Showing posts with label Socialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Socialism. Show all posts

Homicidal Occupier Says "Kill Billionaires"

Too many of those loons on the Left are like this guy, who said, "I tell you right now. I am for killing billionaires."

And you thought Occupiers were just a bunch of drug-addled rapists? You were wrong. Some of them openly advocate mass murder, too. They would have no problem with killing people just to further their sick agenda. That's class warfare: Literally.

Why stop with billionaires? Why not millionaires, too? Why not everyone earning over $250,000 a year? This is frightening. The video here was made on September 17, 2012 in Zuccotti Park, New York City, which has been ground zero for the Occupy movement for just over a year. (Continues below the video.) The murderous leftists in the top video here are so stupid that they believe that no billionaires create jobs. Really? Apparently they've never heard of people such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and even George Soros, all of whom create jobs.

The Pending Socialist Servitude Life of Julia

Life of Julia - A Fantasy
May 11, 2012 -  Comrade Supreme Leader Barack Obama's re-election campaign posted an incredible slide show of unabashed socialist propaganda on its website last week. Called "The Life of Julia," it claims to illustrate "how President Obama's policies help one woman over her lifetime—and how Mitt Romney would change her story."

Of course, Julia's life under Obama's policies is all hunky-dory and fairy tale-perfect. Under Romney, however, we are told that poor Julia might as well be doomed to a lifetime of working in a rice field with untreated chronic illnesses and festering whip scars on her back. Okay, I exaggerated a bit there, but Obama's information gurus clearly want us to believe that Julia - and, by extension, you - should depend upon Mother Government for help with everything in your life. Without that help, you and Julia would not be able to fend for yourselves because... well, because you're just too stupid and incapable. A more apt title for the slide show would be "The Life of Comrade Julia."

There is so much wrong with "The Life of Julia" that it is hard to know where to begin. For one thing, it is based entirely on absurd assumption and speculation. We begin to follow the life of the fictitious "Julia" at the age of three. The piece spans Julia's life from age three to age 67. The really disturbing thing is how Obama's propaganda goons chose to word this thing.

If Obama wins a second term, he would leave office in January of 2017. However, Julia's life is presented to us as though she will always live "under President Obama."

Creepy, and reminiscent of the of communist propaganda. By the time Julia is 67 years old, Obama should have been out of office, theoretically, for at least 60 years. Yet we are told that "Under President Obama: Julia retires. After years of contributing to Social Security, she receives monthly benefits that help her retire comfortably, without worrying that she'll run out of savings. This allows her to volunteer at a community garden."

Aside from the sad fact that Social Security will likely go bust 50 years before Julia's 67th birthday, and that her dream retirement will be limited to kibbutz-like work in the "community garden," it's rather creep to think that 60-some years from now Julia will still be living "Under President Obama" Is that a Freudian admission that Obama does not intend to relinquish the Oval Office?

Click image to enlarge
There has been a lot of criticism of "The Life of Julia" - from both the Left and the Right.

Conservative author William J. Bennett rips the pipe dream saga of Julia. "Julia's happily-ever-after tale is remarkably void of reality," he wrote for "Nowhere in her fictional life is it mentioned that Head Start has done little, if anything, to improve elementary education, that she will likely graduate with $25,000 in student loan debt, that she has a 50% chance of being unemployed or underemployed after college, that Medicare and Social Security are headed toward insolvency, and that her share of the national debt is $50,000 and growing."

Over on the Left, the crew of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" pondered what the Obama campaign people were thinking. Willie Geist noted that "They did lob this up as a softball for Republicans, one conservative saying, 'Who the hell is Julia and why am i paying for her whole life?'"  Geist also said, "No one wants to think that from the age of three they are going to need the government to take care of them."
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Was Karl Marx Anti-Religion?

Marx: Just say 'no' to the 'opium' of religion
Yes, Marx was anti-religion. He wanted it destroyed absolutely. Marx is remembered by many for  saying, “Religion is the opiate of the masses,” but actually said something a bit different. What he meant was that religion kept people happy. Too happy, really, for only unhappy people can be moved to revolt.

Karl Marx "never used that exact phrase," says a post at UFO Shock. He said something close, it turns out. As he referred to religion, he wrote "It is the opium of the people."

Why did he say that? Marx was trying to say that religion stands in the way of socialism and communism. I'm paraphrasing, but UFO Shock has some supporting links and quotes to support this.

