Showing posts with label SDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SDS. Show all posts
About Those Right-Wing Mobs (Video)
For more than 30 years, I've been darkly amused whenever the Left accuses conservatives - or anybody else who disagrees with them - of being terrorists and fascists. The recent accusations by major Democrat members of Congress, e.g., Nancy Pelosi, that plain ol' Americans holding protest signs are "mobsters" and acting like Nazis is especially and very darkly amusing. After all, it has been Leftists who have engaged in shutting down free speech and highly destructive behavior for more than 40 years now. Examples? There are hundreds of incidents of destructive, violent Liberals running amock in the streets of America, "trashing" businesses, burning cars, "occupying" university presidents' offices, and on and on. Leftists, who called themselves "Weathermen," blowing up buildings. Not just in the 1960s, either; it continues today, albeit with different tactics. Leftists today, calling themselves "environmentalists," torching entire tracts of housing, auto dealerships, laboratories, and so on. Acting like Nazis? The Democrats and their Leftist minions wrote the playbook, folks, and Glenn Beck has a great video that demonstrates this point:
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Dead But Forever Red
The Chicago Tribune published an obituary three days later, which omitted some information about Rosemont. In that Tribune obit, the words "communist," "socialist," "Marxist," "Leninist," "SDS," "anarchist" and "weather underground" do not appear. Rosemont, survived by his self-avowed anarchist wife, Penelope, was all of those things. Both were symphathizers of SDS (Student for a Democratic Society), an often violent anti-government group that started in the 1960's and is attempting a comeback today. In short, they hated the United States of America.
The Tribune obit give a few hints as to just how radical Rosemont was, but it never comes right out and states it fully. The Trib mentions that Rosemont "maintained Chicago's long history of leftist activism through prolific writing and his stewardship of 123-year-old radical publishing house Charles H. Kerr." The Trib mentions that he was the "son of a printers union activist" and was a member of the Industrial Workers of the World, "a leftist trade group nicknamed the Wobblies, when he was 7, adopting a faith from which he never wavered."
May Franklin Rosemont go to the Heaven that his atheist communist pals say does not exist.
Obama Ties to Radical Palestinians, Bill Ayers, More
New info about Barack Obama, posted on the night of Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2008.
1) The LA Times is Hiding an Incriminating Video of Barack Obama at a Party with Radical Palestinian Activists and Bill Ayers...
2) There is "a huge new report, digging into Barack Obama’s mysterious years at Columbia University and his involvement in the anti-apartheid movement—which brought him into close contact with the Weather Underground. Would you be surprised to learn that Obama, Bill Ayers, and Bernardine Dohrn all happened to live in New York City at the same time? And could a little-known violent incident at Kennedy Airport in 1981 be the original connection between Obama and Ayers’ Weather Underground? This report has a surprising amount of information you probably haven’t seen before, because the mainstream media won’t do their jobs and investigate Obama’s past: Barack Obama’s Close Encounter with the Weather Underground."
1) The LA Times is Hiding an Incriminating Video of Barack Obama at a Party with Radical Palestinian Activists and Bill Ayers...
2) There is "a huge new report, digging into Barack Obama’s mysterious years at Columbia University and his involvement in the anti-apartheid movement—which brought him into close contact with the Weather Underground. Would you be surprised to learn that Obama, Bill Ayers, and Bernardine Dohrn all happened to live in New York City at the same time? And could a little-known violent incident at Kennedy Airport in 1981 be the original connection between Obama and Ayers’ Weather Underground? This report has a surprising amount of information you probably haven’t seen before, because the mainstream media won’t do their jobs and investigate Obama’s past: Barack Obama’s Close Encounter with the Weather Underground."
Mike Klonsky at SDS Reunion in Chicago
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO (below): Klonsky is yet another communist (he proudly calls himself that) buddy of Barack Obama and William Ayers. Comrade Klonsky joined several other SDS alumni and fellow Maoists in November, 2007. Chicago News Bench slipped in and record the entire meeting on video, and presented here (video below) is most of that meeting. But wait. You may be asking, who the hell is Mike Klonsky?
