Showing posts with label Leftists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leftists. Show all posts

How the Left Destroys Words

Political correctness destroys the accuracy of language

President Trump (left) and George "Moonface" Conway (right)
President Trump (Photo: Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images);
George Conway (Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

This is a subject that could fill a 700-page book, but here I want to examine just a few recent examples that inspired me to write this post.

In summary, the recent coronavirus crisis has a lot of Leftists prickly about the word "Chinese" and use "Asian" instead.

This is akin to the Leftists' aversion to the word "Oriental," in my opinion, which many still (incorrectly) assume is ethnically derogatory. President Trump recently called someone "moonface," which many Leftists (incorrectly) assumed to be an ethnic slur.

On May 4, Trump called George Conway "moonface." He's the husband of Trump's White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, and although he's "conservative," he's a big Never-Trumper.

Trump and Conway's bitter public feud goes back a long time. That culminated in the now-infamous "Moonface" tweet from the President, which immediately set off a firestorm of outraged screams of "racist!" from the Left.
Kurt Schlichter, Senior Columnist at, tweeted this gem the next day in response:
What Schlichter was saying, of course, was that Leftists would pounce on Trump's use of "Moonface" as "racist." And, predictably, they did.
Was Trump's "Moonface" tweet in poor taste? Yes. But racist? Absolutely not, and the tweet by Victoria Brownworth (@VABVOX) is based on a falsehood: "Moonface" (or "moon face") is not a "common ethnic slur" for any group, let alone "Asians." Search Google for "moon face -trump -conway -orangeface" (that filters out the recent noise about Trump's tweet).

That search does not bring up "ethnic slur," "Asian," or "Chinese." In fact, the overwhelming majority of the Google returns are about "moon face" as a medical condition. 

Merriam-Webster gives this definition of "moon face":
moon face    noun
variants: or moon facies
Medical Definition of moon face: the full rounded facies characteristic especially of Cushing's syndrome and typically associated with deposition of fat
The condition of "moon face" can also be a side effect of the drug Prednisone.

Merriam-Webster defines "moonfaced":
Definition of moonfaced: having a round face 
Examples of moonfaced in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web// His moonfaced son, drunk and sweaty, smelling like grass.— Emma Cline, The New Yorker, "Son of Friedman," 24 June 2019
First Known Use of moonfaced 
1619, in the meaning defined above
Do either of those definitions sound like "a common ethnic slur for Asians?" Not to me.

When was the last time you heard anybody use "moon face" to besmirch Asians? If it's a "common ethnic slur," as Victory Brownworth claims, then surely you've heard it. Surely it would come up as such in a Google search. Right? Ironically, Brownworth's Twitter profile says she is an "Award-winning investigative journo." Yet she failed to investigate the term "moonface." Maybe she doth protest too much: Do her comrades in the Leftist echo chamber in which she dwells use the term "moonface" to describe Asians? Why else would she think that very rarely used "slur" is "common?"

Comparing George Conway to Average Filipino Faces
Some other leftists are mistakenly claiming that Kellyanne Conway is "half Filipino." She's not. Her mother Diane Fitzpatrick is of Italian descent and her father John Fitzpatrick is of Irish ancestry, according to her bio.

George Conway is half-Filipino on his mother's side. However, Trump was probably not remarking on his ethnicity but, rather, on his physical appearance. Conway is, after all, a pudgy, dumpy moonfaced little man. His appearance is not obviously Filipino. George Conway's fat doughy face actually resembles someone who might have Cushing's syndrome. He appears to have, well, a moon face.

World of Facial AveragesTo all of the pearl-clutching, Trump-hating Leftists out there who are horrified by the term "moon face," check yourselves and your comrades for your years-long, incessant, and deliberately cruel deriding the President for his physical appearance: weight, "orange" skin, hair, etc.

This brings us back to how Leftists are misusing (and abusing) the word "Asian."

The Philippines is considered to be part of Asia, and George Conway is half-Filipino – therefore, he's half-Asian.

However, Brownworth and others are saying that "Moonface is a common ethnic slur for Asians." We've already shown that this is not true, but the bigger point here is – which Asians do they mean?

There are many countries and ethnicities on that vast, multicultural continent, as seen in the small sampling of typical Asian faces (left).

Asia is much more than just China. It stretches from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to Japan in the east, from Russia's Siberia in the north to India, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea in the south.

The 2020 population of Asia is approximately 4.6 billion. The 2020 population of China alone is approximately 1.4 billion. So, about 70% of Asia is not "Chinese," and China has at least 56 ethnic groups within its borders.

My tweeted response (with a map of Asia) to Brownworth ask her just that:
To say that "moonface is a common slur against Asians" is absurd. Not only is that untrue, but it's also about as accurate as saying that everyone in North America is white. Not everyone in Asia looks the same. Not every Filipino looks like George Conway. There is, fact, a great variety of facial types in Asia. In their attempt to be politically correct, Leftists like Brownworth are, ironically, racist by means of stereotyping and homogenizing several billion humans.

There's this madness from The Washington Post: "Trump has no qualms about calling coronavirus the ‘Chinese Virus.’ That’s a dangerous attitude, experts say." This opinion piece, written by Allyson Chiu, essentially preaches that referring to something by its point of origin is evil, xenophobic, and promotes violence.

I searched and searched but could not find anything by Ms. Chiu in which she admonished us to stop saying "African swine flu" or "West Nile virus." I wonder why that is. After all, she must have been horrified by the waves of violent mobs attacking Africans because of those names. Weren't you?

