Showing posts with label Great Britain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Great Britain. Show all posts

Queen Elizabeth Dies at 96, Royal Family in Mourning

The longest reigning monarch in British history – indeed, in the world – has passed away. Queen Elizabeth II sat on the throne for 70 years. Buckingham Palace said she "died peacefully" this afternoon at her Balmoral residence in Scotland. Just hours earlier, international media were reporting that the royal family was concerned about her failing health.

The Telegraph reports this:

Buckingham Palace confirmed on Thursday lunchtime that Her Majesty had been under medical supervision at Balmoral after her doctors had become "concerned" about her health. 

Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images
All of the Queen's children, as well as  the Duke of Cambridge, travelled immediately to Balmoral. The Queen was last pictured formally appointing the new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, at Balmoral on Tuesday, her final public duty. She postponed a virtual Privy Council meeting the following day after being advised by doctors to rest.

Her eldest son, Prince Charles, will now become King, while his eldest son, Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, assumes the position of heir to the throne. 

According to the BBC:

Queen Elizabeth II's tenure as head of state spanned post-war austerity, the transition from empire to Commonwealth, the end of the Cold War and the UK's entry into - and withdrawal from - the European Union.

Her reign spanned 15 prime ministers starting with Winston Churchill, born in 1874, and including Liz Truss, born 101 years later in 1975, and appointed by the Queen earlier this week.

She held weekly audiences with her prime minister throughout her reign.

QEII's reign was truly monumental. According to, "Her reign of over 69 years has seen 14 Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom, and numerous Prime Ministers in the Commonwealth Realms of which she is (or was) also Head of State; between them she has had a total of over 170 Prime Ministers including 12 Canadian and 18 Australian Prime Ministers during her reign. There have been 14 US Presidents during her reign."

RELATED: What to expect when Queen Elizabeth II dies -

70 Secrets About Queen Elizabeth II That Are Royally Fascinating - 

Timeline for Queen Elizabeth II -

Duh: Obama Gets Name of British Embassy Wrong

November 30, 2011 - You thought it was pretty funny when Herman Cain messed up the name of Uzbekistan, didn't you? Sure you did. "U-becky becky becky becky stan stan," is what he called it, albeit tongue-in-cheek, as he said in an interview in October.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton quickly had a good laugh about it with none other than Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan. Yep, pretty funny when a conservative politician intentionally mispronounced Uzbekistan, eh?

But what about Barack Obama's expertise on foreign affairs?  In a press conference last night, Obama had no teleprompter. In a remarkably ignorant statement, he called condemned the recent storming of the British Embassy in Tehran, Iran. Problem is, he called it "the English Embassy."

For those of you who, like Obama, are as ignorant about foreign affairs as the average 3rd grader, the correct term is "British Emabassy," not "English Embassy."

This is succinctly explained by Nile Gardiner at The Foundry in a Nov. 30 column:. "In case the president is unaware," he wrote, "England forms part of Great Britain, which also includes Scotland and Wales, though not Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom. There is no such thing as an 'English' embassy anywhere in the world, and there hasn’t been one for several centuries."

What Obama did, in effect, was to refer to a foreign embassy that technically does not exist. There is no such thing as an "English Embassy" anywhere on Earth. Gardiner also wrote that "One can only imagine the kind of howls of derision that would greet any presidential contender if that kind of basic error were made..."

Great Britain has no embassies, just England does not. England is part of Great Britain, which in turn is part of the United Kingdom.

The "Know Britain" website tells us that many Brits are confused by what the term "Great Britain" means. "Try asking a person living in the United Kingdom the exact meaning of the expression they have on their passports: 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'. Many will not be able to provide an adequate answer. No wonder, therefore, that confusion also exists outside the United Kingdom and that in other European countries people erroneously group together the English, Scottish and Welsh under the word in their own language meaning 'English'."

Will Hillary Clinton yuk it up with any world leaders about Barack Obama incorrectly calling the British Embassy in Tehran the "English Embassy?" No, I don't think so either, and the Mainstream Media won't play it up either.

