Yesterday, Marathon Pundit received an email from a major Canadian marijuana website. It was actually intended for me, but was sent to the wrong address. MP kindly forwarded my way. Turns out it's a form letter sent to other websites, but I thought we'd have some fun with it.
First, the email from doper "Mark Thompson," then my reply.
From: Mark Thompson []
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2009 06:15:20 -0700
To: [Marathon Pundit]
Subject: Your Marijuana Site
Recently I visited your website;while visiting your site I noticed that you link to at this address: As we are closely related to them, I would love to exchange links with your website, currently there are about 5,000 - 7,000 people per day that goto my site and search for information, Therefore I would to link to an excellent site like yours.
I have taken the liberty of adding your site to my home page: to determine if it is of any benefit to you, if you have a stats program you can check it and let me know. By looking at my stats, it looks like today I have sent you 10 visitors but it may change by the time you receive this email.
Some website owners do not like when other sites link to them so I thought I might ask first. I think the information on your website could be useful to my visitors; and maybe you could receive some extra relevant traffic if you want. Please get back to me when you have a chance to let me know if its ok to link to your website like this.
Have a good week,
Mark Thompson
This email was sent to [Marathon Pundit], by
136 Hidden Crescent Green - Calgary - Alberta - Canada
--- MY REPLY ---
Dear Mr. Thompson,
Your marijuana activities seem to have affected your ability to think clearly. For some bizarre reason, you seem to think that linking to my conservative blog makes sense on your dope promoting Canadian website, "rollitup," "the marijuana source."
By the way, you sent your note, intended for me apparently, to another blogger. Fortunately, that blogger, Marathon Pundit, forwarded it to me. I am grateful for that, as it provided me with many hearty chuckles and an amusing post. (Marathon Pundit is a conservative blog, too, so it's doubly mysterious why you would send such a note to either of us.)
In your dope-addled mind, you seem to believe that your marijuana website is "closely related" to the conservative
National Review. You couldn't be more wrong, Mr. Thompson. I doubt very much that they are in any way connected to, or approve of, your stoner website.
Your drug-induced confusion gets progressively worse as your note continues. In your second paragraph, you state that you have already added my site to your home page ( Yet, your third paragraph begins with
"Some website owners do not like when other sites link to them so I thought I might ask first." Huh? You already took the liberty to add my link, but you thought you'd ask first? Really, Mr. Thompson, how much dope did you smoke prior to writing your confused note to me at an incorrect email address?
For some reason, you felt it necessary to explain your linkage to "Rogersparkbench." Note that the correct name is "Chicago News Bench." You stated you added a link to my site "to determine if it is of any benefit" to me. The answer to that ("duh, yes") is obvious to anybody not sucking a bong. One wonders why you would care about my stats.
You go on to say,
"if you have a stats program you can check it and let me know. By looking at my stats, it looks like today I have sent you 10 visitors but it may change by the time you receive this email." Uh, yah, I do have a stats program and it shows that you sent me zero visitors on March 14 and none so far today. You may need a new stats program, sir. Or, perhaps, you need to stop smoking so much dope that you cannot read your own stats correctly.
You end your intoxicated email with
"Please get back to me when you have a chance to let me know if its ok to link to your website like this." Well, sure, Mr. Thompson, it's okay. I'll take hits where I can get them, but as I noted above, you've
already linked to me, just above "Hydroponics," "BC Marijuana Party" and "NORML."
I personally find your website to be disgusting. Don't take that personally, but do know that I will not link to your semicomatose website, Mr. Thompson.
I urge you get help.
Just say no,
~ Yikes! ~ UP IN SMOKE?
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