Showing posts with label Democrat Natl Convention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democrat Natl Convention. Show all posts

Greta Van Susteren Blows Story About Chicago Cops With Obama at DNC in Charlotte NC, Tinfoil Hatters Go Crazy

Greta Van Susteren Photo: Facebook
Greta Van Susteren - Photo: Facebook
September 3, 2012 - A lot of Americans are in a panic after learning that Chicago Police Officers are protecting Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte (DNC), North Carolina this week.  

Rumors of conspiracy and whatever else the Tinfoil Hat Crowd is panicking about are flying. Greta Van Susteren at Fox News seems to be the primary culprit in all of this idiocy, but careless bloggers are spreading the crap around like cheap fertilizer. It's a typical case of truth being blown all out of proportion, facts being twisted, and facts being omitted.

What is actually happening in Charlotte, North Carolina? Simple, really. The DNC is a big event with big security concerns. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department is good, but it does not have enough officers to handle the security for such an event - which includes POTUS, after all - and so officers from outside agencies will be there to supplement their own manpower. (During the recent NATO Summit in Chicago, hundreds of officers from other cities, including Homeland Security personnel, assisted Chicago Police. With that in mind, cops from other cities being in Charlotte NC is not unusual.)

"Hundreds of law enforcement officers from across the country arrived Saturday at the Charlotte Police Training Academy," reported Your News Now yesterday. "CMPD is not releasing the exact number of officers being brought in for the Democratic National Convention, but they did say there are hundreds and they are all ready for any challenge."

CMPD make an arrest at DNC2012. Book 'em!
Despite that report, people are freaking out. I became aware of this panic when I happened across a post on The Ulsterman Report, a blog I respect a little bit less today after reading a post titled "Why is Obama Using Chicago Police At South Carolina DNC Convention?" The headline even got the state wrong. The DNC is in the other Carolina (North), as Ulsterman even wrote when quoting Fox: "A Fox News reporter just shared information regarding a considerable contingent of Chicago police inside the DNC convention center in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Yet another Obama related act that makes one go hmmmmm…"

One thing that made me go "hmmmm" was the fact that Ulsterman obviously did not bother to actually Google this for himself. Instead, this idiotic comment was added: "As has so often been said regarding the Obama regime – all roads always seem to lead “Back to Chicago." I'm not sure what the hell that mean, but it sure sounds oh hell, it just sounds stupid. I will explain why below.

Greta Van Susteren, though, should really be ashamed of herself. She can be a good reporter, but sometimes she just sucks at it. When she's bad, she's really, really damned bad. She is not some underpaid blogger desperate for a few more website visitors: Greta is a trained journalist, and yet she published this tripe today, without bothering to research it or in collusion with Pergram:
by Greta Van Susteren
Sep 3 2012 - 12:06 PM ET

Below is a note I was just emailed by FNC’s Chad Pergram

And just an interesting note. There are lots of police here from other organizations. But at the convention center, Chicago Police are here….not just folks from across the state or South Carolina.Of course, remember the confrontations Democrats had with Chicago Police at the ’68 Convention….
Chad Pergram
FOX News

Senior Producer for Capitol Hill
Since I know that she knows better, I must assume that Greta's only motivation for publishing such a load of crap is this: Sensationalism. In my opinion, Greta Van Susteren is an overpaid blogger who deliberately sensationalizes just to get more website visitors. There's a word for that kind of person: It starts with "w" and ends with "hore."

The same, I contend, can be said of Chad Pergram. I would say that he is either a moron who doesn't deserve to work in the mail room of any news organization, or he deliberately added that part about the Democrats and the Chicago Police in 1968 - which has NOTHING to do with the reality of what's happening currently in Charlotte.

As for Chicago Police being at the convention center, well, so what? Notice that Pergram did not say that only Chicago cops are at the convention center. Pergram's note is written either as a moron would write such a note, or as a very clever manipulator would. I suspect that Pergram is not a moron.

To be fair, Greta's blog post did say that there are many police officers from other cities, not just Chicago, in Charlotte.  Which part of that did Ulsterman - and others - miss or not understand? 

To recap, Chad sent a stupid note to Greta, who then reproduced it on her Fox site without a shred of added value or any research. Idiot readers won't bother looking beyond Greta's steaming pile, and so the panic and rumors are flying today across blogs run by non-journalists, across Facebook timelines by people who are stupid and/or intellectually lazy, and on Twitter by all of the above.

