Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Happy Memorial Day! Here's a Free U.S. Flag Photo For You

God Bless America! Click to go to Flickr
Happy Memorial Day 2012!

This U.S. flag photo was taken by me in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin in September, 2011. I thought I would release it to the public domain for Memorial Day.

God Bless The U.S.A. and the members of our great U.S. Military, past and present.

This photo's original size is 2048 x 1536 (pixels). You can download different sizes at Flickr. Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial.

Updated: Fake Osama Bin Laden Death Photos Surfacing

UPDATED: OBAMA WILL NOT RELEASE BIN LADEN DEATH PHOTOS. There are fake photos out there, as expected. Here are two of those fakes making the rounds on the Internet this week. There are more, and will be more still. Let's stick with these two for now.

May 4, 2011 - Was Osama bin Laden shot in the left eye? Was part of his front skull blown away by a bullet? We've gotten conflicting stories from the Obama Administration, which only serves to fuel rumors and encourage photo fakery. 

There has been no official release of any Osama bin Laden death photos as of today at 11:30 a.m. CDT. U.S. officials say the still-secret photographic evidence "shows a precision kill shot above his left eye, which blew away part of bin Laden’s skull. He was also shot in the chest," reports The Independent.

But the White House said the photograph of a dead Osama bin Laden is "gruesome" and that "it could be inflammatory" if released. (Obama, as noted above, has said the death photos will not be released.)

The first bin Laden death photo (top) is a fake. Hollywood Gossip posted it yesterday (May 3). They noted that "someone who really needs to get out more took a photo of some other mangled corpse and superimposed bin Laden's face onto it. Sick."

The second photo is another fake, but it's more realistic for a couple of reasons. First, the green overtone makes it look like the night vision photos that we've all become so used to seeing.

That night vision effect lends an air of authority to the image. Second, the man who seems to be handling the body looks very military, from his clothing to the tough look of his profile. It was posted at late on the evening of May 3. The only commentary there was, "Liveleak cannot confirm the authenticity of this Osama bin Laden dead picture." However, LiveLeak later "determined" that the photo is a fraud, and offered the third photo (left) as, well, proof.  

The fakery is addressed well by John Le Fevre in a post on his blog today. He writes, "As some web commentators stated, one would expect better quality photos coming from the killing of Osama bin Laden."

Le Fevre does a nice analysis of the green photo, too, and gives his readers a warning. "Early on the morning of Tuesday, May 4, 2011 the US CIA issued a warning to people not to open eMails purporting to contain attached photos of Osama bin Laden dead as such eMails contain a computer virus."

Ice Pier Chicago

Ice coats the light house and pier along Pratt Beach in Rogers Park, on Chicago's north side, along the shore of Lake Michigan. See the whole photo album at my Facebook page The ice formed in a storm on Dec. 12-13. When I took these photos on Dec. 15, the temperature was about 19 degrees (F), with not much wind and a warm sun. . The lighthouse is located near W. Pratt and N. Sheridan.

Updated Again! 2010 PUK Awards Finalists Announced @iOwnTheWorld

Some of the best political satire artwork is at They've narrowed this year's competition down to a field of finalists for their internationally acclaimed PUK Awards. AND THE WINNER IS: SEE WHO WON, UPDATED 12/20/2010 IronyCurtain, one of the IOTW creative geniuses, wrote to me and explained why they call it the "PUK" Awards: "PUK was the screen name of Peter in the UK, a musician who was on the London scene during the early Beatles era. Peter was an early fan and supporter of and was wickedly clever in his comments. Sadly, he passed away about a year ago. We named the award as a tribute to him." (Thanks again to IronyCurtain.) See all of the amazing photo political satire at IOTW. You'll be so amazed that your amazing amazement will, not amazingly, amaze you. Say, We Do Some Funny Stuff at Chicago News Bench, Too, By The Way... Obama as The Little Dictator Pelosi Pisses Off Pope Dead KKK Guy Hanging Around U.S. Senate The Manchurian Alinskyite The Ultimate Goal of Obama's Change Chicago Aldermen As Nazis, #3 In Series New Heather Steans Campaign Posters Joe Moore Tour Starts Today Alderman Moore's Brave New World Joe Moore Caption Contest! Today's Satirical Funny Photo of Joe Moore Avy Meyers Foie Gras Cartoon Shillerism Meter Rape

New High Security World Headquarters Are Da Bomb

Chicago News Bench's new headquarters are secure against any kind of conventional attack -- and more. The facility features triple-hardened electronics to withstand an EMP, a nearby atomic weapons explosion or any magnitude of solar flare, SEIU protest or boycott. Click on the images to enlarge them. Our small, custom built nuclear power facility and a self-sustaining hydroponic farm underground can, theoretically, keep the headquarters running autonymously for up to 17 years. In addition, we have several helipads and a 2-kilometer landing strip out back. These photos were taken just outside of one of the perimeter checkpoints. We can only tell you that the new HQ is somewhere west of Reston, Virginia. If we get more specific about the location, we'd we'd have to send someone out to kill you. So, you know, don' t even ask. Photo manipulation by T.H. Mannis

The New BenchMobile

Our new staff car seats up to five and goes from zero to 60 in under six minutes! Click photo to enlarge it.

Pumpkins, Get Yer Pumpkins

This vacant lot on Chicago's north side becomes a pumpkin patch every October. Located in the 7300 block of N. Sheridan Road in Rogers Park, it becomes a Christmas Tree lot in November.

Nature's Canvas - Fall Colors Chicago

October 12, 2010 - Chicago - Fall has dabbed its vivid colors along Lake Michigan in Rogers Park at Pratt Beach, seen this afternoon.

Dog Beach Afternoon

Chicago - It was a beautiful afternoon at the dog beach in Uptown, north of of Montrose Beach, in Lincoln Park.

An Orgy Of Flesh, Windy City Rib Fest Is Awesome (120 Photos)

What to do this weekend in Chicago? The Windy City RibFest runs through 9 p.m., Sunday, July 18, so you still have time to enjoy a festival guaranteed to horrify vegans - and delight anyone who loves ribs, BBQ, and live entertainment. We put together a great slideshow for you (below), with over 120 photos of Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. It is an amazing experience, and kudos must go to the Chamber for Uptown. Located at N. Broadway and W. Lawrence, the event is getting a great crowd and serving a lot of incredible food, plus tremendous music from great local bands (schedule and travel info here). The meat orgy continues through Sunday and you are stronly advised to get over there and put down some ribs. Excuse me... reee-ibs. The setting is beautiful, nestled in amongst historic buildings, and was recently used for scenes in Ron Howard's "Cheaters." 46th Ward Aldermanic candidates Molly Phelan and Michael Carroll have tables at the festival; stop by and say hello. Now, the slideshow...

Tic Tac Toe Contrails Over Chicago

Taken on Chicago's northeast side on March 14, 2010. On this beautiful day near Lake Michigan, the sky was criss-crossed with contrails - or were they chemtrails? Click images to enlarge (1028 x 772 px). Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

The Family That Googles Together...

... stays together. These folks watch their son play soccer at a park in Chicago's Ravenswood neighborhood. A nice fall scene on a crisp afternoon. Dad works in a Google business office in Chicago. Click to enlarge Conservative Caps, Shirt and more! Leave a Comment - Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Visit us on Twitter!

Fall Colors Come Early to Chicago (slideshow)

About a week ago, I noticed that a number of trees along Chicago's Lake Michigan shoreline are turning to their fall colors early. While it seems that less than one in 30 have undergone this seasonal metamorphasis, those that have are all the more stunning for standing out against the crowd. Despite Al Gore's delusional nightmares, we've have a cool summer in 2009, with night temperatures in 40's. This has caused some of the trees of Lincoln Park, which runs for miles along the shoreline, to dramatically go from green to reds and oranges, skipping the yellow phase. Here are some photos, below, that I took on Sept. 15. (You can also go directly to my online photo album to see larger versions of these images.) Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Obama as The Little Dictator

Have fun with this, kids.
Click to enlarge. Photo manipulation done with Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI