Showing posts with label feminists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feminists. Show all posts

Illinois NOW President Dissed Obama in Past

In the wake of accusations that Obama buddy Emil Jones called a Hillary supporter an "Uncle Tom," the president of the Illinois chapter of the National Organization of Women has called for Jones's to get out of town. THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME that Grabenhofer has gone against Obama. Today: Bonnie Grabenhofer, the president of the National Organization for Women's Illinois chapter and a Clinton supporter said the remarks that Cobb alleged Jones made were symbolized "the incredible pressure that had been put on, particularly women, to support Barack Obama." "Women in Illinois had that pressure, and it was particularly hard for African-American women who were placed in the untenable position of having to chose between their race and between their gender," Grabenhofer said. [Source: The Swamp...] Late last year, Obenhofer criticized Obama for the way he voted on "reproduction rights" (abortion) while he was an Illinois State Senator in Springfield. Obama voted "present" instead of "yes" or "no." A report from in December, 2007 reported this: No one questions that Obama opposed the seven pieces of legislation; indeed, he is mentioned in news reports from the time as being against several of the measures. Rather, Obama's critics say he ducked a "no" vote; supporters say it was a tactical move. Those interpretations seem to have split the leaders of the Illinois abortion rights movement. Obama should have voted "no" on those bills, said Bonnie Grabenhofer, president of the Illinois chapter of the National Organization for Women, which has endorsed Clinton. FULL ARTICLE at

Who Is Delmarie Cobb?

Is she an "Uncle Tom?" Cobb, a delegate to the Democrat National Convention in Denver, has accused Illinois Senate President Emil Jones of calling her an Uncle Tom because she continues to support Hillary Clinton. We know that Jones is one of Obama's top supporters, a mentor, an old friend. But who exactly is Delmarie Cobb? She is a major player in the Democratic Party and a popular political consultant in the Chicago area. Lightweights don't become the press secretary for the Democrat National Convention, as Cobb was in 1996. Among the luminaries she has worked for and with are Jesse Jackson, Sr. and Jesse Jackson, Jr., Bobby Rush, and others. This hardly makes her sound like an "Uncle Tom." A significant article on April 2 noted that "Over the last few months Cobb has been in an interesting and sometimes frustrating place. As an African-American from Barack Obama's hometown who supports Hillary Clinton, Cobb has been pulled into the national conversation on race, gender, and bare-knuckles campaigning. This afternoon she shared a few of her thoughts in an interview." FULL ARTICLE at Chicago Reader... (The Reader couldn't have known then how relevant that article would be today.) It seems, then, that the alleged Emil Jones slandering of her as an Uncle Tom is something that Cobb has had to deal with for a while. Back to that Reader article, in which Cobb is quoted as saying: Being a Hillary Clinton supporter, I don’t know why you have to tear down one person to be in favor of someone else. That’s the overall problem I have with this entire campaign. It’s not just been Jeremiah Wright—it’s with so many of Obama’s supporters. There’s the need to attack supporters of everyone else, and to make them into racists. Cobb did a radio interviewed on "Beyond the Beltway." Listen to that April 27 interview here (mp3 audio). RELATED: Delmarie Cobb Campaign Contributions and Donations -- Huffington Post The ODDS against marital bliss for the professional black woman - Pastor vs The Pol: Did Wright Mean To Hurt Obama? Hillary Delegate Accuses Obama Mentor of Calling Her 'Uncle Tom'


Emil Jones is either a lousy liar or he thinks that we're all stupid. He is accused by Delmarie Cobb, a Hillary supporter at the Denver Democrat Convention, of calling Cobb an "Uncle Tom." Jones's response is that no, he actually called her a "doubting Thomas." (Watch the video here.) Huh? "Doubting Thomas" (four syllables) and "Uncle Tom" (three syllables) sound nothing alike. Seriously, how stupid does Jones think we are? RELATED: Video: N.O.W. Says Emil Needs to Leave Racist Emil Jones Disrupts IL Dems in Denver


