Showing posts with label black racists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black racists. Show all posts

Congressional Black Caucus Wants Idiot Sheila Jackson Lee to Head Homeland Security

Cong. Sheila Jackson Lee, Idiot
Sheila Jackson Lee, Idiot
July 30, 2013 - by T. Mannis - The racist organization known as the "Congressional Black Caucus" (CBC) wants the dumbest woman in Congress to head the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Surely, there must be somebody that even the CBC could have come up someone with who is smarter than 63-year old Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (18th District, TX). Incredibly, Lee already serves as a member of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security.

Just how stupid is Sheila Jackson Lee? She is probably the only member of Congress who is as dumb as Congressman Hank Johnson. For starters, she's probably the only member of Congress who thinks that astronauts placed a U.S. flag on Mars. In 2005, she visited the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California and asked a guide if the Mars Pathfinder was able to photograph the U.S. flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969. Armstrong went to the Moon, not to Mars. In fact, no human has ever set foot on Mars. Either Sheila Jackson Lee confused the Moon with the red planet or she really believes we've sent a manned mission to Mars.

Another good example is in the video here, in which Lee spoke in 2010 about North and South Vietnam working together. Lee not only rewrites history but manages to contradict herself while demonstrating her ignorance:

"Today we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working. We may not agree with all that North Vietnam is doing, but they are living in peace. I would look for a better human rights record for North Vietnam, but they're living side by side. Because, that was a civil war. And because the leadership of this nation did not listen to the mothers and fathers who beared, who born the burden of 58,000 dead and did not declare victory, the mounting death, the violence continued going up and up. Rather than understanding the political nature of the war in Vietnam, we did not listen to those families." WARNING: Watching this video more than three times could cause brain damage.

The problem, of course, is that North Vietnam won that war and then completely absorbed South Vietnam in its 1975 invasion as the U.S. was pulling out. Since then, there is only one Vietnam. But Sheila Jackson Lee - the CBC's choice for heading DHS - was unaware of that as late as 2010.

"For the benefit of any natural born damned fools that may have wandered in: there is no South Vietnam anymore," wrote Moe Lane for RedState in 2010. "It was conquered by North Vietnam in 1975, shortly after a Democratic Congress – yes, the same political party as Rep. Jackson-Lee’s – defunded the defense of South Vietnam, in defiance of our promises made to that unhappy country as part of the cease-fire that ended the Vietnam War."

South Vietnam officially surrendered to communist North Vietnam on April 30, 1975. On July 2, 1976, Vietnam was reunited as a communist country, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. How is it that a member of Congress does not know this? How is it that the CBC could recommend someone who does not know this to be the head of Homeland Security?

Some of you may be wondering why I referred to the Congressional Black Caucus as a "racist organization" as the beginning of this post. Simple: It is a group based entirely on race, and has recommended the incredibly unqualified Sheila Jackson Lee for head of DHS solely because she is Black. Imagine an organization called the "White Congressional Caucus." Imagine a "WCC" nominating somebody as ignorant as Sheila Jackson Lee to head DHS, knowing that they would only consider someone who is White. The Congressional Black Caucus is racist by its very nature, as its very name suggests. If Sheila Jackson Lee does manage to become the successor to Janet Napolitano, who will step down as DHS Director in August, it could only be because other members of Congress - Black and White - approved her because she is Black. It could not possibly be for any other reason, especially not for her knowledge of history and current world affairs, both of which are sadly, tragically stunted.

Crazed Black Mob Attacks White Man, Woman, Media Ignores Story

May 1, 2012 - Yet ANOTHER brutal attack by a black mob - most or all of which were Democrat voters - has slipped under the radar of the Mainstream Media. The victims - a white man and a white woman - are reporters employed by The Virginian-Pilot newspaper, which actually avoided the story for two full weeks. No other local media reported the story either, although they were all aware of it. Once again, the mainstream media and so-called leaders are not addressing the current rash of attacks by black hate mobs.

The Virginian-Pilot ran the story today. Editorial writer Michelle Washington's column included this:
Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim.
The victim's friend, a young woman, tried to pull him back into his car. Attackers came after her, pulling her hair, punching her head and causing a bloody scratch to the surface of her eye. She called 911. A recording told her all lines were busy. She called again. Busy. On her third try, she got through and, hysterical, could scream only their location.
Washington noted that neither reporter was seriously injured. She noted, almost in passing, that the story had been ignored by her own paper for half a month:
Two weeks have passed since reporters Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami - friends to me and many others at the newspaper - were attacked on a Saturday night as they drove home from a show at the Attucks Theatre. They had stopped at a red light, in a crowd of at least 100 young people walking on the sidewalk. Rostami locked her car door. Someone threw a rock at her window. Forster got out to confront the rock-thrower, and that's when the beating began.
Washington went on to give some details about the encounter that Forster and Rostami had with the police after the attack, and noted the frustration that local police have in dealing with such savagery.

Then, however, Washington veered back to the two-week delay in acknowledging the attack on two of its own. What she wrote sounds, at first, reasonable, but in fact it amounts to a lame avoidance of fully accepting journalistic responsibility:
Here's why their story is in the paper today. We cannot allow such callousness to continue unremarked, from the irrational, senseless teenagers who attacked two people just trying to go home, from the police officer whose conduct may have been typical but certainly seems cold, from the tweeting nitwits who think beating a man in Norfolk will change the death of Trayvon Martin. How can we change it if we don't know about it? How can we make it better if we look away? Are we really no better than this?
Marjon Rostami
Dave Forster
She never does say why the Forster-Rostami story "is in the paper today" and did not appear there two weeks ago. Washington tried to divert the blame onto the attackers ("senseless teenagers"), the police ("cold") and idiots on Twitter ("tweeting nitwits").

While all of those are certainly factors, Washington neglected to mention another factor: She and her fellow  writers and editors at The Virginian-Pilot are a bunch of gutless politically correct cowards. To their credit, they did finally publish the story, but only after it became clear to them that they could not keep it hidden forever. But the vast majority of other mainstream media outlets are in the habit of avoiding and ignoring stories like this one because it does not fit their politically correct agenda or paradigm.

As Washington herself asked, "How can we change it if we don't know about it? How can we make it better if we look away? Are we really no better than this?" While Washington deserves some small credit for even asking the question, the rest of the media is, sadly, no better than that.

Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of this whole story is the omission of any direct quotes from either Forster or Rostami. Both are capable writers and reporters. It is odd that they, rather than Washington, did not write about the attack.

Black Mob Attack on Matthew Owens Caused by Theft, Not Basketball

April 26, 2012 - Matthew Owens was savagely attacked and nearly killed by a group of about 20 black people on Saturday, April 21 in Mobile, Alabama. Previous reports said that Owens, 40, was targeted for brutality after he asked some neighbor kids to keep the noise down as they played basketball around 8:30 p.m. However, a report today on says that Owens's sister tells a different story.

Owens suffered severe head trauma and remains in the hospital. His sister, Ashley Parker, told Daily Caller that one of her own kids saw something being stolen from a neighbor's porch on Delmar Drive. Ms. Parker says that the alleged thief was also one of the people who attacked her brother moments later. From Daily Caller:
Ashley Parker, whose brother Matthew Owens is clinging to life after the assault, said Owens was attacked after her 21-year-old daughter witnessed a group of African-American youth moving from yard to yard in the neighborhood and taking something that didn’t belong to them. She told Owens, who confronted the youths. She “saw one of them take something off a porch,” Parker said, “and that is when Matthew approached them and told them they need to go home.”
Terry Rawls on April 25, 2012. Rawls was arrested for
taking part in the beating of Matthews Owens.
(Press-Register/Victor Calhoun)
After they beat the living hell out Matthew Owens, the mob walked away. One of them called back, "That's justice for Trayvon," a reference to Florida teen Trayvon Martin, fatally shot by George Zimmerman in February. The Owens beating is just one of many vicious and hateful attacks by blacks against non-blacks in the wake of the ongoing Martin-Zimmerman case.

One arrest was made in the case. Terry Rawls, 44, surrendered to Mobile police on Wednesday and was charged with first-degree assault. His bail was set at the remarkably low amount $7,500. Alabama Live reports that "records indicate" that "Rawls is scheduled for a May 10 court appearance."

As noted in our previous report about the Matthew Owens beating, no civil rights "leaders" have bothered to speak out against the obviously racist attacks by blacks. Jonathan Capehart has a short roundup of some of the more notable black-on-white attacks in his column at the Washington Post today.
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White Guy Savagely Beaten by Crazed Democrat Voters

Matthew Owens, Beating Victim
April 24, 2012 - A crazed mob of 10-15 vicious racists in Mobile, Alabama beat a man to within inches of his life last Saturday night.

The victim, Matthew Owens, is white. The attackers are all black. The motivation was clearly racial, but reports now say that the brutality is not being investigated as a hate crime.

Owens, 40, was brutally beaten after he asked some neighbor kids playing basketball to keep the noise down (see Update here). A report at Fox News sums it up:

Matthew Owens, of Mobile, Ala., was assaulted with baseball bats, paint cans and other weapons at about 8:30 p.m. Saturday after telling a group of children to stop playing basketball in the middle of Delmar Drive, according to Ashley Rains, public information officer for the Mobile Police Department. After the children left the area, a group of adults armed with weapons returned and confronted Owens, 40, in his front yard, where he was assaulted. Owens' sister, Ashley Parker, told WKRG she witnessed the attack and that there were as many as 20 assailants. Parker said she overheard one of them say, "Now that's justice for Trayvon." More at Fox News...

"That's justice for Trayvon" can mean only one thing: The mob felt that beating the crap out of a white guy was - in their sick and feeble minds - "justice" for the killing of Trayvon Martin, who was black, by George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is Hispanic, not Caucasian, but apparently beating up anybody who is not black is "justice" to Owens's attackers.

Owens’ sister told WKRG-TV that about 20 black people attacked him on his own front porchusing “brass buckles, paint cans and anything they could get their hands on.” Parker says as the attackers walked away, leaving Owens bleeding on the ground, one of them said “Now, thats justice for Trayvon.”  One witness who wants to remain anonymous said: ”I saw about 10 to 15 people from little kids and women with dresses to adult men, just flooding onto the property, surrounding the car, hollering and screaming." More at

The insane attack on Matthew Owens comes in the wake of thousands of Democrat voters publicly advocating the murder of George Zimmerman, as noted previously on Chicago News Bench.

Yes, those calling for "justice for Trayvon" by means of killing a man, Zimmerman, without even a trial, are Democrat voters - if they vote at all, that is. Matthew Owens last Saturday, too. What, you thought they might be Republicans?

"A growing digital lynch mob of Twitter users," reports The Daily Mail (UK), "is calling for street justice against George Zimmerman and advocating he be murdered since his release from jail on $150,000 bail early this morning. Some have even threatened to kill the neighborhood watch volunteer themselves." 

Again, how many of those rabid tweeters do you think are registered Republicans?

With all of this violent hate and calls to vigilantism, we've heard not a peep from the likes of Jesse Jackson, Sr. or Al Sharpton or any other "black leader."  We've heard nothing from Barack Obama. In fact, we've heard nothing from any Republican leaders either, for that matter. As noted, the Matthew Owens beating is not being looked at by authorities as a hate crime. But what if Matthew Owens had been a black man, and his attackers had been white?  Do you think this would be a hate crime investigation?  See "Black Mob Attack on Matthew Owens Caused by Theft, Not Basketball."


Arrest this woman and let the court decide her competence
This is truly bizarre. A female Black student (yes, her race is relevant here), 24-year old Jonatha Carr lost her friggin' mind in class and threatened to kill her professor and others, including 10,000 White people (yes, their race is relevant here).

The discussion of peacock mating preferences in an evolution class got her thinking about committing murder. Yes, peacocks (yes, their species is relevant here)Carr was eventually arrested and charged with battery (details below) by university police. She was hit with a Taser three times as they were taking her to the South County Mental Health Center, "where she was involuntarily admitted for a mental health evaluation," says HuffPoHowever, FAU Police say that the school will not press charges against her.

Why is FAU not pressing charges? Well, she's bi-polar, says her family. But imagine a white guy threatening to kill "10,000 Black people" and then striking a Black woman in a classroom -- and not facing charges just because his family says he's bi-polar. Chicago News Bench wonders why Jonatha Carr is not behind bars and why she should not be charged for the offenses that she committed in that classroom. (More on that below.)

The incident happened at Florida Atlantic University's Boca Raton campus during mid-term exams. Somehow, in her feeble, Al Sharpton-enriched Liberal brain, the lesson about bird sexuality was racist. That prompted Carr to ask the instructor, Associate Professor Stephen M. Kajiura, why  and had something to do with evolution “How does evolution kill black people?” Makes your head sping, right? Here's the video, with an excerpt of the YouTube poster's description (video contains strong language):
Context: The slide we were on just before was about Female Sexual Selection. For instance, female peacocks have selection in their mates, preferring the males with the bigger train of feathers.. Somehow she went off on some tangent with a question about how does Evolution play a role in the killing of all black people...

Dr. Kajiura tried to answer her question even though he had no idea what she was talking about. She repeated her question 4-5 more times and it turned into this craziness you see here... Clearly, this person has some SERIOUS emotional issues within herself and the discussion of PEACOCKS was the catalyst to the unleashing of this insanity.

Some of the students in the classroom called police, realizing the potential for violence and being concerned about Carr's spoken threat to commit mass murder. At one point after that, she walked throught the classroom and struck a male student in his head, then left the classroom briefly.

During all of this, Professor Kajiura stayed in the room, according to University Press, and tried to keep the students calm. “She became increasingly belligerent,” Upress quotes Kajiura as saying. “It was at this point, a highly emotionally charged individual who was no longer capable of responding rationally. She was threatening to kill both me and the students in the class.”

Carr returned to the classroom, says the Upress report. “Some [FAU technician] came in and ordered her to get out,” Kajiura said. “He ordered her to leave the room, and they got into a physical altercation. Several other individuals jumped in and tried to help him.”


As noted above, Carr became violent with police and had to be tasered into submission. She threatened to kill her professor and others in the classroom, she threatened race-based mass murder, and struck a fellow student. None of the media reports I've seen tell us that the student she hit was a White male, but you can see that clearly at 2:46 in this video. Her words clearly constituted what liberals would call "hate speech."

Her family says she is bi-polar. But so what? An overly sympathetic article in Huffington Post notes that Jonatha Carr's family "will meet with university officials to discuss Carr's future at FAU, where she maintains a 3.8 grade point average."  Oh, but she's bi-polar, remember?

Carr and her family are using the bi-polar thing as a lame excuse for her very dangerous behavior, and they should not be allowed to get away with this. They can't have it both ways: On the one hand, they seem to be saying, their precious daughter is so brilliant that she's got a high GPA. Yet, on the other hand, they're also saying that by virtue of being bi-polar she is not really responsible for her actions. To which I say, unapologetically, that's bullshit.

Carr should be charged. Let the book be thrown at her, and let the court decide whether or not this student with a 3.8 grade point average is so mentally challenged that she had no idea what she was saying when she threatened to kill people. Let the court decide whether or not she is responsible for striking another person.

We read everyday about people who are charged with crimes, who then go to court and claim some kind of mental defense. Insanity, emotional duress, whatever. As I pointed out at the beginning of this post, race is relevant here. I contend that if a male White student had done exactly what Jonatha Carr did, but of course threatened to kill "10,000 Black people" and striking a Black female student instead, he would be either sitting in a jail cell today or out on bond. He would be charged exactly as he should be. But in the case of Jonatha Carr, no charges will be brought by the school.

Somebody in that classroom needs to have the guts to bring charges against Jonatha Carr. Obviously, Professor Kajiura is too much of a wimp to do so. But what about the White student that Carr stuck in the head? What about all of the students - Black and others - who Carr threatened to kill? Where are all the liberals, who would pounce on a White guy for such behavior, and why aren't they charging her with the crime of hate speech?  And by the way,

The liberal media is bending over backwards to excuse Carr's murderous threats, assault and disruptive behavior. This report from WPEC-TV is an example:

"We now know that 24-year-old Jonatha Carr was fired up about the case of Trayvon Martin when she had her violent outburst during an evolution class at Florida Atlantic University. Martin is the young central Florida teen who was killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer. That volunteer has not been charged in the teen's death and Carr calls that an extreme injustice."

Pause: Carr was worked up about Trayvon Martin's death. Okay, but so are a millions of other people.

"While we can't say that's what caused her outburst at FAU Tuesday," says the WPEC report, "we do know she was interviewed about the case the night before. Carr was completely out of control in her evolution class Tuesday morning, cursing at her professor, hitting fellow students, and being hauled out of the class against her will. But the night before she seemed totally in control. She was interviewed by a Miami TV station about the bus trip she was organizing to the rally for Trayvon Martin.

"He was killed in a such a way that struck a nerve with my family and I," Carr said during the interview.

Again, so what? We're all aware of some story daily that upsets us. Often enough, we get angry about something in the news, and sometimes it "strikes a nerve." But not many of us are driven to screaming murderous threats in crowded classrooms or offices or anywhere else.

Perhaps Carr's biggest problem is not her bi-polarity. She's majoring in education, she's a liberal, and she's obviously been overcharged by race-based rhetoric from the Al Sharpton School of Race Hate. "One of the many problems with race-obsessed liberal ideology," says Moonbattery, "is that there are people out there whacky enough to take it seriously — which gives their craziness a springboard to launch itself into full-blown psychosis."

Few of us - very few of us - hit coworkers or fellow students because we're upset about a news item. Jonatha Carr is one of those exceptions, however. She is dangerous, as proven on video for the whole world to see. There is no guarantee that she will not explode like this again. The bi-polar excuse, as I said, is no excuse and should be decided by the court. Arrest her. Charge her. Treat Jonatha Carr as the menace that she is.

Rap Song Urges Race Riots and "Lynch That Cracker" George Zimmerman

Well, isn't this special? A piece of rap crap, inspired by the death of Trayvon Martin, these nice fellows are urging people to "start a riot" and - in reference to Martin's accused killer George Zimmerman - to "lynch that cracker." I wonder if Al Sharpton sings this ditty in the shower?
All black in my hoodie
All black in my hoodie
Strapped up with them AKs
F--k protesters
Let’s start a riot
Fight, let’s start a riot
That's "All Black In My Hoodie." The "artist" is Haitian-born Zoeja Lajan Jean, also known as "Zoeja Jean," who lives in Florida City, Florida.

He just wants justice, justice, MP3 sales, don'tcha know, and more justice even if it means inciting racially charged lynch mobs taking the law into their own murderous hands, starting riots and killing  anyone who gets in their way.

Zoeja Jean hurriedly put out "All Black In My Hoodie," which has got to be one of crappiest pieces of audio manure ever recorded by anybody for any reason in any medium. (Yes, I'm certain that Al Sharpton sings this in the shower.)

But look, surely you can understand that this is frustrating for those want real, vigilante street justice. Where's your sensitivity?

Can you blame Zoeja Jean for these inflammatory lyrics?

