Showing posts with label protesters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protesters. Show all posts

A Look At The Closed Chinese Consulate In Houston (Plus Goofy Protesters)

On Tuesday, July 21, 2020, the Trump Administration ordered the General Consulate of China in Houston to be vacated. Smoke was seen that afternoon as consulate workers burned documents in their courtyard. I went to the consulate to see what was happening on July 23. (See video below.)

A small group of anti-American protesters showed up.
Photo: Chicago News Bench
As I was about to leave, a small group of communists arrived. They were demanding that the consulate be allowed to stay open. Which is, if you think about it, a futile and stupid demand to make.

Why? Trump isn't going to see them and say, "Hey, well, if they're demanding it then I better call President Xi and tell him to keep it open."

And Xi isn't going to see the protesters and suddenly decide to defy the U.S. by not closing the consulate, which would risk the defiant occupants-turned-squatters being arrested by federal agents. The arrogant ignorance of these protesters is truly fantastical.

(See video below.)

Lunatics Take Over The Asylum: Seattle's Absurd Autonomous Anarchist Zone

CHAZ barrier: "You are now leaving the USA"
On Monday, June 8 the Seattle Police Department confirmed that they would abandon their East Precinct.

The SPD removed or secured valuable items from the precinct headquarters. There were also reports of a shredding truck brought to the building to destroy sensitive documents.

This is similar to what an embassy or consulate would do if they were being attacked by hostile locals.

WATCH Turkish Protester Hit In Crotch By Water Cannon

Protester in Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey
Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey
June 11, 2013 -- Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey is still a battle zone. In addition to tear gas, police are using water cannons against people.

In the video below, a protester gets hit square between his legs. He asked for it, literally standing his ground and daring the police to spray him. They did, and he went flying as the immense water pressure hit him (at 0:26 in the video).

Some of the "activists" threw firebombs and fireworks at armored police trucks, according to Russia Today (RT). "Hundreds of Turkish police clashed with protesters after taking over Taksim Square in Istanbul," reports RT.

The clashes are not confined to Taksim Square. "There are serious clashes in the small streets surrounding the square. They are running after each other tossing stones, bottles and smoke grenades there. It’s a real meat grinder in there," reports RT’s Ashraf El Sabbagh.

Video: Protesters Blame NRA for Sandy Hook Shooting

Dec. 18, 2012 - A few hundred anti-gun protesters milled about in front of the National Rifle Association's Federal Affairs Office in Washington DC yesterday. The group, CREDO Action, blames the NRA for the shooting rampage of mentally disturbed Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. These folks sound extraordinarily, well, stupid. But it's not their fault. They are, after all, stupid. Chanting "Shame on the NRA," many of these advocates of stricter gun laws would completely ban all U.S. citizens from owning any firearms. Language Advisory; Read more below the video...

Interviewer in the video is Dan Joseph (@DanJoseph78 on Twitter)

A statement on CREDO Action's website says, "After the shooter Adam Lanza, no one is more to blame for the massacre of 20 first graders and six adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School than the National Rifle Association. In order to stop the senseless killing we must first stop the NRA."

CREDO Action protesters at NRA office in Washington DC
CREDO Action at NRA office in Washington DC
This is mysterious to us at Chicago News Bench. None of the police reports related to the investigation of last week's shooting in Newtown, CT make any mention of the NRA. It would seem that blaming the NRA for the actions of the mentally unstable shooter, Adam Lanza, is the same as blaming the American Automobile Association (AAA) for traffic deaths. The CREDO Action website invites people to "talk to us," and they list their phone number as 800-555-7774.

The NRA has been virtually silent since last week's school shooting in Connecticut. However, Fox News reports that an NRA statement released late today "announced that it would hold a 'major' news conference on Friday. Issued by an aide to NRA President Wayne LaPierre, the statement also conveyed condolences for the murders and expressed the group's willingness to offer 'meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again'." (Whatever the hell that means.)

According to the Washington Free Beacon, CREDO is "a liberal activism group and 'America’s only progressive mobile phone company'." CREDO is was formed in part to counter the Tea Party Movement. "As previously reported by the Free Beacon, CREDO Action is an organizing front for CredoMobile, a San Francisco-based cellphone company that has donated more than $75 million to liberal causes since 1985."

