Herman Cain's Attorney Tells Piers Morgan That The Media Suck

December 1, 2011 - Herman Cain's attorney Lin Wood stood his ground nicely this evening as a guest on "Piers Morgan Tonight" (CNN). Effete Leftist water boy Morgan interviewed Wood, concentrating on the recent allegations by Ginger White of having a 13-year "affair" with Cain. Morgan, unhappy that Wood was not caving in, was contentious and actually called him "naive" more than once. Morgan seemed unable to comprehend Wood's repeated argument that none of the accusations against Cain have been proven to be true.

"I'm sorry if you find me naive," Wood said, "or if you find my statements about Mr. Cain preposterous." Referring to What I find naive is the failure on the part of the members of the media to be asking the tough questions of the accusers.

Wood said several times that the media should be asking equally tough questions of the women who are accusing Cain of wrongdoing, Morgan kept shifting from feigned indignity to partial stupor. Great back-and-forth here, worth watching. Lin Wood held his ground nicely.