Showing posts with label women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women. Show all posts

Female YouTube Shooter Is Nasim Aghdam, PETA Warrior

YouTube shooter Nasim Aghdam
YouTube shooter Nasim Aghdam (Facebook via KGO-TV)
The shooter at YouTube's San Bruno HQ has been identified as Nasim Aghdam. Also, we found that Aghdam was a radical PETA supporter.

From ABC7 San Francisco:

SAN BRUNO, Calif. (KGO) -- Chaos erupted on the YouTube campus in San Bruno Tuesday afternoon when an alleged female shooter entered the campus and opened fire, wounding three employees.

ABC7 News sources confirm the YouTube shooter was a user of the platform. Nasim Aghdam has a website with an alleged manifesto that targets YouTube for censorship and demonetization of her video content.

Most importantly, ABC7 reports that "Aghdam is said to have no relationship with anyone in the YouTube facility." This is significant because nearly all earlier reports said she may have been targeting a male YouTube employee in a "domestic dispute." The fact that her own website indicates otherwise is chilling.   More at ABC7

YouTube shooter Nasim Aghdam
(Charlie Neuman / Union-Tribune)
You can watch a video by Aghdam here, in which she rants about how YouTube has demonetized some of her videos and complains that her videos were "filtered," causing reduced views. According to NBC Bay Area, "The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit has also learned the license plate on a car towed from YouTube’s campus Tuesday is registered to Aghdam. In 2014, she posted a video on YouTube of what appears to be the same car, stating that it was vandalized by 'anti-vegans' because the car had a sign saying 'meat is murder.'" More at NBC Bay Area.

While researching Aghdam, Chicago News Bench found 2009 article in The San Diego Union that featured a photo of Nasim Aghdam protesting with the radical group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). Nasim Aghdam, then 29, wore a wig and jeans "with large blood drops painted on them" as she protested with other PETA members at Camp Pendelton on August 12, 2009.

The San Diego Union quoted Aghdam as saying, “For me, animal rights equal human rights.”

I'm no psychologist, but in my layman's opinion it would seem that Ms. Aghdam was mentally unbalanced.

UPDATE: Female Shooter Dead in YouTube Shooting Incident

Photo via 
Updated 10:15 PM CDT:

Female YouTube Shooter Identified as Nasim Aghdam, PETA Warrior (Chicago News Bench)

A good summary of the shooting comes from The Guardian (UK) this evening:

"The San Bruno police chief, Ed Barberini, said during a news conference that police had responded to 911 calls from the Silicon Valley tech campus and discovered a woman, whom they believed to be the shooter, dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Barberini did not release any information about a possible motive or the suspect’s identity, but said the attack was carried out with a handgun and that there was no further threat to the public."

"Four people were transported to local hospitals, police said, including three with gunshot wounds. The three are being treated at San Francisco General hospital, a spokesman confirmed, including a 36-year-old man in critical condition and a 32-year-old woman in serious condition. It was not immediately clear where the fourth victim was being treated and in what condition." More at The Guardian.


"Two separate law enforcement sources told ABC7 News that the shooter is a white, adult female wearing a dark top and head scarf." ABC7 reported that the shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Note that a scarf does not necessarily indicate that the shooter was Muslim: It could have been meant as a disguise or to control her hair.

War On Women? Really?

May 16, 2012 - Here is a powerful new video by none other than the Small Business Association (SBA), posted to YouTube on May 16, 2012.

The description posted on YouTube:

If it feels like 1984 in real life, it should. The threats to our religious liberty and conscience rights are very real.  The question that needs to be asked of this president is "who decides"? Time and time again, President Obama has affirmed that it is the government who decides -- government who decides what women want and think. 

John Edwards, Democrat
Monika Lewinsky, Woman
President Obama and his allies in Congress and the abortion lobby must stop the "War on Women" who don't agree with them!

It's President Obama's job to protect the freedom of all women and men to practice their beliefs. Yet, an all-out assault has been launched by this administration on people of faith and conscience. Our rights are at stake and we must do something to stop it now. We must expose him! Learn more at

Of course, the Republican Party is not waging "war" on women. The notion itself is ludicrous, and a group of Republican members of Congress said so publicy this week.

"Democrats’ attempt to paint themselves as defenders of women," reported NewsMax today, "and Republicans as insensitive to female concerns has no basis in reality, 14 GOP congresswomen write on Politico."