"More than anyone else, the NRA is responsible for the more than 12,000 people murdered by guns every year in this country," said Josh Nelson, campaign manager for Credo Action. I wonder if Mr. Nelson is a member of AAA, and if the 30,000 traffic deaths every year bother him.

Finally, what would Nelson and his fellow CREDO cretins say to the news that Canada's homicide rates in rose seven percent Canada rise 7% in 2011, despite having had the lowest level of firearm deaths in nearly 50 years? The weapon of choice for killers in Canada is now knives or other blades. The CBC reported that  Statistics Canada, a federal data agency, said that "An increase in stabbings accounted for virtually the entire increase in homicides in 2011." One wonders, then, if CREDO is prepared to protest the cutlery industry if it and other extremist groups ever succeed in getting the Second Amendment revoked.

Free Phones and 47 Percenters - SEIU Morons Prove Romney Right

Sept. 27, 2012 - "Give it away, give it away, give it away now."  Watch this woman protesting with others outside of a Mitt Romney campaign rally in Cleveland, Ohio yesterday.

"RealFreedom1776" posted the video to YouTube and noted that this woman "explains how Obama gives all minorities free phones and that is why they should vote for him." I mean, seriously, these folks could just as well have been chanting "WE! ARE! THE FORTY SEVEN PERCENT!"

It will come as no surprise to many of you that the protesters were paid by the SEIU to be there and chant their nonsense. "We don't want no Bain Economy!" they mumbled, but had no idea what Bain is.

Obamaphone devotee and Democrat voter
Yes, and isn't that exactly the kind of thing that Mitt Romney referred to (clumsily) when he said that "47 percent" of Americans are on the dole?

Yes, I know: Not ALL of those getting assistance from the government are slackers. I know.

However, it is undeniable that a large number of them are just like this woman, happy to have their votes and their political loyalty bought for damned free cell phone and a few loaves of bread. They don't see that they and others are enslaved, trapped in a very-hard-to-break cycle of dependency. They don't see that their "free" Obamaphone is not really free, but that it is paid for by taxpayer money. They don't see that taxpayers' money is forcibly taken from them to pay for that Obamaphone.  Many who do, though, don't care or shrug it off.

Okay, some of them do care. I live in Chicago, and I talk to the homeless and the poor. I am acquainted with about a dozen people (all white, by the way) who are receiving food stamps. Four or five have an "Obamaphone." They call it that with a sneer, however.

Above:  Obama video released Sept. 27 attacks Romney for speaking the truth.

The people I know are desperately looking for work, and a cell phone is a vital tool for them in their job hunt. Needless to say, food to keep you alive is important too. My point is simple: Some benefits receivers hate being on the dole, but have no choice. Even so....

The woman in the top video, however, is one of those people who Mitt Romney was thinking of when he said, "There are 47% of the people who will vote for the president no matter what." That woman speaks not for all of the 47% who are getting help. Rather, she speaks for those who make a career and a lifestyle of sucking at the government teat. I have no doubt that Mitt Romney is aware of the fact that some of those receiving benefits are conservatives and are not happy to have to take public aid - and that plenty actually agree with him. Think of the woman in the first video telling us we need to keep Obama "in president" because he gives away free cell phone.  Think of her when you hear Romney say that there are people "who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it." He might have said it better, but Romney was essentially right.

Hat tip to Angry White Dude.

Updated: Gay Attorney Supports Official Abuse of Power Against Chick-fil-A

Attorney David Amen: Abuse of power is okay
August 3, 2012 - Chicago - I visited the Chick-fil-A Loyola Water Tower store for the "kiss-in" to protest the restaurant chain's alleged discriminatory policies.  

David Amen, a gay activist attorney, spoke to me on camera (video below). What he said is disturbing to anyone who understands the First Amendment and fears the abuse of power by elected officials.

The event was small:  I counted only nine gay activists present, all of whom were standing around quietly outside of Chick-fil-A. The gay activists were gathering pro-gay marriage petition signatures Equality Illinois. Amen's statements demonstrate a frightening disregard for both the U.S. Constitution and the Illinois State Constitution.

Amen is a board member of the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago and is also a State's Attorney with the Cook County State's Attorney's Office.

