Showing posts with label Socialists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Socialists. Show all posts

Crowd laughs as Chicago Teachers Union president talks about killing the rich

Jan. 9, 2013 - Karen Lewis, president of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), thinks killing rich people is funny. So funny, in fact, that she recently joked about the prospect of union members killing the wealthy.

Karen Lewis, CTU Prez
(Chicago Magazine)
Her audience, a bunch of like-minded socialists, thought it was funny too. And why not?
A good class warfare joke about murdering the rich is always welcome at these kinds of gatherings, nyet? Da!

Lewis delivered her speech to the Illinois Labor History Society “Salute to Labor’s Historic Heroes from the History Makers of Today,” on Dec. 2, 2013. It attracted attention this week after video of the event surfaced online, says the Daily Caller. "Lewis earned scattered applause from her audience by noting that, approximately 100 years ago, pro-union activists were ready to murder their rich bosses."

Lewis did not disappoint the crowd of class warriors. "She threw gasoline onto the fire of class warfare," notes EAG News, "and even mentioned mob killings of wealthy Americans." EAG quoted Lewis:

“… Do not think for a minute that the wealthy are ever going to allow you to legislate their riches away from them. Please understand that. However, we are in a moment where the wealth disparity in this country is very reminiscent of the robber baron ages. The labor leaders of that time, though, were ready to kill. They were. They were just – off with their heads. They were seriously talking about that.” Some in the audience laughed and clapped at her remark. She was just joking, the Liberal apologists on the Left will say. Uh huh, joking about murder.

"He who jokes confesses," says an old Italian proverb.
Lewis's joke about killing the wealthy strikes a chord deep within the hearts of her supporters. Deep down, some of them actually do want to kill the wealthy. A lot of people who support unions really want to kill the rich.

And you can bet your rear end that there are plenty of CTU members who would actually kill the wealthy if ordered to. Of course, they would not kill the wealthy union bosses like Karen Lewis, who pulls down Big Bucks as CTU's pampered president.

Stalin Kill The Rich
Is this Karen Lewis's
spirit animal?
Lewis became CTU's president in June of 2010. "The previous CTU president pulled down nearly $300,000 a year in base salary and compensation," reported TownHall last year. "Local union watchdogs reported that top CTU officers and staff with six-figure salaries and bonuses also received:" 

In addition, top CTU officials received "... a monthly expense account for each administrator -- officers, coordinators and field representatives -- of $1,500; a car allowance of $7,000 per year (whether or not you have a car); 85 percent of car insurance and expenses paid; parking allowance; cellphone allowance; life insurance paid with union dues; and among other perks, a 53rd week of yearly pay for "working" over the Christmas holiday."

The TownHall report also said, "records show that [Lewis] made more than $71,000 for half a year's work in 2010 -- along with compensation from the Illinois Federation of Teachers in 2011 totaling at least an additional $64,000 on top of her unknown base salary and benefits."

Hope. Change. Murder.
EAG asks, "Big salaries with an average income in the $70,000 range. Generous benefits and pensions. Limited work days and nine-month work years. What are these people complaining about?"

Union leaders like Karen Lewis really don't give a damn about the quality of the education your kids are getting in the public schools. All of their agitation and protesting and striking is not "for the children." It's for them, it's for power, it's a means of advancing their socialist power agenda. Well, and a touch of personal greed for all the goodies they can soak the taxpayers for, too.

Lewis's fat salary is probably just barely enough to support her obvious gluttony. A raise might be in order for her, if only to protect the lives of others. After all, if she runs out of food she is likely to eat some of her fellow rich folk.


Updated: Union Thug Who Attacked Steven Crowder Was Looking For a Fight, Stalked Him In Crowd

Union Thug Tony Cummings Attacking Steven Crowder
Dec. 11, 2012 - VIDEOS BELOW - Violent union members in Lansing, Michigan attacked Right-To-Work advocates on the grounds of Michigan's state capitol today after the state legislature passed a right-to-work bill(Videos below.) 

A large mob of union members and sympathizers were in a violent frenzy as they surrounded a large tent set up and occupied by Americans For Prosperity (AFP), along with conservative humorist and pundit Steven Crowder. Leftist louts forced their way into the tent, dismantling it and threatening those inside.

Union Thug Tony Cummings Attacking Steven Crowder
With no regard for AFP's free speech rights or personal safety, the union gangsters shouted obscenities and, ultimately, physically attacked. Some milled around in a zombie-like daze, passively watching their union brethren violate the civil rights of fellow Americans. Not satisfied with simply bringing the tent down, union thugs destroyed the tent by cutting it to shreds with what appeared to be large box cutters.

The first video below is "AFP MI Tent comes down at Right To Work Rally," and it shows the zombie-like crowd of union thugs attacking the tent, spewing obscenities and just itching for a fight. Some lunge at the AFP members, while others attack the tent.

