August 11, 2015 - For months, Hillary Clinton has insisted there were no classified State Department emails on her own email server. But the FBI now says at least four "classified" emails have been found on that server, and at least two are highly sensitive and classified as "Top Secret." Was she lying? Or is she simply incompetent?
Hillary Clinton said no sensitive information was contained in any of the emails she sent during her tenure as Secretary of State. "I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email," she said at a news conference on March 10, 2015 at the United Nations. "I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material."
But, apparently, H. Clinton was not aware of how materials passing through her server were classified. If so, that indicates gross ignorance or callous disregard for protocol and security. Or, perhaps, she's just stupid.
On the evening of August 11, reports National Journal, "Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley released a memo from McCullough that adds new detail to the previous finding by the intelligence IG and the State Department IG that at least four of Clinton's emails contained classified information."
June 10, 2013 - An exclusive Fox News story this afternoon says that jailed filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula says he will finish his controversial "Innocence of Muslims." Nakoula is also known as "Sam Bacile."
The video mocks the propeht Mohammed. It is badly produced, with horrible acting, horrible sound, horrible -- well, it's just thoroughly horrible. It's so bad, in fact, that it's good.
You might say it's the "Planet Nine From Outer Space" of movies about historical figures. Imagine the two together as a double feature. Plan Nine features some mindless, zombie-like characters who do bad things.
Plan Nine From Outer Space
Although Innocence of Muslims did upset a lot of Mohammed's faithful, it was virtually unknown before Comrade Leader Obama, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice gave it worldwide publicity by falsely blaming the video for inciting the violent attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, in which Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans died. They did so to deflect criticism of their own incompetence in the handling of what has become known as Benghazigate.
Don't take my word for it. White House spokesliar Jay Carney told reporters, "These protests were in reaction to a video." (Even the Egyptian government said the attack was an organized terrorist operation, and that the video was a total non-factor.)
Like the zombies in Plan Nine From Outer Space, the false attribution of the Benghazi attack to Innocence of the Muslims just keep walking around, arms outstretched, eyes blank. There are innumerable undead news reports lurking on the internet, and Obama's zombie-like followers still repeat the lie about the video. There is a remake of Plan Nine From Outer Space coming soon, by the way. Let's hope it doesn't spark attacks on any of our intergalactic outposts.
Innocence of Muslims
"Nakoula, who was thrust into the international spotlight — and then federal prison — after the White House wrongly blamed the 14-minute, amateurish trailer for the attack, says he has more than two hours of footage to complete the film, for which he hopes to find a distributor upon his release on Sept. 26," report Fox News.
"When asked if he believed his film was used as a scapegoat, or if he was unfairly prosecuted — charged with probation violations related to his film — Nakoula became tight-lipped," says Fox. Nakoula interviewed by Fox News in a series of phone calls "from a location he did not want disclosed."
"Nakoula Basseley Nakoula deserves a place in American history. He is the first person in this country jailed for violating Islamic anti-blasphemy laws," wrote Rich Miller for Politico on May 9. "You won’t find that anywhere in the charges against him, of course. As a practical matter, though, everyone knows that Nakoula wouldn’t be in jail today if he hadn’t produced a video crudely lampooning the prophet Muhammad."
May 12, 2013 -- by Tom Mannis -- We've heard a lot recently about the failure to rescue the U.S. consulate staff in Benghazi, Libya during the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack. Killed in that attack were Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two embassy security personnel, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods (both former Navy SEALs, stationed at the CIA annex nearby).
We've heard a lot about the lies about what happened after the whole sad affair by the Obama Administration. That, I believe, threatens to draw attention away from the more important issue of what happened before the attack.
The Obama Administration's statements after the attack are important, but they distract from what should be the main point of investigation: The denial of sufficient security before the attack, despite pleas for more protection from the consulate.
Unfortunately, too many Republicans and too many in the media are obsessed with what happened in the aftermath of the Benghazi tragedy. There has been too little discussion of the drawback and denial of security in Benghazi, and even less talk of the warnings of pending violence. Yes, there were warnings...