The shite is hitting the fan fast today! THIS BREAKING STORY: According to the Chicago Sun Times Sen. Joseph Biden, his newly named vice presidential running mate, evidently has ties to Tony Rezko as well. Biden has described himself as a 30-year friend of a key figure in the Rezko trial who's pleaded guilty to a federal extortion charge in Chicago and is awaiting sentencing. Joseph Cari Jr., who took part in an $850,000 kickback scheme, was Joe Biden's Midwest field director. The Sun-Times reports that "Biden has deep ties to Rezko accomplice" and that Biden "won't give Obama much cover on the Tony Rezko front." WOW! Read the FULL POST at Black Political Thought, then check out these related stories!

Video: N.O.W. Says Emil Needs to Leave

VIDEO: The president of the Illinois chapter of the National Association of Women (NOW) says that Emil Jones, a top advisor to Obama, should resign. You thought there was division among the Democrats before this? You ain't seen nothin' yet. Fasten your seat belts, kids, this is going to be very bumpy ride in Denver.... and after. Watch the Associated Press video of IL-NOW President Bonnie Grabenhofer, via the Chicago Sun-Times here.

Racist Emil Jones Disrupts IL Dems in Denver

Barack Obama's mentor is causing trouble in Denver. Emil Jones, the retiring President of the Illinois Sentate, called a fellow Illinois delegate - allegedly - an "Uncle Tom." See folks, if you don't tow the hard party line in the Democrat Party, you're stupid, you're ignorant, and if you're Black you must be an Uncle Tom. Independent thinking will not be tolerated, by Emil Jones or anybody else. ABC7 has this startling report today: One member of the Illinois delegation is causing some controversy. The incident involved a conversation that allegedly occurred between Illinois Senate President Emil Jones, a star supporter of Obama, and Delmarie Cobb, an Illinois delegate and Clinton supporter. Okay, that's the set up. Delmarie Cobb, a Black woman, isn't on her knees bowing to the Obamessiah. She must, in the mind of Emil Jones, be an "Uncle Tom." That, to be blunt, translates to "race traitor," a term that the likes of David Duke frequently use. Cobb claims the two were bantering back and forth, when Jones allegedly called her an 'Uncle Tom,' a derogatory term implying she was betraying the black community. There were three Chicago aldermen who were present when the exchange supposedly took place, but Jones is denying that he ever made the comment. FULL STORY at ABC7-Chicago... Jones can deny all he wants, but it seems there were credible witnesses, according to Cobb: "Last night, I was called an 'Uncle Tom' by Emil Jones in the lobby of the hotel, right in front of [Ald.] Freddrenna Lyle and [Ald.] Leslie Hairston and [Ald.] Latasha Thomas," said Cobb, a member of Clinton's Illinois Steering Committee. "I walked over to him and asked him, 'What did you just call me?'" [Source: NewsBusters] The Chicago Sun-Times has this video of Jones's response to reporters. This will not play well at all with Hillary supporters, and it will not sit well with many Black voters either. For example: Here we go again, another person associated with Barack Obama has managed to call the wrong type of attention to himself. Jones is often referred to as Obama's "political godfather." FULL POST at Black Political Thought... Uncle Tom is a term used by black people to try to convince other black people that working, education, living well, and setting a good example for their children is selling out. [Source: Urban Dictionary] RELATED: (See video, below) 'Cabin' Fever in Denver: Clinton Backer Accuses Obama Ally of ... Clinton supporter says she was called 'Uncle Tom' Delegate says Jones called her 'Uncle Tom': Chicago Sun-Times... Black Political Thought: State Senator Emil Jones, Barack Obama's 'Political Godfather' Calls Clinton Supporter, Delmarie Cobb 'Uncle Tom' The Church of Clout - Chicago Reader Delmarie Cobb Campaign Contributions and Donations -- Huffington Post What Makes One An "Uncle Tom"?