The charge that the GOP is waging a "war on women," opined a reader in in a letter to The Washington Times today, "highlights just how contemptuous the political left is of voter intellect. Only someone with an IQ three points above a rock or a Democratic Party ideologue would believe Republicans are actually conducting any sort of war on women’s rights."

Sharia Law, Spaghetti and Reality

How would sharia law (Islamic law) change American culture? The full answer, of course, requires a thick book - or a weekend visit to Saudi Arabia. A lot of it would involve sexual control of women by men, and I mean the ugly repressive kind of control. Not good. If you don't have the time for either of those options, check out the video preview of sharia in America here. It's a funny video about a very un-funny reality. For a dose of that reality, see the second video below.

Megan Fox Debuts Her Gun Rights Song at Tea Party

In the video below, Megan Fox sings what may be the best song about gun rights that I've ever heard. She wrote "Mama's Got A Smith & Wesson" just a few days before she debuted it at the Homer-Lockport Tea Party rally on April 6, 2010.  Megan is a mom, a patriot, talented songwriter and has a blog called Intolerant Fox. Let's hope we hear more from her. (For more information about conceal and carry, visit the Illinois Carry web site.)

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Nasty Girls

"Women can be cruel," writes Emily Miller, "and they often do cruel things to men. Despite their reputation as the fairer sex, when it comes to relationships, sometimes women can be downright nasty." Well, duh. Every man already knows this, but Miller's column is a good read nonetheless. She has put together a "top 10 list of cruel things women do to men." To be fair, men can be cruel too. We all have that capacity, but some of us excercise it more than others. I'd like to see Miller write about women's cruelty to other women, as well as men's cruelty to women, something that many women will freely admit is a problem. Read Miller's column here. Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

Shameless French Trollops Walk Naked Through Paris!

Video! Warning! Completly naked, hot young French women - and dance music. This is horrible, just horrible (even though it's HD and looks great in full screen). Have the French no shame at all? Whoever made this video is obviously an exploiter of women and probably, well, French. I feel that it's my duty to point out the shameful way that French women behave, prancing undressed along a crowded street, lip syncing to some God-awful Euro-disco. Consider this to be a travel alert for any unsuspecting persons even thinking about a future trip to France. Shocking, just shocking. CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter

Proof That Girls Have More Cooties

Eeeew, girl germs. News that Gyno-Americans are generally not as clean as their Andro-American brothers: A study has found that women carry a greater variety of bacteria on their hands than men do - and that we all have more types of bacteria on our hands than expected. "The sheer number of bacteria species detected on the hands of the study participants was a big surprise, as was the greater diversity of bacteria we found on the hands of women," said lead researcher Noah Fierer, an assistant professor at the University Colorado's department of ecology and evolutionary biology. Full Dirty Story at New York Post... Wash your hands before you touch that, sweetheart.

Election Distraction

I'm just about burned out on politics. Let's take a break for a few minutes and get some gratuitous eye candy. Then visit our friends at Lingerie Plus, your one stop shop for pleasant election distractions.

Woman to Lead Australia

Australia has its first female Governor-General. She is the new Commander in Chief of the Australian Defence Force. Quentin Bryce was sworn in at Parliament House in Canberra today. (Sydney Morning Herald) The Australian government's web site says: Under Section 68 of the Constitution, the Governor-General is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force, although in practice he or she acts only on the advice of Ministers of the Government. The Minister for Defence is responsible for Australia’s defence policy. [Source] MORE: New head of state Quentin Bryce still Grandma Bryce breaks 107 years of tradition A promise to Queen and country with all her heart and soul


10:50 am, CDT - Republican John McCain will officially announce this momentarily.
MCCAIN PICKS WOMAN FOR VP - Marathon Pundit's got it.
(Darn it John, that's my headline!)


A MUST-READ from Anne Leary: "Murder, murder" reminds us of what we are fighting for. It's more than oil, stupid. Among the many things we are fighting is the Islamofascist jihadists' own fight against liberation for women. With a powerful video! READ THE FULL POST (if you dare) at Backyard Conservative...