UFO Shock cites the introduction to Marx's "Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right," published as an essay in "Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher" in 1844. Some highlighted excerpts:
  • "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."
  • "The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions."
  • "Religion is only the illusory Sun which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself."
Karl Marx made it abundantly clear that he felt religion needed to be stomped out.  It stood in the way, he said, of what he considered to be true social progress. Atheism, then, was a necessary component of Marx's vision of a new social order. He called religion it a "chain" on people, and advocated replacing the worship of God with the worship of mankind ("man is the highest essence for man"). Read the full post about Karl Marx and his hatred of religion at UFO Shock.
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Teachers Unions Explained By Dogmatic Cartoon Character

Have you ever had a conversation with a braindead liberal who just keeps repeating dogmatic slogans to you? Sure you have, and this animated video (below) depicts a funny conversation like that, between an ideologue who supports the teachers unions and a slightly befuddled tax payer. The tax payer asks some intelligent questions about why the unions deserve more money, and the socialistic knee jerk answers given by the union drone are hysterical. Uploaded to YouTube by Battlefield315, who wrote, "A supporter of the teachers unions is questioned about her belief that the unions need more money and power." That's an understatement. For a lot more videos of this type, visit

Obama's Progressive Duck Walk

Should Comrade President Obama be bragging about how "progressive" he is? Investors Business Daily (IBD) has a must-read editorial today that asks that question - and answers it, too. Excerpts from IBD's August 18 editorial, "Obama's 'Progressive' Failures": At a fundraiser Monday, the president boasted to Hollywood celebrities and deal makers about enacting "the most progressive legislative agenda" in decades. That may be true, but it's hardly something to be proud of. Why, you might be wondering, is being "progressive" not something to be proud of? What is it, and why is it shameful? IBD goes on: Much of the left today calls itself "progressive." Secretary of State Hillary Clinton does, and Democrats too numerous to name. It's part of an old tradition. In addition to many well-known activists, writers and philosophers, progressivism can claim many presidents — ranging from Woodrow Wilson, both Roosevelts and Herbert Hoover, to Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter and, of course, Obama himself. Here's the kicker (with my emphasis added): So what is progressivism, you ask? Many things. But as a creed, it stresses the importance of centralized government control over Americans' lives as paramount. It actively seeks to diminish the constitutional limits on what government can — and can't — do. That's a nice, concise and scary desciption of progressivism. It's all about control. Power. The State (Big Brother) comes first and individualism is to be downplayed. A slightly longer description of progressivism comes from the Ludwig von Mises Institute ( They describe themselves as "the world center of the Austrian School of economics and libertarian political and social theory." Here's an excerpt from "The Legacy of Progressivism" by William L. Anderson (with my emphasis added), in which he analyzes Progressivism in the United States: Without Progressivism, the New Deal would and never could have come into existence. The vast expansion of the state apparatus that occurred during the 1930s moved along tracks already laid by politicians like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. By the mid-1930s, the New Deal, far from being a legislative aberration, naturally followed the economic crisis that Progressivism had caused. Just what was Progressivism, what were its causes, and what followed from the Progressive Movement? Historians refer to it as an influential social movement that began in the late 1800s and ended with the United State’s 1917 entry into World War I. Among the many "successes" of Progressivism were antitrust laws, state and national income taxes, increased business regulation, minimum wage laws, direct election of U.S. senators, creation of the Federal Reserve System, and prohibition of alcoholic beverages. Are progressives exclusively Democrats? They haven't always been, explains Anderson (emphasis added): Nor was Progressivism the domain of just one political party, as both Republicans and Democrats vied with each other to see who could more thoroughly expand the state. Republicans, led by Theodore Roosevelt and Sen. Robert LaFollette of Wisconsin, pushed for high tariffs, government ownership of natural resources, antitrust legislation, and imperialistic adventures abroad. Democrats, on the other hand, led by William Jennings Bryan and Woodrow Wilson, pushed the income tax, inflation through debasement of the money supply, and the internal protectionist device known as Jim Crow laws, which attempted to shield white workers from competition from blacks. Both parties favored expansion of voting rights to women. What is clear is that neither party had any intention of honoring the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Progressive Era would not have had its social and legal effect had it not been for its reworking of the Constitution through the amendment process. The 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th amendments reworked the political landscape and greatly expanded the scope of the central government, one of the main goals of progressives. The 16th Amendment was probably the worst, as it authorized Congress for the first time to levy an income tax that would not be struck down by the Supreme Court. The Investors Business Daily editorial noted that the American Progressivism movement was "Influenced heavily by European social theorists and American Utilitarian thought" and "took root after the Civil War. Adherents understood that the idea of limited government based on individualism, natural rights and property rights — as defined by the Founding Fathers — had to be discredited." IBD lists some of Obama's progressive "accomplishments," with a touch of sarcasm: • The epic $862 billion "stimulus," which has led to record long-term joblessness while bailing out Obama's union supporters and the most irresponsible states while punishing taxpayers and their heirs for decades to come.The $700 billion TARP program, which we were told would be used to give securities markets a boost but instead was used, essentially, to take over the auto industry, bail out friends of Obama and continue meddling in the markets. The massive medical care overhaul known as Obama- Care, which will eventually supplant the best medical system in the world with a government-run system modeled after the substandard contraptions found in Canada and Britain. The Tea Party movement is driven primarily by a desire to bring back "limited government based on individualism, natural rights and property rights." Time after time in recent years, we have seen many examples of the "progressives" mocking and attempting to discredit the Tea Party people and those who sympathize with them. Let's get back to Barack Obama boasting about how progressive he and his regime have been. Obama certainly fits the definition of "progessive," sort of, but many self-described progressives laughably argue that he's really "a center-right Democrat." It's all a matter of perspective, of course, and if you're sitting far enough on left end of the political ideology spectrum even Obama could look center-right, I suppose. Semantics are fun, but let's get down to objective fact: Whether or not Obama the man is "progressive," the government actions that he has initiated, pushed and supported certainly are. The duck might not be a duck, but by means of its walk and its quack it has shown that it aspires to be one. Obama has every right to be proud of his level of progressivism, whether he personally fits the definition or not. After all, Obama and his followers are true believers, and true believers are always proud of that in which they believe - even if what they believe in is evil cloaked in a false robe of goodness. That non-duck duck is undoubtedly proud of it's behavior. He's worked hard to fake that duck walk. RELATED: A Spectre Is Haunting America: An Interpretation of Progressivism - pdf Glenn Beck Exposes the Progressive Movements Fascist Agenda YouTube Matt Spalding on Progressivism's Assault on America's Founding YouTube The Dawn of Liberalism: Progressivism University of Wisconsin-Madison Great Myths of the Great Depression YouTube Barack Obama's Progressive Cannibalism Huffington Post The Century of Statism - William L. Anderson The Liberal-Fascist Axis World Net Daily Is Obama Progressive? Seeing The Forest Left-wing roots of the Nazis YouTube Marxism vs. the Majority Creeping Progressivism RedState Obama No The Progressive

