Showing posts with label parody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parody. Show all posts

Hunter, The Magazine For Senators' Sons

Chill, this is just satire
We've put together a new magazine called "Hunter," designed with children of the privileged and politicians in mind. It's inspired by Hunter Biden. He's the son of Joe Biden, one of the most corrupt and dishonest US senators, vice presidents and presidents in history. 

But it's that very corruption and dishonesty that shaped Hunter into the man he is today. Papa Joe describes Hunter as "the most intelligent guy I know," and considering the people Joe hangs out with, we don't doubt it. 

This seems like a good place to quote rock band Credence Clearwater Revival's song, Fortunate One:

Some folks are born made to wave the flag,
Ooh, they're red, white and blue.
And when the band plays "Hail to the chief",
Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord,

It ain't me, it ain't me,
I ain't no senator's son, son.
It ain't me, it ain't me;
I ain't no fortunate one, no,

Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,
Lord, don't they help themselves, oh.
But when the taxman comes to the door,
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes

15 More Free Original Memes For You To Use

A few days ago, I posted a bunch of memes that I made (see them here and here.)

Here are 15 more, free for your use, no catch. Just download them and use them as you please.

For best download results, click on a small image below and it will enlarge. Then right-click and select "Save" to your PC or device. (If you don't enlarge it first, you'll be saving a small version of an image.)

They Didn't Need Mail-In Ballots

Bill Clinton Admires His Portrait
Hillary portrait in the Kremlin

"You ain't black, Dad"
"You're A Cool Dad"

Brian Stelter - New Look, Same Great Face

Hillary transparent  background GIF

Mao: "I will 60 million of you"
"Okay Power"
CNN Brian Stelter, Transp Backgrnd


My Take on Goya and Land O'Lakes

I was inspired to make this meme (below) the other day, in light of the Left's childish boycott of Goya Foods. Others (like me) are encouraging a "BUY-cott" of Goya products.

As you can see, I also played with the Land O'Lakes butter carton. They recently removed the likeness of a Native American woman for purely political reasons. ("There’s another story behind that Land O'Lakes butter box," writes Dalton Walker at Indian Country Today.)

Please feel free to save the image and share it.

Click to enlarge, then right-click to save image

Free Memes Image Dump

Click to enlarge, then right-click to download
Every now and then I post some of the meme-ish art that I do. As you can see, these are political satire. Feel free to copy and repost these as you wish.

Below: Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Al Sharpton, Eric Swalwell, a Coronavirus-themed Chinese flag, and Stalin within the Obama 'swirl' logo.

Click to enlarge an image, then right-click to save. Note: If you right-click and save before enlarging, you'll get a small version. I recommend enlarging before saving.

AND HEY LOOK! There's 15 more memes that we just put up.

Solid White Background
Transparent Background PNG

Man Marries Dog? How a Nigerian Website Helped Perpetuate Hoax Story About Human-Animal Wedlock

February 2, 2014 - Did a man marry a dog in California? No, but there are a lot of people who are busy re-tweeting, "liking," and copying-and-pasting a fake news story about it. The story is a hoax, but a lot of gullible sheeple actually believe the story, even though it's painfully obvious that it's a not real.

It's damned depressing to know that so many people are so damned ignorant that they are not able to distinguish parody from reality.

I came across the fake story via a timeline photo on Facebook today. It was reposted (shared) by "J," who apparently swallowed the story as truth. She even prefaced her repost of the photo, originally posted by "Scannews," with this comment: "And the left has destroyed the definition of marriage. And here we go!!!!"  

Nigeria's best news source?
Sure, here we go. Another gullible fool breathlessly spreading bad information. With four exclamation marks, no less. What's really happened is that morons have destroyed the definition of "well informed."

"J" was so eager to believe the man-married-dog story that she didn't do 60 seconds of research to confirm whether it was true -- or not. She is probably unaware that the photo and fake story she shared were posted by a Nigerian news organization called

Actually, Scannews shamelessly copied and pasted an old item from a parody website called National Report, where all of the "news" stories are fake.

But NR doesn't intend to fool anybody. They're just having fun, in the same way that The Onion produces fake news with a smirk and a wink. In 2002, a major Beijing newspaper republished a fake story about the U.S. Congress demanding a new Capitol building with a retractable dome. Ridiculous, yes, but the Beijing Evening News "translated portions of the Onion's tall tale word-for-word in the international news page," reported In exactly the same way, Scannews was suckered by the National Report man-animal marriage spoof story.

The "Scannews" page on Facebook represents, an online Nigerian news service. The "About Us" page at their main website is sadly amusing. It says this:

Blog Launches Citywide Taxi-Top Ad Campaign in Chicago

CNB's new taxi-top "blogvertising" in Chicago
Sept. 18, 2012 - Some taxi cabs in Chicago will be sporting an ad for a political blog. Beginning this week, about 300 taxis in the city will feature an ad from Chicago News Bench (CNB), a conservative blog of news and commentary.

CNBs latest "blogvertising" campaign is an unusual way for a blog to promote itself. Many just scrawl their blog's web address (URL) on public restroom walls with a Sharpie marker, post irrelevant and unwelcome comments on other websites with a link back to their own site, or send pitifully desperate emails to the publishers of  larger blogs and websites. Still other bloggers will print up a few hundred cheap stickers and slap them on light poles, boarded up storefronts, and bus stop shelters.

"There are many ways to promote a blog, but most bloggers think small," says Erma Gerd. She is CNB's Advertising Director, and the taxi-top campaign was her idea. "Advertising on taxis is never even considered by most of them but I don't know why not. It seems like a pretty obvious thing to do, don't you think?"

CNB's taxi-top ad campaign is scheduled through mid-January, 2013. If the campaign is successful, CNB will has plans for billboards throughout northern Illinois. Ms. Gerd says that CNB is also producing a one-minute television ad to air during the next Super Bowl.

Anderson Cooper Comes Out As Albino

Anderson Cooper of CNN has come out of the closet to admit that he is an albino. "Pigment challenged, actually," Cooper said at a press conference today.

UPDATED 2024: He's still an albino.

Anderson Cooper is an albino
Anderson Cooper is a lifelong albino

Cooper doesn't mind the term "albino," but thinks it carries too many negative connotations thanks to Hollywood's portrayals of albino people as evil freaks. It's "all about albino pride," he said.

"Albino-American is kind of nice too," he said, "although I guess we're not really an ethnic group. We should be, though." He went to point out that albinism is nothing to fear and is not contagious. "You cannot catch albinism," he said, "no matter how hard you try."

Albinism, or "hypopigmentation," is not a laughing matter, says Cooper. It's a genetic disorder that has no cure. "I'm not aware of any 5K runs to help fight albinism, are you?" he asked rhetorically.

Albinism is not a fatal disorder, it does make it difficult for albino animals to blend in with their surroundings. "The up side, though," chuckled Cooper, "is that we're more visible to drivers at night."

He said that revealing his albinism makes him feel "more free to be myself," and that he can now "stop wearing blue contact lenses to hide my albino condition."

Some people are shocked by his pink eyes when they first see them, but Cooper just gives his award-winning smile and tells them to "think pink."

Most people, he says, do not have a problem with his eyes. "They match the rest of me," he says, "which is so obviously lacking any pigmentation that my pink eyes just seem more normal, if you will." That's why he wears blue contact lenses on air.

"Didn't everyone already suspect that Anderson was an albino?" asked one of the reporters at the press conference. "I mean, come on," she said.

Bush and Clinton Get a Bad Lip Reading!

June 28, 2012 - Just uploaded today! The lastest video from Bad Lip Reading (BLR) spoofs Bill Clinton and George W. Bush - together!

BLR Does Joe Biden - New From Bad Lip Reading!

April 16, 2012 - Hot off the press, it's the newest political hit video from Bad Lip Reading (BLR). This time, they hit Vice President Joe Biden.

BLR hit Biden good, just below his IQ, which is not easy. Biden is a natural moron, so saying stupid stuff is just his way. BLR ingeniously managed to make our dumbest VP ever sound even dumber than he really is.

Free Poster! Obama's First Term (Ready For Round Two?)

Oh boy, a free poster!!! Obama has tried hard to destroy the United States during his first term. Here, on his chalkboard, he highlights some of the main points of his Destroy America Agenda. It's a little something I threw together and am happy to share with you, but in return I ask that you share it with others! Post it on Facebook, Twitter, your website, wherever. Remember: Fear No Art! Click to enlarge. Right click save to your computer, or drag to share! Actual dimensions: 784x600 px

Obama Caught Buying Cigarettes (Video)

In this video (below), the President of the United States buys a pack of cigarettes in a small independent grocery. The purchase was caught on the store's security cameras. A Secret Service agent walks into a little convenience store, checks it out for safety. The agent then whispers something inaudible to the clerk, and the clerk says, "Here? Okay." The agent then signals that it's okay for Obama to enter, and in walks Barack Obama. He waves at the clerk.

"How are you?" says Barack to the clerk. Obama then grabs a few small items and brings them to the register, where he then asks for "cheese puffs, oh and some nuts, and uhm, cigarettes." The clerk asks him,  "What kind?" Obama says, "Ah, I'll take the reds." (That's Marlboro for you nonsmokers.)

As the clerk reaches for the cigarettes, Obama says, "Ah, that one with the coupon. Thank you." The clerk totals up the purchase. "Eleven thirteen," he tells Obama, who then points to the Secret Service agent .  The agent dutifully pulls out his own money and pays the clerk.

Now, I don't know if this is real or not, but I suspect it's a spoof. But damn, if is a spoof, this is the most convincing Obama impersonator I've ever seen. Great stuff, and as a bonus the video below this one shows Obama smoking at a press conference.

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Mitt Romney's Pro-Obama Campaign Video (Spoof)

Did Mitt Romney release a campaign ad that promotes the re-election of Barack Obama? Well, no, but this spoof looks pretty convincing. Posted on BuzzFeed's channel at YouTube on November 22. Funny stuff.

PUK Awards Winner Announced!

The winner of the prestigious PUK Awards is a mysterious person who goes by the name of "Hippie Critic." Hippie Critic is a contributor to the internationally famous iOwnTheWorld website, known for its sharp political satire and brilliant photo parody. Get the full scoop at IOTW. Photo parody, in fact, is what the PUK Awards are all about, and Hippie Critic is one of the best. (See all of HC's work at IOTW.) On Twitter he is HippieCritic. The PUK Awards ceremonies were held in a secret location.

Updated Again! 2010 PUK Awards Finalists Announced @iOwnTheWorld

Some of the best political satire artwork is at They've narrowed this year's competition down to a field of finalists for their internationally acclaimed PUK Awards. AND THE WINNER IS: SEE WHO WON, UPDATED 12/20/2010 IronyCurtain, one of the IOTW creative geniuses, wrote to me and explained why they call it the "PUK" Awards: "PUK was the screen name of Peter in the UK, a musician who was on the London scene during the early Beatles era. Peter was an early fan and supporter of and was wickedly clever in his comments. Sadly, he passed away about a year ago. We named the award as a tribute to him." (Thanks again to IronyCurtain.) See all of the amazing photo political satire at IOTW. You'll be so amazed that your amazing amazement will, not amazingly, amaze you. Say, We Do Some Funny Stuff at Chicago News Bench, Too, By The Way... Obama as The Little Dictator Pelosi Pisses Off Pope Dead KKK Guy Hanging Around U.S. Senate The Manchurian Alinskyite The Ultimate Goal of Obama's Change Chicago Aldermen As Nazis, #3 In Series New Heather Steans Campaign Posters Joe Moore Tour Starts Today Alderman Moore's Brave New World Joe Moore Caption Contest! Today's Satirical Funny Photo of Joe Moore Avy Meyers Foie Gras Cartoon Shillerism Meter Rape

Chicago Gay Pride 2009 to Emphasize Accomplishments, Not Crotches (Satire)

A spokesperson for the 2009 Chicago Gay Pride Parade says that the emphasis will be more on "pride" this year and "less on crotches." 

"We're all very proud," the spokesperson said, "of the great accomplishments that so many gays and lesbians have made. We're proud of our artistic contributions, of our economic and business success, of our overcoming of great social barriers and centuries of persecution." 

"Then why" I asked, "is there so much emphasis on crotches? What does a bare rump hanging out of a tutu have to do with any of that? Doesn't it just perpetuate tired, undesirable stereotypes?" 

"Sure," the spokesperson replied, "that's why, this year, we're requiring all of the parade participants to wear modest, business casual clothing. I mean, if you go to a Polish Pride parade or an African-American pride parade, for example, the participants use the parade to highlight their accomplishments, not their genitalia. It's a forum for promoting their contributions to society, not to solicit a quick hum job in the alley." 

"So, no more lewd parade float riders? No more throbbing crotches?" I asked. 

"No more," the spokesman said. Of course, this conversation never happened. No spokesman said those things, and probably never will.