Aldous Huxley is best known for his book "Brave New World." Huxley was an intellectual who gave a lot of thought to social trends and how they would affect our freedoms. Video length is 44 minutes. This speech focused especially on the control of a population. This extraordinary speech was made by Huxley on March 20, 1962 at the Berkeley Language Center, where he spent the spring semester at the university as a Ford research professor. (Transcript at Public Intelligence.) By the way, you can read "Brave New World" for free at |
(Video) Aldous Huxley Speech, "The Ultimate Revolution"
Obama's Assault on Broadcasters

Do You Pray in Your Home? Your Permit, Please
About That Homeland Security Report
Are Conservatives and Veterans Terrorists?
Obama Could Shut Down the Internet with Cybersecurity Act of 2009

Obama's Red Army Boots Up

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, six-time Socialist Party candidate for president
Thomas said that in a 1948 interview during one of his six presidential campaigns. Perhaps he had a crystal ball.
Like Hitler and Stalin before him, Barack Obama recognizes the value of a legion of glassy eyed propaganized drones following his every order. Except for all of the government takeover action currently going on (i.e., the virtual nationalization of General Motors), and the desire to take away our guns, and the desire to suppress free speech (i.e., the resurrection in some form of the Fairness Doctrine), and a slew of other quasi-fascist-totalitarian actions and measures, I am not prepared to compare Barack Obama to genocidal dictators.
After all, Obama hasn't started a program of genocide that we're aware of. Neither Hitler nor Stalin were natives of the nations they ruled and ruined (Germany and Russia, respectively). Hitler was Austrian. Stalin was born in Gori, Georgia. Barack Obama was born in Kenya, as admitted to by a Kenyan diplomat Peter Ogaga. But no, I'm not saying that Barack Obama is exactly like Hitler or Stalin. Only in a few very important ways.
Lest you think I'm exaggerating that stuff about glassy-eyed drones mindlessly following orders from Obama, consider these excerpts: Obama "walks into a room and you want to follow him somewhere, anywhere," George Clooney gushed to Charlie Rose.... "I’ll collect paper cups off the ground to make [Obama’s] pathway clear,” Halle Berry recently told the Philadelphia Daily News, “I’ll do whatever he says.” (Does Michelle know about this?).... Last summer, San Francisco Chronicle columnist Mark Morford wrote that "Many spiritually advanced people I know … identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who … can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet." (Source)
Lest you still think I'm a totally insane rightwing paranoid lunatic, read the following from the The Dartmouth, the student newspaper at Dartmouth College and the campus’s only daily. It's the oldest college paper in the US and is completely student-run and independent of Dartmouth College. I've added my own emphasis to this excerpt, from a column in The Dartmouth in late February, 2008:
Mr. Obama’s program — soon to be dubbed “ObamaCorps” — would essentially obligate economically disadvantaged students to serve America in return for $4,000 each year. His costly proposal, however, welcomes all non-graduated U.S. citizens who study full-time, not only the financially insecure. Therefore, relatively wealthy students could — offsetting tuition costs — effectively use ObamaCorps resources to finance the ultimate spring break. Countless undergraduates would spend the tuition credit not on education but on scuba diving in the Java Sea. Those less intrigued by tsunamis, volcanoes and spawning billfish might bank the $16,000 over the course of four years. Full Column at The Dartmouth...
The Dartmouth also noted this (again, emphasis added):
For unspecified reasons, Obama has not yet announced how many hours per week participants might serve. For the typical Dartmouth student, finding time would be tough. “We will definitely use our education to contribute to the future of America. Why should the U.S. government force students to serve?” one ‘08 female asked when I raised the issue of compulsory service. “Even Bosnia doesn’t do that anymore…do they?” she continued. While ObamaCorps would not mandate military service, the program’s philosophical foundation appears to disregard infamous American individualism.
Of course it does. In fact, it seeks to destroy it. Individualism threatens any dictator - or wannabe dictators. The masses thinking for themselves? Can't have that, it's dangerous. The Dartmouth ended their column with the question, "Are we ready for pseudo-compulsory service?"
Gene Healy comments on that nicely today (31 March 2009) at NetRightNation:
But America’s very existence repudiates the idea that we’re hard-wired for leader-worship. We became a nation by throwing off a king, and our Founders gave us a Constitution that’s based on the notion that all men are flawed and none should be trusted with too much power. Americans, of all people, should recognize how bizarre and dangerous it is to fawn over professional politicians. Full post...
Healy writes a good piece but I think he misses a hard reality of modern America. In 1776, the people were not yet brainwashed by mass media political advertising, constantly barraged by a Left-leaning mass media, and were more rugged in both their lifestyles and outlook. Tens of thousands of Americans, loyal to the British king, fled to Canada rather than fight. Thousands more, who hated the king, also fled to Canada for similar reasons of self preservation.
The fact is that today, in a nation that fawns over amateur singers on shows such as "American Idol," millions have no problem transferring their willingness to fawn from entertainment figures to professional politicians. Since television, professional politicians have, in many cases, become entertainers. Even so, Healy's point is well taken, for not all American Idol fans are willing to follow an Obama off the cliff. Too many, however, are.
So, no, we're not all "ready for pseudo-compulsory service," and this raises an interesting question: Will ObamaCorps allow conscientious objectors to be exempted from service?
In the matter of a military draft, the matter of conscientious objection is easily understood: The objector has a religious or moral problem with killing, even in the defense of his nation, children and neighbors. The objector believes that killing is wrong in any circumstance. That's easy to understand, even if you don't agree with it. However, on what moral grounds could one "conscientiously" object to in the case of ObamaCorps?
The answer to that is the same answer that somebody in Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia should have given - before it was too late.
UPDATED - Obama's Dictatorship Quest Nearly Complete
Commenter Says HR 1388 "Not Nazi" (And Gets Wrecked)
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The Left says "Fear No Art," but it scares the hell out of them |
Today, Jonathan writes an e-mail that starts out nicely, but quickly goes off the deep end. Like his friend FreepGawker, Jonathan disagrees with me but does not resort to pointless name-calling or obscenity. Unlike FreepGawker, however, Jonathan veers off course.
Jonathan refers to HR 1388, which has made civil libertarians very concerned.
To quote from the Stop HR 1388 Facebook group:
“Many, however, are raising concerns that the program, which is intended to include 250,000 ‘volunteers,’ is the beginning of what President Obama called his ‘National Civilian Security Force’ in a speech last year in which he urged creating an organization as big and well-funded as the U.S. military.
He has declined since then to elaborate... The legislation also refers to ‘uniforms’ that would be worn by the ‘volunteers’ and the ‘need’ for a ‘public service academy, a 4-year institution’ to ‘focus on training’ future ‘public sector leaders.’ The training, apparently, would occur at ‘campuses.’ This is basically a big version of Hilter's Youth.”
Jonathan Greenberg is offended by the allusions to the Hitler Youth. His full comment is below. (My response follows.)
I really think your arguments against HR1388 would be strengthened if you toned down the totalitarian/fascist/nazi imagery.
I can see how aspects of the bills can raise your heckles, but I think it's a far cry from deporting minorities to ghettos to be subsequently processed in extermination camps.
Given the vast gulf between this bill, well, the Holocaust, photoshops of Hitler Youth posters blended with Obama's face are simply offensive.
You praise FreepGawker for his civil approach to politics (and I helped him with that project), and maintain a commit to a similar approach, acknowledging room for humor as long as its not hateful humor. I'm pretty sure comparing your political opponent to one of the greatest mass murderers in the 20th century (only behind Mao and Stalin) crosses that line.
As a Jew whose grandparents came from Poland the Ukraine, I doubt I have to further elaborate on why "tongue in cheek" allusions to Nazism are rather hurtful. I find your repeated attempts to conflate Obama's positions with totalitarianism especially amusing since, asides from your misuse of the word (I studied fascism and other totalitarian modes of government in college), I would be very surprised if you vocally opposed during the Bush years his warrantless wiretapping, war of aggression, suspension of habeus corpus, and torture (you know, the things totalitarian governments actually do).
But by all means, keeping displaying your tasteful Hitler photoshops and comparing Americorp to Nazi brutality (my girlfriend works for Americorp; she teaches legal immigrants English. The horror). Yours, Jonathan
PS: Please do not get the intentions of this e-mail wrong. Yours is one of the few conservative blogs I consider worth reading, and I only took the time to send you this because I thought it was constructive and more importantly you strike me as someone open to reason.
