Fall Colors Come Early to Chicago (slideshow)

About a week ago, I noticed that a number of trees along Chicago's Lake Michigan shoreline are turning to their fall colors early. While it seems that less than one in 30 have undergone this seasonal metamorphasis, those that have are all the more stunning for standing out against the crowd. Despite Al Gore's delusional nightmares, we've have a cool summer in 2009, with night temperatures in 40's. This has caused some of the trees of Lincoln Park, which runs for miles along the shoreline, to dramatically go from green to reds and oranges, skipping the yellow phase. Here are some photos, below, that I took on Sept. 15. (You can also go directly to my online photo album to see larger versions of these images.) Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

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