Showing posts with label liberal lies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liberal lies. Show all posts

Mom Says Ted Cruz Did Not Terrify Her Little Girl

Ted Cruz, official photo
Ted Cruz is not actually Satan
March 16, 2015 - The leftwing blogosphere and minor media outlets are again portraying US Senator Ted Cruz as a mean and hateful person. He's not just mean, according to their narrative, but a cruel and sadistic man who terrifies young children.

Cruz spoke while standing before a casual audience at a free "chili and chat" event with the Strafford County Republican Committee in Barrington, New Hampshire yesterday. He said that "the world's on fire," a remark not meant literally but as a reference to the conflicts around the globe. It set off a firestorm of liberal idiocy.

That remark accidentally became a lighthearted moment in which Cruz showed tenderness toward a curious young child. But that moment has been twisted into something monstrous by crazed left wing bloggers. My favorite example of the leftist truth twisting is an innaccurate piece of garbage written by an attractive blond imbecile named Jessica K. Roy at New York Magazine:

Mommy, why is that mean man yelling at me? a 3-year-old named Julie Trant must have thought to herself on Sunday afternoon, when her parents brought her to a Ted Cruz speech in Barrington, New Hampshire. Forced to sit scarily close to the spittle-spewing angry monster posing as a junior senator from Texas, Julie was understandably confused and scared when Cruz told the crowd, "The whole world is on fire."

That paragraph is a steaming pile of untruth. To begin with, Cruz was not yelling at anybody when he said, "The Obama economy is a disaster, Obamacare is a train wreck and the Obama-Clinton foreign policy of leading from behind — the whole world is on fire." Off to his left, 3-yr. old Julie sat with her parents and listened attentively. Curious, Julie piped up and asked, "The world is on fire?"

Russia Today (RT) Falsely Connects West Virginia Chemical Spill To US House Republicans (UPDATED)

January 12, 2014 - (Updated Jan. 13) - The terrible chemical spill in West Virginia last Thursday is a horrible thing. We all agree on that. But who is to blame? Well, certainly Freedom Industries is. That's the company whose chemicals tainted the local water supply for nine counties, and they're owned by the Koch Brothers. Yes, those Koch Brothers, the ones who support Republicans. But there are others to blame: The Democrats who control West Virginia's state government.

Russia Today (RT) ran a story with this incredibly misleading headline: "US House passed bill ravaging toxic-waste law - on same day as W. Virginia chemical spill."

RT wrote this: "As West Virginians were learning Thursday of a devastating chemical spill in the Elk River that has rendered water undrinkable for 300,000 people, the US House of Representatives was busy gutting federal hazardous-waste cleanup law." Emphasis is mine, and made to show you that whatever the U.S. House of Representatives was doing last Thursday had nothing whatsoever to do with what was happening at the same time in West Virginia.

Bias Against Homeschooling Shows In Media Coverage of New Mexico Shooter Nehmiah Griego

Jan. 21, 2013 - The predominantly liberal Mainstream Media is using the recent murders family membes by Nehemiah Griego as a way to attack homeschooling. New York Daily News's absurd headline today is "New Mexico homeschooled teen Nehemiah Griego accused of murdering family constantly wore camo: neighbors." 15-year old Griego fatally shot his parents and three siblings on Saturday, Jan. 19 in their home near Albuquerque.

Wow, sounds like those wacky homeschoolers are a bunch of dangerous nutjobs! Is the fact that Griego was homeschooled a legitimate part of this tragic story? Sure it is, in the same way that it's legitimate to report certain other personal information about him. But the way the NY Daily News headline portrays it, homeschooling was a major factor in the shooting. The NY Daily News headline is a deliberately misleading bit of anti-homeschooling propaganda from the Left, which prefers government-run public schools to allowing kids to be educated at home - outside of the ideological grip of the government.

