Showing posts with label liars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liars. Show all posts

Joe Biden, Pathological Liar

Joe Biden is a serial liar. That's a well-established FACT. It is indisputable. Anybody who says Biden has not been a habitual fabulist for decades is either a fool or are themselves liars. 

This opinion piece in the Washington Times (July 9, 2023) sums it up well: 

For example, back in the 1980s, when then-Sen. Joe Biden ran for president for the first time, his campaign imploded over a swarm of lies he’d repeated across the country. First, Mr. Biden was caught plagiarizing a famous speech from British Labor Party Leader Neil Kinnock. Then he plagiarized another speech from Robert F. Kennedy, another from John F. Kennedy and another from former Sen. Hubert Humphrey.

Then Mr. Biden was caught lying about academic awards that he never earned, about scholarships that he never received, and about his ranking in law school, stating he graduated in the top half of his class when, in fact, he finished 76th of 85. (Read the full article)

Biden has, for decades, claimed that he's just an ordinary average guy. He loves the nicknames "Middle Class Joe" and "Lunch Box Joe," and presents himself as understanding of working class folks. 

He's even claimed that he was "poor." That's right: Poor. But is he, or was he, poor? Andrew of Don't Walk, Run! Productions on YouTube looks at the claim in this video:

This video by Newsmax details Biden's long history of lying:

So, is Biden a liar or is he senile? There are too many examples of Biden telling huge lies for decades, so we know for a fact that he's a liar. The state of his mental health is debatable, I suppose, and I'm no psychiatrist. But most people look at the bizarre things he's been saying for years now and can't help wonder: Is this liar also nuts? And then there's the supposed 81 million voters who allegedly elected Biden. Are they just as nuts too?

  • Biden says wife Jill once complained he was ‘poorest’ man in Congress in latest fishy tale - NYPost
  • Is Biden Senile or a Pathological Liar? - National Review
  • President Biden and his family are liars (letter to editor) - Chatham Star-Tribune
  • Joe Biden Isn’t a Gaffe Machine – He’s a Total Liar - MSN

Oblahoma: "We've Got Your Back" Draws Harsh Comments On White House Facebook Page

May 26, 2013 - For those of you who've been paying attention for the past four years, you know that an Obama promises (a) are rarely kept and (b) can literally get you killed. Just ask the late Christopher Stevens. Obama went to Oklahoma today to look at tornado damage this morning in Moore, the suburb of Oklahoma City hit so hard by an EF-5 twister on Monday, May 20.

Oklahomey (Photo: White House)
In a speech to the people of Moore, Obama said, "When we say that we’ve got your back, I promise you, we keep our word."  Obama, the man of broken promises, the man who let Christopher Stevens and three others die in Benghazi, said that?

The White House posted that quote on Facebook at 9:15 PM ET this evening, along with a photo of Obama looking at a pile of rubble.

Comments immediately began to pile on quickly. Many mocked Obama's use of the phrase "We've got your back" as hypocritical. A lot of the comments, from both conservatives and liberals, ranged from just plain loony to downright bizarre. There even one or two apparent threats to Obama's life (which we condemn). Here is a sampling of a few of the more cogent comments:
  • Jill Jillino yea.. just like Benghazi...
  • Rae Ann McNeilly Really? I don't think Amb. Stevens would agree with you.
  • Steven E. Heicher I call bullshit... Joplin and Alabama - 2011.
  • Jeffrey Veit As he looks to raise taxes on these very same people.
  • Caree Severson Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS? yep, he's got your back alrighty then
  • Marshall MacHugh The victims in New Jersey and New York would beg to differ.
  • Brindy Baggins Obama has a heart? Bet the guys in Bengahzi would not agree....
  • Victor Neves That's right Mr. President, just like Sandy, They waited all Winter until something came, way after the election! Don't count on it, people.
  • Sheila Rider The guys from team six wouldn't agree he has a heart or a mind.
  • Heather Bieke Oklahoma hates Obama. Now all of a sudden they want his help. I wonder how many firearms are scattered all over that area.
  • Roy Charles Jr. We keep our word? Unless you're an ambassador in Libya.
  • Elmar Krueger Jr Like the people in NJ and NY that are still suffering, still homeless, etc?
  • Michael Nettles Luckily he's never lied to us about anything else.
  • Irving Rynning Word? What word? Gitmo. Patriot. Budget. NOT being another Bush. Shall we go on? but "what difference does it make?" 
  • Chicago News Bench Say, didn't you also promise that "Obamacare" would not drive up health insurance rates? We're bitterly disappointed.
  • Richard Halvorson So how come it took him nearly a week to make the trip to Oklahoma? to busy golfing?
You can see more comments on Facebook.

"It was just one week ago that tornadoes tore through Oklahoma, devastating the town of Moore," says a post on The White House Blog today about Obama's Oklahoma odyssey. Nevermind that it was actually six days ago (on May 20) and not "one week ago" that Moore was devastated. Granted, there were tornadoes in Oklahoma on the 19th, but the EF-5 did not hit Moore until the 20th. But maybe I'm nitpicking. The real issue is this: Why the hell did it take Obama six days to get over to Oklahoma?

If I was cynical (who, me?), I'd say that Obama really doesn't give a damn about Oklahoma. If he did, he would have been there the next day. Instead, it took him nearly a week to fly there. It's no secret that Oklahomans generally despise Obama. Mitt Romney won Oklahoma last November by a whopping 33.5% of the vote. Had it been the other way around, I'm tempted to believe, it would have taken Obama less than 72 hours to visit Moore.

War On Women? Really?

May 16, 2012 - Here is a powerful new video by none other than the Small Business Association (SBA), posted to YouTube on May 16, 2012.

The description posted on YouTube:

If it feels like 1984 in real life, it should. The threats to our religious liberty and conscience rights are very real.  The question that needs to be asked of this president is "who decides"? Time and time again, President Obama has affirmed that it is the government who decides -- government who decides what women want and think. 

John Edwards, Democrat
Monika Lewinsky, Woman
President Obama and his allies in Congress and the abortion lobby must stop the "War on Women" who don't agree with them!

It's President Obama's job to protect the freedom of all women and men to practice their beliefs. Yet, an all-out assault has been launched by this administration on people of faith and conscience. Our rights are at stake and we must do something to stop it now. We must expose him! Learn more at

Of course, the Republican Party is not waging "war" on women. The notion itself is ludicrous, and a group of Republican members of Congress said so publicy this week.

"Democrats’ attempt to paint themselves as defenders of women," reported NewsMax today, "and Republicans as insensitive to female concerns has no basis in reality, 14 GOP congresswomen write on Politico."

The charge that the GOP is waging a "war on women," opined a reader in in a letter to The Washington Times today, "highlights just how contemptuous the political left is of voter intellect. Only someone with an IQ three points above a rock or a Democratic Party ideologue would believe Republicans are actually conducting any sort of war on women’s rights."

Lying Liars: Alex Jones, Jerome Corsi Say Breitbart’s Last Contact Was With Sheriff Joe Arpaio

March 5, 2012 - Alex Jones is claiming that Andrew Breitbart's "last contact" was with Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona. This not only defies reality but also requires a complete lack of critical thinking to be believed. Breitbart died just after midnight last Thursday in Los Angeles. In a March 3 post on the Prison Planet website, Jones featured two videos (parts 1 and 2 are below) with Dr. Jerome Corsi talking about Breitbart's untimely death last week.

Corsi says that the last person with whom Andrew Breitbart communicated was Sheriff Arpaio. HOWEVER, everything that Jerome Corsi says is questionable, as we will see in this post. Unnamed sources, innuendo and hunches are  NOT the basis of good journalism.
Corsi's claim that Arpaio was Breitbart's last contact is in complete contradiction with all other reports about the final hours of Andrew Breitbart's life.

NOTE: The point of this post is not to say that I the Obama Administration isn't evil. (I also expect plenty of hate mail from Alex Jones freaks.)

Obama and his czars have acted unconstitutionally repeatedly. Circus clowns like Alex Jones and Michael Savage who say things that are not quite true or greatly exaggerated, however, offer no light.

What we on the Right need is truth and good information to help us in our struggle against the creeping totalitarianism that Obama and his supporters are bringing.

Jones and Savage discredit our cause and confuse the weaker minded on our side with their fear mongering side shows.

"This back story is about Andrew’s last hours," said Jones at the beginning of the post. "In those last hours he was working with Sheriff Arpaio to get the truth about Obama’s fraudulent birth certificate out to a wider audience." (See Heather Moore's report on CBS 5 News Phoenix here.)

Did Sheriff Arpaio communicate with Breitbart "in those last hours?" A report at World Net Daily (WND) gives this account, which makes no mention of Sheriff Arpaio:

Alex Jones says there was no coverage of this story
"Breibart, the 43-year-old conservative pundit and provocateur who died suddenly early Thursday while walking near his Los Angeles home, had stopped into The Brentwood, a nearby bar and restaurant. There, he struck up a conversation with Arthur Sando, a marketing executive who didn’t know Breitbart but likely was the last person to talk extensively with him before he died." [Emphasis added]

In the first video (above), Jones sets up his loyal followers in the Tinfoil Hat Brigage by noting that the CIA has methods of killing people. (That's a shocker, right?). Then he reminds them that Breitbart said that he was going to release videos and information that would embarrass Barack Obama. (See how this all ties together? No? Me neither. )

Jones is, to put it bluntly, a liar. The description he posted on his video at YouTube says, "The news conference of Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Barack Obama's Birth Certificate yielded one fascinating back story. This is a story which has received no media coverage, but it deserves to get out." 

However, that's not true. It's a lie, and Jones undoubtedly knows that it's a lie. The media did cover it. Jones did not say that the story has received too little coverage, he said it has received "no media coverage." As I pointed out above, CBS 5 News in Phoenix covered the story in a report that was a full five minutes in length.

Plenty of other media outlets gave it good coverage as well. On February 21, CNN published "Arpaio: I briefed Santorum on birth certificate investigation," so it's not as though the media is avoiding the story. What then, did Alex Jones mean when he said that the story has gotten "no media coverage?" Do a Google search for "obama birth certificate arpaio" and see for yourself and you can come to only one conclusion: Alex Jones is a complete idiot or an outright liar. 

Remember this: Corsi and Jones are saying that "Breitbart's Last Contact Was With Sheriff Joe Arpaio." Not "one of the last," but the last contact. That could only mean that they spoke by phone during Breitbart's last walk, after he left The Brentwood. Neither Corsi nor Jones offer evidence of that.

"So Breitbart says 'I'm gonna release this footage,' all this is coming out," says Jones in the first video, "and he dies hours before it does, when he says he's gonna bring down Obama. And so, I happen to know that's why you're suddenly seeing NewsCorp, ah, people like Huckabee say Obama's a good Christian, a loving good man. I've talked to national talk show hosts off-record, obviously I can't tell you the sources, but I was told this months ago and now it's been confirmed from a separate source, Michael Savage fears for his life, says he's getting death threats, this is internal. And he has bodyguards. And he's now admitted this yesterday so I can talk about it, he has bodyguards and told Breitbart to get some, he's broadcasting from different locations, saying they're out to get him. Okay, and he's not a paranoid guy." [Emphasis added]

Alex Jones: Nuttier than squirrel crap (click to enlarge)
What can we take from that? Jones is so good at taking unrelated dribbles of fact and weaving them into a crazy quilt that it's difficult to know where to being unraveling it. But let's try.