The second video, "Steven Crowder's attacker VERBALLY attacks him a hour earlier," shows Crowder being verbally assaulted by union punk Tony Cummings, without provocation, who physically attacked Crowder about an hour later (see the third video below). It is obvious from watching the second video that Cummings was looking for a fight. It was so obvious, in fact, that a union-appointed security "marshall" (in an orange vest) intervened and told Cummings to back off. That just seemed to further upset Cummings. At 3:03 in the video, Cummings lowered  his IBEW sign so that it would interfere with a photo opportunity of some guy posing with a smiling Crowder. When Crowder turned to ask Cummings to stop doing that, Cummings grinned weirdly and said, "Don't f-ck with me."

The third video below, "Unions Assault On Camera," clearly shows the assault on Crowder by a union goon that we think is named Tony Cummings. At least, that's what his jacket said. Also on his jacket was an IBEW union patch. Gateway Pundit wrote that Local 876 is located in Grand Rapids, MI but Chicago News Bench took a moment to look it up and found that the 1,480-member IBEW Local 876 is actually located in Edmore, MI, about an hour from Grand Rapids [see map].

"The protesters shouted 'scab' and 'Walmart tent' as they advanced," Lee Stranahan wrote at "The tent had been used by AFP to house members who were reportedly threatened at last week’s demonstration," he added.

“This is what democracy looks like,” they chanted as they destroyed the tent.

Union thugs and the progressives who support them think "democracy" is the act of violent suppression of  the opposition and destroying their property, even going so far as to physically assault people.

You can see Crowder being punched in the second video. "Crowder," reports, "peacefully confronted union protesters today in Lansing, Michigan when the mob turned violent. Crowder was punched multiple times and, at one point, when his back was turned to the crowd as he was leaving a confrontation, he was pulled by the collar of his coat back into the mob to be assaulted again." That can also be seen in the video. "Union appointed 'Marshals' (not actual law enforcement) would break up the assaults but never asked the union members to leave the protest for their behavior."

It is not known where the "real" law enforcement was taking their union-mandated coffee break, but none are visible in these videos. Crowder's assailant, Tony Cummings, was apparently not apprehended and remains at large. It was truly a sad day for America, as Obama-supported violent thugs had a violent hissy fit because, suddenly, their fellow Michiganders can no longer be forced to join a union in order to have a job.

Right-To-Work Law Passes In Michigan, Violence Simmers

union thugs
"Hey hey, ho ho! Your right to work has got to go!"
Dec. 11, 2011 - The Republican-led Michigan House chamber today approved the first of two right-to-work bills that address public-sector unions by a vote of 58-51. As many as 10,000 pro-union, anti-choice activists protested outside the capitol building in Lansing by waving signs, shouting vulgar slogans, and using violence against those who support the right-to-work legislation.

There was some violence-tinged rhetoric from Democrat legislators inside the House chamber. Just before the vote was taken, “There will be blood,” said Representative Douglas Geiss, a Democrat from Taylor, reports Bloomberg News. Geiss made that disturbing remark during the pre-vote debate. After the vote, a 55-year-old UAW member protesting outside said that the right-to-work law will "create civil war."

Police had to control angry union thugs who became violent, Bloomberg News says. "Supporters and opponents clashed, with protesters tearing down a tent set up by Americans for Prosperity, overturning tables and stamping on signs. Police on foot and horseback charged through the crowd pushing them back with batons."

A second bill that deals with private sector unions still needs to be acted upon. The Senate approved both last week. "If enacted," says The Washington Post, "Gov. Rick Snyder says he will sign them into law as early as Wednesday."

Read Michigan's Right-To-Work Bills:
•  Senate Bill 116   •  House Bill 4003
•  House Bill 4054  •  Recent Bill Activity
Former community organizer Barack Obama visited Detroit on Monday and made some predictable pro-union remarks.

“What they’re really talking about is giving you the right to work for less money,” Obama told unionized workers at the Detroit Diesel plant. But of course, as usual, Obama got that backwards. What the right-to-work laws do make it possible is for someone seeking work to get it without being required to join a union. That means workplaces will no longer be, in effect, a members-only environment. People wanting to work at Detroit Diesel, for example, will no longer be forced to shell out a chunk of their paycheck as union dues to maintain the union bosses' six-figure salaries. It means, contrary to what Obama said, that people who would otherwise not be allowed to work will be able to, thereby acquiring to the right to work for money - rather than remain unemployed.

The stupidity of Obama's remarks were nailed by an op-ed in The Detroit Free Press :
Where Obama faltered on Tuesday was with his too-cute applause line, “What they’re really talking about is giving you the right to work for less money.” That’s a reference to data, oft-cited by unions, showing that most right-to-work states have lower incomes than the U.S. average.

Unfortunately, the personal income and employment trends for Michigan are more troublesome for those who argue that states with more union members do a better job of protecting workers’ jobs and incomes.

In the year 2000, Michigan ranked 16th among U.S. states in personal income per capita. Now it’s in 36th place. During many of the past dozen years, Michigan had the nation’s highest jobless rate. We’ve improved a bit the past couple years, but only to 6th worst with a 9.1% rate.

Michigan, therefore, is hardly a poster child lately for correlating higher unionization levels — 17.5% here vs. 11.8% nationwide — with high incomes or job security.
The Left and their union allies believe that individual freedom to work without being forced to join a union is bad. Your right to not have a chunk of your paycheck stolen by a union of which you are not a member is bad. The mainstream media today is trumpeting the 'outrage over right-to-work.' Think about that. Outrage. Over people's right to work without a union forcing them to join or pay dues."  If you favor the right of people to work without  being coerced into joining a union, the union thugs and their supporters on the Left will threaten you. Post continues below the video....

James Hoffa, Teamsters union president said, "We've got a war on workers, and we've been talking about this a long time. It was in Wisconsin, it was in Ohio and now it came here. They want a fight? We'll give them a fight. We're going to kick their ass, and we'll win this battle here. Rick Snyder campaigned as the nerd, now we know he's a weak nerd, and you know what, he's for sale. I got news for you, Governor: Michigan is not for sale. You can't buy Michigan."

Leave it to a union boss like Hoffa to use a crude reference to physical violence. The governor is "a weak nerd," he said, but Hoffa just got his own ass kicked hard and handed to him by Gov. Snyder and the Republicans in the legislature.

Right-to-work will allow new employees, such as teachers for example, to be employed without being coerced into paying union dues to fat cat union bosses. If you believe the idiot-oriented propaganda from the Left, that's a bad thing for the children. The Left's greed is always so conveniently about the children. But even the children know that the unions are not fighting for them; the unions are fighting to preserve their own political power and finances.

In Michigan, the Right-To-Work legislation was brought about largely by the excesses of the unions themselves, notes "The use of members' dues proved that the feelings of many former labor union loyalists were correct; Big Labor had become largely about fighting contentious political battles and less about the welfare of the rank and file. Money that could have gone to training or even just back in the pockets of labor union members was wasted; the initiative lost in a landslide. Even more embarrassing, the 58% - 42% loss came amid Democratic gains at every level in the 2012 elections in Michigan."

"Expect the Unions this week to make a mighty noise and expect the silent majority to stay home," continued. "Make no mistake, though; in November, the people of Michigan spoke loudly and clearly; they want the right to work without the union middlemen taking their cut."


Group Protests Police Brutality, But Where Are Conservatives?

A small group of protesters gathered at Daley Plaza in downtown Chicago from Noon to 2:00 p.m. today to call attention to police brutality and killings. The event was called "No More! Rally to Demand an End to Police Violence!" and was organized by "Illinois Campaign to End the New Jim Crow." Occupy Chicago was also involved. Sadly, there were no Tea Party people there. This is something in which Occupy Chicago, Socialists, Tea Parties and everyone else should be united. 
"No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him." ~ Thomas Jefferson
Some of you reading this will be tempted to dismiss these folks - and me - as a bunch of radical nut jobs. There were a few nutters at this little rally, to be sure, but all were sincerely concerned about abusive police and the tragedy that can result. Some of the people in attendance have suffered the loss of children and loved ones at the hands of overzealous police officers. There were family members of "police murder victims, Chicago police torture victims, and concerned community members." One of the victims highlighted by the protesters was young Stephon Edward Watts, a 15-year old with  Asperger’s Synbdrome (a type of autism).Stephon Watts was shot to death by two Calumet City police officers earlier this year.

Let me remind you that I am a conservative, as are most of my readers. So I ask you: As conservatives who oppose an abusive government, how can we not also be vocally opposed to police brutality?

"We will not stand for the daily abuse and racist harassment of our brothers and sisters at the hands of the police," say the organizers of the protest. Who can disagree with that statement?

Some of the protesters suffer from emotional distortion of facts. I do not, however, mean that as harsh criticism. Their children were killed, and I imagine that such an experience would have such an effect. Nevertheless, a number of the protesters insist that the Chicago Police Department "is the biggest gang out there."

The CPD is not a gang, of course, and while there have been some wrongful and questionable deaths caused by CPD officers, it pales in comparison to the ongoing slaughter committed by civilians who are gang members. Currently, CPD has approximately 9,600 officers. In comparison, there are  more than 68,000 gang members running free in the streets of Chicago by some estimates.

A large banner (photo, right) held at the rally showed 22 people killed by police in Chicago from 2007-2011. Just one is too many, of course, but compare that to the number killed by non-police civilian gangsters: On Friday, July 27, Chicago achieved its 300th homicide for 2012. At least six more have died since Friday night, and only God knows what the final toll for this weekend will be by the time we hear the morning news on Monday.

Listening to family members speak passionately about loved ones who died as the result of police actions is certainly moving. It's emotional. While I am not so gullible as to believe every parent who insists that their child was wrongly killed and did not pose an imminent danger to cops, I am also not so cynical as to not believe that there are cops out there who commit acts of brutality and even kill because they get overzealous, panic or act out of frustration and even hatred.

All Americans - regardless of political affiliation - must be concerned about this. Cops are human, and like any other group of people there are good ones and bad ones. I firmly believe that the good ones greatly outnumber the bad, but even one bad one is one too many. One wrongful death is one too many too - regardless of whether it was caused by a cop or by a criminal.

