Showing posts with label veterans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterans. Show all posts

James Megellas, 103-Year-Old WWII Hero, Passes Away

Then-Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley hosts
Lt. Col. James “Maggie” Megellas at Pentagon
in 2017. (Photo by Sgt. Jamill Ford/Army)
Updated August 1, 2020: This post was originally posted on March 2, 2008.

We are sad to learn that retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel James “Maggie” Megellas, "the most decorated officer in the history of the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division," passed away on April 2, 2020 at the age of 103.

Lt. Col. Megellas, of Colleyville, Texas and a Life Member of AHEPA Chapter 369, Madison, Wisconsin, passed away April 2, 2020. He was 103 years old.

Read his amazing story at The National Herald. Here's an excerpt:

Pelosi Blames Bush For VA Scandal, But Obama Knew In 2008

May 24, 2014 - It was sadly predictable: Some Democrats are blaming former President George W. Bush for the scandal currently rocking the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Nancy Pelosi, Obama's Propaganda Minister
Propaganda Minister Nancy Pelosi
"At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list," CNN reported on April 30. "The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources."

Most notable among the blame-Bush Dems is Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif).  The Washington Examiner notes that Pelosi did not actually blame Bush by naming him, "but she alluded to him early and often in the press briefing."

"Maybe when we go into war, we should be thinking about its consequences and its ramifications," Pelosi said while discussing the scandal. "You would think that would be a given, but maybe it wasn't. And so, we go in a war in Afghanistan, leave Afghanistan for Iraq with unfinished business in Afghanistan. Ten years later, we have all of these additional veterans. In the past five years, two million more veterans needing benefits from the VA. That's a huge, huge increase."

Native American Veterans Want Race-Based War Memorial

May 27, 2013 - Should any single ethnic or racial group have it's very own memorial? Some Native Americans are asking for just that. Is a racially segregated memorial really something that American soldiers have fought and died for?

2nd Lt. Ernest Childers, 26-year-old American Indian
from Tulsa, OK, receives the Congressional
Medal of Honor from Lt. Gen Jacob L. Devers.
Image found at
"Before World War II and in the decades since," says an AP story, "tens of thousands of American Indians have enlisted in the Armed Forces to serve their country at a rate much greater than any other ethnicity. Yet, among all the monuments and statues along the National Mall in Washington, D.C., not one stands in recognition."

AP says that a deputy assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has been meeting with Native American leaders; a memorial "is a real possibility" if land is located and private funds are raised.

Well, fine, they can do whatever they want with private funds. But whatever "land is located" had better not be publicly owned, not for a something that is racially and ethnically exclusive. No sir. We don't, after all, want to be politically incorrect, do we? Hmmm?

I don't want to diminish the contributions of Native American veterans. I really don't. God bless them all. Their contributions and sacrifices were great and many. But the push for a Native American-only memorial, driven largely by the National Congress of American Indians, seems to discount the fact that virtually every group of Americans made sacrifices and contributions to U.S. military efforts during wartime.

"A good deal of credit must go to the Native Americans for their outstanding part in America's victory in World War II," wrote Thomas D. Morgan for the U.S. Army Center of Military History. "They sacrificed more than most-both individually and as a group. They left the land they knew to travel to strange places, where people did not always understand their ways. They had to forego the dances and rituals that were an important part of their life. They had to learn to work under non-Indian supervisors in situations that were wholly new to them. It was a tremendously difficult adjustment; more than for white America, which had known modem war and mobilization before. But in the process, Native Americans became Indian-Americans, not just American Indians."

Navajo Code Talker veterans at the 2012 Fourth Annual White House
Tribal Nations Conference at the U.S. Dept of Interior in
Washington D.C. on Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2012.
Photo:, found at Indian Country Today
Even so, a separate memorial makes no sense. By their logic, we should also have statues and whatever on the National Mall for every other group. But are there any monuments or statues designed to specifically recognize U.S. military veterans who are, specifically and exclusively, of Italian decent? How about U.S. military veterans of German, Nigerian, Swedish, Chinese, Armenian, British, Egyptian, Mexican or any other group?

The African American Civil War Memorial is my only exception to any objection to a racially based war memorial. This one makes sense. Although it's race-based, it memorializes the "over 200,000 African American soldiers and sailors [who] served to keep the United States whole and to free permanently over four million people in forced servitude." In other words, they helped free fellow Black people who were slaves because they were Black

The uniqueness of the Civil War, and the importance of race to the causes of that war, justify an African American Civil War Memorial.

