Showing posts with label communists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communists. Show all posts

A Look At The Closed Chinese Consulate In Houston (Plus Goofy Protesters)

On Tuesday, July 21, 2020, the Trump Administration ordered the General Consulate of China in Houston to be vacated. Smoke was seen that afternoon as consulate workers burned documents in their courtyard. I went to the consulate to see what was happening on July 23. (See video below.)

A small group of anti-American protesters showed up.
Photo: Chicago News Bench
As I was about to leave, a small group of communists arrived. They were demanding that the consulate be allowed to stay open. Which is, if you think about it, a futile and stupid demand to make.

Why? Trump isn't going to see them and say, "Hey, well, if they're demanding it then I better call President Xi and tell him to keep it open."

And Xi isn't going to see the protesters and suddenly decide to defy the U.S. by not closing the consulate, which would risk the defiant occupants-turned-squatters being arrested by federal agents. The arrogant ignorance of these protesters is truly fantastical.

(See video below.)

WATCH Turkish Protester Hit In Crotch By Water Cannon

Protester in Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey
Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey
June 11, 2013 -- Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey is still a battle zone. In addition to tear gas, police are using water cannons against people.

In the video below, a protester gets hit square between his legs. He asked for it, literally standing his ground and daring the police to spray him. They did, and he went flying as the immense water pressure hit him (at 0:26 in the video).

Some of the "activists" threw firebombs and fireworks at armored police trucks, according to Russia Today (RT). "Hundreds of Turkish police clashed with protesters after taking over Taksim Square in Istanbul," reports RT.

The clashes are not confined to Taksim Square. "There are serious clashes in the small streets surrounding the square. They are running after each other tossing stones, bottles and smoke grenades there. It’s a real meat grinder in there," reports RT’s Ashraf El Sabbagh.

Updated: Union Thug Who Attacked Steven Crowder Was Looking For a Fight, Stalked Him In Crowd

Union Thug Tony Cummings Attacking Steven Crowder
Dec. 11, 2012 - VIDEOS BELOW - Violent union members in Lansing, Michigan attacked Right-To-Work advocates on the grounds of Michigan's state capitol today after the state legislature passed a right-to-work bill(Videos below.) 

A large mob of union members and sympathizers were in a violent frenzy as they surrounded a large tent set up and occupied by Americans For Prosperity (AFP), along with conservative humorist and pundit Steven Crowder. Leftist louts forced their way into the tent, dismantling it and threatening those inside.

Union Thug Tony Cummings Attacking Steven Crowder
With no regard for AFP's free speech rights or personal safety, the union gangsters shouted obscenities and, ultimately, physically attacked. Some milled around in a zombie-like daze, passively watching their union brethren violate the civil rights of fellow Americans. Not satisfied with simply bringing the tent down, union thugs destroyed the tent by cutting it to shreds with what appeared to be large box cutters.

The first video below is "AFP MI Tent comes down at Right To Work Rally," and it shows the zombie-like crowd of union thugs attacking the tent, spewing obscenities and just itching for a fight. Some lunge at the AFP members, while others attack the tent.

The second video, "Steven Crowder's attacker VERBALLY attacks him a hour earlier," shows Crowder being verbally assaulted by union punk Tony Cummings, without provocation, who physically attacked Crowder about an hour later (see the third video below). It is obvious from watching the second video that Cummings was looking for a fight. It was so obvious, in fact, that a union-appointed security "marshall" (in an orange vest) intervened and told Cummings to back off. That just seemed to further upset Cummings. At 3:03 in the video, Cummings lowered  his IBEW sign so that it would interfere with a photo opportunity of some guy posing with a smiling Crowder. When Crowder turned to ask Cummings to stop doing that, Cummings grinned weirdly and said, "Don't f-ck with me."

The third video below, "Unions Assault On Camera," clearly shows the assault on Crowder by a union goon that we think is named Tony Cummings. At least, that's what his jacket said. Also on his jacket was an IBEW union patch. Gateway Pundit wrote that Local 876 is located in Grand Rapids, MI but Chicago News Bench took a moment to look it up and found that the 1,480-member IBEW Local 876 is actually located in Edmore, MI, about an hour from Grand Rapids [see map].

"The protesters shouted 'scab' and 'Walmart tent' as they advanced," Lee Stranahan wrote at "The tent had been used by AFP to house members who were reportedly threatened at last week’s demonstration," he added.

“This is what democracy looks like,” they chanted as they destroyed the tent.

Union thugs and the progressives who support them think "democracy" is the act of violent suppression of  the opposition and destroying their property, even going so far as to physically assault people.

You can see Crowder being punched in the second video. "Crowder," reports, "peacefully confronted union protesters today in Lansing, Michigan when the mob turned violent. Crowder was punched multiple times and, at one point, when his back was turned to the crowd as he was leaving a confrontation, he was pulled by the collar of his coat back into the mob to be assaulted again." That can also be seen in the video. "Union appointed 'Marshals' (not actual law enforcement) would break up the assaults but never asked the union members to leave the protest for their behavior."

It is not known where the "real" law enforcement was taking their union-mandated coffee break, but none are visible in these videos. Crowder's assailant, Tony Cummings, was apparently not apprehended and remains at large. It was truly a sad day for America, as Obama-supported violent thugs had a violent hissy fit because, suddenly, their fellow Michiganders can no longer be forced to join a union in order to have a job.

Right-To-Work Law Passes In Michigan, Violence Simmers

union thugs
"Hey hey, ho ho! Your right to work has got to go!"
Dec. 11, 2011 - The Republican-led Michigan House chamber today approved the first of two right-to-work bills that address public-sector unions by a vote of 58-51. As many as 10,000 pro-union, anti-choice activists protested outside the capitol building in Lansing by waving signs, shouting vulgar slogans, and using violence against those who support the right-to-work legislation.

There was some violence-tinged rhetoric from Democrat legislators inside the House chamber. Just before the vote was taken, “There will be blood,” said Representative Douglas Geiss, a Democrat from Taylor, reports Bloomberg News. Geiss made that disturbing remark during the pre-vote debate. After the vote, a 55-year-old UAW member protesting outside said that the right-to-work law will "create civil war."

Police had to control angry union thugs who became violent, Bloomberg News says. "Supporters and opponents clashed, with protesters tearing down a tent set up by Americans for Prosperity, overturning tables and stamping on signs. Police on foot and horseback charged through the crowd pushing them back with batons."

A second bill that deals with private sector unions still needs to be acted upon. The Senate approved both last week. "If enacted," says The Washington Post, "Gov. Rick Snyder says he will sign them into law as early as Wednesday."

Read Michigan's Right-To-Work Bills:
•  Senate Bill 116   •  House Bill 4003
•  House Bill 4054  •  Recent Bill Activity
Former community organizer Barack Obama visited Detroit on Monday and made some predictable pro-union remarks.

“What they’re really talking about is giving you the right to work for less money,” Obama told unionized workers at the Detroit Diesel plant. But of course, as usual, Obama got that backwards. What the right-to-work laws do make it possible is for someone seeking work to get it without being required to join a union. That means workplaces will no longer be, in effect, a members-only environment. People wanting to work at Detroit Diesel, for example, will no longer be forced to shell out a chunk of their paycheck as union dues to maintain the union bosses' six-figure salaries. It means, contrary to what Obama said, that people who would otherwise not be allowed to work will be able to, thereby acquiring to the right to work for money - rather than remain unemployed.

The stupidity of Obama's remarks were nailed by an op-ed in The Detroit Free Press :
Where Obama faltered on Tuesday was with his too-cute applause line, “What they’re really talking about is giving you the right to work for less money.” That’s a reference to data, oft-cited by unions, showing that most right-to-work states have lower incomes than the U.S. average.

Unfortunately, the personal income and employment trends for Michigan are more troublesome for those who argue that states with more union members do a better job of protecting workers’ jobs and incomes.

In the year 2000, Michigan ranked 16th among U.S. states in personal income per capita. Now it’s in 36th place. During many of the past dozen years, Michigan had the nation’s highest jobless rate. We’ve improved a bit the past couple years, but only to 6th worst with a 9.1% rate.

Michigan, therefore, is hardly a poster child lately for correlating higher unionization levels — 17.5% here vs. 11.8% nationwide — with high incomes or job security.
The Left and their union allies believe that individual freedom to work without being forced to join a union is bad. Your right to not have a chunk of your paycheck stolen by a union of which you are not a member is bad. The mainstream media today is trumpeting the 'outrage over right-to-work.' Think about that. Outrage. Over people's right to work without a union forcing them to join or pay dues."  If you favor the right of people to work without  being coerced into joining a union, the union thugs and their supporters on the Left will threaten you. Post continues below the video....

James Hoffa, Teamsters union president said, "We've got a war on workers, and we've been talking about this a long time. It was in Wisconsin, it was in Ohio and now it came here. They want a fight? We'll give them a fight. We're going to kick their ass, and we'll win this battle here. Rick Snyder campaigned as the nerd, now we know he's a weak nerd, and you know what, he's for sale. I got news for you, Governor: Michigan is not for sale. You can't buy Michigan."

Leave it to a union boss like Hoffa to use a crude reference to physical violence. The governor is "a weak nerd," he said, but Hoffa just got his own ass kicked hard and handed to him by Gov. Snyder and the Republicans in the legislature.