As a group that opposes governmental abuses, this is a natural for conservatives. However, I saw none at this event. I've never seen any at similar events. But why not? I don't know the answer, but I can guess: A lack of empathy, a lack of sympathy, and a disdain for the victims who are, far too often, people of color who are poor.

Is that a racist assumption on my part? As a poor white conservative who supports his local Tea Party and has battled socialists since 1976, I'd say not. It's just a fact. If I was wrong, there would have been at least a few people representing one or more local Tea Parties at this rally/protest. There was not. There never is. That is tragic.

While some conservatives freak out about "Obama's drones" spying on them domestically (I share their concern to a point), there are people across the U.S. being wrongly brutalized and even killed accidentally - or intentionally - by errant or rogue police officers.

Finally, consider this: Conservatives are blowing an opportunity to reach out to their fellow Americans. Many of the people who have been victimized by police brutality turn to radical socialist revolutionary groups such as the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA ( because they feel that they have nowhere else to turn. Many of those who do so were not politicized before they or their family member was harmed by police. Radical leftist groups swoop in and offer support. Conservatives? Absent.
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty." ~ Thomas Jefferson
I'm not sure why conservative groups do not get as riled up about this form of abuse by government as they do about anything else. I truly don't. Causing wrongful physical injury and even death is a violation of one's most fundamental Constitutional rights. Isn't that what conservatives love to say they would die to defend? Damned right it is, but getting up off the couch and going to a protest is just too much work.

#OccupyWallStreet Is Occupied by Socialists, SEIU, ACORN

A funny photo manipulation by buddy "Irony Curtain" at the funniest blog on Earth, iOwnTheWorld. IC is poking fun at the pitifully misdirected saps who have fooled themselves into believing that they've actually "occupied" Wall Street, and that at any moment the bankers and moneylords will fall to their knees and give in to their fuzzy, ill-defined demands. Many of the participants, in fact, are paid to be there and don't really care about the purported goals of this bad imitation of a revolution.
Let's analyze the graphic above. What do the "Vacancy" labels on people's heads mean? Well, it means that their minds are devoid of any real thought processes. They accept the wacky propaganda and marching orders of their Leftist overlords. Some of us call these people "drones," because they are remotely controlled by their masters. Who are their masters? ACORN and the SEIU, that's who. Don't believe me? In this video, an organizer with the Working Families Party (WFP) talks about her involvement as an organizer of #occupywallstreet from day one. The WFP is "is a minor political party in the United States founded in New York in 1998," according to an entry about the Working Families Party at Wikipedia. WFP is not a national party, but has satellite partners in Connecticut, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Delaware, Vermont and Oregon, but there is as yet no national WFP. Wikipedia also says that the NY WFP "was first organized in 1998 by a coalition of labor unions, ACORN and other community organizations...." That Wikipedia entry, by the way, seems to be authored by the WFP itself, as it reads exactly like the Working Families Party website. That's enough. I think you get the point. WFP is a socialist organization that "blends a culture of political organizing with unionism, 1960s idealism, and tactical pragmatism. The party's main issue concerns are jobs, health care, education and energy/environment. It has usually cross-endorsed Democratic or Republican candidates through fusion voting, but has occasionally run its own candidates." Like their partners ACORN and SEIU, WFP is no stranger to dirty politics and election hanky panky. WFP are currently involved in a ballot fraud case in Rensselaer County, New York. There, a city councilman and a local WFP leader were witnesses yesterday in a special county grand jury investigating absentee-ballot fraud. According to the Times Union, the case centers around allegations "that nine Democratic officials and party workers forged the ballot applications and ballots of voters, many of whom lived in city public housing. The inquiry so far has resulted in the guilty plea of former City Clerk William McInerney and indictment of Councilman Michael LoPorto and County Democratic Elections Commissioner Edward McDonough." That handsome man on the far left (no pun intended) of the photo is film maker and serial liar Michael Moore. He's a drone too. The only difference between Moore and the average drone, however, is about 350 pounds and the fact that he's a hypocritical millionaire capitalist. What is meant by "Occupied" on the signs in the photo? Well, that's irony, kids. The drones of #occupywallstreet think that they've occupied Wall Street, but in reality they're little brains have been occupied by the likes of ACORN and the SEIU. That's right, they're unwitting puppets of special interests. Still don't believe me? Watch that video again.

At Last, Wisconsin Recall Election Results (Updated)

August 9, 2011 - Madison WI - Results are now coming in from six special elections held today in Wisconsin. TPM's Election Scoreboard is showing at 9:36 p.m. that Cowles (R) is creaming Nusbaum (D), with 59% and 41% respectively in the (State Senate 02). They've declared Cowles the winner.

Another winner has already been declared, too: Harsdorf (R) is bumping challenger Moore (D) in State Senate 10 by 58% to 42% respectively.

Chicago News Bench will call Olsen (R) the winner in State Senate 14. Olsen is trouncing Clark (D) by 54% to 46% with 95% reporting as of 9:53 p.m.

So far, the dancing socialist union thug marxists on the Capitol Square are not having a good start to their festivities. Then again, there are four more races to go.

TPM Election Scoreboard -

Margarita in Hand, I'm Waiting For Wisconsin Recall Elections Results

August 9, 2011 - Madison WI - It's 9:06 p.m. and I still have not heard any election results for the six recall elections that could, says the Washington Post, "put a check on Republican power in state government and render an early verdict on the GOP policy agenda across the country." This seems like very wishful thinking from the Democrat-favoring Post.

I just left the Square minutes ago. While hundreds of socialists, union thugs and anarchists chant on the Capitol Square, I am sitting at Frida Mexican Grill, an upscale Mexican eatery half a block away. I thought I'd kill some time with a margarita (on the rocks, salted rim) while I and the rest of the world breathlessly await the results of six special recall elections held today.

There are two groups of anti-Gov. Walker folks gathered on the Square. The big group is at Washington Avenue and North Pinckney Street on the Square, where a brightly lit stage supports local socialist cheerleaders speaking with their lips too close to the microphone. News media are all over the place. Many wear red shirts with "Recall Walker" emblazoned on them. Some carry handmade signs that say clever things like "Walker Hates Living Things," and similarly ingenious political insights. A good number carry pre-printed AFSCME signs.

The smaller group is having a sing-along at West Mifflin Street and North Carroll Street. There seems to be no national media there, and the group seems content to sing standards such as "This Land Is Your Land" with lyrics altered to express their contempt for Governor Walker and for the electoral process that put him in office in the first place. These folks are holding similar signs and wearing the same kinds of shirts.

I considered taking photos of the liberal drones on the Square. No, I thought, my photos would only show the same generic libtards that we've seen a million times at similar leftist rallies. My video would have let you hear the same old tired chants, too. You know, the ones that have some local socialist leader urging the crowd to answer his over-modulated questions that all end with, "... when do we want it?" or "...what do we do?" Eventually and predictably, the whole chanting thing devolves (as it did tonight) into a string of chants that begin with "Hey hey, ho ho..." It's boring and cliche. Besides, someone else will post their boring and cliche video and images later.

The evening here is beautiful, cool but not cold, with a nice breeze coming off of Lake Mendota. It's perfect weather for coached, pre-scheduled non-spontaneous chanting. There is a huge carbon footprint being laid down by the brightly lighted stage set up at East Washington Avenue and North Pinckney Street on the Square, not to mention by the brightly illuminated Capital Building.

The polls closed at 8:00 p.m. I wonder if any of the polling places have electricity. Perhaps the ballots are being delivered on horseback.  Stand by for news.....

TPM Election Scoreboard -
Live Recall Election Coverage -
Wisconsin Recall Election Candidates Battle In August 9, August 16 Races - HuffPo

Union Rally Crowd Smaller Than Reported

February 26, 2011 - Chicago - CNB - Between 400 and 500 people attended a rally organized by unions and socialist groups at Noon today. The event took place at the James Thompson Center downtown. The well-attended event was peaceful but boisterous, with enthusiastic supporters of public sector unions chanting and cheering speakers. See our slideshow below. 

An attendance of 500 is good, especially considering the damp, cold weather that included some snow. Nevertheless, some feel it necessary to exaggerate the number. 

Bob Roman, writing for the DSA Labor Network's "Talking Union" blog, wrote that there were 2,000 people in attendance. My own count, as indicated above, was between 400 and 500. My photo here was taken just before Noon. Roman wrote, "By the time the rally began, the plaza was nearly full, and organizers announced about 2,000 people were present." 

It's not clear from Roman's post whether he was actually at the event. If he was, he's mistaken about the numbers. If he was not there, then he's accepting the false crowd estimate of "the organizers," and equally mistaken. Granted, more people poured into the plaza after I took this photo, but nowhere near 2,000. Roman is "editor of New Ground, the newsletter of Chicago Democratic Socialists of America."

Leftist Rally, Downtown Chicago, Saturday, Feb 26

February 25, 2011 - Chicago - Communists, socialists and their supporters will gather in downtown Chicago tomorrow at the State of Illinois Building at Noon. 

The event is being organized and promoted by, SEIU, Progressives United and other leftist groups. They are billing it as the "Rally to Save the American Dream." (I somehow doubt that the American Dream includes being raped and pillaged by the priveleged public sector unions, but that's another post.) has this posted at their website: 

State of Illinois Bldg - 100 W. Randolph (Map) Chicago, IL 60606 Saturday, February 26th, 12:00 PM Let's keep the momentum going! Please sign up for this gathering right away! Message from your host, Anne T.: Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations and the very rich - and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response, and vital human services. WE NEED YOUR VOICES @ a rally on Saturday, Feb 26th to stand in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin. Come and join us ! Share this event on Facebook: 

Video Proof of Communists Indoctrinating Chicago School Children

Che Guevara: Psycho-killer beloved by the Left
May 20, 2010 - VIDEO BELOW - Beneath a “Revolucion” flag with the image of Che Guevara, a DJ played music for the kids in the big gymnasium. A hand made poster on the wall behind him said “Stop Raid Now Legalization.” Despite the bad spelling and grammar, the pro-illegal immigrant message was clear. These folks do not like America, and one of the best ways to bring down any nation is to destroy its borders.

