Obama's Terrorist Chum

Wow, this is hot, and the mainstream media probably won't touch it. John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit digs deep into the disturbing relationship between Barack Obama and a former - unrepentant - American terrorist.

Last week former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers, an unrepentant former terrorist, spoke at the University of North Dakota. His next speaking appearance is on Chicago's South Side, at Shimer College, which is located within the campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology.

John adds:

Obama, the man who is so eager to talk with our enemies once he is president, has not spoken publicly about his relationship with Ayers. READ THE FULL POST...

Note to 49th Ward residents: It's no wonder, with radical terrorist friends like Bill Ayers and buddies like Tony Rezko, that Barack Obama is heavily supported by the likes of David Fagus, Joe Moore, Jan Schakowsky, and the usual gang of criminals. Obama, who calls for "change," is supported by the entrenched power elite. Do you REALLY think THEY want change? Think long and hard about this, comrades. Obama is a Trojan horse for these people.