Thank you for your comment. Again, as with FreepGawker, I appreciate a good and civil volley of words. It will not surprise you that I disagree with a number of the points you made.
You started out by saying that you think my “arguments against HR1388 would be strengthened” if I “toned down the totalitarian/fascist/nazi imagery.” Perhaps, but that cannot be proven either way. The bill HR 1388, however, smacks of totalitarianism and state absolutism.
As noted in my post "The New Hitler Youth? Stop HR 1388!," the House of Representatives adopted a last-minute amendment that would actually bar participants in the programs from attempting to influence legislation or taking part in various other political activities, including protests or voter-registration drives. Is that not totalitarian?
As for the fascist/nazi imagery, keep reading. Your first sentence was on target. However, the rest of your first paragraph veers off course. There, you said that you “can see how aspects of the bills can raise your heckles, but I think it's a far cry from deporting minorities to ghettos to be subsequently processed in extermination camps. Given the vast gulf between this bill, well, the Holocaust, photoshops of Hitler Youth posters blended with Obama's face are simply offensive.”
Really? I mean, really? I must ask you if you ever wrote a similar comment to any of the thousands of liberal bloggers who, over the past nine years, have gleefully portrayed George W. Bush as Hitlerian in art and words.
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It's okay for the Left to label as "Nazi" anyone who disagrees with them |
Liberals love to chant the mantra “Fear No Art,” so why is it that they fear so much art? (See "The Left's Shameful Slurring of Monkey Cartoonist.")
You continued, Jonathan, by saying that comparing one’s political opponent “to one of the greatest mass murderers in the 20th century (only behind Mao and Stalin) crosses that line. As a Jew whose grandparents came from Poland the Ukraine, I doubt I have to further elaborate on why "tongue in cheek" allusions to Nazism are rather hurtful.”
Compare that to the tens of thousand of portrayals of Bush as Hitler, with no nuancing, that clearly paint Bush as a genocidal maniac. We are not portraying Obama as a genocider; what we are saying is that Obama (and some [but not all] Democrat leaders), are embracing policies and programs that totalitarian in nature. "Totalitarian," as I've already said, does not require genocide or mass murder to simply be totalitarianism.
Your imagination gets the better of you when you say the poster compares Obama to “one of the greatest mass murderers in the 20th century.” The poster is quite specific in its allusion to the Hitler Youth. It refers the program, the policy, the bill. It does not say that Obama is Hitler. Unlike many Bush-Hitler liberal “art,” the poster in question does not suggest that Obama is a murderer.
You’re a Jew, Mr. Greenberg? So was my father and his entire side of my family. My grandparents, too, came from Ukraine to escape the Czar’s persecutions. Many of my relatives, left behind, were subsequently destroyed by Hitler’s machinations. Please do not lecture me on why allusions to Nazism are “rather hateful.” They certainly can be, as in the Bush-Hitler examples. But they can also be instructive.
After all, Mr. Greenberg, I’m guessing that you would agree that we should “never forget.” Do you take that to heart? Do we not have a duty to point out a program, proposed by a sitting president, that has frightening similarities to a program favored by Hitler? You call the poster’s allusions to national socialism (Nazism) "tongue in cheek."
You’re wrong. They’re intended seriously. You seem unaware of the fact that totalitarianism does not require genocide or mass murder to simply be totalitarianism. You say you doubt that you have to further elaborate on why allusions to Nazism are rather hurtful. No, you really don’t.
When I was in college, I and others formed a group that stopped the student government from giving thousands of dollars to the legal defense fund of subsequently convicted bomber/murderer. That money would have been illegally taken from student health funds.
We were successful, but in the two-week-long struggle, liberals spat on us and called “Nazis” and “fascists” verbally and in the liberal student newspaper. Has that happened to you, Jonathan?
Were we "Nazis" because we tried to prevent theft? Were we "fascists" because we stopped the illegal plundering of student health money?
Hurtful? I can tell you personally, Jonathan, that it is. When you "studied fascism," were you only reading the textbooks that your Marxist professor assigned to you, or did you face down real fascists disguised as liberals, as I did?
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It's not fascism when they do it |
“Nazi,” by the way, is capitalized because it’s a proper name, such as Republican or Democrat. You must have noticed that while studying fascism, no? You say you studied fascism and other totalitarian modes of government in college, yet you seem incapable of recognizing it when you see it.
You’re wrong, too, in assuming that I have not “vocally” opposed “warrantless wiretapping, war of aggression, suspension of habeus [sic] corpus, and torture (you know, the things totalitarian governments actually do).”
I have always been against illegal wiretapping. I am against “war of aggression” but support a war of self defense. I kind of like habeas corpus and have never spoken against it, although I think President Lincoln was correct to suspend it given the circumstances of the time.
Torture is nasty business, yes, but have you been speaking out against Chinese torture of prisoners or against the brutal torture of millions of young Muslim girls who face genital mutilation? Have you? You make some very large assumptions, Jonathan.
Your comment goes off the road in your last paragraph: “But by all means, keeping displaying your [dis]tasteful Hitler photoshops and comparing Americorp to Nazi brutality (my girlfriend works for Americorp; she teaches legal immigrants English. The horror).”
Nobody has compared Americorp to Nazi brutality. (Where did that come from?) Those of us who are worried about the National Civilian Security Force is concerned about political indoctrination, state absolutism, and the bad things that could result from those. Nobody has suggested that the National Civilian Security Force would make use of brutality, although only a fool would not see the potential for such abuse.
Which part of “Security Force” makes you feel comfortable? Perhaps you think the “security force” will only teach English to legal immigrants. Maybe you think that such a “security force” would mow people’s lawns and plant petunias for peace between ESL classes.
As a Jew who wants to understand the state-sponsored brutality in his family’s history, especially as one who has studied fascism, you should be more aware of the current and very real trends toward totalitarianism.
From Tim Geithner's request to be able to seize non-bank entities in pre-emptive fascist fashion, to Nancy Pelosi's desire to muzzle radio talk show hosts, to Obama's desire for a vast civilian "security force," the sound of jackboots marching toward us grows loudly by the week.
FINAL NOTE / UPDATE, 2020: Jonathan never responded.
Online Porn Just Pretext for Censorship, Group Says
Canadian Liberals In Disarray
Behind the Maple Curtain
RIGHT: Prime Minister Harper stands tall amongst slaughtered Members of the Canadian Parliament this morning.
Harper's suspension of your parliament for purely political reasons seems downright Medieval to many of us in the Lower 48. Even so, I shall not call Mr. Harper a fascist, a dictator or a Nazi. He's doing a good enough job of applying those labels to himself without any unnecessary name calling by others. I will, however, accurately call him a totalitarian. Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper won a rare suspension of parliament last night, managing to avoid being ousted by opposition parties angry over the minority Conservative government's economic plans and an attempt to cut off party financing. Governor general Michaelle Jean - the representative of Queen Elizabeth, Canada's head of state - agreed to Mr Harper's request to shut down parliament until January 26th. Parliament was reconvened just weeks ago after the October 14th election. Mr Harper's request for suspension was unprecedented. No prime minister had asked for parliament to be suspended to avoid a confidence vote in the House of Commons. Full Story at Irish Times... Can suspension of elections be far off? Canadians, will you just sit on your arses and let Harper get away with this? We in the United States have long looked to your quiet little nation as a model of democracy and beacon of hope, ever since Canada was founded by people fleeing the fight for democracy down here (you know, back in the late 1700's). Since then we haven't paid you much attention. Now, however, with a seemingly power mad politico in charge, we might have to aim our radar a bit lower. History teaches us what happens when we don't pay enough attention to - I'm going to say it - dictators. Canada, your little dictator is just across the border from us. That makes us a bit nervous. RELATED: Canada’s “constitutional coup” and the corporate media - World Socialist Web Site Canada PM suspends parliament to keep power - CCTV, China From Napoleon to Custer - Globe and Mail Canadian Coalition Government Could Stop SPP/NAU... - El Dorado Hills Telegraph, CAObama Supporter Mocks the Mentally Ill
You Mean, Like a People's Army?

Barack Obama Says America Needs A Civilian National Security Force
The week after the “security force” statements, Obama likened Immigration and Customs Enforcement to terrorists, simply for doing the job of enforcing immigration laws! FULL POST HERE...