From Yahoo!, we get a nice summary of this longtime member of Obama's Inner Circle:
Who is Mike Klonsky and is he a friend of Obama? Maoist Communist, a founder of the terrorist Weatherman group. Also formerly National Secretary of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
In 1991, Mike Klonsky and William Ayers (SDS Weatherman) co-founded the Small Schools Workshop in Chicago.Obama served as the director of, the William Ayers organized, Chicago Annenberg Challenge which in turn funded the William Ayers and Mike Klonsky`s Small Schools Workshop. Obama and Ayers served as board members on the Woods Fund together. Woods fund also became a contributor to Small School Workshops (more at Yahoo). Klonsky, by the way, is the bald guy with bad, yellow teeth who proudly says he was born into a Communist family. More about Klonsky here.
Who is Mike Klonsky and is he a friend of Obama? Maoist Communist, a founder of the terrorist Weatherman group. Also formerly National Secretary of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
In 1991, Mike Klonsky and William Ayers (SDS Weatherman) co-founded the Small Schools Workshop in Chicago.Obama served as the director of, the William Ayers organized, Chicago Annenberg Challenge which in turn funded the William Ayers and Mike Klonsky`s Small Schools Workshop. Obama and Ayers served as board members on the Woods Fund together. Woods fund also became a contributor to Small School Workshops (more at Yahoo). Klonsky, by the way, is the bald guy with bad, yellow teeth who proudly says he was born into a Communist family. More about Klonsky here.
Video: Obama Supporters Demand Your Money
Let's review a couple of videos I made in Chicago on March 19, 2008 and July 27, 2008. The first one shows thousands of people who will - without question - be voting for Barack Obama. The second one is an Obama rally filled with shady characters, including Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky's criminal husband. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Chicago SDS, Obama's Kind of People (With Video)
Ayers, a domestic terrorist who plotted to blow up police stations and the US Capitol Building, was once asked if he regretted his terrorist ways.
Ayers's cold response was that he felt "we didn't do enough." Ayers and his terrorist wife Bernardine Dohrn were members of the Weather Underground, a violent offshoot of SDS.
Alles Klar, Herr Kommissar Obama
The jackbooted Democrat thugs hate free speech. Just ask Milt Rosenberg, talk show host of WGN's "Extension 720," a nightly radio show about everything from politics to opera, sports to science, dining to dancing. Milt's show was recently the target of a vicious, orchestrated attack by wave after wave of callers who did not want WGN to exercise its First Amendment rights by having writer Stanley Kurtz on as a guest last week.
"While the Obama coronation proceeds apace in Denver," wrote National Review Online, "it is in Chicago that Americans are getting a disturbing demonstration of his thuggish methods of stifling criticism."
Indeed, but to those of us who pay attention to these kinds of abuses this is nothing new. It is, sadly, an all too typical tactic of the Left, which has in recent years taken over the upper echelon of the Democrat Party.
Ask any conservative student group at nearly any public university about bringing conservative guest speakers to their campus. They will likely tell you about being snubbed by the school's administrators. If such a speaker is allowed, they will recall stories of rude and threatening Leftists who first demand that the speaker not be allowed, and then encircled the venue to intimidate anybody who wishes to attend the speech.
Most Democrat officials want a return of the inappropriately named "Fairness Doctrine," which would actually dictate what radio and television stations can and cannot say. Intimidation and threats, obstruction and - too often - violence are commonly used tools of the Left's trade in suppression of any message that counters theirs. It's only "free speech" if it is their speech. That's the way of dictators. That's the way of authoritarians. That's the way of the Left.
If Obama becomes president, can we expect critics to be rounded up as they are in dictatorships? It's not a silly question. The Obama camp is already displaying such fascistic tendencies.
"While the Obama coronation proceeds apace in Denver," wrote National Review Online, "it is in Chicago that Americans are getting a disturbing demonstration of his thuggish methods of stifling criticism."
Indeed, but to those of us who pay attention to these kinds of abuses this is nothing new. It is, sadly, an all too typical tactic of the Left, which has in recent years taken over the upper echelon of the Democrat Party.