Right-to-work will allow new employees, such as teachers for example, to be employed without being coerced into paying union dues to fat cat union bosses. If you believe the idiot-oriented propaganda from the Left, that's a bad thing for the children. The Left's greed is always so conveniently about the children. But even the children know that the unions are not fighting for them; the unions are fighting to preserve their own political power and finances.

In Michigan, the Right-To-Work legislation was brought about largely by the excesses of the unions themselves, notes "The use of members' dues proved that the feelings of many former labor union loyalists were correct; Big Labor had become largely about fighting contentious political battles and less about the welfare of the rank and file. Money that could have gone to training or even just back in the pockets of labor union members was wasted; the initiative lost in a landslide. Even more embarrassing, the 58% - 42% loss came amid Democratic gains at every level in the 2012 elections in Michigan."

"Expect the Unions this week to make a mighty noise and expect the silent majority to stay home," continued. "Make no mistake, though; in November, the people of Michigan spoke loudly and clearly; they want the right to work without the union middlemen taking their cut."


Obama, Stalin's Mustache, and a Poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko

June 1, 2012 - Using the magic of photo manipulation, I transposed Comrade Obama's head onto the body of Josef Stalin, and added a quote from Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Yeah, that's actually Stalin's mustache on Obama's commie kisser.

Yevtushenko wrote, "No, Stalin did not die. He thinks that death can be fixed. We removed him from the mausoleum. But how do we remove Stalin from Stalin's heirs?" 

That's from his "The Heirs Of Stalin," first published in 1961 and re-published in 1987. In that poem, he warned that Stalin's wicked influence would not die with his body, and that his influence would be felt long after his death.

Yevgeny Yevtushenko
Indeed, it seems impossible to go to any sizable leftist protest event these days without seeing at least one or two tables covered with Communist propaganda.

Of Stalin, Yevtushenko wrote that "he left many heirs behind on this globe. I fancy there’s a telephone in that coffin."

Although he wrote that poem four years before the mysterious birth of Comrade Barack Obama, Yevtushenko had him and those of his ilk in mind. Stalin's spirit sips tea in the Oval Office even now.

Ahjamu Umi, Portland's Confused Black Panther

Here's another of many reasons why the Occupy movement is nothing more than a slow motion, discredited, urine-soaked screed against civility.

This self-described Black Panther spoke to a gathering of Occupy Portland loons on February 12, 2012.

There is much more to this self-described "revolutionary" than meets the eye. He's also a capitalist and entrepreneur. Weird? You bet.

The speaker is Ahjamu Umi, and he praised murderer Che Guevara and several famous Black Panthers who he proudly claims as personal mentors. He told the crowd that "socialism is a good thing" and admitted to committing gun crimes in his past. Umi was warmly welcomed by an Occupy Portland organizer, who introduced him to a small anti-war crowd on a cloudy Sunday.
Ahjamu Umi, Confused Commie

"It is now my pleasure to introduce our first speaker," she said, "from Occupy The Dream, the black 99 percent, and All African People's Revolutionary Party, Ahjamu Umi." She asks for a round of applause, which she gets, from the small crowd.

"How you doing Portland, Oregon?" he started with. "Y'all ready for action?" He did not specify the kind of action they should be ready for. More public urination and defecation? More Occupy-style sexual assaults? More vandalism? Terrorizing old people in a bank lobby?

"I'm a revolutionary," Umi said, "and I'm for love." Then, without further adieu, Umi lunged into the weird world of bizarre counter-factual liberal myths and fantastical lies.

"Che Guevara talked about revolution is about love," he said. Perhaps Umi is completely ignorant of the fact that Che Guevara was a psychotic killer who advocated complete totalitarianism. Or, perhaps, Umi purposely perpetuates the false myth of Che as kind-hearted revolutionary.

Guevara "presided over the Cuban Revolution's first firing squads," wrote Paul Berman at "He founded Cuba's 'labor camp' system—the system that was eventually employed to incarcerate gays, dissidents, and AIDS victims."

"To get himself killed," Berman wrote, "and to get a lot of other people killed, was central to Che's imagination. In the famous essay in which he issued his ringing call for 'two, three, many Vietnams'."

Che Guevara: Hate is Good
Is that the Guevara style of "love"that Ahjamu Umi referred to? Or maybe Umi means the kind of love that motivated Guevara top personally murder over 100 people. (You can see a list of Che's murder victims in Cuba from 1957 to 1959.) Is Umi aware that his hero Che was a racist who was not particularly fond of black people?

Ahjamu Umi says that Che Guevara said revolution "is about love," but in fact quite the opposite is true. Che was a cold blooded killer who valued hatred as an essential weapon for revolutionaries. In Guevara's world, revolution was about hate. Umi says otherwise, but well documented proof exists that Guevara was a consummate hater.

In his infamous "Message to the Tricontinental," Che Guevara said this about hate:
"Hatred as an element of the struggle," a relentless hatred of the enemy, impelling us over and beyond the natural limitations that man is heir to and transforming him into an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine. Our soldiers must be thus; a people without hatred cannot vanquish a brutal enemy." 
Does that sound like the same love that Umi claims Che Guevara held as a pillar of revolution? The first "Tricontinental Conference of African, Asian, and Latin American Peoples" was held in Havana in January, 1966.

A staff report prepared for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary described the conference as "probably the most powerful gathering of pro-Communist, anti-American forces in the history of the Western Hemisphere." Ahjamu Umi is inspired by the types who attended that conference.

Mr. Umi is a multifaceted kind of guy. The self-proclaimed revolutionary and communist is also a professional life coach, a "business enhancement consultant," writer, book author, and more. Umi is obviously no slacker and probably finds little time for sleep.

Umi's Facebook profile says that he works for capitalist institutions such as "banks, credit unions and other finance related entities." Positions Umi has held include Vice President of Consumer Lending at Bank of the Cascades (9/2008 - 11/2010), Vice President Chief Lending Officer at Point West Credit Union (2/2007 - 8/2008). In April, 2007, Point West announced Umi's arrival with this amusing passage:
"For fun, Ahjamu enjoys jetskiing, weightlifting, mentoring, and the occassional karaoke contest. He also enjoys international travel. He helped build a school in Sierra Leone, West Africa both through raising money and physically constructing the school. Ahjamu helped to negotiate gang treaties in Los Angeles and Sacramento and participated in a neighborhood program to confront drug dealers and force them out of his community"
Point West's cheery announcement said nothing about Ahjamu Umi's revolutionary ambitions or his love of Che Guevara. One wonders if Point West was aware that Vice President Umi probably met with the All African People's Revolutionary Party when he visited West Africa. They said nothing about Umi's work with revolutionary movements to tear down financial institutions such as Point West.

In his February 12 speech to Occupy Portland, Umi said that he has had "great mentors." He named a few. "Kwame Ture," he said, "who you would call Stokely Carchimael. I was mentored by Huey P. Newton. I was mentored by Assata Shakur. I spent time with these revolutionaries, and they taught me truth. So don't insult me by breaking a window or calling yourself a revolutionary. You ain't no revolutionary, you're a coward."

It's good that Umi is against breaking windows, but he then told his audience that "you gotta show 'em why socialism is a good thing. You gotta combat all of this negative propaganda."

"If you ain't down for that you ain't down for revolution," said Umi. Perhaps the part about being willing to kill large numbers of people, like his hero Che Guevara did, will come in a subsequent speech.

Perhaps the mixing of Ahjamu Umi's revolutionary aspirations and his dabblings in the financial and corporate worlds is not so strange. After all, plenty of capitalist corporations have used Che Guevara in their marketing, either naively or cynically. I'm not sure how many financial institutions knowingly employ self-avowed Marxist revolutionaries, though.

Ahjamu Umi's blurry philosophy of "tear it down" and "work within it" seems weird, but even weirder is how the local Occupy Portland (slash) anti-America crowd latch onto hypocrites like him. Occupy claims to be "the 99 percent" who, they say, have little or no access to financial institutions. Yet there they are, applauding a guy who has all kinds of insider financial connections.

Ahjamu Umi calls himself a Black Panther and a revolutionary, but his curriculum vitae shows a man who has made a success of himself. For that he deserves credit. It's a mystery, though, that a man who has utilized the great opportunities of this nation seems so bent on promoting himself as being associated with those who would rip apart the system that supported him.

"I'm from Oakland, California," Umi told his gathering of Occupy Gullibility. "I grew up in the gang culture. I grew up shooting guns and getting shot at, beating people up and getting beat up. Stealing, robbing and doing everything that happens when you grow up in that kind of environment. So I understand the anger that comes with breaking windows," he said, "but that ain't the solution to nothin'." He continued with, "If you're for revolution, if you're for justice, if you're for peace,'ll love the people around you."

Uh huh, just like Che, right? He finished by asking the Occupiers to "turn to the person next to you and say 'Revolution is about love.'" Perhaps I'm wrong, but I'd be willing to bet that Che Guevara - or Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mussolini or any other revolutionary leader - ever asked his followers to turn to their comrades and do a group hug and chant "Revolution is about love."

I would say the same about the American revolutionaries of the 1770s never considered doing such a thing. Why not? Because they know it's a lie.

Ahjamu Umi: 'Revolution is about love'
And that's where I find myself uncomfortably agreeing with Che Guevara: Hatred, not love, is as a vital element of any revolutionary struggle. You need only look at the war propaganda from WWI and WWII - by both Axis and Allies - to see that hatred for the enemy was a crucial part of the messaging. "Relentless hatred of the enemy," said Guevara, "impelling us over and beyond the natural limitations that man is heir to and transforming him into an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine."

Any military drill sergeant will tell you that his primary function is to turn his troops into "an effective, violent, selective and cold killing machine." The kind of revolution that Ahjamu Umi and his comrades really want is no party. It's violent. They lie to people by telling them that revolution "is about love" to suck in the suckers, and there are plenty of sucker who suck up that lie.

Umi's personal success in the corporate world has come to him through the existing American capitalist culture, which allowed him to work his way up from poverty. Yet he and his ilk want to destroy the very system that has allowed him, encouraged him even, to climb out of the gang culture of Oakland. Once out, he was warmly embraced by the institutions that he probably still calls racist, and travels freely through a nation that he must surely refer to as oppressive. Perhaps, after all, Ahjamu Umi believes his own lies and untruths. He is a walking, talking contradiction.

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Leftist Rally, Downtown Chicago, Saturday, Feb 26

February 25, 2011 - Chicago - Communists, socialists and their supporters will gather in downtown Chicago tomorrow at the State of Illinois Building at Noon. 

The event is being organized and promoted by, SEIU, Progressives United and other leftist groups. They are billing it as the "Rally to Save the American Dream." (I somehow doubt that the American Dream includes being raped and pillaged by the priveleged public sector unions, but that's another post.) has this posted at their website: 

State of Illinois Bldg - 100 W. Randolph (Map) Chicago, IL 60606 Saturday, February 26th, 12:00 PM Let's keep the momentum going! Please sign up for this gathering right away! Message from your host, Anne T.: Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations and the very rich - and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response, and vital human services. WE NEED YOUR VOICES @ a rally on Saturday, Feb 26th to stand in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin. Come and join us ! Share this event on Facebook: 

Spike Lee Says USA Most Violent Nation In History (Video)

Film maker and ignorant moron Spike Lee says that the United States is the most violent nation in the history of the world. I know that you are smart enough to know that this is utter bullcrap. Not only is history littered with examples of nations that were far more violent to other nations as well as genocidal toward large portions of their own populations, the same can be found today. Can somebody please send Spike Lee a one-way ticket to Venezuela? Please? Better yet, if anyone has a time machine, please send him back to Germany, circa 1940.

Russians Celebrate Birthday of Mass Murderer Stalin

Imagine, if you will, Germans celebrating Adolf Hitler's birthday by placing thousands of flowers on his grave. Of course, there is no grave for Hitler, and such a display of affection for such a monster would be considered as extremely offensive. Yet, today, in Russia, thousands gathered to celebrate the birthday of a dictator who was far more murderous, and reigned much longer, than Hitler. That would be Josef Stalin, of course. The Edmonton Journal carried this story by AFP today: Russian Communists placed 4,000 red carnations on Stalin's grave beside Kremlin walls Tuesday to celebrate what would have been the Soviet dictator's 131st birthday. Communist supporters raised 80,000 rubles (about $2,600) in a fundraising drive with the slogan "Two carnations for Comrade Stalin," organizer Igor Sergeyev told the Interfax news agency. Carrying a red flag and led by Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov, they piled the flowers beside a bust of Stalin that stands on his grave and round its neck. Imagine "Two carnations for Der Fuerher." The AFP story continued... Zyuganov on Tuesday called for the "re-Stalinization" of Russian society in an open letter to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who has frankly criticized the rights abuses of the Soviet era. The leader warned against a draft law, proposed by the presidential council for the development of civil society and human rights, which would ban the glorification of Stalinism. Full article at "Stalin ruled for almost 30 years," notes Radio New Zealand. "He led Russia to the status of a great power and defeated Germany in World War II. He died in 1953. Stalin was voted Russia's third most popular historical figure in a 2008 nationwide poll." What Radio New Zealand fails to point out, however, is that Russian - then the USSR - became a great power by means of brutal repression of its own people and the sometimes bloody oppression of the eastern half of Europe after WWII. While Russia was certainly an important ally in the fight against Hitler's Germany, Russia alone did not defeat Germany. Stalin was quite happy to maintain the Non-Agression Pact of 1939 with Hitler before he realized. RELATED: Russia Admits Stalin Ordered 1940 Massacre of Poles Wall Street Journal Josef Stalin statue removed from hometown in Georgia The Telegraph UK Film 'The Soviet Story' Reveals The Horror of Communism YouTube The Age of Totalitarianism: Stalin and Hitler Famine and Genocide in Soviet Georgia

Remembering Helen Shiller (Video)

46th Ward Alderman Shiller has announced that she won't seek re-election next year. Just for fun, let's flash back to a wonderful event in Uptown on August 17, 2009 when Alderman Helen Shiller was yelled at by angry 46th Ward residents and chased off the Truman College campus. Ah, memories.

Texas Board of Ed Decision Impact Will Be Minimal

Will American school children now be saved from textbooks filled with Leftist propaganda? Maybe, sort of, little by little, for a while anyway. Don't be overly optimistic about this news. Last night, the Texas Board of Education made a historically significant decision. Robert Moon reports at In a stunning break from the standard public "education" protocol of relentlessly brow-beating children with leftist misinformation against America, white people and Christianity, Texas has forced the textbook industry to start including multiple sides of the story. Through intense negotiations and petty partisan bickering, the Texas Board of Education (which has a huge influence over how textbooks are written in the U.S.) has reversed the trend of erasing our Founding Fathers from the curriculum--a core part of the leftist agenda... The Texas text book decision, however, will have minimal immediate impact nationwide. Even as the Texas Board of Education was meeting yesterday, there was a communist indoctrination happening on a Chicago Community Colleges (CCC) campus. The "Social Justice Student Expo" was a brazen display of communist and socialist propagandizing and youth recruitment by the far Left, with the full blessings and accomodations of the CCC. Grade schoolers, high schoolers and college students were encouraged to attend. So while it's nice that some text books will be brought back from the Leftist clutches, the real problem remains: Leftist teachers and professors will continue to spew their Leftist ideology in classrooms. Events like the "Social Justice Student Expo" will continue. The film and music industries will keep putting out Leftist messages. After decades of Leftist propagandizing in public schools and universities, there are already many millions of Americans whose political sympathies are closer to Mao and Stalin than to Jefferson and Franklin. The Texas Board of Education decision of May 20, 2010 is something to celebrate, but it isn't big enough to merit opening the champagne.

Video Proof of Communists Indoctrinating Chicago School Children

Che Guevara: Psycho-killer beloved by the Left
May 20, 2010 - VIDEO BELOW - Beneath a “Revolucion” flag with the image of Che Guevara, a DJ played music for the kids in the big gymnasium. A hand made poster on the wall behind him said “Stop Raid Now Legalization.” Despite the bad spelling and grammar, the pro-illegal immigrant message was clear. These folks do not like America, and one of the best ways to bring down any nation is to destroy its borders.

This was part of a shockingly blatant day of communist indoctrination at a Chicago City Colleges (CCC) facility. Hundreds of Chicago students of all ages were invited into a day-long display of revolutionary communist propaganda at the “Social Justice Student Expo” in one of Chicago’s community colleges on the north side on Thursday, May 20.

Presented by Chicago Youth Initiating Change (CYIC), the event had the full blessing of CCC. Communist and socialist literature and artwork were displayed and offered in the Dave Rowland Sports Center on the campus of Harry S Truman College, 1145 West Wilson Avenue in Uptown. Posters told students that “Without Mexicans America Ain’t Nothin” and praising Che Guevara were on the walls.

Vendors sold stickers that were pro-Hugo Chavez (“Boycott ExxonMobil Buy Citgo”), anti-military (“Recruiters Lie Don’t Enlist”), and (believe it or not) stickers urging that we “Impeach Bush/Cheney.” Yes, it’s 2010, but they still want those impeachment hearings.

Many of us are aware of the decades-long efforts by the far Left to propagandize students of every age. We know that many others often do not believe us when we talk or write about it. Here, however, is proof that is undeniable.

No reasonable person could have walked through that expo without seeing it for what it was: Another attempt to indoctrinate young minds to be anti-American, anti-capitalist, and very pro-Communist. The CYIC even has a handy “Classroom Action Guide” for teachers posted at the expo’s website and also on YouTube. CYIC describes itself, in part, this way:

“Chicago Youth Initiating Change (CYIC) is a grassroots organization that brings together youth and teachers from diverse racial, economic and geographic backgrounds to create an educational space to explore social justice issues and carry out social justice initiatives. CYIC is a student and teacher led organization comprised of a wide array of Chicago area public, private, alternative, and charter school members.” See their full “About Us.”

Other items included pro-illegal immigrant books, buttons, shirts and stickers. The book “No One Is Illegal” was for sale, right next to a book titled “The Communist Manifesto - A Road Map to History’s Most Important Political Document.” To CYIC and its supporters, this is all standard fare.

CYIC describes the expo as being “set up like a science or history fair, only students (with support from their teachers) present social justice work that they have done in their classrooms, after-school programs, or community youth organizations. For example, students may present research projects that they conducted in their classrooms on equity in education, gentrification, or environmental racism. Students may also present their work organizing in their schools or communities on issues such as the Iraq War and military recruitment, school closings, or affordable housing.” 

Not a word about reading, writing or arithmetic. The reason is simple enough: The CYIC is really not about “education.” Rather, it’s all about furthering a far Left agenda by means of recruiting children into their cause. Their cause, from all appearances, is the destruction of American society as we know it and to replace it with a communist system.

Another table offered copies of International Socialist Review magazine. Another table displayed fliers urging students to “Build a Wall of Resistance - Don’t Talk to the F.B.I.” There were displays about the Atlantic slave trade (they just can’t let that go in Obama’s “post racial America”), gay power, and more.

A Malcom X display called him “The Liberator of Black Rights.” That odd phrase seems to ignore the fact that Malcom X liberated nothing whatsoever. It was Martin Luther King who brilliantly used a constitution created by white men over 230 years ago to bring full civil rights to Black Americans.

The Malcom X display ignores the fact that the 1964 Civil Rights Act was made possible not only by King’s insistent marching, but by the hundreds of thousands of white men who died in a civil war that brought down the Southern states’ slave economy. Lest we forget, the Civil Rights Act was pushed by President Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, but was passed only because the Republicans in Congress supported it and outnumbered the many Democrats who voted against it.

But such is the memory of the communist and socialist crowd. The revisionism of history by the old bosses of the now-extinct Soviet Union is legendary. Those bosses, of course, were communists of the same mindset as those who presented the “Social Justice Student Expo” at Truman College on May 20.

On the night of May 20, the Texas Board of Education made a historically significant decision. Robert Moon reports at
In a stunning break from the standard public "education" protocol of relentlessly brow-beating children with leftist misinformation against America, white people and Christianity, Texas has forced the textbook industry to start including multiple sides of the story. Through intense negotiations and petty partisan bickering, the Texas Board of Education (which has a huge influence over how textbooks are written in the U.S.) has reversed the trend of erasing our Founding Fathers from the curriculum--a core part of the leftist agenda...
Texas text book decision, however, will have minimal immediate impact nationwide. After decades of Leftist propagandizing in public schools and universities, there are already many millions of Americans whose political sympathies are closer to Mao and Stalin than to Jefferson and Franklin. Even with Texas-approved text books, socialist teachers and professors will continue to spew their Leftist ideology in classrooms.

The late Senator Joe McCarthy (R-WI) warned us about this. It’s too bad that McCarthy wasn’t more skilled at public relations. Perhaps enough of us would have listened to him back when it was still not too late. Many others have tried to warn us as well. It's not too late to wake up, is it?


Protesters at Wrigley Field Demand Arizona Boycott

April 29, 2010 - CHICAGO - VIDEO: About 100 protesters in Chicago gathered at Wrigley Field to demand a total boycott of all Arizona businesses, products and services. The group called for a boycott as way of protesting Arizona's recently passed immigration law, which they call "racist." The event at Wrigley was not very large and was peaceful. The protesters, standing at the corner of N. Clark and W. Addison, caused virtually no inconvenience to the baseball fans who were on their way to watch the Chicago Cubs lose to the Arizona Diamondbacks 13-5.  Also See: Arizona Immigration Boycott Zeroes in on Baseball‎ (CBS News)

Jon Voight Calls Out Obama

In this video, actor Jon Voight succeeds where most Republican politicians fail: Clear, coherent, cohesive criticism of Barack Obama. Voight, a reformed liberal, delivers a brief, blunt and powerful statement. Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Are You Sick of Right-Wing Rhetoric From Those "Tea Baggers?"

A great post today by Warner Todd Huston, friend and contributer to CNB, over at his Publius' Forum blog today. Warner reminds us, with his sardonic humor, that the Left's criticism of Tea Partiers as violent thugs is darkly amusing. He included a killer video (below). Here is an excerpt:

I am about sick to my stomach over all the ill-tempered protest signs and the over-the-top rhetoric from all these “tea baggers,” man. It’s a good thing that the left is so patriotic and level-headed. Why THEY would NEVER act like morons, half-wits, and the unhinged.

Read Warner's post here, and check out this related post by Warner: A Little Reminder of the Left’s Unhinged Hatred.

Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto

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The Ultimate Goal of Obama's Change

Welcome, Comrades, to the United Socialist States of America.  You think this little photo chop I did is an exaggeration? Okay, it is - for the moment. But it's coming, fellow Amerikans, it's coming. Just ask Jeffrey T. Kuhner, who reported the following at the Washington Times:

President Obama is close to completing his socialist revolution. Since coming to power last year, he has sought relentlessly to transform America. From his days as a student radical, Mr. Obama has been obsessed with smashing the traditional free-market system. Like most leftists, he thinks capitalism is the enemy.

We tried to warn you about Comrade Obama for years, people, we of the conservative blogosphere, and writers like Kuhner at conservative publications. The evidence of Obama's not-so-closeted communism and distaste for the USA has been readily available. Too many of you, however, were drunk on the Leftist Kook-Aid.

More from Kuhner:

"He was a Marxist-socialist in college," said John C. Drew, who knew Mr. Obama as a university student, in an interview. "He kept talking about the need to overthrow capitalism in favor of a working-class revolution."

Yep. That's the "change" that the rat-bastard Obama has had in mind for us all along, for years and years. A week and a half ago, he nationalized one sixth (nearly 20%) of the US economy with his health care "reform." Yesterday, he nationalized student loans. Warrantless wiretapping continues under his regime. We are now living under a soft tyranny. I could go on, but why bother? If you're not aware of the coming hard tyranny by now, you're beyond reach. Oh, it may not happen under Comrade Obama, but the path he just kicked us down, if followed without detour, will surely take us to a slightly friendlier version of Russia just before the USSR fell apart. If you are aware of it, hang in there. Good luck to you.

Adam Shaw, an British writer who specializes in politics and religion, recently wrote a post called "Obama's Socialism," at American Thinker. "To call someone a socialist is not conspiratorial," Shaw penned, "and it is not fear-mongering; it is simply the truth, and it is time for some in the conservative media to take a deep breath and admit it -- America has a socialist leading the country. Welcome to the club: It stinks!"

Video of Chicago Anti-War Protest, March 18, 2010

Anti-War rally and march in Federal Plaza, downtown Chicago, up N. Michigan Avenue on Thursday, March 18, 2010, the 7th anniversary of the Iraq War. Most of the time, this event felt more like an anti-Israel rally. For 90 more photos and my full editorial review of the protest, see my post here. Also see my video of the same protest event in 2008, which was remarkably similar. Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Chicago's Anticlimactic Anti-War Protest (Slideshow)

adjective: anticlimactic - of or relating to a sudden change from an impressive to a ludicrous style UPDATE: "Video of Chicago Anti-War Protest, March 18, 2010" Today's "big" anti-war rally in downtown Chicago was, to be honest, predictable and boring. We heard the same old tired slogans, heard now for more than 40 years. You know, chants like "Hey hey, ho ho (fill in the blank) has got to go!" Slightly less musty mantras, such as "Iraq for Iraqis," were also repeated ad nauseum. (See our slideshow below.) It was more of the same from 2009 and 2008, but less interesting and with seemingly less people. I estimate the crowd today at around 1,200. (See my video of the 2008 march.) The usual gaggle of malcontented wannabe hippies, self-hating American citizens, American-hating non-citizens, Marxists, socialists and communists selling their anti-capitalist literature (and not getting the irony of that), 9-11 truthers, conspiracy theorists of all stripes, anti-Israel folks waving Palestinian flags, aging pensioners whose meds have either run out or need to be increased, and a lot of other bitter mental midgets got together in Federal Plaza at 5:30 this afternoon and then paraded up Michigan Avenue. Yawn. Same as last year, with only one real difference. While there were the usual, til death do us part Bush Bashers, this time around we also saw (and heard) plenty of Obama bashing. "Obama is just like Bush!" we were told over the loudspeakers in Federal Plaza. They're upset that Obama is not liberal enough, not far enough to the Left for them. Imagine that: Barack Obama not radical enough for these lumpen proletariate. In short, this type of march may have been impressive in 1968 (and I saw my fill of them growing up in Madison, Wisconsin), but in 2010 they merely seem ludicrous. Boring, very boring. Freak shows can be interesting, but the main attractive is novelty. You see the Bearded Lady enough times and, with time, she no longer shocks. The two-headed chicken even begins to seem mundane after so many viewings, and eventually you long for a three headed chicken. This is especially true when you hear the same bad theme songs as background music every time you enter the tent. Please, show me the Great Egress. Enjoy the slideshow (video coming on Friday, March 19). Flashback to 2008-03-26 VIDEO: ANTIWAR LUNATICS, SOCIALISTS MARCH IN CHICAGO People laugh or sneer when I refer to many of my neighbors in The Peoples Republic of Rogers Park as "socialists" or "communists." But comrades, it's what they call themselves, and if you still think the late Senator Joe McCarthy (R-Wisconsin) was a complete lunatic, you might change your mind after watching this disturbing video. THIS VIDEO CAPTURES MOMENTS from the March 19, 2008 rally/march, and the big March 20, 2008 rally in Chicago. Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

5:30 PM Anti-War Protest, March 18, Downtown Chicago

UPDATE: SEE "Chicago's Anticlimactic Anti-War Protest (Slideshow)" UPDATE: SEE "Video of Chicago Anti-War Protest, March 18, 2010" March 18: 5:30 PM, short rally at Federal Plaza (corner of Adams & Dearborn Streets), followed by permitted march on Michigan Avenue. For more information see "Socialist Freaks to March in Chicago on March 18." Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed