Dead But Forever Red

Rogers Park communist-anarchist and terrorist sympathizer Franklin Rosemont died, suddenly and ironically, on April 12, Easter Sunday, at age 65.

The Chicago Tribune published an obituary three days later, which omitted some information about Rosemont. In that Tribune obit, the words "communist," "socialist," "Marxist," "Leninist," "SDS," "anarchist" and "weather underground" do not appear. Rosemont, survived by his self-avowed anarchist wife, Penelope, was all of those things. Both were symphathizers of SDS (Student for a Democratic Society), an often violent anti-government group that started in the 1960's and is attempting a comeback today. In short, they hated the United States of America.

Franklin and Penelope Rosemont attended an SDS reunion in Chicago in November, 2007 (see video here). The meeting was also attended by former members of the Weather Underground, the militant offshoot of the SDS that bombed buildings in a wave of domestic terrorism in the Sixties

The Tribune obit give a few hints as to just how radical Rosemont was, but it never comes right out and states it fully. The Trib mentions that Rosemont "maintained Chicago's long history of leftist activism through prolific writing and his stewardship of 123-year-old radical publishing house Charles H. Kerr." The Trib mentions that he was the "son of a printers union activist" and was a member of the Industrial Workers of the World, "a leftist trade group nicknamed the Wobblies, when he was 7, adopting a faith from which he never wavered."

May Franklin Rosemont go to the Heaven that his atheist communist pals say does not exist.

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