Jones said that "you're suddenly seeing...people like Huckabee say Obama's a good Christian." Trouble is, Huckabee said that over a year ago. There is nothing "sudden" about it. In a February 24, 2011 article, Politics Daily's Religion Reporter David Gibson wrote that Huckabee "has personally articulated, not once but numerous times, his Christian faith. I take him at his word. I have no reason not to. For us to continue to dwell on that is missing the point," Huckabee said in a lunchtime speech at the National Press Club in Washington."

Jones says he has "talked to national talk show hosts off-record, obviously I can't tell you the sources." How convenient, hiding behind anonymity. Jones is constantly talking about OTHER critics of the government who are in hiding and fearing for their lives, or who he claims have actually been assassinated, yet Alex Jones continues to open do his show and does not say he is "broadcasting from different locations" as Michael Savage claims to be doing. Ever wonder why that is? Here's why:

Alex Jones is a sensationalist huckster who is making a very good living at stirring up paranoia and selling crap to his nuttier-than-squirrel-poop audience. That's why. If really believed that the government was out to get him, he would have either shut up or would be moving around, not comfortably broadcasting from the same cheesy, over-decorated studio.

Think about that, Mister and Miss Tinfoil Hat. Michael Savage fears for his life and is getting death threats, says Jones, and that may be true. But Savage and Jones are two peas in the same crazy pod.

And think about this, too: Why is that the biggest anti-Obama talk show hosts - Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin - don't resort to the cheap P.T. Barnum-worthy stunts so abused by Jones and Savage? The answer: They don't need to. They probably get death threats weekly if not daily, but they don't use it as a cheap way to get better audience ratings. Savage and Jones are what Mark Levin would call "back benchers." Sensationalism mixed up in a brew of half truths and outrageous statements is all they've got. If all they say were true, they would not be saying it but would be dead -- or locked up in a secret FEMA camp somewhere.

Enough about Alex Jones: What about Corsi's claim that Breitbart's "last contact was with Sheriff Joe Arpaio?"  Does Corsi claim that Sheriff Arpaio was at The Brentwood, or even in LA County?

In the first video, Corsi says he has "solid intelligence that people at Fox are told, for instance, if they ever discuss the birther story they're off the air." The "birther story," of course, is about Obama's birth certificate. One must wonder if Corsi intentionally lied by saying that or if he is just badly misinformed, because Fox is reporting the "birther story."

On March 1, for example, Fox Carolina reported about Arpaio's investigation and news conference about Obama's birth certificate. There's "Birth Certificate Investigation for Sale‎" by MyFox Phoenix, posted on March 5. Fox is not avoiding the story as Corsi strongly indicated. In fact, do your own search for "joe arpaio" at and you'll see that Fox is NOT avoiding the story. Jerome Corsi, then, is either a complete idiot or an outright liar.

The conservative cause does not need the likes of Corsi or Jones, or Michael Savage. They give the Left valid reason to doubt us. They give us disinformation and exaggerations, which does not help us. They are oppotunists who care only about selling books and advertising, and if that means whipping their idiot followers into frenzies based on untruths then so be it. As for me, I'll be listening to Mark Levin.


Happy Father's Day, Dan Proft

Being a father is a sacred trust and a blessing from God. Being a father is not just a joyful responsibility. Actually having a father and knowing him, having him be a part of your life, is also a blessing. What a shameful thing it is for a man to ignore a child that is his. Dan Proft knows this first hand, so we wish him a special "happy Father's Day."

One of Dan Proft's favorite sayings is, "We need to invest in families." I'm sure he means time and love, in addition to other peoples' tax dollars. Proft frequently says that we should all "respect life." He means that he's anti-abortion, of course, but I'm so sure that he also means that children who are already born and leading their young lives should be respected, too, and that their fathers should be there at every step of the way. To merely allow someone to be born and then to abandon them, after all, is not very respectful.

Dan Proft is the guy who placed sixth in the Illinois Republican primary for governor back in February. He claims to a "conservative" and is even referred to (although often with snickering) as "the ultra-conservative Dan Proft." Proft calls himself an "unapologetic conservative." As such, I'm sure, he knows and cherishes the meaning of being a good father. He was an adopted child, after all, and therefore knows first hand just how horrible it is for a child to not have one's real father in his or her life.

"Our most important right is the right to life," Proft said on his campaign website. "A respect for life means more than defending the unborn, it requires us to serve those born to disadvantageous circumstances and to find them loving homes for them. Thirty-seven years ago, I was adopted by parents who made the choice to welcome me into a loving, caring home. There are many children today who need stable homes, and those children, and the families that welcome them will have no stronger advocate in the governor’s office than me. According to the Dave Thomas Foundation, 60% of Americans have been personally touched by adoption. I am glad to say that I am a product of that happiness today."

As a student of social trends and current affairs, Dan Proft must be well aware of the fact that growing up without a father is one of the leading causes of juvenile deliquency and, later, a life of crime and/or academic failure. That's not to say, of course, that all fatherless children turn out bad, but the fact is that a disproportionately high number of them do.

Proft promised that - if elected governor - a Proft Administration would "Defend life from conception to natural death." I'm oh-so-sure that he must have also meant that a good father would do that for his own child, and not just leave that sacred duty to the government - or anybody else.

I'll bet that Dan Proft, as a Christian and a conservative, remains celibate and would never think of sleeping around. No sir, not Dan Proft. He's pure as the driven snow, you know, and that's why you should hang on his every word, whether he's speaking at a VFW hall or as a regular commentator and talk show host on WLS 890 AM.

Proft noted that it "is entirely natural for parents to want the best education possible for their children." Not just education, of course. I'm very certain that Dan Proft means that parents want the best of everything possible for their children. I'm sure that if he had a beautiful young daughter he'd want the best for her. Proft would want to see her grow up, to make sure she's studying, getting along well with other kids, dreaming the right kind of dreams, setting the right kind of goals. If Dan Proft had a daughter (hypothetically, of course) he'd be proud to publicly escort her to the opera and show her off. He'd want to be at her high school and college graduations, and eventually to walk her down the aisle at her wedding. If he had a son (again, hypothetically), Proft would want to play ball with him, do the graduation routines, and teach him to treat women with respect and dignity, and to always do the right thing. Right?

So, happy Father's Day to Dan Proft, a guy whose biological father was not in his life but was fortunate enough to be adopted into a loving household with both a mother figure and a father figure. See how well Dan Proft turned out? He's an inspiration to all of us, no? Remember: Any animal can sire a litter of offspring. It takes a real man to be a dad. I have no doubt that Dan Proft, and you and I, will remember our fathers - our dads - on Sunday, June 20.

"To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter." ~Euripides


Shame On You, Pamela Geller (Atlas Farts)

Last night's odd encounter between Obama's Secret Service detail and Nation of Islam bodyguards will also be distorted by some irresponsible bloggers. Pamela Geller, for example. What a disappointment. I used to be a fan of Pamela Geller. No more. Geller writes a very popular conservative blog called "Atlas Shrugs," and she posted this amazingly inaccurate headline on her blog today: "Atlas Exclusive: President Obama Skips Arlington to Spend Memorial Day with Louis Farrakhan amidst Nation of Islam Thugs." The only thing "exclusive" about that post, which draws on a pooled press report, is the way that Geller twisted the facts to conform to her hatred for Obama. Hey, I'm no fan of Obama, and I love to jab him on my blog. But I don't intentionally lie about him, as Geller did in her post. Note to Geller: You do yourself no favors in the Credibility Department when you badly and intentionally distort facts. Obama did NOT "spend Memorial Day with Louis Farrakhan," as you wrote. As we see from the Jackie Calme pool report that you yourself quoted from, Obama was at a friend's home that happens to be near the Farrakhan house. Shame on you, Pamela Geller. In writing such hysterical distortions you do a disservice to all other conservative bloggers.

The Next Time Someone Calls Tea Partiers Thugs...

Video Below - Comrade Barack Obama's Army of Liars has made desperate attempts over the past year to falsely paint the Tea Party movement as a bunch of violent thugs. The next time a liberal imbecile tries to tell you that Tea Party people promote violence, point them to this video of recent protests in Thailand and remind them that Tea Partiers are a peaceful bunch. Just don't keep pushing us too hard, though. ADVISORY: Scenes of violence in this video may be disturbing to some viewers. Related Story: Thai PM May Be Forced To Resign As Street Protests Continue (CNN)

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Andrew Breitbart OWNS Max Blumenthal at CPAC

MUST-SEE VIDEOS, below, of Big Journalism's Andrew Breibart taking down liberal punks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in D.C. on Saturday morning, Feb. 21. The top video shows Max Blumenthal at CPAC in D.C. Just another case of a leftist liar confronted and contradicting himself. The bottom video was shot right after the Blumenthal encounter, as another leftist liar interrupts and confronts Andrew. THIS is entertainment, when the leftists expose their own idiocy! Note that the Salon retraction that Andrew refers to in the second video can be read here. (See related articles beneath the videos) RELATED: Max Blumenthal Hounded, Challenged at CPAC‎ The Jawa Report: Max Blumenthal, Salon Invent New Smear of James O'Keefe Alinsky Smear Tactic FAIL: Andrew Breitbart KO's Leftist Max Blumenthal Target Rich Environment » Video of The Week: Breitbart vs. Blumenthal Andrew Breitbart blasts Rachel Maddow - Kenneth P. Vogel ... Max Blumenthal's bigoted comments about Mormons, Gentiles Why nothing from leftie blogs is believable BLOG POSTS ABOUT BREITBART AND CPAC Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Duke Lacrosse Team Accuser Charged With Attempted Murder

There is a God, and his Justice keeps marching on. Crystal Magnum is the woman who tried to destroy a bunch of good and decent young men by falsely accusing them of sexual assault back in March, 2006. She falsely claimed that three students at Duke University committed the alleged assault. Now Magnum faces a slew of very serious charges that could put her behind bars for a long time. It was eventually proven not only that Magnum lied, but that the District Attorney, Michael Nifong, played fast and loose with the case. Nifong was later charged with 20 ethics violations and went to jail - for a mere 24 hours. The three young men went free, after they and their families went through a long period of hell. Today, Feb. 18, 2010, Durham police have charged Crystal Gail Mangum, 31, with attempting to kill her boyfriend early this morning. Mangum is the woman who wrongly accused three Duke lacrosse players of rape in 2006. A judge this morning ordered that she remain in jail on a $1 million bond. Wearing a white jail jumpsuit, Mangum kept her head down during her court appearance today and said nothing as the charges from this morning’s incident were read. More of this story at That ain't all. According to the New York Post, she was charged with attempted first-degree murder, five counts of arson, three counts of misdemeanor child abuse, identity theft (she apparently told authorities she was "Marella Mangum"), and more. Full article at After Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Nancy Grace and many of the Duke faculty assumed the three lacrosse players were guilty, and shamefully convicted them publicly, can we finally expect the long overdue apologies that have yet to be uttered? Will Jesse Jackson offer to give Magnum more money this time around? He won't, of course, because this time there's no political gain to be had by Jackson. It will be interesting to see how - or even if - Grace will cover this story in the continuing saga of Crystal Magnum, one very disgusting person. RELATED: Things That Did Not Happen in Durham Duke Lacrosse Team 4, Nifong 0 RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Gutless Duke Lynch Mob Duke Rape Accuser In Attempted Murder Bust Revs. Jesse and Al: Shameless charlatans Crystal Mangum Goes for 'Grace' Jesse Jackson Says Organization Will Pay Alleged Rape Victim's Tuition Media Worried Corruption In N. Carolina Might Cost Democrats Votes Video: Nifong Verdict: Geraldo Rivera and Gregg Jarrett React Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

New Campaign Flyer from Evil Clown Heather Steans

Chicago - I was walking down the street today and just about jumped out of my boots when I saw the lovely photo (right) of Illinois State Senator Heather Steans (7th District) giving me that evil clown grin. It was so unexpected, and - I swear this is true - I spotted it in a trash can. I was waiting for the light to change, and the can was next to me. (Yes, we'll get into substance, but first indulge me.) 

Laying on top of the rest of the trash was the latest Steans flyer, literally staring up at me. I jumped back, stared at it, poked it with a stick, then plucked it out. I took it home, scanned it, then burned it. Tip: Click on images to enlarge them.  
I used to love messing with photos of Steans just to make her look goofy. After looking at this flyer, however, I think I'll give that up. They say truth is stranger than fiction, and the real Heather looks goofier than anything I could come up with in manipulation. 

Okay, Some Substantive Criticism... 

Yes, yes, the above was childish. All in fun, but this is a serious state senate race. Let's look at the substance of this flyer. Steans is running against a bright young lawyer named Jim Madigan in the Democrat primary, February 2. Madigan is untainted by the political Machine. He has not taken big money, as Steans has. Steans gives us the same old crap in this flyer. 

On the cover, just above the evil clown grin, Steans demonstrates that she is completely unaware of current events and of how pissed off most Americans are about the nonsense in Washington. "I support President Obama's efforts to reform health care. But we can't wait for Congress to act." Perhaps she is aware of the national mood and she's simply as stupid as I've always suspected. 

The voters of Massachusettes recently elected Scott Brown (R) over Martha Coakley (D) to fill the seat held by the late Ted Kennedy. Why? Because the people do NOT support Obama's efforts to "reform" health care, as did Martha Coakley, as does Heather Steans. Another reason: The people, the voters, were sick of having "reform" shoved down their throats with virtually no transparency. In short, they wanted Congress to wait. Ah, but Heather Steans says hurry up, we can't wait for Congress to act. 

Newsflash: Massachusetts didn't wait either, having passed their own "reform" under Governor Mitt Romney. 

The results of that rushed "reform" in Massachusetts, ironically, contributed heavily to the defeat of Coakley because the "reform" in Massachusetts did not control rising costs. To add irony to irony, the citizens of Massachusetts had what Washington called "Cadillac" quality coverage, which meant that they would have been taxed through their catheter tubes had "Obamacare" passed as written. Massachusetts voters said, in effect, if you don't like our health care mess, you'll hate the version that Congress has in mind. Even in Washington, it was a bipolar situation until the Brown win: The reform bill produced by Pelosi's House did not meld with Reid's Senate version. So Heather Steans lobs mindless platitudes like "we can't wait" without considering the fact that many Democrat leaders, including Howard Dean, are urging just that and more. Scrap both the House and Senate versions, they say, start over, but first concentrate on fixing the economy. Steans seems oblivious to this harsh reality.

The inside spread of the expensive flyer (money is no object to Steans), she continues with her health care chant. "Heather Steans fought to expand health care in Illinois," it says. And how is that working out for you? "She took on the big insurance companies..." blah, blah, blah. Really? How hard did she take on Humana Health Insurance to get that $1,500 contribution via Human PAC? 

As opponent Jim Madigan asked, "I wonder what reform was left on the table in order to ensure that the campaign cash would keep flowing from insurance companies?" Steans also notes that she has a "100% Pro-Choice Record" but does not qualify that: Does she also support the live-birth abortions that Barack Obama supported during his time in Springfield?

The back page of the flyer shows Steans strolling down a street talking with a constituent. I gotta say, I've never seen Steans walking down the street and I live in the 7th District, but she wants us to believe that she's out patrolling the byways and talking to everyone all day. Uh huh. "Heather Steans is working with police and community leaders," the flyer says, "to keep our families safe from crime and gun violence" and that "Heather believes it's time to move past talking about curbing violence. She's doing something about it."

Oh? Steans has done nothing more than make token gestures and giving a few unconvincing "public safety meetings." The results have been insignificant, if that much. After a July, 2008 meeting, Heather Steans said that her "positive loitering" initiatives had made several areas of Uptown "crime free." Crime "free" means no crime. Not a reduction, but an elimination of crime. "Free," not "reduced." 

When the audience was allowed to ask questions at another public safety meeting on May 12, 2009, I asked Steans to name the specific areas or corners that she had made "crime free," and to tell us if they are still "crime free today." She hemmed and hawed for a moment, then admitted that she should not have said "crime free." Steans was ready to not specify the locations, however, so I called out to her to do so. She mentioned a strip "near" a park, but couldn't be more specific. She couldn't even name the park. Meanwhile, violent crime continues in Uptown and throughout Chicago. Just get a police scanner and turn it on any day or night, and you'll hear the horrific, bloody non-results of Steans and her self-proclaimed efforts to "do something about it." 

Lies, half truths, exaggerations. Taken together, that's the most frightening aspect of this Steans flyer - and all of her flyers. It's even more frightening than her evil clown smile. 


Sen. Heather Steans Lied on Her Resume

Heather Steans has been caught in yet another lie, this time about her past work experience, a lie that she has told multiple times. Steans is the Illinois State Senator from the 7th District, Chicago. Her opponent in the Feb. 2, 2010 primary election, Democrat Jim Madigan, is accusing her with lying and cited examples in a January 14 press release.

Chicago News Bench has confirmed the Madigan claims as accurate. (Click on images to enlarge.)

Also See: Heather Steans Lies About Hubby's Blago Connections

Let's begin this story with a story what-if: Imagine that you are an employer seeking someone to manage an important division of your large corporation. You interview a woman named "Heather", whose resume says "for 4 years I served as the Director of Corporate Mail Operations for Company X." Impressed, and you hire Heather. Two years go by, and Heather's job performance is only ho-hum.

Then the bomb drops: You discover that Heather was never in charge of Company X's corporate-wide mail operations. In fact she was merely clerk in a mailroom at one of Company X's offices, and she only managed that mailroom for a few months. What would you do?

IL State Senator Heather Steans
IL State Sen. Heather Steans
You'd fire her, that's what, and give her ten minutes to clean out her desk. Now, suppose that "Heather" is actually IL State Sen. Heather Steans (7th District, Chicago). 

Steans lied about her job experience, and she wants you to renew her contract. The voters and taxpayers (that's you) are her employer you know, and she lying to them about her past experience. She's done it multiple times.

In a campaign flyer that she put out this week, Steans claims that "As the former Wisconsin state budget director, she helped balance the budget by cutting waste while protecting vital services." Sounds nice, but it's a lie by means of gross exaggeration.

The Madigan campaign points in a January 14 press release that Steans is lying about her "budget director" gig in Wisconsin. They included scans of the Steans flyer with their press release and pointed out that Steans was never the "state budget director." (See the full press release here as a pdf. )

In fact, says the Madigan press release, "the title of Budget Director did not exist in that department,” and “Her questionnaire for the Sun-Times endorsement contains another fabrication. Steans claims that ‘for 4 years I served as Budget Director for the Wisconsin Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations’.” (See the questionnaire here.)

Chicago News Bench looked it up and, sure enough, the Madigan people got it right. What we found was that Steans was listed as “director” of “Budget, Bureau of” within the now-defunct Wisconsin Dept. of Industry, Labor and Human Relations (DILHR). That listing was found in the Wisconsin Blue Book 1993-1994. According to the Madigan campaign, Steans only served in that minor position for eight months “until her departure on Feb 2, 1994, but the title of Budget Director did not exist in that department.”

As pointed out above, DILHR never had a “budget director” for the entire department. Steans, however, says she was that director. As also pointed out, she was merely the director of a small portion of DILHR, but instead of saying that she was “Director of the Bureau of Budget,” Steans knowingly misleads by calling herself the former “Budget Director, for the Wisconsin Department of Industry, Labor & Human Relations.”

The “budget director” lie did not start with this week’s Steans campaign flyer. Steans has been lying about this for years. Here’s a sampling of what we found: At the Illinois Senate Democrats web site, the Senator Heather Steans Bio page says that “Senator Steans is a former .... Budget Director for the Wisconsin Department of Industry, Labor & Human Relations.” 

Over at the Project Vote site, we see that she was the “Budget Director, Wisconsin Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations.” 

In a January 23, 2008 interview with the Windy City Times, writer Amy Wooten quoted Steans as saying, “I was the strategic planner and budget director … for the Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations.” [Ellipses in original quote.] Again, her exaggeration makes it sound like she was in charge of the strategy and budget for the whole of DILHR.

In a November 15, 2007 article in the Chicago Reader, Ben Joravsky wrote that “According to Steans” she “worked as director of economic development for the Civic Committee and held the post of budget director for Wisconsin's Department of Industry, Labor, and Human Relations.”

At the Women’s Institute for Leadership web site, she’s listed with other board members. Her little bio sketch says that she’s a “former budget director, WI Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations.” includes “Budget Director, Wisconsin Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations” as part of her “profession [sic] and work experience outside politics.”

The list of places where the lie is repeated goes on and on, and you can see it yourself at a Google web search for “Heather Steans AND budget director”.


Cowardly Ray Hanania Disappoints (Kind of)

Come on Ray Hanania, you can do better than to write a nasty, false posting about Chicago News Bench only to quickly delete it in cowardly fashion. Previously, I've only said nice things about you, Ray, and your scribblings about Orland Park. Like here, for example, and here. Perhaps the Jim Dodge campaign for Illinois State Comptroller has you in their corner, perhaps not. But honestly, Ray, although I am amused by it, I cannot think of what prompted your unprovoked attack on lil ol' CNB. You wrote this piece of garbage on November 21: Beware of Chicago News Bench" Blog ... tagged to with annoying ads and misleading claims Anyone can be a blogger but not everyone can get their facts right. While I don't apologize for challenging the village of Orland Park's tax history over the years and my disappointment with some of the policies, for someone to take those remarks out of context and then use them to attack Jim Dodge, the first candidate to announce for Illinois Comptroller, is misleading and deceitful. But there… Whoops! That's all there is, because you deleted it, Ray. You wimped out, you lost your nerve. Perhaps, like a girl scorned just before her 8th grad prom, you wrote a wrathful note. Perhaps, like some little girls, you re-read it and decided that maybe you shouldn't send it. Too late, Ray, when you hit "publish" it's out there, baby. Caching is a bitch, and you're cached all over the place. Look, Ray, I understand why the 8th grade girl would be upset and write a poison pen letter to a boy who stood her up on the night of the dance. What I don't understand is why you wrote such a letter, especially considering that you seemed so, well, reliable and trustworthy and rational. I guess I misjudged you, Ray. Your rationality is in question, your judgment now seems clouded. The only logical reason I can imagine is that you've been bought off by the Jim Dodge - Jack Roeser Axis of Evil. No, perhaps not, elsewise you wouldn't have deleted it. Unless, of course, you had a sudden crisis of conscience. If what you want is a fight, Ray, then bring it on. I personally don't want one, but you threw the first punch. We're now even, Ray, with the difference being that I won't delete this post for at least a year. It's defense against your offense, Ray, but I'm hitting above the belt. You, on the other hand, aimed for my groin. You missed, in part because your punch was wild, in part because you pulled your punch. Go ahead and swing again, Ray. I dare you. Ray, let's examine the crap that you wrote. Let's look at it again, starting with that baffling headline, "Beware of Chicago News Bench" Blog ... tagged to with annoying ads and misleading claims." I mean, WTF, Ray, what does that mean? You say that ads are annoying? YOU have ads on YOUR web sites, Ray, but unlike me, you stick them between posts (see images here; click to enlarge). You don't like a blog that is "tagged with annoying ads?" I challenge you, then, to remove all of the advertising from all of your web sites. I wonder if your sponsors know that you consider ads to be "annoying." By the way, what the heck does the phrase "tagged to with ... ads" mean, anyway? "Misleading claims," Ray? Name one. No, wait - let's get back to your misleading claims. You went on to write that "Anyone can be a blogger but not everyone can get their facts right." That's true, Ray, and you proved it nicely with your bogus headline. You then wrote, "While I don't apologize for challenging the village of Orland Park's tax history over the years and my disappointment with some of the policies,..." Ahem, let's pause here. Nobody's asked you to apologize, Ray. As I noted above, I praised you at least once for your reporting of the mismanagement of Orland Park. You continued: "... for someone to take those remarks out of context and then use them to attack Jim Dodge, the first candidate to announce for Illinois Comptroller, is misleading and deceitful. But there…" See, here's where you really hang yourself, Ray. First, you refer to your own reporting as "remarks," and I gotta tell ya Ray, you do yourself a disservice in that. That said, when I quoted you on November 19 in my post "Jim Dodge's Political Donations Show He's a Fake Republican," I took a full paragraph from you. That's hardly "out of context," Ray. That paragraph, which you wrote in February, 2009, is reproduced here (emphasis added): Orland Park has raised its property taxes and even gerrymandered the "fiscal year" from 12 to 15 months because they couldn't meet their expenses. They said they were changing the fiscal year in order to re-align it with the annual calendar. But many suspect the real reason is they just don't have the funds to pay all the bills in the 12 month budget and use a cute trick to turn the budget period to 15 months to cover 12 months of expenses. It's typical bad management to delay troubles until after the election April 7, 2009. Please enlighten us, Ray: Which part of that paragraph is not self-representative or misleading? Which part of it is an out-of-context bit that was twisted? It's a straightforward quote of your own writing, Ray. Just because Jim Dodge has long been one of the incompetent tricksters on the Orland Park village board is something that I had no part in arranging. To chastise me for accurately quoting your accurate report is, for lack of a better term, bizarre. Ray, Ray, Ray.... were you drinking when you wrote that? Were you exhausted? Cranky? Distracted? Did I use your report to "attack Jim Dodge?" Mea culpa, Ray. You should have been flattered that someone, even I, felt that your report was good enough to quote as supporting evidence. But, Ray, are you now willing to admit that you are in Dodge's camp, that you've thrown away all pretense of objectivity? You say you are objective, Ray? Then explain your gushing endorsement of Jim Dodge: from August 10, 2009. As for me, Ray, I'm bulletproof. See, the big red banner at the top left of Chicago News Bench says, very plainly, that my blog is about "Conservative Commentary." I am what I am, Ray, and I don't pretend to anything else. What's your story, Ray? And why should your readers continue their mistaken belief that you're all about objective truth telling? You've shown yourself to be a spiteful, arrogant, biased and bitter little man who can't even write a bitter and unprovoked attack on another blogger with enough conviction to not delete it in a frightened haste. Perhaps this is not so disappointing. Perhaps I should be happy that someone as sloppy as you is on RINO Jim Dodge's side. How glad I am that you exposed yourself, albeit for one cowardly moment. It was a moment to remember. Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

Al Gore Chased From Chicago Book Signing

Al Gore is still out there peddling his lies about global warming, even in the face of recent revelations that the whole thing is a big fraud. Climategate Updates, Nov. 30: Whistleblower Got Climategate Emails, Not Hacker and Hot Video: Al Gore Confronted on Climategate Here are a couple of reports (below) of how some folks in Chicago responded on Tuesday, Nov. 24 to Gore's brazen perpetuation of what he knows to be false. (We were the first to give you a heads up about this event.) We wondered on Tuesday whether Gore would be apologetic for the massive fraud that he and others have been perpetrating on the world for years now, especially in light of last week's revelation of emails that show that climate data was deliberately manipulated and falsified. Predictably, he was not. Prediction: Gore will continue to see increasingly large protests, like that in Chicago, as he continues to promote one of the biggest and most cynical hoaxes in human history. - Gore Flees in Panic from Chicago Book Signing - Protesters Chase Junk Scientist Al Gore Down the Street After Book Signing Also See: - Tea Parties Can Learn From "We Are Change Chicago" - How Al Gore Lies About CO2 - Video - Greenpeace Leader Admits Lying - The "Climategate" Scandal and Resistance to Truth Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

Classic Video "The Great Global Warming Swindle"

The current "Climategate" scandal broke about a week ago, but back in 2007 a documentary was already ringing the warning bells. S. Fred Singer, a scientist himself, wrote this shortly after the release of "The Great Global Warming Scandal": "Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth has met its match: a devastating documentary recently shown on British television, which has now been viewed by millions of people on the Internet. Despite its flamboyant title, The Great Global Warming Swindle is based on sound science and interviews with real climate scientists, including me. An Inconvenient Truth, on the other hand, is mostly an emotional presentation from a single politician." VIEW THE FULL DOCUMENTARY HERE (1 hour, 13 minutes). Also, visit the web site of the producers of this documentary. Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

Brilliant Climategate Video from Rageunderground

Be very, very afraid (of the global warming liars). "Rageunderground" posted this video, and writes this: Some of the world's leading climate scientists have been embarrassed by the publication of hundreds of private emails & research documents, stolen by computer hackers from a British university. Climate change skeptics have hailed the material as proof that research data has been skewed and suppressed. This is important information because the Copenhagen Treaty is about organising to bring in global governance and global carbon taxes using "climate change" as the vehicle. If this turns out to be a "climategate", the hoax of global warming is brought to public light. Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

How Al Gore Lied About CO2 (He Got It Backwards)

Add this to your Climategate video collection.

