Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts

CRINGY Video Goes Viral (Again): Service Is Selling

"Service Is Selling" - So bad it's good
I stumbled across this on Facebook
on November 16. It's one of those productions that's so bad that the badness level makes it accidentally great. 

Like a cheezie 1950s sci-fi flick or a messy motorcycle accident, you can't take your eyes off it. It holds your attention despite being awful — or, perhaps, because it's so awful. That's why it's going viral again in late 2023.

I initially knew nothing about the story behind this viral cinematic gem. What I first saw was only a partial version (below) of it that runs 89 seconds of the original 3:07 (below). I wanted to see the whole thing and to know the history behind it, so I did some research.

According to a WGN News report in 2022, the video was made as an employee training video for a chain of gift shops in Alaska called "Once In A Blue Moose." The company's president, Vernon Cates, is credited with producing the musical video. He wrote the music and the script. The video was shot at several of the company's stores in Anchorage. 

Fame and Fear in Alaska: According to Cates, some of the employees became overnight "stars" in Anchorage. Strangers would approach them on the streets. So, "for their safety," he blurred out some of their faces to protect their anonymity. In 2011, Cates posted his blurred version on YouTube. He wrote this in the description: "I have added some blurs at this time due to how big this video has gotten and people were legitimately becoming famous and recognized on the street. This may change when the hype dies down again." But the horse, so to speak, was already out of the barn before he blurred faces, and unblurred copies of the video can still be found on YouTube, Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, TikTok, and elsewhere. 

This video might prove the theory that white folks have no rhythm (or maybe not). Yes, it's "so bad, it's good." To be fair, Once In A Blue Moose has a great website with beautiful products. But that training video - yikes! But to their credit, they good-naturedly acknowledged the wonderful weirdness of the production in their own Facebook post 11 years ago: 

Videos Show How To Annihilate Your iPhone 6

September 24, 2014 - Has your iPhone 6 bent yet? If so, you should consider totally destroying Apple's new, flimsy smartphone. Don't get mad, get even. Here are several creative ways to annihilate your iPhone 6. A dip in liquid nitrogen, shoot it with a 50-caliber bullet, or burn it up with thermite, or throw it into a blender. The videos below, by YouTuber RatedRR, will give you some ideas and, we hope, relieve some of your iPhone 6 buyer's remorse.

Also See:
iPhone 6 receives its own ‘bend test,’ is ‘far more durable’ than iPhone 6 Plus iPhone Hacks

Revealed: What The Fake Sign Language Interpreter Really Said At Mandela's Memorial Service

fake sign language interpreter at Mandela memorial
"You came in like a wrecking ball."
Dec. 11, 2013 - The "sign language interpreter" at South Africa's memorial service for Nelson Mandela yesterday is being called a fraud.

But is he really a fake? A new video (below) offers a spoken interpretation of the man's signing.

The unidentified man stood next to world leaders paying homage to Mandela. On Tuesday the national director of the Deaf Federation of South Africa said he was a fake. Authorities don't know who he was - let alone how he was able to get on stage. People around the globe are scratching their heads, wondering if the man was for real or faking his signing.

"The scandal over the interpreter," reports Associated Press, "is another indication of bad organization of the historic memorial service at a huge soccer stadium. Other difficulties included public transportation breakdowns which hindered mourners from getting to the event and a faulty audio system that prevented many of the tens of thousands in the stadium from hearing the leaders' speeches." Full AP story...

Enjoy Christmas In Jail!

You won't need to post bond, so don't worry.

This is just a fun Christmas novelty song, a doo-wop ditty by The Youngsters from the 1950s.

More about the group and their song over at Homeless Patriot.

"Eye Of The Sparrow" — A Bad Lip Reading of the First 2012 Presidential Debate

Possibly the best one yet from Bad Lip Reading: A brilliant spoof of the first Romney-Obama presidential debate. This is so funny you might want to go to the bathroom now to avoid an accident....

Caught On Camera! Chicago Couple Gets Busy On Public Sidewalk

August 12, 2012 - Chicago - The shameless act of two Rogers Park residents was caught on camera yesterday afternoon. It was a beautiful, sunny day in the Rogers Park neighborhood on Chicago's north side. I walked along the quiet 1000 block of W. Pratt Avenue, nestled between N. Sheridan Road and Lake Michigan.

Unexpectedly, I ran into a couple making love on the sidewalk, in full view of everyone. Children were nearby, and these two love bugs were completely uninhibited. They were aware of me, I believe, but continued their lustful act even as I knelt just inches away from them, camera in hand. This was the hottest cicada on cicada action I've ever witnessed.

I'm fairly certain that these were the Tibicen linnei species. One was approximately 1.5 inches long from "nose" to the back end of its wings. The other (the female?) was a bit shorter. Both of them were completely naked, naturally, as they exchanged bodily fluids and empty promises to love each other forever and ever. 

For those of you who thought you going to see a naked couple of humans getting busy, shame on you.

And here's a note to the imbeciles at Google AdSense: You're blocking ads on this blog for a damned post about insect mating, you morons.

Click on images to make them bigger:

Obama Caught Buying Cigarettes (Video)

In this video (below), the President of the United States buys a pack of cigarettes in a small independent grocery. The purchase was caught on the store's security cameras. A Secret Service agent walks into a little convenience store, checks it out for safety. The agent then whispers something inaudible to the clerk, and the clerk says, "Here? Okay." The agent then signals that it's okay for Obama to enter, and in walks Barack Obama. He waves at the clerk.

"How are you?" says Barack to the clerk. Obama then grabs a few small items and brings them to the register, where he then asks for "cheese puffs, oh and some nuts, and uhm, cigarettes." The clerk asks him,  "What kind?" Obama says, "Ah, I'll take the reds." (That's Marlboro for you nonsmokers.)

As the clerk reaches for the cigarettes, Obama says, "Ah, that one with the coupon. Thank you." The clerk totals up the purchase. "Eleven thirteen," he tells Obama, who then points to the Secret Service agent .  The agent dutifully pulls out his own money and pays the clerk.

Now, I don't know if this is real or not, but I suspect it's a spoof. But damn, if is a spoof, this is the most convincing Obama impersonator I've ever seen. Great stuff, and as a bonus the video below this one shows Obama smoking at a press conference.

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U.S. Issues Zombie Hunting Permits

Zombie hunting season begins soon, and hunters need to get the proper permits. The zombie hunting permit is bright green and allows the holder to shoot up to 10 zombies per day. Hunters are encouraged to practice their shooting with special zombie targets before hunting the real thing. Permits and targets can be purchased at Rimrock Firearms's website. They also sell guns, of course, and our favorite heater for bagging zombies is the Sig Sauer 522 Swat. It's a versatile 22 long rifle with a 25 round capacity and full quad rail. The zombies won't know what hit them.

(Video) Why Middle Aged Women Should Not Drink

We hope you don't see your mother, sister, wife - or yourself - in this video.

Dumbest Spam Email of the Week

A good con artist is smooth, slick and presents him/herself well to the target. Many scam artists work from outside of the United States via email, but they don't seem to understand a basic reality: If you're trying to convince us that you're trustworthy, don't mangle the English language and don't use names that sound absurd. This spam email, reproduced below, was received today. "Dear ericpinkfloyd" is the first clue that this is (a) from another country, (b) from an idiot, (c) from someone who has no idea how use American/English salutations. --Dear ericpinkfloyd Friday, July 16, 2010 9:57 AM From: "supachai jaichapor" To: Hi,Dear: we are wholesalers in china.We can sent our product to USA,Germany,Europe and so on.x we have established a good business relationship with the manufactoies.So we can get the best price there. And we mainly do our business in bulk with our agents, so we should provide them our best price as well.Therefore, our prce is lower than the market price.We provide the kinds of shoes,T-shirts,MP3/MP4,Watches and guitar. For example Nike, Puma,Adidas,ED hardy,Apple and so on. Prices depend on the quantity of your order. the more is the lower. pleasse contact us. Sure, I'll be in touch if ever I'm interested in your crappy Chinese counterfeit merchandise. This partcular email reminds me of one the running gags in the classic film "Buckaroo Banzai." In that film, invaders from the 8th dimension infiltrated industry and the government by using crazy names such as "John Bigbooty." I like "Eric Pinkfloyd" for it's comical effect, but wonder how "supachai jaichapor" came to think that "Pinkfloyd" is anybody's surname.

