Showing posts with label liberal violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liberal violence. Show all posts

Abortion Doctor Kermit Gosnell Guilty on Three Counts of First-Degree Murder (Updated)

UPDATE, MAY 14: Baby Killer Kermit Gosnell Gets Life In Prison, Not Death

Kermit Gosnell, abortionist
Kermit Gosnell -
May 13, 2013 - Abortionist Kermit Gosnell was found guilty today of three counts of first-degree murder for killing babies born alive in his clinic. He was acquitted on a fourth count. Prosecutors said they would seek the death penalty, which Gosnell is eligible for under Pennsylvania law.

House of Horrors: "Prosecutors say the 72-year-old Gosnell delivered babies alive and had their spines severed with scissors to kill them. They say the baby whose death he was cleared in let out a soft whimper before Gosnell cut its neck." (Associated Press)

Gosnell operated the Family Women's Medical Society clinic at 3801 Lancaster Ave. from 1979 to 2010, when it was closed after a federal-state drug raid.

Gosnell's House of Horrors
Gosnell was charged with four counts of first-degree murder, of babies allegedly born alive during illegal late-term abortions and killed by Gosnell or staff. Gosnell was charged with 227 counts of violating the state's 24-hour waiting period before a woman has an abortion, and also a count of third-degree murder in the 2009 death of an abortion patient allegedly overdosed on Demerol by Gosnell's untrained staff. More at

A Delaware woman who worked at Gosnell’s abortion clinic testified on April 9 that it was “standard procedure” to snip the necks of babies that were delivered by patients before the abortion due to labor-inducing drugs. Eight former staffers of Gosnell’s clinic have pleaded guilty to a variety of charges and are awaiting sentencing.

Also See:

Demand A Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F--- Themselves (Extended Cut)

Actors who glorify guns and butchery demand a vague "plan" to stop the same violence and killing that they glamorize in film and television...

Hypocrisy in Action: Celebs 'Demand a Plan'
Jan. 1, 2013 - Hollywood is a culture of violence. Big stars make big bucks portraying psychotic killers, shooting people in orgies of bloody gore.  

These actors glorify guns and killing, but they want you to "demand a plan" to stop real-life killings.

Look, we're all for stopping the violence. The real issue here is the hypocrisy and stupidity of the celebrities who appeared in a video called "Demand a Plan to Gun Violence." (Watch it below.)

In response to that video, a video titled "Demand a Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F*** Themselves" points out the double standard and hypocrisy of those celebrities. The response video was posted by "Mike Hunt" (hey, maybe that's his real name) on YouTube on Dec. 25, 2012.

The celebrities' plea to "demand a plan" is vague at best; they suggest no plan themselves. The video was put out by a group called "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" (MAIG) as a response to the Dec. 14, 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. 28 people died in that horrific attack, including gunman Adam Lanza. At the MAIG website, there is a proposal for action, but no part of their "plan" would prevent another Adam Lanza from stealing his mother's guns and going on a killing spree. SEE THE VIDEOS BELOW.

Crazed Black Mob Attacks White Man, Woman, Media Ignores Story

May 1, 2012 - Yet ANOTHER brutal attack by a black mob - most or all of which were Democrat voters - has slipped under the radar of the Mainstream Media. The victims - a white man and a white woman - are reporters employed by The Virginian-Pilot newspaper, which actually avoided the story for two full weeks. No other local media reported the story either, although they were all aware of it. Once again, the mainstream media and so-called leaders are not addressing the current rash of attacks by black hate mobs.

The Virginian-Pilot ran the story today. Editorial writer Michelle Washington's column included this:
Wave after wave of young men surged forward to take turns punching and kicking their victim.
The victim's friend, a young woman, tried to pull him back into his car. Attackers came after her, pulling her hair, punching her head and causing a bloody scratch to the surface of her eye. She called 911. A recording told her all lines were busy. She called again. Busy. On her third try, she got through and, hysterical, could scream only their location.
Washington noted that neither reporter was seriously injured. She noted, almost in passing, that the story had been ignored by her own paper for half a month:
Two weeks have passed since reporters Dave Forster and Marjon Rostami - friends to me and many others at the newspaper - were attacked on a Saturday night as they drove home from a show at the Attucks Theatre. They had stopped at a red light, in a crowd of at least 100 young people walking on the sidewalk. Rostami locked her car door. Someone threw a rock at her window. Forster got out to confront the rock-thrower, and that's when the beating began.
Washington went on to give some details about the encounter that Forster and Rostami had with the police after the attack, and noted the frustration that local police have in dealing with such savagery.

Then, however, Washington veered back to the two-week delay in acknowledging the attack on two of its own. What she wrote sounds, at first, reasonable, but in fact it amounts to a lame avoidance of fully accepting journalistic responsibility:
Here's why their story is in the paper today. We cannot allow such callousness to continue unremarked, from the irrational, senseless teenagers who attacked two people just trying to go home, from the police officer whose conduct may have been typical but certainly seems cold, from the tweeting nitwits who think beating a man in Norfolk will change the death of Trayvon Martin. How can we change it if we don't know about it? How can we make it better if we look away? Are we really no better than this?
Marjon Rostami
Dave Forster
She never does say why the Forster-Rostami story "is in the paper today" and did not appear there two weeks ago. Washington tried to divert the blame onto the attackers ("senseless teenagers"), the police ("cold") and idiots on Twitter ("tweeting nitwits").

While all of those are certainly factors, Washington neglected to mention another factor: She and her fellow  writers and editors at The Virginian-Pilot are a bunch of gutless politically correct cowards. To their credit, they did finally publish the story, but only after it became clear to them that they could not keep it hidden forever. But the vast majority of other mainstream media outlets are in the habit of avoiding and ignoring stories like this one because it does not fit their politically correct agenda or paradigm.

As Washington herself asked, "How can we change it if we don't know about it? How can we make it better if we look away? Are we really no better than this?" While Washington deserves some small credit for even asking the question, the rest of the media is, sadly, no better than that.

Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of this whole story is the omission of any direct quotes from either Forster or Rostami. Both are capable writers and reporters. It is odd that they, rather than Washington, did not write about the attack.

Will Twitter Be An Accomplice To Murder?

"KillZimmerman" profile
picture on Twitter
April 6, 2012 - Incredibly, Twitter has not yet taken down an account that calls itself "@KillZimmerman." The name is inspired by the account holder's call for the death of George Zimmerman, the man accused of killing Trayvon Martin in February. Now two weeks old, the account is still up and has produced 459 "tweets" (posts) as of this writing. Where are the calls from Liberals, Leftists and Democrats for "civility," and why are they not expressing outrage and disgust at this?

When I wrote about "@Kill Zimmerman" on March 29, it was already five days old.  It was created on March 24. I was amazed that Twitter allowed an open call for violence to remain for so long, and I thought that Twitter would certainly squash the offensive account. To everyone's amazement, they have not.

An open call to murder on Twitter (click to enlarge)
If @KillZimmerman inspires someone to commit murder, would Twitter be an accomplice to the crime? Ask yourself this: If a newspaper published over 400 letters to the editor that advocated the killing of somebody, and if that person was killed, would the newspaper be held responsible? When Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz) was shot in the head, the Liberal Media quickly accused conservatives as inspiring the shooting. The Left, wrong as usual, said that the shooter was pushed over the edge by their "heated rhetoric."

Well, what is @KillZimmerman, if not super heated rhetoric? I don't recall any Republican candidates calling for the death of anybody, yet here is a Leftist with a photo of George Zimmerman in a crosshairs. The open call for his murder has not elicited a call by Leftists or Democrat leaders for "more civility" in public discourse.

Not to be outdone, another leftist loon created an equally disgusting Twitter account called "@BeheadZimmerman."

WARNING: Yes, that's the "C" word
"Progressives are getting so much like terrorist Muslims it’s amazing," wrote on March 29. "Obama, Spike Lee, Roseanne Barr, the Congressional Black Caucus, and all the pathetic pink slime media hacks trying to gin up some sort of race war should be very proud of themselves." The @BeheadZimmerman account describes itself this way: "This page is dedicated to the arrest and jail gang rape of George Zimmerman. Pissing on Zimmerman’s lawn."  Isn't that nice?

These Twitter accounts, @KillZimmerman and @BeheadZimmerman, are but two of thousands of examples of liberals openly calling for murder to be committed. It's a nationwide, digital vigilante party, salivating at the prospect of a man being killed before he's even been proven guilty in a court of law. It shows the mindset of so many liberals (what, you think these nutjobs are conservatives?!?), who care nothing about legality, civility or decency.

"It is alarming how easy it is for social media to stir the public into a mob-like frenzy," wrote Chris Dunn at Collegiate Times on April 4. "On Facebook, groups are calling for the death of Zimmerman. 'I want George Zimmerman dead,' 'Kill George Zimmerman,' and 'Kill Zimmerman' have appeared over the past few weeks. On Twitter, the user @KillZimmerman and the users interacting with the account have called for a modern day lynching. Comments include 'We should just get up and #killzimmerman ourselves,' and 'I think they should shoot Zimmerman dead in his head in jail'.”

Plenty of people are disgusted by all of this, including John Romano. He is the publisher and editor of "Yes, But However!" website. On March 30, Romano wrote this:

Empty promise: John Romano is still on Twitter
"I have no problem with people tweeting all day long calling for Mr. Zimmerman’s arrest, that kind of activism is as American as apple pie, but creating a page devoted solely to inciting violence is too much for me.  If Twitter allows it to stand I’ll do what small thing I can and stop using the service.  Life is too short and Twitter should know better." 

Just moments ago, a week after Romano vowed to "stop using" Twitter, I tweeted this to Romano's still active account:

@yesbuthowever On March 30 you said 'If Twitter allows' @KillZimmerman 'to stand' you would leave Twitter. Changed your mind?

John Romano's hypocrisy is almost as disturbing as the vile hate rhetoric that he claims he cannot tolerate. Perhaps he won't be able to respond to me on Twitter, because I'm sure my little reminder will spur him to immediately cancel his Twitter account.


Video of Democrat Congressman Attacking Student Journalist

Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-NC-02) attacked a student journalist (video below) outside of a Nancy Pelosi Fundraiser on Wednesday, June 9, 2010, at 415 New Jersey Ave, NW in Washington, D.C. Etheridge, walking along the sidewalk, was politely approached by a student holding a microphone and his accompanying cameraman. As the Washington Post reports:
"Do you fully support the Obama agenda?" asked one of the students. "Who are you?" asked Etheridge, grabbing one of the cameras and pointing it down -- a move more typically seen from Hollywood bodyguards than congressmen. The second camera rolled as Etheridge, irritated, held the wrist of the first cameraman, then pulled the student to his side and grabbed him in a hug. "We're just here for a project, sir," said one of the students. "I have a right to know who you are," Etheridge said. "I'm just a student, sir," said one of the students.
Also see: The Washington Post Watches Bob Etheridge and Yawns Aren't Democrats fun? They're so much nicer than those violent Tea Partiers. This jerk Etheridge should be arrested for assault..... Etheridge's lame apology, made on June 14, is even funnier than the assault incident. Bob Etheridge reminds me of another Democrat: Chicago Alderman Joe Moore (49th Ward), who is notorious for trying to intimidate journalists and bloggers. Moore is fond of squinting his eyes and attempting to look tough when confronted with something as dangerous as a question. With a steely gaze, Moore will ask "Who are you?" Unlike Etheridge, however, Moore has been not documented on video while physically attacking anybody who dares to ask him a question. Yet.

Video of Fight in Chicago Public Aid Office (With Love)

How long will it be before we start seeing this kind of animalist behavior in hospital waiting rooms under Obamacare?  Hat tips to WatchYourStep and to Windy Citizen, who wrote, "A particularly brutal fight broke out at the Public Aid Department at 915 East 63rd Ave. The fight is pretty terrible, but one male combatant's diva turn, complete with blowing kisses, makes the video worth watching."

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Anarchists Plan Disruption of Tea Parties on April 15

The lunatics will be out on April 15, 2010. No, Mister and Mizz Liberal Amerika, I am not referring to the Tea Party people. Rather, I am referring to the leftist, "libertarian socialist" crazies, a.k.a. anarchists, who are calling for the disruption of the nationwide Tax Day Tea Party. A post at Infoshop News, "anarchist news, opinion and much more," dated March 31, 2010 is calling for devotees of the web site to make trouble at a tea party near them. Here's the first salvo of that post:

On April 15th thousands of right-wingers will attend rallies in cities and towns across the United States. The organizers of this nationwide day of protest call it a tea party. This tea party movement that emerged only a year ago is a coalition of conservatives, anti-Semites, fascists, libertarians, racists, constitutionalists, militia men, gun freaks, homophobes, Ron Paul supporters, Alex Jones conspiracy types and American flag wavers. Source:

Apparently, somebody near the empty pizza box strewn Infoshop News office is making a good living selling tinfoil headwear to these nutters. They can't even see the irony of their own rant: They inaccurately paint participants of the Tea Party movement as some kind of conspiracy nut, all the while not realizing that this is, in itself, a weird kind of conspiracy theory.
"We think we are the doctors. We are the disease." ~ Alexander Hertzen, 1812 - 1870; Russian anarchist
Some of you are too young to remember the years of street violence carried out by Leftists, especially in the 1960s and early 1970s. Many called themselves "peaceniks," others preferred "hippies." They had no hesitation in throwing bricks through the windows of small businesses and threatening university administrators. Some threatened the lives of cops and even bombed buildings. Some, like William Ayers and his wife, joined the SDS's violent splinter group, the Weathermen, and later became close friends with Comrade Barack Obama. The Violent Left calmed down for the most part after Nixon left office in late 1974. It is not altogether strange that they should be resurging under Comrade Obama. Remember that they were at the peak of their violence during the administration of Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat.

Matthew Vadum wrote about this at on March 31, 2010. In his story about MoveOn's planned protest at the headquaters of the Republican National Committee on April 1, 2010, he noted the hypocritical way that the Left is responding to what they see, in a hallucinatory manner, as the "hate" coming from conservatives, especially Tea Party adherents:

It is an indisputable fact that the violence America is beginning to see is almost exclusively on the left, whether it’s a deranged registered Democrat flying his plane into a federal building in Austin, Texas, or a progressive coward calling in a death threat against a Republican lawmaker. It is all part of the left’s push to delegitimize opposition to the socialist takeover of America. If you oppose the murder-in-progress of the American republic you are smeared as a redneck, teabagging, racist obstacle to progress — and you deserve what’s coming to you. So it’s not surprising that the street theater specialists at are planning to host a propaganda event tomorrow [April 1] intended to reinforce this false notion that Constitution-loving pro-limited government enthusiasts are eeeevil haters. Full article here...

Okay, let's get back to the crazy anarchist post at Infoshop News. The loonie paranoia is repeated in the second paragraph (emphasis added):

This tea party movement that emerged only a year ago is a coalition of conservatives, anti-Semites, fascists, libertarians, racists, constitutionalists, militia men, gun freaks, homophobes, Ron Paul supporters, Alex Jones conspiracy types and American flag wavers.

They find the items highlighted items above to be objectionable? The rest of the items I can understand. I mean, I have nothing against gun owners, for example, but I can agree on someone with a freakish gun fetish. But "conservatives," "libertarians," "constitutionalists" and "American flag wavers" are bad people in the opinion of Infoshop News? If I run into any of these freaks on April 15 (and I'll be looking for them), I plan to ask them how their mothers traumatized them as small children and whether or not they are currently in any kind of psychotherapy.

The Infoshop News folks list their "three options we have with the tea party movement." The first one is the most worrisome. (Again, emphasis is added):

1. Organize counter-protests against the tea party demonstrations, same time, same place. This is probably the best option. We need to get in the streets on April 15th and show the tea party movement that there are lots of people out there who oppose their agenda.
My Comment:

2. Get individual tea party protesters to leave the right-wing and move to the left politically. That would involve passing out stuff like this at the tea party demonstrations:
3. Ignore the tea party movement. This is the worst option because without anyone opposing them they could easily gain power.

MoveOn Plans Hate-In Outside RNC Headquarters [on April 1, 2010]
Anarchists join intimidation campaign aimed at Tea Partiers Unequal Time
Guard against anarchists‎ Zambia Daily Mail
Why is anarchism also called libertarian socialism? Infoshop News
Media's Favorite Extremist Watchdog Silent on Leftwing Extremism‎
NewsBusters Infoshop News on Twitter
Greek radical anarchists claim Athens bombings‎ eTaiwan News
Left's Playbook — Past the Ignore and Ridicule Stage‎ David Horowitz
Anarcho-Left Meltdown as Radical Infighting Turns Violent‎ Pajamas Media
Radical Theory: A Wrecking Ball for Ivory Towers The Anarchist Library
The Abolition of Work The Anarchist Library

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