Todd Stroger's Dirty Little Race War
Barack Nifong Obama, Racist Dolt
The Left's Shameful Slurring of Monkey Cartoonist
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Racist caricature of Condi Rice, as found on many left websites |
The shameful attacks on New York Post cartoonist Sean Delonas continue. It is fed only by ignorance and a hypocritical effort by the Left to portray opponents to Barack Obama's economic policies as racists. To the Left, anybody who disagrees with them about nearly anything is a "racist" or "Nazi.")
The cartoon in question shows two cops standing over a chimpanzee that has been shot dead.
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The Sean Delonas cartoon that riled the Left |
Ignorant people nationwide jumped to the wrong conclusion that Delonas's cartoon was portraying Barack Obama as a chimp (many incorrectly say "monkey").
Among those idiots is Julian Sancton, who wrote about the cartoon in a slanderous article at Vanity Fair. That article was titled "Sean Delonas: Stupid, Racist, or Both?"
In his article, Sancton wrote, "I'm struggling to find an interpretation of this that doesn't odiously compare Obama, who just signed the stimulus bill yesterday, to a monkey, resorting to one of the most wretched racist stereotypes."
But Sancton is the one who is stupid. He himself noted that Obama signed the bill. Obama did not write the bill; somebody else did. It's important to note that the cartoon cop says "They'll have to find someone else to write the next Stimulus Bill." He did NOT say "someone else to sign the next Stimulus Bill." That's important, and that's why the Delonas detractors are all stupidly wrong.
Again: Obama did not write the Stimulus Bill. Who did?
White guy David Obey (D-WI) is the bill's primary author.
As the New York Times pointed out, "Indeed, it was Mr. Obey, the third-most-senior member of the House, who, in large measure, shaped the bill, in concert with other House Democratic leaders."
So, if the cartoon compares anybody to the author of the Stimulus Bill, it's David Obey and/or "House Democratic leaders" collectively, not Barack Obama.
I wrote about this on Wednesday ("Obama Not Monkey Who Wrote Stimulus").
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"One of the most wretched racist stereotypes," unless it's done it to a white guy |
Today, I received a hysterical (as in panicked, not funny) email from a woman who lives on Chicago's north side (we'll call her "X").
She's a serial emailer, a social justice warrior, and an idiot. She loves to send and forward mass emails. I usually read them, then delete them after a good chuckle. But not this time.
Today's email from "X" was a forwarding of an ignorant rant from "," and it moved me to respond "to all" with an explanation as to why they are so obviously wrong about the wrongly infamous cartoon.
The full text of X's email and my response are below; only names and email addresses have been removed. I have also inserted my notes. Graphics here were added by me for this post and were not included in my correspondence with "X." Excerpts from X's email appear below as indented blockquotes in italics.
As you read the letter from "X," ask yourself why she and others did not protest when their fellow Liberals depicted Condoleezza Rice and other African-Americans in racist ways.
Dear X,
I respectfully disagree with you. Although I agree that portraying a black person as an ape or a monkey is just wrong, the cartoon in question simply did not do so. Here's why:
The cartoon says that they'll have to find someone else to write the next Stimulus Bill.
Well guess what - Barack Obama may have signed it, but he did NOT write it. Rep. David Obey of Wisconsin, a white guy, is credited as the primary author. Others contributed to the writing of it. So if anybody could be seen as being compared to a monkey or ape, it would be the white man David Obey.
That being said, the cartoonist made no reference to Barack Obama. The implication of the cartoon is that even a chimpanzee could have written the bill, a commentary on the quality of the legislation. You can disagree with that; perhaps you like putting the nation into debt for a trillion dollars. That's not the point. The point is that there was nothing racist about that cartoon.
Only an ignorance of who actually wrote the bill - and of who did not - could lead one to panic and assume (incorrectly) that it was Barack Obama.
X, where were you when Condaleezza Rice was being portrayed by the Left in vicious, racist cartoons and photo manipulation? There seems to be a hypocrisy here, and an overblown one at that.
To those who disagree with me, I ask you: Who do you think wrote the Stimulus Bill? After you search for yourself and discover that it was not Mr. Obama, will you send around an email apologizing for the libeling of a cartoonist who is innocent of your charges?
Respectfully, Chicago News BenchOn Thursday, 2/19/09, X wrote:
From: X
Subject: about that New York Post cartoon
To: [X's group]
Yesterday, the day after President Obama signed the stimulus bill, his first major piece of legislation, the New York Post ran a cartoon depicting the bill's author as a dead monkey, covered in blood after being shot by police.
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Another racist depiction of Condi Rice by Democrats |
MY NOTE: SOME pundits and analysts aren't buying it, but plenty of others are. It's impossible to believe that any newspaper editor could be ignorant enough to not understand how this cartoon evokes a history of racist symbolism, or how frightening this image feels at a time when death threats against President Obama have been on the rise.
MY NOTE: It's difficult to believe that people can be so ignorant as to who actually wrote - and did not write - the Stimulus Bill. Notice that "X" offers no substantiation of her claim that death threats against Obama are "on the rise."
Please join us in demanding that The Post apologize publicly and fire the editor who allowed this cartoon to go to print: The Post would have us believe that the cartoon is not about Obama. But on the page just before the cartoon appears, there's a big picture of Obama signing the stimulus bill.NOTE: The cartoon is NOT about Obama. See above. A reader paging through The Post would see Obama putting pen to paper, then turn the page to see this violent cartoon. The imagery is chilling.
NOTE: An ignorant reader who is unaware that Obama did not personally write the Stimulus Bill.
There is a clear history in our country of racist symbolism that depicts Black people as apes or monkeys, and it came up multiple times during the presidential campaign. We're also in a time of increased race-based violence. In the months following President Obama's election there has been a nationwide surge in hate crimes ranging from vandalism to assaults to arson on Black churches.
There has been an unprecedented number of threats gainst [sic] President Obama since he was elected, with hate-based groups fantasizing about the killing of the president. Just a week ago, a man drove from Louisiana to the Capitol with a rifle, telling the police who stopped him that he had a "delivery" for the president.NOTE: Today's young black males kill more young black males in a year than the Ku Klux Klan killed in its entire history. Between 1882 and 1968, historians have documented more than 4,700 lynchings of African Americans, mostly in the South.
In 2005, the latest full year of FBI statistics, almost 8,000 black Americans were murdered, mostly by other black Americans. I lost count years ago as to how many times I heard Liberals tell me they'd love to shoot Dick Cheney or George W. Bush. But I guess it doesn't count as hateful if the threat is made against white men, particularly Republican white men.
There is no excuse for The Post to have allowed this cartoon to be printed, and even less for Editor Col Allan's outright dismissal of legitimate concerns.NOTE: There is no excuse for your vile lies about this cartoon, or your defamation of a cartoonist, based on your ignorance of who authored the Stimulus Bill.
But let's be clear about who's behind The Post: Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch, the Post's owner, is the man behind FOX News Channel. FOX has continually attacked and denigrated Black people, politicians, and institutions at every opportunity, and we've run several campaigns to make clear how FOX poisons public debate.NOTE: Let's be clear about who is behind the slanderous, libelous email. It's ignorant, race-baiting, hateful Leftists who don't care about the truth and are willing to crucify an innocent cartoonist just to score political points.
We don't expect much from Murdoch. However, with enough public pressure we can set the stage for advertisers and subscribers to think long and hard before patronizing outlets like the Post that refuse to be held accountable.NOTE: I urge anybody interested in truth and justice to contact and ask them why they are so ignorant about who wrote the Stimulus Bill and are so willing to defame the New York Post cartoonist.
AG Eric Holder, Race Baiter

Obama Not Monkey Who Wrote Stimulus
The cartoon, by Sean Delonas, shows two cops standing over a chimp that has been shot dead. One cop says to the other, "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill" as smoke comes from his pistol.
Here's why the leftist indignation is all wrong:
- Barack Obama is not mentioned or alluded to in the cartoon;
- Barack Obama is not the author of the stimulus bill - Rep. David Obey (D-WI) is the main author. Obey is not African-American;
- The cartoon portrays a chimp shot dead by cops to tie into another news story today about a woman whose pet chimpanzee was taken down by police as it was trying to kill her.
I altered the Delonas cartoon (below) to make a point in his defense.
Imagine, as I show in the altered version, that instead of "stimulus bill" it said "foie gras ordinance." Alderman Joe Moore, the author of Chicago's much-ridiculed and now-defunct anti-foie gras law, is a white man.

Of course not. Why, then, is Delonas' actual cartoon considered racist, when it alludes to white man David Obey, who is the main author of the Stimulus Bill? (Answer: Leftists are paranoid liars, always eager to slap the "racist" label on somebody simply for disagreeing with them.)
Whatever happened to the liberal mantra "Fear No Art?" A lot of liberals are soiling their pants today over a piece of art, a cartoon, that they insanely think portrays Barack Obama as an ape or monkey. I understand the sensitivity of some black people as pertains to the images of monkeys and apes, but to see racism in a depiction of a chimpanzee when none is implied or intended is just lunacy.
As the New York Times pointed out, "Indeed, it was Mr. Obey, the third-most-senior member of the House, who, in large measure, shaped the bill, in concert with other House Democratic leaders." So, if the cartoon compares anybody to the author of the stimulus bill, it's Obey or "House Democratic leaders" collectively, not Barack Obama.
That's not stopping the looney left from blowing this out of proportion. One example is this idiotic piece at the Huffington Post today: The drawing, from famed cartoonist Sean Delonas, seems rife with racial and political sensitivities. In it, two befuddled-looking police officers holding guns look over the dead and bleeding chimpanzee that attacked a woman in Stamford, Connecticut. (Source)
How is the cartoon "rife with racial...sensitivities?" (As for "political sensitivities," sure. But that's what a good political cartoon should strike at. It's the whole point.) As already pointed out, stimulus bill author David Obey is a white guy.
Only the ignorant would think the cartoon targets Obama, a white man with black ancestory. The cartoonist is clearly implying that the author of the stimulus bill is as smart as a chimp. There is no racist implications to be seen in the cartoon, unless your vision has been blurred by leftist paranoia and hypersensitivity. To accuse cartoonist Sean Delonas of being racist is itself racist based on a false assumption.
Also See: The Left's Shameful Slurring of Monkey Cartoonist
Pfleger Spanked by George the Lame
Obama's Spiritual Leader
Obama No Miracle
Racist Pig Mary Mitchell

She started her November 30 column with this: "I understand why Mayor Daley went outside of the Chicago Police Department to recruit a new police superintendent, especially since interim Police Supt. Dana Starks didn't want the job."
Okay, then, that should be the end of it. But Mitchell is lying. She really doesn't understand it. She is very unhappy with it, in fact. Why? Well, because FBI Agent Weis, soon to be Chicago's new top cop, is - hold on - white. That, in the paranoid world of Mitchell & Company, is just horrific.
Jody Weis is currently a special agent in charge of the FBI's Philadelphia office, a post he took last April. Weis worked in the areas of terrorism, white-collar crime, organized crime and violent crime. But Jody Weis is the wrong color, you see.
Who is Jody Weis? The FBI's web site sheds some light: Mr. Weis began his career in 1985 in the Houston Division of the FBI in the Corpus Christi Resident Agency where he was assigned to reactive crimes. He opted for a transfer to Houston, Texas, and was assigned terrorism, narcotics, and violent crime matters. Mr. Weis also served on the Houston SWAT team and as a Bomb Technician. Mr. Weis was promoted to the FBI's Bomb Data Center in November 1992 and was transferred to the Violent Crimes/Fugitive Unit in October 1994. In January 1996 Mr. Weis was selected for the Violent Crimes Squad in Phoenix, Arizona, where, during the course of his assignment at Phoenix, he also supervised Domestic Terrorism, International Terrorism, and Civil Rights squads. Mr. Weis was promoted to Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Chicago Field Office in June 2000 where he was responsible for the While Collar Crime, Organized Crime, Violent Crime, and Administrative Programs during his assignment in Illinois.
Does that sound like a guy who is not qualified?
I've had it up to here with Mary Mitchell, a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, and her whiny, woe-is-me victimology "writing." I know I'm not alone. I happen to be a Honky-American, just to let you know, but one of Black-American friends can't stand her either. He doesn't like the fact that Mitchell perpetuates the reliance on Big Government, the Plantation Mentality, and Disproportionate Fear.
Mitchell also wrote, "I'm also surprised that in this entire United States of America, there was not one qualified black police chief who would work for $185,000 annually. Yet Daley was so impressed by Weis, he agreed to pay him $300,000 a year."
Mitchell is either an ignorant fool or is deliberately distorting reality. Think about it, people. There must surely be a "qualified black police chief," as Mitchell whined, who would take Mayor Daley's offer for $185,000 a year. There are probably a number of them. There are probably some Hispanic, Asian and maybe an Eskimo who would be "qualified," too. And, hard as it is for some to accept, a few white dudes, too.
Where Mitchell misses the point, however, is that "qualified" is not always good enough. Plenty of people can be "qualified" to do a particular job. But just how many of those "qualified" people would also be exemplary? How many would excel? Not simply do a ho-hum, competent job of it, but really make a difference? Maybe a few. Perhaps Mayor Daley is wrong, but he thinks Weis is the best person for the job. Time will tell of course, but racists like Mitchell would rather assume that a black candidate would have been the better choice.
One must wonder if fellow racist William Beavers helped Mitchell write her column. She defended Beavers one day earlier, in her November 29 column. Earlier this week, Cook County Commissioner Beavers moaned that Cook County President Todd Strogers can't get his budget passed "because he's black." Sad, very sad, that such racism and paranoia persists in 2007, but there it is. (Sadder still, that Beavers was being cynical; he knows damned well that Stroger's problems with the commissioners is not racially based.)
Yesterday, Mitchell saw Klan members dancing around City Hall and Police headquarters. The Klan was all in her head of course, but Mitchell is good at transferring her paranoia to paper, and she sells a lot of Sun-Times copies to other, equally frightened people.
"I had hoped that Daley would have tapped a black candidate," wrote Mitchell, "because at least then people in these volatile communities, many of whom have good reason not to trust the police, might at least have been willing to give the new chief the benefit of the doubt." So there it is. Mitchell admits it. She would have preferred a candidate solely on the basis of his race. She stated it very clearly. She is a racist.
Racist Mary Mitchell wrapped up her racist column with this:
"Weis may be well-intended, and I wish him the best. But to too many, he will be just another law-and-order cop who doesn't have a clue about the circumstances that help turn neighborhoods into killing fields."
Is Mitchell against "law-and-order" police? Mitchell complains that Weis has no "clue about the circumstances" that make some neighborhoods dangerous, or "killing fields," as she overstates.
Well here's a news flash for racist Mitchell: Jody Weis is not being hired as a social worker. The cops are not social workes. They deal with the symptoms of the disease. They are not tasked to cure it.
But to say that Weil has no understanding about why some neighborhoods are "killing fields" is one hell of an assumption to make. But I'm sure Weis understands that a large part of the problem is out of wedlock black mothers having kids in their early teens. Weis is probably aware of the fact that too many black men take no responsibility for their own children. And Weis is probably aware that victimologists like racist Mary Mitchell continue to tell those irresponsible fathers, the drug users, the bad parents, the ne'er do wells, that it's not their fault, that the government owes them a living, that all white folk are evil. A black superintendent of police would not do a damn thing to change any of that, Mizz Mitchell.
So, yes, good luck to Mr. Weis. You'll be walking into a cauldron of racial prejudice.
Sun Times columnist discriminates against whites
Phila. FBI office chief to head Chicago police
WCBS NEWSRADIO 880 - The Osgood File: The Plot to Attack Fort Dix ...
Beavers' words harsh, but not without merit
Westgard's Transparent and Pathetic Move
Yesterday, Westgard wrote, "Beavers and Stroger must really be running out of political power, if they're reduced to such a transparent and pathetic move."
What a load of shit. No no, I agree with what Westgard wrote. But does Westgard really believe what he wrote? Westgard used exactly the same "transparent and pathetic move" himself, as the former campaign chair of the failed Ginderske 2007 aldermanic campaign. Ginderske lost to incumbent Moore in February, who went on to beat Don Gordon in the April run-off. That's when Westgard and others used their own Beavers-like race card.
While Ginderske was still in the race, Joe Moore's flunkies were telling voters - particularly black voters north of Howard Street - that progressive Democrat Jim Ginderske was a Republican who wanted to get rid of all the black people in Rogers Park. This was a complete lie. Westgard protested, of course. Meanwhile, Westgard told anybody who would listen that candidate Don Gordon was a Nazi and a racist.
After Ginderske lost, both he and Westgard jumped into bed with Moore and started telling voters - particularly black voters north of Howard Street - that the moderately liberal Don Gordon was a Republican who wanted to get rid of all the black people in Rogers Park. But it got even uglier.
Westgard repeatedly and viciously called Mr. Gordon a Nazi and a racist. Mr. Gordon is neither, and Westgard knew that. Westgard's ugly, intentional lies were hurtful. But that was his intention. Give Beavers some credit: Unlike Westgard, at least Beavers's lie was not a vicious personal attack intended to destroy an individual's reputation.
As another local blogger wrote at the time, we still await Mr. Westgard's apology. He should do so before hypocritically criticizing Beavers or anybody else for the same sins of which he is so publicly and unrepentantly guilty.
hy·poc·ri·sy /hɪˈpɒkrəsi/
Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hi-pok-ruh-see] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -sies.
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
3. an act or instance of hypocrisy. Unabridged (v 1.1)
We Await An Apology, Mr. Westgard
46th Ward blogger WhatTheHelen?! doesn't want to forget the recent spate of Westgardian slurs, in which Thomas J. Westgard cavalierly called people Nazis, the basest of slurs. Neither do I.During the past 49th Ward aldermanic campaign, some in the Joe Moore camp used very ugly tactics. They accused those with differing opinions of being "racists" and "Nazis," or stronly implied the same. Attorney Thomas J. Westgard was arguably the worst offender, blatanly drawing comparisons of candidate Don Gordon to Nazi dictator and mass murderer Adolf Hitler.
Final Solutions, Liberal Guilt and Candidate Don Gordon
Don Gordon faces Joe Moore in Chicago's 49th Ward aldermanic run-off election on April 17. Both Gordon and his campaign lieutenant Michael Harrington are being unfairly accused of intentionally using a Nazi phrase. The phrase is "final solution." In certain contexts, the phrase is incendiary. In others, it should not be.
Das Krankheit und Herr Thomas J. Westgard
I was attacked by Thomas J. Westgard in 1976. He called me a Nazi, he called me a fascist. Read on, and you will learn how Thomas J. Westgard attacked me 31 years ago.
Racists William Beavers Plays Race Card - Stupidly
If you have no valid argument, call your enemies "racists."
One of the biggest racists in Cook County, Commissioner William Beavers, said yesterday that Cook County President Todd Stroger can't get his budget passed "because he's black." He added that a white man would not have the same problems that Stroger does.