This was part of a shockingly blatant day of communist indoctrination at a Chicago City Colleges (CCC) facility. Hundreds of Chicago students of all ages were invited into a day-long display of revolutionary communist propaganda at the “Social Justice Student Expo” in one of Chicago’s community colleges on the north side on Thursday, May 20.

Presented by Chicago Youth Initiating Change (CYIC), the event had the full blessing of CCC. Communist and socialist literature and artwork were displayed and offered in the Dave Rowland Sports Center on the campus of Harry S Truman College, 1145 West Wilson Avenue in Uptown. Posters told students that “Without Mexicans America Ain’t Nothin” and praising Che Guevara were on the walls.

Vendors sold stickers that were pro-Hugo Chavez (“Boycott ExxonMobil Buy Citgo”), anti-military (“Recruiters Lie Don’t Enlist”), and (believe it or not) stickers urging that we “Impeach Bush/Cheney.” Yes, it’s 2010, but they still want those impeachment hearings.

Many of us are aware of the decades-long efforts by the far Left to propagandize students of every age. We know that many others often do not believe us when we talk or write about it. Here, however, is proof that is undeniable.

No reasonable person could have walked through that expo without seeing it for what it was: Another attempt to indoctrinate young minds to be anti-American, anti-capitalist, and very pro-Communist. The CYIC even has a handy “Classroom Action Guide” for teachers posted at the expo’s website and also on YouTube. CYIC describes itself, in part, this way:

“Chicago Youth Initiating Change (CYIC) is a grassroots organization that brings together youth and teachers from diverse racial, economic and geographic backgrounds to create an educational space to explore social justice issues and carry out social justice initiatives. CYIC is a student and teacher led organization comprised of a wide array of Chicago area public, private, alternative, and charter school members.” See their full “About Us.”

Other items included pro-illegal immigrant books, buttons, shirts and stickers. The book “No One Is Illegal” was for sale, right next to a book titled “The Communist Manifesto - A Road Map to History’s Most Important Political Document.” To CYIC and its supporters, this is all standard fare.

CYIC describes the expo as being “set up like a science or history fair, only students (with support from their teachers) present social justice work that they have done in their classrooms, after-school programs, or community youth organizations. For example, students may present research projects that they conducted in their classrooms on equity in education, gentrification, or environmental racism. Students may also present their work organizing in their schools or communities on issues such as the Iraq War and military recruitment, school closings, or affordable housing.” 

Not a word about reading, writing or arithmetic. The reason is simple enough: The CYIC is really not about “education.” Rather, it’s all about furthering a far Left agenda by means of recruiting children into their cause. Their cause, from all appearances, is the destruction of American society as we know it and to replace it with a communist system.

Another table offered copies of International Socialist Review magazine. Another table displayed fliers urging students to “Build a Wall of Resistance - Don’t Talk to the F.B.I.” There were displays about the Atlantic slave trade (they just can’t let that go in Obama’s “post racial America”), gay power, and more.

A Malcom X display called him “The Liberator of Black Rights.” That odd phrase seems to ignore the fact that Malcom X liberated nothing whatsoever. It was Martin Luther King who brilliantly used a constitution created by white men over 230 years ago to bring full civil rights to Black Americans.

The Malcom X display ignores the fact that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was made possible not only by King’s insistent marching, but by the hundreds of thousands of white men who died in a civil war that brought down the Southern states’ slave economy. Lest we forget, the Civil Rights Act was pushed by President Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, but was passed only because the Republicans in Congress supported it and outnumbered the many Democrats who voted against it.

But such is the memory of the communist and socialist crowd. The revisionism of history by the old bosses of the now-extinct Soviet Union is legendary. Those bosses, of course, were communists of the same mindset as those who presented the “Social Justice Student Expo” at Truman College on May 20.

On the night of May 20, the Texas Board of Education made a historically significant decision. Robert Moon reports at
In a stunning break from the standard public "education" protocol of relentlessly brow-beating children with leftist misinformation against America, white people and Christianity, Texas has forced the textbook industry to start including multiple sides of the story. Through intense negotiations and petty partisan bickering, the Texas Board of Education (which has a huge influence over how textbooks are written in the U.S.) has reversed the trend of erasing our Founding Fathers from the curriculum--a core part of the leftist agenda...
Texas text book decision, however, will have minimal immediate impact nationwide. After decades of Leftist propagandizing in public schools and universities, there are already many millions of Americans whose political sympathies are closer to Mao and Stalin than to Jefferson and Franklin. Even with Texas-approved text books, socialist teachers and professors will continue to spew their Leftist ideology in classrooms.

The late Senator Joe McCarthy (R-WI) warned us about this. It’s too bad that McCarthy wasn’t more skilled at public relations. Perhaps enough of us would have listened to him back when it was still not too late. Many others have tried to warn us as well. It's not too late to wake up, is it?