Amen said he has no problem with Chicago's 1st Ward Alderman Proco Joe Moreno's unconstitutional blocking of a new Chick-fil-A restaurant based solely on the pro-traditional marriage statements of the restaurant chain's CEO.

UPDATE, JUNE 13, 2013: Somebody has gone to great lengths to censor me by having my video interview of David Amen removed from both YouTube (on Aug. 21. 2012) and from Vimeo (on June 13, 2012). Vimeo and YouTube say they removed the video because of a complaint that it violated somebody's privacy. But everyone in the video was in a public place. Many, including Amen and the man he kissed, were publicly demonstrating and seeking media attention. Amen obviously knew that he was on camera. More about that here: Gay Attorney Tries to Censor My Video Interview of Him At Chick-fil-A. 

Lonely Commie Protests In Chicago Ahead of NATO Summit

Click image to enlarge it
Click image to enlarge it
May 18, 2012 - I spotted this commie moron in downtown Chicago ("the Loop") yesterday afternoon.  A picture is worth a thousand words, and even moreso when there are words in the picture.

The lonely anti-capitalist drove two hours from his home in Indiana just to stand by himself on the corner of Jackson and LaSalle, across the street from the Chicago Board of Trade to the south and the friendly local Federal Reserve Bank to the west. I didn't even try to engage this useful idiot in conversation. I knew, and you know, what he would have said anyway. I snapped the photos and moved on. The Loop was quiet yesterday. The only other real protest action of note was a bunch of fools who spewed lies about the petroleum industry in front of the Canadian consulate. 

Greek Parliament Passes New Austerity Program | 'Explosion of Rage' as Rioters Torch Buildings, Police

February 13, 2012:  GREECE'S PARLIAMENT HAS PASSED A NEW AUSTERITY PROGRAM in the very early morning hours of Monday, February 13 (local date). The MPs voted even as the streets outside were in violent turmoil, the result of riots that started several days ago.

"The historic vote paves the way for Greece's European partners and the International Monetary Fund to release euro130 billion ($171 billion)," the Associated Press reports, "in new rescue loans without which Greece would default on its debt mountain next month and likely leave the eurozone — a scenario that would further roil global markets.

"After three days of rioting, the Greek parliament Sunday approved a new set of austerity measures that are likely to cause much pain for its already-struggling citizens," says an Associated Press report. "The measures clear the way for the nation to reduce its debt and gain another bailout from the other European nations and the International Monetary Fund. Greeks took to the streets Friday in protest of cuts including a 22-percent drop in the minimum wage. This comes with the unemployment rate over 20 percent and the economy in the fifth year of a recession. Riots and fires continued all throughout the weekend."

Greece fire ~ The Telegraph
"The 200-74 vote was passed against a backdrop of serious violence on the streets Athens," says The Telegraph (UK), "and in other Greek towns and cities, including the holiday islands of Corfu and Crete."

Rioting has been destructive in Athens. This has the potential of increasing the intensity of the violent protests. Greek leftists have been using destruction and violence to protest the of deep cuts in government programs and employment if Greece adopts yet another austerity program. Rioters have thrown petrol bombs  and Molotov cocktails at police and torched more than 10 buildings, some historic. The government is faced with complete insolvency if it does not take more, very deep austerity measures.

Violence erupted on Sunday as over 100,000 protesters marched to parliament to rally against drastic austerity cuts that will axe one in five public service jobs and slash the minimum wage by more than a fifth. In October, 2011 the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European nations gave Greece a new aid package. That was in addition to the May, 2010 bailout of 110 billion euros. It was hoped that those funds would help Greece to survive until 2016. It was not enough, however.

Athens police attacked with petrol bomb ~ Daily Mail
"On March 20, Greece faces a EUR14.4 billion bond redemption that it cannot pay unless it secures that aid," reported the Wall Street Journal today. "That has raised the specter of a disorderly default by the country, which would make it the first country in the history of the euro to do so."

Leftist protesters are using the wanton destruction of public and private property to protest the bitter medicine that's needed to cure Greece's catastrophic economic ills.

The rioters and their sympathizers have caused and cultivated those ills by demanding more and more socialism over the decades. Like a junkie who just realized he's run out of drugs, the rioters are reacting violently in an infantile attempt to get more.

"Police have fought running battles in central Athens," reports The Australian, "as Greek MPs debated legislation that would introduce severe austerity measures to stave off bankruptcy. The riots engulfed central Athens with at least 10 buildings in flames in mass protests as MPs prepared for the historic parliamentary vote on tough austerity measures. TV footage showed a three-storey corner building completely consumed by flames with riot officers looking on from the street, and firefighters trying to douse the blaze. A closed cinema, a bank, a mobile phone dealership, a glassware store and a cafeteria were among the burning buildings, the fire department said."

"Historic cinemas, cafes and shops went up in flames," says The Daily Mail, "as Greek riot police struggled to pin down black-masked anti-austerity protesters roaming around central Athens ... Youths fought with police outside parliament for hours."

Earlier, the Mail reported that "Legislators are hoping to secure the deeply unpopular multi-billion-euro bailout and avert what Prime Minister Lucas Papademos warned would be 'economic chaos'. But as parliament began debating the bill anger over the new round of cuts spread and riots broke out again outside the building."

Not content with destroying property, some rioters used homemade bombs in an attempt to kill or maim police: "The air over Syntagma Square outside parliament was thick with tear gas," The Mail say, "as riot police fought running battles with youths who smashed marble balustrades and hurled stones and petrol bombs."

To be fair, however, not all leftists in Greece are acting that way. Greece's Socialist party leader George Papandreou, says WSJ, again called on lawmakers on Sunday "to support a tough package of reforms the country must take to secure a new 130-billion-euro ($178 billion) aid package from its international creditors." Papandreou made his remarks before a parliamentary vote on a loan memorandum "with Greece's European partners and the International Monetary Fund," and he "defended the austerity measures despite widespread belief in his party that the previous loan terms had driven the economy deep into recession."

Prime Minister Lucas Papademos's government, says The Australian, is "an unlikely coalition of the majority Socialists and their main foes, the conservative New Democracy." They speculate that  the austerity measure is expected to "carry the vote, even by a narrow margin."

"There are very few such moments in the history of a nation," Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said. "Our country has an acute issue of survival," and "The question is not whether some salaries and pensions will be curtailed, but whether we will be able to pay even these reduced wages and pensions," he added. "When you have to choose between bad and worse, you will pick what is bad to avoid what is worse."
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15 Photos of Hate On Display at #OccupyWallStreet

October 10, 2011 - Doug Ross posted some fantastic photos of the goofballs at Occupy Wall Street in New York. Doug's post, "15 Photos from #OccupyWallStreet you'll never see in legacy media," highlights just how hateful and twisted the melange of messages coming from the bitter miscreants is. Doug's photos are great, and his captions are priceless. What about Occupy Chicago? Friend John Ruberry of Marathon Pundit posted a great video that he made on Sunday morning. John was in downtown Chicago on Sunday morning to cover the Bank of America Chicago Marathon, but he took time to interview a "protester" across the street from the Chicago branch of the Federal Reserve Bank. The protester, who has what sounds like a faint foreign accent, claimed that "basically less than one percent of the people own more than 99 percent of stuff." I'm not sure how that's possible, frankly, but that's the Left, for you: Mindless parrots regurgitating baseless talking points. Watch Marathon Pundit's video here...