Pelosi's Big Oil Lies

April 28, 2011 - Did you know that the Obama Administration is subsidizing the oil industry in Brazil? Yep, that's right. This, of course, is with the full knowledge and consent of House Squeaker Nancy Pelosi. Yet there was Pelosi this morning, giving the old Lefty line about ending subsidies to Big Oil. (Translation: American Big Oil.) According to a report by MarketWatch today, House Dummy Leader Pelosi "used Exxon Mobil Corp.’s first-quarter profits to again call for ending subsidies to big oil companies, escalating the already-intense war of words over energy policy." The Obama Regime, by the way, has no energy policy other than to (a) prevent American exploration and drilling for new oil, (b) promise to hunt down all the speculators who have illegally driven up fuel prices (none have been found) and (c) throw U.S. taxpayer money at Brazil's oil drilling efforts. In part, Pelosi was inspired to spew her rant by news that Exxon Mobil said its profit rose 69% to nearly $11 billion in the first quarter. MarketWatch noted that "Pelosi, like President Barack Obama earlier in the week, said oil companies don’t deserve tax breaks and that the U.S. ought to be investing in clean energy." Seriously, does this make sense? I agree that "clean energy" should be pursued. It's a worthy goal, but it's very long term and in the here and now we need to make full use of the energy we have at hand. Pelosi, sticking to the Marxist line, said that U.S. taxpayers shouldn't "subsidize Big Oil’s profits.” Again, she said nothing about American taxpayers subsidizing Big Oil in Brazil. MarketWatch also reportesd that Obama’s 2012 budget would take away tax deductions from oil and gas companies, which would "raise about $46 billion over 10 years." Let's see, that's $4.6 billion per year, or $383,333,333 per month, which breaks down to $88,461,538 per week. That's about $12,602,739 per day, which is about how much it cost for Obama to fly into Chicago to tape an Oprah show yesterday. RELATED: Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling

Uptown Update's Unjournalism

Chicago - It is staggering to see this kind of frantic speculation, gossip and innuendo pass for "reporting," much less journalism. Let's keep this simple and leave the world "journalism" out. Let's just talk about reporting, something that a popular blog called "Uptown Update" has always had a difficult time with.

The anonymous bloggers (I know who they are) are good, I admit, at little posts about laundromat grand openings and free adverts for restaurants and cupcake shops.


Yes, by technicality that's "reporting." When it comes to reporting about "newsy" items, however, Uptown Update fails miserably. I know for a fact that the "UU" bloggers rarely visit the scene of a news story in their own neighborhood. Rather, for the vast majority of what they pass as "news reports," UU relies almost soley on frantically written, breathless emails and text messages from readers. Those "reports" are very often written by someone who "just passed by" an event and is - often by admission - guessing at what was going on.

A sadly typical example of UU's brand of "reporting" was posted just last Friday, Sept. 24, 2010. It involved a large group of cheerful, happy people marching through the streets of Uptown, cheering each other loudly and holding U.S. flags. A Tea Party rally, perhaps? Most people of average curiosity would have asked these obviously friendly people what they were up to, as I did.

I bring this up now because several people in the neighborhood have asked me about "the Tea Party rally in Uptown last Friday." The first time I was asked, I laughed and said there was no such rally in Uptown. Ever. I was told they read about it on Uptown Update. The second and third times I heard about it, however, I was irked by the inaccuracy of UU's "reporting" and by the misinformation that UU habitually disseminates.

I happened to witness this mystifying march myself. While walking along N. Sheridan Avenue last Friday morning, I saw the group of about 100 people a block away. As an active Tea Partier myself, I knew that there were no Tea Party rallies scheduled in Uptown. I followed the happy group for half a block as they turned west onto W. Lawrence. I asked one guy in the group, a middle aged man, what they were up to. He explained that they were having a combination birthday and retirement celebration for the founder of their group.

I don't remember the name of the group or of the retired birthday boy. I do remember the middle aged guy telling me that the founder was "a great mentor" for everyone in the group. No, not a cult thing, nothing weird, just inspirational financial and lifestyle mentoring. Not a Tea Party, not a political march per se, despite the handful of pro-caplitalism political signs. Remember, these folks were celebrating their mentor, a man who has helped them become financially successful. Given that, they would naturally also celebrate capitalism, the system that made their financial successes possible.