No Female President

Not my words, so calm down. But a blog that I recently came across - and enjoy reading - is saying that. Amanda at "Vanity Fairest" blog writes a witty and controversial post titled "Yes we can! No she can’t!" that is sure to make you laugh - or get all pissed off. Either way, it's worth reading. Here is an excerpt: I really don’t think we can have a female president. That’s right, I said it. I’m an unmarried, liberal, working, childless female in the 21st century. But I won’t vote to put a woman in the White House. It’s not that I think we shouldn’t have a female president. Really, as a global superpower among civilized nations, it’s pretty pathetic that we haven’t had one already. Even Pakistan has had a female prime minister. I mean, that’s just embarrassing. FULL POST at Vanity

Michelle Ain't Jacqueline

No way, no how. As we recall, Jackie was always proud of her country.
Michelle Obama makes the cover of National Review. Not quite the Jackie Kennedy serenity she may have been trying to cultivate. All the bitterness and sense of grievance a double-barreled Ivy League education can exacerbate. FULL POST at
Damn, she looks pissed about something!

Hey Fatties: Do Something

Good news for fat women! A little physical movement now and then can greatly enhance that diet. (Note: Lifting paper out of a printer does not count as excercise!) Results of a new study find that even moderate amounts of daily exercise can greatly improve your quality of life if you are an overweight or obese woman. So get out an take a walk, ladies. It'll put you in a better mood. You'll be less likely to talk shit about your boss and employees behind their backs, less likely to leave insane notes for your employees, less likely to sadistically demean your employees, less likely to... well, you get the idea. Get off your plump derrieres and do something physical. The women who exercised a lot felt better emotionally and physically, and they also reported that activities such as climbing stairs were a lot easier. FULL STORY... RELATED: A new study found obese women were more likely to suffer brain cell loss linked to dementia.Swedish researchers found the association between obesity and brain atrophy - the abnormal loss of neurons after following 290 women over 24 years. MORE ON THE PLATE at

Fat Woman Crushes, Kills Boy

I wonder if they serve no-carb meals in the prison this woman might end up in? LA JOYA, TX - A morbidly obese woman who has been accused of fatally injuring her 2-year-old nephew by hitting him on the head was charged Wednesday with capital murder, Hidalgo County authorities said. Mayra Lizbeth Rosales, 27, was arrested and informed of the charges in her La Joya bedroom Wednesday. The bedridden woman was photographed and fingerprinted at home before being released on a personal recognizance bond, Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino said. FULL STORY...

Female Poll Judges Duke It Out

You know, if women ran the world, it would be a much more peaceful place. You do know that, don't you?

Chicago Police were called to a West Side polling place Tuesday morning when two female election judges reportedly got into a fight, leaving one injured and one in police custody. FULL STORY...

Girls in the Game Benefit

There will be a benefit for Girls In The Game on Saturday, June 16 at Kitty Moon in Edgewater/Rogers Park, Chicago. A number of local musicians, including local favorite Kristin Ronne, will perform starting at 9:00 p.m. (21 and over.)

Kitty Moon is a friendly "Irish" pub located at 6237 N. Clark Street, Chicago. (No food, so eat before you come for the show. Parking on the street, but usually not a problem on Clark.) Call 312-927-5844 for more info.

"Girls in the Game, founded test in Chicago in 1995, provides and promotes sports and fitness opportunities, nutrition and health education and leadership development to enhance the overall health and well being of ALL girls." MORE INFO...

Welcome to the Club, Boomer Girl

Politics from a woman's viewpoint, both Left and Right. Hence the name, "Red Skirt, Blue Skirt," at the woman-oriented "Boomer Girl" website.

It's a good read, and the current topic is Barack Obama, written by contibutors Anne Leary and Alice Lieberman.
Boomer Girl describes itself this way: "Launched on Jan. 1, 2007, BoomerGirl's goal is to give women in midlife a voice. We encourage all of our readers to share your comments, create a blog, form a club, submit an article, tell us your story." I would add that Boom Girl is a very good looking web site, well organized and enjoyable to click through.
Ah, in the same spirit as Rogers Park Bench! Boomer Girl looks like a winner, and a nice addition to the internet. Hey Boomer Girl: Welcome to the Club.

Over half of US Women Are Without A Spouse

So, is this good for single guys looking to get married? I'm just asking. Several factors are driving the statistical shift. At one end of the age spectrum, women are marrying later or living with unmarried partners more often and for longer periods. At the other end, women are living longer as widows and, after a divorce, are more likely than men to delay remarriage, sometimes delighting in their newfound freedom. FULL STORY at NYTimes... Thanks to Broken Heart of Chicago for the tip...