Alles Klar, Herr Kommissar Obama

The jackbooted Democrat thugs hate free speech. Just ask Milt Rosenberg, talk show host of WGN's "Extension 720," a nightly radio show about everything from politics to opera, sports to science, dining to dancing. Milt's show was recently the target of a vicious, orchestrated attack by wave after wave of callers who did not want WGN to exercise its First Amendment rights by having writer Stanley Kurtz on as a guest last week.

"While the Obama coronation proceeds apace in Denver," wrote National Review Online, "it is in Chicago that Americans are getting a disturbing demonstration of his thuggish methods of stifling criticism."

Indeed, but to those of us who pay attention to these kinds of abuses this is nothing new. It is, sadly, an all too typical tactic of the Left, which has in recent years taken over the upper echelon of the Democrat Party.

Ask any conservative student group at nearly any public university about bringing conservative guest speakers to their campus. They will likely tell you about being snubbed by the school's administrators. If such a speaker is allowed, they will recall stories of rude and threatening Leftists who first demand that the speaker not be allowed, and then encircled the venue to intimidate anybody who wishes to attend the speech.

Most Democrat officials want a return of the inappropriately named "Fairness Doctrine," which would actually dictate what radio and television stations can and cannot say. Intimidation and threats, obstruction and - too often - violence are commonly used tools of the Left's trade in suppression of any message that counters theirs. It's only "free speech" if it is their speech. That's the way of dictators. That's the way of authoritarians. That's the way of the Left.

If Obama becomes president, can we expect critics to be rounded up as they are in dictatorships? It's not a silly question. The Obama camp is already displaying such fascistic tendencies.