Enter Uptown Update. Or, rather, insert speculative gossip via email courtesy of Uptown Update. Their Sept. 24 "report," with no byline, was titled "Rally Reason?" The "report" starts with two quick admissions of ignorance. First, the anonymous person who posted the "report" wrote, "We had several readers write in asking about this rally near the Aragon this morning." That's all they wrote, too.

Then, the first reader quoted by UU said this (excerpts): "Does anyone know what the rally at the Lawrence L stop was about today? I was caught in the middle of it and honestly have no clue what it was about."

Let's pause for a moment. This dolt was "caught in the middle of it," yet has "no clue" what it was? We must assume that the reader wondered what was happening while "caught in the middle" of the walking celebration, yet his/her confession of not knowing is proof that he/she did not bother to ask any of the participants. In the reader's fourth paragraph, he/she wrote this:

The attendees seemed to be enthusiastic, but I couldn't decipher what about. Common calls were "Freedom is free" and "Freedom train." The most common sign I saw claimed "Jobs suck." There were a great deal of video cameras filming the entire debacle.

Again the reader admits that he/she could not "decipher" what the march was about. Had he/she taken 30 seconds to ask and hear a quick explanation, he/she would know that "Freedom is free" and the other slogans are about financial independence. Instead, what we were handed was a long admission of timidity and deliberate ignorance of that in which the reader was "caught in the middle." The reader ended with this (emphasis added):

I just wanted to get to work and they were in the way for absolutely no reason I can decipher. Since I was in no mood for any of it (remember, not a morning person), I turned up my headphones and managed not to make snide comments to these obviously enthusiastic people. A rally is fine, I suppose, but would it hurt them to make their purpose manifest to passers by?"

The reader not only over used the word "decipher," he/she made zero attempt to do so. In a seeming contradiction, he/she was in "no mood for any of it," yet he/she was interested enough to note several slogans and other details while observing them closely for at least several minutes. Not only did he/she not ask any of them for an explanation, he/she then deliberately ensured further ignorance by turning up his/her headphones to shut out information. Then, with astonishing hypocrisy, the reader asked "would it hurt them to make their purpose manifest to passers by?" Well, as I noted above, they were all very happy to explain it to anyone who asked.

That's sad, but even sadder is another commenter, a fool named "Stu." Here's what Stu wrote, in part (my emphasis added):

When asked what it was about everyone who was carrying signs that said "Stop Socialism" "Freedom" "Be an Entrepeneur" "America" said their "friend" who was a corporate recruiter who worked on in building on Sheridan road between Lawrence and Leland had retired at age 26. He was making 9,000 dollars a month...that's 108,000 at dollars a year! This was a tea party and the people were like zombies, goofy, lots of Wisconsin liscence plates....a right wing rally in Uptown. The crowd was diverse and therefore, no doubt Churchy. I told them this was Uptown and to get their right wing asses out of here...that's how I feel anyway. They lied about what they were doing. that's what I found so strange. The story of the 26 year old makes no sense at was just a cover to prevent people from getting angry at them.

Stu, apparently, is one of the many, many overly medicated patients warehoused in Uptown who are allowed to stagger through the streets unattended, drooling on himself and regretting all day long that he forgot his tinfoil hat back at the nursing home. I think Stu got the age of the retiring birthday boy wrong, but we'll let that pass. Stu's comment is so wrought with inaccuracies and paranoia, however, that I cannot resist deconstructing it:

"This was a tea party and the people were like zombies, goofy, lots of Wisconsin liscence [sic] plates," wrote Stu.

No, it was NOT a Tea Party, as I explained. Believe me, a Tea Party would not have happened in Uptown without my knowing about it. As for being like "zombies, goofy," I saw no evidence of zombiness. Some of the folks were acting a bit goofy, but in that fun way that we all get when we're in a celebratory mood and with a big crowd of likeminded celebrants. I have no idea where Stu saw "lots of Wisconsin liscence [sic] plates," because this was a march on foot. It was not a car parade, nor was it a "right wing rally."

Stu wrote that "The crowd was diverse and therefore, no doubt Churchy," which only makes my brain hurt. A diverse crowd is necessarily "Churchy?" Huh? What? Does this mean, then, that a large gathering of atheists, which is ethnically diverse, would undoubtedly be "Churchy?" Ye gods, the liberal mind is amusing. Scary, as we see so often, but amusing.

Brave Stu "told them this was Uptown and to get their right wing asses out of here," and seems convinced that "They lied about what they were doing." The were not lying and Stu has no proof that they were. But here's where Stu exposes himself as a hateful liberal: He told them to get their "right wing asses" out of liberal, tolerant, Left-leaning, "progressive," proud-to-be-diverse Uptown. See, that's how it works for liberals. They love everybody, as long as those they love have exactly the same political beliefs and suffer the same symptoms of over-medication.

Uptown Update never did answer it's own question, posed in their single sentence introduction to a diatribe of mostly-guesswork comments: ""We had several readers write in asking about this rally near the Aragon this morning." The conflicting opinions, suspicions, and paranoia within the response to UU's pitiful non-attempt to get to the bottom of the mysterious non-Tea Party event only led to more questions and confusion, providing no authoritative information. Uptown Update normally operates this way, and in this way provides a great disservice to all who read it.

This is what passes for "reporting" at Uptown Update. Good job, UU, you manage daily to show us all how not to do it, and why so many people still don't trust the Internet for news. Do us all a favor and stick to your little reports about chocolate mints and free cake. Oh, and stop using graphics from all over the web without attribution or links to their sources. I mean, you have a professional graphic artist on your staff, don't you?

Loyola University Says No Political Speakers - Unless They Work for Obama (Updated)

by Michael Coyne - Former Bush advisor bad, current Obama advisor good: Will leftist/liberal hypocrisy on college campuses will ever cease? Can a university block a conservative speaker and permit a liberal one? That, after all, is exactly what Loyola University Chicago has done recently. The Young America's Foundation noted on July 22 that Loyola University Chicago squashed plans to host Karl Rove, former Deputy Chief of Staff and political strategist under President George W. Bush. Their stated grounds: Political speakers are not to be allowed on campus so close to an election, with November 2 not that far off. This was, of course, an outright lie, since, as YAF noted:
University officials denied the request to host Karl Rove, arguing that due to their 501(c)(3) tax status, they cannot host a “political” speaker before the midterm elections. Those with even the faintest knowledge of tax law understand that is simply not the case... As if that weren’t egregious enough, Loyola University Chicago has a history of hosting partisan speakers on election years. On September 1, 2004, Howard Dean was allowed to speak on campus. Just a couple weeks later, third party candidate Ralph Nader not only spoke on campus, but it was also advertised as a campaign event and donations were solicited
Today, emails were sent out to Loyola students announcing the following (emphasis added):

On Friday, August 27, Eboo Patel, PhD, the founder and executive director of Chicago-based Interfaith Youth Core and a member of President Obama’s advisory council of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, will deliver a public lecture on the Lake Shore Campus. Patel will discuss “Interfaith Leadership and Transformative Education” at 7 p.m., in the Mundelein Center Auditorium.

Patel has spoken at Loyola previously. He and a number of other notable liberals was one of the speakers for their 140th annual commencement ceremonies in the Spring of 2010. Patel spoke at The Graduate School and Institute of Pastoral Studies. Other liberal speakers included Kevin Bales, PhD (President & Co-Founder, Free the Slaves), Susan Sher (Chief of Staff for Michelle Obama), and Clarence Page (Journalist, Syndicated Columnist). Source: Loyola Student Dispatch's Blog, April 27, 2010. What does Loyola have to say about this blatant hypocrisy? We can be sure more will follow soon. About Eboo Patel: A religion adviser to President Obama has close ties to the imam who wants to build a 13-story Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero. The two have been documented together discussing America as "the ideal place for a renewal of Islam," WND has learned. In February, Obama named a Chicago Muslim, Eboo Patel, to his Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. Patel is the founder and executive director of Chicago-based Interfaith Youth Core, which says it promotes pluralism by teaming people of different faiths on service projects. Full Article here... RELATED: Loyola University Refuses to Let Karl Rove Speak CNB Loyola to host interfaith leadership expert Loyola Student Dispatch The Real Jeremiah Wright, by Eboo Patel Washington Post Loyola Interfaith Youth Corps Facebook group Obama adviser: U.S. 'ideal place for renewal of Islam' World Net Daily Catholic Colleges and the Political Left CatholiCity Hindu puts Eboo Patel in his place Jihad Chat No Eboo, It Is About Fundamentalism NewsReal Blog Obama Adviser Eboo Patel: 'Van Jones, Faith Hero' NewsBusters Eboo Patel's Articles Muslim Voices

It's Okay For Liberals To Do This

This liberal nutjob paraded hateful signs around Daley Plaza at the April 15 Tax Day Tea Party in Chicago. She pushed several signs on a cart and would flip them around every so often. Click images to enlarge them. 