51 of the Best Tatooed Mug Shots Ever

When you look at these 51 mugshots your initial reaction might be, "What kind of moron would do that to themselves?" Then you quickly remember that these are people who were photographed by the police for (allegedly) doing stupid things. Limited intelligence and tatoos often go together. I'm not saying that everyone who gets ink is a moron, but you can't deny that these folks approached self-adornment in a very bad way. See all 51 photos in this "collection of mugshots of tattooed faces and body parts for your study" at Anorak.

Don't Invite This Girl to Your Wedding

Really, don't. You'll see why in this hilarioius video. We can say that it's funny only because nobody seems to have been seriously injured. Invite this nutjob to your bachelor party, then forget about her.

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Revealed! Why Obama Was Elected

This stunning video shows the real reason why Barack Obama was able to become the president of the most powerful nation on the planet. Hint: He also became the president of one of the dumbest nations on the planet. WARNING: If you're an idiot, you will not understand why this video is so funny. Best you just move along now, because the rest of us will be laughing at you. Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Funny Alderman Berny Stone Video

If you've never been to a 50th Ward meeting - or any meeting - conducted by Chicago Alderman Berny Stone, I urge you to do so. It's like Vaudeville and Broadway mixed up with the Catskills, packed with drama and finger pointing. I recorded this video on January 14, 2009 at a community meeting in West Ridge (a.k.a, West Rogers Park). The weather was cold as hell that night, but the meeting hall was packed with neighbors concerned about potential parking problems resulting from the new Boone-Clinton public school to be built at 6700 North Whipple. Ald. Stone has a reputation for falling asleep at meetings when he's not the one in charge, but when he is in charge, it's guaranteed that everyone in the room will remain wide awake. I recorded this video mainly for my own archives, but it turns out that it's funny as hell even thought the quality is low. Upon viewing it again, it made me laugh so hard that I wanted to share it with you. Leave a Comment Here... See our cool merchandise... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Hey! ChiNewsBench is on Twitter

Obama-Biden-isms at Illinois Review

Vice President Dan Quayle was mercilessly skewered for years by Democrats and Leftists for his occasional slip of the tongue or silly remark. More recently, President George W. Bush spawned an entire industry of books and greeting cards based on "Bushisms," things that he said that were, well, less than brilliant. In the tradition of Liberal double standards, equally stupid utterings by Democrats get scant notice or, more often, are completely ignored. Sometimes they're excused, as when Barack Obama said that there are 58 states in the US. "I've now been in fifty -- seven states? I think one left to go." Huh? Imagine the collective laughter by the Liberals had Bush said that! He was just tired, the Liberal media said. (I don't care tired I get, or drunk for that matter, I would never say that there are 58 states.) Illinois Review posted a fun piece yesterday that looks at the "Top 10 Gaffes: So Far" of Barack Obama and Joe Biden. These are but a handful of many gaffes, but the top ten is a good place to start. Illinois Review notes: Just eight weeks into his administration, recent Illinois State Senator turned President B. Hussein Obama and VP Biden have managed to bungle just about everything. From tax challenged cabinet picks to AIG bonuses, this dynamic duo have consistently screwed up. Loaded with videos, the piece at Illinois Review is a fun read. MORE: Obama's British 'Gift Gaffe' Not Reported By U.S. Media Barack Gaffes by Michelle Malkin on National Review Online Obama apologizes for Special Olympics gaffe Slew of Gaffes Obama on Fox News Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Cool Stuff...