De Paul and Duke - similarities?

An interesting post by Marathon Pundit hints at "Similiarities between the Klocek and Duke lacrosse case." MP writes: Professor Jon Cohen of DePaul has an article in today's American Thinker where he compares the virtual lynching of former DePaul adjunct professor Thomas Klocek with the treatment receieved by the members of the Duke lacrosse team accused in the now-flimsy rape case. A very weird case of justice / injustice. It's been causing a flurry of posting on the blogs for some time now. Wikipedia notes: The Klocek case (but not the recent partial dismissal of his case) has gained a lot of attention in the conservative blogoshpere: conservative bloggers have followed his case very closely and are angered by his treatment. They feel that schools are censoring those who disagree with the "left-wing agenda"; they contrast Klocek's treatment with that of controversial Colorado professor Ward Churchill (a paid speaker at DePaul in 2005) and DePaul's hiring of Norman G. Finkelstein. Related: Latest news (Google) on the Duke rape case Thomas Sowell Commentary: The Larger Tragedy Of The Duke Case

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