In the top photo, her sign urges "Peace, not Hate," but her clear implication is that the Tea Partiers are Nazis.

In the bottom photo, she shows off another sign with a picture of Glenn Beck with the word "Nazi" under it, a picture of Rush Limbaugh with the words "Drug Addick" underneath, and a picture of Sarah Palin over a freshly-shot moose over "Media Whore."  A drawing inserted into "Tea Party" depicts patriots at puppets on strings.

The hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to amaze.  Also see: "So Rep. Shuler Did Not Hear the Phantom ‘N-Word’ After All" at

Activists Whine About Criminals With Children

Many people who are locked up in jails and prisons are parents. Their innocent children are often left behind, victims of the misdeeds of their parents. Those kids are sometimes taken care of by the parent who is not locked up, or by relatives. Photo: T.H.Mannis In some cases, the children have nowhere to go and so become wards of the state. In any case, the children suffer, but whose fault is that? Is it socieity's fault? Before you answer, remember that "society" is you and your own family, your friends, your neighbors, and everybody else. Or is it the fault of the criminal who happens to be a parent? Here's my own suggestion: Any parent who is convicted of any crime should then be charged with child endangerment and neglect. A parent can be charged with neglect for leaving a young child unattended at home for a few hours, so why shouldn't they be also charged with at least the same for committing acts that would deny their children the benefit of having a full family unit to care for them? There are, of course, bleeding hearts who think that you and I (society) should be responsible for the fate of their families, and that sentencing should be lighter for criminals who have children. See the media release below, from the Community Renewal Society. Notice the phrase "These invisible victims of the criminal justice system have committed no crime and are left without support, stability or care due to a parent's misdeed or mistake," especially the part that says "misdeed or mistake." Words are important, and referring to crimes as "misdeeds" and "mistakes" makes them sound less serious than they really are. The group is also demanding the "restructuring family visitation procedures, inmate sentencing processes and funding for family transportation to visit incarcerated parents." Notice the phrase "inmate sentencing processes," which can only mean lighter sentences for criminals who have children. It is not society's fault that the criminals committed crimes without regard for their children's future. It is also not our fault that those criminals had children to begin with, and society should not have to face heightened risk by releasing dangerous elements back onto the streets, simply to be able to go back to the innocent children for whom they showed utter disregard for in the first place. Committing a crime, any crime, is the ultimate act of criminal neglect of children. (Emphasis and links added to the following media release. Note: "IDOC" is "Illinois Department of Corrections.") MEDIA ALERT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 11, 2009 CONTACT: Al Shaw, Media Relations Phone: 312.673.3865 Mobile: 312.593.0719 Alex Wiesendanger, Organizer Phone: 312.673.3840 Mobile: 646.784.1033 ACTIVISTS FOR CHILDREN OF THE INCARCERATED LIST DEMANDS TO NEW IDOC DIRECTOR AT PUBLIC MEETING Advocates want IDOC Director Michael Randle to help prevent children from being punished for their parent’s mistake Who/What: The Community Renewal Society and over 300 people will hold a public meeting with Michael P. Randle, director of IDOC, to discuss restructuring family visitation procedures, inmate sentencing processes and funding for family transportation to visit incarcerated parents. Speakers will include advocates, community leaders and Illinois state representatives. Onsite interviews will be available with: Community Renewals Society’s Executive Director, Rev. Calvin S. Morris, Ph.D.; Civic Action Network congregation leaders; formerly incarcerated parents and children; and state Reps Constance Howard (D-34), Eddie Washington (D-60), and Annazette Collins (D-10). WHY: Across the state of Illinois , more than 90,000 children suffer the consequences of having one or both of their parents incarcerated or on parole. These invisible victims of the criminal justice system have committed no crime and are left without support, stability or care due to a parent's misdeed or mistake. WHEN: Thursday, Nov. 12, 2009, 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Pullman Presbyterian Church 550 E. 103rd St., Chicago, IL 60628 There you have it, Mr. and Ms. Law Abiding Citizen. YOU should pay for the transportation of children to see their criminal parent in prison. YOU should feel bad about the "victims of the criminal justice system," when in fact they are the victims of their own parents' shameful acts. YOU should feel sorry for the poor criminals, who just want to be loving parents even though they put you and everyone else in danger. Perhaps you could let Mssrs. Shaw and Wiesendanger how you feel about this. Let your Illinois State Representative know, too. Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