"Jenn" is an "Asian American race &  feminist blogger." Given that, you might think she would know that "Asian" is not a race. She should know that while much of the world blames the government of China for COVID-19, NOBODY blames the Chinese people.... or India, Pakistan, Lebanon, Vietnam, or any other Asian country. But, sadly, she doesn't and this is typical dumb-think by Leftists:
And of course, the media love to encourage this dumb-think:
We've had the Left lecturing us that calling COVID-19 "Chinese Virus" is racist. It's gotten to the point where some on the Left don't even like to acknowledge that it originated in China. There's a logic of sorts to not naming future diseases after their place of origination, and give them bland names such as COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019). But it is also logical to wonder where that blandly named disease came from because knowing that can give important clues as to its epidemiology.

The deadly Asian giant hornet
The deadly HOVID-19
Diseases, of course, are not the only things that have been named for the place that they were first known.

The actual name of "murder hornets" is "Asian giant hornets." Why? Because they originated in Asia. Many liberals say that calling coronavirus (COVID-19) the "Chinese Virus" is racist. Some even think that saying it's from China is racist.

So why, then, isn't the term "Asian giant hornets" racist?

Give it time. Some leftie will propose calling them HOVID-19 (Hornets Vicious Dangerous 2019).

If missiles hit civilians in a war zone, would it be racist to say that "Russian missiles" or "American missiles" were responsible? Is it racist to say "Washington apples," "Danish pastry," or "Italian opera?"

This made me hungry. I'm going to my favorite Oriental restaurant tonight to get some Chinese food. I just love Asian cuisine.

Related Items:

Homicidal Occupier Says "Kill Billionaires"

Too many of those loons on the Left are like this guy, who said, "I tell you right now. I am for killing billionaires."

And you thought Occupiers were just a bunch of drug-addled rapists? You were wrong. Some of them openly advocate mass murder, too. They would have no problem with killing people just to further their sick agenda. That's class warfare: Literally.

Why stop with billionaires? Why not millionaires, too? Why not everyone earning over $250,000 a year? This is frightening. The video here was made on September 17, 2012 in Zuccotti Park, New York City, which has been ground zero for the Occupy movement for just over a year. (Continues below the video.) The murderous leftists in the top video here are so stupid that they believe that no billionaires create jobs. Really? Apparently they've never heard of people such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and even George Soros, all of whom create jobs.

Video: Occupy Scum Hold "F-ck The 4th" Day, Burn U.S. Flag

Occupy Oakland flag burners, 4 July 2012
Occupy Oakland flag burning scum, 4 July 2012
July 7, 2012 - There's nothing like a good old flag burning and vandalizing rampage to celebrate U.S. Independence Day. That is, if you're a hate filled liberal piece of crap like the rats of Occupy Oakland.

This video below shows a group of anti-American vermin who burned at least one U.S. flag, yell "f*ck da PO-lees" a bunch of times and set fire to at least one garbage bin. I'm not sure what symbolism the burning of a garbage bin holds, but to these mental midgets it was apparently a huge victory over, well over garbage I suppose. That's ironic, because they are human garbage, two-legged sewer chunks, ill-educated morons who think they're Marxists, and the natural useful idiots of the Left.

According to the, over 60 Occupy Oakland protesters "marched through downtown Wednesday night, spray-painting anti-police slogans on police headquarters and other buildings, vandalizing a police car and setting at least one garbage bin on fire..." MercuryNews reported that the Occupy vermin also "spray-painted a patrol car parked near Seventh and Washington streets, punctured one of its tires and broke a window."

Viewer Advisory: Foul Language, Lousy Music.
Thanks to the Republican Party Animals (RPA) for calling attention to this very special July 4th Liberal Hatefest.

The original video (left) was posted to a pro-Occupy page on YouTube ("pfailblog") on July 5th. RPA posted a partial copy to their YouTube page the next day and wrote a brief commentary about the event and the video at their website.


Chicago Media Flummoxed by Anti-Fascist Mob Attack In Tinley Park

May 20, 2012 - A bizarre attack in a restaurant left ten people injured after they were attacked by a group with baseball bats and hammers. Three people were hospitalized, but other victims declined treatment, according to Oak Lawn Patch. Tinley Park, Illinois is a normally quiet suburban town about 30 miles southwest of downtown Chicago (see map), but at 12:45 p.m. yesterday all hell broke loose at the Ashford House Restaurant at 7959 W. 159th Street.

The apparent reason for the attack: The victims are neo-Nazis. The attackers are "Antifa," or Anti-Fascists. The meeting that was attacked was the annual White Nationalist Economic Summit and Illinois White Nationalist Meet-and-Greet.

Antifa is a brutal international Marxist group that has "staged violence attacks all over Europe. Antifa targets members of right-wing groups and its member frequently go from country to country to beat the hell out of people they don't like. "One of the ongoing projects of the gang in Germany is to vandalize Thor Steinar clothing stores," says Council of Conservative Citizens. "The group claims that the Arab-owned clothing line caters to 'Nazis' by putting Viking/Norse imagery on some of their t-shirts." In other words, Antifa is a composed of hypersensitive commie thugs who love to bang hammers over peoples heads.

Editor's Note: Before we continue, I want to make it clear that I am no fan of neo-Nazis or fascists. However, I am also no fan of violent leftists who take it upon themselves to beat people up as self appointed vigilante posses. The White nationalists were not attacking anybody; they were dining and discussing. The attackers were not acting in self defense, and their actions are inexcusable. In short, the "anti-fascists" were acting very much like fascist SS troopers.
Cute logo for vicious vigilantes

The white nationalist group numbered about 12 to 15 people. Witnesses say there were about 15 to 18 attackers, who wore hooded black jackets. The attackers wore black hoods and masks. The incident itself is confusing, but the media response to it, and coverage of it, is also confusing. None of the local media explained what Antifa is or mentioned that this was not the first time that Antifa has acted violently in Chicago.


