Showing posts with label hateful Liberals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hateful Liberals. Show all posts

UPDATED: Is Gay Activist Attorney Trying to Censor My Video Interview of Him at Chick-fil-A?

Update, 13 June 2013: Now Vimeo has removed the video. Vimeo's email to me: "Your video 'Gay Attorney Supports Official Abuse of Power Against Chick-fil-A' has been removed for violating our Guidelines. Reason: Violates Privacy." Incredible! The attorney was openly demonstrating with other protesters on a public sidewalk in broad daylight and consented to being interviewed. That's a violation of privacy? Really?!? 

Update, 21 August 2012: YouTube did it: They disabled my video interview of a gay Chicago attorney. You can still see it here, however, because I also posted it to Vimeo. Read the original post below for full info. Here is the email that YouTube sent to me on August 21:

Regarding your account: 

The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content in violation of these guidelines, and have been disabled.

One of the things most hated about YouTube is this: When somebody complains about a video, YouTube does not tell you who that person is and the reasons given are so vague that you often cannot know exactly why the complaint was lodged against you. Such is the case for me with this complaint that "an individual" filed. Worse, even after I explained to YouTube that the video was not in violation of anybody's privacy, they disable the video anyway.

That is why I am asking for legal help to sue YouTube and Vimeo.

August 20, 2012 - As the result of my video interview with a gay attorney on August 3, I am being harassed by unknown persons.

When I interviewed an openly gay attorney at the "Kiss-In" protest at the Chick-fil-A Water Tower store, I did not think that I was violating anybody's privacy.

How "private" is this? David Amen and a buddy posed
for photos and a very public kiss at Chick-fil-A Chicago
I still don't think I did so, but "an individual" filed a complaint with YouTube about it. It is, in my opinion, pure harassment. I posted the video and my report on Chicago News Bench on August 3. YouTube informed me of this via email on Saturday, August 18 (see below). To be pro-active, I have also posted the video to Vimeo (above).

"This is to notify you that we have received a privacy complaint from an individual regarding your content," YouTube wrote.

The video was an interview of attorney David Amen, an adult, openly gay attorney in Chicago. He was at the public event, on a public sidewalk, knowingly being interviewed by me.

The only information about Mr. Amen contained in the video was whatever he said about himself, plus the publicly available fact that he is a board member of the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago and a State's Attorney with the Cook County State's Attorney's Office, both of which are noted on his public profile at the website of the Lesbian And Gay Bar Association of Chicago (LAGBAC).  Do a Google search for "David Amen Cook County State's Attorney's Office" and you'll find all kinds of public information.

A privacy complaint? Really? About what? The public kiss that Mr. Amen gave to another man as he posed for photographers in front of Chick-fil-A? For what he said to me in the interview to which he consented? He identified himself on camera. He identified himself as being gay.  

As you can see in the video, Mr. Amen was cordial and seemed happy to say what he said on camera.

I asked Mr. Amen whether he was protesting or representing by being in front of Chick-fil-A. His response was, "I'd say making a statement about what we believe." A public statement, of course. His response was slick, spoken like a slick attorney, but clear:

Mr. Amen was there to get public attention in order to make his anti-Chick-fil-A statement. He was not doing anything in private. No privacy was violated by this video. Anybody else in that video, in the background, was walking on a public sidewalk and was not identified.

Please note that I am NOT saying that the "individual" who filed the privacy complaint with YouTube is Mr. Amen. I do not know who that person (or persons) may be, and YouTube did not identify the "individual."  I do say, however, that somebody is clearly trying to intimidate me, and their intent is obviously to have the video removed from YouTube.  

YouTube's Email to Me (with my emphasis added):

Who complained to YouTube and Vimeo?
This is to notify you that we have received a privacy complaint from an individual regarding your content: We would like to give you an opportunity to review the content in question and remove any personal information that may be used to uniquely identify or contact the complainant. 

You have 48 hours to take action on the complaint. If you remove the alleged violation from the site within the 48 hours, the complaint filed will then be closed. If the potential privacy violation remains on the site after 48 hours, the complaint will be reviewed by the YouTube Team and may be removed pursuant to our Privacy Guidelines ( 

For content to be considered for removal, an individual must be uniquely identifiable by image, voice, full name, Social Security number, bank account number or contact information (e.g., home address, email address). Examples that would not violate our privacy guidelines include gamer tags, avatar names, and address information in which the individual is not named. 

We also take public interest, newsworthiness, and consent into account when determining if content should be removed for a privacy violation. If the alleged violation is located within the video itself, you may have to remove the video completely. If someone's full name or other personal information is listed within the title, description, or tags of your video, you can edit this by going to My Videos and clicking the Edit button on the reported video. 

Making a video private is not an appropriate method of editing, as the status can be changed from private to public at any time. Because they can be turned off at any time, annotations are also not considered an acceptable solution. We're committed to protecting our users and hope you understand the importance of respecting others' privacy. 

When uploading videos in the future, please remember not to post someone else's image or personal information without their consent. For more information, please review our Privacy Guidelines



Your terribly vague and non-specific. The man that I interviewed in the video, Mr. David Amen, is (a) an adult and (b) put himself out in the public eye by appearing at a public protest and consenting to the interview, as it obvious. I listed his name and two of his job titles, both of which are public information and publicly posted on his and related publicly available websites. You claim that you are "committed to protecting our users," but I wonder if you are also committed to the fairness of those who are unfairly targeted for unwarranted complaints. The man that Mr. Amen kissed at the beginning of the video is also an adult and similarly consented to be on camera, was knowingly at a public event on a public sidewalk in full view of news media and cameras.