Victicrat: Damn It Feels Good To Be A Victim (Video)

This video is guaranteed to confuse most liberals. Conservatives will understand it immediately. Brilliant social commentary set to contemporary music, from Macho Sauce Productions. Producer: Eric Elder Writer/Director: Christian Hartsock Performed by Buddy Sostham Featuring: Alfonzo Rachel Starring: James O'Keefe, Laura Marie, Ryan Sorba, Eric Elder, Jeremy Shelton, Erik Bishop Hat tip: The Minority Report Blog Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

MSM Bias and Mayor Daley's Lousy Approval Rating

...but will the MainStream Media and the Democrats mock Chicago's Mayor Daley for HIS all-time low approval rating of 35 percent? Don't hold your breath. This post is more about widespread liberal media bias than it is about Mayor Daley's horrible approval ratings. The hypocrisy is stunning, as demonstrated by the Chicago Tribune in a Sept. 13 article by Dan Mihalopoulos: For the first time since he became mayor two decades ago, Daley's critics outnumber his fans, a Tribune/WGN poll found. The mayor's approval rating is at an all-time low of 35 percent in Tribune polls, according to the new survey. Mihalopoulos reveals a certain bias with his fourth paragraph (emphasis added): None of this is to suggest that Daley is losing his dominance of the City Council or his luster with the city's business elite. There is no serious challenger on the horizon if Daley, who regularly wins re-election by landslide, chooses to run for a seventh term in 2011. Even more than his legendary father, the 67-year-old Daley is the only game in town. Why does Mihalopoulos feel a need to apologize for his report of Daley's miserable approval rating of 35 percent? From mid-2006 to early 2008, President Bush hovered at or near a 35 percent approval rating. When The Chicago Tribune - or any of the other MSM - reported Bush's low ratings, did any of them quickly qualify those reports with phrases such as "None of this is to suggest that Bush is losing his dominance of the US Congress?" They did not, and yet that was essentially the case. Even after losing the Congress to the Pelosi Gang in 2006, Bush continued to have his way with the Iraq War and other issues. Although not quite the rubber stamp that is the Chicago City Council, the US Congress was more compliant than most average Democrat voters had hoped it would be after they won it two years into Bush's second term. When the MSM reported on Bush's low approval ratings, did they feel it necessary to also note that Bush won "re-election by [a] landslide?" They did not, of course, even though Bush handily defeated the John "Frenchy" Kerry and John "The Adulterer" Edwards in 2004. The MainStream Media have yet to catch up to the ACORN-Prostitution sting of last week. The MSM virtually buried the story of Obama being forced to dismiss Van Jones. Yesterday's March on Washington, a gargantuan Tea Party, is estimated by the US Parks Service and the D.C. police at over 1.5 Million people, yet most of the MSM has either ignored it or downplayed it as "tens of thousands." MSNBC admitted to "hundreds of thousands" of people, but oddly said that police estimated "tens of thousands." MSNBC, one of the MSM, just couldn't bring itself to honestly relate the much larger, actual, official estimates. The MSM, which we on the Right have accused of bias for decades, has bent over backwards in the past weeks to prove just how correct we have been. They've done it unintentionally, of course, just as a drunk who fails a breathalyzer test unintentionally proves himself guilty of having a few too many drinks. They cannot help it. It is they way they behave. Hold on, here's another metaphor: Like a duck, if it quacks like one and walks like one, it is one. The MSM has been quacking very loudly of late. RELATED: Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in ‘tea-party’ demonstration - Daily Mail (UK) ABC Denies It Ever Said Yesterday's Protest Rally Had 1 Million People Two Million Man March Size Matters; So Do Lies The 9/12 March on Washington (Wizbang) Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom Media Bias Of The Day Black & Right Your Friendly Media Bias Reminder - Mark Hemingway PROOF: SADDAM HAD URANIUM AFP: Iraqi uranium transferred to Canada Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

MoveOn's Outside Agitators Jobs Program

We've recently heard Democrat Party princes and princesses lie through their teeth by falsely claiming that ordinary Americans who voice opposition to Obama's health care programs are "astroturf." Astroturf means faked grassroots supporters (we called them "outside agitators" in the 1960s and 70s). The reality is that Democrats and their thug allies (ACORN, SEIU, etc.) have been astroturfing since decades before the term was coined. Here is an example of recentl astroturfing by thugs in support of Obama comes from (by way of friend Chris Barkulis at Right Not Wrong):
We've hired skilled grassroots organizers who are working with thousands of local volunteers to show Congress that ordinary Americans continue to support President Obama's agenda for change. And we're building new online tools to track events across the country and make sure MoveOn members turn out at each one.
"Grassroots organizers," they call them, but what they don't say is that they decend like locusts on a town or city from all over the country, ready to whip the locals into a frenzied goosestep. (SEE: Astroturfing Jan Schakowsky) Perhaps most telling is the last sentence in that excerpt: "And we're building new online tools to track events across the country....and make sure MoveOn members turn out at each one." Sure, whether the MoveOn members are actually constituents of that Member of Congress or not. Doesn't matter to MoveOn or to the Democrats. Warm bodies are warm bodies, whether they're astroturf or organic grassroots. Nevertheless, the Dems and their allies cynically lie by falsely accusing conservatives of doing exactly what they have done - and are doing - so well. Hillary Clinton and others on the Left could screech that dissent is patriotic while Bush was president, but now that conservatives are the dissenters.... well, that's quite unacceptable, you know. Hillary Clinton she realizes that is a thug organization, as she said herself. But she's been hypocritical about that, too. In 2007, when she was seeking MoveOn's endorsment for her presidential run, she praised them. But after MoveOn endorsed Obama and subsequently harassed her, accused them of intimidating her supporters . (CNN video report here.) As Chris Barkulis notes near the end of his post, "Move On just admitted to HIRING people to push their agenda (aka SOCIALISM) wherever they need to peddle their lies. This shows they will go anywhere regardless of what Congressional District they reside in." never really did move on, by way. They're still bitter about the 2000 presidential election to this very day and are rumored to be planning the violent overthrow of the United States government ever since. They might be working on a nuclear device, but we were not able to confirm that at press time. RELATED: targets Barrow over health care vote Obama perpetuates old politics he vowed to change Editorial: Don't demonize health care protests, listen to them Democratic Thugs Declare War on Conservatives Remember when protest was patriotic? World burns, ObamaCare churns Obama vs. the 'Outside Agitators' The Obama Thug Plan Are YOU a citizen of the United STRAIGHTS of America? Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Canadian Health Care Crisis

While the pernicious Quebecers are celebrating 400 years of being a, of being a uhm, a place... oh yes, while the Quebecers are celebrating something or other up north, let's look at how screwed up the health care system is in Canada. In spite of the lies we hear from liberals here in the U.S., Canadian health care sucks. Let's just put it bluntly: It sucks. Here's why: Canadian Health Care We So Envy Lies In Ruins, Its Architect Admits As this presidential campaign continues, the candidates' comments about health care will continue to include stories of their own experiences and anecdotes of people across the country: the uninsured woman in Ohio, the diabetic in Detroit, the overworked doctor in Orlando, to name a few. FULL ARTICLE at RELATED: Canada's mental health crisis Canadian Health Care Architect says “System is in crisis” The Desperate State Of Canadian Healthcare Canadian Health Care We So Envy Lies In Ruins, Its Architect ...