Film 'The Soviet Story' Reveals The Horror of Communism

Once upon a time, the socialists in Europe were united. Hitler and Stalin, both socialists, were friendly toward each other. Before Hitler began his campaign of genocide, Stalin starved seven million people to death in Ukraine in the winter of 1932-33. During that genocide, Stalin exported confiscated Ukrainian wheat to Nazi Germany. Six years after the Ukraine horror, Hitler and Stalin signed a nonaggression treaty. NOTE: We now have this video permanently embedded beneath our bookstore below.

Eventually, the eastern socialists and the western socialists of Europe split into two major camps: The Red camp and the Brown camp. The Reds were in Russia, under the hammer and sickle. The Browns were in Germany, under the swastika.

Heresy? No, it's history ignored. "The Soviet Story" is a powerful film that everybody needs to watch. Released in 2008, it deserves more attention.

This is history that has been virtually purged from public school systems because it is "politically incorrect." It's disturbing, it's frightening, it is stark reality. The next time you see some ignorant fool wearing a Che Guevara tee-shirt, remember this film. The next time you hear somebody sing the praises of communism, remember this film. Watch the entire 86-minute movie uniterrupted at Hat tip to Moonbattery


NEW YORK (AP) - Stocks plunged Thursday as investors succumbed to fears that Greece's debt problems would halt the global economic recovery. The Dow Jones industrials slid almost 1,000 points before recovering to a loss of 465... More from Associated Press There have been massive protests in Greek cities for weeks, and they seem to be getting more and more violent. At least three people died when protesters threw a bomb into a bank, setting it on fire. (Video below.) The severe debt crisis in Greece threatens to send the European Union into a tailspin as massive financial aid is debated there. The country is literally on the verge of collapse, financially and socially. Meanwhile, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and England are not far behind in terms of financial mismanagment. The EU is in serious danger of a financial meltdown, which would in turn have profoundly negative effects on the world economy. Is capitalism to blame? Actually, no: It's decades of bad socialist policies. The dumbest comment I've ever seen about the Greek crisis comes from a knucklehead on Twitter today. He wrote, "So why does anything in Greece affect the US economy? Are shortages of feta cheese and olives going to threaten the economic recovery?" Minutes later, he wrote, "In honor of Greece's decision to stick a dagger in my 401k value, the least they could do is buy me a gyro platter for dinner." If you don't know the answer to that, pal, you deserve to lose your 401(k).

Finally, We See Inside Block 37 (#fail)

Once known as "the world's most famous vacant block" and used as a public ice skating rink, Block 37 is now open for business. But it's a disappointing opening, apparently. YouTuber "YoChicago1" posted this inside view of the troubled "Block 37," a chunk of prime real estate in the middle of Chicago's downtown "Loop." Over the years, Block 37 has been profoundly screwed up as only Mayor Daley, the City Council and socialist meddling could. On Nov. 25, YoChicago1 visited Block 37 and writes: "The long-awaited opening of the shops at Block 37 has begun. Zara, Puma, Godiva and a few others have opened, but the mall was nearly barren of retail traffic when I visited at around noon the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I left thinking: Bleak 37; retail fail." Ah, and the drama continues as the Block 37 developer seeks investors as a receiver is appointed. Chicago: The city that works (kind of). Also See: Developer loses control of Block 37Block 37 Mall opens…kind of Who's Daley supporting in the battle for Block 37? guest commentary: world's most famous vacant lot under development (2006) Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

Born Under Obama

Here's a frightening thought: Hundreds of thousands of Americans have been born and will be born under the jackboot of the Obama Regime. (Don't even get me started on how many have been aborted; that's another post for another time.) Cartoonist Chris Muir has a running cartoon strip called Day By Day that deals with all things political from a conservative viewpoint. Currently, the strip is looking at parents having babies while Barack Obama is busy screwing up their future. A panel of Day By Day is shown here (click to enlarge). In an entertaining comic strip format, Muir gets his anti-socialist message across in wry fashion. Muir's strip deals with all things political, not just babies. Check out the brilliant Day By Day web site to follow this great ongoing cartoon soap opera. Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

Blast From the Past: Thatcher on Socialism, Her Final Speech

"These brief exchanges took place during Margaret Thatcher's last speech in the House of Commons on 22 November 1990," says mynameiswhatever, who posted this great video on YouTube. You can read the complete transcript for this speech here. Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

Reagan's Warning Rings True Today

48 years ago, citizen Ronald Reagan warned against socializing medicine - or anything else, for that matter. The recording in the video below may turn out to be the most important recording ever made by the then-future president. Listen to it. It's as though Reagan was speaking about current events in 2009. From the 1961 Operation Coffee Cup Campaign against Socialized Medicine as proposed by the Democrats, then a private citizen Ronald Reagan speaks out against socialized medicine. There is no video because this was an LP sent out by the American Medical Association. Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Video - Liberals Wanted Violence at Schakowsky Town Hall

August 31, 2009 - Skokie, IL - Union thugs and Democrat Party operatives did their best to provoke a fight, but the loyal opposition maintained their cool and prevailed. Over 1,000 lined up to attend the much-anticipated town hall meeting hosted by U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) at Niles West High School in the northern Chicago suburb of Skokie. Continued below video... Some of the pro-health care reform people, which included SEIU thugs and Democrat Party operatives, tried to incite a physical confrontation with anti-health care reform protesters after the town hall ended. One goon kept shouting that the "American people are stupid mentally" (is there another kind of stupid?) and "I love Obama," while another goon actually leaned on an anti-reform protester in an attempt to provoke physical confrontation. The encounter is fascinating to watch and proves beyond doubt that the pro-Obamacare forces are crude, thuggish punks. (There were no "YouTube moments" in the town hall itself. Schakowsky repeated what she's already said a thousand times about health care.) ALSO SEE: Health Care Protester Pwns Lefty Cameraman Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Happy Labor Day, Made Possible in Part by Capitalist Employers

