Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts

Fear in Peoria, IL As Mob Yells "Kill All The White People"

June 28, 2011 - There was fear and loathing in Peoria, Illinois this weekend. The fear lingers on tonight. Last Friday evening, a mob of Black youths marched along a street and yelled "We’re gonna kill all the white people, this is our neighborhood."

  So far, the mainstream media is virtually ignoring the story, while the blogosphere is boiling over with it. And by the way, will the like of Barack Obama and Father Pleger and Jesse Jackson, Sr. speak out against this incident?

Here is an eye-witness from Paul Wilkinson, the president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association in Peoria:

Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. 

They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help. 

Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up. Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. 

This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards. (SOURCE: Cache of a deleted blog post, originally posted at the Peoria Chronicle.)


Chicago Alderman Joe Moore's Racially Insensitive Yearbook Photos

(Updated, 2-20-2019)~ Years ago, while still in college, future Chicago Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward, Rogers Park) hung with a crowd that some might call racist. The nearly-all white group of students apparently thought it was funny to mock ghetto life.

These are photos (click them to enlarge) from Moore's 1980 yearbook, when Moore was a senior. How do you interpret "The Ghetto" in these images?

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam got in trouble in January, 2019 for yearbook photos showing him in blackface.

Will Northam's fellow Democrat Joe Moore be held to the same scrutiny? (Don't hold your breath.)

What Moore and his gang did is not much different than what a fraternity did in San Diego years later. That fraternity was accused of racism for allegedly mocking Black History Month.  The Associated Press reported this:
Administrators at the University of California, San Diego are investigating a ghetto-themed party organized by fraternity students to mock Black History Month, and will determine if the students involved should be disciplined in the next few weeks....

A party invitation posted on Facebook told students to wear large T-shirts, rapper-style urban clothing by makers such as FUBU, and gold chains, according to a copy posted on the Web site for San Diego TV station 10News. Women were urged to go as "ghetto chicks." The post said such items as watermelon and cheap beer would be served.

What were Joe Moore (photo, right) and his college posse thinking when they created "Joe's Ghetto?"

Moore graduated with a B.A. from Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois in 1980.

Related Articles:

Why yearbooks keep revealing skeletons in politicians’ closets (Vox)

Blackface, KKK hoods and mock lynchings: Review of 900 yearbooks finds blatant racism (USA Today)

Joe's Ghetto: The Early Years (Chicago News Bench)

Mancow & Cassidy, Dumb and Dumber

UPDATE, FEB. 11, 2010: Pink slip for Erich 'Mancow' Muller - Chicago Tribune February 19, 2009 - Eric Mancow Muller just doesn't get it, and neither does his clueless sidekick, ex-newsman Pat Cassidy.

Before I rip into their ignorance, however, let's briefly examine the ignorance that threatens to destroy a cartoonist for the New York Post, and then I'll tie it all back to Mancow and Cassidy.

Many people are wrongly assuming that cartoonist Sean Delonas had racist intentions with his now infamous cartoon that shows two cops standing over a dead chimpanzee, as we noted here yesterday.

In the cartoon, one cop says to the other, "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill." People rushed to judgement and assumed that the chimpanzee represented Barack Obama, because those idiots wrongly think that Obama wrote the stimulus bill. He did not.

Facts did not stop Mancow Muller and Pat Cassidy from perpetuating the ignorant slurs against Delonas this morning on WLS 890 AM, a station that used to be good but has lately lost its way. Mancow & Cassidy is a still-new morning show from 10-12, M-F.

Mancow had a sidekick named "Turd" for years on another radio station. Cassidy seems to be a good heir to "Turd." He should be called "Crap." It must be said, however, that Turd was funnier. And smarter.

Barack Obama is NOT the author of the stimulus bill. The primary author is Rep. David Obey (D-WI), a white dude. Obey did not write it alone, but with input from many other people.

Did Obama help to tweak it a bit? Maybe, but he's not credited as the author. Bottom line: millions of idiots (including Mancow Muller and Pat "Turd 2.0" Cassidy) are saying that the cartoon is racist. Cassidy, Muller's lackluster sidekick on "Mancow & Cassidy," said this morning on the air that the chimpanzee was obviously supposed to be Barack Obama, and that depicting the killing of the president is illegal. Cassidy is an idiot. (See "The Left's Shameful Slurring Of Monkey Cartoonist")

Cassidy and Mancow, like millions of others, are just plain wrong. There was nothing "obvious" about the cartoon. If "Turd" Cassidy, a former news head at WBBM 780 AM, would pick up a newspaper now, and then he would know that Barack Obama did not write the stimulus bill. Did Cassidy imagine the word "Obama" on the cartoon chimp? Did Cassidy hallucinate that the cartoon cops said anything about Obama? Effing moron.

So, the race-baiting Left - and other ignorant morons like Mancow and Cassidy - are accusing a cartoonist of racism for completely invalid reasons.

Emil Jones: History of Racist Remarks

Illinois Senate President and Obama mentor Emil Jones is not new to the game of race baiting. Early in 2007, for example, he gave a thinly veiled racial justification for supporting Barack Obama: Lynn Sweet, in the Chicago Sun-Times, February 6, 2007: "And I know that Barack Obama is our son and he deserves our support." He made a similar race-based appeal to a group of black Democratic activists Friday at a closed Democratic National Committee winter meeting. FULL ARTICLE at Sun-Times...

Blacks: Planned Parenthood Is Racist

This may come as a shock to a lot of Democrats and liberals, but not all Black-Americans are willing to step and fetch for the Democrat National Committee. It's not surprising that pro-life black preachers would want the presidential candidates to refuse all contributions from Planned Parenthood. But one group of black preachers including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece, Alveda King, has stepped out to label Planned Parenthood a racist organization and accusing them of participating in the genocide of black babies. FULL ARTICLE at Black Spin... RELATED: Pastors Blasts Planned Parenthood's Racial Genocide Black Pro-Lifers Demand Parties Refuse Planned Parenthood Funding The Racism and Politics of Planned Parenthood Your Tax Money At Work: Funding Abortions Planned Parenthood's racial profiling may end


HOT FLASH I heard about this two weeks ago but had no way to substantiate it. Now, still a rumor but a rumor that has escaped into the Infosphere, is speculation that there is a video of Barack's wife ranting against white people. Jill Stanek quotes Bob Beckel, Democrat strategist as saying yesterday in There's a major buzz in the blogosphere: according to Fox News and other networks and newspapers, there's a major rumor out there that could very well destroy Barack Obama's chances of winning the general election in November (or at least severely hurt his chances). According to this rumor, at least one of the American networks has a tape in its possession on which Michelle Obama, Barack's wife, can be heard making "outrageous, at best" comments about white people during an appearance at Trinity Church, Chicago.... Holy moly. Hot stuff, right? But Stanek gives us pause: It would be early for Republicans to drop a bomb like this. They would wait until Obama had the nomination sewn up. It would make more sense that the Clinton campaign has the tape - or started the rumor - and could explain why she hasn't dropped. FULL POST from Jill Stanek...

Imam Dumps "Trashy and Lustful Woman"

Ah, the things we do for love. Brooklyn Imam brags about cousin in Al-QaedaTo impress a woman he wanted to make one of his four wives. In New York. Of course, now they've had a serious falling out, such that he calls her "a trashy and lustful woman, a weeping and cursed Jewish woman." In other words, not the kind of gal you'd want to bring home to meet mom and mom and mom and mom and dad.... Worst of all, she fears she is now a target for an "honor killing" by al Qaeda, according to court papers. FULL ARTICLE...

Must Read: Racial Hoaxes and the NAACP

WARNING TO LIBERALS: The following may cause severe distress and even emotional trauma. It contains blunt truth, not politically "correct" lies, and it's written by a black guy. Yes, a black guy who sees right through you. Continue if you dare. Racial Hoaxes and the NAACP by Walter Williams (December 12, 2007) Last May, firefighters at a Baltimore, Md., fire station came under scrutiny for displaying a deer with an afro wig, gold tooth, gold chain and a cigarette hanging from its mouth. Marvin "Doc" Cheatham, president of the Baltimore chapter of the NAACP, went ballistic, charging, "There is now and has been a culture of racism and white supremacy within the Baltimore City Fire Department." As it turns out, it was a black fireman who dressed up the critter. Cheatham refused to apologize for his accusations of fire department racism, maintaining "there is now and has been a culture of racism and white supremacy within the Baltimore City Fire Department." FULL STORY (IF YOU CAN HANDLE THE TRUTH)...

Reflecting on the Jena Six

Friend and fellow blogger Levois shares his thoughts about the Jena Six incident. A good read. Ever since the whole Jena 6 story broke out... I've seen nothing but stories about the liberal uses of nooses directed towards blacks and not just because they say under the "white people" tree, but we see this in the workplace and all that....Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III wants to organize a march on Washington with regards to these recent noose stories. I'm leaving some of their snide comments intact. Hopefully you'll either laugh or think about what is said... FULL POST at It's My Mind...

Ebonics and Subtitles

Some jackass left a very stupid comment on a recent post, titled "Gonna Git His Ass Whooped," which featured a video by The Bench in which some local black youths approached me and spoke out of frame. The spoke like a lot of black folk do, and I subtitled it for those who may not have understood what they were saying. The jackass's comments: love your captions! i mean really... so humane, so ignorant and blatantly racist... makes me question whether youre part of a solution or part of an even greater problem... The jackass, who is too cowardly to use her real name, accused The Bench of being racist by quoting the youths exactly. In the video, one of the girls said, "What is you doin'?" and I subtitled it that way. Apparently, the jackass feels that I should have written the subtitle to have said, "Excuse me, my good man, but would you mind awfully telling me what it is that you are doing here this evening?" That would not have made sense. Furthermore, to "whiten up" the subtitles would have been racist. Subtitles that are faithful to what is actually spoken are not racist. They are accurate. But the jackass is a cowardly, hypersensitive kool-aid drinker who jumps on anything to do with race and assumes that it must have racist motivation. And that, friends, is racist.

E.U. Reviving the Nuremberg Laws

On this day in 1946, twenty two Nazi leaders were found guilty at the Nuremberg trials for, among many other crimes, the mass extermination of millions of people based purely on their race or ethnicity. The "liberals" of Europe, apparently, are not able to learn from history. Reports "Gates of Vienna" blog, "It appears that a modern EU version of the Nuremberg Laws is being formulated in Europe. A 21st century bureaucratic Brussels equivalent of the Ministry for Racial Purity is under construction." "But this time Europe is following the American model, instead of the Nazi one: instead of the purity of the Herrenvolk, a fair distribution of racial spoils will be the goal."

Duke President Apologizes: Too Little, Too Late

This small excuse of a man took far too long to apologize to these young men, who were so badly mistreated by the faculty of Duke University a year and a half ago. Too little, too late, he has apologized. Three Duke students, members of the lacrosse team, were falsely accused of rape. Jesse Jackson, friend of lying whores everywhere, is paying for the woman's tuition in spite of the fact that she tried her best to ruin three innocent peoples' lives, and Jackson knows it. What is interesting is just how long the higher-ups at Duke -- notably Brodhead and athletic director Joe Alleva -- have remained silent. There was not much in the form of conciliatory comments when all charges were dropped against Dave Evans, Reade Seligmann and Collin Finnerty this spring. More at The Washington Times... President Richard Brodhead should be forced to resign or be fired. He should face the same fate as co-pig and prosecutor in the "case," Durham County prosecutor Mike Nifong, who played politics by ignoring facts and knowingly persecuting innocent young men. Nifong has been disbarred for his misdeeds. Many of Duke's faculty, however, are not backing down and will never apologize. Reviled Jesse Jackson has not apologized, either, nor will he nor his fellow black "leaders," all of whom rushed to judgment. Pigs, all. Duke University President Richard Brodhead apologized Saturday for not better supporting the men’s lacrosse players falsely accused in last year’s highly publicized rape scandal. More at CBS2 Chicago... RELATED: A perfect storm of disgrace - Power Line, MN - Sep 28, 2007 - In addition, to Nifong, Duke, and the MSM, black civil rights leaders also merit dishonorable mention. Jackson, Sharpton & Dumb 27 Sep 2007 by JWM Yesterday’s post linked to an audio of the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton talking last Spring on separate programs about what was then called “the Duke lacrosse rape scandal.” Jesse Jackson Dissembles

The Ugly Swiss

Those Europeans that some of you love to imagine as being all about liberty and equality can be just as racist as the rest of humanity. Some (at the moment, anyway) are being outright disgusting in their behavior.

The issue is immigration, which is a hotter topic in Western Europe than even here in the U.S., believe it or not. Why? Well, because our friendly immigrants generally don't throw bombs or blow up trains. Say what you will, the U.S. immigration debate is, for 99.99% of us, all about laws and fair play, not race.

It's different in Europe, as illustrated by the obvious symbolism of the poster shown here. According to a recent Associated Press report, "The nationalist Swiss People's Party is proposing a deportation policy that anti-racism campaigners say evokes Nazi-era practices. Under the plan, entire families would be expelled if their children are convicted of a violent crime, drug offenses or benefits fraud."

Shame on the Swiss. Shame on Europe.

Knee-Jerk Racists Defend Sadist

RACIST IDIOTS ACROSS THE COUNTRY are rallying to the defense of a man accused of heinously cruel crimes against animals, illegal betting and racketeering. Why? Because these people think he's innocent? No, we all know he's guilty. The evidence is overwhelmingly damning. Former co-conspirators testified against him. He himself admits he is guilty. He is Michael Vick, Falcon's quarterback and one sick puppy. Pardon the pun, please, but Vick is a sadist and torturer of animals. He also happens to be black. The NAACP and other groups, ostensibly "civil rights" organizations, are jumping like puppets to defend this sick and terrible individual. There are plenty of sadistic people, male, female, of all races and backgrounds. Will the black civil rights groups jump to defend them all? I'll bet you they won't. Want to take the bet? In Cincinnati, writes The Plain Dealer newspaper, "A group of community activists in Cleveland said they will rally tonight [August 29] to show support for Michael Vick, the Atlanta Falcons quarterback who pleaded guilty this week to dogfighting and admitted hanging or drowning dogs that didn't perform." What the hell kind of moronic group would rally to this monster's defense? "Black On Black Crime Inc.," for one. "Even with the plea agreement, we stand firm behind Michael Vick, a first time offender," a news release said. "We hope that he gets probation as most first offenders do." Really? Look, I'm no fan of crooked politicians, but did these imbeciles hope and rally for Scooter Libby to "get probation as most first offenders do?" I'll bet you they didn't. Want to take the bet? By the way, what does cruelty to dogs have to do with black on black crime? Yipes. Deroy Murdock, a columnist and black man, writes that he is confused by all of this kind of idiocy. "Highly maddening has been the baffling effort by prominent black Americans to trivialize the acts to which Vick pleaded guilty Monday, to excuse them, or place them into some all-forgiving historical and social context," he wrote today at the National Review Online. "Slaughtering dogs is as much a part of black culture as kabuki theater. Anyone who says otherwise is howling at the moon," Murdock wrote. Indeed. So the rush to defend a sick, twisted, lying piece of crap like Michael Vick - just because he is black - is mystifying. It's refreshing to hear from Murdock, a black man, that I am not a racist in thinking that Vick deserves big prison time just because I'm white. I don't hate black people. I just hate sadists who are deliberately cruel to animals, regardless of what color they may be. The color of the sadists, I mean.

Duke Lacrosse Team 4, Nifong 0

The incompetent pig Nifong will probably be disbarred - and, with any luck, be sent to prison. I love to say "I told you so," so I will. I told you so.

April 11 - by Ed Morrissey ...Nifong knew about the exculpatory DNA results but conspired with the lab to keep the results from the defendants -- an act that likely violated the law and the civil rights of the defendants. Full Story...

Also, from CBS News:
Nifong is done as a prosecutor — and perhaps as an attorney, too. You can make book on it. By far the worst mistake he made was his failure to promptly interview the alleged victim in the case to determine for himself from the outset whether her story would or could withstand the scrutiny they both knew would come. Full Story...

Here's a little video to remember Mr. Nifong and his supporters by:

Final Solutions, Liberal Guilt and Candidate Don Gordon

Don Gordon faces Joe Moore in Chicago's 49th Ward aldermanic run-off election on April 17. Both Gordon and his campaign lieutenant Michael Harrington are being unfairly accused of intentionally using a Nazi phrase. The phrase is "final solution." In certain contexts, the phrase is incendiary. In others, it should not be. Today's attack against Gordon and Harrington by Tom Westgard is ludicrous. I will try to explain why. "Politically correct" people are tragic, tending to hallucinate, to hear things that don't necessarily make sound, to smell things that don't smell, to see things that are not there. Such is the case with attorney Thomas Westgard, a man whom I consider to be a friend. I like Tom Westgard, and it pains me to write this. Tom is basically a good man, but what I have to say must be said. Our communal sanity may depend upon it. Westgard, like many others, is infected with the Political Correctness Virus (PCV). This disease has among its symptoms delusional thoughts and hallucination. People who are PCV-positive often hear, smell and see things that are not there or do not exist. Perhaps we can work to finally solve this. Perhaps, together, we can find a final solution to the question of hypersensitivity brought on by PCV. Perhaps, finally, it will be solved. Thomas Westgard is hearing voices, and they are saying things to him that are not grounded in reality. They tend to take things out of context, pick them up, and move them into a context that either does not exist or will not properly accommodate. Context is everything. Oh, the White Liberal Guilt weighs heavy on Westgard’s German-American shoulders. Today Westgard pontificates on the phrase "final solution." It is a phrase that haunts his Teutonic memory, and in a fit of guilty, delusional pique he unfairly associates 49th Ward aldermanic candidate Don Gordon with Adolf Hitler. Again: Context is everything. We are not in Nuremberg. Gordon is not Hitler. Harrington is Rudolf Hess. "Something that has been bothering me for nearly a year,” Westgard writes, “is the misuse of the term, 'Final Solution.' It has a very specific meaning, and it's one that culturally literate people know. Everyone must learn it at some point, so I provide for those not already in the know the following explanation of the term, 'Final Solution.' "'Final Solution' is the standard English translation of Hitler's extermination plan for Jews and other groups," wrote Westgard. Westgard is wrong and right at the same time, as deluded victims of hallucination sometimes are. He is correct, of course, that Hitler called his program of extermination a "final solution." But he is absolutely wrong in saying that anybody who uses the phrase "final solution" in a sentence is implying that millions of people must be exterminated. “The Final Solution is the Holocaust,” writes Westgard. Not true. Rather, the Holocaust was a type of final solution. But not all final solutions are holocausts. A Holocaust survivors' group tell us this: “The phrase, ‘Final Solution,’ was just one of the euphemisms used by the Nazis to signify their program of murder. The Final Solution was a secret that had to be disguised in seemingly innocent sounding formulations. Other euphemisms for the mass murder were: ‘Liquidated’ ‘Finished Off’ ‘Special Treatment’ ‘Cleansing’ ‘Elimination’ ‘Resettlement’ ‘Treated Appropriately’ and ‘Made Free of Jews.’" Would Tom Westgard have a problem with somebody telling him that they have “finished off” a big lunch? Or a merchant advertising a “special treatment for the elimination of liquidated” sale items? How would Westgard react to a proposed “resettlement” of Section 8 residents? Or the “cleansing” of his toilet bowl? Or having Muslims “treated appropriately?” Context is everything. Why, then, would Westgard have a problem with Don Gordon calling for the “final solution” to a problem. Would any reasonable person take that to mean a Nazi-style extermination program? Westgard wrote today: “About eight months ago, I was one of a large group who received an email from Michael J. Harrington that emphatically demanded a ‘Final Solution’ to the Block Building problem. To be clear, I am not paraphrasing his words - MJH himself used the phrase ‘Final Solution’ to describe what he wanted to see. As many readers of this blog are aware, the Block Building is actually a pair of buildings bordered by Morse, Glenwood, and Lunt, where a constant drug dealing problem has existed for years. Many residents are Black. Most or all of the owners are Jewish.” Permit me a digression: As a conservative, I find it amusing that the non-Jewish Westgard has taken it upon himself to discuss matters of Jewish concern. Westgard and his fellow Liberals love to tell non-veterans that they should not discuss military issues, or white people that they have no understanding of and therefore no right to discuss issues about non-white people. Yet here is Westgard, as white as white can be, lecturing us about an issue which, by Liberal standards, should be left to Jews. It is also, I must admit, amusing to witness “progressive” Michael Harrington fall victim to PC police, of which he himself is an officer. But that’s enough digressing. Westgard’s final paragraph (sorry about the word “final” there) is a mash of unsubstantiated slander. He wrote: “But it is fair to set a certain standard for cultural awareness in our alderman. Don Gordon himself has exhibited a pattern of behavior that demonstrates a severe lack of cultural sensitivity, and his political advisors [sic] have added more problems to the pile. Don Gordon has personally, and in so many words, opposed compassion for the poor and mentally ill who are homeless. Under the circumstances, I believe that Don does not have the personal qualifications to adequately represent the cultural and economic variety of Rogers Park. Nor is there any reason to think that his team of advisors [sic] can guide him to learn the necessary background. Either one of these failings would be seriously detrimental to an aldermanic campaign; failing in both areas is essentially insurmountable.” “Severe lack of cultural sensitivity?” In what way? “Severe” is undefined here, and no example is given. Westgard alleges that Don Gordon has said he is opposed to compassion for, amongst other, homeless mentally ill people. (How compassionate is it of Westgard, et. al. to oppose institutionalizing the mentally ill rather than put them on the street like so many dogs?) Again, no substantiation, no example given. Westgard continues: “I believe that Don does not have the personal qualifications to adequately represent the cultural and economic variety of Rogers Park.” This is code from a guilt-ridden, Liberal German-American White Man for “Don Gordon is too white” to represent people who are not white. Ridiculous. This is racism on Westgard’s part, pure and simple, although I would say it is not intentional racism. (Remember, he suffers from PCV. Many of his actions and thoughts are adversely influenced by PCV.) As for the “economic variety of Rogers Park,” I’d like to know what that means. Seems to me that one of the problems of Rogers Park is its lack of economic variety. Again, no substantiation. No example. Westgard writes well, but tightly woven paragraphs do not always mean a tightly woven case. Is Westgard bothered by the use of the word “problem?” Surely that for which Hitler wanted a “final solution” was referred to as a “problem” by der Fuehrer. Surely, then, Westgard would have a problem with the use of the word “problem,” right? It is particularly troublesome that Westgard, as an attorney, has not passed the test of being reasonable. As an attorney, he knows better than most of us that if something cannot be reasonably taken to serious, as in the case of obvious satire or parody, it should be thrown out of court. The “case” he brings against Gordon for the use of the phrase “final solution” is frivolous and does not stand the test of reason. Not all “final solutions” are holocausts. Many things can have a final solution having nothing to do with genocide. Remember: Context uber alles. Before I continue, let me note that my father’s side is Jewish. Most Jews would not consider me to be a Jew, because Jewishness is passed from mother to child. My mother was Protestant. But make no mistake, by every rule and law of the Third Reich I would have been considered Jewish and sent off to a prison camp. Mr. Westgard, as far as I know, would not have been considered Jewish in the Germany of 1939. It is probably safe to assume that Adolf Hitler occasionally used the phrase “better road system,” or “road project.” Should we, then, cringe when we hear a politician suggest that we spend more money on a “better road system?” By the same token, when the headline “A final solution for tyre garbage?” was used for a story about disposing of old automobile tires in Australia, were the Tom Westgards of Australia up in arms over the use of the phrase “final solution?” How about this headline, from Good News India: “A final solution for waste?” An excerpt from that story read, “A company in the USA, Changing World Technologies [CWT] , NY has perfected a process to transform all manner of modern waste into crude oil and other useful products. The process ‘Thermal Depolymerisation’ [TDP] is nearly self sufficient in energy, has no polluting by-products and is highly scalable.” Hardly sounds Hitlerian. Doesn’t sound threatening, does it? There are more, of course. Do any of the following sound like they’re advocating genocide? I’m sure that we can all be certain that Westgard will attack the following few examples out of thousands more for their use of the phrase “final solution.” Caltech Authors - The general feedback theorem: a final solution ... Middlebrook, R. David (2006) The general feedback theorem: a final solution for feedback systems. IEEE Microwave Magazine The Hindu : Time for a final solution Time for a final solution. WITH THE TELECOM controversy becoming messier by the ... screen are expressly prohibited without the written consent of The Hindu. After 13 unresolved topics ... is there a final solution to THIS ... Sorry to post this "general" and undetermined title for this post.I´ve been a while looking for an answer related to private and restricted uploaded files, ...” Evidence-based medicine: progress but not a final solution. Maseri A. Publication Types:. Editorial. MeSH Terms:. Evidence-Based Medicine*; Humans ... New Breakthrough Process Offers Parents A Final Solution To ... New Breakthrough Process Offers Parents A Final Solution To Disciplinary Problems, Daron Barker, founder of the highly acclaimed international parenting ... Recurrent aorto-duodenal fistula: a final solution? This paper describes a case of recurrent aorto-duodenal fistula treated successfully by re-sitting t... Opposing Views in the Treatment of OA of the Knee Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Final Solution for the Treatment of OA. Slide. Slide. Total Knee Arthroplasty. Total knee arthroplasty is the final solution for ... "Testimony at Konrad Mine Radioactive Waste Disposal Hearings, NO ... The alternative we are presenting here does not offer a final solution to the problem of nuclear waste. But it can be the least immoral way for us to pass ... A peace process that leads to a final solution should be based on a commitment regarding its procedure and principles, one that is shared by the political ... Selecting the Right Technology Solutions - Determining the Best ... You will use these scores next week when selecting a final solution. ... Next week we'll use a "Paired Choice Matrix" to select a final solution that should ... Yahoo! Answers - 5.70 g of nitrous acid ( HNO2 ) is added to water ... 1 answer - 5.70 g of nitrous acid ( HNO2 ) is added to water to make a final solution of 408 ml. What is the pH of the solution ? Method for preparing ammoxidation catalysts ... is mixed with an aqueous solution of an ammonium salt to precipitate the mixed oxides and to obtain a final solution having a pH of between 5 and 9. ... The Final Solution The phrase 'final solution' is simply being used in the context of the plans that are underway to address the land issue, rather selectively, ...

Fear and Loathing in Rogers Park: Gordonite Calls Section 8 Recipients "Druggies and Whores"

A blogger who supports Don Gordon, candidate for alderman in Chicago's 49th ward, has made racially insensitive remarks about recipients of Section 8 benefits. Laura Louzader, who maintains "The North Coast" blog site at, made the remarks in a comments section of another local blog, "24/7 North of Howard Watcher." Her remarks were made against the recipients of Section 8 housing and implied ugly stereotypes about black residents of Rogers Park. The remarks in question were made on February 14 in response to a blog posting entitled, "Moving In A New Direction" and have been archived by RPB. The comments by Louzander (a.k.a., The North Coast) follow: "Usually, they hang a sign or run an ad that says SECTION 8 WELCOME, which pretty much is guaranteed to attract the wrong elements. It pretty well signals that the management will take all vouchers, first come first serve, with minimal screening, if any. "According to my landlords, all landlords with large properties must now take Section 8 vouchers, so you must screen rigorously to keep the bad element out of your building, and be prepared to justify turning someone down for rental. Therefore, when someone advertises that they WELCOME section 8 vouchers, that usually means that they are loose as a goose when it comes to enforcing any standards. "And once the building is slummed up with undesirables, there is trash and vomit in the halls and corridors, and the reputation of the place is trashed, it can no way attract decent tenants. The sickest joke of all is that buildings like this, believe it or not, charge rents that are usually over what you can pay for a truly nice place, but only if you make it through the nice place's screening process. "So, yeah, Joe's pet slumlords operate their places in such a fashion that they might as well hang signs up painted in 80-point type that say DRUGGIES AND WHORES WELCOME HERE!! and GANGSTER DISCIPLES NORTHTOWN HEADQUARTERS and GREAT COMMERCIAL LOCATION FOR PHARMEUCETICAL DEALERS." Such hate speech coming from Don Gordon's supporters is no surprise to many, who have long suspected that many Gordonites do not like people who are recent arrivals to Rogers Park. Much like natives of Texas or New Hampshire, the Gordonites seem to have a difficult time accepting residents who have not lived in Rogers Park as long as they have. Such hateful remarks and stereotyping of black people as "druggies and whores" by a staunch Gordon supporter is descpicable. It is also a revelation.

Things That Did Not Happen in Durham

That's right. Things that did NOT happen in Durham, where Duke University lacross players did NOT rape a stripper, who was NOT telling the truth to a prosecutor who did NOT care about real justice. Mike Nifong, member of the DNC (so is Joe Moore, by the way) the $*(#@$le who went on a witch hunt and almost got away with screwing up the lives of some Duke lacrosse players, is no longer the hero. We now know him for the lying scum that he is, and he's being prosecuted for playing loose and dirty with the legal process. This video speaks volumes, and reminds us that sexism, racism and prejudice are by no means the exclusive property of any single political party. But first, check out this special report from Durham County. It's about events connected to the Duke lacrosse "rape case" that did NOT happen. Then watch the video below.