Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Trump stood on a balcony. So did Mussolini. But so what?

I had to do this quick post in response to some Leftist insanity on Twitter right now. As you may be aware, Democrats and their "progressive" allies are bitterly disappointed that President Trump did not die from his brief bout of COVID-19. And it's making them crazier than usual.

The latest, today, comes from the Lefties in response to Pres. Trump having the nerve to stand on a White House balcony and (gasp!) salute the American people. 

In the sick, bizarro minds of those people, that make him evil. After four years of calling him "Orange Cheeto," they've taken a quick sideroad to, today, liken him to Benito Mussolini, Italy's fascist dictator during WWII. 

Why Mussolini, you may ask? Simple. Some feeble-minded liberals found photos of Mussolini speaking from various balconies. 

So naturally, in their universe, this makes him just like Mussolini, a dictator, a strong man. Only a mentally ill person, or one with an IQ below 80, could believe that correlation. But I think I just described millions of Democrat voters. No?

In the past, I (and others) have responded to absurd comparisons of Trump to Hitler by mockingly pointing out that both Hitler and Biden ate food, therefore they're the same in mind and spirit.

That's ridiculous, of course, and it was meant to poke fun at the idiocy of the Left's thinking. 

But here we are today, with the Left actually making a comparison just as absurd and believing it in their hollow hearts. 

The difference between them comparing Trump to Mussolini because both have stood on balconies and my Hitler-food-Obama satire is simple: The Left actually believes this nonsense.

KABOOM! Trump's #ObamaGate Tweets BLOW UP Twitter

Twitter suppressed #OBAMAGATE in United States trends
It was a sight to behold. On Sunday, May 10, the hashtag #ObamaGate blew up Twitter. It quickly hit over a million tweets, and then the real fun began.

Late Sunday night the hashtag neared two million tweets, and every few minutes it picked up another 100,000.

UPDATE: At 4:26 AM EDT, #OBAMAGATE vanished from Twitter's "United States trends" list. It seems my cartoon (top left) foretold the future. Yet, the hashtag was STILL showing with 2.29 million tweets in "Australia trends" and "Canada trends." 

John Kerry To Visit Paris, But He's In No Hurry

Jane Hartley, US Ambassador to France
US Ambassador Jane Hartley
attended the Paris march
January 12, 2014 - The Cavalcade of Idiots, also known as The Obama Administration, can't help acting, well, idiotically. Embarrassed by their no-show at yesterday's million-plus anti-terror march in Paris, in a show of unity against Islamist terror, John Kerry will make a clumsy (and too-late) trip to make it look like the Administration cares about the recent victims of Islamist terror.

Nobody should be fooled by this act of insincerity. If they really cared, they would have sent someone. The US was officially represented at the march by Jane Hartley, our ambassador to France. But she was already there and she's not a national leader.

The fact that over 40 foreign dignitaries managed to gather in Paris on the same day, and with relatively short notice, is impressive. However, the so-called leader of the free world, the President of the United States, was conspicuously absent. Sure, Barack Obama's a busy guy. But it's safe to say that those heads of state also have a lot on their plates, yet they were able to rearrange their schedules to pay respect to the slain, show their defiance of terrorism, support free speech, and represent their own nations in a respectable manner.

That was too much to ask of Barack Obama, it seems. He couldn't even send a cabinet member to represent him - and the United States - at the solemn event. Not even Secretary of State John Kerry could be bothered to fly to Paris from India, where he met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday to discuss stronger economic ties "and set the stage for President Obama’s visit" on January 26.

Kerry will travel to Paris, reports The Daily Mail (UK), "after the U.S. government was shamed for not joining a rally yesterday for victims of the French terror attacks attended by 40 world leaders and a million people." The Daily Mail report says that Kerry tried to explain the absence of a major US official by saying, "I really think that this is sort of quibbling a little bit in the sense that our Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was there and marched, our ambassador was there and marched, many people from the embassy were there and marched."

Kerry's lame response - that a handful of minor US officials attended the march - seems to demonstrate a lack of understanding of the importance of public relations. It might also indicate an actual disregard for the tragedy of the 17 deaths at the hands of Islamist gunmen last week.

Canadian Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney
Canada's Public Safety Minister
Steven Blaney attended the march
Image: CTV
Attorney General Eric Holder was in Paris on Sunday, but he "skipped out early," as the Daily Mail notes in a story with this scorching headline: "America snubs historic Paris rally: Holder was there but skipped out early, Kerry was in India, Obama and Biden just stayed home." He met with European security and terror experts in Paris on Sunday, but Holder did not even go to the march, reports The Telegraph (UK).

Even more incredibly, Kerry won't go directly to Paris until later this week. He'll arrive there on Thursday after stopping in Bulgaria and Switzerland, and then only stay for a part of Friday.

But the US was not the only nation that failed to send a major leader to Paris. Canada's Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney was his nation's only representative at the march. Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, pulled an Obama, but at least Harper takes a gutsier public stance against terrorists.

On Saturday, Blaney laid a wreath outside the offices of Charlie Hebdo, and met with RCMP and Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) agents who are working with French security agencies there. On Sunday, Blaney attended an international terrorism meeting, which Eric Holder also attended. Unlike Holder, however, Blaney attended the unity rally march on Sunday.

Also See:
List of leaders who attended Paris rally Times of India
America betrays its values by not sending top U.S. officials to Paris unity rally Daily News
French Officials Defend Obama Amid Questions About Paris Rally Absence Christian Post
Why is Obama Unable to Call Terrorist Attacks Islamic Terrorism? The Blaze
Stephen Harper Is Right To Name The Enemy Toronto Sun
Charlie Hebdo attack: The Paris trap India Express

Drones Deliver Mail and Packages In France

December 30, 2014 - When Benjamin Franklin was postmaster of Philadelphia in 1737 (way before he was an American revolutionary), he probably never imagined letters and packages being delivered in flying machines. "Air mail" is old news to us some 200 years later, and no longer considered special. In 2014, France's postal service LaPoste is testing mail delivery by six-propeller drones, which are unmanned flying robots.

Drone by GeoPost for package delivery in France
Six-propeller drone by GeoPost can deliver
or medicines to remote areas in France 
 "This week, LaPoste, France’s postal service, announced that its package-delivery subsidiary, GeoPost, had successfully completed initial tests of a service to deliver lightweight mail and packages via drone. The tests were conducted by CEEMA or the Centre d’Études et d’Essai pour Modèles Autonomes (the Center for Autonomous Model Testing and Studies), which is part of the company helping to build the drone." ~

That's cool, but only in concept. The average French citizen is still a long way from receiving mail via drone. VentureBeat notes that in recent tests, "the drone demonstrated it could reliably carry a package up to 2 kilograms in ranges up to 1.2 kilometers." But then again, this project is still very experimental and not intended to replace large-scale mail delivery-by-humans.

Robots in the sky may not soon be delivering packages to remote French villas. "The drone delivery possibilities are still be explored at this point," says  Slashgear, "but the idea behind it all is that rural and otherwise remote locations -- or regions temporarily blocked by things like flooding -- can have needed medical supplies and such delivered at faster rates than by vehicle."

Benjamin Franklin
Ben Franklin went
postal years ago
The French drone tests were conducted "in collaboration with the company Atechsys at La Poste's special test site in the Var, southern France, used a six-propeller drone able to carry loads of up to 16 inches by 12 inches by eight inches in size and weighing up to nine pounds in all weathers and terrains within a 12-mile radius," reports The Telegraph (UK).

For the near future, French drones will deliver mail only in rural areas. French law does not allow drones to fly over heavily populated areas.

French drone could deliver parcels to remote areas
French drone delivers parcels to remote areas
Limited though the drones may be, this is actually a great idea, even if the drones do not seem suited to replace human postal carriers on any large scale. But the real purpose, says The Telegraph, "is to be able to fly the drones in remote areas or places difficult to reach by car – up very steep roads, down hillsides and areas with few roads and over water." GeoPost says the mechanical mailmen can "reach isolated zones very rapidly," which would be valuable for "urgent medical needs or blood deliveries."

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has nightmarish budget problems, and unpaid robots delivering the mail might seem like an idea whose time has come. President Obama has said that the USPS should replace human mail carriers with drones or face being shut down.

“Postal Carriers in the United States bring home an hourly wage of $18.25 to $25.82 per hour,” Obama said at a conference in July. “These men and women bring home anywhere from $37,950.00 to $53,700.00 annually. It is no wonder the price of our postage is on a consistent increase.”

“Persons living in the United States today cannot afford to feed their families,” Obama continued. “While they are stuck working on minimum wage salaries. Why should the government be paying so much to mail carriers, when their neighbors cannot afford to eat?” He adds that he feels it is a waste for the Federal Government to be paying these workers this much money when a drone from WIT can do the same job and cost a lot less to operate."

Obama did not address the fact that humans replaced by drones would no longer be able to afford to feed their own families because their neighbors' welfare checks are being delivered by robots.

Also See:
France's La Poste develops drone to deliver parcels Telegraph (UK)
Obama Gives USPS Ultimatum To Deliver Mail By Drones Wyoming Institute of Technology 
FAA Poised To Miss Deadline For Drone Regulations Daily Caller
No Roads? There's a drone for that Andreas Raptopoulos

North Korean Internet Outage Probably Caused By Hackers, Not US (Updated)

December 23, 2014 - North Korea's internet was disrupted over the weekend, and finally went down completely on Monday. It came back online, but then it went down two more times. And tonight, reports Yonhap News Agency, "some major North Korean websites remained blocked Wednesday [Korea time] for the second straight day amid growing speculation over cyber warfare between Washington and Pyongyang. Since going down Monday evening, the website of the North's main propaganda organ, Uriminzokkiri, remained inaccessible as of early Wednesday."

North Korea's Kim Jong-un, digital dictator
UPDATE, 27 Dec 2014 - North Korea's Internet and 3G mobile network 'paralyzed,' according to Reuters: "Internet connectivity had not returned to normal as of 21:30 local time [Saturday night], Xinhua reported, citing reporters in the country that had confirmed the situation over fixed telephone systems. The report comes after the North Korean government called Obama a 'monkey' and blamed the United States for enduring instability in the country's internet infrastructure, after the U.S. blamed North Korea for hacking attack on Sony Studios."

But was it the work of the U.S. seeking revenge for the cyber attack on Sony Pictures? Some security experts "say the attack that temporarily knocked the isolated nation offline looks more like the work of hacker pranksters than a vengeful U.S. government," says

The network was not down very long (about 10 hours), which indicates that the outages were probably not the retaliation promised by President Obama as for the devastating cyber attack on Sony Pictures on November 24.  Sure, it seems the outages are continuing, and it seems impressive that an entire nation's internet access was taken down. Right? Well, no, not really. Read on to find out why that's not true in the strange case of North Korea.

The FBI and Obama have blamed North Korea for penetrating Sony's computer system, stealing massive amounts of information, and then rendering the computers useless. Many in the info security business are skeptical of the accusations against North Korea, however, and some even say it might have been in inside job.

The mainstream assumption is that a film called "The Interview" pissed off North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un by - among other things - depicting him as a douchebag and dying in a fiery explosion. Some say that the depiction of Kim in the film could have caused damage to his prestige if any of his generals or other privileged persons were able to access it, say on a black market DVD or even on the Internet.

On December 19, Obama vowed that the U.S. would "respond proportionally" against North Korea. If the most recent outage/s was caused by an Obama-authorized cyber attack on North Korea's interwebs, then it's a lame response. It certainly was not a proportionate response, considering the enormous, yet to be fully determined, financial losses of Sony Pictures. After all, to simply cause a disruption of less than 24 hours to a very few elite North Koreans probably did not cause any great hardships or damage.

Poster for "The Interview"
I think most of us are wishing for Obama to order up the crippling of Pyongyang's power grid. That would not only deny the North Koreans access to the Internet (no power, no computers), it would also force the artificially privileged of the capital city to live in the same desperate poverty that the rest of the country suffers. A simple EMP blast in the sky over Pyongyang ought to do the trick. Of course, that would cause more public relations problems than it's probably worth.

"North Korea's circle of internet users is so small that the country has only 1,024 IP addresses for 25 million people," reports Vox, "whereas the US has billions of IP addresses for 316 million people. While it's impossible to infer a specific number of internet-connected devices from this, it is safe to say that the number is very, very small." Kim Jong-un's regime has turned Internet access into "something that exists almost purely to cement his government's rule and to reward himself."

"The internet in North Korea is not a public good, nor even a good that the public is aware of," notes Vox. " It is purely and solely used as a government tool, for serving such ends as propaganda and hacking, and as a luxury good for the elites who run the government." The biggest inconvenience that an Internet outage might cause for North Korea would be the inability of their professional hackers and propagandists to operate.

This could pose a threat to Kim Jong-un's prestige. Who cares if the peasants never hear of "The Interview?" Theoretically, the elites could stream the film via their unfiltered Internet access or obtain the film on DVD.

If the elite watch "The Interview," it could hurt Kim's prestige and damage respect for the little dictator. It wouldn't change things immediately, says Rand Corporation senior defense analyst Bruce Bennett, "but the elite in North Korea aren’t happy with Kim Jong Un." Bennett says Kim is "purging people right and left, in far extreme of what his father did. He’s inducing instability in the country…You never know what’s going to change things."

Dyn Research in March 2013 that "the four networks of North Korea are routed by a single Internet service provider, Star JV (AS 131279), which has two international Internet service providers: China Unicom (AS 4837) and Intelsat (AS 22351)."

Taking down North Korea's access to the Internet for a few hours would be an inconvenience for Pyongyang and Kim Jong-un. But it would not impart any proportional damage (relative to the Sony losses) unless it also fried all of the computers connected to it. (There are other computers in North Korea, such as in schools, but they are connected to the state-run intranet, not to the internet. And so headlines referring to "Massive North Korea Internet Outages" are amusing because there is nothing "massive" about Internet access in North Korea.)

Then again, taking it down for a prolonged period of time (a very, very long time measured in years) would cripple North Korea's hacking program, which they use as a substitute for their weak military. A 62-year old defector from North Korea told Aljazeera that there are five reasons why Pyongyang loves cyber warfare, which can all be summed up briefly this way: Cyber warfare can be highly effective, low risk and relatively inexpensive.

While this recent outage might be an attack [by the U.S.], Dyn Research notes that "it’s also consistent with more common causes, such as power problems. Point causes such as breaks in fiberoptic cables, or deliberate upstream provider disconnections, seem less likely because they don’t generate prolonged instability before a total failure. We can only guess. The data themselves don’t speak to motivations, or distinguish human factors from physical infrastructure problems."

It shouldn't be surprising to learn that North Korea has had Internet outages in the past, and they've been on the receiving end of cyber attacks too: Uriminzokkiri, for example, was hacked back in April, 2013. North Korea has blamed those past outages and attacks on the U.S. But they were more likely the symptoms of a lousy infrastructure. Or the actions of playful hackers.

Also See:
Did North Korea Hack Sony? Bruce W. Bennett, Rand
The Sony saga: 10 reasons why the FBI is wrong IT Pro Portal
Obama Vows a Response to Cyberattack on Sony New York Times
Were hackers behind North Korea outage? Politico
North Korea’s Internet Outage Is Probably Due To Pranksters,Not U.S. ‘Cyberwar’ Fusion
It's Alarmingly Easy To Take North Korea's Internet Offline Business Insider UK
How to bring North Korea to its cyber-knees Matthew Gault
How North Korea, one of the world's poorest countries, got so good at hacking Vox

Obama Calls Himself a Dictator. Or King. Or Emperor.

November 18, 2014 - Barack Obama once said that preventing deportation of illegal immigrants without the involvement of Congress would be dictatorial. Western Journalism's Norvell Rose notes that even Obama's natural allies in the liberal media are serving up scathing criticism of his tendencies to act more like a king than president.

Dictator Obama, Heir to Stalin
Obama, heir to Stalin
Rose wrote that the New York Times "aptly points out" Obama has said on multiple occasions that acting on his own to curb the deportation of millions of illegals without an act of Congress "would amount to nothing less than the dictates of a king, not a president." 

A better analogy might be that Obama's penchant for acting without the peoples' elected representatives in Congress amounts more closely to the dictates of a despotic tyrant. There have been, after all, kings who have been more cooperative with their parliaments or congresses than Obama has been.

WJ's Rose gives us three examples from the NYT piece, "Using Executive Order on Immigration, Obama Would Reverse Long-Held Stance" of  "Obama’s own, very clear and specific words to explain that a president cannot simply move forward on this kind of domestic front without congressional authority," and they are damning:

  • In a Telemundo interview in September 2013, Mr. Obama said…I’ll be ignoring the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally,” Mr. Obama told Jose Diaz-Balart in the interview. “So that’s not an option.”
  • …during a Google Hangout in February 2013…“This is something that I have struggled with throughout my presidency,” Mr. Obama said. “The problem is, is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.”
  • In an immigration speech in San Francisco last November…Mr. Obama…insisted that only Congress had the authority to do what they [immigration protestors] wanted. “The easy way out is to try to yell and pretend like I can do something by violating our laws,” he said.

The NYT is not the only leftist newspaper of note to sling Obama's words back at him. Two editorials in The Washington Post point out Obama's hypocrisy and willingness to sabotage democracy: "In Mr. Obama’s own words, acting alone is ‘not how our democracy functions" on November 17, and from August 5, "Frustration over stalled immigration action doesn’t mean Obama can act unilaterally."

Also See:
Even the Democrats Want Obama to Slow Down on Immigration Executive Action PJ Media
Dems press Obama to wait on immigration The Hill

Obama Don't Get No RSPECT

Obama can't spell Respect
Barack Obama, Prsidnt of the Untied Sttes
March 8, 2014 - Barack Obama is the man who first told the world about the "inhalator." On March 6, he had trouble spelling the word "respect" during a tribute to singer Aretha Franklin (video below).

Obama blew the spelling of "respect" during a concert at the White House on Thursday night to celebrate Women's History Month.

Obama said, "When Aretha first told us what R-S-P-E-C-T meant to her [crowd laughter, pause] she had no idea it would become a rallying cry for African-Americans, and women..." Blah blah blah. One has to wonder how many people were laughing at Obama for not being able to spell a word that most third graders can spell while drunk.

Is it surprising that Obama had trouble spelling such a simple word? Not really. His teleprompter was not helping him and he was too distracted by thoughts of how cool he must be to be introducing Aretha Franklin. Fellow Man of Genius Joe Biden thinks that "jobs" is a three-letter word.

Rush Limbaugh reminded us that the Obama flub will be treated lightly by the left-leaning mainstream media, as opposed to the brutal way in which they treated Dan Quayle. El Rushbo said this on his Friday show: "Vice President Quayle participated in a spelling bee. The word was 'potato,' and the spelling that he was given had an E on the end of it.  And when the child spelled potato without pronouncing the E, the vice president called him on it.  And said 'Oops, oops, oops, sorry, you blew it, it's p-o-t-a-t-o-e.'  'No, it's not, no E on there,' and Quayle, 'Right here it is.'  And that's all it took.  From then on, Dan Quayle, biggest idiot on earth. And that image lasted for quite a while."

Thank goodness for video, because the Obama White House tried to pretend this didn't happen. But of course, we know he did.

Obama's Inner Dictator Promises More Executive Orders

Obama as the Little Dictator, graphic by T. Mannis, Chicago News Bench
Graphic by T. Mannis, Chicago News Bench
January 29, 2014 - Barack Obama revealed his elitist tendencies last night in his State of the Union address. By promising to make law single-handedly, without involving Congress, Obama has essentially declared that he will goose-step over the legislative process and rule by decree.

Obama vowed to use executive orders to go around the wishes of voters and their elected representatives in Congress to achieve goals that have so far eluded him. Obama specifically promised to sign an executive order that would raise the minimum wage for some Americans by requiring federal contractors to pay their employees at least $10.10 per hour.

Urging a “year of action,” he pitched what he called “concrete, practical proposals” to boost the middle class and build “new ladders of opportunity” for others to enter it. “Some require congressional action, and I’m eager to work with all of you,” Obama said. “But America does not stand still – and neither will I.  So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m going to do.” ~ Fox News

Obama issued 166 executive orders between 2009 and 2013 (Source: Federal Register).

Also See:

Could Saturday Night Live Have Saved Pajama Boy's Reputation? Maybe, But It's Too Late Now

Pajama Boy Ethan Krupp
Pajama Boy Ethan Krupp: Cocoa Puff
December 21, 2013 - Do I even need to explain who "Pajama Boy" is? He first appeared in early November, but the world was largely unaware of him until a few days ago. Suddenly, he became one of the hottest Internet memes and a favorite target of ridicule for conservative pundits.

"Pajama Boy"is a derogatory name that conservative pundits pinned on him. The actor's real name is Ethan Krupp, and he will forever be remembered as the dweeb in one-piece plaid pajamas, delicately clutching a cup of hot cocoa, in a piece produced by Organizing For America (OFA) for use by There's a horrible video too (watch it below) in which Krupp portrays the same dweeby dude. His family is weirdly uncomfortable about having a frank discussion about getting health insurance.

Ethan Krupp is a 20-something grad of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. An aspiring actor, Krupp's career now seems suddenly aborted by the severe trashing he's gotten over the past few days. It's probably safe to say that Krupp has been forever typecast in our collective memory as a smirking little a-hole who has no idea what real life is about and wants to lecture you about how to live your own.

The decision to let himself become the new face of Obamacare has probably destroyed his acting career. With his world seeming to crumble all around him, there might have been one thing that could have saved young Ethan's tattered reputation: An appearance on Saturday Night Live on the night of December 21. Any later date beyond that will be too late to resurrect him. Nothing else can undo what Krupp has done to himself, which is to retreat from public scrutiny, go silent and hide in the shadows.

An appearance on SNL is not as far-fetched as you might think. Krupp is a student at The Second City improv theater group, which in turn is well connected to Saturday Night Live. Krupp was a student at The Second City in Chicago when the video was made. The mother in the video is portrayed by Kimmie Companik-Warner, an associate faculty member of The Second City Training Center. One wonders if anybody at The Second City tried to arrange for SNL to invite Krupp onto the show.

Imagine a sketch that spoofs the "Get ready to have the talk" video. Envision a skit in which a frustrated Pajama Boy sits at his computer going crazy because the Obamacare website won't let him sign up. Imagine a skit that features the wussy Krupp as a tough guy super hero, tongue-in-cheek of course.

The result might have allowed a nearly instant rehabilitation of Ethan Krupp. He would have shed the "Pajama Boy" stink and stuck it to all those mean conservative bully bloggers. He would have turned it around.

But Ethan Krupp is one of those guys who runs for cover the moment any criticism comes his way. He was an editor of the Madison Misnomer, a  "humor" rag that had no problem with ripping other people apart. Now it's Krupp being publicly ridiculed, and he can't take the heat. Rather than ride his sudden notoriety and play it for laughs and do some self-promotion, the spineless fool has the last several days scrubbing the Internet of any traces of himself that he can access. He deleted or locked his accounts at YouTube, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and more after he was outed as Pajama Boy. How could he think that would preserve his image, and that the world would not notice that all of his online presence suddenly disappeared?

Think of it another way. Suppose some actor makes a debut in a major film, and his looks and performance are widely ridiculed in the media. In reaction, that actor deletes all of his social media accounts and refuses to answer the phone. He just... disappears. What would you think of that actor? Well, that's what Krupp did.

In light of his cowardice, it is not reasonable to expect that Ethan Krupp would have accepted an invitation to mock himself on Saturday Night Live. The folks at SNL are risk takers, after all, but they know a chicken-shit loser when they see one and are not willing to take that kind of risk. The last thing they want is a sniveling amateur like Krupp to freeze up on stage or do something to mess up the show, which is broadcast live.

Sure, he might have appeared on SNL if they had asked him. Sure, someone there might have talked him back to his senses - what few senses he had. Only a self-absorbed fool with no sense would not have foreseen the reaction to the Obamacare ad and video. For an aspiring improv actor, Krupp seems oddly out of touch with who he is and how guys like him are perceived. He's learning that now, the hard way.

"Well, if Krupp can’t achieve fame," wrote Jim Treacher at Daily Caller, "infamy is the next best thing." Sure, but Krupp has achieved world-class dork infamy, and that's never good.

Post Script: Check out "SNL Script: Pajama Boy Meets Duck Dynasty," a speculative script for a Saturday Night Live skit posted at Free Republic.

Clinton Publicly Discussed Area 51 Eight Years Before Obama Joked About It

December 9, 2013 - The media today is busy claiming that Barack Obama is the first president to publicly mention Area 51. Lazy reporters and lazy editors let this story go out, but is it true? Sort of, but technically no.

Image source: Weekly World News
Obama joked about Area 51 during a tribute to actress Shirley MacLaine at a reception last night (Sunday, Dec. 8) to honor recipients of Kennedy Center Honors. MacLaine was one of the honorees. Obama referred to Area 51 by saying that newly elected presidents are asked "what's really going on in Area 51?"

Area 51 is a secretive military facility at dry Groom Lake in Lincoln County, Nevada (map). It's been rumored for decades that the military keeps UFOs and even extraterrestrials at Area 51. Also called Homey Airport, it is officially part of Edwards Air Force Base.

"When I wanted to know, I'd call Shirley MacLaine," Obama joked. MacLaine is known for her deep interest in the paranormal, including the possibility of UFOs and extraterrestrial visitations. She writes about it on her website. "I think I just became the first President to ever publicly mention Area 51," Obama added. 

The media ran with it. Bloggers ran with it. Some treated Obama's mention of Area 51 as though a great state secret had just been revealed. PBS ran a story today with this misleading headline: "The Secret's Out: Obama Acknowledges Existence Of Area 51."

But Obama revealed no secrets at the Kennedy Center on Sunday night, and the PBS story even noted that the CIA "confirmed the existence of Area 51, officially known as the Nevada Test and Training Range and Groom Lake" this past August.

"Mr. Obama did mention Area 51 - but said not a word about the kind of work that goes on there," wrote Knoller, "It's still highly classified." He got that wrong: As noted above, CIA admits it exists. In fact, a 1992 CIA report was declassified in August, 2013. That report not only mentioned Area 51, it even said where it is.  

Obama may be the first sitting president to publicly mention Area 51, he is not the first president to do so.

Former President Bill Clinton discussed Area 51 in 2005 during a public question-and-answer session in Hong Kong, and you can watch that video here.

Mark Knoller at CBS News wrote an article titled "Is Obama really the first president to publicly mention Area 51?" Knoller wrote, "President Obama was right Sunday when he said he was likely the first U.S. president ever to make public mention of Area 51 - the off-limits military base near Groom Lake, Nev., at which top secret and sometimes mysterious and suspicious activities are carried out."

Knoller was technically incorrect to say Obama was right. But I give Knoller credit because, unlike most of the mainstream media - and far too many bloggers - he at least questioned the veracity of Obama's tongue-in-cheek claim to be the first president to publicly mention Area 51. Knoller mentioned Clinton three times in his article, he somehow missed Clinton's 2005 Hong Kong mention of Area 51. Maybe he was unaware of that, or maybe he chose to ignore because Clinton was no longer a sitting president in 2005. But the last time I checked, former US presidents retain the title of "President" after they leave office.

All in all, it was a fluffy, fun and insignificant thing that Obama said. It was, admittedly, funny. At least he didn't threaten to invade Area 51 as President Dwight Eisenhower is said to have done.

Also See:

Suing the NSA: THREE PRISM-Related Lawsuits - Obama, Holder Named As Defendants

June 12, 2013 - There is a lot of buzz today about "the lawsuit over PRISM" the NSA program created in 2007 to monitor electronic communications.

Most people do not seem to realize that there are at least three separate lawsuits concerned with the NSA's controversial domestic spying program.

One of the suits was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and two other suits are by former Justice Dept. prosecutor Larry Klayman. He is currently the General Counsel for Freedom Watch, Inc.

The Klayman Suits:

"Having already filed a 3 billion dollar class action with regard to the alleged government privacy abuse by the Obama administration and Verizon," reports Before It's News, "Larry Klayman....filed a new $20 billion dollar companion class action suit in DC federal court today. Like the prior class action suit concerning Verizon [filed on June 10], this new case names President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, the heads of the NSA and the 12 other companies who have collaborated with the government in violating the privacy and other constitutional rights of American citizens. The companies named in the suit which are tied to the government’s PRISM- NSA scheme are: Sprint, T-Mobile, AT&T, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Skype, YouTube, Apple, PalTalk, AOL, and Yahoo. The users and subscribers of these companies comprise, combined with the Verizon class plaintiffs, a majority of the entire U.S. citizenry and thus these complementary class action suits pit the American people against their government and corporate enablers."

1) Klayman filed a lawsuit on Monday, June 10. This is "the lawsuit against Verizon." This is Civil Action No.: 1:13-cv-00851 and was filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia. See the full civil complaint here. Klayman  amended it to make it the first class-action lawsuit in response to the publication of a secret court order instructing Verizon to hand over the phone records of millions of American customers on an "ongoing, daily basis." The defendants are: Barack Obama; Eric Holder; Keith Alexander, Director of the National Security Agency; Lowell C. McAdam, Chief Executive Officer of Verizon Communications; Roger Vinson, Judge, U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court; Verizon Communication; National Security Agency; U.S. Department of Justice. More about this lawsuit at US News & World Report.

2) The suit filed today (June 12) asks for $20 billion in damages and attorney fees plus an injunction to stop PRISM. The three plaintiffs in this class-action lawsuit: Charles Strange of Pennsylvania, and California private investigators Michael Ferrari and Matt Garrison. More at US News & World Report.

The ACLU Suit:

The ACLU file their lawsuit on Tuesday, June 11 in response to "revelations about the NSA's unprecedented mass surveillance of phone calls," says the ACLU website. They say that the NSA program, PRISM, "violates Americans' constitutional rights of free speech, association, and privacy."

The ACLU's case is No. 13 CIV 3994 as filed with the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York. See the full complaint at the ACLU website. This case is commonly called "ACLU v. Clapper" because one of the defendants is Keith B. Clapper, Director of National Security Agency and Chief of the Central Security Service.

Jameel Jaffer, ACLU deputy legal director, said that NSA's PRISM "goes far beyond even the permissive limits set by the Patriot Act and represents a gross infringement of the freedom of association and the right to privacy."

"In other lawsuits against national security policies," reports the New York Times, "the government has often persuaded courts to dismiss them without ruling on the merits by arguing that litigation would reveal state secrets or that the plaintiffs could not prove they were personally affected and so lacked standing in court.  This case may be different. The government has now declassified the existence of the program. And the A.C.L.U. is a customer of Verizon Business Network Services — the recipient of a leaked secret court order for all its domestic calling records — which it says gives it standing."

Also See: My fight against Obama's abuse of power by Larry Klayman Renew America

UPDATED: Max Keiser Says "Supremely Treasonous" Obama "Wiped His Butt With The Constitution"

Max Keiser
Mad Max: Keiser Report
June 11, 2013 - Wow. Max Keiser is a madman financial expert with his own talks show, and he pulls no punches. He doesn't allow politeness to get in the way of bluntly expressing himself. In the June 11 episode of his "Keiser Report" show on Russia Today (RT), he lays into Barack Obama like no other talk show host you've heard. Watch the video below.

Keiser accuses Obama of "supreme treasonous action." Obama has killed America, he said (he's referring, I'm sure, to the spirit in which American was founded). "Barack Obama got into bed with these guy who run PRISM." Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert show a photo of Obama at a dinner meeting with the top dogs of Apple, Facebook, Google, Yahoo and others in February, 2011. You know, the key players at the key companies that make PRISM possible. (More below the video.)

"The last supper," Keiser says of that meeting. "An undertakers' convention. It's the moment when Barack Obama complicitly got in bed with these guys who run PRISM. That's the moment....this is when Barack Obama essentially took the Constitution and wiped his butt with it, and it's the moment of supreme treasonous action by the President of the United States. America is dead. 1776 to PRISM. Thanks, Barack, you killed the country."

Max Keiser
"Thanks Barack, you killed America!"
As I said, Keiser does not mince his words. The only other guy on the talk show circuit who comes close to Keiser's red hot barbs is Dennis Miller, but Keiser's serrated edge leaves a bloodier wound.

Keiser is the kind of guy you either love or hate. Or both at once. "Some call Max Keiser a 'traitor'," said The Independent UK, "but America's most outrageous political pundit is about to become the most widely watched newscaster on the planet." It's not hard to understand why.

In the full June 11 show, Keiser and Stacy Herbert ask, "What is Boundless Informant, PRISM, Trans-Pacific Partnership, SOPA, PIPA and ACTA if not copyright prostitutes colluding and beating up the competition? Max also informs President Barack Obama that a food stamp is NOT a job" and much, much more.

Keiser not only has a wicked tongue. He's a vicious tweeter, too. For example:

Max Keiser ‏@maxkeiser
New stamp in US will have a 'scratch and sniff' with bits of Obama's poop to give every American a chance to experience licking O's ass.

That's one of his milder tweets, actually. He gets rough, so approach @maxkeiser knowing there will be some salty language. But dammit, it's refreshing as hell to have a guy who says what we're all thinking actually say it. It would be beautiful if the mainstream media guys and gals in the US were even half as blunt as Mad Max.

A Feature-Length "Innocence of Muslims?" Get the Popcorn!

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula
Cecil B. Nakoula
June 10, 2013 - An exclusive Fox News story this afternoon says that jailed filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula says he will finish his controversial "Innocence of Muslims." Nakoula is also known as "Sam Bacile."

The video mocks the propeht Mohammed. It is badly produced, with horrible acting, horrible sound, horrible -- well, it's just thoroughly horrible. It's so bad, in fact, that it's good.

You might say it's the "Planet Nine From Outer Space" of movies about historical figures. Imagine the two together as a double feature. Plan Nine features some mindless, zombie-like characters who do bad things.

Plan Nine From Outer Space
Although Innocence of Muslims did upset a lot of Mohammed's faithful, it was virtually unknown before Comrade Leader Obama, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice gave it worldwide publicity by falsely blaming the video for inciting the violent attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, in which Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans died. They did so to deflect criticism of their own incompetence in the handling of what has become known as Benghazigate.

Don't take my word for it. White House spokesliar Jay Carney told reporters, "These protests were in reaction to a video." (Even the Egyptian government said the attack was an organized terrorist operation, and that the video was a total non-factor.)

Like the zombies in Plan Nine From Outer Space, the false attribution of the Benghazi attack to Innocence of the Muslims just keep walking around, arms outstretched, eyes blank. There are innumerable undead news reports lurking on the internet, and Obama's zombie-like followers still repeat the lie about the video. There is a remake of Plan Nine From Outer Space coming soon, by the way. Let's hope it doesn't spark attacks on any of our intergalactic outposts.

Innocence of Muslims screenshot
Innocence of Muslims
"Nakoula, who was thrust into the international spotlight — and then federal prison — after the White House wrongly blamed the 14-minute, amateurish trailer for the attack, says he has more than two hours of footage to complete the film, for which he hopes to find a distributor upon his release on Sept. 26," report Fox News.

"When asked if he believed his film was used as a scapegoat, or if he was unfairly prosecuted — charged with probation violations related to his film — Nakoula became tight-lipped," says Fox. Nakoula interviewed by Fox News in a series of phone calls "from a location he did not want disclosed."

"Nakoula Basseley Nakoula deserves a place in American history. He is the first person in this country jailed for violating Islamic anti-blasphemy laws," wrote Rich Miller for Politico on May 9. "You won’t find that anywhere in the charges against him, of course. As a practical matter, though, everyone knows that Nakoula wouldn’t be in jail today if he hadn’t produced a video crudely lampooning the prophet Muhammad."

Oblahoma: "We've Got Your Back" Draws Harsh Comments On White House Facebook Page

May 26, 2013 - For those of you who've been paying attention for the past four years, you know that an Obama promises (a) are rarely kept and (b) can literally get you killed. Just ask the late Christopher Stevens. Obama went to Oklahoma today to look at tornado damage this morning in Moore, the suburb of Oklahoma City hit so hard by an EF-5 twister on Monday, May 20.

Oklahomey (Photo: White House)
In a speech to the people of Moore, Obama said, "When we say that we’ve got your back, I promise you, we keep our word."  Obama, the man of broken promises, the man who let Christopher Stevens and three others die in Benghazi, said that?

The White House posted that quote on Facebook at 9:15 PM ET this evening, along with a photo of Obama looking at a pile of rubble.

Comments immediately began to pile on quickly. Many mocked Obama's use of the phrase "We've got your back" as hypocritical. A lot of the comments, from both conservatives and liberals, ranged from just plain loony to downright bizarre. There even one or two apparent threats to Obama's life (which we condemn). Here is a sampling of a few of the more cogent comments:
  • Jill Jillino yea.. just like Benghazi...
  • Rae Ann McNeilly Really? I don't think Amb. Stevens would agree with you.
  • Steven E. Heicher I call bullshit... Joplin and Alabama - 2011.
  • Jeffrey Veit As he looks to raise taxes on these very same people.
  • Caree Severson Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS? yep, he's got your back alrighty then
  • Marshall MacHugh The victims in New Jersey and New York would beg to differ.
  • Brindy Baggins Obama has a heart? Bet the guys in Bengahzi would not agree....
  • Victor Neves That's right Mr. President, just like Sandy, They waited all Winter until something came, way after the election! Don't count on it, people.
  • Sheila Rider The guys from team six wouldn't agree he has a heart or a mind.
  • Heather Bieke Oklahoma hates Obama. Now all of a sudden they want his help. I wonder how many firearms are scattered all over that area.
  • Roy Charles Jr. We keep our word? Unless you're an ambassador in Libya.
  • Elmar Krueger Jr Like the people in NJ and NY that are still suffering, still homeless, etc?
  • Michael Nettles Luckily he's never lied to us about anything else.
  • Irving Rynning Word? What word? Gitmo. Patriot. Budget. NOT being another Bush. Shall we go on? but "what difference does it make?" 
  • Chicago News Bench Say, didn't you also promise that "Obamacare" would not drive up health insurance rates? We're bitterly disappointed.
  • Richard Halvorson So how come it took him nearly a week to make the trip to Oklahoma? to busy golfing?
You can see more comments on Facebook.

"It was just one week ago that tornadoes tore through Oklahoma, devastating the town of Moore," says a post on The White House Blog today about Obama's Oklahoma odyssey. Nevermind that it was actually six days ago (on May 20) and not "one week ago" that Moore was devastated. Granted, there were tornadoes in Oklahoma on the 19th, but the EF-5 did not hit Moore until the 20th. But maybe I'm nitpicking. The real issue is this: Why the hell did it take Obama six days to get over to Oklahoma?

If I was cynical (who, me?), I'd say that Obama really doesn't give a damn about Oklahoma. If he did, he would have been there the next day. Instead, it took him nearly a week to fly there. It's no secret that Oklahomans generally despise Obama. Mitt Romney won Oklahoma last November by a whopping 33.5% of the vote. Had it been the other way around, I'm tempted to believe, it would have taken Obama less than 72 hours to visit Moore.

Dan Pfeiffer Admits White House Knew About IRS Scandal Before It Was News (Videos)

Dan Pfeiffer, Face The Nation, May 19, 2013
Pfact Pfudging, May 19, 2013
May 19, 2013 - Sometimes even a liar tells the truth, albeit accidentally. On CBS's Face The Nation today, White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer inadvertently admitted that the Obama Administration knew about the IRS scandal well before it hit the news. Surprisingly, this admission was missed by many.

First, we saw yet another example of the "mainstream media" expressing displeasure (and distrust, even) of the Obama Administration.

Second, host Bob Schieffer, fond of lobbing  softball questions at Democrats with little or no follow up, actually asked tough questions about the ongoing IRS scandal. Pfeiffer lied, lied and lied.

Non-Partisan Group Says Obama is a War Criminal

Obama's death drones
May 17, 2013 - Closing Guantanamo and ending torture of detainees was one of his campaign promises in 2008. In 2013, of his former supporters on the Left say Obama is worse than  President George W. Bush in the way he has continued to detain Guantanamo inmates.

In fact, Obama has authorized, condoned and/or covered up torture, drone killing of civilians and other crimes -- and should be indicted. That's the conclusion of The Constitution Project, a legal research and advocacy group, in its "Report on Detainee Treatment."

Petitioning Obama (
The charges are detailed in a report and video from The Western Center for Journalism (watch the video below). The New York Times reported the story on its front page on April 16, but it received secondary attention because of the massive coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing.

A NY Times opinion piece on April 16 said that the Constitution Project's report "is also rightly critical of the Obama administration’s use of expansive claims of secrecy to keep the details of rendition and torture from becoming public and to block victims’ lawsuits."

"A nonpartisan group, The Constitution Project, in their mammoth 600-page report, has concluded that Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States, should be indicted for war crimes in the authorization or coverup of the use of torture during interrogation on detainees at Guantánamo and CIA 'black sites'," according The Western Center for Journalism today.

The report is also critical of the administrations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

GULAG Guantanamo
Hope and Change? "Obama originally said when he ran for office that he would close the Guantanamo Bay prison," wrote Rachel Alexander for Town Hall on May 13, "and after being elected in 2009, publicly instructed  the military to shut it down within one year. It is now over four years later, into his second term, and the prison is still open. Most of the prisoners have been there for over 11 years without a trial. Nine have died since it opened in 2002. The scrutiny has intensified in recent months as a majority of the 166 inmates, down from a high of 684 in 2003, have gone on hunger strikes, and at least 21 of the men are being force-fed twice daily. The administration has approved 86 detainees for release, but curiously none have been released so far this year."

Also See:

Obama's Weaponized IRS and Dept. of Justice

May 14, 2013 - The Obama Administration scandals just keep coming. The bungling of the Benghazi tragedy, and events leading up to it, was enough to make the administration scramble for cover and excuses. Within the past week, however, we've learned that the Department of Justice used a secret subpoena to snag Associated Press phone records of reporters and editors, and that the IRS improperly targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny in 2011 and 2012. These abuses of power have a lot of people upset, including quite a few Democrats.

One of those Democrats is former Clinton Administration attorney Howard Fineman had harsh criticism for the Obama Administration. He was a guest today on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" show (video, left).

Fineman spoke about the AP phone records. "Every possible thing that DoJ could have done wrong, they did wrong in this case. Widely overbroad, in terms of the people whose records they got, no notice whatsoever, before or til long after the fact. No evidence that they exhausted other ways to find the information. One of the key things you have to do is look for other ways to find the information before you do this, and they apparently slapped it on quickly, did it very broadly, and the DoJ guidelines say at the top 'our goal here is to be as unintrusive to the press, as protective of the press as we possibly can be.' So, they violated both the letter and the spirit of their own guidelines in doing this. The question is 'Why?'"

Why? Willful abuse of power for political gain might well be the answer, and Fineman himself has said in the past that the Obama Administration is not above using government agencies as weapons. He said that Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a good example of such abuse.