Please watch this excellent video
That said, however, I would be opposed to an African American Vietnam War Memorial just as much as I would be to, say, a European American Vietnam War Memorial.

I can think of no other war, or of anything else, that would justify a memorial for any other ethnic or racial group.

So why should the Native Americans get their own ethnicity-based memorial? Why should any ethnic group get one? It is offensive, frankly. While I value this nation's diversity -- people of different backgrounds living, working and playing together -- I despise multiculturalism, which is antithetical to the "melting pot" that has helped make this nation great. Our strength may be in diversity but only so long as multiculturalism insanity does not get the best of us. Look at Canada and the faux nation of Quebec within its own borders. Quebec is the result of multiculturalism madness: Division and separation.

The memorials on the National Mall are a good example of the beauty of diversity; they do not discriminate. What the Native Americans are asking for, however, is an example of the poison of multiculturalism. That's not what American soldiers fought and died for throughout our history.

Memorial Day in the Cemetary

I was drawn to the cemetary today, thinking about my mother who died on May 22, 1993, and my dad, a World War Two veteran. He died a few months later on September 3, 1993. Cancer, both of them. They were cremated and laid to rest in Wisconsin, and I'm in Chicago this weekend. I've ridden the CTA trains past the beautiful St. Boniface Cemetary in Uptown so many times that it immediately came to mind. I wondered how many little U.S. flags I might see on veterans' graves. I realized later that I had come too soon on this Saturday. Monday, after all, is Memorial Day, and St. Boniface Cemetary will have a Field Mass and Holy Communion at 10:30 a.m. A sign just inside the gate said that "You Are Codially Invited!" I'm not a Catholic, but I thought it might be nice to attend that ceremony. I arrived at N. Clark and W. Lawrence, the southwest corner of St. Boniface, and walked through the first open gate. A groundskeeper, a friendly Hispanic man in his fifties, with limited English, smiled warmly and offered me a little U.S. flag and memorial program. I smiled back and declined, waved my camera at him, and he understood that I was just an observer. There were very few people in the cemetary. Living ones, I mean. I counted three couples tending to relatives' graves; placing fresh flowers, tidying up, brushing off a head stone. One young man was riding his bike through, enjoying the serene park-like setting. I saw a few flags, but did not count them. I would estimate, however, that perhaps one in thirty graves had a flag. I'll try to return on Monday morning. I'll still be thinking about my parents, and about all the veterans laid to rest here, and everywhere else. Leave a Comment on our Guestbook! CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter

Obama-Biden Insentive to Handicapped

Within one week, Obama-Biden mocked and ridiculed handicapped people, the elderly, injured war veterans, and people who do not use computers. The first incident involved US Senator Joe Biden, the dumbest lump of fecal matter ever to run for Vice President, recently told a wheelchair-bound man to "stand up," embarassing both himself and the man in front of thousands of people. Here's what happened, as reported by the The Star, Kansas City: [Biden] was speaking before a large crowd when he decided to give special recognition to State Senator Chuck Graham, a Columbia Democrat. "Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," Biden shouted. However, Biden did not realize that Graham is confined to a wheelchair. This raises questions: Could Biden not see Sen. Graham? If he could see him, did he not see the wheelchair? If he did see the wheelchair, did he not know what that indicated? Did Biden's staff not brief him about Sen. Graham? Why is Biden the VP candidate on a major party ticket? The second incident is an Obama-Biden campaign ad that, all in one minute, mocks elder handicapped war veterans and people who do not use computers. (See "Bastard Obama Mocks Handicapped, War Veterans") RELATED: » ‘Stand Up For Chuck’: Biden Makes a Save After ... Joe Biden to Man in Wheechair: "Stand Up, Chuck. Let 'Em See Ya!" Pat Dollard Young Americans Blog Archive » ‘Stand Up For Chuck ... Barack Obama: messiah or Mr. Magoo?