Also See: 
WANTED: Conservative Attorney With Courage To Help Me Sue YouTube and Vimeo

Crowd laughs as Chicago Teachers Union president talks about killing the rich

Jan. 9, 2013 - Karen Lewis, president of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), thinks killing rich people is funny. So funny, in fact, that she recently joked about the prospect of union members killing the wealthy.

Karen Lewis, CTU Prez
(Chicago Magazine)
Her audience, a bunch of like-minded socialists, thought it was funny too. And why not?
A good class warfare joke about murdering the rich is always welcome at these kinds of gatherings, nyet? Da!

Lewis delivered her speech to the Illinois Labor History Society “Salute to Labor’s Historic Heroes from the History Makers of Today,” on Dec. 2, 2013. It attracted attention this week after video of the event surfaced online, says the Daily Caller. "Lewis earned scattered applause from her audience by noting that, approximately 100 years ago, pro-union activists were ready to murder their rich bosses."

Lewis did not disappoint the crowd of class warriors. "She threw gasoline onto the fire of class warfare," notes EAG News, "and even mentioned mob killings of wealthy Americans." EAG quoted Lewis:

“… Do not think for a minute that the wealthy are ever going to allow you to legislate their riches away from them. Please understand that. However, we are in a moment where the wealth disparity in this country is very reminiscent of the robber baron ages. The labor leaders of that time, though, were ready to kill. They were. They were just – off with their heads. They were seriously talking about that.” Some in the audience laughed and clapped at her remark. She was just joking, the Liberal apologists on the Left will say. Uh huh, joking about murder.

"He who jokes confesses," says an old Italian proverb.
Lewis's joke about killing the wealthy strikes a chord deep within the hearts of her supporters. Deep down, some of them actually do want to kill the wealthy. A lot of people who support unions really want to kill the rich.

And you can bet your rear end that there are plenty of CTU members who would actually kill the wealthy if ordered to. Of course, they would not kill the wealthy union bosses like Karen Lewis, who pulls down Big Bucks as CTU's pampered president.

Stalin Kill The Rich
Is this Karen Lewis's
spirit animal?
Lewis became CTU's president in June of 2010. "The previous CTU president pulled down nearly $300,000 a year in base salary and compensation," reported TownHall last year. "Local union watchdogs reported that top CTU officers and staff with six-figure salaries and bonuses also received:" 

In addition, top CTU officials received "... a monthly expense account for each administrator -- officers, coordinators and field representatives -- of $1,500; a car allowance of $7,000 per year (whether or not you have a car); 85 percent of car insurance and expenses paid; parking allowance; cellphone allowance; life insurance paid with union dues; and among other perks, a 53rd week of yearly pay for "working" over the Christmas holiday."

The TownHall report also said, "records show that [Lewis] made more than $71,000 for half a year's work in 2010 -- along with compensation from the Illinois Federation of Teachers in 2011 totaling at least an additional $64,000 on top of her unknown base salary and benefits."

Hope. Change. Murder.
EAG asks, "Big salaries with an average income in the $70,000 range. Generous benefits and pensions. Limited work days and nine-month work years. What are these people complaining about?"

Union leaders like Karen Lewis really don't give a damn about the quality of the education your kids are getting in the public schools. All of their agitation and protesting and striking is not "for the children." It's for them, it's for power, it's a means of advancing their socialist power agenda. Well, and a touch of personal greed for all the goodies they can soak the taxpayers for, too.

Lewis's fat salary is probably just barely enough to support her obvious gluttony. A raise might be in order for her, if only to protect the lives of others. After all, if she runs out of food she is likely to eat some of her fellow rich folk.


Democrat NH Legislator Wants to Make State "So Unwelcoming That Some Will Choose Not to Come"

Jan. 4, 2013 - A state legislator in New Hampshire thinks that restricting people's freedoms is a good idea. Really. Cynthia Chase, 69, Democrat and fan of Saul Alinsky, is worried about a movement called the "Free Staters," who are Libertarians determined to "free" New Hamphire. Chase is a member of New Hampshire's House of Representatives. She represented the Cheshire 3 district from 2010 to 2012, and has represented the Cheshire 8 district since December 5, 2012.

"Thanks to the Free State Project," says their Facebook page, "thousands of liberty-minded people are moving to New Hampshire, working within and without its political system to reduce the size and scope of government. The plan is to inspire 20,000 or more pro-liberty activists to join our efforts to reduce burdensome taxation and regulation, reform state and local law, opt out of federal mandates, protect individual rights, expand free markets, restore constitutional federalism, and much more."

Updated: Union Thug Who Attacked Steven Crowder Was Looking For a Fight, Stalked Him In Crowd

Union Thug Tony Cummings Attacking Steven Crowder
Dec. 11, 2012 - VIDEOS BELOW - Violent union members in Lansing, Michigan attacked Right-To-Work advocates on the grounds of Michigan's state capitol today after the state legislature passed a right-to-work bill(Videos below.) 

A large mob of union members and sympathizers were in a violent frenzy as they surrounded a large tent set up and occupied by Americans For Prosperity (AFP), along with conservative humorist and pundit Steven Crowder. Leftist louts forced their way into the tent, dismantling it and threatening those inside.

Union Thug Tony Cummings Attacking Steven Crowder
With no regard for AFP's free speech rights or personal safety, the union gangsters shouted obscenities and, ultimately, physically attacked. Some milled around in a zombie-like daze, passively watching their union brethren violate the civil rights of fellow Americans. Not satisfied with simply bringing the tent down, union thugs destroyed the tent by cutting it to shreds with what appeared to be large box cutters.