Obama's defenders might call his "English Embassy" reference an understandable gaffe, but it clearly was not. Rather, it was the result of Obama's ignorance.

In the press conference, Obama said the following: "All of us, I think, are deeply disturbed by [pause] the [pause] aaahhh [pause, brain fart] crashing of, uh, the English Embassy. Ah, thuh, the embassy of the United Kingdom in Iran."  He got it wrong not once, but twice. It is not the "embassy of the United Kingdom." It is the embassy of Great Britain, or "British Embassy."

The President of the United States should certainly know this. But we'll give him this much: He's on a par with some of the lesser educated citizens of the UK for not knowing the basic political makeup of the British Isles.

Here's something else we can (and should) all laugh at: Michele Bachmann has stated that she would close the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. Problem is, the United States does not have an embassy anywhere in Iran. We haven't had one since the Iranian hostage crisis during the Carter administration, when revolutionaries stormed our embassy there and held it for 444 days.

Talking Points Memo reports that, "According to a tweet from NBC News’ Jamie Novogrod, Bachmann responded to the recent raiding of the British embassy in Iran, by saying that if she was President, she would close down the U.S. embassy there." What's especially disturbing about Bachmann's statement is the fact that she is a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence.

Ask Daniel Hannan About British Health Care

This will make you sick (pun intended). While Obama and the Democrats are desperately trying to force the U.S. into a government run socialist health care similar to that in Great Britain, the Brits themselves are very unhappy with their government health care. Daniel Hannan is one such Brit. He's a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from South East England. We encourage you to do your own research into British health care. (While you're at it, look into the nightmare of Canadian health care, too.) RELATED: Britain's Dan Hannan: Nationalized healthcare has made us iller. Daniel Hannan MEP Speaks in Atlanta, GA, in July 2009. Part 3 ... Britain's Healthcare System - Rationed Care? MEP Daniel Hannan in Denver The Downside Of British Health Care - CBS report Milton Friedman on Socialized Medicine Are YOU a citizen of the United STRAIGHTS of America? Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

The Decline of England in Song and Speech

If you listen to the lyrics carefully, and if you know your history and current events, you'll hear the singers lamenting the lost glory that once was England. First, an oldie from The Kinks. Then, a more recent one from the Moody Blues. Finally, a non-musical lament from Daniel Hannan, MEP for South East England. As England has gone, so now goes the United States. The child follows in the parent's footsteps, it seems. See Comments... Visit Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Hey! ChiNewsBench is on Twitter

Labour Pains in UK a Warning for US Politicians

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is having a bad week. His bad week started yesterday. The current bad week follows a string of bad ones that led up to yesterday's low-turnout European Parliament elections. Brown, possibly the dumbest lump of protoplasm ever to occupy Number 10 Downing Street, is likely to be forced out of power by his own unhappy Labour Party power brokers. From The Wall Street Journal, June 8, 2009: The U.K.'s ruling Labour Party suffered big losses Sunday in early results from elections for European Parliament seats, heaping further pressure on Prime Minister Gordon Brown and giving a lift to fringe parties as voters expressed their anger over the Parliamentary expense scandal. Scandal. Yes, yes, but really that's not the biggest issue. The expense scandal was merely one of the last straws dropped onto a mountainous heap on the electorate's back. As in the United States, Britons have been suffering under misguided economic policies for some time under Brown. (Dissatisfaction with Brown was well established before the expense scandals, which included a number of MPs virtually all political parties.) Relatively speaking, Brown's economic policies are actually worse than those of Barack Obama (so far). The WSJ report continues: The results are likely to provide more ammunition for Mr. Brown's critics, who are calling for him to step down, arguing that under his leadership the party can't win a general election that must be called within a year. Early election results showed that Mr. Brown's Labour Party could be heading for third place in elections for 72 European Parliament seats. Perhaps Daniel Hannan, Conservative MEP for the South East of England, said it best in his now famous and stunningly brilliant speech (see the video) to the EU Parliament. He ripped Gordon Brown a new arse hole in a style unmatched, calling Brown "the devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government." Indeed. The biggest beneficiaries were the opposition Conservative Party and the UK Independence Party, which wants to pull Britain back from integration into the European Union. Underscoring the rightward, anti-European drift, the anti-immigration British National Party won two seats - its first in the European Parliament. In other words, British voters seem to be as sick of their major political parties as we in the U.S. are of ours. They have expressed their disgust with the political status quo, the selling out of their nation by their own "leaders," and the pawning off of Britain's economic future. The UK is ahead of the US in time only. Democrats and their Republican enablers in the US take note: This is a harbinger of things to come here in 2010. RELATED: European elections - story of the night - Times Online Support for Labour collapses - Aberdeen Press and Journal Economic woes send Europeans to fringes at polls - Seattle Times Britain's Brown faces revolt after poll thrashing - Reuters Far right make gains in ten member states - EU election tilts toward the right - Philadelphia Inquirer Vote Stings Europe Leaders, Shows a Swing to the Right - Wall Street Journal See Comments... Visit Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Hey! ChiNewsBench is on Twitter

Time Bomb in Washington. Tick. Tick. Tick...

With trillions of dollars in debt piling up under the "guidance" of the Obama Regime and its economic "advisors," the United States comes closer every minute to complete economic meltdown. The U.S. debt is larger now than ever, and we have not yet begun to see the unavoidable effects of the coming catastrophe it will bring. It is one of the great ironies of history that the Obama "stimulus" is actually doing just the opposite. The same people who screamed about the obscene spending on the Iraq War are now gleefully spending far, far more than all of the Iraq War spending totalled up. The irony is rich, if less than enjoyable. The U.S. Congress has become like an amphetamine addict; the initial dose makes him feel better, more energetic and more able to carry on. But that dose slow him down when the drug wears off and the euphoria loses its glow. Then he's in big trouble. Sooner or later, the Obama stimulus dose will wear off, and we will be in a world of pain. Like that addict, there is no escape from the inevitable downer. Unlike that addict, the Congress seems eager to overdose. Robert Romano wrote a brilliant summary of the bad situation we've allowed our politicians to get us into. Romano is the Senior Editor of ALG News Bureau and wrote this on on May 28: Last week, Moody’s downgraded Japan’s sovereign credit rating from AAA to AA2. The UK suffered a similar fate from Standard & Poor’s as the medium-term outlook on her Majesty’s debt was lowered from “stable” to “negative.” (Note: "Sovereign debt" is a debt instrument that is guaranteed by a government.) That's worrisome enough. Japan and the United Kingdom are/were strong trading partners of the United States. They are both economic engines that help drive the world economy. Neither of them is nearly as big as the U.S., however, and the U.S. is about to lose its AAA rating too. Amid the ensuing economic and political fallout, now all eyes are turning to the largest sovereign debt in the world. Ever. It is held by the United States government. And, it is a ticking time bomb. With every vote congressmen make to plunge the nation deeper into debt—now more than $11.3 trillion (and growing)—the clock draws closer to zero. Even Barack Obama has to admit that it is “unsustainable,” although in the same breath he proposes another trillion dollar bailout or a vast expansion of the government health care monstrosity. DeRoy Murdoch of the Scripps Howard News Service, offers his take on the U.S. federal spending orgy and it's alleged attempt to "stimulate" the economy. He wrote this on May 28: While Obama is refreshingly realistic, he resembles a man who strolls into a bar, sees that his wallet is empty, and then slaps a round of drinks for everyone onto his wheezing credit card. Rather than use America's rapidly deteriorating public finances to restore fiscal discipline after G.W Bush's deplorable spend-o-rama, Obama is digging America into a deeper hole -- not with a shovel, but with a backhoe. If he continues, the ensuing canyon walls will collapse and crush us. Look how spectacularly Washington squanders your money:... (More at Scripps Howard...) "Stimulus?" I think not. But is it panic time yet? I think not, not quite yet. Today we see headlines that seem reassuring. One, for example, is "US government debt to keep top rating, Moody's says." That's nice, but it doesn't take into account the severe crisis that other nations are going through. Remember that the Great Depression in the United States dragged the rest of the world down. This time around, it may be the other way around. Like that addict I alluded to earlier, we may be basking in the warm glow of a temporary dose-induced high. But all around us, fellow addicts are jittery, and jittery addicts desperate for that next high can be very dangerous. RELATED: Stocks, Treasuries Tumble - Murdock: America is broke - Scripps News Europe Battles a Deep Recession - eGov monitor Tax Revenue Plunges as Obama Deficit Soars - Euro falls despite positive eurozone data -AFP Drop Deepens On Wall Street - Forbes US Credit Rating Not Under Immediate Threat - Wall Street Journal Tumbling towards a sovereign debt crisis? - Edmund Conway - The Telegraph UK Choking on Debt in the Unfolding Anglo-Saxon Bond Crisis - Daily Reckoning World stocks, bonds fall on sovereign debt fears - Reuters Leave a Comment Here... See our cool merchandise... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Hey! ChiNewsBench is on Twitter

Lou Susman, Obama's Pay to Play Ambassador

Say what you will about Barack Obama, the guy has no class. He's a Chicago politician through and through, and he just can't help following the Pay To Play Rule Book. One of the rules in that book: Reward your big contributors in a way commensurate with the amount of money they raise for you. That's what Obama has done with his recent appointment of Chicago money man Lou "The Vacuum Cleaner" Susman. He was a major money bundler for Obama (surprise!). Friend Carol Felsenthal has a great column in the Huffington Post about this pay-to-play ambassador to our friends across the pond: Last March I posted here that Obama's probable pick for the most prestigious of ambassadorships--the Court of St. Jame's- was going to Chicagoan and retired investment banker Louis B. Susman. Susman, 71, is so talented at raising money for Democrats--he was John Kerry's national finance chairman and an early money man for Obama--that he was nicknamed "the Vacuum Cleaner" or "the Hoover" during the Kerry campaign, and "the Big Bundler" during the Obama campaign. Full Post by Felsenthal... Say, comrade, is blatant cronyism more of that "change" thing you voted for? RELATED: Special Relationship Fretting: Ambassadorial Edition Obama crony, king-maker Lou Susman goes to London « RBO Obama's Wall Street Buddies - Deal Journal - WSJ What Obama's Asian Ambassador Picks Reveal Obama's Crony Diplomacy Embassy Row Leave a Comment on our Guestbook! CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter

Will Lloyds Enter the Equities Business?

Sarah Butcher at eFinancialCareers says "maybe." If true, this will come as quite a shock to financiers in the UK - and the rest of the financial world as well. Surprise, surprise – according to various headhunters, Lloyds, the doyenne of the nationalised banking sector, is said to be building an equities business. Rumour has it that the bank has brought in the services of Terry Murray, a former Bridgewell banker, as head of equity sales, and is looking to hire a team. Full Article... See more about Lloyds from Sarah Butcher. Eeeyipes. Chicago News Bench RSS Feed CommieBama Hats and More

UK's UFO Hotline Buzzing

Okay, so, you're somewhere in the United Kingdom. You see something weird in the sky, something that doesn't look... like... it's... from this world. A UFO? Marsh gas? A weather balloon? Too much to drink? Somebody wants to hear from you, and they're manning a phone at the Swindon UFO Research and Wiltshire Phenomena Research response centre. Now West researchers dealing with UFOs and the paranormal, have joined forces to launch a new hotline for people to report intriguing sightings or occurrences. The 24 hour response line has been set-up by the Swindon UFO Research and Wiltshire Phenomena Research to cope with the enquiries and reports from the public. From UFOs to spirits that apparently don't just come out of a bottle down at the local pub, they want to hear from anyone who has witnessed such happenings. Full Article at Western Daily Press... RELATED NEWS: Swindon UFO Research (official website) Strange lights seen in skies over Swindon Bizarre lights seen in skies UFOs witnessed over four [US] states Water link to Rossendale UFO sightings Chesham UFO riddle solved 'Sprites' May Explain UFO Sightings Robbie Williams Moves To "UFO Hotspot" Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

Heavy Snow In Great Britain

The United Kingdom is bracing for more heavy snow - up to 10 inches on Monday, February 2. The Brits are not used to this much snow all at once. The Daily Mail reported early Monday morning (2:14 a.m. London; 8:14 p.m. Chicago) that "Central London was coated in a blanket of snow more than 6in deep," closing major roads, with temperatures down to –5c (that's 23 Fahrenheit, which is balmy by Chicago standards in early February). You can read more at the Daily Mail website. This is the heaviest snowfall for Britain in 18 years, according to The Sun: The Met Office’s Nigel Bolton warned: “It’s going to be the worst snow since 1991. The Pennines will take the brunt but London and the South East will be unusually badly affected too.” Get the latest conditions at London/Heathrow Airport here. CNB RSS Feed

The "Octopus" UFO

An intriguing UFO mystery in the UK has people buzzing. Hundreds of witnesses claim to have seen flying objects "with tentacles" fly through a wind farm near Louth, Lincolnshire, and one of the wind turbines suffered a badly damaged blade. Some witnesses have said an octopus-shaped UFO was seen flying through the air hours before the turbine was destroyed. One woman said she saw an object fly towards the wind farm, while others described the lights as being linked by "tentacles", leading locals to dub it the octopus UFO. (Source: As an expert stated, a "UFO" simply means a flying object that is unidentified. "UFO" does not necessarily mean "extraterrestrial" craft. Some members of the British Ministry of Defence, it is reported, say the mysterious objects might have been drone stealth bombers. But then again, they might have been extraterrestrial craft from Alpha Centauri. I'm just saying. Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

UK: Sharia Law "Incompatible" With Human Rights

British lawmakers struck a blow for common sense, decency and one against fundamentalist Islamic sharia law. Our friends at Sharia Finance Watch posted this: The House of Lords today drew stark attention to the conflict between sharia and UK law, calling the Islamic legal code “wholly incompatible” with human rights legislation. The remarks came as the Lords considered the case of a woman who, if she was sent back to Lebanon, would be obliged under sharia law to hand over custody of her 12-year-old son to a man who beat her, threw her off a balcony and, on one occasion, attempted to strangle her. FULL POST at SHARIAFINANCEWATCH.ORG...

The Coming US Health Care Nightmare

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and millions of other idiots are salivating at the prospect of "free health care" under the next Democrat Administration. Whether or not that administration will come to power in 2009 under Obama or a future contender, one thing is certain: The same type of geniuses of inefficiency that currently run the US Post Office, the Cook County health care system, and hundreds of other monstrously inept government bureaucracies will screw up health care as badly as they have screwed up so much else that they've gotten their grubby mits on. Meanwhile, if somebody walks into the emergency room of a U.S. hospital with a life-threatening condition they will be treated immediately. To with, a good post from Van Helsing at MoonBattery: In the socialist dystopia once known as Great Britain, the ironically named NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Guidelines) has ruled that patients' lives should not be saved if it would cost too much. The "rule of rescue," based on the fundamental human instinct to come to the aid of people whose lives are endangered, has been officially rejected. FULL POST... RELATED: Fagus, Master of the Black Hole Patients 'should not expect NHS to save their life if it costs too much How Stroger Hospital pinches pennies on health care Nice should be abolished, expert claims NHS is failing the over-50s, claims university study Brits suffering under system Families slam decision to deny patients cancer drug Reality Check: British Government Does Cost-Benefit Analysis No antibiotics for cough, colds and ear infections Was Sheriff Tom Dart wrong and playing politics? - 10 Apr 2007 - Cook County Health care system has a backlog of at least 9000 waiting for breast cancer screening...