A ridiculous little column by Cynthia Tucker at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Sept. 4, 2009) bears the headline "Remember the socialist origins of Labor Day!" Sure, okay, but also remember that many of our current economic ills can be directly attributed to socialist policies and the unions that support them. (Do I need to cite anything more than General Motors as proof? And don't even get me started on SEIU corruption and thuggery.) While unions once provided a needed voice for abused workers (that's undeniable), it cannot be denied that unions have overstepped their original purpose. The piggish greed of too many unions' leaders harms the union rank and file. (I acknowledge that this is not the case for all unions.) Too often today, union leadership works against the membership's best interests. The people know this. That's why, in 2008, union members accounted for only 12.4 percent of employed wage and salary workers in the United States. Those figures are even lower if you take government employees out of the picture. (In the 1950's, over 30 percent of the US workforce was unionized.) According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 2005 and 2006 unions lost 326,000 members - 274,000 on private payrolls and 52,000 in government employment. As a result, the percent of the total workforce that belonged to unions fell from 12.5 in 2005 to 12.0 in 2006. On private payrolls it fell from 7.8 to 7.4 percent and in government employment it fell from 36.5 to 36.2 percent. (Source) Although union membership "grew" in 2008, it was only by a tiny amount, and due in part to the expansion of government payrolls at all levels. The Washington Post noted this fact in January, 2009: "According to the new federal information, 7.6 percent of private-sector employees belong to a union, while about 37 percent of government employees do." In other words, government employees (from your hometown to Washington) are unionized today at a rate nearly five times that of non-government employees. Government employees are unionized, in 2009, at a rate similar to the general public's unionization rates of 55 years ago. The federal government continues to grow, paying high union wages to one in three of its millions of employees. Too often, people like Cynthia Tucker look the other way, preferring instead to stare hypnotized and slack-jawed at the idealized history of labor in America, not seeing that some major unions are more burden than boon. Tucker starts her socialist propaganda piece with this: For those of you heading off to celebrate the three-day weekend — and for those of you just heading to the backyard barbecue grill –— here’s a little reminder of the origins of Labor Day and the labor movement that it represents. Tucker rightly reminds us that the hard working men and women of America organized for better working conditions. That's not to be dismissed, certainly, and we've all seen the bumper stickers that remind us that "Your weekend is brought to you by unions." Tucker wrote, "So, as you’re enjoying your barbecue....and your Labor Day sales, just remember that the labor movement brought you the eight-hour day, the five-day work week and institutionalized vacations. And remember the socialist whose actions helped bring about Labor Day!" "The socialist" that Tucker refers to is Eugene V. Debs, a socialist from Indiana who ran for president five times. Debs was also an influential labor and strike leader. Tucker reminds us about the ill-fated Pullman Strike, in which Debs played a major role over 100 years ago. In 1894, Pullman porters called a wildcat strike against the railroads to protest a pay cut — a strike which eventually involved about 250,000 workers in 27 states. (Among the leaders of the strike was Eugene V. Debs, an actual, card-carrying socialist.) Several workers were killed by soldiers, and Cleveland put reconciling with trades unions at the top of his agenda. He rushed through Congress a bill making Labor Day a national holiday. What Tucker, and so many others omit from the story (intentionally, I believe) are the reasons behind the Pullman pay cut. This is neatly explained by writer Michael Streich in a piece titled "The Pullman Strike of 1894: Anarchism and Labor Violence Confront Capitalism." An excerpt, with emphasis added: The Panic of 1893 was severe. Hundreds of banks failed and businesses closed. Unemployment soared even as some immigrants prepared to leave America and return to Europe. Businesses like the Pullman Palace Car Company were forced to lay off workers, cut production and wages, and sell existing inventories at a loss. George Pullman, viewed by Chicago society as enlightened, built a company town outside the city for his employees. Although he reduced wages by 25% percent and laid off half of his workforce, he refused any rent reductions and continued to overcharge his employees for city water. Times were tough in 1894, tougher even than today. 1893 saw a full-blown depression, not just a recession. Businesses large and small were forced to lay off employees or shut down. Although it might seem, in retrospect, that the Pullman Palace Car Company was heartless to reduce wages while "overcharging" employees for rent and services in its company town near Chicago, it should be kept in perspective. Pullman was on the verge of ruin. The nation was in a depression. Was the Pullman Company supposed to ignore reality and just continue to do business as though everything was fine? Would it have served the labor force better, somehow, for Pullman to just quit, lay off its entire work force - or lay off a quarter of it in order to continue to employ 75 percent? The American Railway Union voted to strike against Pullman, and soon railway switchmen in many states refused to switch any train that had pulled a Pullman car. According to the Robinson Library, "The General Managers Association, which represented the railroad industry, responded by firing all switchmen who refused to do their job. Before long most of the 24 rail lines in Chicago were paralyzed and the nation's rail traffic was at a virtual stand still, as ARU members across the country joined in sympathy with the Pullman workers." It should be remembered that we see similar overcharging today - without the violent reactions. For example, despite lower real wages and rising unemployment, the State of Illinois, the City of Chicago and Cook County continue to overcharge us by ever-rising taxes and fees. How is that any crueler than what Pullman did by maintaining its rent and service price levels? (Why is are the unions and liberals of today not balistic about that?) Consider the similarities and differences between the air traffic controllers of 1981 and the railroad workers of 1984. On August 5, 1981, President Ronald Reagan fired over 11,000 air traffic controllers for ignoring return-to-work orders. When 13,000 air traffic controllers walked off their jobs to strike, it nearly crippled air travel nationwide, with worldwide ripples. Reagan called their strike illegal and gave them 48 hours to return to work or they would be fired. "In 1955, Congress made such strikes punishable by fines or a one-year jail term — a law the Supreme Court upheld in 1971," wrote Andrew Glass for Politico. "To the chagrin of the strikers, the FAA’s contingency plans worked. Some 3,000 supervisors joined 2,000 nonstriking controllers and 900 military controllers in manning airport towers. Before long, about 80 percent of flights were operating normally. Air freight remained virtually unaffected." Unlike their 1894 counterparts, the air traffic controllers did not go on violent, drunken rampages across the country. The railroad workers were not federal employees, whereas the air traffic controllers were, but both had direct influence on the nation's safety, convenience and economic health. Like their railroad worker brethren of 1894, the air traffic controllers of 1981 were perfectly content to put their own interests ahead of the common good. The irony there, apparently missed by Tucker, is that good socialists always profess to have only the common good as their primary goal. Cynthia Tucker also omits the fact that without the capitalist employers there would not have been a workforce in the first place. Althouth Tucker mentions the violence used against the labor unions in the 1890's, she omits any mention of the violent tactics also used by union rank and file. Hundreds of people died and were injured in resulting actions. Hundreds of thousands were inconvenienced and had their safety threatened by the union mob actions. Tucker glosses over a pivotal moment in American history. Was there unjust brutality used against labor unions and their members in the 1890's? Yes, undeniably, but it pales in comparison to the violent acts committed by railroad union members. Was Eugene Debs dealt a raw deal? Probably, but that's open to debate. Would labor be employed if there were no employers? Nope. As you enjoy this Labor Day weekend, remember the employer who make employment of labor possible. When you go to that Labor Day sale, remember that it's your capitalist employer's paychecks that make it possible for you buy anything. As you eat that Labor Day picnic, recall that the food you are eating came to you by hard working, capitalist truckers, working for highly efficient capitalist-owned transportation companies, food production companies, and so on. You'll probably drive somewhere this weekend. Remember that it was a capitalist car company that designed and manufactured your vehicle, and that the workers at that car company would not have jobs there without capitalism. Oh sure, you may argue that the roads upon which you drive your car are the product of socialist programs, and you'd be correct. But you better acknowledge that the socialist programs that ordered up the roads were possible only by contracting the work to private companies owned by capitalists. This weekend was made possible, in no small part, by capitalism. Without it, we would either be subsistance farmers for slaves to a communist state. Happy Labor Day. RELATED: The Pullman Strike of 1894 - Public Opinion and Government Reaction to the Labor Movement - Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Jan Schakowsky Townhall Meeting, August 31

