Showing posts with label elections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elections. Show all posts

Energized Democrats, Disillusioned Republicans Give Jones Lead Over Moore in Alabama

A Fox News poll indicates that "Democrat Doug Jones holds a 10-point lead over Republican Roy Moore among likely voters in deep red Alabama." The poll suggests that Republican support for Moore has eroded in recent days. The special election is tomorrow, Dec. 12, to fill the congressional seat previously held by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions

This has been an emotionally charged special election. Moore, accused of sexual misconduct by several women, denies those allegations. Democrats opposed to Moore -- obviously because of party -- could be more motivated to vote in this election than in most because of the addition of those sexual accusations.

But Moore has a long history of being a religious fundamentalist. Combined, those two factors are enough to get even the least motivated Democratic voter to go to the polls.

The Fox News Poll of Alabama voters was conducted Thursday through Sunday "using traditional polling techniques, including a list-based probability sample with both landlines and cellphones." More at Fox News.

Will Todd Stroger Be There Today? Will You?

Will Todd Stroger attend today's free forum of the Cook County Board President candidates? Man, I hope so - I need new photos of the clown. YOU can get fresh photos of Clown Stroger TODAY (Sunday, November 15) by attending the forum at the DePaul Student Center. That's at 2250 N. Sheffield Avenue, Chicago, an easy walk from the Belmont CTA station. For details, see our Nov. 12 post here. Note: If you plan to attend, please let the event coordinators know so that they can best accommodate a large crowd. RSVP to Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

Rep. Deb Mell May Be Off Re-Election Ballot (Updated)

Update, Nov. 10: Capitol Fax uptdates us with some fascinating legal mumbo-jumbo. Original Post, Nov. 9: Another big piece of bad news is hitting Chicago's Mell/Blagojevich political clan. Northwest Side State Rep. Deb Mell may have screwed up her nominating petitions, with a real risk that she'll be knocked off the February Democratic primary ballot. Full story at Greg Hinz Blog, Crain's Chicago Business... Oh, man, that's not "bad news," it's poetic justice for a politically corrupt wannabe dynasty that's neck deep in Illinois patronage manure. See, it's good news. Do you really want someone like Deb Mell writing the laws that govern you when she can't even file a damned nominating petition correctly? The Sun-Times has this (emphasis added): Impeached ex-Gov. Blagojevich’s lone defender in the Illinois House may herself wind up being booted from office because of a .... challenge ...`filed Monday [Nov. 9] with the State Board of Elections against Rep. Deborah Mell (D-Chicago) by a rival in the Feb. 2 primary, Joe Laiacona....that Mell is not registered to vote at the address she listed as her primary residence, as Illinois election law requires, said election lawyer Richard Means, who represents Laiacona. Gee, that sounds like something a rank amateur would do, not someone like Deb Mell. “This is a very common amateur mistake. But one would think as a sitting state legislator, she isn’t an amateur,” Means said. Ah, it is something Mell would do. Thank God she's a Democrat. Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

Hillary Clinton, Iran, and a Canadian Cannon

Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration are made to look like cowardly fools in the video below. In that video, the first three minutes contain an excellent report from the streets of Tehran, where hundreds of thousands of people continue to demonstrate in the streets against "alleged" national voter fraud in the June 12 presidential election. The best part, however, is the press conference at 3:00 minutes into the video, in which U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says, "We, like the rest of the world, are waiting and watching to see what the Iranian people decide. The United States has refrained from commenting on the election in Iran." It was a cowardly statement by Clinton, in which she avoided taking any stand for justice and democracy, or to even try to send a message of hope to the people of Iran - or any warning to the dictators in power. Then, the coup de grace from Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister, Lawrence Cannon, whose statement showed us that Hillary is a coward who was either lying or is completely ignorant of diplomatic efforts by other nations, including Canada, our next door neighbor and one of our very best allies. "Canada's deeply concerned by reports of voting irregularities in the Iranian election," Cannon said. "We're troubled by reports of intimidation of opposition candidates' offices by security forces. We've tasked our embassy officials in Tehran to closely monitor the situation, and Canada's calling on Iranian authorities to conduct fair and transparent counting of all ballots." The comparison of these two statements, by Clinton and Cannon, is stark. Cannon's statement made Clinton look like a fool. Whereas Clinton said that "We, like the rest of the world, are waiting and watching to see what the Iranian people decide," Cannon showed neatly that such is not the case. Rather, as Cannon pointed out, Canada was not merely waiting and watching, but also actively urging action by the Iranian authorities. His subtle, diplomatic message was clear and aimed squarely at the Iranian authorities by, in effect, demanding that they straighten out the election results and show satisfactory proof that the results were fair. Whereas Clinton said that "The United States has refrained from commenting on the election in Iran," Cannon went on to make some very strong statements on behalf of Canada. By saying that Canada is "troubled by reports of intimidation of opposition candidates' offices by security forces," Cannon effectively said that Canada believes something unsavory happened in the handling of ballots in last Friday's election. Probably without meaning to, Cannon showed the world how cowardly, ignorant and afraid to offend the Iranian dictatorship the Obama Administration truly is. See Comments... Visit Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Hey! ChiNewsBench is on Twitter

Functioning Iran Proxies (Updated)

FUNCTIONING IRAN PROXIES As of 1:30 PM (Chicago Time), 15 June 2009: and and and The June 12 general election in Iran smells bad. Very bad. Incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed victory over challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi, but millions of Iranians question the honesty of the election results. A huge number of the ballots were cast on paper, yet only hours after the polling booths closed Ahmadinejad was officially declared the winner. The question was asked en masse, "How could the results have been known so quickly?" One way, of course, would be if the results were known in advance. In other words, if the fix was in for Ahmadinejad. This is what has tens of thousands of protesters taking to the streets of Tehran and other cities, in protest of what they consider to be a case of election fraud. Another reason to be very suspicious of the election results is the fact that Iran has cracked down China-style on Internet activity. Social web sites, such as Facebook and others, have been effectively blocked by Iran's government. Twitter seems to be the only outlet for Iranians in Iran to communicate with the rest of the world. In 1989, their spiritual counterparts in the dark days of the Tiananmen Square Massacre used fax machines successfully to get their messages of despair and oppression out. Now, in Iran, Twitter is a digital message in a bottle, telling of police beatings, large-scale arrests and more of what you would expect from a totalitarian regime. The Australian newspaper reports this today about the communications crackdown: As reports of political violence in Iran intensified after Friday's disputed election won by incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Islamic republic has managed to shut down most forms of communication with the outside world. Access to the popular networking site Facebook has been restricted on occasion before, during and after elections, stopping Iranians from sharing their stories with the world. But Twitter has somehow avoided being blocked and has provided a rare glimpse into the violence that has engulfed the capital, Tehran. The 140-character limit has not stopped protesters from giving vivid accounts of the violent scenes they had witnessed.... Mobile phone and satellite communications seem be to victims of jamming as well, according to a report from RELATED: Shots fired as more than 100000 Iranians defy rally ban - (15 June) See Comments... Visit Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Hey! ChiNewsBench is on Twitter

Iran Protesters Killed, Violence Increasing

In the wake of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad re-election on Friday, June 12, thousands of protesters are in the streets. Many have been badly beaten by riot police. There are now reports that at least three protesters have been killed. The man who ran against Ahmadinejad in last week's election, Mir Hossein Mousavi, is urging his disappointed followers to act nonviolently. Many Iranians suspect that the election may have been rigged in favor of Ahmadinejad. In a government crackdown on opposition, more than 10 Iranian reformist leaders - supporters of Mousavi - have been arrested, according to Agence France-Presse (AFP) on Sunday. According to, "The al-Arabiya network has reported at least three people dead in riots that broke out in Tehran following the results of the Iranian elections." Facebook, YouTube, Friend Feed, Twitter and other social networking sites were reportedly blocked on Saturday. (Source) Some are still able to get their messages out, however, such as these folks on Twitter, probably through third-party applications. BBC reports that "Some of the protesters in Tehran wore Mr Mousavi's campaign colour of green and chanted 'Down with the dictator', news agencies report." Photo source: RELATED: Riots Erupt in Tehran as Iranian President Ahmadinejad declares victory - LA Times Violence escalates in Iran, first deaths reported, communication cut off - West concerned by Iran fraud claims - Iran arrests 10 leaders of reformist groups - Agence France-Presse/ World reacts to Ahmadinejad election - Washington Times Iran news coverage - Iran: True Revolution Against False Revolution - See Comments... Visit Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed ChiNewsBench is on Twitter

Labour Pains in UK a Warning for US Politicians

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is having a bad week. His bad week started yesterday. The current bad week follows a string of bad ones that led up to yesterday's low-turnout European Parliament elections. Brown, possibly the dumbest lump of protoplasm ever to occupy Number 10 Downing Street, is likely to be forced out of power by his own unhappy Labour Party power brokers. From The Wall Street Journal, June 8, 2009: The U.K.'s ruling Labour Party suffered big losses Sunday in early results from elections for European Parliament seats, heaping further pressure on Prime Minister Gordon Brown and giving a lift to fringe parties as voters expressed their anger over the Parliamentary expense scandal. Scandal. Yes, yes, but really that's not the biggest issue. The expense scandal was merely one of the last straws dropped onto a mountainous heap on the electorate's back. As in the United States, Britons have been suffering under misguided economic policies for some time under Brown. (Dissatisfaction with Brown was well established before the expense scandals, which included a number of MPs virtually all political parties.) Relatively speaking, Brown's economic policies are actually worse than those of Barack Obama (so far). The WSJ report continues: The results are likely to provide more ammunition for Mr. Brown's critics, who are calling for him to step down, arguing that under his leadership the party can't win a general election that must be called within a year. Early election results showed that Mr. Brown's Labour Party could be heading for third place in elections for 72 European Parliament seats. Perhaps Daniel Hannan, Conservative MEP for the South East of England, said it best in his now famous and stunningly brilliant speech (see the video) to the EU Parliament. He ripped Gordon Brown a new arse hole in a style unmatched, calling Brown "the devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government." Indeed. The biggest beneficiaries were the opposition Conservative Party and the UK Independence Party, which wants to pull Britain back from integration into the European Union. Underscoring the rightward, anti-European drift, the anti-immigration British National Party won two seats - its first in the European Parliament. In other words, British voters seem to be as sick of their major political parties as we in the U.S. are of ours. They have expressed their disgust with the political status quo, the selling out of their nation by their own "leaders," and the pawning off of Britain's economic future. The UK is ahead of the US in time only. Democrats and their Republican enablers in the US take note: This is a harbinger of things to come here in 2010. RELATED: European elections - story of the night - Times Online Support for Labour collapses - Aberdeen Press and Journal Economic woes send Europeans to fringes at polls - Seattle Times Britain's Brown faces revolt after poll thrashing - Reuters Far right make gains in ten member states - EU election tilts toward the right - Philadelphia Inquirer Vote Stings Europe Leaders, Shows a Swing to the Right - Wall Street Journal See Comments... Visit Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Hey! ChiNewsBench is on Twitter

Special Pulido Bulletin From John Curry

Tells Republicans to vote for "Abraham Lincoln" in 5th Congressional District special election April 7 RELATED UPDATE: "Quigley assured of victory in 5th District—almost" (Chicago Tribune, 03 April 2009) Another un-endorsement of Rosanna Pulido. 32nd Ward Republican Committeeman John Curry alerted me to his April 2nd "special bulletin" regarding Rosanna Pulido. Although Curry has made anti-Pulido statement before, he has not done so in such a public way prior to yesterday's "special bulletin" on his website. Pulido is running as a Republican for in the Illinois 5th Congressional District special election, but the Illinois GOP has done back flips to ignore her. The election is on Tuesday, April 7. Curry encourages Republican voters to protest Pulido by writing in "Abraham Lincoln" on their ballots on April 7: "....I do not endorse Rosanna Pulido or recommend that any Republican vote for her for Congress in the upcoming Special Election. Instead, I encourage all Republican voters who wish to show their support for the true principles of the Republican Party and protest the absence of a worthy candidate on this ballot to cast a write in vote for "Abraham Lincoln" as their candidate. You may ask for assistance from the election judges on how to write in "Abraham Lincoln", and they are required to provide you with that assistance." Pulido has been controversial for a long time, but after she won the primary on March 3 she further ruined her already bad relations with the Illinois GOP by taking on Tom Hoefling as her campaign chair. Hoefling is the National Chairman of America’s Independent Party (AIP), a competing political party that is far to the right of the Republican Party. (See "Encouraging Words from Illinois 5th Congressional District" and "About Rosanna Pulido's Troubled Campaign") More recently, Pulido was exposed for making offensive comments on conservative website Free Republic. I have criticized Mr. Curry previously, but he deserves credit for publicly taking a stand. The IL GOP has not endorsed, and will not endorse Pulido. Nor will the party's state leadership muster up the nerve to do what Mr. Curry has done with his "bulletin." Shame on the IL GOP. Kudos to Mr. Curry, who posted his Pulido bulletin on the 32nd Ward Committeman website. The full text of is reproduced below. (Also see related post "Abe for Congress" at The Abraham Lincoln Observer.) SPECIAL ELECTION FOR UNITED STATES CONGRESSMAN - 5TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2009 SPECIAL BULLETIN FROM WARD COMMITTEEMAN JOHN CURRY "I DO NOT ENDORSE ROSANNA PULIDO" "I wish to report to Republicans in the 32nd Ward and in the 5th Congressional District that I do not endorse Rosanna Pulido. Since the primary election and more particularly over the last two weeks, I have become aware of extremely disturbing information relating to Ms. Pulido. That information can be summarized as follows: Pulido has an established relationship with another political party, America's Independent Party. Pulido has not dispelled concerns that she is running as a "Trojan Horse" candidate, one who exploits the name of the Republican Party to her personal advantage only to promote a non-Republican or anti-Republican, fringe agenda. Pulido is on record as making groundless and reprehensible remarks, unworthy of a good citizen, disparaging the Cardinal of the Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago, gays, Mexicans, African Americans, and others. Little, if anything, is known about Pulido's personal and professional background. Pulido has refused to respond to reasonable requests from the Republican Party to account for her actions and the actions of her campaign or to cooperate with the Republican Party in any professional or reasonable way. Based on the above, I do not endorse Rosanna Pulido or recommend that any Republican vote for her for Congress in the upcoming Special Election. Instead, I encourage all Republican voters who wish to show their support for the true principles of the Republican Party and protest the absence of a worthy candidate on this ballot to cast a write in vote for "Abraham Lincoln" as their candidate. You may ask for assistance from the election judges on how to write in "Abraham Lincoln", and they are required to provide you with that assistance. I take this action in order to uphold the integrity of the name of the Republican Party." /s/ Hon. John J. Curry, 32nd Ward Republican Committeeman and Vice Chairman at Large of the Cook County Republican Central Committee. Chicago News Bench RSS Feed CommieBama Hats and More

Q&A About Rosanna Pulido's Campaign

Some excellent analysis of the Rosanna Pulido congressional campaign troubles, by friend Chris Barkulis in his response to some questions he received from a reader of his blog. Pulido is running in the Illinois 5th Congressional District (the seat previously occupied by Rahm Emanuel). The special election is on April 7. You can the Q&A at RightNotWrong. While you're there, also read "GOP and AIP" by Chris. An excerpt: The American Independent Party and Republican Party may have many issues in common, however the AIP is to the GOP like the Socialist Party of the U.S.A is to the Democrat Party. It can be argued how many people from these fringe groups of the AIP and SPUSA have infiltrated the GOP and DNC, respectively, however that doesn't mean the Republican party needs to make nice with people posing as Republican's but really holding allegiance to the AIP. I believe there are people out there identifying and claiming to be Republican's but really associate themselves with and want the AIP ideals to take over the party.... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

About Rosanna Pulido's Troubled Campaign

Fasten your seat belts, this is gonna be a bumpy ride. The Illinois Republican Party (IL GOP), long known as an ineffectual, castrated organization, has not been supporting the conservative Republican candidate in the special election to fill the vacant congressional seat of the 5th District (formerly held by Rahm Emanuel). Some, including myself, have accused the IL GOP of betraying its own and of not caring about an open congressional seat. I maintain those concerns, but there are new concerns that have caused me - as of late this morning - to completely withdraw my support for the Pulido campaign. First, a brief history. On March 3, the primary elections (Republican, Democrat, Green) were held. Stroger-Democrat Mike Quigley won the Democrat primary; Pulido won the Republican primary; Mathew Reichel won the Green primary. As noted above, the IL GOP gave virtually zero support to Pulido's campaign. Today comes news that Rosanna Pulido has long been writing disturbing posts on Free Republic, a popular sight among conservatives for posting news links, updates, comments and chat. I myself am a "freeper," a person who posts now and then to Free Republic (FR). Let me defend FR briefly by saying that, like any large website that gets hundreds or thousands of comments, some items are posted that could be considered offensive. They are not representative of the vast majority of "freepers," any more than offensive remarks on a site such as, for example, are representative of either that newspaper or of their average reader. Pulido was posting under the pseudonym "chicagolady." She apparently felt comfortable posting anonymously. Her cover was blown, however, by a blog called "Rosanna Pulido is a Freeper." Many of the posts highlighted there are borderline racist. Although I agree on the basics of many of Pulido's positions, such as enforement of our existing immigration laws, I and most other conservatives have made great and sincere effort to make it clear that we oppose illegal immigration for a number of health, legal, criminal and national security reasons, with race not being a factor for us. We don't give a damn whether those illegals are from Mexico, Sweden, Nicaragua or England. Pulido's comments, however, give those of us who don't factor race or a particular nationality into the immigration argument an undeserved bad reputation. Although the author/s of "Rosanna Pulido is a Freeper" and I probably disagree on most things political, I applaud them for their moxy, and for exposing a side of Rosanna Pulido that I had not been aware of before today. What the blogger/s did is true citizen journalism. Other things, however, have come to the fore since late last week. Since the March 3 primary win, Pulido's campaign has come under the unfortunate "management" of one Tom Hoefling, an Alan Keyes sycophant and National Chairman of Keyes' America's Independent Party (AIP). All of the above is enough to make me withdraw support for the Pulido campaign, but there are other reasons as well. A laundry list of problems includes: 1) Bad campaign management; 2) Misuse and underuse the Internet and new media (Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc.); 3) The same for good use of e-mail lists; 4) Reliance on pre-Internet campaign techniques; 5) No oversite of campaign management and too much reliance on that management; 6) Pushing aside and ignoring volunteers who are more knowledgable about the above; 7) Poor communications, too little coordination and guidance of volunteers; 8) Amateurish graphics on the campaign websites; 9) No support from the Illinois Republican Party (IL GOP); 10) More, too many to list here. Going down the list we go. 1) Bad campaign management; 2) Misuse and underuse the Internet and new media 3) The same for good use of e-mail lists; 4) Reliance on pre-Internet campaign techniques: Tom Hoefling was brought to "manage" the Pulido campaign shortly after the March 3 primary. With little fanfare, Hoeflingimmediately set about alienating talented volunteers. He allegedly ordered at least one volunteer to stop sending out emails that promoted the Pulido campaign. Before Hoefling, the Pulido campaign had one website, which is still today not kept up to date. (For example, the March 24 "candidates forum" at Sidetrack is not on the "Events" calendar.) The "content feed" on that website is a dead link and the "comments feed" shows zero comments (better to delete it than show that nobody has commented). Suddenly, a few days ago, a new website appeared, with no announcement. Although there is a clearly visible "donate" button on the original site, the new one seems primarily dedicated to that purpose. This is confusing and unnecessary. I advised them weeks ago to add PayPal to their donations options, and was given the bizarre "explanation" that PayPay is not practical for political donations. (Tell that to PayPal.) Oddly, to sign up for e-mail updates, the link takes you to yet a third website, where the "Main Campaign Site" and "Campaign News" links take you back to... you guessed it... the original website. Twitter presence has been consistently bad. At, there have only been 35 updates as of 4:39 p.m., March 23. Although the Twitter page existed weeks ago, the first entry was not made until March 17. That's inexusable in this day and age, and shows a 1990 attitude toward the Internet. Meanwhile, there is talk that campaign management is hot on the idea of a campaign "newspaper," a dead-tree production that would be an expensive, one-shot and ineffective method of "getting the word out" that might have been clever in 1960 but just doesn't cut it in the age of new media. It is all the more puzzling that the Pulido campaign has such a primitive approach to use - or misuse, if you will - of the Internet when you consider that campaign manager Tom Hoefling seems to have picked up on Twitter. His Twitter page,, first went up on January 21, 2009 with this: Hey Savvy. Don't mind me as I wander around in here trying to figure out how this thing works. :-) from web Since then, Hoefling has posted only 48 times (as of 4:56 p.m., March 23). His frequency of posting is low, however, and seems just as concerned with his hero Alan Keyes as he is with Rosanna Pulido. The word "Pulido" appearing in only four posts (or "tweets"). The word "Keyes," as in Alan Keyes, appears in 14 posts. Although he has links to a number of Pulido-related stories, he does not seem to understand that anybody searching Twitter or the Internet for "Rosanna Pulido" will not find those tweets/posts, because search engines cannot see what is not there. Trouble at Facebook, too, where the befuddled campaign again seems lost and disoriented. Search Facebook for "pulido" and you find four (4) separate accounts or pages. Again, confusion is the order of things. On one page, we find a ridiculous photo of Pulido dressed as Lady Liberty. On another, we find only two postings and badly done graphics. On another we see the Rosanna Pulido Facebook group, with only 17 posts and only one upcoming event posted (for March 28). The fourth page is "Rosanna Pulido Townhall Meetings." Only four posts there, and only one upcoming event listed. As with Twitter and the Web, it makes no sense to have multiple pages on Facebook. It's confusing to people seeking her out and it makes for unnecessary work to keep the pages up to date. Again, no web/Internet savvy. No organization. Confusion. Tom Hoefling is the National Chairman of America’s Independent Party (AIP). As such, he is automatically at odds with the Republican Party. Why Pulido chose an Alan Keyes sycophant from outside the Republican circle is a mystery. You may remember Keyes in his disastrous run for US Senator against Barack Obama in 2004. Then his weird campaign last year for president. Yes, I know, I've tried to forget him, too. Not Tom Hoefling, though, who apparently feels that Keyes ran a brilliant campaign and seems equally determined to repeat those results for Pulido. Today, Hoefling is the happy National Chair of the AIP, the political party created by Keyes himself. 5) No oversite of campaign management, too much reliance on that management; 6) Pushing aside, ignoring knowledgable volunteers ; 7) Poor communications, too little coordination and guidance of volunteers; 8) Amateurish graphics on the campaign websites: Rosanna Pulido seems content to take orders from her campaign management. This is unfortunate, since it should be the other way around. They should give her sage advice, although they seem to have none to give. She should take advice given, digest it, then issue orders. That's what a leader does. She is not leading, she is being led, and led by political fringe dwellers stuck in the 1950's at that. Any savvy politician, general or charity head knows the golden rule for treating volunteers: You make them feel wanted, you treat them generously, you make them feel they are contributing. Hoefling and company have crushed creative, viable, modern ideas in favor of antiquated ones, and alienated volunteers in the process. A number of Pulido volunteers have been left scratching their heads, wondering why the primitives are running the show, why emailing has been suppressed, why Twitter is not being utilized, why there are multiple websites, why an Alan Keyes adherent is running a "Republican" candidate, and so on. The coordination of the volunteers is haphazard. Email blasts are virtually nonexistent. Communication with volunteers should be through a vibrant chat sites on Facebook, Twitter and their main campaign website. As noted above, volunteers seeking information might miss it because it is spread out among multiple pages. 9) No support from the Illinois Republican Party (IL GOP); Without support from the GOP, any slim chance Pulido might have had of winning the general election on April 7 is greatly diminished, even after winning the primary on March 3. Worse, however, is the fact that so many in the IL GOP are working against her. Pulido, it must be said, is a courageous woman with strong convictions, whether you agree with her stand on the issues or not. Courage and conviction seems to be something that the Illinois Republican Party shys away from. After all, one naturally tends to fear the unknown. 10) More, too many to list here. Enough for today. More later. I've found Rosanna Pulido to be a pleasant woman in my two encounters with her, first at the February Chicago Tea Party and then on the March 3rd election night. However, she tends to be unresponsive to suggestions, indecisive, completely ignorant of the new media that she should have become familiar with years ago, and apparently under the thumb of Alan Keyes' American's Independent Party. Tie all that together with the disturbing revelations about her bizarre posts on Free Republic and the publicity it is getting, and it doesn't matter that Mike Quigley is just another pay-to-play, Stroger-endorsing Democrat Machine suckup. If Pulido had a competent campaign team, she might have a razor thin chance of countering the mountain of bad publicity they will be getting over the next two weeks. That's not so, however. PS - Please pardon any spelling errors; I was in a hurry to get this up in time for your early evening reading enjoyment. RELATED: Terse Letter to Rosanna Pulido from 32nd Ward Alderman Rosanna Pulido, Underdog Under the Bus UPDATED: Stopping Quigley in IL 5th Cong District??? GOP Rolls Over, Plays Dead in 5th Cong Dist Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

UPDATED: Stopping Quigley in IL 5th Cong District???

UPDATED: This morning I posted a letter from Don Castella (below), Treasurer of the Committee to Elect Rosanna Pulido. Well, what a difference half a day makes. Seems there's a shitstorm of negative press about to pile down all over the Pulido Campaign. Guess what? Yours truly will pile on, too. Meanwhile, as I load up a bushel of nastiness to throw down on Pulido's campaign manager, Tom Hoefler, enjoy these links: GOP Not Fully Embracing Their Candidate for Congress Chicago (NBC 5) and This letter is now laughable: You Can Help Shock President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Majority Leader Reid on April 7! An Illinois Special Election Will Stun Washington. Dear Friend: In just two weeks you can send a powerful message to Congress, the Senate, President Obama — and even the coddling liberal media. You can express your outrage over President Obama’s plan to increase taxes by more than $1 trillion in the middle of an economic crisis! You can send a powerful message to Obama, Emanuel, and the Democrats who control the House and Senate that you OPPOSE their new, wild federal spending programs — and the trillions of dollars of federal debt that they are placing on you and your families for generations to come. Here’s how you can send this powerful message — one that will shock Washington. On April 7 — just two weeks from now — there is a Special Congressional Election in the 5th District of Illinois. Early voting has already begun. This district includes Chicago’s North Side and the area just northwest of Chicago. Voter registration shows that the district leans Democrat so we must fight for every vote. This seat was recently vacated by Democratic Rep. Rahm Emanuel who resigned to be appointed to the Obama White House. With your support, Rosanna Pulido can actually win this district! There is huge dissatisfaction with the Democrats and Obama — even voters in liberal Chicago are getting fed up. The Republican voters have picked Rosanna Pulido as their candidate. She won the March 4th Primary Election. Rosanna is a solid conservative on both fiscal and social issues. She has an outstanding record on immigration and Second Amendment issues. Rosanna is a Christian who doesn’t just talk about conservative issues, she lives them. As the Illinois Minuteman leader, Rosanna waged lonely battles against Chicago/Cook County’s dangerous liberal policies — policies that have turned the state into an economic basket case and made Cook County America’s largest Sanctuary County. Her opponent voted for that awful Cook County legislation that costs Illinois Billions and endangers Illinois citizens’ lives. Rosanna has fought some big battles. It was Rosanna who led the fight against the Democrat’s insane plan to issue Illinois state driver’s licenses and in-state tuition to illegal immigrants. She has fought for you — now please help her fight this battle. Imagine allowing potential terrorists to easily get driver’s licenses… or rewarding illegal immigrant families with in-state college tuition. If Rosanna wins, I believe the Democrats in Congress, including many “Blue Dog Democrats,” will be shocked and scared. We want you to urgently help elect Rosanna Pulido — Go Here Now: If conservative Rosanna can win the Illinois congressional seat recently held by powerful Democrat Rahm Emanuel, this will strike a massive blow to the claim that swing voters are really backing Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Harry Reid. Emanuel and the Democrats in Washington are complacent and think they have this seat sewn up. The Democrats picked a liberal County Board Commissioner named Mike Quigley as their candidate. Quigley claims he is a reformer, but his record contradicts that claim. Quigley, a backer of controversial Cook County Board Chairman Todd Stroger in 2006, is already acting like he won the seat and raising big bucks in Washington. But many voters in this district are appalled. Quigley is a liberal who fully supports the radical Democrat spending and social agendas. By stopping Quigley and the Democrats in the IL 5th congressional district, we can help stop more phony “stimulus” programs, stop higher taxes, stop Eric Holder’s plan to ban our guns, stop card check for unions, and stop Obama’s plan to legalize 12 million illegal aliens. We can win this one and stop Obama’s radical plans that threaten our nation and our economy. Early polls show Rosanna right on the heels of Quigley, with Quigley holding a narrow lead. The polls also show that if all Republicans and conservative-leaning Democrats and independents come out to vote in this Special Election, Rosanna will win. Illinois Blagojevich Democrats called the election for April 7th in the hopes that Republicans could not get organized in time to compete with the well-oiled Chicago political machinery of the unions and the notorious left-wing community group ACORN in turning out votes for Quigley. Help us stop these liberal groups — Go Here Now: Many Chicago Democrat groups are directly affiliated with ACORN, the left-wing community organization widely charged with voter- registration fraud in last year’s presidential election. ACORN is notorious for phony voter registrations, multiple voting, and other voter fraud tactics. ACORN and the allied groups are funded by the exact same left-wing unions, like SEIU and they intend to deliver for Mike Quigley. Many Open Borders groups are also supporting Rosanna’s opponent because of her outstanding record on immigration issues. Republicans are bracing for many dollars to be spent on behalf of Quigley as ultra-liberal special interest groups like the PAC, Pelosi’s Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and SEIU, all pour money into this Illinois district. But I have little doubt we can still win this election. That’s where you come in. We are mounting a major effort to alert Republicans, conservatives, and independents nationwide that this vital Special Election is on April 7th. It is urgent for them to vote in order to send President Obama a message and send shock waves across the country. It is also urgent that you contribute to Rosanna’s campaign so we can overcome Chicago’s liberal media bias with hard-hitting Radio/TV ads. Again — the polls show Republican Rosanna Pulido can win if every Republican and Independent votes! This will have repercussions well beyond the borders of Illinois. Send a shockwave to Washington — support our efforts — Go Here Now. The Committee to Elect Rosanna Pulido wants to prepare hard-hitting radio and television ads to make sure voters know this crucial April 7th contest is between conservative Rosanna Pulido and liberal Democrat Mike Quigley. We urgently need your help to puts these hard-hitting commercials on the air. We can’t out-spend the liberals. With Barack Obama in the White House they have unlimited funds to pour into the 5th District. But we can reveal the truth. And truth has much more power than the spin and distortions the Democrats are offering. With your help we hope to launch a sophisticated grassroots get-out-the-vote effort to reach every Republican household and identify those conservative Democrats and independents who agree with us, and make certain they turn out and vote for Rosanna Pulido. Make no mistake about it, the union bosses, ACORN, the anti-gun lobby, the radical abortion groups, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the Democratic national establishment will each be pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars — into their efforts to elect liberal Quigley. Some have speculated that the liberals and unions would spend as much as $1 million to win this contest in order to avoid embarrassing Rahm Emanuel and President Obama with a stunning defeat. That’s why you and I must act TODAY — Go Here Now. With just weeks before this showdown Special Election, we must move immediately to make sure that the Republican and Independents in this district know how high the stakes are. They must know the difference between proven conservative Rosanna Pulido, with a record as a solid conservative leader, and liberal Democrat Mike Quigley who tries to sound conservative but who is beholden to Nancy Pelosi, the AFL-CIO, and the liberal special-interest groups. Please consider making a contribution to Committee to Elect Rosanna Pulido so that we can begin a well-organized effort to get every Republican and Republican-leaning independent out to vote to win this seat. Let’s demonstrate to the liberal media that the Republican Party and the ideals of Ronald Reagan — fiscal conservatism, patriotism, and common sense — are not dead! Believe me when I tell you that Rosanna Pulido’s election is the first step in taking back Republican control of the Congress in 2010 and ousting Obama from the White House in 2012. The hour is late. We must move immediately to launch our effort to turn back the tide and take the first small step towards winning back the Congress in 2010 and the White House in 2012 before Obama and his liberal cohorts destroy this country. Please contribute to this urgent cause — Go Here Now. The Committee to Elect Rosanna Pulido needs your help to win. Rosanna Pulido, a solid conservative leader, needs your help and America needs your help. Please let me hear from you today — Go Here Now. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Don Castella Treasurer Committee to Elect Rosanna Pulido P.S. At a time when liberal talking heads like Chris Matthews Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann are saying the Republican Party is dead, we have a unique opportunity to prove they are wrong and wipe the smile off their smug liberal faces! I hope to hear from you today. Please donate to us today — Go Here Now. The Committee to Elect Rosanna Pulido. 15945 W Pope Blvd Lincolnshire, IL 60069-9677 Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

Quigley Chickens Out, Cancels Pulido Debate

Little Mike Quigley is a study of contradictions. On the one hand, he's so confident that he will win the April 7 special election in Illinois' 5th Congressional District that he was all over Washington DC yesterday acting as though he'd already won. On the other hand, the League of Women Voters said that Quigley declined their invitation to debate Rosanna Pulido, the conservative Republican challenger in the 5th District. Is Mike Quigley afraid of women, or does he just not like them? Democrat Quigley is currently a Cook County Board Commissioner and has been a loyal supporter of the hugely unpopular board president, Todd Stroger. Perhaps without Todd in the room, Quigley would not have been comfortable going toe to toe in a debate with Pulido in front of all of those ladies. In a press release today from Pulido's campaign, Quigley's priorities were questioned. "I find it amazing that he's doing a victory lap in Washington before the voters have even expressed their will," Pulido said. "He's meeting with K Street lobbyists and their checkbooks and I'm spending my time listening to the voters of the Fifth District. Turning down the League of Women Voters debate doesn't just show disrespect for the women in this district. It shows he doesn't much care what anyone here at home thinks." Pulido is accusing Mike Quigley of "chasing Washington cash" while "dissing women voters at home." Pulido's campaign manager Tom Hoefling has issued an open debate challenge to Mike Quigley's campaign. Hoefling says that the planned April 3 meeting of the two candidates at the City Club "isn't nearly enough." He added, "If Mr. Quigley has time for the folks in DC, certainly he can find a couple of spare hours for the people he wants to represent. The voters deserve to have to have a full airing of the candidates' views before they make this very important decision on April 7." Chicago News Bench can also report that Rosanna Pulido agreed a week ago to debate Mike Quigley in front of a group of mostly gay voters on Tuesday, March 24 at 7:00 p.m. at Sidetrack Video Bar, 3349 N. Halsted Street, Chicago. There, the 5th Congressional District candidates will participate in a “meet and greet” co-sponsored by Gay Chicago Magazine and Sidetrack. If conservative Republican Pulido is happy to meet and greet a group of largely gay voters, why is Democrat Quigley so reluctant to debate Pulido in the company of the League of Women Voters? RELATED: Claypool Blasts Quigley for Supporting Stroger Budget Emanuel Replacement Race: Quigley, Feigenholtz Jab Over Stroger Ties Feigenholtz attack ad links Quigley to Stroger Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

Special Election To Replace Rahm Emanuel

The seat left vacant by Rahm Emanuel has NOT been filled yet. Sure, Todd Stroger's boy Mike Quigley won the Democrat primary earlier this month, but the final special election to fill the empty 5th Congressional District in Illinois is yet to happen on April 7th. Conservative Rosanna Pulido is the Republican who will face off against Quigley. She needs your support. Get out there and spread the word. Volunteer to pass out literature, lawn signs, hold a meeting of neighbors for her. The campaign needs financial support, too, and you can easily contribute by clicking on the button shown here or by going to the Rosanna Pulido 2009 website. Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

Twitter Hangover in Illinois 5th District

Jesse Greenberg makes some amusing observations about (a) Twitter, (b) Twitter usage by Democrat candidates in the recent March 3rd primary over in the Illinois 5th Congressional District's special election, (c) Mike Quigley and this skittish Twittering, and more. Greenberg leads off with this: Post March 3rd, my life hasn’t been the same. Maybe my inbox isn’t full of candidates’ emails. Maybe I’m not getting Facebook event invites at the same rate. Or maybe my Twitter feed isn’t filled with election talk. I guess I missed the quick-hitting and breaking news nature of Twitter. So, I took a closer look at what the leading Democrats’ of the IL-5 race have been up to on Twitter post-March 3rd. The answer is not much. And I’m surprised quite frankly. FULL POST at Jesse Greenberg's blog... RELATED: Quigley’s Twitter Problems and IL-5 Updates - Jesse Greenberg Chicago News Bench: Mike Quigley and Twitter? Mike Quigley's Twitter Problems and IL-5 Updates Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

Photo du Jour, March 6, 2009

UPDATED: About Rosanna Pulido's Trouble Campaign Rosanna Pulido answers questions from reporters on the night of Tuesday, March 3, 2009, moments after she won the Republican primary for the Illinois 5th Congressional District seat. She spoke at Biagio's, a banquet hall at 4256 N. Central in Chicago. Pulido now faces Matt Reichel (Green Party) and Mike Quigley (Stroger Democrat) in the general election on April 7. This is a special election to replace Democrat Rahm Emanuel, who abandoned his constituents to move to Washington D.C. Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

Iraq More Democratic Than China Today

On Saturday, January 31, millions of people in Iraq enthusiastically turned out to excercise their still-new democratic freedom to vote for the candidates of their choice. No longer living in a dictatorship, the people of Iraq are determined to never lose their democracy. (A quick note of thanks to President Bush and all of the men and women of the US Armed Forces.) "Many people have seen Iraq as a dictatorship, but today that has changed," he said, casting his ballot in Baghdad. "Others are saying this is a sectarian government, but this isn't true. We can't be a dictatorship again and we won't be." Full Story at The Observer... Even Al Jazeera has a happy report on video (linked here and embedded below). Meanwhile, in China, democracy is faring less well than in Iraq. As another report from Al Jazeera shows (link here), nothing much has really changed since the butchery in Tianenman Square. How ironic that so many Americans are pissed off about "imposing" democracy on Iraq, but so gladly rush to do business with China's dictatorial leaders (creators of the most Orwellian Olympics since Adolf Hitler hosted them in Berlin), the iron-fisted suppressors of free speech and thought. CNB RSS Feed

Ald. Joe Moore Will Not Seek Re-Election

Chicago News Bench is predicting that Chicago Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward) will not seek re-election in 2011. CNB has been considering this for some time now and we believe that Moore will probably choose to retire gracefully and with a full pension with benefits rather than face an embarrassing defeat two years from now. Moore was forced into a run-off when he could not muster enough votes in the 49th Ward's four-man race of February, 2007. He then barely won re-election in the run-off of April, 2007, defeating challenger Don Gordon by fewer than 300 votes. Accusations of ballot fraud are still bandied about the 49th Ward today. Moore outspent Gordon by enormous amounts and had the support of US Rep. Jan Schakowsky and her convicted-felon-on-parole husband Bob Creamer, as well as some top gun air cover provided by the Democrat National Committee and Big Unions. Moore may not be able to count on the same level of support in 2011 that he enjoyed two years ago. More on this.... CNB RSS Feed

Updated: 5th Cong District: Schulter Out, Fritchey In

UPDATED 23 March 2009: About Rosanna Pulido's Trouble Campaign 

Ald. Eugene Schulter
(Huffington Post)
by Dan Mihalopoulos, Clout City, Jan. 12, 2009
Four Democrats today formally joined the field for the March 3 special primary to replace Rahm Emanuel in Congress. Dozens of local politicians have expressed interest in the opening. At the start of candidate filing today, the four who first submitted signature petitions to get on the ballot were state Rep. John Fritchey (D-Chicago), state Rep. Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago), former federal transportation security official Justin Oberman and University of Chicago lecturer Charles Wheelan. (Continue...) 

We suspected this would happen. Chicago Alderman Eugene Schulter (47th Ward) has dropped out of the race to fill Rahm Emanuel's vacated Congressional seat. Ah, but the real fun now begins, as local Democrats beat each other up in a virtual wrestling match to select the heir to Emanuel's formerly held office. A Chicago Sun-Times report on Jan. 11 gives some juicy insight into the ongoing fracas. 

Right now, the smart money is on State Rep. John Fritchey as the one who will have the royal sword placed gently on his shoulder. On Saturday, January 10, 19 Democratic ward and township committeemen got together on Chicago's northwest side to decide the future holder of the 5th Congressional seat. Like micro-scale Bilderbergers at a retreat, the local poobahs were deciding the political future of five key individuals. According to Lynn Sweet at the Chicago Sun-Times, Schulter "said he decided as he drove to Saturday morning's meeting to fold his campaign and instead throw his support behind Fritchey." 

"Schulter denied cutting a deal," reports the Sun-Times, "to get another one of his guys a statehouse seat, saying he already has a good state rep, Greg Harris, who represents the other half of hs ward." (Harris has been an enabler of impeached Governor Rod Blagojevich. Harris also campaigned against a constitutional convention.) 

Emanuel resigned his congressional seat to become Barack Obama's White House chief of staff. (Curiously, Sweet only referred it as "Emanuel's district" or "the district." It's the 5th Congressional District that is up for grabs.) The Sun-Times notes that "none of the five would-be grooms could quite muster the 50 percent-plus-1 of the weighted vote to be officially joined to the Democratic Party of Cook County as slated candidate to replace former Rep. Rahm Emanuel." 

So, the wrestling continues, but only among the Chosen. If you, friend, are interested in running that seat, forget about it unless you're an entrenched soldier of the local Democrat Political Machine. 

To his credit, Ald. Patrick O'Connor (40th), favors an "open primary." State Rep. John Fritchey, D-Chicago, also wants that. But don't be fooled - the person chosen will probably be anointed in the same way that State Senator Heather Steans was chosen to replace Carol Ronen. That is, they'd like an "open primary" but only so long as those in the primary are first vetted, selected, and patted down by the power structure. What the voters will get, again, is a pre-chewed wad of cud spat up for them to lick off the floor. 