#OccupyWallStreet Is Occupied by Socialists, SEIU, ACORN

A funny photo manipulation by buddy "Irony Curtain" at the funniest blog on Earth, iOwnTheWorld. IC is poking fun at the pitifully misdirected saps who have fooled themselves into believing that they've actually "occupied" Wall Street, and that at any moment the bankers and moneylords will fall to their knees and give in to their fuzzy, ill-defined demands. Many of the participants, in fact, are paid to be there and don't really care about the purported goals of this bad imitation of a revolution.
Let's analyze the graphic above. What do the "Vacancy" labels on people's heads mean? Well, it means that their minds are devoid of any real thought processes. They accept the wacky propaganda and marching orders of their Leftist overlords. Some of us call these people "drones," because they are remotely controlled by their masters. Who are their masters? ACORN and the SEIU, that's who. Don't believe me? In this video, an organizer with the Working Families Party (WFP) talks about her involvement as an organizer of #occupywallstreet from day one. The WFP is "is a minor political party in the United States founded in New York in 1998," according to an entry about the Working Families Party at Wikipedia. WFP is not a national party, but has satellite partners in Connecticut, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Delaware, Vermont and Oregon, but there is as yet no national WFP. Wikipedia also says that the NY WFP "was first organized in 1998 by a coalition of labor unions, ACORN and other community organizations...." That Wikipedia entry, by the way, seems to be authored by the WFP itself, as it reads exactly like the Working Families Party website. That's enough. I think you get the point. WFP is a socialist organization that "blends a culture of political organizing with unionism, 1960s idealism, and tactical pragmatism. The party's main issue concerns are jobs, health care, education and energy/environment. It has usually cross-endorsed Democratic or Republican candidates through fusion voting, but has occasionally run its own candidates." Like their partners ACORN and SEIU, WFP is no stranger to dirty politics and election hanky panky. WFP are currently involved in a ballot fraud case in Rensselaer County, New York. There, a city councilman and a local WFP leader were witnesses yesterday in a special county grand jury investigating absentee-ballot fraud. According to the Times Union, the case centers around allegations "that nine Democratic officials and party workers forged the ballot applications and ballots of voters, many of whom lived in city public housing. The inquiry so far has resulted in the guilty plea of former City Clerk William McInerney and indictment of Councilman Michael LoPorto and County Democratic Elections Commissioner Edward McDonough." That handsome man on the far left (no pun intended) of the photo is film maker and serial liar Michael Moore. He's a drone too. The only difference between Moore and the average drone, however, is about 350 pounds and the fact that he's a hypocritical millionaire capitalist. What is meant by "Occupied" on the signs in the photo? Well, that's irony, kids. The drones of #occupywallstreet think that they've occupied Wall Street, but in reality they're little brains have been occupied by the likes of ACORN and the SEIU. That's right, they're unwitting puppets of special interests. Still don't believe me? Watch that video again.

Hundreds of Liberals Protest Obama's Birthday Bash in Chicago

Uptown, Chicago - On Wednesday, August 3, as many as 300 liberals demonstrated their displeasure with President Obama. They did so in Uptown, a far north neighborhood of Chicago along the shoreline of Lake Michigan. My good friend John Ruberry covered the unhappy campers in Uptown in his post, "Leftists protest Obama at 50th birthday party fundraiser in Chicago."

I lived in Uptown for two years, from late 2008 to late 2010, about two blocks from the Aragon. That's where the Obama birthday bash was held. Uptown is one of the most violent neighborhoods on Chicago's north side (as I have reported many times here on Chicago News Bench). I have personally photographed more than one murder scenes within a few blocks of the Aragon over the past three years (see here and here and here).

The protesters listed many reasons for being unhappy with Obama, as seen on their homemade signs. One reason for them to be unhappy with Obama, however, was apparently missing: He is one of the least "green" presidents we've had to suffer. As with so many of his lavish trips, Obama and his birthday entourage left a big fat carbon footprint. "Hypocrites," says the National Review, in their post titled "Trying to Add Up the Carbon Footprint of Obama’s Birthday Bashes."

The Aragon, by the way, did not turn a single light out for Earth Hour last year.

Obama Angered by Hecklers at Connecticut Rally

October 30, 2010 - They booed Barack Obama at a get-out-the-vote political rally in Bridgeport, Connecticut today (video below).

According to the New York Times today, "President Obama was heckled Saturday by AIDS protesters, who interrupted a rally here, forcing the president to temporarily suspend his remarks to a stadium of 9,000 Democrats."

It would seem that Obama is unraveling somewhat under the last-minute pressure of a mid-term election that will cause his party to lose a considerable number of seats in Congress.

The Daily Mail Online (UK) has a headline that says, "Barack loses his cool: Angry Obama yells BACK at hecklers... as new poll shows his own party isn't sure he should be President in 2012." The pressure is on Barack Obama - and it is starting to show. The famously-cool President lost his temper in Connecticut today after hecklers interrupted a speech he was giving at a rally. Astonished attendees watched as Mr Obama interrupted his own speech as the hecklers - believed to be activists seeking more global Aids funding - began chanting at him. Full article...

"The President responded by asking the Hecklers," Politics and World News wrote today, "'I don't see why you think this is a useful approach to take.'"