May 8, 2013 - The first day of the House committee hearings on Benghazi produced a lot of fascinating testimony today, much of it damaging to the Obama Administration and to former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton. While questioning whistle blower Gregory Hicks, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Arizona) played a video clip of Clinton's testimony to the Senate in December. (Video below.)
In that clip, Clinton said, "The fact is, we have four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they'd go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make?It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again." Gosar then asked Hicks for his reaction to Clinton's question, "What difference does it make?." (Continued below video.)
Hicks said, "I think the question is 'What difference did it make?'" Hicks recalled that Libyan President Mohamed Yousef El-Magariaf, who immediately said that the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was a terrorist operation, "was insulted in front of his own people, in front of the world, his credibility was reduced, his ability to lead his own country was damaged, he was angry."
Gregory Hicks at Benghazi hearings. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images via NY Daily News
Magariaf's anger was also due largely to Susan Rice's talk show appearances in which she parroted the Administration's false assertion that the attack was the result of a spontaneous reaction to a video that insulted the prophet Mohammed. On Sept. 16, 2012, while Rice was out perpetuating the lie about the cause of the attack, Magariaf was telling the talk shows a very different story.
"The way these perpetrators acted and moved -- I think we, and they're choosing the specific date for this so-called demonstration, I think we have no, this leaves us with no doubt that this was pre-planned, determined," Magariaf said on CBS's "Face the Nation."
"A friend of mine who ate dinner with him in New York during the U.N. season," Hicks continued, "told me that [Magriaf] was still steamed about the talk shows two weeks later. And I definitely believe that it negatively affected our ability to get the FBI team quickly to Benghazi."
So, back to Clinton's question "What difference does it make?" As Hicks pointed out, it badly affected diplomatic relations with Libya's new president Magariaf, who publicly said the attack was terrorism but was contradicted publicly and repeatedly by the Obama Administration. That caused tensions that slowed the FBI's ability to investigate the crime scene in Benghazi. It unfairly compromised Magariaf's own credibility on the world stage.
Clinton also said, "It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again." Yes, indeed, and that's what the House hearings on Benghazi are about. Perhaps future leaders can learn from these hearing that politics should never be placed ahead of American lives, that the safety and security of Americans abroad is more important than any budgetary concerns, and that lying about criminal and willful negligence will not go unnoticed or unpunished.
Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS @RepGosar 49m Today’s hearing demands further investigation; as new info shattered Obama Administration lies surrounding #Benghazi.
Taliban fighter clings to his guns and religion.
Original photo: Reuters Wording: Unknown
Jan. 1, 2013 - Had to share this graphic with you. It's a Reuters photo of a Taliban soldier. It says, "I wonder when Obama is going to tell the Muslims to stop clinging to their guns and religion."
That's a darkly funny reference to Obama's insult to Americans who believe in God and/or own firearms as the Constitution says they can. (I don't know who added the words.) The irony in all of this, of course, is Obama's firm support for the Islamo-fascist Muslim Brotherhood, which recently came to power in Egypt with help from the Obama Administration.
Obama made his insulting comment while running for the presidency in April, 2008. He was referring mainly to unemployed blue collar voters when he said, "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." If that describes any group, it best describes militant Muslims. You know, such as the Taliban, al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and so many other groups.
Image by T. Mannis,
Chicago News Bench
Hillary Clinton, running against Obama at the time, said, "His remarks are elitist and out of touch."Watch a video of Hillary criticizing Obama for his "elitist" remark. A few years later, Hillary Clinton would be Obama's Secretary of State, and would help make possible the ascension of the Muslim Brotherhood. Did Clinton ever consider how "out of touch" it was to give so much assistance and political legitimacy to the terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood?
Neither Clinton or Obama considered the opinion of the Egyptians who would fall under the oppressive rule of President Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood. They should have consulted with Egyptian democracy activist Michael Meunier, who says Obama "needs to stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood flat out."