Amazingly, the Chicago Tribune story on May 19 made no use of the words "fascists," "antifa," "racist" or "Nazi."  Perhaps reporters Dennis Sullivan and Dawn Rhodes just completely missed this important aspect of the story or, perhaps, the Tribune's editors decided it would be safer to simply omit it.

Weird logo for weird assholes
Fox Detroit did a lot better. They led a May 20 report about the incident with reference to an "anti-racist organization," which they identified later in the story as a group that calls itself "Anti-Racist Action (ARA)," which claimed credit for the horrible attack. According to the Fox report, "ARA claimed that the activists were privy to "anonymous inside information" about the meeting, which it said was organized on the White Nationalist website Stormfront. The ARA website published photos of the alleged organizers and their contact information." (The ARA website is

One of the more confusing reports came in waves from Patch. Their initial headline on May 19 was "Mob Attacked Specific Group of People Inside Tinley Park Restaurant."  The story appeared under the same headline in several local Patch sites, all near Tinley Park. With the recent spate of black-on-white mob attacks in the wake of the Trayvon Martin case, such a headline was immediately confusing to readers. "Specific Group?" What the hell does that mean? To Patch's credit, they did break the story. However, it was other news outlets that sorted out the facts and present them in a cohesive, easy-to-read manner. While Patch mentioned an "anti-racist website," they did not give the name of that website or a link to it, nor did they identity the ARA as the owner of the website - or as the perpetrators of the violence. The Patch team talked to people at the restaurant and to police, but did not do any very basic research on the Internet to learn anything - or tell anything to readers - about the ARA.

Patch logo: P in the grass
Palos Patch's story on May 19 started with, "At this time, it has been reported that a group of 15 to 18 people dressed in black entered the establishment and began an altercation with a specific group of people dining in the restaurant." However, Palos Patch gives no indication as to what was meant by "this time." Their story had no time stamp. They offered a link to "real time updates" from other Patch reporters at the Tinley Park Patch. While there is some good information there, it is a difficult read because the updates are in little chunks and in reverse chronological order, like a disjointed email conversation. It was, to put it crudely, a clusterpatch.

The absolute worst report, in my opinion, has to be from NBC Chicago. They completely missed the reality of the story, as indicated by their headline: "Men With Bats, Hammers Invade Wedding Shower." Wedding?!? Hey, NBC, this was not about a wedding shower. Sure, there was one going on at the Ashford House Restaurant, but the ARA was not there for that. NBC made no mention of the white nationalists, either.

Let's go back to Patch, this time the one in Oak Forest, Illinois. They posted an update on May 20 at 5:32 p.m. with the headline "Target of Saturday's Attack Believed to be White Supremacists, Mayor Says." Okay, fine, Patch has acknowledged the white supremacist angle of the story... more than 24 hours after most other reports did. In fact, Oak Forest Patch got that from the Chicago Tribune, in the story referred to above. The Trib posted that story at 1:16 p.m. today, four hours before Patch's update. Sadly, that Tribune story, as I already pointed out, made no mention of the ARA. Neither did the Patch "update."

Bottom line: All of the attackers are white. All of the victims are white. Police were holding five people as of the afternoon of May 19. For the best coverage of this Chicago-area story, go to Fox News Detroit.

Black Bloc Tactics Exposed: Yes, Anarchists Really Are Violent


Such nice kids.  Photo source: TheBlaze
"Black Bloc" Tactics are used by anarchists in the United States and worldwide. Dressed in all-black "uniforms," the black bloc thugs are out to vandalize and destroy both private and public property. Here is a look at how black bloc anarchists operate, with excerpts from a self-professed anarchist's online "pamphlet" that gives how-to advice to his violent comrades.

Black bloc wants violence. You can this clearly by the way a line of black bloc thugs, at 0:27 in the video below, walk right up to a line of police and deliberately shove into them. The cops reacted as they should have, and exactly as the black bloc'ers expected them to. If you are ever near a "peaceful" protest, keep your eyes open for people dressed in black, especially with their faces partially or fully covered. Put as much distance between you and them as you can, because their intention is to provoke the police to violent action. "Antifa" (so-called "anti-fascists") make frequent use of black bloc's violent methods and tactics.

If somebody gets hurt by their tactics, they feel no guilt. They advocate the injuring and even killing of police officers. While the majority of "Occupy" movement people do not support such tactics, the black blocs are tied to Occupy. Black bloc goons are in Chicago for the NATO Summit.

Here's an "inside look" at Antifa / Black bloc (VICE, 2017).

There is simply no equivalent of black bloc activity within - or even loosely associated with - the Tea Party movement. Although many Occupiers are peaceful protesters, videos show again and again that plenty of them join the black bloc thugs in their destructive actions, or simply stand aside and allow them to freely throw their Molotov cocktails, rocks, and whatever else is at hand. Some Occupiers, like those in the videos here, openly say that they support the "right" of some to use black bloc tactics.

MIKE CASTLE has a lot of insider info about black bloc tactics on his website. Castle, a self-described "technologist," says of himself, "I make software, mostly for the web and Android, as Roasted Vermicelli. I talk about stuff on Off the Hook. I also bike, cook, and agitate for a better world."

I suppose Castle's idea of a "better world" is one in which self-appointed SS-wannabe amateur storm troopers use anarchist methods to trash innocent merchants' storefront windows.

Of black bloc, Castle says that "The Black Bloc has gained alot of publicity in the past two years. What people dont understand is that the Black Bloc is not an organization or a group. It is a tactic. It helps reinforce security and execute our goal in the presence of high-profile demonstrations.
Typical black bloc "uniforms" 
From Seattle WTO to the most recent action in Genoa, the Black Bloc has certainly been the main focus by the media and the police in major demonstrations. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce newer and better tactics into the struggle."  That, and more, can be found at one of Castle's web pages, where he presents "a pamphlet" for his fellow anarchists.

"In it's essential form," he wrote, "each participant of a Black Bloc wears somewhat of a uniform.... The idea of wearing this uniform is that if every single person in the Bloc looks relatively alike, it is hard for the police to determine which individual did what."

"For instance," Castle advised, "if a Black Bloc participant throws a brick at a store window and runs into the Bloc, she will easily blend in with everyone else.

However, if a person wearing normal street clothes happens to throw a brick and run into the Bloc, chances are that she will have been filmed or photographed and later caught by the police."

Anarchists are violent. Castle admits this. He advises his fellow black bloc'ing anarchists to "wear the uniform" to keep them from being identified by police.

"Law enforcement has been known to film and take photos of random activists and keep files on those individuals," wrote Castle. "This can lead to problems in the future. It's better to be safe than in jail."

"Be creative," he urges his fellow black-clad thugs. "Build off the info on this site and never give up."

Still not convinced that these people are bent on being destructive?

"This pamphlet is essential reading for anyone who is associated with groups that advocate and/or utilize sabotage, theft, arson and more militant tactics," Castle's "pamphlet" says. "The advice herein also applies to anyone who is associated with groups that practice civil disobedience, especially since membership often overlaps and gossip travels freely between groups."

I'm all for civil disobedience, as long as it is actually civil. Castle and his fellow hoodlums, though, don't seem to understand that utilizing sabotage, theft and arson is not civil. In case you're still not convinced that these people are dangerous - very dangerous - you need to read Castle's section about weapons

"Homemade explosives work very well in riots," he noted. "There is a huge history of the military using homemade explosives in war, so if it works for them, it can work against them. Click on the links for construction methods."  Those links lead to details about how to make the following items (descriptions are Castle's):
  • Molotov Cocktails-The most popular choice in street fighting weaponry. A very useful and effective explosive, made purely of house hold items. 
  • Smoke Bombs-These easily attainable or homemade items are great when dealing with illegal situations. It can shield any media or police cameras from catching anyone on film participating in an illegal act. It can also disorient the police when they are advancing on the crowd. For construction methods, click on the link. 
  • Fuel-Fertilizer Explosives-These will create an overwhelmingly large explosion and should be practiced in large faraway places like the desert before using. Make sure that you will not injure anyone that you do not intend to injure. 
  • Pipe Bombs-Not really the best explosive to use in a street fight but it still works. Causes lots of good damage. 
  • Draino Bomb-A small bomb that is very risky to use. To be used on cars only. Be careful! 
  • Soda Bottle Bomb-A somewhat biowarfare bomb made from aluminum foil and pool acid. The fumes should not be inhaled by anyone you do not want to inhale them. 
  • Match Head Bomb-A small bomb of match heads. Not too fabulous. 
Mr. Castle is a compassionate advocate of terrorism, so he gives this loving advice to his readers: "Remember: Be careful and responsible with these explosives. Don't blow yourself up, or any of your comrades! Don't get caught!"

Three NATO Protesters Charged in Chicago Terror Plot, PLUS Special Insider Info About Black Bloc Anarchists (UPDATED)

See section below about "black bloc" anarchist tactics

May 19, 2012 - Three anti-NATO protesters in Chicago, arrested on Wednesday, have been formally charged with providing material support for terrorism, conspiracy to commit terrorism and possession of explosives.

Prosecutors allege that the trio was planning to attack Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's home, Barack Obama's campaign headquarters and more. The three men are Brent Vincent Betterly, 24, of Oakland Park, Fla.; Jared Chase, 24, of Keene, N.H; Brian Church, 20, of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

Mugshots from Chicago Police Department
Left to Right:  Brent Vincent Betterly, 24, of Oakland Park, Fla.;
Jared Chase, 24, of Keene, N.H; Brian Church, 20, of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
"The suspects were each being held on $1.5 million bond," reports USA Today. "They apparently came to Chicago late last month to take part in May Day protests. Six others arrested Wednesday in the raid were released Friday without being charged.

Chicago police Lt. Kenneth Stoppa declined to elaborate on the case beyond confirming the charges against the three who were still in custody. Police identified the suspects as Brian Church, 20, of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Jared Chase, 24, of Keene, New Hampshire; and Brent Vincent Betterly, 24."

UPDATE, MAY 20: Fourth person arrested: Chicago-resident Sebastian Senakiewicz, 24, was arrested Thursday and charged with one count of terrorism/false threat...

Chicago Police say the three men are self-described anarchists, members of the "Black Bloc" movement, which, says The Guardian (UK), "that has disrupted international gatherings in the past, were arrested on Wednesday and charged on Friday with conspiracy to commit terrorism, providing material support for terrorism and possession of an explosive incendiary device."

"The men had been making Molotov cocktails out of empty beer bottles filled with gasoline and fitted with cut bandanas for fuses," Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez said in a press conference. [See video, above.] "It is pretty clear from the evidence they were making the bombs," Alvarez said. "There was a lot of discussion about making these Molotov cocktails and what they were going to do with them."

However, The Guardian and many other media are getting the Black bloc (small "b") wrong. It's not a movement, it's a method of protest.

The Chicago Sun-Times got it right. They accurately reported that "Participants wear black clothes, bandanas, masks and anything else to conceal their identities from the police. Black blocs first drew the attention of mainstream America in 1999 during demonstrations against the World Trade Organization in Seattle. A black bloc went on the offensive, bashing windows of many businesses in downtown Seattle including Starbucks, Gap and other businesses with a global reach. Black bloc vandals also damaged property during the 2010 G-20 meeting in Toronto."

Black Bloc Tactics:

Typical black bloc "uniforms" 
A guy named Mike Castle has a lot of insider info about black bloc tactics on his website. Castle, a self-described "technologist," says of himself, "I make software, mostly for the web and Android, as Roasted Vermicelli. I talk about stuff on Off the Hook. I also bike, cook, and agitate for a better world."

I suppose Castle's idea of a "better world" is one in which self-appointed SS-wannabe amateur storm troopers use anarchist methods to trash innocent merchants' storefront windows.

Of black bloc, Castle says that "The Black Bloc has gained a lot of publicity in the past two years. What people dont understand is that the Black Bloc is not an organization or a group. It is a tactic. It helps reinforce security and execute our goal in the presence of high-profile demonstrations."

They are worldwide, these destroyers. "From Seattle WTO to the most recent action in Genoa," said Castle, "the Black Bloc has certainly been the main focus by the media and the police in major demonstrations. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce newer and better tactics into the struggle." Still not convinced that these people are bent on being destructive?  READ MORE about Black Bloc here...

Related: An Intimate History of Antifa - New Yorker Magazine

The Sickening Hypocrisy of the Left (Video)

I've often spoken and written about the Left's penchant for advocating violence against their political opponents. Not only is that the case, but the Left is unabashedly hypocritical about it. Remember their empty, cynical, politically calculated calls for "civility" in the wake of the shooting of Rep. Giffords? Sure you do. You gagged on that, didn't you? This video offers one of the best illustrations I've seen of that sad truth. It's a must-share, especially good to send to your liberal acquaintances who don't believe you when you say that the Left is a festering pot of hateful goo. Enjoy!

Greek Parliament Passes New Austerity Program | 'Explosion of Rage' as Rioters Torch Buildings, Police

February 13, 2012:  GREECE'S PARLIAMENT HAS PASSED A NEW AUSTERITY PROGRAM in the very early morning hours of Monday, February 13 (local date). The MPs voted even as the streets outside were in violent turmoil, the result of riots that started several days ago.

"The historic vote paves the way for Greece's European partners and the International Monetary Fund to release euro130 billion ($171 billion)," the Associated Press reports, "in new rescue loans without which Greece would default on its debt mountain next month and likely leave the eurozone — a scenario that would further roil global markets.

"After three days of rioting, the Greek parliament Sunday approved a new set of austerity measures that are likely to cause much pain for its already-struggling citizens," says an Associated Press report. "The measures clear the way for the nation to reduce its debt and gain another bailout from the other European nations and the International Monetary Fund. Greeks took to the streets Friday in protest of cuts including a 22-percent drop in the minimum wage. This comes with the unemployment rate over 20 percent and the economy in the fifth year of a recession. Riots and fires continued all throughout the weekend."

Greece fire ~ The Telegraph
"The 200-74 vote was passed against a backdrop of serious violence on the streets Athens," says The Telegraph (UK), "and in other Greek towns and cities, including the holiday islands of Corfu and Crete."

Rioting has been destructive in Athens. This has the potential of increasing the intensity of the violent protests. Greek leftists have been using destruction and violence to protest the of deep cuts in government programs and employment if Greece adopts yet another austerity program. Rioters have thrown petrol bombs  and Molotov cocktails at police and torched more than 10 buildings, some historic. The government is faced with complete insolvency if it does not take more, very deep austerity measures.

Violence erupted on Sunday as over 100,000 protesters marched to parliament to rally against drastic austerity cuts that will axe one in five public service jobs and slash the minimum wage by more than a fifth. In October, 2011 the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European nations gave Greece a new aid package. That was in addition to the May, 2010 bailout of 110 billion euros. It was hoped that those funds would help Greece to survive until 2016. It was not enough, however.

Athens police attacked with petrol bomb ~ Daily Mail
"On March 20, Greece faces a EUR14.4 billion bond redemption that it cannot pay unless it secures that aid," reported the Wall Street Journal today. "That has raised the specter of a disorderly default by the country, which would make it the first country in the history of the euro to do so."

Leftist protesters are using the wanton destruction of public and private property to protest the bitter medicine that's needed to cure Greece's catastrophic economic ills.

The rioters and their sympathizers have caused and cultivated those ills by demanding more and more socialism over the decades. Like a junkie who just realized he's run out of drugs, the rioters are reacting violently in an infantile attempt to get more.

"Police have fought running battles in central Athens," reports The Australian, "as Greek MPs debated legislation that would introduce severe austerity measures to stave off bankruptcy. The riots engulfed central Athens with at least 10 buildings in flames in mass protests as MPs prepared for the historic parliamentary vote on tough austerity measures. TV footage showed a three-storey corner building completely consumed by flames with riot officers looking on from the street, and firefighters trying to douse the blaze. A closed cinema, a bank, a mobile phone dealership, a glassware store and a cafeteria were among the burning buildings, the fire department said."

"Historic cinemas, cafes and shops went up in flames," says The Daily Mail, "as Greek riot police struggled to pin down black-masked anti-austerity protesters roaming around central Athens ... Youths fought with police outside parliament for hours."

Earlier, the Mail reported that "Legislators are hoping to secure the deeply unpopular multi-billion-euro bailout and avert what Prime Minister Lucas Papademos warned would be 'economic chaos'. But as parliament began debating the bill anger over the new round of cuts spread and riots broke out again outside the building."

Not content with destroying property, some rioters used homemade bombs in an attempt to kill or maim police: "The air over Syntagma Square outside parliament was thick with tear gas," The Mail say, "as riot police fought running battles with youths who smashed marble balustrades and hurled stones and petrol bombs."

To be fair, however, not all leftists in Greece are acting that way. Greece's Socialist party leader George Papandreou, says WSJ, again called on lawmakers on Sunday "to support a tough package of reforms the country must take to secure a new 130-billion-euro ($178 billion) aid package from its international creditors." Papandreou made his remarks before a parliamentary vote on a loan memorandum "with Greece's European partners and the International Monetary Fund," and he "defended the austerity measures despite widespread belief in his party that the previous loan terms had driven the economy deep into recession."

Prime Minister Lucas Papademos's government, says The Australian, is "an unlikely coalition of the majority Socialists and their main foes, the conservative New Democracy." They speculate that  the austerity measure is expected to "carry the vote, even by a narrow margin."

"There are very few such moments in the history of a nation," Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said. "Our country has an acute issue of survival," and "The question is not whether some salaries and pensions will be curtailed, but whether we will be able to pay even these reduced wages and pensions," he added. "When you have to choose between bad and worse, you will pick what is bad to avoid what is worse."
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Herman Cain's Attorney Tells Piers Morgan That The Media Suck

December 1, 2011 - Herman Cain's attorney Lin Wood stood his ground nicely this evening as a guest on "Piers Morgan Tonight" (CNN). Effete Leftist water boy Morgan interviewed Wood, concentrating on the recent allegations by Ginger White of having a 13-year "affair" with Cain. Morgan, unhappy that Wood was not caving in, was contentious and actually called him "naive" more than once. Morgan seemed unable to comprehend Wood's repeated argument that none of the accusations against Cain have been proven to be true.

"I'm sorry if you find me naive," Wood said, "or if you find my statements about Mr. Cain preposterous." Referring to What I find naive is the failure on the part of the members of the media to be asking the tough questions of the accusers.

Wood said several times that the media should be asking equally tough questions of the women who are accusing Cain of wrongdoing, Morgan kept shifting from feigned indignity to partial stupor. Great back-and-forth here, worth watching. Lin Wood held his ground nicely.

#OccupyWallStreet Is Occupied by Socialists, SEIU, ACORN

A funny photo manipulation by buddy "Irony Curtain" at the funniest blog on Earth, iOwnTheWorld. IC is poking fun at the pitifully misdirected saps who have fooled themselves into believing that they've actually "occupied" Wall Street, and that at any moment the bankers and moneylords will fall to their knees and give in to their fuzzy, ill-defined demands. Many of the participants, in fact, are paid to be there and don't really care about the purported goals of this bad imitation of a revolution.
Let's analyze the graphic above. What do the "Vacancy" labels on people's heads mean? Well, it means that their minds are devoid of any real thought processes. They accept the wacky propaganda and marching orders of their Leftist overlords. Some of us call these people "drones," because they are remotely controlled by their masters. Who are their masters? ACORN and the SEIU, that's who. Don't believe me? In this video, an organizer with the Working Families Party (WFP) talks about her involvement as an organizer of #occupywallstreet from day one. The WFP is "is a minor political party in the United States founded in New York in 1998," according to an entry about the Working Families Party at Wikipedia. WFP is not a national party, but has satellite partners in Connecticut, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Delaware, Vermont and Oregon, but there is as yet no national WFP. Wikipedia also says that the NY WFP "was first organized in 1998 by a coalition of labor unions, ACORN and other community organizations...." That Wikipedia entry, by the way, seems to be authored by the WFP itself, as it reads exactly like the Working Families Party website. That's enough. I think you get the point. WFP is a socialist organization that "blends a culture of political organizing with unionism, 1960s idealism, and tactical pragmatism. The party's main issue concerns are jobs, health care, education and energy/environment. It has usually cross-endorsed Democratic or Republican candidates through fusion voting, but has occasionally run its own candidates." Like their partners ACORN and SEIU, WFP is no stranger to dirty politics and election hanky panky. WFP are currently involved in a ballot fraud case in Rensselaer County, New York. There, a city councilman and a local WFP leader were witnesses yesterday in a special county grand jury investigating absentee-ballot fraud. According to the Times Union, the case centers around allegations "that nine Democratic officials and party workers forged the ballot applications and ballots of voters, many of whom lived in city public housing. The inquiry so far has resulted in the guilty plea of former City Clerk William McInerney and indictment of Councilman Michael LoPorto and County Democratic Elections Commissioner Edward McDonough." That handsome man on the far left (no pun intended) of the photo is film maker and serial liar Michael Moore. He's a drone too. The only difference between Moore and the average drone, however, is about 350 pounds and the fact that he's a hypocritical millionaire capitalist. What is meant by "Occupied" on the signs in the photo? Well, that's irony, kids. The drones of #occupywallstreet think that they've occupied Wall Street, but in reality they're little brains have been occupied by the likes of ACORN and the SEIU. That's right, they're unwitting puppets of special interests. Still don't believe me? Watch that video again.

Hundreds of Liberals Protest Obama's Birthday Bash in Chicago

Uptown, Chicago - On Wednesday, August 3, as many as 300 liberals demonstrated their displeasure with President Obama. They did so in Uptown, a far north neighborhood of Chicago along the shoreline of Lake Michigan. My good friend John Ruberry covered the unhappy campers in Uptown in his post, "Leftists protest Obama at 50th birthday party fundraiser in Chicago."

I lived in Uptown for two years, from late 2008 to late 2010, about two blocks from the Aragon. That's where the Obama birthday bash was held. Uptown is one of the most violent neighborhoods on Chicago's north side (as I have reported many times here on Chicago News Bench). I have personally photographed more than one murder scenes within a few blocks of the Aragon over the past three years (see here and here and here).

The protesters listed many reasons for being unhappy with Obama, as seen on their homemade signs. One reason for them to be unhappy with Obama, however, was apparently missing: He is one of the least "green" presidents we've had to suffer. As with so many of his lavish trips, Obama and his birthday entourage left a big fat carbon footprint. "Hypocrites," says the National Review, in their post titled "Trying to Add Up the Carbon Footprint of Obama’s Birthday Bashes."

The Aragon, by the way, did not turn a single light out for Earth Hour last year.

Big Money and Circuses in Battleground Wisconsin

July 31, 2011 - Madison, WI - There is tainted cheese in Wisconsin. Let's call it 'blue cheese' for the blue Leftists who are spreading its stink around the America's Dairyland in the days leading up to Republican recall elections in August. Democrats and the Left are concentrating hard on Wisconsin because it is seen as a test for Obama's own performance in 2012Of course, conservatives are also pouring money into the recall process.

There are, of course, the traveling political circuses. The Leftist "Truth Tour" promises to spread lies about Republicans. Meanwhile, the buses will roll through Wisconsin as the "Tea Party Express" visits the districts of threatened conservative Republicans.

Below, a TV ad by The Campaign To Defeat Obama highlights the schmear of blue cheese from the Left:

This report from Fox News highlights the huge money being dumped into the Dairy State:

Liberal Woman Meets Conservative Man, Then...

This video is hysterically funny. Whether you're a conservative or liberal, you'll chuckle. Granted, if you're a liberal, those chuckles will be the result of bitter self-recognition, but they'll be chuckles nonetheless. In this video, called "Meet the Liberal Elite," a conservative man encounters an elitist liberal woman. In the resulting conversation, the man tries to use logic with the liberal woman. That, of course, is always funny. You can see more in this brilliant animated series at Battlefield315.

Leftist Rally, Downtown Chicago, Saturday, Feb 26

February 25, 2011 - Chicago - Communists, socialists and their supporters will gather in downtown Chicago tomorrow at the State of Illinois Building at Noon. 

The event is being organized and promoted by, SEIU, Progressives United and other leftist groups. They are billing it as the "Rally to Save the American Dream." (I somehow doubt that the American Dream includes being raped and pillaged by the priveleged public sector unions, but that's another post.) has this posted at their website: 

State of Illinois Bldg - 100 W. Randolph (Map) Chicago, IL 60606 Saturday, February 26th, 12:00 PM Let's keep the momentum going! Please sign up for this gathering right away! Message from your host, Anne T.: Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations and the very rich - and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response, and vital human services. WE NEED YOUR VOICES @ a rally on Saturday, Feb 26th to stand in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin. Come and join us ! Share this event on Facebook: 

Video Examines Right Wing Hatred (LOL)

Andrew Klavan's "Stop the Hate!" is a brilliant look at right wing hate speech and the violence that it spawns (or not). Klavan's description of his video sums it up: "In a world where conservatives are branded fascist for wanting more liberty and racist for wanting people to be treated equally, something must be done to stop them ... right?" Uh huh. After you watch the video, be sure to take the Right Wing Hate Speech Quiz at American Thinker. Hat tip to Facebook denizens Robert Black and Debra Orton RELATED: Chicago News Bench: This is Leftist Humor

Obama's Progressive Duck Walk

Should Comrade President Obama be bragging about how "progressive" he is? Investors Business Daily (IBD) has a must-read editorial today that asks that question - and answers it, too. Excerpts from IBD's August 18 editorial, "Obama's 'Progressive' Failures": At a fundraiser Monday, the president boasted to Hollywood celebrities and deal makers about enacting "the most progressive legislative agenda" in decades. That may be true, but it's hardly something to be proud of. Why, you might be wondering, is being "progressive" not something to be proud of? What is it, and why is it shameful? IBD goes on: Much of the left today calls itself "progressive." Secretary of State Hillary Clinton does, and Democrats too numerous to name. It's part of an old tradition. In addition to many well-known activists, writers and philosophers, progressivism can claim many presidents — ranging from Woodrow Wilson, both Roosevelts and Herbert Hoover, to Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter and, of course, Obama himself. Here's the kicker (with my emphasis added): So what is progressivism, you ask? Many things. But as a creed, it stresses the importance of centralized government control over Americans' lives as paramount. It actively seeks to diminish the constitutional limits on what government can — and can't — do. That's a nice, concise and scary desciption of progressivism. It's all about control. Power. The State (Big Brother) comes first and individualism is to be downplayed. A slightly longer description of progressivism comes from the Ludwig von Mises Institute ( They describe themselves as "the world center of the Austrian School of economics and libertarian political and social theory." Here's an excerpt from "The Legacy of Progressivism" by William L. Anderson (with my emphasis added), in which he analyzes Progressivism in the United States: Without Progressivism, the New Deal would and never could have come into existence. The vast expansion of the state apparatus that occurred during the 1930s moved along tracks already laid by politicians like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. By the mid-1930s, the New Deal, far from being a legislative aberration, naturally followed the economic crisis that Progressivism had caused. Just what was Progressivism, what were its causes, and what followed from the Progressive Movement? Historians refer to it as an influential social movement that began in the late 1800s and ended with the United State’s 1917 entry into World War I. Among the many "successes" of Progressivism were antitrust laws, state and national income taxes, increased business regulation, minimum wage laws, direct election of U.S. senators, creation of the Federal Reserve System, and prohibition of alcoholic beverages. Are progressives exclusively Democrats? They haven't always been, explains Anderson (emphasis added): Nor was Progressivism the domain of just one political party, as both Republicans and Democrats vied with each other to see who could more thoroughly expand the state. Republicans, led by Theodore Roosevelt and Sen. Robert LaFollette of Wisconsin, pushed for high tariffs, government ownership of natural resources, antitrust legislation, and imperialistic adventures abroad. Democrats, on the other hand, led by William Jennings Bryan and Woodrow Wilson, pushed the income tax, inflation through debasement of the money supply, and the internal protectionist device known as Jim Crow laws, which attempted to shield white workers from competition from blacks. Both parties favored expansion of voting rights to women. What is clear is that neither party had any intention of honoring the U.S. Constitution. In fact, the Progressive Era would not have had its social and legal effect had it not been for its reworking of the Constitution through the amendment process. The 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th amendments reworked the political landscape and greatly expanded the scope of the central government, one of the main goals of progressives. The 16th Amendment was probably the worst, as it authorized Congress for the first time to levy an income tax that would not be struck down by the Supreme Court. The Investors Business Daily editorial noted that the American Progressivism movement was "Influenced heavily by European social theorists and American Utilitarian thought" and "took root after the Civil War. Adherents understood that the idea of limited government based on individualism, natural rights and property rights — as defined by the Founding Fathers — had to be discredited." IBD lists some of Obama's progressive "accomplishments," with a touch of sarcasm: • The epic $862 billion "stimulus," which has led to record long-term joblessness while bailing out Obama's union supporters and the most irresponsible states while punishing taxpayers and their heirs for decades to come.The $700 billion TARP program, which we were told would be used to give securities markets a boost but instead was used, essentially, to take over the auto industry, bail out friends of Obama and continue meddling in the markets. The massive medical care overhaul known as Obama- Care, which will eventually supplant the best medical system in the world with a government-run system modeled after the substandard contraptions found in Canada and Britain. The Tea Party movement is driven primarily by a desire to bring back "limited government based on individualism, natural rights and property rights." Time after time in recent years, we have seen many examples of the "progressives" mocking and attempting to discredit the Tea Party people and those who sympathize with them. Let's get back to Barack Obama boasting about how progressive he and his regime have been. Obama certainly fits the definition of "progessive," sort of, but many self-described progressives laughably argue that he's really "a center-right Democrat." It's all a matter of perspective, of course, and if you're sitting far enough on left end of the political ideology spectrum even Obama could look center-right, I suppose. Semantics are fun, but let's get down to objective fact: Whether or not Obama the man is "progressive," the government actions that he has initiated, pushed and supported certainly are. The duck might not be a duck, but by means of its walk and its quack it has shown that it aspires to be one. Obama has every right to be proud of his level of progressivism, whether he personally fits the definition or not. After all, Obama and his followers are true believers, and true believers are always proud of that in which they believe - even if what they believe in is evil cloaked in a false robe of goodness. That non-duck duck is undoubtedly proud of it's behavior. He's worked hard to fake that duck walk. RELATED: A Spectre Is Haunting America: An Interpretation of Progressivism - pdf Glenn Beck Exposes the Progressive Movements Fascist Agenda YouTube Matt Spalding on Progressivism's Assault on America's Founding YouTube The Dawn of Liberalism: Progressivism University of Wisconsin-Madison Great Myths of the Great Depression YouTube Barack Obama's Progressive Cannibalism Huffington Post The Century of Statism - William L. Anderson The Liberal-Fascist Axis World Net Daily Is Obama Progressive? Seeing The Forest Left-wing roots of the Nazis YouTube Marxism vs. the Majority Creeping Progressivism RedState Obama No The Progressive

They Keep Shooting In Chicago (Because Liberals Let Them)

The Chicago Sun-Times has a must-read article in their July 24 issue. It is the story, as staft reporters Mark J. Konkol and Frank Main write, "of why they won’t stop shooting in Chicago." Konkol and Main deserve both credit and criticism for their article. Credit, of course, for reporting well on that which they did include in the story. Criticism, also, for what they did not include. The essence of the story is that the criminals have little incentive to stop, and Konkol and Main go right into the fact that the criminal justice system is soft on the criminals. What they omit, and shamefully, is why the justice system is so lax. Here's a clue: You will not find these words anywhere in the article: ACLU, liberals, leftists, legislators, judges. Inasmuch as those are five of the primary reasons that criminals get off so lightly, it is profoundly troubling that they were not mentioned at all. An excerpt from the article: It’s told by the wounded, the accused and the officers who were on the street during a weekend in April 2008 when 40 people were shot, seven fatally. Two years later, the grim reality is this: Nearly all of the shooters from that weekend have escaped charges. “You don’t go to jail for shooting people,” says Dontae Gamble, who took six bullets that weekend, only to see his alleged shooter walk free. “That’s why m------------- think they can get back on the streets and kill again. You feel me?” So far, not one accused shooter has been convicted of pulling the trigger during those deadly 59 hours from April 18-20 of that year, a Chicago Sun-Times investigation has found. Shame on the two reporters and their editors for leaving out such critical parts of the story. They vaguely alluded to the problem, but just couldn't bring themselves to cite those who are to blame for the system's failures: “The certainty of punishment is very, very low in Chicago, and that’s going to embolden people,” said defense attorney Thomas Needham, who was a top legal adviser to former police Supt. Terry Hillard. “It’s going to lead to less fear by the people who are going to consider shooting. That’s very alarming.” The next time you hear any politician in Chicago or Springfield claim to be tough on crime, laugh bitterly and say, "You must be shitting me," immediately followed up with "What have you done to ensure the conviction of violent criminals?" You might also ask them when Governor George Ryan's moratorium on the death penalty will be trashed. RELATED: ACLU Favors Criminals (As Always) Stop The ACLU The effects of Liberalism on the American justice system RepubliKid

Utah Coffee Party? Really?!?

May 22, 2010 - Salt Lake City, Utah - A handful of libtards showed up for a little Coffee Party gathering, and I do mean "little." They got together downtown at the Federal Building to show their support for financial reform. Perhaps eight or nine people attended. The NBC affiliate KSL TV 5 video report noted that this event was their "first public rally in Utah." KLS did not actually give a "crowd" estimate, but their video says it all: Virtually nobody showed up, and the weather looked pretty decent. Be sure to read the comments at too, as they're hilariously funny. RELATED: Baxter Swilley, Astroturf Poster Boy Chicago News Bench The Coffee Party: Try Not to Laugh -Part 1 Freedom Watch News The Latte Party USA Facebook Group