Bastard Obama Mocks Handicapped, War Veterans

In a post aptly titled "Obama's Brutish Ignorance," friend Anne Leary shows the cruelty of Kamp Obama. A new ad by Comrade Obama's team (video below) mocks John McCain for not being able to send an email or knowing how to use a computer. Uhm, are the Obamamite really so ignorant that they don't know McCain is physically challenged and cannot raise his arms to a keyboard? Or are they just insensitive to handicapped war veterans? And what about the millions of senior citizens who still haven't - and never will - learn to use a computer? Gosh, how did President Franklin Roosevelt manage with using email ... or being able to stand up? The Obama campaign ad that derided Sen. John McCain for not using email is creating a backlash, and deservedly so. The brutish ignorance displayed is breathtaking. Nor does the Tribune mention in their story on it today the real reason John McCain can't use a keyboard--he was beaten so hard in captivity he is unable to. FULL POST at Backyard Conservative... By the way, the bowling ball was invented waaaaay before computers, or even typewriters, and Barack Obama still doesn't know how to use one of those. Oh, and another thing - Does Barack Obama know how to fly a fighter jet??? One blog commenter put it nicely: Considering the fact that I design computer systems for a living, I think I can say without qualification: I have observed quite a few high-ranking executives and others who couldn't use a computer, do not use e-mail; and yet are enormously successful as they have others to provide the information they want and need to make decisions. SOURCE: RELATED: Oops, Obama ad mocks McCain's inability to send e-mail. Trouble is ... LA Times Michelle Malkin » Lamest Obama ad ever: McCain doesn’t do e-mail! Obama Ad Ridiculing McCain Backfires

Screwing Veterans

Marathon Pundit does it again, with this great report about a shameful scandal in Springfield.... In March of 2006, with great fanfare, the university announced the scholarship offer. The understanding within the college, and among supportive public officials such as Lieutenant Governor Patrick Quinn and Rep. Rahm Emanuel, both Democrats, was that the scholarships would be given out immediately. After the dust settled, about 35 veterans, not 110, received scholarships for the 2006-07 school year. The balance, university officials promised, would be awarded over the next two years.Well, it's year two, and I have received credible allegations that far fewer than the expected number of veteran scholarships were awarded to Illinios veterans this year. MORE...

Spitting on Veterans

Did war protesters spit on GIs returning from Vietnam? Do they spit on veterans today? Looks like some emotions got riled out there by The Bench's recent post, "Rhymes With Witch," in which one of our loonier readers claimed that spitting on Vietnam vets was "an urban myth." Right. I suppose next she'll claim that it's a myth that antiwar protesters in the 60's broke thousands of merchants' storefront windows across the nation, something witnessed by me and by millions of others who lived through that time. That post, in turn, stemmed from a video posted here a few days earlier, in which The Bench wrote that SDS members spat on returning GIs in the 60's. Of course, not all SDS members or antiwar folks spat on veterans, and The Bench did not say or mean to imply that. But the fact is that GIs were spat on by a number of antiwar types. Go to Rhymes With Witch to see the comments, and see below for strong evidence -proof, if you will - that such things did and still do happen. Thanks to all commenters, including those who disagreed civilly. SPITTING ON VETERANS: Meme List: Did hippies really spit on Vietnam vets? It wasn't just hippies who would spit on Vietnam Vets. I came home in February 1968 and when I got off the bus in San Jose Ca, I was spit on, called a baby killer and had to fight my way out to the street. These people were not hippies but people against the war. For a year I fought anyone who said anything bad about a vietnam vet. i have not or ever will forgive the people of this country for the way I was treated. Boundless Line: Violent, Anti-American Vandals Who Spit on Veterans Violent, Anti-American Vandals Who Spit on Veterans by Motte Brown on Feb 1, 2007 at 11:15 AM. Washington Post columnists William Arkin lit a firestorm... Polimom Says » Ladies don’t fart; they poot His research focused on a particular spitting narrative, that of antiwar protesters lining up at airports to spit on veterans who had just returned... The Volokh Conspiracy - Many 1967-72 Spitting Incidents Are ... ... but about whether they specifically Spit on Veterans...

U of I Vets Scholarship Scandal Update

Thanks to Jeff and Jim of Springfield, who sent in the following comment regarding the ongoing University of Illinois veterans scholarship mess. This case has been well covered by good friend John Ruberry (Marathon Pundit). Read the following, then check out Marathon Pundit for more info:Broken promises: How "jarheads" got shunted aside at the University of Illinois and What happened behind the scenes of the University of Illinois veteran scholarship scandal. Please note that nobody at RPB is a lawyer, and it is unknown whether "Jeff and Jim" are lawyers. Please take anything that resembles legal advice below with a grain of salt. U OF I LOSES ROUND #1 IN VETERAN SCHOLARSHIP SCANDAL – CASE GOING TO COURT By Jeff and Jim of Springfield I got my BA and law degree from U of I and work in Springfield and Chicago. I heard about this veteran scholarship mess at an alumni event from my boss, also a U of I alum, who is working on legislation to fix the Illinois Veteran Grant Program. He asked me to check it out, so I got a copy of the lawsuit filed against U of I and its response at the Court of Claims. This is sick stuff and a lot deeper than a simple lawsuit. U of I filed a Motion to Dismiss the lawsuit and lost. The case is going to Court in Chicago a month from now. No matter who wins and loses, it shows a dark side of U of I that disturbs me more than the Chief issue, since this involves veterans who gave years of their life in service to our country. Initially, I was doubtful about the story since I knew most of the principals involved from fundraising and alumni events. Basically, U of I just denied everything through their press people, blamed others and proclaimed their innocence. Blanket denials and blame-shifting are usually good signs that something is wrong. Then I read the lawsuit, the exhibits in the case and U of I’s response. U of I – what in the WORLD were you thinking? Included in the lawsuit are 20 actual emails, letters and documents authored by senior U of I officials that show intentional discrimination against veterans in favor of non-veterans and a juvenile scheme to renege on a promise. Stories in the Associated Press, Daily Illini and blogs documented events about 90 percent right, but the level of detailed planning that devised the discrimination really surprised me. U of I denies wrongdoing, of course, but it’s going to be hard for them to run away from hard evidence found in their own emails, letters and documents that they put in black and white. Why U of I documented their scheme in writing is beyond stupid and shows a dark side I didn’t know existed. One of the lawsuit’s exhibits shows an email from College of Business Dean, Avijit Ghosh, in which he argues to cut back the 110 scholarships because of reduced cash flow (reimbursement) from the Illinois Veteran Grant program. Others show Ghosh and others crunching numbers in a scheme to get rid of veterans by shortening admissions deadlines AFTER veterans applied and were admitted. But it gets worse. After kicking the veterans out and telling other veterans that the program was full, they recruited non-veterans to take their place. Rather than take responsibility for their actions, they forged the signature of the guy Ghosh fired, Robert VanderHooning, on a letter written by Associate Dean Larry DeBrock to kick veterans out. Several exhibits in the lawsuit show a bungled coverup by senior U of I officials, including Associate Dean Larry DeBrock, David Ikenberry, UIC Chancellor Sylvia Manning and, most shocking of all, President Joseph White. How UIC got involved in this mess is hard to understand since VanderHooning worked for the Champaign campus. Political coverups can be dangerous. My fear for U of I is that eventually the facts of this mess will shine an uncomfortable light on President White, Manning, Ghosh and others and tarnish U of I as an institution. For example, how can President White explain why, after receiving a strongly-worded protest letter from US Congressman Emanuel, he asked UIC Chancellor Sylvia Manning, not UIUC Chancellor Richard Herman, to hear VanderHooning’s ethics complaint? How can White explain why he scheduled a meeting with VanderHooning after Manning’s interview, then cancelled it, but first gave a heads up to his friend Ghosh who not only was VanderHooning’s boss but led the Presidential Search Committee that got White his $450,000 job. U of I has a Chief Ethics Officer and a process to investigate ethics problems, but White circumvented the university’s own procedures and tipped off his friend. That’s an odd procedure for an ethics investigation and a conflict of interest if I ever saw one. According to the lawsuit, the plaintiff’s lawyer is Michael Shakman, best known as an anti-corruption attorney who took on Daley I and Daley II over patronage hiring practices and won a victory for the politically unconnected. I wonder who Shakman has in his sights now? Here is some advice for all you knuckleheads at U of I with Ph.D. degrees: 1 – Fire your lawyer. This case should never have seen the light of day. Discrimination against veterans has no upside. 2 – Fire the morons responsible for creating this mess and covering it up. Do it publicly and loud. 3 – Don’t leave paper trails of wrongdoing. Most people disagree with the war but support the troops and the veterans. 4 – Next time you screw up, just apologize, face the music quickly, and promise to do better. People forgive honest mistakes, not fraud and coverups. 5 – Apologize to the veterans and reinstate the scholarship program. If you do insist on screwing veterans again for some insane reason, for god’s sake, do NOT put it in writing. The documents in this case can be obtained from Court of Claims, 630 S. College Street, Springfield, IL 62704. The case number is 07 CC 1856. If you want to understand the kind of institutional bias and discrimination that veterans face in real life, this is a textbook case. But go read for yourself and make up your own mind.

National Shame

A web site worth visiting and looking through thoroughly. What the Department of Defense, this Administration and previous administrations, have been doing to our military personnel is criminal. Following are articles from the American Gulf War Veterans Association web site. Gas May Have Harmed Troops, Scientists Say (May 17, 2007) Military Source Believes Experimental Shots May Have Been Given (May 8, 2007)