Ask any conservative student group at nearly any public university about bringing conservative guest speakers to their campus. They will likely tell you about being snubbed by the school's administrators. If such a speaker is allowed, they will recall stories of rude and threatening Leftists who first demand that the speaker not be allowed, and then encircled the venue to intimidate anybody who wishes to attend the speech.
Most Democrat officials want a return of the inappropriately named "Fairness Doctrine," which would actually dictate what radio and television stations can and cannot say. Intimidation and threats, obstruction and - too often - violence are commonly used tools of the Left's trade in suppression of any message that counters theirs. It's only "free speech" if it is their speech. That's the way of dictators. That's the way of authoritarians. That's the way of the Left.
If Obama becomes president, can we expect critics to be rounded up as they are in dictatorships? It's not a silly question. The Obama camp is already displaying such fascistic tendencies.
- WGN Radio - Milt's File: The Extension 720 Blog
- Obama's e-mail about WGN-AM
- Stanley Kurtz's Fairness Doctrine Preview - Blogrunner
- Obama Takes Aim At WGN Radio
- Winds of Change.NET: WGN On The Air
- As nation watches Denver, Obama campaign muscles Chicago station ...
- Free Speech On Campus Gagged, U.S. Senators Hear
Stanley Kurtz Still Lives
A fine followup, below, on this past week's incident of rabid Obama supporters using crude tactics to overwhelm Chicago radio station WGN - and suppress free speech. The attack, as correctly guessed by The Bench, was completely orchestrated by the Obama Campaign.
With commentary from master blogger John Ruberry (Marathon Pundit):
What concerns me this morning is free speech.... Milt Rosenberg, a highly respected radio host for WGN-AM Chicago, had the audacity to invite Stanley Kurtz, who writes articles for The National Review and The Weekly Standard to appear on his show. Kurtz was booked so he could discuss what he's found so far while digging through the voluminous records of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
What happened next was a bullying attack by Obama forces to quell free speech. FULL POST at Marathon Pundit...
More on the Obama Campaign's Mugging of Stanley Kurtz [Andy McCarthy]
Obama’s Reverence For The First Amendment
As nation watches Denver, Obama campaign muscles Chicago station ...
Obama campaign turns thuggish
A bit of Liberal Fascism from the Obama campaign
Kudos to WGN
Barack "The Silencer" Obama's Gangland Assault on Free Speech
Obama Attacking Media, Free Speech
SDS Chicago Reveal Themselves
While everybody is talking about Barack Obama's terrorist pal William Ayers, this would be a good time to review a video Chicago News Bench made of an SDS meeting in November, 2007. Here in Chicago, many old members of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) still roam around. The Weathermen were an offshoot of the SDS. They were the militant wing, if you will. Last November, a bunch of the old hippies - still radicals at heart - got together on the Loyola University Lakeshore campus in Chicago. Bill Ayers could have been in the room; he would have fit right in.
Democrats Admit Terrorist Ties
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing for Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton is doing yeoman's work on behalf of the Republicans by calling attention to Obama's long association - nay, friendship - with aging 60's radical terrorist William Ayers. Bloggers have been calling out Obama on this for a while, but Mizz Clinton pushed the subject into the forefront of public awareness. Marathon Pundit has a few thoughts about this, which he wrote last night as he gleefully listened to Clinton and Obama publicly accuse each other of being sympathetic to terrorists. Great stuff. The GOP is undoubtedly looking forward to the next masochistic, self-mutilating Democrat Debate with great anticipation.
Oh, I almost forgot, Obama's ex-terrorist chum, Willam Ayers, came up during the debate this evening--which means the mainstream media can no longer ignore Obama's ties to this unrepentant former bomber and his equally unrepentant wife, Bernardine Dohrn. FULL POST... After you read MP's post, be sure to also check out Backyard Conservative's equally sharp post, "No Flag Pin Tonight"...
Obama's Terrorist Chum

Last week former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers, an unrepentant former terrorist, spoke at the University of North Dakota. His next speaking appearance is on Chicago's South Side, at Shimer College, which is located within
John adds:
Obama, the man who is so eager to talk with our enemies once he is president, has not spoken publicly about his relationship with Ayers. READ THE FULL POST...
Note to 49th Ward residents: It's no wonder, with radical terrorist friends like Bill Ayers and buddies like Tony Rezko, that Barack Obama is heavily supported by the likes of David Fagus, Joe Moore, Jan Schakowsky, and the usual gang of criminals. Obama, who calls for "change," is supported by the entrenched power elite. Do you REALLY think THEY want change? Think long and hard about this, comrades. Obama is a Trojan horse for these people.
Traitors For Obama
Folks, this shit is real. Actual communists and people who despise the USA just love Barack Obama. You gotta wonder why. This shocking post from Marathon Pundit:
Now is as good a time as any to post the Weather Underground's Declaration of War against "Amerika." Hey, at least the transcript just put on "K" in the word.
The woman who read the statement over the radio airwaves was Bernardine Dohrn. She's no longer a terrorist--she married now to fellow ex-Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. Both are among Barack Obama's earliest supporters. READ THE REST at Weather Underground's 1970 Declaration of War on "Amerika"
Upchucking History
The 1968 Democratic National Convention protests were a glorification platform for the SDS and the New Lefties, but it was a Pyrhhic victory--the chaos of old guard Democrat Richard J. Daleys cops' beating up the newbies ensured Richard Nixon's victory a few months later.
Sadly we've got almost 400 days of 1968 love-ins to suffer through. But there is good news. In 2009 we can celebrate the 20th anniversary of the revolutions of 1989. This time, "Power to the People" wasn't just an empty phrase. FULL POST at MARATHON PUNDIT...
You Say You Want A Revolution
But, Michael James, if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone, anyhow.
Once again, Uberblogger John Ruberry hits the mark with sharp accuracy. SDS revealed! Untold secrets! Yippie! READ JOHN'S GREAT POST (excerpts below):
Stokely Carmichael: A look back at a radical
They say revolution's in the air
I'm dancing in my underwear
'cause I don't care
"Piggy in the Middle," The Rutles, 1978.
I've watched about a third of Tom Mannis' video of last month's Students for a Democratic Society reunion that took place in Chicago.
SDS was a extreme left wing group found by, among others, Tom Hayden, who later gained notoriety as Jane Fonda's husband--they later divorced. SDS dissolved in 1969, but more radical elements within the SDS formed the Weather Underground.
Tom runs an excellent blog called The Bench. The first speaker is Michael James, who as he explains in his recollection, left snobbish Lake Forest College in 1964 and journeyed to the capital, then and now, of radical America: Berkeley, California. FULL POST...
Spitting on Veterans
Did war protesters spit on GIs returning from Vietnam? Do they spit on veterans today?
Looks like some emotions got riled out there by The Bench's recent post, "Rhymes With Witch," in which one of our loonier readers claimed that spitting on Vietnam vets was "an urban myth." Right. I suppose next she'll claim that it's a myth that antiwar protesters in the 60's broke thousands of merchants' storefront windows across the nation, something witnessed by me and by millions of others who lived through that time.
That post, in turn, stemmed from a video posted here a few days earlier, in which The Bench wrote that SDS members spat on returning GIs in the 60's. Of course, not all SDS members or antiwar folks spat on veterans, and The Bench did not say or mean to imply that. But the fact is that GIs were spat on by a number of antiwar types.
Go to Rhymes With Witch to see the comments, and see below for strong evidence -proof, if you will - that such things did and still do happen.
Thanks to all commenters, including those who disagreed civilly.
Meme List: Did hippies really spit on Vietnam vets?
It wasn't just hippies who would spit on Vietnam Vets. I came home in February 1968 and when I got off the bus in San Jose Ca, I was spit on, called a baby killer and had to fight my way out to the street. These people were not hippies but people against the war. For a year I fought anyone who said anything bad about a vietnam vet. i have not or ever will forgive the people of this country for the way I was treated.
Boundless Line: Violent, Anti-American Vandals Who Spit on Veterans
Violent, Anti-American Vandals Who Spit on Veterans by Motte Brown on Feb 1, 2007 at 11:15 AM. Washington Post columnists William Arkin lit a firestorm...