The first video below is "AFP MI Tent comes down at Right To Work Rally," and it shows the zombie-like crowd of union thugs attacking the tent, spewing obscenities and just itching for a fight. Some lunge at the AFP members, while others attack the tent.

The second video, "Steven Crowder's attacker VERBALLY attacks him a hour earlier," shows Crowder being verbally assaulted by union punk Tony Cummings, without provocation, who physically attacked Crowder about an hour later (see the third video below). It is obvious from watching the second video that Cummings was looking for a fight. It was so obvious, in fact, that a union-appointed security "marshall" (in an orange vest) intervened and told Cummings to back off. That just seemed to further upset Cummings. At 3:03 in the video, Cummings lowered  his IBEW sign so that it would interfere with a photo opportunity of some guy posing with a smiling Crowder. When Crowder turned to ask Cummings to stop doing that, Cummings grinned weirdly and said, "Don't f-ck with me."

The third video below, "Unions Assault On Camera," clearly shows the assault on Crowder by a union goon that we think is named Tony Cummings. At least, that's what his jacket said. Also on his jacket was an IBEW union patch. Gateway Pundit wrote that Local 876 is located in Grand Rapids, MI but Chicago News Bench took a moment to look it up and found that the 1,480-member IBEW Local 876 is actually located in Edmore, MI, about an hour from Grand Rapids [see map].

"The protesters shouted 'scab' and 'Walmart tent' as they advanced," Lee Stranahan wrote at "The tent had been used by AFP to house members who were reportedly threatened at last week’s demonstration," he added.

“This is what democracy looks like,” they chanted as they destroyed the tent.

Union thugs and the progressives who support them think "democracy" is the act of violent suppression of  the opposition and destroying their property, even going so far as to physically assault people.

You can see Crowder being punched in the second video. "Crowder," reports, "peacefully confronted union protesters today in Lansing, Michigan when the mob turned violent. Crowder was punched multiple times and, at one point, when his back was turned to the crowd as he was leaving a confrontation, he was pulled by the collar of his coat back into the mob to be assaulted again." That can also be seen in the video. "Union appointed 'Marshals' (not actual law enforcement) would break up the assaults but never asked the union members to leave the protest for their behavior."

It is not known where the "real" law enforcement was taking their union-mandated coffee break, but none are visible in these videos. Crowder's assailant, Tony Cummings, was apparently not apprehended and remains at large. It was truly a sad day for America, as Obama-supported violent thugs had a violent hissy fit because, suddenly, their fellow Michiganders can no longer be forced to join a union in order to have a job.

Homicidal Occupier Says "Kill Billionaires"

Too many of those loons on the Left are like this guy, who said, "I tell you right now. I am for killing billionaires."

And you thought Occupiers were just a bunch of drug-addled rapists? You were wrong. Some of them openly advocate mass murder, too. They would have no problem with killing people just to further their sick agenda. That's class warfare: Literally.

Why stop with billionaires? Why not millionaires, too? Why not everyone earning over $250,000 a year? This is frightening. The video here was made on September 17, 2012 in Zuccotti Park, New York City, which has been ground zero for the Occupy movement for just over a year. (Continues below the video.) The murderous leftists in the top video here are so stupid that they believe that no billionaires create jobs. Really? Apparently they've never heard of people such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and even George Soros, all of whom create jobs.

Video: Occupy Scum Hold "F-ck The 4th" Day, Burn U.S. Flag

Occupy Oakland flag burners, 4 July 2012
Occupy Oakland flag burning scum, 4 July 2012
July 7, 2012 - There's nothing like a good old flag burning and vandalizing rampage to celebrate U.S. Independence Day. That is, if you're a hate filled liberal piece of crap like the rats of Occupy Oakland.

This video below shows a group of anti-American vermin who burned at least one U.S. flag, yell "f*ck da PO-lees" a bunch of times and set fire to at least one garbage bin. I'm not sure what symbolism the burning of a garbage bin holds, but to these mental midgets it was apparently a huge victory over, well over garbage I suppose. That's ironic, because they are human garbage, two-legged sewer chunks, ill-educated morons who think they're Marxists, and the natural useful idiots of the Left.

According to the, over 60 Occupy Oakland protesters "marched through downtown Wednesday night, spray-painting anti-police slogans on police headquarters and other buildings, vandalizing a police car and setting at least one garbage bin on fire..." MercuryNews reported that the Occupy vermin also "spray-painted a patrol car parked near Seventh and Washington streets, punctured one of its tires and broke a window."

Viewer Advisory: Foul Language, Lousy Music.
Thanks to the Republican Party Animals (RPA) for calling attention to this very special July 4th Liberal Hatefest.

The original video (left) was posted to a pro-Occupy page on YouTube ("pfailblog") on July 5th. RPA posted a partial copy to their YouTube page the next day and wrote a brief commentary about the event and the video at their website.


Fire And Deport This Anti-American Public School Principal

Anti-American Principal Greta Hawkins
Greta Hawkins hates America
and bathroom breaks

Image: NYPost
June 10, 2012 - In an incredibly offensive attempt to enforce multiculturalism, a public school principal banned the singing of "God Bless The USA" at PS 90, the Edna Cohen School, on Coney Island, New York. 

The principal, Greta Hawkins, forbade the kids from singing Lee Greenwood's hit song “God Bless the USA” (also known as "Proud To Be An American") at a graduation ceremony. The reason: She was afraid it might offend members of "other cultures."

Greta Hawkins should be deported, expelled from the United States. And why not? She obviously thinks that our culture is "offensive" to "other cultures." This bitch is out of control. Yes, I did just call her a bitch. She is what she is. Hawkins is the same little dictator who, earlier this year, got national attention for her policy that encouraged teachers to give prizes to school kids who don’t take bathroom breaks.

According to The New York Post today, "The kids, dressed up for their big day, would wave tiny American flags — which, as the lyrics proclaim, 'still stand for freedom.' But Hawkins marched in on a recent rehearsal and ordered a CD playing the anthem to be shut off, staffers said. She told the teachers to drop the song from the program. 'We don’t want to offend other cultures,' they quoted her as explaining. The curt edict stunned both staff and parents."  More at The Post....

Predictably, this move has angered quite a few parents. Now, as this story gains national and international attention, it is upsetting hundreds of thousands of people. The Post also reported that the local Department of Education actually supports the principal's decision. A spokeswoman for the department told The Post that the Principal Hawkins felt the lyrics were “too grown up” for kindergartners. Listen to those lyrics in the video here, and read them here.

Perhaps the most sickening aspect of this story is that both Hawkins and the Dept. of Education are just fine with a song by Justin Bieber being used in the kindergarner graduation ceremony. The Post noted that Hawkins "had no problem with 5-year-olds singing lines such as, 'Are we an item? Girl, quit playing'.” Nah, THAT's not age-inappropriate... if you're a liberal who adheres to the agenda of promoting promiscuity among children.

Greta Hawkins wanted children to hold it.
I wish that Greta Hawkins could be deported from the United States. To do so would, ironically, fit into her dangerous multicultural anti-American worldview. How? Well, if Hawkins is so concerned about offending "other cultures," then by her own twisted logic her own presence - as an American woman - is offensive to "other cultures."

Perhaps Hawkins should trade in all of her Western-style clothing for some new burkas and stop wearing lipstick. After all, isn't that offensive to some people? Maybe she should stop straightening her hair, which I'm sure offends some member of her own African-American community. Am I being absurd? Yes, intentionally so. Sadly, Hawkins and idiots like her are absurd but they mean it, and they don't see their own anti-American, anti-Western, anti-child policies that way. To them, a patriotic song is offensive and it makes sense to make children suffer while their bladders and bowels are stretched to painful limits. Greta Hawkins and the Department of Education that supports her are offensive.

Related: No Patriotism at PS90, per the School Bully - Right Here On The Left Coast

Black Mob Attack on Matthew Owens Caused by Theft, Not Basketball

April 26, 2012 - Matthew Owens was savagely attacked and nearly killed by a group of about 20 black people on Saturday, April 21 in Mobile, Alabama. Previous reports said that Owens, 40, was targeted for brutality after he asked some neighbor kids to keep the noise down as they played basketball around 8:30 p.m. However, a report today on says that Owens's sister tells a different story.

Owens suffered severe head trauma and remains in the hospital. His sister, Ashley Parker, told Daily Caller that one of her own kids saw something being stolen from a neighbor's porch on Delmar Drive. Ms. Parker says that the alleged thief was also one of the people who attacked her brother moments later. From Daily Caller:
Ashley Parker, whose brother Matthew Owens is clinging to life after the assault, said Owens was attacked after her 21-year-old daughter witnessed a group of African-American youth moving from yard to yard in the neighborhood and taking something that didn’t belong to them. She told Owens, who confronted the youths. She “saw one of them take something off a porch,” Parker said, “and that is when Matthew approached them and told them they need to go home.”
Terry Rawls on April 25, 2012. Rawls was arrested for
taking part in the beating of Matthews Owens.
(Press-Register/Victor Calhoun)
After they beat the living hell out Matthew Owens, the mob walked away. One of them called back, "That's justice for Trayvon," a reference to Florida teen Trayvon Martin, fatally shot by George Zimmerman in February. The Owens beating is just one of many vicious and hateful attacks by blacks against non-blacks in the wake of the ongoing Martin-Zimmerman case.

One arrest was made in the case. Terry Rawls, 44, surrendered to Mobile police on Wednesday and was charged with first-degree assault. His bail was set at the remarkably low amount $7,500. Alabama Live reports that "records indicate" that "Rawls is scheduled for a May 10 court appearance."

As noted in our previous report about the Matthew Owens beating, no civil rights "leaders" have bothered to speak out against the obviously racist attacks by blacks. Jonathan Capehart has a short roundup of some of the more notable black-on-white attacks in his column at the Washington Post today.
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White Guy Savagely Beaten by Crazed Democrat Voters

Matthew Owens, Beating Victim
April 24, 2012 - A crazed mob of 10-15 vicious racists in Mobile, Alabama beat a man to within inches of his life last Saturday night.

The victim, Matthew Owens, is white. The attackers are all black. The motivation was clearly racial, but reports now say that the brutality is not being investigated as a hate crime.

Owens, 40, was brutally beaten after he asked some neighbor kids playing basketball to keep the noise down (see Update here). A report at Fox News sums it up:

Matthew Owens, of Mobile, Ala., was assaulted with baseball bats, paint cans and other weapons at about 8:30 p.m. Saturday after telling a group of children to stop playing basketball in the middle of Delmar Drive, according to Ashley Rains, public information officer for the Mobile Police Department. After the children left the area, a group of adults armed with weapons returned and confronted Owens, 40, in his front yard, where he was assaulted. Owens' sister, Ashley Parker, told WKRG she witnessed the attack and that there were as many as 20 assailants. Parker said she overheard one of them say, "Now that's justice for Trayvon." More at Fox News...

"That's justice for Trayvon" can mean only one thing: The mob felt that beating the crap out of a white guy was - in their sick and feeble minds - "justice" for the killing of Trayvon Martin, who was black, by George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is Hispanic, not Caucasian, but apparently beating up anybody who is not black is "justice" to Owens's attackers.

Owens’ sister told WKRG-TV that about 20 black people attacked him on his own front porchusing “brass buckles, paint cans and anything they could get their hands on.” Parker says as the attackers walked away, leaving Owens bleeding on the ground, one of them said “Now, thats justice for Trayvon.”  One witness who wants to remain anonymous said: ”I saw about 10 to 15 people from little kids and women with dresses to adult men, just flooding onto the property, surrounding the car, hollering and screaming." More at

The insane attack on Matthew Owens comes in the wake of thousands of Democrat voters publicly advocating the murder of George Zimmerman, as noted previously on Chicago News Bench.

Yes, those calling for "justice for Trayvon" by means of killing a man, Zimmerman, without even a trial, are Democrat voters - if they vote at all, that is. Matthew Owens last Saturday, too. What, you thought they might be Republicans?

"A growing digital lynch mob of Twitter users," reports The Daily Mail (UK), "is calling for street justice against George Zimmerman and advocating he be murdered since his release from jail on $150,000 bail early this morning. Some have even threatened to kill the neighborhood watch volunteer themselves." 

Again, how many of those rabid tweeters do you think are registered Republicans?

With all of this violent hate and calls to vigilantism, we've heard not a peep from the likes of Jesse Jackson, Sr. or Al Sharpton or any other "black leader."  We've heard nothing from Barack Obama. In fact, we've heard nothing from any Republican leaders either, for that matter. As noted, the Matthew Owens beating is not being looked at by authorities as a hate crime. But what if Matthew Owens had been a black man, and his attackers had been white?  Do you think this would be a hate crime investigation?  See "Black Mob Attack on Matthew Owens Caused by Theft, Not Basketball."

Will Twitter Be An Accomplice To Murder?

"KillZimmerman" profile
picture on Twitter
April 6, 2012 - Incredibly, Twitter has not yet taken down an account that calls itself "@KillZimmerman." The name is inspired by the account holder's call for the death of George Zimmerman, the man accused of killing Trayvon Martin in February. Now two weeks old, the account is still up and has produced 459 "tweets" (posts) as of this writing. Where are the calls from Liberals, Leftists and Democrats for "civility," and why are they not expressing outrage and disgust at this?

When I wrote about "@Kill Zimmerman" on March 29, it was already five days old.  It was created on March 24. I was amazed that Twitter allowed an open call for violence to remain for so long, and I thought that Twitter would certainly squash the offensive account. To everyone's amazement, they have not.

An open call to murder on Twitter (click to enlarge)
If @KillZimmerman inspires someone to commit murder, would Twitter be an accomplice to the crime? Ask yourself this: If a newspaper published over 400 letters to the editor that advocated the killing of somebody, and if that person was killed, would the newspaper be held responsible? When Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz) was shot in the head, the Liberal Media quickly accused conservatives as inspiring the shooting. The Left, wrong as usual, said that the shooter was pushed over the edge by their "heated rhetoric."

Well, what is @KillZimmerman, if not super heated rhetoric? I don't recall any Republican candidates calling for the death of anybody, yet here is a Leftist with a photo of George Zimmerman in a crosshairs. The open call for his murder has not elicited a call by Leftists or Democrat leaders for "more civility" in public discourse.

Not to be outdone, another leftist loon created an equally disgusting Twitter account called "@BeheadZimmerman."

WARNING: Yes, that's the "C" word
"Progressives are getting so much like terrorist Muslims it’s amazing," wrote on March 29. "Obama, Spike Lee, Roseanne Barr, the Congressional Black Caucus, and all the pathetic pink slime media hacks trying to gin up some sort of race war should be very proud of themselves." The @BeheadZimmerman account describes itself this way: "This page is dedicated to the arrest and jail gang rape of George Zimmerman. Pissing on Zimmerman’s lawn."  Isn't that nice?

These Twitter accounts, @KillZimmerman and @BeheadZimmerman, are but two of thousands of examples of liberals openly calling for murder to be committed. It's a nationwide, digital vigilante party, salivating at the prospect of a man being killed before he's even been proven guilty in a court of law. It shows the mindset of so many liberals (what, you think these nutjobs are conservatives?!?), who care nothing about legality, civility or decency.

"It is alarming how easy it is for social media to stir the public into a mob-like frenzy," wrote Chris Dunn at Collegiate Times on April 4. "On Facebook, groups are calling for the death of Zimmerman. 'I want George Zimmerman dead,' 'Kill George Zimmerman,' and 'Kill Zimmerman' have appeared over the past few weeks. On Twitter, the user @KillZimmerman and the users interacting with the account have called for a modern day lynching. Comments include 'We should just get up and #killzimmerman ourselves,' and 'I think they should shoot Zimmerman dead in his head in jail'.”

Plenty of people are disgusted by all of this, including John Romano. He is the publisher and editor of "Yes, But However!" website. On March 30, Romano wrote this:

Empty promise: John Romano is still on Twitter
"I have no problem with people tweeting all day long calling for Mr. Zimmerman’s arrest, that kind of activism is as American as apple pie, but creating a page devoted solely to inciting violence is too much for me.  If Twitter allows it to stand I’ll do what small thing I can and stop using the service.  Life is too short and Twitter should know better." 

Just moments ago, a week after Romano vowed to "stop using" Twitter, I tweeted this to Romano's still active account:

@yesbuthowever On March 30 you said 'If Twitter allows' @KillZimmerman 'to stand' you would leave Twitter. Changed your mind?

John Romano's hypocrisy is almost as disturbing as the vile hate rhetoric that he claims he cannot tolerate. Perhaps he won't be able to respond to me on Twitter, because I'm sure my little reminder will spur him to immediately cancel his Twitter account.


The Sickening Hypocrisy of the Left (Video)

I've often spoken and written about the Left's penchant for advocating violence against their political opponents. Not only is that the case, but the Left is unabashedly hypocritical about it. Remember their empty, cynical, politically calculated calls for "civility" in the wake of the shooting of Rep. Giffords? Sure you do. You gagged on that, didn't you? This video offers one of the best illustrations I've seen of that sad truth. It's a must-share, especially good to send to your liberal acquaintances who don't believe you when you say that the Left is a festering pot of hateful goo. Enjoy!

15 Photos of Hate On Display at #OccupyWallStreet

October 10, 2011 - Doug Ross posted some fantastic photos of the goofballs at Occupy Wall Street in New York. Doug's post, "15 Photos from #OccupyWallStreet you'll never see in legacy media," highlights just how hateful and twisted the melange of messages coming from the bitter miscreants is. Doug's photos are great, and his captions are priceless. What about Occupy Chicago? Friend John Ruberry of Marathon Pundit posted a great video that he made on Sunday morning. John was in downtown Chicago on Sunday morning to cover the Bank of America Chicago Marathon, but he took time to interview a "protester" across the street from the Chicago branch of the Federal Reserve Bank. The protester, who has what sounds like a faint foreign accent, claimed that "basically less than one percent of the people own more than 99 percent of stuff." I'm not sure how that's possible, frankly, but that's the Left, for you: Mindless parrots regurgitating baseless talking points. Watch Marathon Pundit's video here...

Helen Thomas Finally Gets The Hell Out

June 7, 2010 - Last month Helen Thomas caused an instant national furor by saying that all Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and go back to Poland, Germany, and America and everywhere else." Thomas, White House correspondent for Hearst Newspapers, quickly felt the wrath of those offended by her insensitive comments. Many called for her resignation and called on the White House to pull her credentials. Today, the 89-year old Thomas announced that she has "retired." Bernie Madoff "retired" too, if you care to stretch the meaning of the word as much as Helen Thomas is doing today. More likely, I'm guessing, Thomas was summarily fired by Hearst. She made the anti-Israel comments on May 27 at, ironically, the White House Jewish Heritage Celebration. Imagine a reporter saying that all Mexicans should get "the hell out" of the United States at a White House Latino Heritage Celebration - or anywhere else. It was not until last weekend, however, that the video of her making those remarks surfaced on the Internet. Fox News reports today that Thomas's "retirement" announcement "came after the White House Correspondents Association decried her remarks as 'indefensible' and began to consider whether Thomas should continue to have the privilege of a front-row seat in the briefing room. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs called her remarks 'offensive and reprehensible' on Monday, as other former White House spokesmen called for Thomas to be fired." Full article at Fox... (See Robert Gibbs condemn her remarks in this AP video.) Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said that Thomas's remarks were "tantamount to [advocating] religious cleansing." He went on to say that, "when you advocate that people need to be separated on the basis of their religion, and that there's a region in the world in which nobody from a certain religion, no Jew, should live, and she called it 'in Palestine,' this is a reprehensible problem. This is hatred, this is bigotry, this is prejudice." (See Fleischer's comments in this Fox News video.) Hatred is nothing news for Helen Thomas, and the Left's application of their double standard to her is long standing. In November 2000, Sarah H. Wright wrote a gushy report about Thomas with the title "Journalist Helen Thomas condemns Bush administration" at MIT News (emphasis added): Veteran journalist Helen Thomas brought the grit and whir of a White House press conference to Bartos Theater on Monday evening, speaking with passion about the media's role in a democracy whose leaders seem eager for war. Actually, the 82-year-old former United Press International reporter didn't just speak: she surged into her topic, giving everyone present an immediate sense of the grumpy wit and fierce precision that gave her reporting on American presidents Kennedy through Bush II such a competitive and lasting edge. "I censored myself for 50 years when I was a reporter," said Thomas, who is now a columnist for Hearst News Service. "Now I wake up and ask myself, 'Who do I hate today?'" Thomas self-described as being hateful, but Sarah H. Wright praised her for "grumpy wit," "fierce precision," and the ability to "surge into her topic." Wright, like other Liberals, finds hatred to be perfectly acceptable - even admirable - provided it's directed at those who are politically opposed to them. Thomas is - was - the longest serving White House correspondent. She began covering national politics in 1943 with United Press International (UPI), and became a White House correspondent in 1960. On May 17, 2000, after 57 years with the organization, Thomas resigned from UPI the day after the announcement of its acquisition by News World Communications Inc., a company founded and controlled by Unification Church leader Reverend Sun Myung Moon. She later described the change in ownership as "a bridge too far." (Source) Apparently, Thomas didn't feel it was "a bridge too far" to work for Hearst, whose corporate ancestry, once upon a time, brought us the Spanish-American War and Yellow Journalism. Hearst, however, seems to have had enough of correspondent/non-reporter Helen Thomas's big mouth and forced her to jump off of her own wobbly bridge. RELATED: Helen Thomas: The End Warner Todd Huston, Chicago Now Helen Thomas, Kinda Like Hitler a Little Bit Chicago News Bench Why Helen Thomas's Anti-Jew Remarks Were So Bad Chicago News Bench

Raul Grijalva, The Cowardly Arizona Congressman (Video)

He just couldn't answer a straightforward question. Instead, this cowardly Democrat just walked away without a word.

Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) was asked if he was "committed to sealing the border against the influx of illegal drugs."  He muttered, "I..." and then walked away. It was as though all of the mush in the Democrat's brain froze solid, instantaneously. has the video, and reports that Grijalva eventually stopped, turned back toward the young interviewer and shouted that the question was "punkish."

Here's what's really "punkish." Grijalva was elected to represent everyone in Arizona's 7th District. He is blatanly concerned, however, with the welfare of only some of his constituents - and it's entirely race based. Grijalva was one of the first to call for a - get this - boycott of Arizona, his home state. He (and other Democrats and similar fools) have no problem in punishing many of the good people of Arizona in order to protest a law that they do not like. Grijalva seems not to have taken into account these facts: A boycott of Arizona will hurt everyone in that state, directly or indirectly, regardless of their race, ethnicity, legal status, height or soda pop preference. Rather than try to mitigate harmful effects on his own state and district, this pig of a man wants his own state to suffer. He has said so himself, and in fact he is leading the calls for a boycott.

"The one-time community organizer didn't really care that Arizona has an 8% unemployment rate or that boycotting conventions would force more people onto the dole," says an editorial at Investor's Business Daily. "Using the signature Alinskyite tactics of the community organizer he once was, the law had to be fought at "a political, legal and economic level," he said. Aside from a boycott, he also wants the federal government to stop cooperating with Arizona, a move he says "would render much of this legislation moot and ineffective." 

Grijalva "represents" Arizona's 7th Congressional District. That includes Tucson, the "urban center" of the district.  "The southern boundary of District 7 coincides with 300 miles of the US/Mexico border. Only Texas’ 23rd district has a longer stretch of the southern border," according to Grijalva's website.

Like most Democrats, Grijalva seems to be obsessed with race. His website notes that "The population within the district is predominantly working-class families, from a variety of ethnic and racial backgrounds. The majority of Tucson’s Hispanic, urban Native American and African-American residents live in the 7th congressional district." Grijalva doesn't bother to tell us about any other ethnic groups, however.

Grijalva notes that "District 7 is also home to 7 sovereign nations: the Ak-Chin, Cocopah, Colorado River Indian Tribes, Gila River, Pascua Yaqui, Quechan, and Tohono O'odham," but what about people of Asian or European decent? Nothing. Apparently, the "variety" that Grijalva refers to is not so varied. No Chinese, German, Swedish, Japanese, French, Vietnamese, Polynesian, Pakistani, or ... well, you get the idea, and you probably find it hard to believe that the only folks living in Arizona's District 7 are Native Americans, African Americans and Hispanics. That's the mindset of Grijalva, however, who walks through life with racist blinders on.

"Grijalva's stance mirrors the party line of the radical left," Investor's Business Daily says. "And it is they who still command his loyalties, not the Arizona voters he's sworn to serve."

Perhaps you've heard this before, but this item from The Pilot bears repeating: "Arizona has something approaching 500,000 illegal aliens in the state — nobody knows for sure. It is the main highway for drug traffic from Mexico, as well as the primary corridor for illegals to enter the United States. Phoenix is known as the kidnapping capital of the country, as drug lords decimate each other’s families. Lots of peaceful citizens are, at the low end, harassed, and, at the high end, killed, by all this activity. Hospitals and schools are overwhelmed with people they cannot afford to treat and educate."

Those are the inconvenient facts that the Alinskyite Democrats do not want to deal with. They prefer to walk away from them, as Rep. Grijalva did in so cowardly a fashion.

AZ Congressman Refuses to Answer Question About Border Drug Trade‎ Dakota Voice
On the Spot: Feds Can't Ignore Arizona's Immigration Vote The Pilot
Arizona law puts American lives first... The North Star National
Washington Post Boycott Arizona? No way, It's a Cheap Publicity Stunt‎ NumbersUSA
Poll finds Arizona voters back tough immigration measure Earthtimes
Boycotting Arizona‎ Investor's Business Daily
Mexican advocates say US officials don't care about tales of violence‎ El Paso Times
Justice Department: Border Patrol Agents Assaulted Daily, Kidnappings Every 35 Hours in Phoenix, 1 in 5 Teens Using Drugs Predominantly Supplied by Mexican Traffickers CNS News

Putting the Lie to Tea Party Racism

Is the Tea Party movement made up of a bunch of white supremicists? Is racism the driving force behind it? This video, below, was made on April 15, 2010 in Freedom Plaza and at the Washington Monument in Washington D.C. by Nathanial Alexander Stuart.  He wrote a short piece for, titled "Tea Party Racism??"

To quote from Stuart's piece, "On March 27, 2010 writer Frank Rich was quoted in the New York Times Op-Ed section The Tea Party movement is virtually all white....Many media outlets, including MSNBC, the Washington Post, CNN, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Huffington Post among others are insinuating that there is racism in the Tea Party movement."

Not a "Minstrel Show"
Meanwhile, we'll continue to have Black Racists like the overly smug Charles Blow, who willingly enslave themselves to Sugar Daddy Democrats, willing to make racists comments about fellow African-Americans. Blow, a "visual Op-Ed columnist" at the New York Times, accused Black Tea Partiers of being nothing more that "a minstrel show." Apparently, Blow is shocked by the sight of fellow Blacks thinking independently and daring to leave the Democrat-Liberal Plantation. Radio talk show host Laura Ingraham interviewed Blow and had him spinning in his own pretzel logic.

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It's Okay For Liberals To Do This

This liberal nutjob paraded hateful signs around Daley Plaza at the April 15 Tax Day Tea Party in Chicago. She pushed several signs on a cart and would flip them around every so often. Click images to enlarge them. 

In the top photo, her sign urges "Peace, not Hate," but her clear implication is that the Tea Partiers are Nazis.

In the bottom photo, she shows off another sign with a picture of Glenn Beck with the word "Nazi" under it, a picture of Rush Limbaugh with the words "Drug Addick" underneath, and a picture of Sarah Palin over a freshly-shot moose over "Media Whore."  A drawing inserted into "Tea Party" depicts patriots at puppets on strings.

The hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to amaze.  Also see: "So Rep. Shuler Did Not Hear the Phantom ‘N-Word’ After All" at

Where Were The Racial Epithats?

Nowhere, that's where. There weren't any. Democrats lied and continue to lie about the spitting and name calling by Tea Partiers on the steps of the US Capitol in March. "The left has been using race-based agitprop for a century," wrote the poster of this video, "The media conspiracy that emerged from the Capitol Hill protest on the Obamacare vote is a classic case of the same."

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Anarchists Plan Disruption of Tea Parties on April 15

The lunatics will be out on April 15, 2010. No, Mister and Mizz Liberal Amerika, I am not referring to the Tea Party people. Rather, I am referring to the leftist, "libertarian socialist" crazies, a.k.a. anarchists, who are calling for the disruption of the nationwide Tax Day Tea Party. A post at Infoshop News, "anarchist news, opinion and much more," dated March 31, 2010 is calling for devotees of the web site to make trouble at a tea party near them. Here's the first salvo of that post:

On April 15th thousands of right-wingers will attend rallies in cities and towns across the United States. The organizers of this nationwide day of protest call it a tea party. This tea party movement that emerged only a year ago is a coalition of conservatives, anti-Semites, fascists, libertarians, racists, constitutionalists, militia men, gun freaks, homophobes, Ron Paul supporters, Alex Jones conspiracy types and American flag wavers. Source:

Apparently, somebody near the empty pizza box strewn Infoshop News office is making a good living selling tinfoil headwear to these nutters. They can't even see the irony of their own rant: They inaccurately paint participants of the Tea Party movement as some kind of conspiracy nut, all the while not realizing that this is, in itself, a weird kind of conspiracy theory.
"We think we are the doctors. We are the disease." ~ Alexander Hertzen, 1812 - 1870; Russian anarchist
Some of you are too young to remember the years of street violence carried out by Leftists, especially in the 1960s and early 1970s. Many called themselves "peaceniks," others preferred "hippies." They had no hesitation in throwing bricks through the windows of small businesses and threatening university administrators. Some threatened the lives of cops and even bombed buildings. Some, like William Ayers and his wife, joined the SDS's violent splinter group, the Weathermen, and later became close friends with Comrade Barack Obama. The Violent Left calmed down for the most part after Nixon left office in late 1974. It is not altogether strange that they should be resurging under Comrade Obama. Remember that they were at the peak of their violence during the administration of Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat.

Matthew Vadum wrote about this at on March 31, 2010. In his story about MoveOn's planned protest at the headquaters of the Republican National Committee on April 1, 2010, he noted the hypocritical way that the Left is responding to what they see, in a hallucinatory manner, as the "hate" coming from conservatives, especially Tea Party adherents:

It is an indisputable fact that the violence America is beginning to see is almost exclusively on the left, whether it’s a deranged registered Democrat flying his plane into a federal building in Austin, Texas, or a progressive coward calling in a death threat against a Republican lawmaker. It is all part of the left’s push to delegitimize opposition to the socialist takeover of America. If you oppose the murder-in-progress of the American republic you are smeared as a redneck, teabagging, racist obstacle to progress — and you deserve what’s coming to you. So it’s not surprising that the street theater specialists at are planning to host a propaganda event tomorrow [April 1] intended to reinforce this false notion that Constitution-loving pro-limited government enthusiasts are eeeevil haters. Full article here...

Okay, let's get back to the crazy anarchist post at Infoshop News. The loonie paranoia is repeated in the second paragraph (emphasis added):

This tea party movement that emerged only a year ago is a coalition of conservatives, anti-Semites, fascists, libertarians, racists, constitutionalists, militia men, gun freaks, homophobes, Ron Paul supporters, Alex Jones conspiracy types and American flag wavers.

They find the items highlighted items above to be objectionable? The rest of the items I can understand. I mean, I have nothing against gun owners, for example, but I can agree on someone with a freakish gun fetish. But "conservatives," "libertarians," "constitutionalists" and "American flag wavers" are bad people in the opinion of Infoshop News? If I run into any of these freaks on April 15 (and I'll be looking for them), I plan to ask them how their mothers traumatized them as small children and whether or not they are currently in any kind of psychotherapy.

The Infoshop News folks list their "three options we have with the tea party movement." The first one is the most worrisome. (Again, emphasis is added):

1. Organize counter-protests against the tea party demonstrations, same time, same place. This is probably the best option. We need to get in the streets on April 15th and show the tea party movement that there are lots of people out there who oppose their agenda.
My Comment:

2. Get individual tea party protesters to leave the right-wing and move to the left politically. That would involve passing out stuff like this at the tea party demonstrations:
3. Ignore the tea party movement. This is the worst option because without anyone opposing them they could easily gain power.

MoveOn Plans Hate-In Outside RNC Headquarters [on April 1, 2010]
Anarchists join intimidation campaign aimed at Tea Partiers Unequal Time
Guard against anarchists‎ Zambia Daily Mail
Why is anarchism also called libertarian socialism? Infoshop News
Media's Favorite Extremist Watchdog Silent on Leftwing Extremism‎
NewsBusters Infoshop News on Twitter
Greek radical anarchists claim Athens bombings‎ eTaiwan News
Left's Playbook — Past the Ignore and Ridicule Stage‎ David Horowitz
Anarcho-Left Meltdown as Radical Infighting Turns Violent‎ Pajamas Media
Radical Theory: A Wrecking Ball for Ivory Towers The Anarchist Library
The Abolition of Work The Anarchist Library

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