Showing posts with label Gordon Brown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gordon Brown. Show all posts
Labour Pains in UK a Warning for US Politicians
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is having a bad week. His bad week started yesterday. The current bad week follows a string of bad ones that led up to yesterday's low-turnout European Parliament elections. Brown, possibly the dumbest lump of protoplasm ever to occupy Number 10 Downing Street, is likely to be forced out of power by his own unhappy Labour Party power brokers. From The Wall Street Journal, June 8, 2009:
The U.K.'s ruling Labour Party suffered big losses Sunday in early results from elections for European Parliament seats, heaping further pressure on Prime Minister Gordon Brown and giving a lift to fringe parties as voters expressed their anger over the Parliamentary expense scandal.
Scandal. Yes, yes, but really that's not the biggest issue. The expense scandal was merely one of the last straws dropped onto a mountainous heap on the electorate's back. As in the United States, Britons have been suffering under misguided economic policies for some time under Brown. (Dissatisfaction with Brown was well established before the expense scandals, which included a number of MPs virtually all political parties.) Relatively speaking, Brown's economic policies are actually worse than those of Barack Obama (so far). The WSJ report continues:
The results are likely to provide more ammunition for Mr. Brown's critics, who are calling for him to step down, arguing that under his leadership the party can't win a general election that must be called within a year. Early election results showed that Mr. Brown's Labour Party could be heading for third place in elections for 72 European Parliament seats.
Perhaps Daniel Hannan, Conservative MEP for the South East of England, said it best in his now famous and stunningly brilliant speech (see the video) to the EU Parliament. He ripped Gordon Brown a new arse hole in a style unmatched, calling Brown "the devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government." Indeed.
The biggest beneficiaries were the opposition Conservative Party and the UK Independence Party, which wants to pull Britain back from integration into the European Union. Underscoring the rightward, anti-European drift, the anti-immigration British National Party won two seats - its first in the European Parliament.
In other words, British voters seem to be as sick of their major political parties as we in the U.S. are of ours. They have expressed their disgust with the political status quo, the selling out of their nation by their own "leaders," and the pawning off of Britain's economic future. The UK is ahead of the US in time only. Democrats and their Republican enablers in the US take note: This is a harbinger of things to come here in 2010.
European elections - story of the night - Times Online
Support for Labour collapses - Aberdeen Press and Journal
Economic woes send Europeans to fringes at polls - Seattle Times
Britain's Brown faces revolt after poll thrashing - Reuters
Far right make gains in ten member states -
EU election tilts toward the right - Philadelphia Inquirer
Vote Stings Europe Leaders, Shows a Swing to the Right - Wall Street Journal
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BNP Wants Gordon Brown To Fall Down on June 4th
MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN: VOTE BNP ON JUNE 4TH" is a text message that millions of British voters are being urged to text to each other in a national grassroots effort to force a general election. The British National Party is touting the text messages as a way to get the word out. Why? To get rid of the buffoon Gordon Brown, of course, arguably the worst Prime Minister that the United Kingdom has had since God-Knows-When. I want to make it clear that while I am not endorsing the BNP, I do endorse the dumping of Brown. (I'm sure Parliament can squelch any serious weirdness from BNP.)
The message on the BNP web site reads, in part:
Want to get rid of Gordon Brown? Want a general election? Want to make a protest vote the politicians cannot ignore? MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN: VOTE BNP ON JUNE 4TH. Forward this to everyone in your contacts. If we send these texts to enough people they will go viral and could lead to thousands more votes on D-Day 2009. That is what is at stake, so please make the effort!
So foward those texts - and this blog post - to everyone in your contacts. Heal Thyself, Great Britain! Dump Brown! Now, enjoy the lovely video of Daniel Hannan, MEP, below. Mr. Hannan thinks Mr. Brown should go, too.
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UK Labour Party faithful want Brown to quit -poll
Gordon Brown set for election wipeout - Times Online
MPs' expenses: artists and activists join in call for electoral reform
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Gordon Brown, the recently re-elected British Prime Minister, is urging the world's wealthiest nations to immediately cut taxes. Sure, Brown's a Labour guy, a liberal. But Brown has some good common sense and an awareness of reality. Let's hope his message is not shunned by the tax-and-spend Democrats (and Republicans) in the United States.
From the Guardian tonight:
Gordon Brown tonight called on the world's most powerful industrial nations to agree a programme of immediate and coordinated tax cuts to prevent the global economy sliding deeper into recession.
(Too bad Brown didn't make this speech to the idiots in Michigan, a gang of Democrats who have spent decades destroying the state's economy with higher and higher taxes. Too bad Todd "The Stoopid" Stroger, Cook County's president, will not be able to comprehend Brown's message of common sense.)
The Guardian's report continues:
Arriving in New York for this weekend's unprecedented gathering of the leaders of the world's leading 20 economies, the prime minister said the need for a "fiscal stimulus" both for the UK economy and the world had increased after an autumn in which accelerating job losses had intensified fears of a deep and lasting slump. Full Story at Brown: major countries must cut taxes now...
BREAKING NEWS: Our cousins across the pond had a huge national election this week, too, and the big winner was Gordon Brown, who retains his position as Prime Minister. It was a surprise to many observers.
The United Kingdom has been suffering much more than the US in the current crisis, and Brown "may be willing to follow the cuts in interest rates by sanctioning tax reductions in the UK, as part of an internationally coordinated effort to give world economies a boost," according the Guardian UK. This will probably set an example that the rest of Europe, and perhaps the Obama Administration in the US., will follow.
Labour pulled off a stunning...victory in the early hours of this morning, defying predictions to retain the once safe Labour seat of Glenrothes in the first indication that Gordon Brown's heightened international standing and handling of the financial crisis has translated into improved electoral fortunes. (Guardian UK)
Brown's Labour Party managed to energize voters and get them to the polls:
"I saw people coming out to vote for Labour who haven't voted for 20 years. I need to think about that," said Tricia Marwick, the SNP MSP who won the equivalent Scottish parliament seat of Central Fife from Labour last year. (Guardian UK)
The victory and the scope of the voter turnout were a surprise even to the insiders:
The scale of the win, however, took everyone, including Labour strategists, by surprise. It marks an abrupt end to Alex Salmond’s honeymoon as Scotland’s First Minister and a thumping personal endorsement for Mr Brown. Holding the seat that Labour won with a 10,664 majority in 2005 meant that Mr Brown’s decision to break with tradition and campaign in the contest — along with his wife, Sarah, who made several visits — paid off. (TimesOnline.UK)
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