Obama and Richard Wagner

Is it just coincidence that Barack Obama will be anointed tonight before 75,000 people in Nuremberg-style rally, and that on August 28, 1850 Richard Wagner's "Lohengrin" opera debuted in Weimar, Germany? The stage that Obama will stand on was built to look like Greek columns, a look favored by Hitler and the Nazis. (The stage, by the way, was designed by Britney Spears' set designer.) Wagner was Hitler's favorite composer. Hitler used entertainment professionals to design his stages. Coincidence? I think not. Hitler loved to speak in stadiums, too. Like Obama, Hitler had stages designed by show biz types, most famously the brilliant Leni Riefenstahl: Leni Riefenstahl's most infamous work was as a propagandizing filmmaker in Nazi Germany. She painted murderous thugs against huge-in-scale, brilliantly detailed ceremony. Her job was to relate Hitler's cult of personality to the masses in an awe-inspiring fashion which would both stun the senses and silence the opposition. [Source] Couple this with the 200,000 Germans in a huge rally over there and you've got disturbing imagery, a cult of personality ready to be fully unleashed upon us. We saw the results of a personality cult in Germany more than 70 years ago. Have we learned nothing? Richard Wagner (1818-1883) was Hitler's favorite composer....It was not only Wagner's music that 'struck a chord' with Hitler, but also his political views. Wagner wrote a violently antisemitic booklet in the 1850s called Das Judebthum in die Musik (Judaism in Music) insisting the Jews poisoned public taste in the arts. He founded the Bayreuth festival, which in the 1930s and 1940s was used by the Nazi party as a propaganda tool against the Jews. [Source: Florida Center for Instructional Technology]


Three little piggies wanted to kill Barack Obama, authorities say. Three neo-Nazi nutjobs who were apprehended the other day with high powered rifles are being kept locked up until at least Friday of this week: The three drug-addled Nazi wannabes caught in a hazy plot to assassinate Barack Obama won't have to answer to a federal judge until after the Democratic National Convention, authorities said yesterday. The men - called "bigoted meth-heads" by the Denver US Attorney - are being housed in separate county jails." FULL STORY at New York Post... One of the would-be assassins said that Barack Obama "don't belong in political office. Blacks don't belong in political office. He ought to be shot." Yah, well, The Bench says that those three racist pigs don't belong on the streets. Lock 'em up, throw away the key.

Recycled Denver Nacho Chips

Jerry Agar of WLS 890 AM found a great story about how some folks think they're being oh-so-green at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. Agar quotes Jeff Katz of WBT/Charlotte, who is in Denver covering the circus: It's absolutely hysterical to watch the greener-than-thou types stand there for ten or fifteen minutes carefully separating nacho chips from guacamole and sour cream to place each in the proper canister. Is it refuse? Compost? Recycling?...... Find out what happens to those nacho chips here... (The VIDEO is priceless!) See more fun stuff everyday at Jerry Agar's Blog, and listen to Jerry's talk show on WLS 890 AM in Chicago from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Monday throught Friday. Jerry proves that conservatives can be very entertaining. RELATED: Jeff Katz Show, WBT Charlotte

A Beer and a Shot

Anne Leary at Backyard Conservative looks at the doings at the Dem Natl Convention with her usual wry wit and humor. Read about the Nancy speech. Drudge has it front and center, with the headline from ABC, "Pelosi Tells Disappointed Clinton Supporters to Avoid 'Victim Politics'." Now this is something we conservatives would welcome. Where has this Nancy been? Will she join Hillary in the bar and have a beer with a shot? THERE'S MORE at Backyard Conservative...

