Showing posts with label cold weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cold weather. Show all posts

Note To Rush Limbaugh: The Polar Vortex Is Real

Rush Limbaugh
January 6, 2013 - I'm a fan of Rush Limbaugh, but he is dead wrong about the polar vortex that's freezing most of the United States this week. More specifically, he is wrong about how and why the media are discussing the polar vortex.

Limbaugh told listeners today that the polar vortex is being used by the Left to help convince us that the record cold temps do not negate global warming. That may be so; I would not put it beyond them. But there is a problem with the way Limbaugh said this, which I'll get to in a moment.

"Limbaugh opened his program after a long holiday hiatus with a screed against the media," noted Conservative Infidel, "telling listeners that cable network weather reports are obviously designed to promote the idea of man-made climate change."

Global Warming! Jerusalem Hit by Heaviest Snowstorm in 20 Years

Jan. 11, 2013 - Oy vay, that "global warming" sure is chilly! In these videos, we get a look at one of the heaviest snowstorms in 20 years, virtually shutting down the city of Jerusalem, Israel. The city was blanketed in white on Wednesday, January 9, 2013. See, that's how global warming works: It also makes it colder. Confused? Yes, so are the global warmists.

Videos of Metrodome Roof Collapse, Inside and Outside

December 12, 2010 - Two spectacular videos to watch. It's fortunate that nobody was hurt when heavy snow in Minneapolis caused the roof of the Metrodome stadium to fall apart at around 5:00 a.m. today. Below, the first video shows a view of the collapse from outside. The second one shows the collapse inside the Metrodome.

Live Stream Tracking of Hurricane Alex

June 29, 2010 - Watch live streaming of the development of hurricanes (at Hurricane Alex is featured as it crosses over northern Mexico and southern Texas. Also see: Worldwide: The oil spills that don't make the news.

Fall Colors Come Early to Chicago (slideshow)

About a week ago, I noticed that a number of trees along Chicago's Lake Michigan shoreline are turning to their fall colors early. While it seems that less than one in 30 have undergone this seasonal metamorphasis, those that have are all the more stunning for standing out against the crowd. Despite Al Gore's delusional nightmares, we've have a cool summer in 2009, with night temperatures in 40's. This has caused some of the trees of Lincoln Park, which runs for miles along the shoreline, to dramatically go from green to reds and oranges, skipping the yellow phase. Here are some photos, below, that I took on Sept. 15. (You can also go directly to my online photo album to see larger versions of these images.) Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Heavy Snow In Great Britain

The United Kingdom is bracing for more heavy snow - up to 10 inches on Monday, February 2. The Brits are not used to this much snow all at once. The Daily Mail reported early Monday morning (2:14 a.m. London; 8:14 p.m. Chicago) that "Central London was coated in a blanket of snow more than 6in deep," closing major roads, with temperatures down to –5c (that's 23 Fahrenheit, which is balmy by Chicago standards in early February). You can read more at the Daily Mail website. This is the heaviest snowfall for Britain in 18 years, according to The Sun: The Met Office’s Nigel Bolton warned: “It’s going to be the worst snow since 1991. The Pennines will take the brunt but London and the South East will be unusually badly affected too.” Get the latest conditions at London/Heathrow Airport here. CNB RSS Feed

Photos: Cars Encased in Ice!

Incredible photos of an ice storm! These will make even Chicagoans breath a sigh of relief. It's cold as hell here yesterday and today with sub-zero temps and windchills. Many large icicles hang everywhere, but how would you like your car completely encased in ice several inches thick? That's what happened in Versoix, Switzerland in January, 2005. Click to see all of these beautiful photos... Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

Urgent: Warming Centers For Those In Need

Please make a note of these north side Chicago warming centers listed here, courtesy of News-Star. (For citywide list, click here.) Odds are that if you're reading this, you're inside sitting on a dry chair in a warm room. If you know of anybody without heat, or who is homeless, please make them aware of these vital services. Doing so could save a life. "The city is asking residents to also call 311 if they spot a homeless person outside during the dangerous cold and to check on elderly relatives and neighbors. Transportation to an overnight warming center on the South Side will be available after 5 p.m. by calling 311." Remember, you can also call your alderman and ask for a list of warming centers. The Chicago Department of Human Services has opened its North Side warming center at 4740 N. Sheridan for people who need refuge from the extreme cold weather. The center, which you can reach at 312-744-2580, is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For transportation to the center, call 311. Also open to anyone needing a warm place to spend the day are the following libraries and park district buildings: Sulzer branch, 4455 N. Lincoln Uptown branch, 929 W. Buena Edgewater branch, 1210 W. Elmdale Rogers Park branch, 6907 N. Clark Margate Field House, 4921 N. Marine Loyola Park, 1230 W. Greenleaf Warren Park, 6601 N. Western Willye B. White Park (formerly Gale School Park), 7631 N. Ashland (full article) RELATED: Emergency Services & Hotlines City of Chicago - Ward & Alderman List Prevention Tips Dealing with Frostbite and Hypothermia Home Heating Assistance Programs Subscribe to Chicago News Bench