Protesters at Wrigley Field Demand Arizona Boycott

April 29, 2010 - CHICAGO - VIDEO: About 100 protesters in Chicago gathered at Wrigley Field to demand a total boycott of all Arizona businesses, products and services. The group called for a boycott as way of protesting Arizona's recently passed immigration law, which they call "racist." The event at Wrigley was not very large and was peaceful. The protesters, standing at the corner of N. Clark and W. Addison, caused virtually no inconvenience to the baseball fans who were on their way to watch the Chicago Cubs lose to the Arizona Diamondbacks 13-5.  Also See: Arizona Immigration Boycott Zeroes in on Baseball‎ (CBS News)

The Ultimate Goal of Obama's Change

Welcome, Comrades, to the United Socialist States of America.  You think this little photo chop I did is an exaggeration? Okay, it is - for the moment. But it's coming, fellow Amerikans, it's coming. Just ask Jeffrey T. Kuhner, who reported the following at the Washington Times:

President Obama is close to completing his socialist revolution. Since coming to power last year, he has sought relentlessly to transform America. From his days as a student radical, Mr. Obama has been obsessed with smashing the traditional free-market system. Like most leftists, he thinks capitalism is the enemy.

We tried to warn you about Comrade Obama for years, people, we of the conservative blogosphere, and writers like Kuhner at conservative publications. The evidence of Obama's not-so-closeted communism and distaste for the USA has been readily available. Too many of you, however, were drunk on the Leftist Kook-Aid.

More from Kuhner:

"He was a Marxist-socialist in college," said John C. Drew, who knew Mr. Obama as a university student, in an interview. "He kept talking about the need to overthrow capitalism in favor of a working-class revolution."

Yep. That's the "change" that the rat-bastard Obama has had in mind for us all along, for years and years. A week and a half ago, he nationalized one sixth (nearly 20%) of the US economy with his health care "reform." Yesterday, he nationalized student loans. Warrantless wiretapping continues under his regime. We are now living under a soft tyranny. I could go on, but why bother? If you're not aware of the coming hard tyranny by now, you're beyond reach. Oh, it may not happen under Comrade Obama, but the path he just kicked us down, if followed without detour, will surely take us to a slightly friendlier version of Russia just before the USSR fell apart. If you are aware of it, hang in there. Good luck to you.

Adam Shaw, an British writer who specializes in politics and religion, recently wrote a post called "Obama's Socialism," at American Thinker. "To call someone a socialist is not conspiratorial," Shaw penned, "and it is not fear-mongering; it is simply the truth, and it is time for some in the conservative media to take a deep breath and admit it -- America has a socialist leading the country. Welcome to the club: It stinks!"

Comrade Obama's Socialist Celebration, April 3

The following email was blasted out by Comrade Barack Obama's propaganda machine, Organizing For Amerika (OFA). Dear Leader Barack wants all of you to spontaneously jump for joy and squeal like communist pigs on Saturday, April 3 to celebrate his regime's success in throwing the nation under the socialist bus. The email is signed by Jeremy Bird, OFA's Deputy Director. He says that the event, which will happen in cities nationwide, is to thank OFA volunteers for all their hard work to help the Democrats nationalize health care. Bird, however, forgot to include a free drink coupon. Thanks for all your hard work, comrades, now go buy yourselves some drinks! There is no word yet if any Coffee Parties will spontaneously host their own celebrations (but they're too busy doing nothing while they try to figure out what the Coffee Party's mission really is). Here's that email:

This past week, we saw what change looks like. And now, it's time to celebrate.

After a year of non-stop work from OFA volunteers like you -- reaching out to friends and neighbors; going to countless phone banks, town halls, canvasses, and rallies; placing millions of calls and emails to Congress; and so much more -- health care reform is now the law of the land.

Congratulations on making history -- and thank you!
To celebrate the biggest legislative accomplishment in generations, OFA is holding health reform celebration events across the country -- and there's one near you in Chicago on Saturday, April 3rd.

Can you join us, to celebrate this amazing achievement? Here are the details:

What: Health Reform Celebration Event
Where: [Joey's Brickhouse] 1258 W. Belmont, Chicago, IL 60657 [MAP]
When: Saturday, April 3rd
Start Time: 8:00 PM

If you can't make it to that celebration event, see if there are others in your area or sign up to host one of your own.

OFA volunteers and staff will get together to talk about what we just did, and we'll watch a video that some folks here are finishing up now.

We've all worked hard, and there's more hard work to do. But sometimes, we all deserve a moment to just kick back, enjoy what we've accomplished, and appreciate the people we accomplished it with.

I hope you can join us in Chicago on the 3rd. RSVP here.

This was a long, hard fight. Thanks for being there to the finish, and for making it happen.

Jeremy Bird
Deputy Director
Organizing for America

OFA Health Insurance Reform Celebration and Thank You event ...