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Video - Greenpeace Leader Admits Lying, Fear Mongering

CLIMATEGATE: BBC interviewer Stephen Sackur is tough and doesn't let the lying Greenpeace bastard Gerd Leipold get away with his B.S. (Why aren't US media willing to ask these questions?) Sackur corners Leipold into admitting that Greenpeace has lied about the melting of Greenland's ice sheet. The video below was posted to YouTube on August 18, 2009 by "noteviljustwrong," who wrote this description:

Gerd Leipold, the outgoing leader of Greenpeace, admitted that his organization's recent claim that the Arctic Ice will disappear by 2030 was "a mistake." Greenpeace said in a July 15 press release that there will be an ice-free Arctic by 2030 because of global warming. BBC reporter Stephen Sackur on the "Hardtalk" program pressed Leipold until he admitted the claim was wrong.

Note: This is how the Left lies - through "emotionalizing" and exaggerating.

Also See: Climategate Scandal Spreads to New Zealand as MSM Continues Ostrich Act and Even Russian TV Does Better Job Reporting ClimateGate Than CNN Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

Obama's Top 10 Broken Promises

We've been calling Obama a liar since before he was elected, and now we have nine months worth of proof. The Telegraph newspaper in the UK has compiled a good list of his "Top 10 unfulfilled pledges." In other words, his broken promises. Says the Telegraph, "Less than nine months into his four-year term of office, President Barack Obama's record is already one of abandoned promises, sidelined issues and lack of action." What do you call a guy who breaks his promises? That's right: A liar. Mmmm mmm mmm! Pinnochio graphic from RELATED: BackyardConservative: Obama Pinocchio Official Obama Administration Scandals List Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

Experts Respond to Obama's Pile of Lies

Last night's Health Care Speech of Desperation, delivered by Barack Obama to a rare joint session of Congress, was meant (I suppose) to finally convince all those elected representatives to get to work and stop their partisan bickering. Problem is, a huge portion Obama's speech was dedicated to his own partisan sniping. Another problem: He told lie after lie after lie. Example: Obama said that his plan would "not add one dime" to the federal budget deficit, but moments later said it would cost about $900 Billion over the next ten years, then said that "most" of that would be covered. "Most of that?" He went, in the span of minutes, from saying it wouldn't costing a dime to admitting it would cost a good (unspecified) portion of $900 Billion. Would somebody please tell me how that works in the real world? (See "Obama's fuzzy math on health care" by John Ruberry, Marathon Pundit.) Don't just take my right-wing lunatic word for it. Let's turn to some experts, people who get paid to follow this stuff, for their informed opinion. We'll start with Tucker Carlson, who lays into Obama rather severely. Tucker Carlson: This is deceptive. In fact, it’s a lie. Obama the candidate would have been ashamed to say it. Full article, "A Man on His Way to Bitterness" at The Daily Beast. John Barry: Am I alone in thinking that Rep. Joe Wilson’s shouted comment to President Obama in the middle of his address to a joint session of Congress last night was a healthy sign? Rahm Emmanuel, the president’s chief of staff, reportedly approached two senior Republicans immediately after the speech and said: “No President has ever had that happen. Ever. My advice is that he apologize immediately. You know my number.” Full article, "A Defense of Joe Wilson: the Democratic Right to Dissent" at Newsweek. Jason Shafrin, Ph.D.: Below are some highlights from the speech [with my comments in brackets].... First, I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits – either now or in the future [read: I will increase taxes. That is the only way to pay for the small business/individual subsidies proposed]. Full article, "Obama’s Health Care Speech Critique" at Healthcare Economist. (Panel of Experts): In his speech to the joint session of the Congress, President Obama has taken the first step to make clear his position on health care reform, but he clearly left some key issues unresolved. Full article, "Experts Analyze Obama's Speech - Kaiser Health News" at All Kaiser Health News Congressman Charles W. Boustany Jr., M.D. (R-Louisianna) (He delivered the Republican response to Obama's speech): “Replacing your family’s current health care with government-run health care is not the answer. In fact, it’ll make health care much more expensive. That’s not just my personal diagnosis as a doctor or a Republican; it’s the conclusion of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office – the neutral scorekeeper that determines the cost of major bills. I read the bill Democrats passed through committee in July. It creates 53 new government bureaucracies, adds hundreds of billions to our national debt, and raises taxes on job-creators by $600 billion. And, it cuts Medicare by $500 billion, while doing virtually nothing to make the program better for our seniors. The President had a chance tonight to take government-run health care off the table. Unfortunately, he didn’t do it." Full text of Boustany's response here. See video of his response here. WSJ/Opinion Journal: Instead of trillions of dollars, [Obama] put his price tag at a less politically toxic $900 billion. But that is only within the first 10-year budget window and assumes "savings" that are surely illusory.... Instead of raising individual taxes right away—as the House bill would—Messrs. Obama and Baucus say they will only tax insurers and other health-care providers. But those providers will only pass those costs through to consumers, raising the price of private insurance and thus raising the subsidies that government would have to pay to make it affordable. Perhaps Mr. Obama's most remarkable sleight-of-hand was his claim that he "will not stand by as the special interests use the same old tactics to keep things exactly the way they are." The reality is that nearly all of those "special interests" are standing with him. The doctors' lobby, the hospitals, Big Pharma, even the largest insurers have all invested enormously in government health care. Full article, "Obama Doubles Down" at Wall Street Journal. Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...