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Updated! Chicago Dunes Story Evokes Threat of Violence

UPDATE: The lying lunatic who wrote to me this morning, with strong hints of threatened violence, wrote again! He/she is a liar, as I show in the update below, after the original lunacy: The following comment is a response to this morning's post "Eco-Nuts Grab More Chicago Lake Front." It's creepy, it's weird, it's irrational. It's from a person who is obviously an enthusiastic supporter of the "dunes" project at Loyola Beach on Chicago's far north side. Nice to know what kind of violent lunatics support that little project, isn't it? Weirdly, the author veers off on unrelated ranting about the nearby "Artists of the Wall" (photos here, from 2008), which he/she says he/she participated in. (For current photos, click here.) Below is the full text of the bizarre comment (received via our Guestbook - Comments). There are implied threats of violence within it and things written that seem to indicate that the author lives in or near the Rogers Park neighorhood of Chicago. Those items are highlighted as blue bold. My own interjected comments appear in red. On 22.06.2009 17:09 wrote You are a coward from Gods GREEN Earth (IP: BUG OFF !!! STOP SPAMING ME !!! YOU HAVE BEEN REPORTED TO SBC. THIS IS A WARNING. I don't want your blog.I don't want your hate. I do not value your opinion. [Note: Then stop reading this blog. Nobody forces you to look at this blog.] I don't want your CRAPPY photos of me, ( I have my own camera )... I don't want any contact from you or your hate blog. I wonder why the photos??? Do you hope for a hate crime??? Bring it on -- It's a good day to die. "You Christians, tried to kill the son of your own God, and only after you figured out you could not kill him did you decide to worship him... and you expect us to trust in your so called words of wisdom ? " [Note: You have that wrong, but what does that have to do with a native plants project???] In the spirit of Tecumseh (March 1768 – October 5, 1813) [Note: What does Tecumseh have to do with a native plants project??? By the way, George W. Bush beat "Tecumseh's curse." Isn't that cool?] YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHO YOU ARE SPAMMING! STOP THE HATE ! WE ARE LOL @ YOU AND YOUR STUPID HATE BLOG. I WILL PRAY YOUR GOD FORGIVES YOU. [Note: I don't know who you are because you're too cowardly to give me your name. Dude, this is a blog, a web site. It's not "spamming" anybody. You have to click on a link to view it. Here's a suggestion: Stop clicking that link.] We have a word for people like you -- WASICHU Wasi'chu is also a human condition based on inhumanity, racism, and exploitation. It is a sickness, a seemingly incurable and contagious disease which begot the ever advancing society of the West. If we do not control it, this disease will surely be the basis for what may be the last of the continuing wars against the Native American people. The Lakota also used the metaphor to describe the newcomers. It was Wasi'chu, which means "takes the fat," or "greedy person." Within the modern Indian movement, Wasi'chu has come to mean those corporations and individuals, with their governmental accomplices, which continue to covet Indian lives, land, and resources for private profit. Wasi'chu does not describe a race; it describes a state of mind. You really think native dunes have taken over YOUR beach. [Note: We have two words for people like you - "criminally insane." And pal, that describes your state of mind.] YOU ARE ON STOLEN LAND. BIG THANK YOU TO THE PEOPLE WHO RESTORE NATIVE DUNES !!! Do you really think your "God hates Fags". You are a coward for scribbling your words of hate. ON OTHER PEOPLES ART AT THE ARTIST OF THE WALL [Note: So, let me get this straight. You defend the goofy anti-dandelion project AND the goofy Artists of the Wall eyesore, even though they're on what you call "stolen land?" I've never scribbled anything on the Artists of the Wall eyesore. Where did your "fags" question come from? No, I don't think God hates homosexuals. I've never thought that, never said it, never wrote it. (Photo here is the Wall as seen from near the dunes, 2008.] Ya want to call me a hater feel free. [Note: Okay, you're a hater. Judging from what you wrote, you hate anybody who is not a Native American, Christians in general, and probably yourself. ]I'm not a P.C. kinda NDN.. never said I was. In fact I'm a little more of a radical NDN ... Can I give you a hair cut? Little of the top OLD MAN ? I know who you are and where to find you. Okay, so, we've got a scary person who seems to strongly identify as Native American. They write that it's a "good day to die." He/she refers to the Artists of the Wall, a painting project at the beach in Rogers Park. The kicker is this: After going out of their way to identify as Native American, and writing that it's a good day to die, the author writes, "Can I give you a hair cut?" Now, I have nothing against Native Americans ("Indians"), and I don't even know if the author is actually one of them. Given that, I can only interpret the haircut remark as a threat of violence. You know, as in a scalping. Perhaps the author can calm down, seek psychiatric care, and talk a nice walk at the beach. You know, the beach on stolen land. Oh, yes, here's what I just wrote to the Federal Government's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3): I received a comment to my website on June 22, 2009. The author of the comment seems to identify him/herself as Native American throughout, then at the end wrote "In fact I'm a little more of a radical NDN ... Can I give you a hair cut? Little of the top OLD MAN? I know who you are and where to find you." Given the Native American references, the phrase "hair cut" seems to be a threat of bodily harm, and the phrase "I know who you are and where to find you" seems also to be a threat. Other references indicate that the author lives in or near Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood. Example: "BIG THANK YOU TO THE PEOPLE WHO RESTORE NATIVE DUNES" is probably a reference to a nature restoration project at the beach in Rogers Park. "You really think native dunes have taken over YOUR beach." seems to be a strong reference to my blog post of this morning (June 22, 2009). "You are a coward for scribbling your words of hate. ON OTHER PEOPLES ART AT THE ARTIST OF THE WALL" is a definite reference to a wall at the same beach in Rogers Park. >>> UPDATE <<< On 22.06.2009 19:56 wrote In the spirit of Tecumseh from Chicago - Indian Territory (IP: Report me in to F.B.I. ?? Sure you did... Knock on my door? Sure they will... Oh that must be the feds knocking now. I'll have to ask them in for some Peyote. Still, I would prefer if you don't clog my junk mail folder with your hate blog links -- OK Please Mr.Hate... pretty please, with gay love on top. I said you don't have a clue who your spaming, I was wrong. YOU DO KNOW. You KNOW I DO NOT AGREE WITH YOUR HATE. You took photos of me when I was not looking and sent them to me with your link, was that not to be taken as a threat? You don't like what I have painted at the Artist of the Wall over the years. BFD but if you wish to try and intimidate me... Like I said ... LOL seek immediate psychiatric help? Sure I will,...just as soon as we get that health care bill passed we can both go. Seems like you need a little help too. If everyone tells you your crazy, "they must be crazy" seems to be the way you think. I must get back to work now. You can hate me later. My response (emphasis added): You're very amusing for a psychopathic liar. Let's set the record straight, Tecumseh. I sent a link to my website to several acquaintances several days ago, once. Furthermore, you are coming to my blog, Chicago News Bench, directly, with no referring link. As of 5:30 pm today [July 22, 2009], you were on my blog for over six hours. Hardly sounds like you don't want to see it. You first entered the blog at 9:31 am, to the story about Alderman Moore going nuts at the IVI-IPO dinner. After less than two minutes on that post, you clicked over to the story about the Loyola Beach dunes at 9:23 am, where you lingered for more than six hours. Also, you wrote in your first comment that you've reported me to SBC, but I wonder why you'd do that since you're using Comcast Cable Communications. I'm not on SBC either. As for knowing who (or what) you are, I don't. I have your IP address, as does the FBI, but I don't know your identity because you're too cowardly to reveal it. Finally, I have no idea what you have painted at Artist of the Wall, but inasmuch as participants must sign up to paint, you've just provided a valuable clue for me - and for the FBI. NOTE, Post Script: The fact that this person came to this blog with "no referring link" means that they knowingly and willingly came to it. If they had come to this blog by clicking on a link to it, for example, on another website or from an email, my stats service would show that link instead of saying "no referring link." In other words, the author of the comment is a bloody liar. Leave a Comment... See Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...