Duke President Apologizes: Too Little, Too Late

This small excuse of a man took far too long to apologize to these young men, who were so badly mistreated by the faculty of Duke University a year and a half ago. Too little, too late, he has apologized. Three Duke students, members of the lacrosse team, were falsely accused of rape. Jesse Jackson, friend of lying whores everywhere, is paying for the woman's tuition in spite of the fact that she tried her best to ruin three innocent peoples' lives, and Jackson knows it. What is interesting is just how long the higher-ups at Duke -- notably Brodhead and athletic director Joe Alleva -- have remained silent. There was not much in the form of conciliatory comments when all charges were dropped against Dave Evans, Reade Seligmann and Collin Finnerty this spring. More at The Washington Times... President Richard Brodhead should be forced to resign or be fired. He should face the same fate as co-pig and prosecutor in the "case," Durham County prosecutor Mike Nifong, who played politics by ignoring facts and knowingly persecuting innocent young men. Nifong has been disbarred for his misdeeds. Many of Duke's faculty, however, are not backing down and will never apologize. Reviled Jesse Jackson has not apologized, either, nor will he nor his fellow black "leaders," all of whom rushed to judgment. Pigs, all. Duke University President Richard Brodhead apologized Saturday for not better supporting the men’s lacrosse players falsely accused in last year’s highly publicized rape scandal. More at CBS2 Chicago... RELATED: A perfect storm of disgrace - Power Line, MN - Sep 28, 2007 - In addition, to Nifong, Duke, and the MSM, black civil rights leaders also merit dishonorable mention. Jackson, Sharpton & Dumb 27 Sep 2007 by JWM Yesterday’s post linked to an audio of the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton talking last Spring on separate programs about what was then called “the Duke lacrosse rape scandal.” Jesse Jackson Dissembles