Polimom Says » Ladies don’t fart; they poot
His research focused on a particular spitting narrative, that of antiwar protesters lining up at airports to spit on veterans who had just returned...
The Volokh Conspiracy - Many 1967-72 Spitting Incidents Are ...
... but about whether they specifically Spit on Veterans...
The event was advertised, although poorly. In a badly written flier that was haphazardly distributed around the Rogers Park neighborhood in Chicago, a "reunion" of SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) members was promoted. The flier listed the free event as being at "6525 N. Sheridan Road." But that's the corporate address for the entire campus of Loyola University's North Shore Campus in Rogers Park. The flier was written by Rogers Park saloon owner Katy Hogan, whose business partner Michael James was a panelist at the gathering.
I decided to look for old hippies. Surely, I thought, following them would lead me to the meeting. And sure enough, a group of four of them lead me straight to the meeting. (How did they know the exact address?)
The resulting video (below) is stunning, even with the boring segments. Just under 58 minutes long, it is worth watching every minute.
For those of you who may not know what SDS is: "Forming the core of the 1960s counter-cultural movement known collectively as the New Left, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was a radical organization that aspired to overthrow America's democratic institutions, remake its government in a Marxist image, and help America's enemies defeat her sons on the battlefield in Vietnam. The group developed from the Student League for Industrial Democracy, the youth branch of the socialist League for Industrial Democracy." (Source) (More information and definitions at
Indeed, SDS was at the front of the line of those spitting on veterans returning from Vietnam. I have personally been criticized for calling people like Michael James a communist or a socialist. In fact, James and his comrades call themselves communists. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and calls itself a duck, it's a duck.
Some think SDS is dead. It is not. It may be lame and old, but it is working hard to revive itself. Speakers in the video make it clear that they are targeting students - high school and college - for their dreams of glorious communist revolution.
The panel of four speakers revealed more about themselves than they realized. Feeling comfortable amongst people of similar philosophies, they showed a side of themselves that they don't generally reveal to strangers. Of particular interest to Rogers Park residents is the Michael James segment. James, in practice a capitalist pig who pays low wages to his non-union employees, loves to pose a Vanguard of the Revolution. But all of these senior citizen subversives talk as though they are oppressed, as if The Man still holds them down. And each is an egoist, talking more about themselves than about SDS, in spite of the flier's promise to "tell all" about it.
Students for a Democratic Society (S.D.S.), Records, 1965-74 Kent State University
Students for a Democratic Society (many links here) Discover the Networks
The New SDS The Nation
The resulting video (below) is stunning, even with the boring segments. Just under 58 minutes long, it is worth watching every minute.
For those of you who may not know what SDS is: "Forming the core of the 1960s counter-cultural movement known collectively as the New Left, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was a radical organization that aspired to overthrow America's democratic institutions, remake its government in a Marxist image, and help America's enemies defeat her sons on the battlefield in Vietnam. The group developed from the Student League for Industrial Democracy, the youth branch of the socialist League for Industrial Democracy." (Source) (More information and definitions at
Indeed, SDS was at the front of the line of those spitting on veterans returning from Vietnam. I have personally been criticized for calling people like Michael James a communist or a socialist. In fact, James and his comrades call themselves communists. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and calls itself a duck, it's a duck.
Some think SDS is dead. It is not. It may be lame and old, but it is working hard to revive itself. Speakers in the video make it clear that they are targeting students - high school and college - for their dreams of glorious communist revolution.
The panel of four speakers revealed more about themselves than they realized. Feeling comfortable amongst people of similar philosophies, they showed a side of themselves that they don't generally reveal to strangers. Of particular interest to Rogers Park residents is the Michael James segment. James, in practice a capitalist pig who pays low wages to his non-union employees, loves to pose a Vanguard of the Revolution. But all of these senior citizen subversives talk as though they are oppressed, as if The Man still holds them down. And each is an egoist, talking more about themselves than about SDS, in spite of the flier's promise to "tell all" about it.
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