Oct. 25, 2012 - A new video (below) shows how the Obama Administration was more than merely negligent in the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and four others in the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012. Email from the doomed U.S. consulate just before and during the attack show that the attack was not a simple protest. Real-time video of the attack was watched in the White House situation room.Obama, it seems, intentionally left the U.S. consulate in Benghazi vulnerable and easy pickings for terrorists. That's a strong statement, but they received repeated requests for more security from Stevens in the months leading up to the Sept. 11 attack. Instead of listening to the ambassador and giving him more security staff, security was actually decreased.
More following this video... IN REAL TIME: An excellent report by Peter Ferrara at (Oct. 25) notes that documents released by the House Oversight Committee show that on Sept. 11, "the White House situation room starts receiving emails at about 1 pm that the mission is under hostile surveillance. The only response was that the Pentagon sends a drone armed with a video camera so that everyone in Washington can see what transpires in real time, as it happens, at the White House, at the State Department, at the Pentagon, at the CIA."
Photo: Reuters
You may recall that in the hours and days after the attack, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both blamed the violence on spontaneous protests in response to an anti-Muslim video. This, we now know, was not true. Worse yet, Clintion and Obama were lying. They knew that it was a well-planned terrorist attack and not an ordinary protest that got out of hand.
"The drone documents no crowds protesting any video," continues the Forbes report. "But at 4 pm Washington receives an email from the Benghazi mission that it is under military style attack."
The subject of that email: "U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack."
The email from the consulate in Benghazi said that the consulate was "under attack." It said nothing about any protests. "Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM personnel are in the compound safe haven," said the email.
"Just one hour flight time away were U.S. Air Force bases," says Forbes,"that could have been rousted in minutes to send fighter planes and attack helicopters that could have routed the attackers in minutes of fighting." Officials in Washington watched the events in real time. No help was sent. "Obama went to bed," noted BeforeItsNews, "knowing that the embassy was under attack and then went to a fundraiser in Las Vegas the next morning."
Oct. 10, 2012 - New and disturbing revelations about the fatal attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi are coming out today in a Congressional hearing. NBC reports today that Lt. Col, Andrew Wood told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, "that U.S. security was so weak that in April, only one U.S. diplomatic security agent was stationed in Benghazi."
The committee is chaired by Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif. Lt. Col. Wood is the former head of a 16-member U.S. military team in Libya.
"The situation remained uncertain and reports from some Libyans indicated it was getting worse. Diplomatic security remained weak," Wood told the committee. Committee members were stunned to hear him say that "The RSO (regional security officer) struggled to obtain additional personnel there but was never able to attain the numbers he felt comfortable with."
Sept. 20, 2012 - How out of touch with reality is the Obama Administration? Despite reliable sources saying that recently-slain U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens believed he was marked for death by al-Qaeda, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she has no reason to believe that such was the case.
Update, Oct. 8: "New evidence shows there were security threats in Libya in the months prior to the deadly September 11 attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans," notes Heritage Foundation. "Despite these threats, the State Department left its personnel there to fend for themselves." Yep, just as we and many others said weeks ago. Heritage released this powerful video on Oct. 7. It clearly shows the pattern of lies by Obama, Clinton and their minions as they try to deflect blame for an utter lack of security measures at the doomed U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. (Fox News did a special report about Benghazi on Sept. 22; see next video.)
An Oct. 8 report says that security was actually cut back at the consulate before Benghazi attack. "Security for U.S. diplomats in Libya was cut in the weeks before the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi,"reports The Washington Times, "despite the North African country’s high-risk environment, according to a member of the security team assigned to U.S. Embassy in Tripoli." The Times report quoted Army Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, who headed a Special Forces site security team in Tripoli, who told CBS News that he "felt like we were being asked to play the piano with two fingers," and "We felt we needed more, not less."
In my opinion, Hillary Clinton and her Dept. of State are criminally negligent and allowed Stevens and his staff to die. Yes, allowed. By virtue of reducing the security force in Benghazi and ignoring the clear warning signs, State put the staff in jeopardy unnecessarily. They left them to die.