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Video of Chicago Anti-War Protest, March 18, 2010

Anti-War rally and march in Federal Plaza, downtown Chicago, up N. Michigan Avenue on Thursday, March 18, 2010, the 7th anniversary of the Iraq War. Most of the time, this event felt more like an anti-Israel rally. For 90 more photos and my full editorial review of the protest, see my post here. Also see my video of the same protest event in 2008, which was remarkably similar. Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Chicago's Anticlimactic Anti-War Protest (Slideshow)

adjective: anticlimactic - of or relating to a sudden change from an impressive to a ludicrous style UPDATE: "Video of Chicago Anti-War Protest, March 18, 2010" Today's "big" anti-war rally in downtown Chicago was, to be honest, predictable and boring. We heard the same old tired slogans, heard now for more than 40 years. You know, chants like "Hey hey, ho ho (fill in the blank) has got to go!" Slightly less musty mantras, such as "Iraq for Iraqis," were also repeated ad nauseum. (See our slideshow below.) It was more of the same from 2009 and 2008, but less interesting and with seemingly less people. I estimate the crowd today at around 1,200. (See my video of the 2008 march.) The usual gaggle of malcontented wannabe hippies, self-hating American citizens, American-hating non-citizens, Marxists, socialists and communists selling their anti-capitalist literature (and not getting the irony of that), 9-11 truthers, conspiracy theorists of all stripes, anti-Israel folks waving Palestinian flags, aging pensioners whose meds have either run out or need to be increased, and a lot of other bitter mental midgets got together in Federal Plaza at 5:30 this afternoon and then paraded up Michigan Avenue. Yawn. Same as last year, with only one real difference. While there were the usual, til death do us part Bush Bashers, this time around we also saw (and heard) plenty of Obama bashing. "Obama is just like Bush!" we were told over the loudspeakers in Federal Plaza. They're upset that Obama is not liberal enough, not far enough to the Left for them. Imagine that: Barack Obama not radical enough for these lumpen proletariate. In short, this type of march may have been impressive in 1968 (and I saw my fill of them growing up in Madison, Wisconsin), but in 2010 they merely seem ludicrous. Boring, very boring. Freak shows can be interesting, but the main attractive is novelty. You see the Bearded Lady enough times and, with time, she no longer shocks. The two-headed chicken even begins to seem mundane after so many viewings, and eventually you long for a three headed chicken. This is especially true when you hear the same bad theme songs as background music every time you enter the tent. Please, show me the Great Egress. Enjoy the slideshow (video coming on Friday, March 19). Flashback to 2008-03-26 VIDEO: ANTIWAR LUNATICS, SOCIALISTS MARCH IN CHICAGO People laugh or sneer when I refer to many of my neighbors in The Peoples Republic of Rogers Park as "socialists" or "communists." But comrades, it's what they call themselves, and if you still think the late Senator Joe McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) was a complete lunatic, you might change your mind after watching this disturbing video. THIS VIDEO CAPTURES MOMENTS from the March 19, 2008 rally/march, and the big March 20, 2008 rally in Chicago. Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

5:30 PM Anti-War Protest, March 18, Downtown Chicago

UPDATE: SEE "Chicago's Anticlimactic Anti-War Protest (Slideshow)" UPDATE: SEE "Video of Chicago Anti-War Protest, March 18, 2010" March 18: 5:30 PM, short rally at Federal Plaza (corner of Adams & Dearborn Streets), followed by permitted march on Michigan Avenue. For more information see "Socialist Freaks to March in Chicago on March 18." Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Fact Check on Barack the Braindead Socialist

Fact Check: How State of Union Compares With Reality: "A look at some of Obama's claims in the State of the Union and how they compare with the facts, from Fox News. Also see the transcript of Obama's State of the Union remarks "as prepared for delivery in Obama's State of the Union address to Congress" on Jan. 27, 2010. (Hat tip to Loyola Republicans) Click graphic to enlarge Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

Remember This in 2012, Massachusetts

JAN. 19, 2010 - To voters in Massachusetts who voted for Scott Brown today: Remember this email from Barack Obama blasted out this morning. To voters around the nation who are tired of the violations of the Constitution, insane spending, corruption, arrogance and ... well, need I say more? Remember this, America, and never forget: Today is the day Tuesday, January 19, 2010 6:33 AM From: "President Barack Obama" Right now, the polls are open to elect a new senator to the seat that my friend Ted Kennedy held for 47 years. The choice could not be more stark, and the result could not be of greater consequence -- for Massachusetts or the nation. The Bay State can send progressive champion Martha Coakley to Washington to fight for everything we believe in -- health reform, getting all of our money back from Wall Street, and holding corporate interests accountable. Or the Senate can get one more person already walking in lockstep with Washington Republicans. The polls are still open, the choice has not been made, and you still have a crucial role to play by calling voters in Massachusetts. In a low-turnout special election like this one, every single voter counts. Please sign up for a phone bank for Martha Coakley near you on this Election Day. Opponents of change and progress have been pouring money and resources into the Commonwealth -- they want to keep things just as they are. The most important thing you can do to stand up to them is call other voters and urge them to get out to vote for the leader we need representing Massachusetts. In a race as close as this one, no matter how many voters you call, you could tip the balance. So please make sure you do everything you can today. Click here to find an Election Day phone bank near you: If you were fired up in the last election, I need you more fired up in this election. Thanks for everything you've done, and for your efforts in this final push, President Barack Obama Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed