Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts

Twitter Censored Me For Advocating US Legal Code

On September 14, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) tweeted that Gen. Mark Milley had worked "to subvert the military chain of command and collude with China," and that "He should be court martialed [sic] if true."

Sen. Paul was referring to Milley subverting the chain of command by effectively attempting to omit the Commander In Chief (Trump at the time) from the decision-making process, and by phoning a top Chinese general to promise advance warning should Trump decide that an attack on China or Chinese forces was necessary.

Sen. Rand Paul tweet

If Milley did "subvert the military chain of command and collude with China," he could be guilty of treason, mutiny, and/or sedition as defined by US Code. (More on that below.) Sen. Paul did not say what kind of punishment he would wish for Milley if he is ever court-martialed. So I replied to Sen. Paul's tweet by suggesting that Milley should be "executed if convicted." US Code allows for execution as a punishment for treason. But the fools at Twitter HQ don't care.

Note that I wrote, "if convicted." That's important because I was not advocating the unjustified killing of anybody. 

By writing that Milley should be executed if convicted I obviously meant after a legal trial (court-martial). If convicted, US Legal Code also calls for execution as a possible punishment. In other words, I was advocating the application of federal law.

Nevertheless, Twitter accused me of violating their rules of "abuse and harassment." I did neither.

I don't want to make this post about whether or not Gen. Milley is guilty of anything (although he is, in my opinion). Rather, this is about Twitter limiting my account for, in their flawed opinion, advocating the killing of somebody. (Note: It's also possible that some idiot at Twitter misinterpreted my reply to Sen. Paul as a threat.)

Twitter limited me on September 14
for saying that Gen. Mark Milley should be "executed if found guilty." They demanded that I delete the offending tweet.

I appealed it. Three times. No response.

That was no real surprise, of course, but I decided to wait it out just to see if I was wrong. After 13 days of waiting, I decided to delete the tweet and get back fully into the Twitterverse.

It's well know that Twitter is inconsistent with enforcement of their own rules. Just for fun, go to Twitter and search for "milley should be executed" or "execute milley" to see a ton of tweets still posted.

As I said earlier, I merely advocated federal law as defined by U.S. Code. Many say that Milley went rogue, and may have even committed treason. U.S. Legal Code offers some distinct possibilities for severe punishment, specifically:

10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition (my emphasis added):

(a) Any person subject to this chapter who—

(1) with intent to usurp or override lawful military authority, refuses, in concert with any other person, to obey orders or otherwise do his duty or creates any violence or disturbance is guilty of mutiny;

(2) with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority, creates, in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or other disturbance against that authority is guilty of sedition;

(3) fails to do his utmost to prevent and suppress a mutiny or sedition being committed in his presence, or fails to take all reasonable means to inform his superior commissioned officer or commanding officer of a mutiny or sedition which he knows or has reason to believe is taking place, is guilty of a failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition.

(b) A person who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.

Keep in mind that the Commander In Chief is a civilian and, therefore, embodies civil authority.

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason (my emphasis added):

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

It is plain that the US Code (federal law) says that Milley should (or could) be executed if found guilty of treason, mutiny, or sedition. All I did was echo that.

Twitter Suspended Me For Asking How Cardi B Wipes Her Nether Region. Really.

On May 27, Twitter suspended me. LOL.

How does Cardi B use toilet paper?
Photo: Andrew H. Walker/Shutterstock
That's right, Twitter, that cesspool of hate speech, easily-accessible pornography, foul language, and generally sick behavior, suspended me for violating their poorly-enforced rules.

Let's be clear: I doubt that somebody working at Twitter HQ perused my past tweets.

As you see in the screenshot below, one of my two "violations" occurred way back on April 9. The other was from today, May 27.

This leads me to believe that a leftist or Cardi B fan decided to "get" me and scoured my past tweets.

KABOOM! Trump's #ObamaGate Tweets BLOW UP Twitter

Twitter suppressed #OBAMAGATE in United States trends
It was a sight to behold. On Sunday, May 10, the hashtag #ObamaGate blew up Twitter. It quickly hit over a million tweets, and then the real fun began.

Late Sunday night the hashtag neared two million tweets, and every few minutes it picked up another 100,000.

UPDATE: At 4:26 AM EDT, #OBAMAGATE vanished from Twitter's "United States trends" list. It seems my cartoon (top left) foretold the future. Yet, the hashtag was STILL showing with 2.29 million tweets in "Australia trends" and "Canada trends." 

Quick Trick Turns T-Shirt Into Face Mask to Fight COVID-19

Need a face mask in a hurry? This might save you. It's fast and easy, and all you need is a t-shirt. Watch Ronit Bose Roy demonstrate how in this Twitter post:
Writer Quentin Fottrell wears his t-shirt face mask.
MarketWatch's Quentin Fottrell wrote about Roy's t-shirt face mask.

Pajama Boy Ethan Krupp Admits He's A"Liberal F-ck"

December 27, 2013 - (Language Advisory) - If you thought "Pajama Boy" Ethan Krupp was just another "liberal f-ck," you were were right. In fact, he proudly calls himself just that. It exploded on the Internet today that Krupp once described himself as "a liberal fuck" in one of his own blog posts. In the same post, he also admitted to using the tactics of Saul Alinsky. In fact, Krupp's definition of "liberal f-ck" is straight out of Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals."

Krupp is the cocoa-sipping, flannel clad, unofficial face of Obamacare who gained notoriety by appearing in two horrid online promos and one absurd video that urged people to #GetTalking about healthcare. The propaganda pieces were made to encourage Americans to visit has been dissected and ripped apart in the conservative blogosphere for about a week now, and many Leftists are not too happy that Krupp is now a permanently affixed meme of socialist healthcare.

Setting The Record Straight: The Washington Examiner Was NOT The First To Reveal Pajama Boy's Real Name

December 22, 2013 - The Internet exploded last week with laughter when it "discovered" a plaid clad flannel failure dubbed "PajamaBoy" by conservative bloggers. His real name was not known to more than a few of those bloggers.

In a post on November 1, titled "Creepy: OFA encourages parents to have ‘the talk’ with their children this holiday," published PajamaBoy's real name:
Now OFA is urging parents this holiday season to have “the talk” with their children — you know, the talk about buying health insurance from the Obamacare exchange....Is it just us, or does that kid (actually Ethan Krupp, OFA’s content writer) look young enough to still be covered under his parents’ plan? And will the video help families #GetTalking?
Charlie Spiering, Washington Examiner
Charlie Spiering
Was the very first to publish his name? I don't know, but it was the earliest one I found. In any case, it was well before the Washington Examiner's post by Charlie Spiering on December 19, which was headlined "Meet Ethan Krupp: Pajamacare boy and Organizing for Action employee."

That headline is misleading because it makes it seem as though the Washington Examiner was the first to reveal that Pajama Boy as Ethan Krupp. Was Charlie Spiering really unaware of previously published references to Ethan Krupp?

Charlie Spiering as Pajama Boy
Charlie Spiering probably likes hot cocoa, too.
Click to enlarge
Spiering never did tell us how he came to learn PajamaBoy's real name, which is a bit suspicious. Hard journalistic investigation? Diligent scouring of the Internet? Or did he learn it by reading or some other website that named Krupp weeks before he "revealed" it?

As happens too often, other bloggers lazily reposted the Examiner piece without digging a little deeper. That spread the false impression that Krupp's name was not known until Dec. 19.

Could Saturday Night Live Have Saved Pajama Boy's Reputation? Maybe, But It's Too Late Now

Pajama Boy Ethan Krupp
Pajama Boy Ethan Krupp: Cocoa Puff
December 21, 2013 - Do I even need to explain who "Pajama Boy" is? He first appeared in early November, but the world was largely unaware of him until a few days ago. Suddenly, he became one of the hottest Internet memes and a favorite target of ridicule for conservative pundits.

"Pajama Boy"is a derogatory name that conservative pundits pinned on him. The actor's real name is Ethan Krupp, and he will forever be remembered as the dweeb in one-piece plaid pajamas, delicately clutching a cup of hot cocoa, in a piece produced by Organizing For America (OFA) for use by There's a horrible video too (watch it below) in which Krupp portrays the same dweeby dude. His family is weirdly uncomfortable about having a frank discussion about getting health insurance.

Ethan Krupp is a 20-something grad of the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. An aspiring actor, Krupp's career now seems suddenly aborted by the severe trashing he's gotten over the past few days. It's probably safe to say that Krupp has been forever typecast in our collective memory as a smirking little a-hole who has no idea what real life is about and wants to lecture you about how to live your own.

The decision to let himself become the new face of Obamacare has probably destroyed his acting career. With his world seeming to crumble all around him, there might have been one thing that could have saved young Ethan's tattered reputation: An appearance on Saturday Night Live on the night of December 21. Any later date beyond that will be too late to resurrect him. Nothing else can undo what Krupp has done to himself, which is to retreat from public scrutiny, go silent and hide in the shadows.

An appearance on SNL is not as far-fetched as you might think. Krupp is a student at The Second City improv theater group, which in turn is well connected to Saturday Night Live. Krupp was a student at The Second City in Chicago when the video was made. The mother in the video is portrayed by Kimmie Companik-Warner, an associate faculty member of The Second City Training Center. One wonders if anybody at The Second City tried to arrange for SNL to invite Krupp onto the show.

Imagine a sketch that spoofs the "Get ready to have the talk" video. Envision a skit in which a frustrated Pajama Boy sits at his computer going crazy because the Obamacare website won't let him sign up. Imagine a skit that features the wussy Krupp as a tough guy super hero, tongue-in-cheek of course.

The result might have allowed a nearly instant rehabilitation of Ethan Krupp. He would have shed the "Pajama Boy" stink and stuck it to all those mean conservative bully bloggers. He would have turned it around.

But Ethan Krupp is one of those guys who runs for cover the moment any criticism comes his way. He was an editor of the Madison Misnomer, a  "humor" rag that had no problem with ripping other people apart. Now it's Krupp being publicly ridiculed, and he can't take the heat. Rather than ride his sudden notoriety and play it for laughs and do some self-promotion, the spineless fool has the last several days scrubbing the Internet of any traces of himself that he can access. He deleted or locked his accounts at YouTube, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and more after he was outed as Pajama Boy. How could he think that would preserve his image, and that the world would not notice that all of his online presence suddenly disappeared?

Think of it another way. Suppose some actor makes a debut in a major film, and his looks and performance are widely ridiculed in the media. In reaction, that actor deletes all of his social media accounts and refuses to answer the phone. He just... disappears. What would you think of that actor? Well, that's what Krupp did.

In light of his cowardice, it is not reasonable to expect that Ethan Krupp would have accepted an invitation to mock himself on Saturday Night Live. The folks at SNL are risk takers, after all, but they know a chicken-shit loser when they see one and are not willing to take that kind of risk. The last thing they want is a sniveling amateur like Krupp to freeze up on stage or do something to mess up the show, which is broadcast live.

Sure, he might have appeared on SNL if they had asked him. Sure, someone there might have talked him back to his senses - what few senses he had. Only a self-absorbed fool with no sense would not have foreseen the reaction to the Obamacare ad and video. For an aspiring improv actor, Krupp seems oddly out of touch with who he is and how guys like him are perceived. He's learning that now, the hard way.

"Well, if Krupp can’t achieve fame," wrote Jim Treacher at Daily Caller, "infamy is the next best thing." Sure, but Krupp has achieved world-class dork infamy, and that's never good.

Post Script: Check out "SNL Script: Pajama Boy Meets Duck Dynasty," a speculative script for a Saturday Night Live skit posted at Free Republic.

Panic Storm: Media Post Bogus Reports, Fools Retweet It

May 31, 2013 - 8:30 PM CDT - The tornado outbreak in the nation's midsection today caused a lot of panic, and news rooms were not immune. A bogus report of "mass casualties" at a Holiday Inn in Earth City,  Missouri by a Fox News affiliate today worried a lot of people unnecessarily.

There was also the bogus report of people trapped under rubble at Busch Stadium in St. Louis, which also must have frightened a lot of people. Fox is not the only media outlet today to pass along outlandishly bad information. AccuWeather and KMOV St. Louis were also guilty of horrifically irresponsible journalism. It's as though these "journalists" were more concerned with beating their competition to publish online than they were with actually confirming what it was they were reporting. The end result was not journalism, but nothing more than bad gossip.

It was a frustrating day on Twitter
Sharing the blame, however, are all of the gullible idiots on Twitter who mindlessly re-tweeted the bad reports. They are the kind of morons who lack any critical thinking abilities and are too lazy to take a moment to confirm something they see online.

Okay, but WHICH "local news sources?
They're the kind of fools who just love bad gossip and eagerly pass it along. Dozens of people were tweeting the Holiday Inn rumor, with no link to any source. It got so bad that Chicago News Bench tweeted this: "KMOV TV has NOTHING about a "mass casualty" event at a Holiday Inn. PEOPLE, CITE YOUR SOURCES OR SHUT THE F--- UP" (@chinewsbench).

A great post at details the making of the false Holiday Inn mass casualty story:

Hacked AP Twitter Account Tweets 'Two Explosions in the White House' - Syrian Electronic Army Strikes Again

White House bombed - Olympus Has Fallen
This is did not really happen.
April 23, 2013 - "Breaking: Two Explosions in the White House and Barack Obama is Injured," said the ominous tweet from Associated Press's Twitter account.

The tweet was not true, however. AP's Twitter account (@AP) was hacked, and the culprits posted the bogus headline without AP's consent.

"Moments later," reports NBC News, "the @AP Twitter account — with nearly 2 million followers — was suspended. Immediately following the false tweet, the Dow Industrial Average lost about 140 points. These losses were immediately recovered."

Who did the hack job on AP? There is speculation now that it was the pro-Assad Syrian Electronic Army, according to the Quartz website.

Twitter Mocks Trump's "Big" Announcement

Oct. 24, 2012 - Twitter is laughing at Donald Trump's "big announcement." All of America (okay, that's an overstatement) was expecting him to reveal some juicy information about Barack Obama, as some kind of October Surprise, but the opposite actually happened. Rather than giving us information, Trump made a video in which he asked for information. The info he asked for: Obama's college records and passport application. Sure, like that's going to happen.

Trump's Tweets, 24 Oct. 2012 (click to enlarge)
Trump seems delusional about his own importance.

About 45 minutes after Trump's Noon (ET) announcement, he tweeted that "The response has been fantastic - actually overwhelming! Thank you!" 

Actually, the response on Twitter was fantastically funny, and not flattering for Trump. I don't know which response Trump is referring to (he hasn't said), but on Twitter is has been heavily derisive and mocking. See some selected examples of those tweets below.

Comedy Central @ComedyCentral
Obama will release his college records when @realDonaldTrump releases his salon records. #TransHAIRent

Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt
What shocked me the most about @realDonaldTrump's press release was -- only TWO typos!

Will Twitter Be An Accomplice To Murder?

"KillZimmerman" profile
picture on Twitter
April 6, 2012 - Incredibly, Twitter has not yet taken down an account that calls itself "@KillZimmerman." The name is inspired by the account holder's call for the death of George Zimmerman, the man accused of killing Trayvon Martin in February. Now two weeks old, the account is still up and has produced 459 "tweets" (posts) as of this writing. Where are the calls from Liberals, Leftists and Democrats for "civility," and why are they not expressing outrage and disgust at this?

When I wrote about "@Kill Zimmerman" on March 29, it was already five days old.  It was created on March 24. I was amazed that Twitter allowed an open call for violence to remain for so long, and I thought that Twitter would certainly squash the offensive account. To everyone's amazement, they have not.

An open call to murder on Twitter (click to enlarge)
If @KillZimmerman inspires someone to commit murder, would Twitter be an accomplice to the crime? Ask yourself this: If a newspaper published over 400 letters to the editor that advocated the killing of somebody, and if that person was killed, would the newspaper be held responsible? When Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz) was shot in the head, the Liberal Media quickly accused conservatives as inspiring the shooting. The Left, wrong as usual, said that the shooter was pushed over the edge by their "heated rhetoric."

Well, what is @KillZimmerman, if not super heated rhetoric? I don't recall any Republican candidates calling for the death of anybody, yet here is a Leftist with a photo of George Zimmerman in a crosshairs. The open call for his murder has not elicited a call by Leftists or Democrat leaders for "more civility" in public discourse.

Not to be outdone, another leftist loon created an equally disgusting Twitter account called "@BeheadZimmerman."

WARNING: Yes, that's the "C" word
"Progressives are getting so much like terrorist Muslims it’s amazing," wrote on March 29. "Obama, Spike Lee, Roseanne Barr, the Congressional Black Caucus, and all the pathetic pink slime media hacks trying to gin up some sort of race war should be very proud of themselves." The @BeheadZimmerman account describes itself this way: "This page is dedicated to the arrest and jail gang rape of George Zimmerman. Pissing on Zimmerman’s lawn."  Isn't that nice?

These Twitter accounts, @KillZimmerman and @BeheadZimmerman, are but two of thousands of examples of liberals openly calling for murder to be committed. It's a nationwide, digital vigilante party, salivating at the prospect of a man being killed before he's even been proven guilty in a court of law. It shows the mindset of so many liberals (what, you think these nutjobs are conservatives?!?), who care nothing about legality, civility or decency.

"It is alarming how easy it is for social media to stir the public into a mob-like frenzy," wrote Chris Dunn at Collegiate Times on April 4. "On Facebook, groups are calling for the death of Zimmerman. 'I want George Zimmerman dead,' 'Kill George Zimmerman,' and 'Kill Zimmerman' have appeared over the past few weeks. On Twitter, the user @KillZimmerman and the users interacting with the account have called for a modern day lynching. Comments include 'We should just get up and #killzimmerman ourselves,' and 'I think they should shoot Zimmerman dead in his head in jail'.”

Plenty of people are disgusted by all of this, including John Romano. He is the publisher and editor of "Yes, But However!" website. On March 30, Romano wrote this:

Empty promise: John Romano is still on Twitter
"I have no problem with people tweeting all day long calling for Mr. Zimmerman’s arrest, that kind of activism is as American as apple pie, but creating a page devoted solely to inciting violence is too much for me.  If Twitter allows it to stand I’ll do what small thing I can and stop using the service.  Life is too short and Twitter should know better." 

Just moments ago, a week after Romano vowed to "stop using" Twitter, I tweeted this to Romano's still active account:

@yesbuthowever On March 30 you said 'If Twitter allows' @KillZimmerman 'to stand' you would leave Twitter. Changed your mind?

John Romano's hypocrisy is almost as disturbing as the vile hate rhetoric that he claims he cannot tolerate. Perhaps he won't be able to respond to me on Twitter, because I'm sure my little reminder will spur him to immediately cancel his Twitter account.


WH Press Sec. Gibbs Learning Twitter

Robert Gibbs is the press secretary to the President of the United States. He deals with media and media people. A guy in his position should be savvy in all things dealing with communication, including web sites such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and so on. Incredibly, he is only now learning about Twitter - one of the most powerfully influential social media the Internet has ever produced. He calls it "the twitter," like your grandmother might. This afternoon, Gibbs finally tried out Twitter. His first posting ("tweet"): "Learning about 'the twitter' - easing into this with first tweet - any tips?" Gibbs' Twitter name is "PressSec". I went to his page at 6:46 p.m. CST on Saturday, February 13, 2010. I expected to find humorously stupid things there, but I could not have expected even Gibbs to be even this stupid. I was dumfounded to find that he has only just begun, had made only that one posting to his page, and - over year into his job - is still trying to get up to speed on a medium he should have mastered three years ago inside of a few hours. If you have any tips for Mr. Gibbs, log onto Twitter and post to @PressSec. He'll appreciate your helpful tips, I'm sure. RELATED: White House press corps no longer finds Robert Gibbs funny Robert Gibbs gets Twitter account - gets insulted immediately Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Stroger Tax Battle Will Be Tweeted Live by Tony Peraica

Drama! Action! Suspense! Peraica! The Cook County Board of Commissioners voted to roll back the "Stroger Sales Tax," but Pres. Todd Stroger vetoed that vote. Tomorrow, Dec. 1, the Board will try to override that veto. You can follow the action as Commissioner Tony Peraica sends out live tweets from the session in real time. Sez Tony on his Twitter page today: "Log on tomorrow at 10 AM for LIVE coverage of the Stroger Sales Tax veto override vote. I will tweet live as history is made." He's opitimistic, too. In another tweet today he wrote, "So far, it appears that 12 commissioners are holding FIRM to override Stroger veto." That's hopeful, since 11 votes are required to override. Peraica is a master tweeter, and he does not restrict himself to Cook County matters. A sampling of his recent tweets: Anti-corruption law: Supreme Court decision could derail ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich's trial -- - Daley Lies About TIF's: Experts have beef with Daley on TIF :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State: Chicago budget: Aldermen focus on ward issues rather than $370 million plan to dig deep into parking-meter reserves ... Powerful Piece: - Opinion: The Arabs Have Stopped Applauding Obama RELATED: Peraica vs. Daley, Stroger, Sims, et al Stroger to Peraica: "You Don't Know When to Shut Up" Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

Climategate on Twitter, Google and Democratic Underground

If you've been living under a rock for the past week, you might not have heard about the hacked emails that prove the hoax of global warming. Or, perhaps, you've tried to find info about it at Democratic Underground. Well, you need to catch up with that story now, and Democratic Underground is busy censoring comments about Climategate. Fortunately, Twitter and Google are not self-censoring. Twitter: search for #climategate and #copenhagen (include the hashmark.) Google: search for "climategate" (do Web, News and Blog searches) Don't expect to find many references to "climategate" over at Democratic Underground. They're busy purging any posts about the scandal. This one, for example, posted by "hopfen": Democratic Underground - Inhofe says he will call for ... 1 post - Last post: yesterdayInhofe says he will call for investigation on "climategate." Clicking that link on their site gets the following error message: Missing Topic If you have any questions, please contact the site administrator. Click here to go back to previous page. One of the biggest hoaxes in history has been exposed and it's a "missing topic" at Democratic Underground? Perhaps the "Underground" part of their name refers to their collective heads, which are apparently firmly shoved into the ground ostrich style. Fortunately, we found the cached version of that purged posting. We happily reproduce it here (emphasis added): hopfen (6 posts) Tue Nov-24-09 04:03 AM 91. The Scam In A Nut Shell JFK gives the President and the Press Speech. George H. W. Bush calls for a New World Order. Bush, Cheney, and Silverstein plant thermite in the WTC towers, blames it on Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida, a CIA operation setup by Zbigniew Brzezinski to fight the Orwellian Redcoat/Redshield Soviets in Afghanistan during the Carter administration. Silverstein doubles the property value of his investment. Bush and Cheney help the military industrial complex and destroy our vital civil liberties. The right are fooled into fighting islamic terrorism, much like Hitler blamed everything on the Jews, to setup a world dictatorship known as the NWO. Al Gore and a bunch of scientists collude to promote this global warming hoax with falsified data. Big oil, Rupert Murdoch, etc., is behind it because they will get monopoly powers, driving small business out of energy. Chevron funds sites like DailyKos to work for big oil to promote the global warming scam. Global warming is cyclical caused by the sun. Water is the only significant greenhouse gas. CO2 levels follow warming because it is released from warming oceans. Plant life increases, consuming the CO2, converting it to carbon and oxygen. Every climate scientist knows this. Al Gore becomes a billionaire on his cap-and-trade scam to benefit Al Gore and big oil. He promotes carbon taxes to fund a world dicatorship known as the NWO ran by the big corporations, not by democratic means. The same NWO George H. W. Bush and many others have talked about creating. The left are fooled into fighting global warming to setup and fund a world dicatorship known as the NWO. The rebel alliance strike back against the Empire... Scientists have confirmed thermite was found in the WTC dust. Unfortunately, only Cynthia McKinney was brave enough to come out and admit 9/11 was an inside job in the Congress. Hackers have shown the collusion, racketeering, conspiracy to commit fraud in what is called ClimateGate. Ron Paul, Alan Grayson, and other true conservatives and true liberals fight the Federal Reserve whose owners are central to the scam. And there is so much more to it all, but these are the key points. Baxter and lab-created, bio-engineered swine, avian, and spanish flu is another big part of it. They want to put bioweapons in the vaccines and make billions selling vaccines for the pandemic they created and hyped. They have already been caught doing just that on multiple occasions. They also put soft-kill profit-increasing ingredients of mercury so they can sell it in 10-shot vials rather than single-shot vials and adjuvants so they don't have to produce as much active ingredient. They also poison our water with the aluminum and fertilizer industry's toxic waste product known as sodium fluoride, or rat poison, in our water. Some nations have resisted this last part, but most of the U.S. and the rest of the world have been neoconned once again. A sick population is profit for big pharma. The eugenists, such as John P. Holdren in the Obama administration, and Paul R. Erhlich in the Bush administration, also fulfill their "sustainable development" goals of reducing the population. Rupert Murdoch, Ted Turner, George Soros, Bill Gates, Rockefellers, etc., are all eugenists. They want you enslaved or dead on what they view as their planet because they feel they are genetically superior to the rest of us and have a darwinistic right to rule. Leave a Comment Conservative T-Shirts Follow CNB on Twitter RSS Feed

Twitter Down, Some Users Cannot Connect

Update, 9:00 pm CDT: It's back up (for now). I could not connect to Twitter (as of 11:25 a.m. (CDT; 18 October). No problems with any other sites, so I went to Twitter Status ( and found this omnimous message: "Responding to network connectivity problems 56 minutes ago - We are currently investigating a problem whereby some Twitter clients in widely scattered network locations are unable to connect to" This occurs so frequently that I've added Twitter Status to my long list of links. A blog called "surroundings me" notes the spotty nature of the current problem: Unless the 400 or more people I follow on Twitter have all gone mute at the same time, I suspect that something’s wrong with Twitter, since I haven’t seen a new message for the last hour or so. A quick scan of Facebook–and Twitter’s own search engine–indicates that other people are seeing the same thing: We’re tweeting, it appears, but into a void. How meta! RELATED: Cyber attack? Glenn Beck exposes Obama's Internet takeover Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

My Feedburner Subscribers Increased by 63% Overnight!

On Sept. 15, I had 184 subscribers on my RSS feed. On October 13 (two days ago), I had 225 subscribers. That's 39 new subscribers over the course of four weeks. Not bad, but today Feedburner tells me that I have 357 subscribers! That's 132 new subscribers overnight. How? Why? Dunno, but I'm not complaining, mind you, just happily bewildered. However, looking at my Feedburner analytics, I see that I have 142 subscribers through FriendFeed alone. A distant second is Google Feedfetcher. A brief note about FriendFeed is in order. It's an application that is used to enhance your Twitter experience. I joined it only a few weeks ago and, like Twitter, it can exponentially increase the number of hits you get on your web site. As FriendFeed describes itself, "Read and share however you want — from your email, your phone or even from Facebook. Publish your FriendFeed to your website or blog, or to services you already use, like Twitter." It's a great application, and I haven't even been using it very often. Once you're in however, your posts (tweets) replicate themselves (if they're good) as other users re-tweet them. Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

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Can Twitter Compete With Google?

Google is the most popular search engine in the U.S., if not the world. There is much more to Google, of course: e-mail service ("g-mail"), highly specialized search options, widgets and gadgets, analyitics, and so on. So, can Twitter compete? Probably not, at least not in a way that would knock Google off the top of the mountain. Stan Schroeder writes in his Mashable column that Twitter is currently "great for tracking conversations, but it will never be a competitor to Google." However, he adds, "This is about to change. According to CNET, Twitter’s new VP of Operations, Santosh Jayaram, said that Twitter search will soon start crawling the links included in tweets. There’s a lot of links there, and given Twitter’s huge growth, soon these links might comprise a hefty portion of the overall web, making it a much more complete search engine that it currently is. It’s a big technical leap, but it shows that the folks at Twitter are serious about search." Full column at CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter

Hamthrax, Aporkalypse, Snoutbreak, Porkinson's and Hamdemic

Gallows humor, or hamless (I mean, harmless) fun? TinaTonic posted her "fave new terms" for swine flu: hamthrax, aporkalypse, snoutbreak, porkinson's and hamdemic. Tina also noted that Twitter is "a FUNNY PLACE," and admitted that she got the list from fellow tweeter alisonwaring. You can see the thousands of swine flu postings ("tweets") at the "#swineflu" group on Twitter. Some are hysterically funny, some are bad attempts at being funny, and some are serious tweets with news updates. You don't have to be a member to view it. Just click here. CommieBama Hats and More Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Follow ChiNewsBench on Twitter