Really? I wonder if Obama would have told Jan Schakowsky's campaign manager, Alex Armour, that it was not a useful approach to have union goons attempt to disrupt Republican Joel Pollak's fundraising luncheon on September 1. Heckling is a classic tactic of leftists. They love it -- unless it's used against them, of course.

P&WN continued: "He looked visibly very angry, and rightly so. Even if you don't agree with his political views, he's still the president and demands respect."

I disagree. With all due respect to P&WN, Barack Obama deserves as much respect as he gives, and that's very little. Telling Republicans that they'll have to sit in the back after they win big next Tuesday is disrespectful. Describing Tea Partiers and other Americans who opposed his socialistic policies as "enemies" is disrespectful. False campaign promises about transparency and the leashing of lobbyists was disrespectful. Taking weeks to pay a visit to the oil-stricken Gulf Coast? Disrespectful.

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the idea. Barack Obama has the right to speak, of course, but those who would heckle him have the right to do so by showing him the same willingness to listen to him as he has shown the American people.

The Goofy Protesters at Right Nation 2010

As attendees were still on their way into the Sears Centre Arena to enjoy the big gathering of conservatives, these protesters suddenly popped out of a yellow school bus. Their signs were all "hand made," but were curiously all in the same handwriting. Some of those signs said, "Stop the Hate!" Then, suddenly, a box of flags was broken out and voila, they were all holding identical, brand new U.S. flags! (Click image to enlarge) Andrew Brietbart confronted them. He challenged them to name "just one" example hate by the conservatives in RN2010. They couldn't, he said. One protester told Breitbart, "I don't want to get caught up in your trap." The protesters jumped back on the bus and vanished as quickly as they had materialized. They were only here for moments, and provided nothing more than laughs for the folks here.

(Video Mashup) Joel Pollak Taunts Schakowsky's Campaign Manager at Big Fundraiser

I ran into Alex Armour, Jan Schakowsky's campaign manager, today. He was quietly lurking off to the side of a small group of protesters across from the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago. Video below; click images to enlarge I actually said hello to him. I asked him, jokingly, if he was going inside to watch the speechifying at the Joel Pollak fundraiser. He said no, the admission was too expensive. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) was the special guest, and the protesters were ostensibly there because they don't like Ryan's Roadmap For America's Future. Of course, the whole thing was orchestrated by Armour. An SEIU hack who seems to be at all events even remotely related to Schakowsky was coaching the mostly-elderly protesters in the fine art of holding their signs and looking angry. Armour got into the event free, however, and with the full consent of the Pollak campaign (for the sake of accuracy, he did not sit or eat while in the room). While Armour was inside, busily texting away on his iPhone, some of the protesters tried to crash the luncheon. Here, with the permission of the Pollak campaign, is a video I made using excerpts from one by the Pollak For Congress campaign today (see theirs here). I mashed it together with their photos of Alex Armour, my photos of Jan Schakowsky and of today's protesters, and my own video of the protesters today still chanting at the moment they were quickly ejected from the luncheon (they never made it past the door). 400 people attended the luncheon and $150,000 was raised.

Protesters at Wrigley Field Demand Arizona Boycott

April 29, 2010 - CHICAGO - VIDEO: About 100 protesters in Chicago gathered at Wrigley Field to demand a total boycott of all Arizona businesses, products and services. The group called for a boycott as way of protesting Arizona's recently passed immigration law, which they call "racist." The event at Wrigley was not very large and was peaceful. The protesters, standing at the corner of N. Clark and W. Addison, caused virtually no inconvenience to the baseball fans who were on their way to watch the Chicago Cubs lose to the Arizona Diamondbacks 13-5.  Also See: Arizona Immigration Boycott Zeroes in on Baseball‎ (CBS News)

Insane Code Pink Bitch Attacks Karl Rove (Video)

More love from the Loonie Left: Watch the video (below) of Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans displaying all of her anti-free speech lunatic tendencies as she tries to take down former White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove in a "citizen's arrest" during a stop on Rove's book tour in Beverly Hills on March.

Is Code Pink typical of all liberals? No, of course not, no more so than the occasional nutter in a large crowd of Tea Partiers is typical of that group. As the great American philosopher Rodney King once said, "Can't we all just get along?" That would be nice, but Jodie Evans and her ilk seem opposed to that notion.

As KayL writes, "Within any large group, there are going to be a few who reside on the fringe, and we see plenty of this from the left too, as the Code Pinkers continue to show. It’s a sad reality, but there’s no excuse for this behavior substituting for civil debate." More at 

Code Pink Democrats Aid and Abet Terrorists, Obama and the Democrat Party
Mike Malloy Calls for Deaths of Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly
Code Pink’s “Sugar Mommy” – Jodie Evans
The Architect: Karl Rove and the Master Plan for Absolute Power
Boy Genius: Karl Rove, the Brains Behind the Remarkable Political Triumph of George W. Bush

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Russia Today Interviews We Are Change Chicago

Great interview (in the video below) with some of the most active, and most interesting, local upstarts. "We Are Change Chicago" is a protest group that fights the good fight. I don't agree with everything they say, but I agree with what they stand for: Free speech and a willingness to fight the powers that be. (Note: Any wonder why the U.S. media have given scant coverage to WACC?) Also see Tea Parties Can Learn From "We Are Change Chicago" and Hot Video: Al Gore Confronted on Climategate Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Hot Video: Al Gore Confronted on Climategate

This video is masterful, done by "We Are Change." It shows the We Are Change Chicago group asking Al Gore some inconvenient questions at his recent appearance at Borders book store downtown. The production is top notch, with a brilliant montage leading up to, and mashed together with, the confrontation at Borders. (Also see "Tea Parties Can Learn From "We Are Change Chicago" and "Whistleblower Got Climategate Emails, Not Hacker") Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

Tea Parties Can Learn From "We Are Change Chicago"

Last week, a group of Chicagoans called "We Are Change Chicago" protested the book signing appearance of Climate Crook Al Gore when he showed up at the Borders book store downtown. When Gore arrived at 150 N. State Street to promote the sequel to his "Inconvenient Truth" book, an inconvenient pack of protesters greeted him. See their video report here: Hot Video: Al Gore Confronted on Climategate. They wanted to know what many of us would like ask Gore: Why have you been lying to us about global warming, and in light of "Climategate," why are continuing to promote those lies? "Swizzle Steve" is one of the organizers of "We Are Change Chicago," and they're making quite a splash. Steve is on Facebook, and We Are Change has a Facebook page too. They even have their own YouTube channel. WAC Chicago is part of the larger international "We Are Change" group. The Chicagoans have a web site, as does the international group. WAC describes itself this way: We Are Change has arisen from the remnants of our republic to fill the vacancy left by those who swore to preserve, protect and defend The Constitution against all enemies – foreign and domestic. We seek to expose the fraud of the left/right paradigm and reveal that the world truly functions on a top/down hierarchy that threatens to destroy free society as we know it. We Are Change works to educate, motivate, and activate those striving... (read more) We Are Change claims to be non-partisan, and so far they seem to be living up to that claim. On September 11 they staged a "9/11 Truth Now" event, and back on May 28 they participated in a Truth Squad lecture at the Chicago Theater about Karl Rove, Bush's political brain. Then, of course, the Al Gore protest on November 24, in which Gore was chased out of the store (see our post about that). In addition, the group wants to end the Federal Reserve (see their video), which is a traditonal conservative issue. Although Liberals will have a hard time believing this, We Are Change is a good fit with the Tea Party movement. Yes, it's probably true that the majority of tea partiers are self-described conservatives. However, it's also true that many of those conservatives are fed up with the Republican Party. Furthermore, the Tea Party movement includes many Democrats and a lot of independents. Many in the Tea Party movement would find something to love about We Are Change, and I suggest that we embrace them in their bold, in-your-face approach to popular dissent. In fact, tea partiers can learn from We Are Change. Does every tea partier agree on every issue with WAC? No, of course not. But then, the Tea Party movement is not homogenous. Some of us, for example, think 9/11 was an inside job, some of us don't. What we need to do is become more familiar with groups like WAC, bring them into the fold without co-opting them, and adopt their tactics. RELATED: "We are change" rips up Al Gore's book in his face, calls him traitor The Gigantean jackass narrowly escapes We Are Change Boston Questions Paul Volcker About The Bilderberg Group We Are Change Meetup Groups - We Are Change Meetups Video: Madeleine Albright confronted on Bilderberg and New World Order Crimes Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed