Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nancy Pelosi. Show all posts

The Legend of Poopalosi and the Poop-Strewn Streets of San Francisco

Democrat Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. As such, she is third in the line of succession for the Presidency. She's a politically powerful woman, and she lives in what could be called a literally shitty city. 

San Francisco is Pelosi's home, and it has become legendary for the vast quantity of human feces strewn along its streets. 

The city has a huge number of homeless people, many of whom are mentally ill. Many of them frequently poop on sidewalks and other public spaces. In October 2018 San Francisco was named the "Poop Capital of the U.S.," and the problem has only continued to get worse.

Which brings us to the wonderfully-titled video, "Nancy Pelosi vs The 'Sh%tposting' Crapper Bandit." Done by "Felix Rex" (one of my favorite YouTubers), the video examines what I'll call a "protest poop" laid down on Nancy Pelosi's driveway. 

Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. On Saturday, Sept. 12, a live-streamer called "Armando" set up his camera across from Pelosi's house, then strategically squatted in her driveway

San Francisco is the city of human feces, used needles, and aggressive panhandlers. "America, this is your future under Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi." ~ John Philips, Orange County Register

Hypocrite Nancy Pelosi Calls Religious People Hypocrites For Not Opposing Immigration Policy

Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks about immigration
to law enforcement officers in Fort Wayne, Indiana
on Thursday. (Mike Moore/Journal-Gazette/AP)
Nancy Pelosi hates it when people quote the Bible. 
Many Democrats do.

They tend to treat religion as they treat the Constitution: They hate it unless they can selectively pluck part of it to suit their momentary requirements.

When they find a suitable bit, they twist its meaning to progress their agenda.

BizPac Review reports that "Pelosi lambasted [US Attorney General] Sessions for quoting the Bible and chastised people of faith for not calling for a path to citizenship for DACA recipients. She also criticized him for not demanding an end to the separation of children from families of illegal immigrants during the prosecution of adults. Pelosi’s comments came in light of President Donald Trump’s stated refusal on Friday to sign an immigration bill that House Republicans were finalizing."

Crumbs, Continued: Pelosi Belittles Strong US Economy With Lies

The U.S. economy has come roaring back under President Trump. That has Nancy Pelosi and fellow Democrats losing their minds.

In a press conference last Thursday, June 7, Pelosi was asked about the May unemployment figure of 3.8%, the lowest it has been in 18 years. A reporter asked her if she thought the low lever was a good thing.

Pelosi's odd response:

"This has happened before," she said, "The people say, 'Oh my goodness... the unemployment rate is down. Why isn't my purchasing power increasing?'"

"Because our economy will never fully reach its possibilities unless we increase the consumer confidence," she explained.

"This is one unusual time, and I follow it closely, where the unemployment rate is down but the dependence on subsidies -- whether it's food insecurity, housing subsidies and the rest -- has not gone down because of the wage stagnation."

"Unless we have a very significant increase in wages and bigger paychecks, we are going to increase the frustration of America's families because they'll be saying, 'Hip hip hooray, unemployment is down. What does that mean to me in my life? I need a bigger paycheck.' That's the apprehension American families have had for a while," she said. (Transcript via Real Clear Politics)

Pelosi's answer is, frankly, disconnected from reality. Has everybody's financial situation improved under Trump? Of course not, but Pelosi contradicts herself with that answer.

Pelosi Blames Bush For VA Scandal, But Obama Knew In 2008

May 24, 2014 - It was sadly predictable: Some Democrats are blaming former President George W. Bush for the scandal currently rocking the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Nancy Pelosi, Obama's Propaganda Minister
Propaganda Minister Nancy Pelosi
"At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list," CNN reported on April 30. "The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources."

Most notable among the blame-Bush Dems is Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif).  The Washington Examiner notes that Pelosi did not actually blame Bush by naming him, "but she alluded to him early and often in the press briefing."

"Maybe when we go into war, we should be thinking about its consequences and its ramifications," Pelosi said while discussing the scandal. "You would think that would be a given, but maybe it wasn't. And so, we go in a war in Afghanistan, leave Afghanistan for Iraq with unfinished business in Afghanistan. Ten years later, we have all of these additional veterans. In the past five years, two million more veterans needing benefits from the VA. That's a huge, huge increase."

More Surprises from Obama Healthcare Law-Michael A. Minton

Written by Michael A. Minton
Remember this famous quote from then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi? "[W]e have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Well, we're finding out.

If this wasn't the Obama administration, this would seem an unbelievable story. While we were promised that Congress would have plenty of time to read every bill that went through when the Democrats controlled both chambers, this, along with other bills, was shoved down the American peoples' throats before there was ever time to absorb it. Now come the consequences.

It is now being reported that "Obamacare" will allow millions of middle-class Americans to get healthcare coverage for practically nothing. In fact, up to three million Americans who retire early, at the age of 62, will qualify for the federal-state sponsored insurance program Medicaid.

Believe it or not, couples who can earn up to $64,000.00 per year will, in the year 2014, qualify for the program which is intended for low income and disabled Americans. This is because, as the AP reports, "in a major change from today, most of their Social Security benefits would no longer be counted as income for determining eligibility."

The Associated Press says the "Medicare chief actuary Robert Foster says ‘The situation keeps me up at night. I don't generally comment on the pros or cons of policy, but that just doesn't make sense,' Foster said during a question-and-answer session at a recent professional society meeting. It's almost like allowing middle-class people to qualify for food stamps, he suggested.

‘This is a situation that got no attention at all,' added Foster. ‘And even now, as I raise the issue with various policymakers, people are not rushing to say ... we need to do something about this.'"

Of course, all of this is happening at a time when both the federal and state governments are drowning in debt. With Medicaid, the federal government pays 60% of Medicaid costs, while states must pay 40% of the costs. Obviously, neither can afford the added expense of the problem posed in the bill that "we had to pass to know what was in it."

The depth of ineptness in the Democrat party is just unfathomable. BOTH houses of Congress were controlled by Democrats when this bill was passed, and obviously a Democrat president signed it into law. This is an important point. As 2012 approaches, we must remember that we not only have an inept president who needs to be replaced, but we also have inept members of Congress who need replacing as well!

Of course, for many of these Congressional seats, and even the highest office in the land, I would suggest that you keep in mind that many of those making a lot of the noise, and prompting most of the change on Capitol Hill, are Tea party members who are motivated, invigorated and most importantly, true to their word.

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About the Author:
Michael A. Minton got his start in politics at the ripe old age of six, when his father, G. Terry Minton, ran for alderman in Louisville, Kentucky. "Mike" has worked in campaigns to elect (well, naturally his dad), former Rep. Anne Northup, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and most recently in the failed Romney for president campaign.

Mike got his start in his writing career as a freelance reporter for Talon News Service, and has since gone on to create his own blog, Mr. Right Opinion, and now operates a new blog called What's Right is Right.

He has been published in a number of online and print publications to include: Jefferson Review, Heritage Institute, Men's News Daily,,, Hawaii Reporter, Lincoln Heritage Institute,,, The Pioneer News and others.
Mike is a member of Providence Baptist Church in Brooks, KY, a single father of two daughters, an amateur genealogist, and has been involved in acting, including a role in Camelot at the Kentucky Center for the Arts in Louisville.
Health care graphic from

Pelosi's Big Oil Lies

April 28, 2011 - Did you know that the Obama Administration is subsidizing the oil industry in Brazil? Yep, that's right. This, of course, is with the full knowledge and consent of House Squeaker Nancy Pelosi. Yet there was Pelosi this morning, giving the old Lefty line about ending subsidies to Big Oil. (Translation: American Big Oil.) According to a report by MarketWatch today, House Dummy Leader Pelosi "used Exxon Mobil Corp.’s first-quarter profits to again call for ending subsidies to big oil companies, escalating the already-intense war of words over energy policy." The Obama Regime, by the way, has no energy policy other than to (a) prevent American exploration and drilling for new oil, (b) promise to hunt down all the speculators who have illegally driven up fuel prices (none have been found) and (c) throw U.S. taxpayer money at Brazil's oil drilling efforts. In part, Pelosi was inspired to spew her rant by news that Exxon Mobil said its profit rose 69% to nearly $11 billion in the first quarter. MarketWatch noted that "Pelosi, like President Barack Obama earlier in the week, said oil companies don’t deserve tax breaks and that the U.S. ought to be investing in clean energy." Seriously, does this make sense? I agree that "clean energy" should be pursued. It's a worthy goal, but it's very long term and in the here and now we need to make full use of the energy we have at hand. Pelosi, sticking to the Marxist line, said that U.S. taxpayers shouldn't "subsidize Big Oil’s profits.” Again, she said nothing about American taxpayers subsidizing Big Oil in Brazil. MarketWatch also reportesd that Obama’s 2012 budget would take away tax deductions from oil and gas companies, which would "raise about $46 billion over 10 years." Let's see, that's $4.6 billion per year, or $383,333,333 per month, which breaks down to $88,461,538 per week. That's about $12,602,739 per day, which is about how much it cost for Obama to fly into Chicago to tape an Oprah show yesterday. RELATED: Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling

Video: Stunned Pelosi Reads Charlie Rangel's Censure on House Floor

One of the most influential, and most crooked, members of Congress was finally censured on the House floor today. Charlie Rangel was found guilty by colleagues for unethical behavior. Rangel, by the way, is the man whom Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) called her "leader." Yup. Pelosi made "culture of corruption" a household phrase. Words can boomerang. "The U.S. House censured Democratic Representative Charles Rangel of New York for ethics violations," Bloomberg reported today, "including soliciting donations for an academic center bearing his name and failing to fully pay his income taxes. The vote was 333-79. Under the censure, Rangel stood on the House floor as Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, read the resolution outlining his violations." Watch Pelosi in the video below, dressed like a vampire, eyes glazed over, tongue thick with confusion, arm pits moist with tension, as she read the good news. Below: Rep. Jan Schakowsky praises her "leader" Charlie Rangel:

Pelosi's Blitzkrieg to Government Health Care

March 16, 2010 - Rev. Isaac C. Hayes, GOP nominee for Congress in IL-2, wrote about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's move to use the "self-executing rule". The use of the self-executing rule by Pelosi and her henchmen amounts to naked power grab and an unabashed assault on the democratic process. As the Wall Street Journal notes, "Under the 'reconciliation' process that began yesterday afternoon, the House is supposed to approve the Senate's Christmas Eve bill and then use 'sidecar' amendments to fix the things it doesn't like. Those amendments would then go to the Senate under rules that would let Democrats pass them while avoiding the ordinary 60-vote threshold for passing major legislation. This alone is an abuse of traditional Senate process." Hayes' response follows: The following statement was released today by Speaker Pelosi has yet to secure the necessary votes in the House of Representative to pass the Senate's version of health care reform. The Wall Street Journal reports today that Pelosi could ask the House Rules Committee to change the rules that would allow the House to vote on the reconciliation measures without voting on the actual Senate version. Nancy Pelosi is not listening. America has said no for more than a year, yet she is stealthily considering the self-executing rule to march toward government controlled health care against their will. According to Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution, for a bill to become law it "shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate." It is unclear whether or not President Obama supports this procedure. Speaker Pelosi is not only breaking through the will of the American people, but she is now waging a lightning war (a "blitzkrieg") on the Constitution. President Obama called for Congress to vote on the Senate bill as the Constitution requires, but Mrs. Pelosi is moving swiftly to deliver a knockout blow to liberty before the Easter recess. Editor's Note: The irony in Pelosi and the Congressional Democrats using the "self-executing rule" is that they may be performing political suicide. Most American voters do not view dictatorial, anti-democratic tactics kindly, and as more and more of them begin to understand the underhanded way that Pelosi and her gang are trying to ram this down the people's throats, the more likely it becomes that the Democrats will lose massively in the November elections. RELATED: House Democrats weigh controversial rule in health care vote Pelosi Readies “Self-executing” Fascism to Force Obamacare on Americans “Slaughter Rule” Strategy Unprecedented Democrats aren't suicidal. They're self-executing Will the Democrats 'Self Execute' on Healthcare Reform? Pelosi Procedural Trick Could Be Used To Pass Healthcare House Will 'Deem' Health-Care Passed Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed


BREAKING: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has admitted this morning that the Senate's health care bill cannot pass in the House of Representatives due to a lack of votes. According to CBS News, "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in no uncertain terms today that the Senate health care bill does not have the support to pass in the House of Representatives. "I don't think it's possible to pass the Senate bill in the House," Pelosi told reporters today. According to The Hill, "The House lacks the votes to pass the Senate's healthcare bill, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday.Pelosi threw cold water on the idea that the House could muster enough support to pass the Senate's health bill, which includes a number of provisions liberals in the House find distasteful." (Hat tip to NetRight Nation.) This is not to say that Pelosi has abandoned her hopes for health care legislation. reports that "Pelosi insisted efforts to get a final deal are still moving forward. The California Democrat said, 'Everything is on the table.' Congressional Democrats suffered a huge setback this week in the special election to fill the term of the late Massachusetts Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy." Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Transcript Text of David Hedrick's Town Hall Rant

Who has it? Rush Limbaugh, of course. Find it here. Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Hot Video! David Hedrick Blasts Congressman Brian Baird

MUST-SEE VIDEO!!! David Hedrick is a US Marine veteran. Listen to him blast US Representative Brian Baird at a town hall meeting. This is HUGE. (Text transcript available here.) Hedrick wrote the following about the video that he posted on YouTube: I, David William Hedrick, a member of the silent majority, decided that I was not going to be silent anymore. So, I let U.S. Congressman Brian Baird have it. I was one questioner out of 38, that was called at random from an audience that started at 3,000 earlier in the evening. Not expecting to be called on, I quickly scratched what I wanted to say on a borrowed piece of paper and with a pen that I borrowed from someone else in the audience minutes before I spoke. So much for the planned talking points of the right wing conspiracy. Related: Marine Takes Oath Seriously, Why Don't Congressmen? Town Hall Meeting with US Congressman Brian Baird “Stay away from my kids”: veteraan veegt vloer met Democraat Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

"Nazis" Confront Rep. Tim Bishop

Protesters lined the street in Setauket Long Island, New York in anticipation of a town hall meeting with Rep. Tim Bishop (D-NY). The town hall meeting itself was red hot. Bishop looked shell shocked at many times. Watch the video below, then check out still more videos showing pissed-off Americans excercising their First Amendment rights. Those are the folks that Nancy Pelosi calls Nazis. Do they look - or sound -like Nazis to you? RELATED: Tea Party Patriots Suffok County 9-12 Project Demonstration held Saturday - Riverhead News-Review Leave a Comment... See Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

CIA's Panetta Counters Pelosi

As mentioned yesterday, Pelosi the Psychopath can't lie very well. She's busy lying about her previous knowledge of waterboarding, and she continues to lie badly. Today, this from the Washington Post: CIA Director Leon Panetta today rejected House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's charge that the agency misled her in 2002 about its use of waterboarding and other coercive interrogation methods on suspected terrorists. Panetta, who took office as President Obama's CIA chief in February, reasserted the agency's claim that it told congressional leaders about the use of such methods during a closed-door briefing in September 2002. Pelosi (D-Calif.) has acknowledged attending the briefing but says she was told only that the CIA was considering the use of waterboarding, or simulated drowning. Full Story at Washington Post... KARL ROVE weighed in on this hot topic, with a May 15 column in the Wall Street Journal: If Mrs. Pelosi considers the enhanced interrogation techniques to be torture, didn't she have a responsibility to complain at the time, introduce legislation to end the practices, or attempt to deny funding for the CIA's use of them? If she knew what was going on and did nothing, does that make her an accessory to a crime of torture, as many Democrats are calling enhanced interrogation? Full Column at Wall Street Journal... RELATED: Nancy Pelosi Can't Even Lie Well Leave a Comment on our Guestbook! CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter

Nancy Pelosi Can't Even Lie Well

OCCUPIED WASHINGTON – For years, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats criticized the Bush Administration for waterboarding prisoners in the war on terror. Very recently, it was revealed that Pelosi has known about the waterboarding for at least six years. She was briefed about it by CIA. In other words, Pelosi knew about and condoned waterboarding even as she publicly criticized it. Now, Nancy Pelosi is telling some of the dumbest lies ever told, even by a politician. Let's look at what Pelosi said, and see just how bad a liar she is. Julie Hirschfeld Davis of the Associated Press gives us this today (emphasis added): Under strong attack from Republicans, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused the CIA and Bush administration of misleading her about waterboarding detainees in the war on terror and sharply rebutted claims she was complicit in the method's use. "We were told specifically that waterboarding was not being used," she told reporters, referring to a formal CIA briefing she received in the fall of 2002. Keep that in mind as you read on. Pelosi says, above, that she was "specifically" told that "waterboarding was not being used." Uh huh, okay. Davis' AP story continues (number and emphasis added): Pelosi said (1) she subsequently learned that (2) other lawmakers were told (3) several months later by the CIA about the use of waterboarding. "I wasn't briefed, (4) I was informed that someone else had been briefed about it," she said. Let's look the six points that I numbered above. (1) Subsequently learned, eh? Pelosi admits, then, that she did know about waterboarding, regardless of whether it was the CIA that told her about it, and shortly after her CIA meeting. (2) She claims that other lawmakers were told by CIA about waterboarding (3) several months after her 2002 CIA meeting - the one in which, she claims, CIA told her that waterboarding wasn't being used. Question: Why would CIA tell her that it was not being used, but only a few months later tell other lawmakers that it was being used? Pelosi now claims (4) that she "was informed that someone else had been briefed about it." If that's the case, why didn't she run back to CIA and confront them with that, and demand that she get the same briefing as "someone else" had received? We can safely assume that she knew, from being told about the other person being "briefed about it," that she knew that waterboarding was being used. Again, why did she not delve into the matter and seek more information? More to the current point, why, six years ago, did she not publicly decry the practice? Pelosi admits that CIA told the truth about waterboarding to other lawmakers, but she claims that CIA mysteriously singled her out for exclusion. She offers no explanation as to why the CIA would tell "other lawmakers" but not her. As pointed out in the AP story by Davis, House Republican Leader John Boehner thinks Pelosi is, to put it politely, not telling the truth (my words, not AP's). AP quotes Boehner as saying, "When you look at the number of briefings that the Speaker was in and other Democrat members of the House and Senate, it's pretty clear that they were well aware of what these enhanced interrogation techniques were," and, "They were well aware that they had been used, and it seems to me that they want to have it both ways. You can't have it both ways." Not in real life, you can't, but were talking about Pelosi, a leader of the the Party of Pretend. It's an old joke by now that if a Republican is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, the Democrat Party and the Republican Party will both demand his resignation. But let a Democrat get caught red handed as he steals the purse of a woman he just raped in the middle of a busy intersection, and the Democrats will make excuses for him and do their best to let it pass. So, in real life having it both ways is usually not possible. In the Democrat Party, however, dreams come true, and often substitute for truth itself. Davis also reports in her AP story that "an official at the CIA neither disputed nor accepted the California Democrat's statements. Instead, George Little, a CIA spokesman, told The Associated Press: 'It is not the policy of this agency to mislead the United States Congress'." That's that CIA being overly diplomatic. The hidden (and probably intended) meaning is that Pelosi is out of her mind or lying, or both. CIA, a government agency, has to be diplomatic in their statements, especially about members of Congress. I don't have to so diplomatic, however, which why I have no problem opining that Nancy Pelosi is a lying, self-serving, two-faced whore of a hypocrite who couldn't lie her way out of a women's rest room without raising suspicion. If that's not blunt enough, drop me a line and I'll let you know how I really feel about the treasonous witch. UPDATED, MAY 15: CIA's Panetta Counters Pelosi Leave a Comment on our Guestbook CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter

CIA Proves Pelosi Lied

Nancy Pelosi has been caught in yet another lie. She has claimed that she was never told about "harsh interrogation" methods used on terrorist combatants. But she was told about it. The thought of a Democrat lying might shock two or three of you, but to many of us this is just more of the same. The Washington Post: Intelligence officials released documents this evening saying that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was briefed in September 2002 about the use of harsh interrogation tactics against al-Qaeda prisoners, seemingly contradicting her repeated statements over the past 18 months that she was never told that these techniques were actually being used. So, Pelosi knew about the interrogation methods well over six years ago but said nothing until it served her politically to say something. In other words, Democrat Pelosi was enabling the Bush Administration, apparently having no problem with the methods that she was told about. Only when it seemed politically expedient did she begin to criticize the methods. This is reminiscent of other Democrat lies concerning the general subject of the war on terror. Democrat "leaders" who given full briefings before and after the invasion of Iraq publicly pretended that the knew nothing. Democrat leaders act like Sergeant Schultz in Hogan's Heroes, the bumbling, cowardly German prison guard who pretended to "know nothing" even when he did. Republicans have accused her of knowing for many years precisely the techniques CIA agents were using in interrogations, and only protesting the tactics when they became public and liberal antiwar activists protested. Full Story at The Washington Post... Nancy Pelosi has proven again and again that she is little more than an opportunity whore, an ideoligically vapid husk of a woman. For Nancy Pelosi, her own political career is more important than any true political beliefs. We can respect someone for their heartfelt politics, if they are sincere and not hypocritical. Nancy Pelosi is insincere, hypocritical, and should resign for the good of both the nation and her own party. RELATED: Panic Time for Pelosi - Human Events CIA Says It Briefed Congressional Leaders - Wall Street Journal Feingold, Sensenbrenner embody partisan debate on detainee torture - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Pelosi's crumbling credibility on torture - Kansas City Star Obama should halt 'torture' frenzy on left - Pottstown Mercury Have You No Sense of Decency, Ms. Pelosi... - National Review Online Blogs CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter

Obama's Red Army Boots Up

Like Hitler and Stalin before him, Barack Obama recognizes the value of 
a legion of glassy-eyed useful idiots following his every order

H.R. 1388 passed today, 31 March 2009. Obama will sign it. Get ready to goose step, America. This will create, among other nightmares, Obama's "civilian security corps." As ALG News mentioned last week, Rep. Virginia Foxx's (R-NC) amendment banning so-called “volunteer” organizations from using taxpayer funds to political purposes was stripped from its parent bill in the Senate, and replaced by an amendment allowing those organizations to skirt the law and continue lobbying. This week, the House will approve the Senate version, and President Obama will no doubt sign it shortly thereafter. 

So starts Isaac MacMillen's excellent analysis of the grotesque expansion of Americorps and the ominous shadow cast by the about-to-be-law create by the "Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act," formerly called "Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act" (GIVE Act). The title of the post, "The Rise of ObamaCorps," pretty much sums it up. It was brilliantly sneaky of the Congress bastards to rename it, debate and vote on amendments in the middle of the night, rename amendments, and do a number of other tricks to make tracking the progress of H.R. 1388 difficult for you and me. They wanted it that way.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, six-time Socialist Party candidate for president

Thomas said that in a 1948 interview during one of his six presidential campaigns. Perhaps he had a crystal ball. 

Like Hitler and Stalin before him, Barack Obama recognizes the value of a legion of glassy eyed propaganized drones following his every order. Except for all of the government takeover action currently going on (i.e., the virtual nationalization of General Motors), and the desire to take away our guns, and the desire to suppress free speech (i.e., the resurrection in some form of the Fairness Doctrine), and a slew of other quasi-fascist-totalitarian actions and measures, I am not prepared to compare Barack Obama to genocidal dictators.

After all, Obama hasn't started a program of genocide that we're aware of. Neither Hitler nor Stalin were natives of the nations they ruled and ruined (Germany and Russia, respectively). Hitler was Austrian. Stalin was born in Gori, Georgia. Barack Obama was born in Kenya, as admitted to by a Kenyan diplomat Peter Ogaga. But no, I'm not saying that Barack Obama is exactly like Hitler or Stalin. Only in a few very important ways. 

Lest you think I'm exaggerating that stuff about glassy-eyed drones mindlessly following orders from Obama, consider these excerpts: Obama "walks into a room and you want to follow him somewhere, anywhere," George Clooney gushed to Charlie Rose.... "I’ll collect paper cups off the ground to make [Obama’s] pathway clear,” Halle Berry recently told the Philadelphia Daily News, “I’ll do whatever he says.” (Does Michelle know about this?).... Last summer, San Francisco Chronicle columnist Mark Morford wrote that "Many spiritually advanced people I know … identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who … can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet." (Source) 

Lest you still think I'm a totally insane rightwing paranoid lunatic, read the following from the The Dartmouth, the student newspaper at Dartmouth College and the campus’s only daily. It's the oldest college paper in the US and is completely student-run and independent of Dartmouth College. I've added my own emphasis to this excerpt, from a column in The Dartmouth in late February, 2008: 

Mr. Obama’s program — soon to be dubbed “ObamaCorps” — would essentially obligate economically disadvantaged students to serve America in return for $4,000 each year. His costly proposal, however, welcomes all non-graduated U.S. citizens who study full-time, not only the financially insecure. Therefore, relatively wealthy students could — offsetting tuition costs — effectively use ObamaCorps resources to finance the ultimate spring break. Countless undergraduates would spend the tuition credit not on education but on scuba diving in the Java Sea. Those less intrigued by tsunamis, volcanoes and spawning billfish might bank the $16,000 over the course of four years. Full Column at The Dartmouth... 

  The Dartmouth also noted this (again, emphasis added): 

For unspecified reasons, Obama has not yet announced how many hours per week participants might serve. For the typical Dartmouth student, finding time would be tough. “We will definitely use our education to contribute to the future of America. Why should the U.S. government force students to serve?” one ‘08 female asked when I raised the issue of compulsory service. “Even Bosnia doesn’t do that anymore…do they?” she continued. While ObamaCorps would not mandate military service, the program’s philosophical foundation appears to disregard infamous American individualism. 

Of course it does. In fact, it seeks to destroy it. Individualism threatens any dictator - or wannabe dictators. The masses thinking for themselves? Can't have that, it's dangerous. The Dartmouth ended their column with the question, "Are we ready for pseudo-compulsory service?" 

Gene Healy comments on that nicely today (31 March 2009) at NetRightNation: 

But America’s very existence repudiates the idea that we’re hard-wired for leader-worship. We became a nation by throwing off a king, and our Founders gave us a Constitution that’s based on the notion that all men are flawed and none should be trusted with too much power. Americans, of all people, should recognize how bizarre and dangerous it is to fawn over professional politicians. Full post... 

Healy writes a good piece but I think he misses a hard reality of modern America. In 1776, the people were not yet brainwashed by mass media political advertising, constantly barraged by a Left-leaning mass media, and were more rugged in both their lifestyles and outlook. Tens of thousands of Americans, loyal to the British king, fled to Canada rather than fight. Thousands more, who hated the king, also fled to Canada for similar reasons of self preservation. 

The fact is that today, in a nation that fawns over amateur singers on shows such as "American Idol," millions have no problem transferring their willingness to fawn from entertainment figures to professional politicians. Since television, professional politicians have, in many cases, become entertainers. Even so, Healy's point is well taken, for not all American Idol fans are willing to follow an Obama off the cliff. Too many, however, are. 

So, no, we're not all "ready for pseudo-compulsory service," and this raises an interesting question: Will ObamaCorps allow conscientious objectors to be exempted from service?

In the matter of a military draft, the matter of conscientious objection is easily understood: The objector has a religious or moral problem with killing, even in the defense of his nation, children and neighbors. The objector believes that killing is wrong in any circumstance. That's easy to understand, even if you don't agree with it. However, on what moral grounds could one "conscientiously" object to in the case of ObamaCorps? 

The answer to that is the same answer that somebody in Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia should have given - before it was too late. 


Pelosi Pisses Off Pope

Hypocritical liar and lapsed Catholic Nancy Pelosi met today with Pope Benedict XVI, her moral opposite, in Vatican City. Pelosi, speaker of the House of Representatives in Congress, is a good candidate for excommunication from the Church for her anti-life views on abortion. She was not excommunicated, but the Pope did give her a diplomatic dissing over the issue of embryocide. The Catholic News Service published this statement from the Vatican (emphasis added): "Following the General Audience the Holy Father briefly greeted Mrs Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the United States House of Representatives, together with her entourage. His Holiness took the opportunity to speak of the requirements of the natural moral law and the Church’s consistent teaching on the dignity of human life from conception to natural death which enjoin all Catholics, and especially legislators, jurists and those responsible for the common good of society, to work in cooperation with all men and women of good will in creating a just system of laws capable of protecting human life at all stages of its development." Pelosi calls herself a Catholic, but champions abortion "rights." That's a bit like a soccer player who keeps using his hands to handle the ball. It may be against the rules, and by using his hands he is actually not playing soccer, yet he insists that his is the true version of the game. The Pope was clearly not happy to receive Pelosi and her posse. It is unusual for the Pope to not issue photo sessions with visiting dignitaries, but that's how he's treatign the Pelosi encounter. Pelosi gushed (my word) over her visit with Pope Benedict, which should prove annoying to the millions of Democrat sympathizers who viciously mock the Pope and claim to believe that public officials should have no religion in their public lives. The Pelosi statement is astounding: In a statement issued by her office, Pelosi said it was with "great joy" that she and her husband Paul met with Benedict. "In our conversation, I had the opportunity to praise the Church's leadership in fighting poverty, hunger and global warming, as well as the Holy Father's dedication to religious freedom and his upcoming trip and message to Israel," Pelosi said. (Source: AP) This from Pelosi, who champions causes that fight freedom of religion in public squares and the right of a student to bow her head and silently pray before a test in a public school. The statement continues: "I was proud to show His Holiness a photograph of my family's papal visit in the 1950s, as well as a recent picture of our children and grandchildren," said the California congresswoman, who has often expressed pride in her religious heritage. "Pride in her religious heritage?" Really? Remember our hypthetical soccer player, the guy who uses his hands in a clear violation of the rules? He's not really a soccer player, but insists on running around the field, hands on the ball, flags down and whistles blowing. After the game and a good scolding from officials, the player issues a statement telling us how proud he is of his ability to play soccer - with his hands. That's Nancy Pelosi. CNB RSS Feed

Ted Nugent Hunts Porkosaurus

The Nuge smells blood: I’m on the track of ... a bigger more dangerous critter than I’ve ever hunted before: the Obama-Pelosi Porkosaurus. The Porkosaurus is plenty dangerous by itself. It subsidizes unemployment by increasing unemployment benefits. And, as the man said, when you subsidize something you get more of it. It doesn’t spend anything -- not one thin dime -- on the one thing that economists say is guaranteed to stimulate the economy, defense spending. And its whole purpose is to feed Fedzilla and make it grow even bigger, swallowing our economy whole. Full Column by Ted Nugent at Human Events... Also see Ted Nugent's hunting website. Hat tip to Cal Tech Girl CNB RSS Feed

Pelosi: 500 Million Will Lose Jobs

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is the Speaker of the House of Representatives. She's a member of Congress. She's also an idiot, as the video here proves. In a press conference, she spoke about the so-called "stimulus" legislation, and she made an astounding remark:
“Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs.”
Imagine the reaction if a Republican said that. Someone should really point out to Ms. Pelosi that the United States has a population of slightly more than 300 million. Even if every adult and every child was employed, not enough of them could lose their jobs to total 500 million. Perhaps the additional 200 million people reside in those seven new states that Barack Obama said he visited during the election. Pelosi's remark, which she did not pause to correct, was amazing enough, but just as amazing was the complete lack of response to it by the reporters in the room. Nobody said, "Madam Speaker, we only have 300 million people in America. How could 500 million people possibly lose their jobs here?" It is also noteworthy that Pelosi called it "an economic recovery package," not "economic stimulus package." A Freudian admission that the package won't stimulate much of anything? Watch the video below! (Hat tip to CNB RSS Feed