Chicago News Bench was at the townhall at Niles West High School on August 31. We will have photos and video for you on Tuesday, Sept. 1st. US Rep. Jan Schakowsky Town Hall Meeting Monday, August 31 6:30 - 8:00pm Niles West High School Auditorium 5701 Oakton Street Skokie, IL 60077 Enter school through the main entrance facing Oakton. Arrive early to get a seat.

"Aunt Jan" Schakowsky is having a Town Hall meeting on Monday, August 31 at Niles West High School Auditorium, 5701 W. Oakton, Skokie, Illinois from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. It should be a lot of fun. Whether you're a paid SEIU goon, a paid ACORN tool, or just an ordinary concerned American, we're sure Congressgal Schakowsky will welcome everyone with open arms to her Town Hall meeting! Right? Sure! Will Jan's convicted felon husband Robert Creamer be there? We hope so! Will the lunatic leftists be there? Count on it. Let's all ask Schakowsky why she is so eager to destroy the private and favors a single-payer system (she says so in this video). But please, everybody, be polite. There will be plenty of goofiness from the leftist loons in attendance for everybody. Oh, and wear a Commie-bama cap and t-shirt to the event! Schakowsky loves them. 

Obama 2012 Campaign Up and Running

Get ready to see a lot more signs like this, America, campaign signs for Barack Obama's 2012 campaign for re-election. Make no mistake, this sign is a campaign sign. It serves no other real purpose. It does not warn you adverse road conditions. It gives no important information that any driver or pedestrian needs. This sign is like those signs that say something like "Mayor Smith Welcomes You to Smithville." Mayor Smith gets free propaganda value from those signs. The sign shown here only serves as propaganda for Barack Obama. Both Mayor Smith's sign and Obama's sign are paid for by your tax dollars. Nice arrangement, huh? The photo was taken by John Ruberry of Marathon Pundit took this photo on May 15. He wrote about it that evening: "I found what some of that stimulus money is going for--signs like these that I encountered this morning on Skokie Boulevard in Skokie, Illinois," John said, "Sheesh, it's bad enough that I have to pay for the stimulus bill, but why do I have to kick in for Obama's 2012 reelection campaign? I'm wondering if these ARRA signs will be as ubiquitous as the NRA eagle was during the the early days Franklin Roosevelt presidency." The "ARRA" that John refers to is the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act of 2009," passed into law by Congress on February 17, 2009. The "NRA" that John refers to is the "National Recovery Administration," part of President Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal" during the Great Depression. The NRA eagle logo was seen in merchant windows and elsewhere all over the U.S. In June 1933, the National Recovery Administration (NRA) was created to supervise the execution of the NIRA under the direction of Hugh S. Johnson. During its first year, the NRA worked on the industrial codes; all participating businesses displayed a blue eagle, a sign of patriotism as well as acceptance of the program (source). The NRA was created by the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) of 1933. RELATED: Why is Obama still campaigning? Fascism and the Blue Eagle SEIU may be linked to ultimatum on withholding stimulus funds Black & Blue Eagle - Time Magazine, Nov. 13, 1933 National Industrial Recovery Act of (1933) - Further Readings Leave a Comment on our Guestbook! CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter

Krauthammer Nails Geithner, Dodd, Obama on AIG

Charles Krauthammer wrote a must-read column for tomorrow's Washington Post (dated March 20, 2009). Krauthammer hit the nail on the head (get it?) when he mocks Obama's Regime of Stupidity. What makes it all the more powerful is that the column is so damned accurate. He starts of with this: A $14 trillion economy hangs by a thread composed of (a) a comically cynical, pitchfork-wielding Congress, (b) a hopelessly understaffed, stumbling Obama administration, and (c) $165 million. In case you've been hiding under your bed for the past week, that $165 million is a reference to the controversial bonus money paid out to AIG executives. Krauthammer continues: AIG debt manipulators who may be the only ones who know how to defuse the bomb they themselves built. Now, in the scheme of things, $165 million is a rounding error. It amounts to less than 1/18,500 of the $3.1 trillion federal budget. It's less than one-tenth of 1 percent of the bailout money given to AIG alone. If Bill Gates were to pay these AIG bonuses every year for the next 100 years, he'd still be left with more than half his personal fortune. To watch Barney Frank chair his kangaroo court of a committee as it grilled AIG's CEO Edward Liddy is to watch an overproduced, melodramatic slight of hand by the worst bunch of magicians to ever attempt to pull rabbits out of hats in the history of Washington, DC. Liddy, by the way, inherited the lousy contracts that allowed the huge bonuses. Liddy himself got no bonus, and in fact he only get $1.00 (that's one dollar) per year for his task of cleaning up the AIG house. Liddy testified yesterday to Frank's kangaroo court that he is not financially vested in AIG in any way. The Obama Regime approved the bonuses for AIG. In fact, Treasury demanded that they be allowed, for fear that not allowing them would ignite a firestorm of lawsuits. Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn) initially denied having anything to do with the allowance of the bonuses to stay in even as the government was about to give AIG about $180 Billion in bailout money. Dodd also denied that Treasury officials asked him to change the bailout legislation. CNN, however, reports that "Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner confirmed Thursday that the department did talk to Sen. Chris Dodd about a clause he put forth in the stimulus legislation that would have strictly limited executive bonuses." Ah ha. So Dodd lied. Treasury, which is overseen by Obama appointee Geithner, urged that the AIG bonuses be allowed. So, does that mean Obama himself knew about the preservation of the bonuses? If not, does that mean that Obama doesn't know what's going on? Perhaps both. Back to Krauthammer, who takes that into consideration and notes that Obama "too, has been out there trying to lead the mob" in calling for an investigation into the AIG bonuses and for the return of the bonus money. It's slight of hand, as I said. Obama & Company don't want you to know that the AIG bonuses were approved by Geithner, a top administration official. So by pretending to be outraged, Obama is hoping you'll be distracted from the fact that, well, he's really not outraged and undoubtedly knew that Geithner had urged the bonuses to be allowed. "But it's a losing game," writes Krauthammer, "His own congressional Democrats will out-demagogue him and heap the blame on the hapless Timothy Geithner." Thank God for hapless flunkies like Tim Geithner. They're handy to have on hand when one needs a scapegoat. Right now, Dodd is running for re-election in 2010. The news of his lies and deception about his role in the AIG bonus mess has not helped his polling. His Republican challenger is former U.S. Rep. Rob Simmons. According to The Hartford Courant's Stan Simpson, Simmons is now ahead in early polling agains Dodd. Simpson notes this about Dodd in his March 19 column: This latest story of [Dodd's] flip-flopping about his role in approving language to allow these shameless AIG bonuses may be the last straw for CT's senior senator. His election is in 2010. His credibility, when you factor in his deception and delay in forwarding info about his financial dealings with Countrywide, is near shot. If only there could be another presidential election next year. Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

Obama's Economic Suicide

Barack Obama is a Democrat, and like most Democrats, he just doesn't understand the realities of economics in a democracy. Unlike most Democrats, however, he seems hell bent on destroying the economic system we have now. Although the current system has a cold - a very bad cold - neo-fascist Obama intends to "cure" it with an amputation and a frontal lobotomy. Obama seems more comfortable with state-controlled economy than most Americans - or Europeans, for that matter - would be comfortable with. A few notable Europeans, however, who might have embraced Obama's approach to the economy: Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Marx and Mussolini. Over in Asia, Mao and Ho Chi Minh might have found plenty to agree with, too. Michael Boskin writes that Obama's policies seem to be nothing less than the promotion of the pork he promised there would be no more of, earmarks he promised there would no more of, and compounding the damage to the bruised economy he promised to fix. Promises, promises. The illusion that Barack Obama will lead from the economic center has quickly come to an end. Instead of combining the best policies of past Democratic presidents - John Kennedy on taxes, Bill Clinton on welfare reform and a balanced budget, for instance - President Obama is returning to Jimmy Carter's higher taxes and Mr. Clinton's draconian defense drawdown. Boskin praises a handful of things that Obama is doing, such as "testing in agriculture and medical payments; permanent indexing of the alternative minimum tax and other tax reductions." That's not enough to satisfy Boskin, however: The specific problems, however, far outweigh the positives. First are the quite optimistic forecasts, despite the higher taxes and government micromanagement that will harm the economy. The budget projects a much shallower recession and stronger recovery than private forecasters or the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office are projecting. It implies a vast amount of additional spending and higher taxes, above and beyond even these record levels. For example, it calls for a down payment on universal health care, with the additional "resources" needed "TBD" (to be determined). It's as though Obama's pretty campaign promises had no solid plans to back them up. From the poorly designed stimulus bill and vague new financial rescue plan, to the enormous expansion of government spending, taxes and debt somehow permanently strengthening economic growth, the assumptions underlying the president's economic program seem bereft of rigorous analysis and a careful reading of history. Perhaps Obama should read about all of the places and times in which socialism has failed miserably. A rigorous analysis and careful reading of history by Obama might benefit us all, but only if he can see through the fuzzy haze of his Liberal -Socialist-neo-Fascist ideology. RELATED: The Socialist Myth Why Socialism Failed Socialism Works! The Curse of India's Socialism Faster, Please! » We Are All Fascists Now The Socialism and Fascism of the New Deal OpEdNews - Capitalism, Fascism, and Socialism David-Barfield: The failure of socialism in Sweden The Swedish Model - Socialism, Education, and Failure United We Stand: Say Hello to SOCIALISM... really FASCISM! Marxism and the Failure of Organised Socialism in Spain, 1879–1936 Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

Urine Testing for Public Assistance?

Dear President Obama: My employer pays me for my hard work. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test now and then. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. I have no problem with the urine testing, but what I do have a problem with is my hard-earned, easily-taken taxes being given away by politicians to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check? I mean, I have to pass one to earn it for them! Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet, I really don't. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone who sits around on their lazy ass doing drugs while I work my ass off to support their lifestyle. Can you imagine how much money the government and taxpayers like me would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check? Thanks, Pissed Off in Chicago P.S. - Mr. Obama, you have access to highly sensitive information and you're in position of immense responsibility. Do you have to take a random drug test? Just curious. Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...

Stimulus Math Frightening

The total cost of the Obama Stimulus just for Illinois will be at least $3,108,484,657. That's the total of cost of all the projects submitted by Illinois... so far. How does that break down, what does it mean to YOU? No need for a calculator out, a commenter at Illinois Review did the math for us: > 3.108 billion divided by 13 million [Illinois] residents is 239 per person. 956 for a family of 4. > The 3 trillion of all the bailout/ stimulus/ porkulus/ obamu-us divided by 13 million is 230,000 per person, 920,000 for a family of 4. > If the government borrows the money at 3% that is 27,600 interest cost per family of 4. > 27,600 - 956 = 26,644 net loss per Illinois family. > And this is the way we stimulate the economy? No, it's how you stimulate Big Government. Yah, this is "change," but not for the better. Tea Party on April 15, anybody? Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff (Stimulate me!)