Our original post, Sept. 20:
Ambassador Chris Stevens - Dept of State photo
Either Clinton is just plain stupid or she's trying clumsily to deflect attention on her lack of attention to the dangerous situation on the ground in Libya in the days prior to the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in the city of Benghazi. That attack killed not only Chris Stevens but also three other State Department employees, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, two former Navy SEALs working as security guards.
It's bad enough that President Obama has skipped most of his intelligence briefings during his tenure in the White House. "During his first 1,225 days in office, Obama attended his PDB just 536 times — or 43.8 percent of the time," wrote Marc A. Thiessen in the Washington Post. "During 2011 and the first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent — falling to just over 38 percent. By contrast, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush almost never missed his daily intelligence meeting." That column by Thiessen was published on Sept. 10, the day before Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed.
Three days later, on Sept. 13, Thiessen wrote that Obama "was scheduled to hold the intelligence meeting at 10:50 a.m. Wednesday, the day after the attacks, but it was canceled so that he could comfort grieving employees at the State Department — as well he should. But instead of rescheduling the intelligence briefing for later in the day, Obama apparently chose to skip it altogether and attend a Las Vegas fundraiser for his re-election campaign. One day after a terrorist attack."
September 16, 2012 - The Obama Administration has been busy trying to blame the video "The Innoncence of Muslims" for the epidemic of crazed anti-American violence across the Muslim world, going so far even as to ask Google to remove the video from YouTube. But what about the videos below? One shows Sec. of State Hillary Clinton in an unabashed moment of American triumphalism, expressing her joy over invading an Muslim nation and killing its leader. The other shows her bragging about killing Osama bin Laden. I'm serious: How many Muslims have seen these videos worldwide? How much have they contributed to the hatred of America? Will Hillary issue an apology for them? Will Obama demand their removal from YouTube?
February 20, 2012 - Under any other President, this would seem unbelievable. Under the current psychocratic regime, however, it seems to be just another way to bring America to its knees.
"It appears Congress had nothing to do with this 7-island giveaway with tens of thousands of square miles of oil-rich seabeds. The Department of the Interior says these islands are a source of BILLIONS of barrels of oil. Our president and the State Department can just give away American sovereign land – Alaskan land," says Maggie's Notebook on February 18. Maggies gives an excellent report, and notes that this issue pre-dates the Obama Administration.
"The longer story is that this covert mission began under G.W.H. Bush," says Maggie, "but the thing to remember is that no he, nor any president following made the giveaway reality."
It would seem that the Obama Administration has every intention to make it reality.
The islands to be given away, says Joe Miller, include Wrangel, Bennett, Jeannette and Henrietta. Miller was the unsuccessful 2010 Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Alaska. Miller "broke this story" in a post that was published on February 16 on World Net Daily's website, and reposted about at Gateway Pundit. Included in the deal, says Millier, would be billions of barrels of oil.
Part of Obama’s apparent war against U.S. energy independence includes a foreign-aid program that directly threatens my state’s sovereign territory. Obama’s State Department is giving away seven strategic, resource-laden Alaskan islands to the Russians. Yes, to the Putin regime in the Kremlin.
The seven endangered islands in the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea include one the size of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. The Russians are also to get the tens of thousands of square miles of oil-rich seabeds surrounding the islands. The Department of Interior estimates billions of barrels of oil are at stake.
The State Department has undertaken the giveaway in the guise of a maritime boundary agreement between Alaska and Siberia. Astoundingly, our federal government itself drew the line to put these seven Alaskan islands on the Russian side. But as an executive agreement, it could be reversed with the stroke of a pen by President Obama or Secretary Clinton.
The agreement was negotiated in total secrecy. The state of Alaska was not allowed to participate in the negotiations, nor was the public given any opportunity for comment. This is despite the fact the Alaska Legislature has passed resolutions of opposition – but the State Department doesn’t seem to care.
A quick review: The State Department supervised this giveaway. The head of the Department of State is Hillary Clinton. It is inconceivable that this deal was made without Obama's knowledge and consent. Furthermore, this is not a new issue. The idea of giving these islands to Russia dates back to the days when Russia was still the Soviet Union.
At the end of the World Net Daily piece, there is an "Author’s addendum" that notes that both the Bush and Clinton administrations failed to act to resolve the question of ownership of these islands.
"A maritime agreement negotiated by the U.S. State Department," says the addendum, "set the Russian boundary on the other side of the disputed islands, but no treaty has ratified this action. Consequently, it is within the president’s power to stop this giveaway. The Alaska delegation’s failure to put pressure on the administration is inexplicable. State Department Watch, an organization that assisted with this article, has confronted each administration and is currently confronting the Obama administration — and has been met by silence."
Ah, the "culture of corruption," a phrase made popular by Democrat Nancy Pelosi a couple of years ago. She was talking about Republicans, of course. Irony has more than caught up with her, however, since story after story after story about crooked Democrats just keep on a 'coming. Here's a fun one, currently in the news: Hassan Nemazee, a top-level fund raiser for Hillary, Barack and others, is in a lot of legal stink. The case is U.S. v. Nemazee, 09-mag-1927, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan). Shades of Tony Rezko, Robert Creamer, Salman Ibrahim and Norman Hsu, just a few other crooks who have helped raise money for Obama and the Dems.
Prosecutors have leveled new allegations against a wealthy fundraiser for Hillary Clinton and other top Democrats, claiming he paid back a $74 million fraudulent loan by deceiving a second bank. Hassan Nemazee was arrested last week on charges that accuse him of using forged documents to get a loan from Citibank. Shortly after the FBI first questioned him, authorities said he hastily paid back the bank.... Nemazee, the 59-year-old chairman and chief executive of Manhattan-based Nemazee Capital Corp., served as national finance chairman for Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, and later raised money for President Barack Obama after her primary defeat. He also was Sen. John Kerry's finance chairman in New York for his 2004 bid for president. FULL STORY, Associated Press, Sept. 2, 2009...RELATED:Fundraiser Nemazee Defrauded Other Banks, US Says - Bloomberg
Obama fund-raiser faces new U.S. fraud allegation - Yahoo! Canada News/Reuters
Obama's Sunrise Equities Office (Obama with Salman Ibrahim, Fundraiser and FBI Fugitive)
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We've recently heard Democrat Party princes and princesses lie through their teeth by falsely claiming that ordinary Americans who voice opposition to Obama's health care programs are "astroturf." Astroturf means faked grassroots supporters (we called them "outside agitators" in the 1960s and 70s). The reality is that Democrats and their thug allies (ACORN, SEIU, etc.) have been astroturfing since decades before the term was coined. Here is an example of recentl astroturfing by thugs in support of Obama comes from (by way of friend Chris Barkulis at Right Not Wrong):
We've hired skilled grassroots organizers who are working with thousands of local volunteers to show Congress that ordinary Americans continue to support President Obama's agenda for change. And we're building new online tools to track events across the country and make sure MoveOn members turn out at each one.
"Grassroots organizers," they call them, but what they don't say is that they decend like locusts on a town or city from all over the country, ready to whip the locals into a frenzied goosestep. (SEE: Astroturfing Jan Schakowsky) Perhaps most telling is the last sentence in that excerpt: "And we're building new online tools to track events across the country....and make sure MoveOn members turn out at each one." Sure, whether the MoveOn members are actually constituents of that Member of Congress or not. Doesn't matter to MoveOn or to the Democrats. Warm bodies are warm bodies, whether they're astroturf or organic grassroots. Nevertheless, the Dems and their allies cynically lie by falsely accusing conservatives of doing exactly what they have done - and are doing - so well. Hillary Clinton and others on the Left could screech that dissent is patriotic while Bush was president, but now that conservatives are the dissenters.... well, that's quite unacceptable, you know.
Hillary Clinton she realizes that is a thug organization, as she said herself. But she's been hypocritical about that, too. In 2007, when she was seeking MoveOn's endorsment for her presidential run, she praised them. But after MoveOn endorsed Obama and subsequently harassed her, accused them of intimidating her supporters . (CNN video report here.)
As Chris Barkulis notes near the end of his post,"Move On just admitted to HIRING people to push their agenda (aka SOCIALISM) wherever they need to peddle their lies. This shows they will go anywhere regardless of what Congressional District they reside in." never really did move on, by way. They're still bitter about the 2000 presidential election to this very day and are rumored to be planning the violent overthrow of the United States government ever since. They might be working on a nuclear device, but we were not able to confirm that at press time.
RELATED: targets Barrow over health care voteObama perpetuates old politics he vowed to changeEditorial: Don't demonize health care protests, listen to themDemocratic Thugs Declare War on ConservativesRemember when protest was patriotic?World burns, ObamaCare churnsObama vs. the 'Outside Agitators'The Obama Thug PlanAre YOU a citizen of the United STRAIGHTS of America?Leave a Comment...Chicago News Bench RSS FeedWe're on Twitter...
Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration are made to look like cowardly fools in the video below. In that video, the first three minutes contain an excellent report from the streets of Tehran, where hundreds of thousands of people continue to demonstrate in the streets against "alleged" national voter fraud in the June 12 presidential election. The best part, however, is the press conference at 3:00 minutes into the video, in which U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says, "We, like the rest of the world, are waiting and watching to see what the Iranian people decide. The United States has refrained from commenting on the election in Iran."It was a cowardly statement by Clinton, in which she avoided taking any stand for justice and democracy, or to even try to send a message of hope to the people of Iran - or any warning to the dictators in power. Then, the coup de grace from Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister, Lawrence Cannon, whose statement showed us that Hillary is a coward who was either lying or is completely ignorant of diplomatic efforts by other nations, including Canada, our next door neighbor and one of our very best allies.
"Canada's deeply concerned by reports of voting irregularities in the Iranian election," Cannon said. "We're troubled by reports of intimidation of opposition candidates' offices by security forces. We've tasked our embassy officials in Tehran to closely monitor the situation, and Canada's calling on Iranian authorities to conduct fair and transparent counting of all ballots."The comparison of these two statements, by Clinton and Cannon, is stark. Cannon's statement made Clinton look like a fool. Whereas Clinton said that "We, like the rest of the world, are waiting and watching to see what the Iranian people decide," Cannon showed neatly that such is not the case. Rather, as Cannon pointed out, Canada was not merely waiting and watching, but also actively urging action by the Iranian authorities. His subtle, diplomatic message was clear and aimed squarely at the Iranian authorities by, in effect, demanding that they straighten out the election results and show satisfactory proof that the results were fair.
Whereas Clinton said that "The United States has refrained from commenting on the election in Iran," Cannon went on to make some very strong statements on behalf of Canada. By saying that Canada is "troubled by reports of intimidation of opposition candidates' offices by security forces," Cannon effectively said that Canada believes something unsavory happened in the handling of ballots in last Friday's election. Probably without meaning to, Cannon showed the world how cowardly, ignorant and afraid to offend the Iranian dictatorship the Obama Administration truly is.
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Hillary Clinton will be the next Secretary of State. According to late reports last night, Mrs. Clinton has accepted Obama's offer for the cabinet position. Clinton, clinton, clinton...where've I heard that before? Oh yes - this is change! More of the Old Guard is Change! I'm beginning to understand now. Just as a blizzard or cold snap is attributed to Global Warming, I guess the New Think is to consider everything old as new again. You grok that?
Xornal :Hillary Clinton acepta el puesto de Secretaria de Estado - Hillary Clinton ha aceptado ser la secretaria de Estado en el Gobierno de Barack Obama, según aseguraron ayer dos personas muy cercanas a la senadora citadas por el diario The New York Times. Se prevé que el anuncio oficial del nombramiento se producirá tras la fiesta de Acción de Gracias, que se prolonga hasta el domingo 30 de Clinton heads to State Department - Hillary Rodham Clinton has decided to give up her Senate seat to become secretary of state in the Obama administration...
A great piece in the New York Post. Hey Hillary backers. Get out and vote! PUMA!!!PHILADELPHIA - Hillary Rodham Clinton is on her way to becoming the biggest loser of this election. If he wins tomorrow, Barack Obama will certainly be his party's standard-bearer in 2012 - icing Clinton out of the White House for at least eight years. And she'll be nearly 70 in 2016 - a young sprout compared to John McCain but probably too old to carry the flag for the newly recast party of youth and hope. FULL ARTICLE...
Democrats displayed their fear, loathing and willingness to threaten this week in a pitiful display of placing partisan politics ahead of confronting an enemy.
That enemy - the true enemy, that is - is Iran's Mahmoud "Adolf" Ahmadinejad, who was in New York to attend a United Nations meeting. Let's let Chicago Bungalow fill us in:
Hillary Clinton recently cancelled an appearance at a rally planned by several major Jewish-American groups. The rally was to protest Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's threats against Israel, his promotion of terrorism, his jailing and execution of women's rights advocates, religious minorities and others. She withdrew because Sarah Palin was invited to the same rally. FULL POST over by dere...
Why would Hillary chicken out like that? Was she afraid of being upstaged by the now-more-popular Palin? Perhaps. Did dissing Palin mean more to Hillary than sending a strong message to Ahmadinejad? Yes, obviously. You see, just as so many on the Left continue to call President Bush a "dictator" (and often in the same breath, an "idiot"), the Left considers Palin to be The Enemy moreso than an actual, honest to Allah dictator like Ahmadinejad.
As for the threats made, we'll return to Chicago Bungalow:
According to CBS 2 HD'sMarcia Kramer, Democrats then threatened the tax exempt status of the participating Jewish groups if Palin were allowed to attend. Hence, they were forced to "disinvite" her. More... So, not only did Hillary chicken out, her own "Democratic" party then threatened to get the IRS after Jewish people if they didn't join in with the Democrat desertion of a valid protest event. Think about this, folks: Threats to persecute Jewish groups with the IRS if they did not dump a major party's VP candidate - oh, forget that, a US citizen - who wanted to participate in a free speech event to protest the dictator of a nation that sponsors terrorism. Ahem, must you be reminded that those are the same Democrats who hope for the election of BarackObama? This doesn't scare you? It should.
It is disturbing that the Left so easily falls into spasmodic hallucinations that do not allow them to see the real enemies of this nation. But then, they see themselves in the mirror every morning. Perhaps the guilt of knowing that they give so much comfort to our real enemies actually adds to their collective craziness.
Upstart Obama has blown apart the dreams and plans of Bill and Hillary to create their own dynasty. As many have said before, Bill seems to be doing everything he can to sabotage the Obama Campaign without being too obvious about it.
Chicago columnist and book author Carol Felsenthal is something of a Clinton expert. Her book, "Of Golf and Philandering: Bill Clinton in Exile," was released on May 1st.
Today, Felsenthal posts a searing indictment of the Clintonsin the Huffington Post:
If anyone doubted something I've written repeatedly on this page--that Bill and Hillary Clinton prefer to see a McCain victory on November 4th, so that Hillary can run unencumbered in 2012--just get a load of Bill today with the ladies of "The View," and in other interviews, as he prepared to open his Clinton Global Initiative in New York. Felsenthal cites examples to support her hypothesis, such as:
Regarding John McCain, Bill paid tribute to the naval aviator's years as a prisoner of war and said that McCain is the only Republican who can win. He quickly added that Obama would win and that he [Clinton] will be supporting and campaigning for Obama/Biden.In other words, Bill Clinton praised John McCain, then did a quick bow to the Obama Campaign... after he got the words of support in for McCain and not-so-subtly reminded people that McCain is a hero. "Oh yes, by the way," he might as well have said, "yeah, the wife and I are supporting McCain's opponent."
Intrigue, plotting and back biting. That's politics. And speaking of politics, be sure to read Felsenthal's "Is It Fair to Call Bill Daley a Lobbyist? Well, Actually, Yes It Is" too.