Showing posts with label Duke University. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duke University. Show all posts

Duke Lacrosse Team Accuser Charged With Attempted Murder

There is a God, and his Justice keeps marching on. Crystal Magnum is the woman who tried to destroy a bunch of good and decent young men by falsely accusing them of sexual assault back in March, 2006. She falsely claimed that three students at Duke University committed the alleged assault. Now Magnum faces a slew of very serious charges that could put her behind bars for a long time. It was eventually proven not only that Magnum lied, but that the District Attorney, Michael Nifong, played fast and loose with the case. Nifong was later charged with 20 ethics violations and went to jail - for a mere 24 hours. The three young men went free, after they and their families went through a long period of hell. Today, Feb. 18, 2010, Durham police have charged Crystal Gail Mangum, 31, with attempting to kill her boyfriend early this morning. Mangum is the woman who wrongly accused three Duke lacrosse players of rape in 2006. A judge this morning ordered that she remain in jail on a $1 million bond. Wearing a white jail jumpsuit, Mangum kept her head down during her court appearance today and said nothing as the charges from this morning’s incident were read. More of this story at That ain't all. According to the New York Post, she was charged with attempted first-degree murder, five counts of arson, three counts of misdemeanor child abuse, identity theft (she apparently told authorities she was "Marella Mangum"), and more. Full article at After Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Nancy Grace and many of the Duke faculty assumed the three lacrosse players were guilty, and shamefully convicted them publicly, can we finally expect the long overdue apologies that have yet to be uttered? Will Jesse Jackson offer to give Magnum more money this time around? He won't, of course, because this time there's no political gain to be had by Jackson. It will be interesting to see how - or even if - Grace will cover this story in the continuing saga of Crystal Magnum, one very disgusting person. RELATED: Things That Did Not Happen in Durham Duke Lacrosse Team 4, Nifong 0 RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Gutless Duke Lynch Mob Duke Rape Accuser In Attempted Murder Bust Revs. Jesse and Al: Shameless charlatans Crystal Mangum Goes for 'Grace' Jesse Jackson Says Organization Will Pay Alleged Rape Victim's Tuition Media Worried Corruption In N. Carolina Might Cost Democrats Votes Video: Nifong Verdict: Geraldo Rivera and Gregg Jarrett React Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Barack Nifong Obama, Racist Dolt

You may remember the false charges brought against the Duke University lacrosse players in 2006. The District Attorney in that case, Michael Nifong, was convicted on charges of hiding evidence, lying, and perpetrating fraud on the court. More recently, Barack Obama made false charges against a Cambridge police officer for his response to Harvard University Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. Obama said that the officer overreacted and hinting at racism on the part of the police. Nifong was punished for lying, and for bringing distress to people who did not deserve it. When will Obama be made to pay a similar price for a similar offense? Leave a Comment... See Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Nifong Bankrupt

Serves him right. It's a shame the same fate won't befall the bigoted professors, staff and adminstration at Duke University. This from The Smoking Gun: JANUARY 15--Disgraced and disbarred, Mike Nifong is now bankrupt. The former North Carolina prosecutor, whose career imploded with his botched handling of the Duke University rape case, today filed for bankruptcy, listing liabilities in excess of $180 million. MORE...

Duke President Apologizes: Too Little, Too Late

This small excuse of a man took far too long to apologize to these young men, who were so badly mistreated by the faculty of Duke University a year and a half ago. Too little, too late, he has apologized. Three Duke students, members of the lacrosse team, were falsely accused of rape. Jesse Jackson, friend of lying whores everywhere, is paying for the woman's tuition in spite of the fact that she tried her best to ruin three innocent peoples' lives, and Jackson knows it. What is interesting is just how long the higher-ups at Duke -- notably Brodhead and athletic director Joe Alleva -- have remained silent. There was not much in the form of conciliatory comments when all charges were dropped against Dave Evans, Reade Seligmann and Collin Finnerty this spring. More at The Washington Times... President Richard Brodhead should be forced to resign or be fired. He should face the same fate as co-pig and prosecutor in the "case," Durham County prosecutor Mike Nifong, who played politics by ignoring facts and knowingly persecuting innocent young men. Nifong has been disbarred for his misdeeds. Many of Duke's faculty, however, are not backing down and will never apologize. Reviled Jesse Jackson has not apologized, either, nor will he nor his fellow black "leaders," all of whom rushed to judgment. Pigs, all. Duke University President Richard Brodhead apologized Saturday for not better supporting the men’s lacrosse players falsely accused in last year’s highly publicized rape scandal. More at CBS2 Chicago... RELATED: A perfect storm of disgrace - Power Line, MN - Sep 28, 2007 - In addition, to Nifong, Duke, and the MSM, black civil rights leaders also merit dishonorable mention. Jackson, Sharpton & Dumb 27 Sep 2007 by JWM Yesterday’s post linked to an audio of the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton talking last Spring on separate programs about what was then called “the Duke lacrosse rape scandal.” Jesse Jackson Dissembles

Duke Lacrosse Team 4, Nifong 0

The incompetent pig Nifong will probably be disbarred - and, with any luck, be sent to prison. I love to say "I told you so," so I will. I told you so.

April 11 - by Ed Morrissey ...Nifong knew about the exculpatory DNA results but conspired with the lab to keep the results from the defendants -- an act that likely violated the law and the civil rights of the defendants. Full Story...

Also, from CBS News:
Nifong is done as a prosecutor — and perhaps as an attorney, too. You can make book on it. By far the worst mistake he made was his failure to promptly interview the alleged victim in the case to determine for himself from the outset whether her story would or could withstand the scrutiny they both knew would come. Full Story...

Here's a little video to remember Mr. Nifong and his supporters by:

De Paul and Duke - similarities?

An interesting post by Marathon Pundit hints at "Similiarities between the Klocek and Duke lacrosse case." MP writes: Professor Jon Cohen of DePaul has an article in today's American Thinker where he compares the virtual lynching of former DePaul adjunct professor Thomas Klocek with the treatment receieved by the members of the Duke lacrosse team accused in the now-flimsy rape case. A very weird case of justice / injustice. It's been causing a flurry of posting on the blogs for some time now. Wikipedia notes: The Klocek case (but not the recent partial dismissal of his case) has gained a lot of attention in the conservative blogoshpere: conservative bloggers have followed his case very closely and are angered by his treatment. They feel that schools are censoring those who disagree with the "left-wing agenda"; they contrast Klocek's treatment with that of controversial Colorado professor Ward Churchill (a paid speaker at DePaul in 2005) and DePaul's hiring of Norman G. Finkelstein. Related: Latest news (Google) on the Duke rape case Thomas Sowell Commentary: The Larger Tragedy Of The Duke Case