Effort to Levitate Denver Mint Fails

DENVER - Democrats took to the streets of the Mile High City, apparently all a mile high, and marched to the U.S. Mint where they attempted to levitate it. The effort failed. The effort was reminiscent of the attempt to levitate the Pentagon on Saturday, October 21, 1967, which also failed. For more on this breaking story, we will turn to Michelle Malkin: I’m happy to report that the anti-capitalists failed in their effort to defy gravity and levitate the U.S. Mint. The wizard hat and magic wands weren’t working. FULL AMUSING POST... ALSO SEE: Marxists Unite! and Fighting back against Obama’s thugs

Night of the Living Democrats

The Bench will be covering the Democrat National Convention by means of a complicated and highly sophisticated system of telecommunications and high tech. And get this - I will be doing so in a room full of Democrats! Ooooooo...Scary! It will be like a visit to the set of Night of the Living Dead, but with gobs of good liquor. The location cannot be revealed at this time because of security concerns. But I have managed, by the grace of the God that so many Democrats deny exists, to wangle my way into a Democrat den of VIPs. They will be hypnotized by the Obamessiah, so I should have an easy time going through their purses and picking their pockets, which would only serve them right after picking the pockets and snatching the purses of Mr. and Mrs. America for lo these many decades. I speak, of course, metaphorically. I am perilously close to digressing, so I will turn now to the Miracle of Technology, brought to us by private sector sweat and sacrifice, despite the constant meddling of the union rabble. As Barack Obama speaks to 75,000 hypnotized people in Denver on Thursday evening, The Bench will watching it in real time. Keep in mind that many of those hypnotized people will also be stoned out of their minds, which only enhances the effects of the hypnosis. Highly trained television camera operators and sound technicians will capture every lie and grunt coming out of Obama's mouth. Those words and sounds will be instantly converted to digital signals, then passed at the speed of light through processing boards, shot out again at the speed of light via microwave to a nearby Denver television station, where the signals will be uploaded to satellites hundreds of miles over the Earth in geostationary orbit. Those satellites will turn the signals around and beam them to various points of North America. The Bench will be sitting with a plush nightclub, attending a party - not just any party, mind you. There will be booze. I will probably be offered marijuana by some of the Democrats there. Naturally, I will politely abstain because my moral character is far superior to the cretin Liberals. I know that the offer of marijuana is a kind gesture of generosity, however misguided it may be. So as not to insult my hosts, and to avoid serious personal injury, I'll just smile and say, "No, thank you. You'll go to Hell for smoking that, you should know. Repent now before it's too late. I think I'll have another vodka instead of that pot, Sinner." The event is the final night of the 2008 Democrat National Convention in Denver. Thank the God that so many heathen Democrats deny.

Illinois NOW President Dissed Obama in Past

In the wake of accusations that Obama buddy Emil Jones called a Hillary supporter an "Uncle Tom," the president of the Illinois chapter of the National Organization of Women has called for Jones's to get out of town. THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME that Grabenhofer has gone against Obama. Today: Bonnie Grabenhofer, the president of the National Organization for Women's Illinois chapter and a Clinton supporter said the remarks that Cobb alleged Jones made were symbolized "the incredible pressure that had been put on, particularly women, to support Barack Obama." "Women in Illinois had that pressure, and it was particularly hard for African-American women who were placed in the untenable position of having to chose between their race and between their gender," Grabenhofer said. [Source: The Swamp...] Late last year, Obenhofer criticized Obama for the way he voted on "reproduction rights" (abortion) while he was an Illinois State Senator in Springfield. Obama voted "present" instead of "yes" or "no." A report from in December, 2007 reported this: No one questions that Obama opposed the seven pieces of legislation; indeed, he is mentioned in news reports from the time as being against several of the measures. Rather, Obama's critics say he ducked a "no" vote; supporters say it was a tactical move. Those interpretations seem to have split the leaders of the Illinois abortion rights movement. Obama should have voted "no" on those bills, said Bonnie Grabenhofer, president of the Illinois chapter of the National Organization for Women, which has endorsed Clinton. FULL ARTICLE at

Who Is Delmarie Cobb?

Is she an "Uncle Tom?" Cobb, a delegate to the Democrat National Convention in Denver, has accused Illinois Senate President Emil Jones of calling her an Uncle Tom because she continues to support Hillary Clinton. We know that Jones is one of Obama's top supporters, a mentor, an old friend. But who exactly is Delmarie Cobb? She is a major player in the Democratic Party and a popular political consultant in the Chicago area. Lightweights don't become the press secretary for the Democrat National Convention, as Cobb was in 1996. Among the luminaries she has worked for and with are Jesse Jackson, Sr. and Jesse Jackson, Jr., Bobby Rush, and others. This hardly makes her sound like an "Uncle Tom." A significant article on April 2 noted that "Over the last few months Cobb has been in an interesting and sometimes frustrating place. As an African-American from Barack Obama's hometown who supports Hillary Clinton, Cobb has been pulled into the national conversation on race, gender, and bare-knuckles campaigning. This afternoon she shared a few of her thoughts in an interview." FULL ARTICLE at Chicago Reader... (The Reader couldn't have known then how relevant that article would be today.) It seems, then, that the alleged Emil Jones slandering of her as an Uncle Tom is something that Cobb has had to deal with for a while. Back to that Reader article, in which Cobb is quoted as saying: Being a Hillary Clinton supporter, I don’t know why you have to tear down one person to be in favor of someone else. That’s the overall problem I have with this entire campaign. It’s not just been Jeremiah Wright—it’s with so many of Obama’s supporters. There’s the need to attack supporters of everyone else, and to make them into racists. Cobb did a radio interviewed on "Beyond the Beltway." Listen to that April 27 interview here (mp3 audio). RELATED: Delmarie Cobb Campaign Contributions and Donations -- Huffington Post The ODDS against marital bliss for the professional black woman - Pastor vs The Pol: Did Wright Mean To Hurt Obama? Hillary Delegate Accuses Obama Mentor of Calling Her 'Uncle Tom'


Emil Jones is either a lousy liar or he thinks that we're all stupid. He is accused by Delmarie Cobb, a Hillary supporter at the Denver Democrat Convention, of calling Cobb an "Uncle Tom." Jones's response is that no, he actually called her a "doubting Thomas." (Watch the video here.) Huh? "Doubting Thomas" (four syllables) and "Uncle Tom" (three syllables) sound nothing alike. Seriously, how stupid does Jones think we are? RELATED: Video: N.O.W. Says Emil Needs to Leave Racist Emil Jones Disrupts IL Dems in Denver


The shite is hitting the fan fast today! THIS BREAKING STORY: According to the Chicago Sun Times Sen. Joseph Biden, his newly named vice presidential running mate, evidently has ties to Tony Rezko as well. Biden has described himself as a 30-year friend of a key figure in the Rezko trial who's pleaded guilty to a federal extortion charge in Chicago and is awaiting sentencing. Joseph Cari Jr., who took part in an $850,000 kickback scheme, was Joe Biden's Midwest field director. The Sun-Times reports that "Biden has deep ties to Rezko accomplice" and that Biden "won't give Obama much cover on the Tony Rezko front." WOW! Read the FULL POST at Black Political Thought, then check out these related stories!

Video: N.O.W. Says Emil Needs to Leave

VIDEO: The president of the Illinois chapter of the National Association of Women (NOW) says that Emil Jones, a top advisor to Obama, should resign. You thought there was division among the Democrats before this? You ain't seen nothin' yet. Fasten your seat belts, kids, this is going to be very bumpy ride in Denver.... and after. Watch the Associated Press video of IL-NOW President Bonnie Grabenhofer, via the Chicago Sun-Times here.

