May 11, 2020

KABOOM! Trump's #ObamaGate Tweets BLOW UP Twitter

Twitter suppressed #OBAMAGATE in United States trends
It was a sight to behold. On Sunday, May 10, the hashtag #ObamaGate blew up Twitter. It quickly hit over a million tweets, and then the real fun began.

Late Sunday night the hashtag neared two million tweets, and every few minutes it picked up another 100,000.

UPDATE: At 4:26 AM EDT, #OBAMAGATE vanished from Twitter's "United States trends" list. It seems my cartoon (top left) foretold the future. Yet, the hashtag was STILL showing with 2.29 million tweets in "Australia trends" and "Canada trends." 

The whole thing got a jump start from two tweets by President Trump.  His "tweetstorm came after his administration's controversial move to drop charges against Flynn, who had been accused of lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia before Trump took office," said The Hill on Sunday night.

Also because of these tweets by President Trump at 2:11 PM EDT, Sunday:
And then, this at 9:10 PM EDT, Sunday :
You might be asking just what "Obamagate" is all about. In a nutshell, it's about how the Obama Administration (allegedly) conspired to take down Donald Trump — even before he was elected president. So, let's dig in...

Obamagate is about the fake Russian dossier, the persecution of Gen. Michael Flynn, and much more. It's long and convoluted, but this brief video by Fox News's Jesse Watters (below)  probably gives the most concise summary of "Obamagate" available.

For more in-depth reporting, I strongly recommend the following:

Why is Obama Panicking Now? – The Importance of Understanding Political Surveillance In The Era of President Obama: It's a long but very worthwhile deep analysis at The Conservative Treehouse of how the Obama Administration colluded, conspired, and violated laws to target Trump and people around him.
UPDATE 5/14/2020: Joe Biden was a central player in the mess...

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