If we don’t do s–t
And lynch that cracker
Six months later
They gonna kill another brother

Source: The Black Sphere
A note about "that cracker" line from the lyrics. "Cracker," of course, is a word that some Black people use because, pitifully, they incorrectly think it insults White people. It really doesn't. Most Honkie-Americans just kind of nervously laugh it off when they are called crackers. As Mytheos Holt pointed out in his March 29 article on The Blaze, the "cracker" referred to is most likely George Zimmerman.

"Apparently," wrote Holt, "either the reference to lynching has now been explicitly adopted by Martin’s more violent supporters, or Zoeja Jean has gone off the reservation with this wording. Either way, it doesn’t bode well for this already excessively violent case. Tempers are flaring, and the most irresponsible observers of this tragedy appear to be doing everything they can to encourage that."

I wonder if Obama has downloaded this tune yet. Maybe Sharpton can upload a copy to him.


Black Conservative Says Black Liberals Racist If They Voted For Obama Just Because He's Black

That guy is the great patriot Kevin Jackson. The title of this video is "Racists That They Are, Blacks Voted For Obama Because He's Black, Not Because He's Qualified." Got that? Good. Now watch the video. Read more about Kevin Jackson, and check out his own great web site, "The Black Sphere."

Fear in Peoria, IL As Mob Yells "Kill All The White People"

June 28, 2011 - There was fear and loathing in Peoria, Illinois this weekend. The fear lingers on tonight. Last Friday evening, a mob of Black youths marched along a street and yelled "We’re gonna kill all the white people, this is our neighborhood."

  So far, the mainstream media is virtually ignoring the story, while the blogosphere is boiling over with it. And by the way, will the like of Barack Obama and Father Pleger and Jesse Jackson, Sr. speak out against this incident?

Here is an eye-witness from Paul Wilkinson, the president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association in Peoria:

Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. 

They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help. 

Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up. Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. 

This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards. (SOURCE: Cache of a deleted blog post, originally posted at the Peoria Chronicle.)


Who's More Hateful, Al Sharpton or Glenn Beck? Let's Compare Them On Video!

Al Sharpton has called Glenn Beck hateful, devisive and a bigot. But who is really all of that? Sharpton, really. He's the racist buffoon, not Beck. Watch in the video below, courtesy of, and then tell me that Sharpton just wants to bring folks together. "In August 2000," writes Breitbart, "Rev. Al Sharpton organized the 'Redeem the Dream' march in Washington DC commemorating the 37th anniversary of Rev. Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech. His rally included a lengthy address by New Black Panther leader Malik Zulu Shabazz filled with disturbing racism and calls to violence against whites." RELATED: Putting the Lie to Tea Party Racism and Strong Reactions To NAACP Attack On Tea Parties

Todd Stroger's Dirty Little Race War

We knew that Todd Stroger and his supporters would play the race card during his re-election for President of the Cook County Board. Even we, however, did not expect the Stroger camp to drag the Democrat primary election fight this low. Alex Parker reports that "a number of leaflets using racist language, purportedly being distributed by his supporters, are outlining an 'Irish' conspiracy allegedly coordinated by Mayor Richard M. Daley, Gov. Pat Quinn and Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan to keep Stroger out of office." Parker's post, at Chicago Current, goes on to say that "The fliers, which claim to be from the so-called 'Soldiers for Stroger,' encourage voters to vote for Stroger 'in the spirit of Black History Month and Dr. King’s birthday.' Yet they call the Daley, Quinn and Madigan 'massa,' and disparage a number of other local politicos. The Illinois Review blog was the first to report on the fliers." RELATED: Stroger Ad Goes for the Race Card - Publius Forum Soldiers for Stroger circulate leaflet accusing [Michael] Madigan of racist plot Illinois Review: 'Soldier-for-Stroger' explains Black/Irish war in Democrat Primary Tony Peraica Says Stroger "Unelectable" - Chicago News Bench Video Cook County's Cavalcade of Idiots - Chicago News Bench Bill Clinton Wants Obama to Bring More Coffee Isaac Hayes Says Racist Harry Reid Must Go Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Race-Based Voting Encouraged in Cook County

The Chicago Defender's headline today (July 8) is the first red flag: "Four Black candidates--so far--for county board president." The Defender, which bills itself as "the nation’s most influential Black weekly newspaper," notes that some African-Americans are worried that a "non-Black" candidate might win. Writer Wendell Hutson says so:

"Many are concerned that having all four of them in the race will split the Black vote, paving the way for a non-Black candidate to take the office," writes Hutson. He quotes Circuit Court of Cook County Dorothy Brown, who is running against Stroger, as saying that she is "concerned about the Black vote being split." She's worried that such a split might pave the way for a "non-Black" to become the next President of the Cook County Board in the February 2, 2010 election.

Imagine, if you will, a White or Hispanic candidate saying such a thing. What if a non-Black candidate openly expressed dismay that a "non-White" or "non-Hispanic" person might win? Of course, there would be cries of racism and outrage. Let's see who calls out Dorothy Brown for her racist remark.

It's a (true) cliche by now that 80-90% of Black voters tend to cast ballots based solely on the race of the candidates, when a Black candidate is one of their choices. That's what got Todd Stroger elected in 2006, despite the fact that most voters knew that he was not the best qualified candidate. I recall a number of well-educated Black acquaintances telling me that they would vote for Stroger because they had to "support the brother." Stroger was running against a non-Black candidate then, you see, and these smart Black voters just had to go with the non-White guy.

To a person, those acquaintances expressed regret months later for having done so. None of them would admit that their choice was based entirely on racist motivation, and their decision gave Cook County a corrupt, waste-ridden Stroger Administration. Corruption and waste are nothing new to Cook County government, of course, but Stroger has taken it to a new low with the hiring of many inept relatives, friends and cronies. Had to go with the brother. Non-Black guy Tony Peraica, a respected reformer who is a commissioner on the Cook County Board, lost to Stroger primarily because of race.

That racist voting tendency, long nurtured by the Democrat Party and reinforced by ignorant parents, is alive and well in 2009. Although the Black candidates running against Stroger are each better qualified, in my opinion, we still here them talking about splitting the Black vote. So far, no "non-Black" person has declared their candidacy for Cook County Board President, only Black Democrats. If a highly qualified non-Black person throws his or her hat into the ring, will Black voters in Cook County again reject that non-Black because of race? You can bet they will.

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Mary Mitchell, Posse Comitatus and Black on Black Love

The Posse Comitatus Act - Prohibits search, seizure, or arrest powers to US military personnel. Amended in 1981 under Public Law 97-86 to permit increased Department of Defense support of drug interdiction and other law enforcement activities. (Title 18, "Use of Army and Air Force as Posse Comitatus" - United States Code, Section 1385) DoD Dictionary of Military Terms, 2006

"We have got to teach black people to stop beating each other to pieces right in their own living rooms." - Dr. Carl C. Bell, M.D., F.A.P.A., FA.C.P. LinkPresident & CEO Community Mental Health Center of Chicago

Federal troops to fight violence in the cities? Ah, that's a problem, as we'll see in a moment, but first, thanks to Gapers Block for alerting us to yet another piece of idiocy from Mary Mitchell. Writer and good friend Levois noted on GB that he "normally likes Mary Mitchell," but he doesn't always "think to check out her columns anymore. Not sure why, but this column from last month was pretty good." I usually avoid Mary Mitchell's column because she's a racist and an idiot who writes nonsense most of the time, as in the aforementioned article from March 31 (emphasis added): Obviously, President Obama can't read the tons of mail he receives. But there's one letter floating around the White House that I hope he reads. That letter is from Edward G. Gardner, a prominent Chicago businessman and the founder of Black on Black Love, the city's pioneering anti-violence campaign. Gardner is asking Obama to send federal troops to urban areas that are now under siege by domestic terrorists fighting gang wars. Full Column, Chicago Sun-Times... Mr. Gardner lives in Chicago and is the founder of Soft Sheen Products. He has been very useful to Barack Obama's political career for many years. Soft Sheen (now called "Soft Sheen Carson") promotes "the Celebration of Black." Ironically, his request to Barack Obama to send in the troops is due to the fact that black-on-black murder is out of control. Some celebration. (And by the way, try to imagine a Revlon "celebration of white.") Nowhere in Mitchell's column is the phrase "posse comitatus" mentioned. That's the problem. Mr. Gardner's proposal to use federal troops (i.e., Army, etc.) would be unconstitutional and violate United States Code, Section 1385. Mitchell should know this. After Hurricane Katrina, she and other race baiters screamed that President Bush was slow to act because he didn't rush federal troops to Louisiana. Bush offered; he phoned then-Governor Blanco and urged to her to allow him to send federal troops in to help keep the peace. Blanco refused. Colonel John R. Brinkerhoff, US Army Retired explains that "posse comitatus doctrine comes from English common law. Posse comitatus means, literally, the 'force of the county'; the posse comitatus is that body of men above the age of 15 whom the sheriff may summon or raise to repress a riot or for other purposes." (Source) Brinkerhoff notes that posse commitatus, and U.S. Code, Section 1385, are often misunderstood. Posse comitatus, he notes, "does not prevent the President from using federal troops in riots or civil disorders. Federal troops were used for domestic operations more than 200 times in the two centuries from 1795 to 1995." Under the Constitution, a President cannot send federal troops to a state for purposes other than training or quelling riots, however, unless they are specifically invited by that state's governor. In addition, however, § 1385 of the US Code, "Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus," states that "Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army or the Air Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both." (Source: Cornell University Law School, U.S. Code Collection) Mary Mitchell ignores the U.S. Code. Instead of looking at federal law and its application in the case of punks killing people in cities, she tugs at our heartstrings with passages like these:
  • The number of CPS students who have been killed so far this year has surpassed the number of students killed in the previous school year.
  • "We are trying to let the president know we respect the full plate he has, but this is something that has not been addressed by the administration," Leak said.
  • What Gardner proposes is indeed controversial. But how many children have to die before we acknowledge that we are at war in our own country?
Perhaps Mr. Gardner and Ms. Mitchell should be more concerned with lousy parenting and an overall American culture that glorifies violence and thuggery. It would seem that they prefer a toxic "cure" to the disease of gangs, prostitution, and criminals to actually examining the cause of the disease. If fewer 14 year old black girls were giving birth to children in poverty, if more black parents would actually act like parents, if courts were not as lenient with violent offenders, if local police were not handcuffed by ACLU-inspired laws that make enforcement difficult, and if imbeciles like Mary Mitchell would stop diverting blame and proposing Band-Aids instead of the required regimen of curative measures, we wouldn't need requests for the president to send troops into our city streets. Dr. Carl Bell, quoted at the top of this post, is a Chicago psychiatrist and former gang member. He once said the following to a Bible study class at Chicago's all-black Messiah-St. Bartholomew Church (emphasis added): "If you have a loaded gun in your home, that gun is 118 times more likely to kill a family member or a friend than a burglar. But for every murder, there are 100 other acts of black-on-black violence—sexual molestations, rapes, robberies and physical assaults. And do you know what sends more black mothers to the emergency room than all the auto accidents, muggings and rapes combined? Husbands, that's who. We have got to teach black people to stop beating each other to pieces right in their own living rooms." Dr. Bell said those words in 1988. He still practices psychiatry and still works on violence issues. Those words still ring true. It is ironic as hell that the likes of Mary Mitchell scream about the local police when they get a bit heavy handed in dealing with murderous thugs. Yet there she is, giving support to Gardner's proposal of sending in the Army. Sure, fine, Mary, send in the cavalry. But don't write another whiny, heart-tugging column when you find that the US military cannot make bad parents good, cannot change the culture of violence-promoting rap music, or employ a velvet glove any better than the Chicago Police Department can. Federal troops would not be able to make black people stop beating each other to pieces right in their own living rooms. RELATED: Terrorism - Posse Comitatus: Caution is Necessary § 1385. — Use of Army and Air Force as posse comitatus... Posse Comitatus (good links here) Where's the outrage over black-on-black killings? In Philadelphia, a 'disturbing' black murder rate Self Destruction, Stop our black boys from killing one another ... When Brother Kills Brother - TIME CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter!

AG Eric Holder, Race Baiter

Our new US Attorney General, a black man in a very high office, called the United States a "nation of cowards" when it comes to race and talking about race. Eric Holder, the nation's first African-American attorney general, insulted the entire country today when he spoke to Justice Department employees. The gathering was meant to highlight Black History Month. Would more and honest discussion of race relations be welcome? Sure they would, but what does Eric Holder think of Barack Obama's campaign last year doing back flips to prevent bringing the topic of race into any discussion about the election? He didn't go there. Holder did not acknowledge the fact that it was a whitefolk-controlled Congress that created Black History Month and Martin Luther King Day, and whitefolk-controlled state legislatures that adopted them both as state holidays. He did not mention the fact that a cartoonist is under attack today for showing a dead ape and referring to the author of the stimulus bill; the primary author was Rep. David Obey (D-WI), a white guy, but the lunatic Left is having a spasm of paranoid heebeejeebies by assuming it was a slur against Barack Obama, a white man with some African ancestory. Holder ignored the fact that "political correctness" has had a chilling effect on open and honest discussions of race and race relations. Holder did not mention the fact that there is no "White Congressional Caucus," but there is a "Black Congressional Caucus." Across the country, there are "Black Chambers of Commerce," but nobody dares have a "White Chamber of Commerce." The double standards of the Left are stunning. Holder did not mention that. Nor did he say how he feels about the fact that over 90 percent of Black Americans voted for Barack Obama because of race, and chose to vote agains John McCain because he was white. Whereas, on the other hand, tens of millions of whites and other non-blacks voted for Barack Obama, not caring that he is half black, because they are not obsessed with the race of a candidate - or anybody else, as Eric Holder admitted today that he is. Holders own words, from "Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Attorney General Eric Holder at the Department of Justice African American History Month Program - Wednesday, February 18, 2009"... Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards. Though race related issues continue to occupy a significant portion of our political discussion, and though there remain many unresolved racial issues in this nation, we, average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race. Perhaps that's because that vast majority of us are not as obsessed with race as Holder and so many other liberals and Democrats are. I'm a white guy, and when I walk down the street or engage a stranger in conversation, I don't think in terms of race (unless it's thrown in my face by somebody like Eric Holder). Holder and his fellow travelers do, constantly, and they project their own paranoia and onto others. The chip on Holder's shoulder should not be ours to carry, but there he was today, trying to strap it onto our shoulders. The entire speech was an excercise in keeping whatever racial tensions there still are in the United States stirred up. Keep black people convinced that they are all kept down, all victims, and you have a nice constituency that looks to you, the Government Officials, for protection. That gets votes. Holder, Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all the rest know that if Black Americans realize that Jim Crow is dead, that the Union won the Civil War, and that a black man is the Attorney General under a President who is half black, some might start to also realize that they no longer need to vote for liberals who offend the essentially conservative values of most Black Americans. As Diane Alden wrote, "By demonizing Republicans and conservatives the left can continue to impose the big lie, which will be accepted as gospel by minorities, whom Democrats believe 'owe' them." (Source) In other words, speeches like Holden's use partial truths to perpetuate a larger lie in order to perpetuate their political grip on minority groups. All of Holder's speech is noteworthy, but I want to highlight a couple of passages for special attention (emphasis added): I, like many in my generation, have been fortunate in my life and have had a great number of wonderful opportunities. Some may consider me to be a part of black history. But we do a great disservice to the concept of black history recognition if we fail to understand that any success that I have had, cannot be viewed in isolation. I stood, and stand, on the shoulders of many other black Americans. Admittedly, the identities of some of these people, through the passage of time, have become lost to us - the men, and women, who labored long in fields, who were later legally and systemically discriminated against, who were lynched by the hundreds in the century just past and those others who have been too long denied the fruits of our great American culture. The names of too many of these people, these heroes and heroines, are lost to us. Let's pause for a brief comment here. I agree that we must not forget the sad history of slavery and its abuses, and the subsequent sad history of discrimination. But must we constantly drum it up? Not just during Black History Month, either; we get this kind of talk year round. We shouldn't forget the Jewish Holocaust, or the Cambodian Holocaust, or the hundred of years of abuse the Irish took from the English, or any abuse of entire peoples. But for God's sake, do we hear Jews, Cambodians or Irish constantly whining about past abuses? Holder continued (emphasis added): But the names of others of these people should strike a resonant chord in the historical ear of all in our nation: Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. DuBois, Walter White, Langston Hughes, Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Joe Louis, Jackie Robinson, Charles Drew, Paul Robeson, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, Vivian Malone, Rosa Parks, Marion Anderson, Emmit Till. These are just some of the people who should be generally recognized and are just some of the people to whom all of us, black and white, owe such a debt of gratitude. It is on their broad shoulders that I stand as I hope that others will some day stand on my more narrow ones. That's good list of American heroes but uhm, would it have killed Eric Holder to include President Abraham Lincoln, or the white abolitionists of the early 1800's? Would it have been too much trouble to mention the thousands upon thousands of white kids in the 1960's who risked brutal attack and even death to march for civil rights? Couldn't Eric Holder have acknowledged the courageous work of white senators and white congressmen and white state legislators around the country who spoke up for civil rights, drafted anti-discrimination laws and passed them, at a time when doing so risked losing elections and even being targeted for violent attack? A mention of the whitefolks who helped the Underground Railroad bring thousands of slaves north to freedom would have been a nice touch. Holder omitted mention of another hero, white guy Salmon P. Chase, known as “the Attorney General of Fugitive Slaves” for defending runaway slaves. No, Holder didn't bother with any of those, although he is undoubtedly aware of all of them. An acknowledgement of those things and those people - those white people - would have diluted his race baiting message and his effort to keep many people believing that Governor George Wallace is still standing in front of the school entrance, arms crossed, vowing to keep out the niggras. What's truly said is that many people swallow that kind of stealth propaganda. A final note: Many of the people who read this post will be upset by my calling Barack Obama a "white man with black ancestry." But that is no less accurate than it is to call Vanessa Williams "black." It is more accurate than simply calling Obama "black." It would be just as accurate as calling him, by the way, a black man with white ancestry. And here's the irony: Liberals like Eric Holder, who demand a more honest dialog about race, get sweaty palms over things like that. The reason is simple: While it's easy to demand an honest, from-the-heart discussion about race, the protocols of the Liberals' own Stalinistic political correctness do not allow it. RELATED: Republicans have a better civil rights record than Democrats Eric Holder: the triumph of tokenism - Skeptical Brotha Black Democrats Vs. Black Republicans (In pictures and deeds) Obama Not Monkey Who Wrote Stimulus Congressional Black Caucus Assesses Its Role Under a Black President Why MLK was a Republican Republicans and Civil Rights The GOP Is the Party of Civil Rights - Washington Times - The 1964 Civil Rights Act The Politically Correct Monster (satire, video) CNB RSS Feed

Why Can't Mary Mitchell Pronounce "Blagojevich?"

Mary Mitchell, the racist imbecile who writes a regular column for the Chicago Sun-Times, just cannot pronounce the last name of the Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich. It is properly pronounced "blah-GOY-yah-vitch" but for some bizarre reason known only to her, Mitchell pronounces it "blah-go-ah-vitch," completely leaving out the "OY" part of it. Listen to her yourself. Rod Blagojevich is the guy that news anchors around North America suddenly had to get up to speed on after he so rudely burst into the nation's consciousness when he was arrested at 6:30 a.m. on December 9, 2008 by federal agents. Most news anchors had never heard of Rod Blagojevich before that day, but most had the pronunciation of his last name down by noon. The rest had it down by noon the following day. Mitchell, on the other hand, has had years to practice saying "blah-GOY-yah-vitch" but still doesn't say it correctly. Mitchell's been writing about Illinois politics for many years. She has undoubtedly heard "Blagojevich" pronounced correctly, I'm guessing, at least a hundred thousand times since he first ran for governor. Why, then, can't she pronounce his name? Seriously, can somebody tell why? RELATED: Why Blagojevich Still Has African American Support: Mary Mitchell Subscribe to Chicago News Bench


Black Panthers with night sticks are "guarding" polling places in Philadelphia, the "City uh Bubbally Luhhh," where voters must walking past the men in their intimidating "uniforms" and cold stares. One of the Panthers was escorted away by police. Perhaps the Black Panthers can head up Obama's proposed Civilian Militia? As the Weekly Standard just wrote, "Intimidation, of course, takes many forms. And, in their ever magnificent projection performance, Democrats will whine that it's Republicans doing all the intimidating by, err, having people stand in line to vote, or something." Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh. WATCH THIS DISTURBING VIDEO OF BLACK PANTHERS "GUARDING" A POLLING PLACE:

Alderman Shiller's Bloody Hands

Yesterday, The Bench asked "Why Did Ald. Shiller Vouch for This Guy???" Seems the aging radical Helen Shiller - known for not being cop-friendly - went to bat for one cop. Trouble is, that person has a questionable incident (to put it lightly) in his/her background. The Sun-Times reported on it yesterday, noting that "Dozens of applicants made the hire list despite drug records, battery arrests and rejections from other departments." They cited three Chicago alderman as patrons of some of those rejected: Three were endorsed by aldermen despite prior problems with the law. Ald. Walter Burnett Jr. (27th) backed a woman arrested for impeding a shooting investigation; Ald. Helen Shiller (46th) vouched for a man who threatened to shoot someone, and Ald. Toni Preckwinkle (4th) supported a man who sold drugs in the late 1990s. Today, the good folks at Uptown Update note that "There's At Least One Cop Ald. Shiller Approves Of." UU notes: There's a widespread assumption that Ald. Shiller is thumbs-down on the CPD. Let us count the reasons why.... Her non-appearance at CAPS meetings (unless they're sham meetings at election time that the mayor can attend). Her remarks that CAPS is elitist and discriminatory. Her son's willingness to sue the CPD, even when the evidence is flimsy or non-existent. Her support of Couraj, which has spawned the Copwatch program and has been sued by the police for making false accusations against police officers. Her bias against blue light police cameras. Remember that triple (yes, triple) shooting on August 29 in the 4800 block of N. Sheridan? That corner of Shiller's ward is well known as a major trouble spot. Yet Shiller has fought, screaming and kicking over the years, to PREVENT a police camera from being installed at the nearby intersection at W. Lawrence, just a couple hundred feet from the shooting. Drug transactions, pickpocketing, sidewalk defecation and aggressive panhandling regularly occur there. Shiller has described both the police cameras and CAPS as being "anti-poor people," a sentiment that is bigoted in its assumption that only poor people break the law. Shiller draws much of her political support from CHA residents. One week ago, I attended a CAPS meeting for Beat 2311. Near the end of the meeting, Aqueela Ali blamed "Jim Crow laws" for breaking up families. There were a few horrified gasps from the mostly white group of 40 attendees. What Ali meant was clear: Whitey is to blame for the shootings, the wife beatings, the drug selling, the drug usage, rampant alcoholism, teenage prostitution, the utter lack of parental supervision, the raging epidemic of teens having babies, the multi-generational habitation of public housing, and on and on and on. Alderman Shiller supports this mindset with her opposition to more police presence. She does it to appease a large voting bloc. It is not "Jim Crow laws" that are tearing families apart, as Aqueela Ali said at the Beat 2311 CAPS meeting. It is the gangs. It is the lack of family unity. It is the constant drum beat of - and embracing of - victimhood. I was at the scene of Pittman's murder at 4:00 p.m., August 29, half an hour after he was killed. Later that evening, I observed a makeshift memorial where Pittman died, one young woman yelled at us, "What you lookin' at, why you still here? Why don't you go up the street and ask why this happened!" The answer is not up the street, I felt like telling her, I'm looking at why this happened. It happened because Tim was killed - and two others were shot - by a black gunman in the prime of his life. It happened because parents have not instilled values and respect for human life in their children. It happened not because there didn't happen to be a cop standing there expecting somebody to start shooting at Tim, it happened because a young black man made the conscious choice to kill. It did not happen because a gun decided to kill; it happened because a man decided to use a weapon, in this case a gun, to murder. The gunman might just as well killed with a knife or a blunt instrument, which happens commonly. Tim Pittman was murdered because people like the girl who yelled at me cannot see that their own community honors and respects and breeds and gives refuge to people like the man who killed Timothy Pittman. Alderman Helen Shiller is one of the those people. She both encourages such behavior and shuns the police who try to keep all of us safe, the same police who might have saved Tim Pittman's life. Had Shiller been less disdainful of CAPS and more willing to encourage the policing of her ward, Timothy Pittman - and perhaps others - might be alive today. They might not be in prison. They might not be in gangs. They might not be dealing drugs. They might not be life-threatening dangers to their neighbors. "LAKESIDE'S FINEST" Ali, the self-appointed president of the Lakeside Square Apartments Tenants Association (LSATA), would probably describe herself as a "community organizer." Look up LSATA on the Internet and you will nothing except a few items where Ali is described as its president. It seems to have no official status. Helen Shiller, however, just loves LSATA and its "president." After all, Shiller gets much political support from Ali and her comrades on Lakeside. You remember Lakeside, right? That's where "Lakeside's Finest," Timothy Pittman, 19, lived before he was fatally shot on August 29 in the 4800 block on N. Sheridan just a few steps from Aqueela Ali's LSATA World Headquarters. Pittman had 12 arrests on his record, according to the police, and about half of those arrests were made within two blocks of where he was killed. "Lakeside's Finest" was surely known to Ms. Ali. Timonty Pittman was a neighbor who was involved with a bad sort of community organizers. Alderman Shiller's anti-CAPS stance, her anti-police attitude and her resistance to police cameras just might have enabled Pittman's string of criminal behavior and, ultimately, his tragic death. Helen Shiller and her supporters have blood on their hands as surely as the gunman who killed "Lakeside's Finest." RELATED: Uptown Update: The Ripple Effect Tribune Letter To The Editor: "Time For A Regime Change" Uptown Update: 46th Ward Office Experiences Broken Windows Uptown Update: Ald. Shiller Turns Her Back On Uptown Crime ... Why Did Ald. Shiller Vouch for This Guy??? Shiller’s critics praise her motives even as they turn up the heat Chicago Uptown Crime Blotter We Won't Put Up With It Uptown Residents Stage Anti-Crime Rally Uptown residents pack meeting to address crime Uptown Justice Group....Says Anti-Crime Group Opposes Low-Income

Meeks: Another Crazy Obama Associate

Illinois State Senator James Meeks, racist, anti-gay bigot, Religious Left demagogue. Don't believe me? Let Meeks himself tell you: “We don’t have slave masters. We got mayors. But they still the same white people who are presiding over systems where black people are not able, or to be educated.... You got some preachers that are house niggers. You got some elected officials that are house niggers. And rather than them trying to break this up, they gonna fight you to protect this white man.” STILL don't believe me? WATCH THE VIDEO. Meeks makes Jeremiah Wright look ... well, never mind. Wright will always look crazy. Meeks looks just as crazy, and just as scary. Meeks has appeared in Obama campaign commercials, as pointed out in April, and was a member of Obama campaign committees. Obama has campaigned at his church and got both “spiritual counsel” and political support from him. For more, see SayAnything.... STILL DON'T believe this? Let Chicago Pride, a gay publication, tell it like it is (emphasis added): Just as the dust surrounding Sen. Barack Obama's long-term association with controversial minister Rev. Jeremiah Wright has begun to settle comes new reports of the democratic presidential hopeful's connection to another racially divisive public figure—the stridently homophobic Rev. James T. Meeks, an Illinois state senator who also serves as the pastor of Chicago's 22,000 member strong Salem Baptist Church. Described in a 2004 Chicago Sun Times article as someone Barack Obama regularly seeks out for "spiritual counsel", James Meeks, who will serve as an Obama delegate at the 2008 Democratic convention in Denver, is a long-time political ally to the democratic front runner. FULL ARTICLE... RELATED: Chicago students skip school in funding protest Daley blasts Meeks' school boycott Daley Rips Boycott, Meeks Daley: Meeks 'selfish' for staging protest Wake-up call for Sen. Meeks illinoisreview: James Meeks Suportts Publick Skools The religious left. - By Steven Waldman - Slate Magazine The Religious Left's Lies - Washington Post Article The Rise of the Religious Left Re: James Meeks proposes kids skip 1st day of school The Church of Clout James Meeks and the Chicago Police

James Meeks: Racist Full of Crap

That's what Eden Martin tells us today. Okay, not those exact words, but that's the gist of a well researched column in today's Chicago Tribune. Martin, president of the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago, points out the stupidity and naivete of Meek's CPS boycott today. Meeks, who is also a preacher, recently called Illinois "racist" because some school districts have more money than others, and organized CPS students to travel by bus today to suburban school districts to register there in protest of what he calls underfunding of Chicago's public schools. Meeks is a supporter and close associate of Barack Obama. Meeks rants against gay people and whites. "We don’t have slave masters," Meeks once told a congregation, "We got mayors. But they still the same white people who are presiding over systems where black people are not able, or to be educated." [Source] However, notes Martin, "In fact, among unit school districts, those that include both elementary and high schools, CPS was in the top 5 percent in terms of its operating expenditures per pupil." Eden Martin shows how ridiculous Meeks is. Meeks, however, does a better job at it than anybody else. Hat tip to Chicago Daily Observer.

Emil Jones: History of Racist Remarks

Illinois Senate President and Obama mentor Emil Jones is not new to the game of race baiting. Early in 2007, for example, he gave a thinly veiled racial justification for supporting Barack Obama: Lynn Sweet, in the Chicago Sun-Times, February 6, 2007: "And I know that Barack Obama is our son and he deserves our support." He made a similar race-based appeal to a group of black Democratic activists Friday at a closed Democratic National Committee winter meeting. FULL ARTICLE at Sun-Times...

Who Is Delmarie Cobb?

Is she an "Uncle Tom?" Cobb, a delegate to the Democrat National Convention in Denver, has accused Illinois Senate President Emil Jones of calling her an Uncle Tom because she continues to support Hillary Clinton. We know that Jones is one of Obama's top supporters, a mentor, an old friend. But who exactly is Delmarie Cobb? She is a major player in the Democratic Party and a popular political consultant in the Chicago area. Lightweights don't become the press secretary for the Democrat National Convention, as Cobb was in 1996. Among the luminaries she has worked for and with are Jesse Jackson, Sr. and Jesse Jackson, Jr., Bobby Rush, and others. This hardly makes her sound like an "Uncle Tom." A significant article on April 2 noted that "Over the last few months Cobb has been in an interesting and sometimes frustrating place. As an African-American from Barack Obama's hometown who supports Hillary Clinton, Cobb has been pulled into the national conversation on race, gender, and bare-knuckles campaigning. This afternoon she shared a few of her thoughts in an interview." FULL ARTICLE at Chicago Reader... (The Reader couldn't have known then how relevant that article would be today.) It seems, then, that the alleged Emil Jones slandering of her as an Uncle Tom is something that Cobb has had to deal with for a while. Back to that Reader article, in which Cobb is quoted as saying: Being a Hillary Clinton supporter, I don’t know why you have to tear down one person to be in favor of someone else. That’s the overall problem I have with this entire campaign. It’s not just been Jeremiah Wright—it’s with so many of Obama’s supporters. There’s the need to attack supporters of everyone else, and to make them into racists. Cobb did a radio interviewed on "Beyond the Beltway." Listen to that April 27 interview here (mp3 audio). RELATED: Delmarie Cobb Campaign Contributions and Donations -- Huffington Post The ODDS against marital bliss for the professional black woman - Pastor vs The Pol: Did Wright Mean To Hurt Obama? Hillary Delegate Accuses Obama Mentor of Calling Her 'Uncle Tom'