Racist Emil Jones Disrupts IL Dems in Denver

Barack Obama's mentor is causing trouble in Denver. Emil Jones, the retiring President of the Illinois Sentate, called a fellow Illinois delegate - allegedly - an "Uncle Tom." See folks, if you don't tow the hard party line in the Democrat Party, you're stupid, you're ignorant, and if you're Black you must be an Uncle Tom. Independent thinking will not be tolerated, by Emil Jones or anybody else. ABC7 has this startling report today: One member of the Illinois delegation is causing some controversy. The incident involved a conversation that allegedly occurred between Illinois Senate President Emil Jones, a star supporter of Obama, and Delmarie Cobb, an Illinois delegate and Clinton supporter. Okay, that's the set up. Delmarie Cobb, a Black woman, isn't on her knees bowing to the Obamessiah. She must, in the mind of Emil Jones, be an "Uncle Tom." That, to be blunt, translates to "race traitor," a term that the likes of David Duke frequently use. Cobb claims the two were bantering back and forth, when Jones allegedly called her an 'Uncle Tom,' a derogatory term implying she was betraying the black community. There were three Chicago aldermen who were present when the exchange supposedly took place, but Jones is denying that he ever made the comment. FULL STORY at ABC7-Chicago... Jones can deny all he wants, but it seems there were credible witnesses, according to Cobb: "Last night, I was called an 'Uncle Tom' by Emil Jones in the lobby of the hotel, right in front of [Ald.] Freddrenna Lyle and [Ald.] Leslie Hairston and [Ald.] Latasha Thomas," said Cobb, a member of Clinton's Illinois Steering Committee. "I walked over to him and asked him, 'What did you just call me?'" [Source: NewsBusters] The Chicago Sun-Times has this video of Jones's response to reporters. This will not play well at all with Hillary supporters, and it will not sit well with many Black voters either. For example: Here we go again, another person associated with Barack Obama has managed to call the wrong type of attention to himself. Jones is often referred to as Obama's "political godfather." FULL POST at Black Political Thought... Uncle Tom is a term used by black people to try to convince other black people that working, education, living well, and setting a good example for their children is selling out. [Source: Urban Dictionary] RELATED: (See video, below) 'Cabin' Fever in Denver: Clinton Backer Accuses Obama Ally of ... Clinton supporter says she was called 'Uncle Tom' Delegate says Jones called her 'Uncle Tom': Chicago Sun-Times... Black Political Thought: State Senator Emil Jones, Barack Obama's 'Political Godfather' Calls Clinton Supporter, Delmarie Cobb 'Uncle Tom' The Church of Clout - Chicago Reader Delmarie Cobb Campaign Contributions and Donations -- Huffington Post What Makes One An "Uncle Tom"?

Hillary: I Don't Have Total Control of This

Many supporters of Hillary Clinton still hope to vote for her on a first ballot at the upcoming Democrat National Convention. Author Carol Felsenthal notes: When a woman who identified herself as "a proud delegate of yours," said she wants to be able to vote for Hillary "on the first ballot," adding that she wants to "let everybody know that there are a lot of delegates who have signed a put Hillary's name on the ballot," Hillary smiled at the hearty applause and said, "I think you can understand I don't have total control over this." FULL ARTICLE at Huffington Post...

Fun: DNC Press Release

Have fun with this, fellow bloggers. Of special interest is the section of the press release for "a list of services available to renters." It's amusing to see the types of large-carbon-footprint, elitist, anti-proletariate stuff the Democrats will be demanding in Denver. Of course, the services are available in conjunction with "luxury lofts, condos and homes" and, of course, "all properties come fully furnished with plush amenities." Ah, plush amenities. The Party of the Common Man needs plush amenities. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Matt Conway For Reservations: Phone: 303-571-5280 Fax: 970-477-0952 DENVER COMPANY PROVIDES AN ACCOMMODATING SOLUTION FOR THE LODGING SHORTAGE FACING THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION. Denver, CO - recognizes the lodging shortage Denver will be facing in August and has taken steps to help remedy the issue. "We have been aggressively working with property managers, development firms and other lodging facilities around the city to amass a strong and viable inventory that will help ease this shortage. Additionally, we have created the most user friendly web site,, specifically for the DNC. With one of the largest inventories of homes, condos, apartments, and hotel rooms around the Denver Metro Area, we have the power to book both large and small parties for the 2008 Democratic National Convention," states Director of Operations, Mark Cervantes. Property owners wanting to take advantage of this financial opportunity may contact at 1-877-571-5280. All properties are available for short and long term rentals (5 night minimum). Most properties are within walking distance of the Pepsi Center/ DNC site and the Colorado Convention Center. These luxury lofts, condos and homes are capable of housing small to large groups. Prices range from top scale to moderate, and all properties come fully furnished with plush amenities. Here is a list of services available to renters: · Personal Concierge Services · Private Transportation Services · Private Chef · Denver International Airport (DIA) pick-up and drop off · Maid/ Cleaning Services "We are currently working with individual homeowners, travelers, small to large groups, travel agents, Democratic Executives, and corporate groups," explains Reservations Manager Matt Conway. For more information on lodging options for the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado please refer to or call 1-877-571-5280. About Denver Convention Housing, LLC - Denver Convention Housing, LLC is a leading corporate housing provider for the Denver Metro Area, with over 25 years of collaborative experience in industries such as lodging, real estate, resorts, and vacation rentals. Denver Convention Housing proprietor Tommy Z. Hoffman also has offices in Vail, CO that offer vacation rental, concierge, real estate, and mortgage services. For more information please refer to Email: