Showing posts with label George W. Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George W. Bush. Show all posts

Pelosi Blames Bush For VA Scandal, But Obama Knew In 2008

May 24, 2014 - It was sadly predictable: Some Democrats are blaming former President George W. Bush for the scandal currently rocking the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Nancy Pelosi, Obama's Propaganda Minister
Propaganda Minister Nancy Pelosi
"At least 40 U.S. veterans died waiting for appointments at the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care system, many of whom were placed on a secret waiting list," CNN reported on April 30. "The secret list was part of an elaborate scheme designed by Veterans Affairs managers in Phoenix who were trying to hide that 1,400 to 1,600 sick veterans were forced to wait months to see a doctor, according to a recently retired top VA doctor and several high-level sources."

Most notable among the blame-Bush Dems is Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif).  The Washington Examiner notes that Pelosi did not actually blame Bush by naming him, "but she alluded to him early and often in the press briefing."

"Maybe when we go into war, we should be thinking about its consequences and its ramifications," Pelosi said while discussing the scandal. "You would think that would be a given, but maybe it wasn't. And so, we go in a war in Afghanistan, leave Afghanistan for Iraq with unfinished business in Afghanistan. Ten years later, we have all of these additional veterans. In the past five years, two million more veterans needing benefits from the VA. That's a huge, huge increase."

Bush and Clinton Get a Bad Lip Reading!

June 28, 2012 - Just uploaded today! The lastest video from Bad Lip Reading (BLR) spoofs Bill Clinton and George W. Bush - together!

A Little Reminder of the Left's Unhinged Hatred

by Warner Todd Huston With all the tales in the Old Media of the supposed violence committed by Tea Partiers going on since Obama's takeover of our nation's healthcare system, I thought it might be instructive to recall how hate-filled the unhinged left is in America today. A year ago, the good folks at Zomblog assembled a great series of photos showing the mental derangement exhibited by the human detritus at those once ubiquitous anti-war rallies that the distempered left hosted so often between the years 2003 and 2009… you know, those anti-war rallies that totally disappeared after Obama took office even as the wars rage on? Yeah, THOSE anti-war rallies. In any case, if the left and the Old Media want to pretend that Tea Partiers are nothing but filled with hate, perhaps they should get a look at some of these photos? Of course, the fact is, none of this "violence" has been tracked to anyone in the Tea Party movement… but let's not let facts get in the way of the Old Media's good stories, eh? As self-interested Congressmen try to fool the public into thinking that Tea Partiers yelled the "N" word at them, even as not one shred of proof exists that it ever happened, let's be reminded of what real hatred looks like…

Let's start out with a sign printed that depicts President Bush being hanged.

Then there is this decrepit hippy wannabe saying that Bush should be guillotined

Some halfwits that imagined that Bush could actually destroy the earth, er sumpthin

Nice shirt, you juvenile twit. Here are a pile more...

And these are just the anti-Bush signs! These photos don't include the many thousands of signs that announce support of communism, socialism, and other anti-American ideals. These signs also don't take into account the many thousands of signs at these idiot anti-war rallies that denigrate Jews and come to the aid of the terrorist "Palestinians." Not to mention that none of the signs pictured above reveal the outright hatred of the entire U.S. as an "imperialist" or as a "terrorist" nation. That would take up dozens of other posts, so I just focused on the Bush Derrgangement Syndrome placards. Remember folks, the left is filled with a venomous hate that nearly consumes them. The Tea Party folks are pikers compared to the unhinged left. And can you remember the Old Media ever publishing these sort of photos during Bush's eight years in office? Nope, me neither. Also see Warner's blog Publius' Forum. Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Did George Bush Wipe Cooties on Bill Clinton?

This is Bush-hating at is worst - or best, depending on your sanity level. The rapid Bush bashers have allowed themselves to become so consumed with hatred that they have become, quite literally, delusional. For many, their hatred of George W. Bush has become a psychosis. The video below, of Presidents GW Bush and BJ Clinton in Haiti, has become a focal point for Bush haters far and wide. On Monday, March 22, Bush and Clinton walked past a group of friendly Haitians, shaking local people's hands. They each probably shook hundreds of hands that day. At 49 seconds into the video, Bush is seen shaking somebody's hand, then putting his hand on Clinton's right shoulder, immediately followed by a downward swipe on Clinton's shirtsleeve. Tens of thousands of Bush hating morons, like Brad Pareso at, are viewing the BBC video of the "incident" on YouTube. Pareso, a "journalist," wrote about Bush that "When he was a little kid, mama Laura told him that girls and Haitians have cooties. That’s why, in this video from a trip to Haiti with Bill Clinton, he wipes his hand on the former president’s shirt sleeve after shaking hands with some earthquake survivors." Somehow, I doubt that Pareso really know what Bush's mother may have told, or not told him, about cooties. Pareso does not explain, of course, how he came into that knowledge, nor does he explain how he could know Bush's true reason for putting his hand on Clinton's shoulder, and then stroking his hand downward along Clinton's upper arm. Perhaps Pareso is telepathic and can use that ability to focus on a man's thoughts from hundreds of miles away. If so, he doesn't say. Was Bush wiping his hand on that sleeve? Or did he, as most of us do from time to time, simply making a friendly gesture to a friend? Even if W did wipe his hand on Clinton's sleeve, how does that compare to Clinton wiping himself on a blue dress? Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

MSM Bias and Mayor Daley's Lousy Approval Rating

...but will the MainStream Media and the Democrats mock Chicago's Mayor Daley for HIS all-time low approval rating of 35 percent? Don't hold your breath. This post is more about widespread liberal media bias than it is about Mayor Daley's horrible approval ratings. The hypocrisy is stunning, as demonstrated by the Chicago Tribune in a Sept. 13 article by Dan Mihalopoulos: For the first time since he became mayor two decades ago, Daley's critics outnumber his fans, a Tribune/WGN poll found. The mayor's approval rating is at an all-time low of 35 percent in Tribune polls, according to the new survey. Mihalopoulos reveals a certain bias with his fourth paragraph (emphasis added): None of this is to suggest that Daley is losing his dominance of the City Council or his luster with the city's business elite. There is no serious challenger on the horizon if Daley, who regularly wins re-election by landslide, chooses to run for a seventh term in 2011. Even more than his legendary father, the 67-year-old Daley is the only game in town. Why does Mihalopoulos feel a need to apologize for his report of Daley's miserable approval rating of 35 percent? From mid-2006 to early 2008, President Bush hovered at or near a 35 percent approval rating. When The Chicago Tribune - or any of the other MSM - reported Bush's low ratings, did any of them quickly qualify those reports with phrases such as "None of this is to suggest that Bush is losing his dominance of the US Congress?" They did not, and yet that was essentially the case. Even after losing the Congress to the Pelosi Gang in 2006, Bush continued to have his way with the Iraq War and other issues. Although not quite the rubber stamp that is the Chicago City Council, the US Congress was more compliant than most average Democrat voters had hoped it would be after they won it two years into Bush's second term. When the MSM reported on Bush's low approval ratings, did they feel it necessary to also note that Bush won "re-election by [a] landslide?" They did not, of course, even though Bush handily defeated the John "Frenchy" Kerry and John "The Adulterer" Edwards in 2004. The MainStream Media have yet to catch up to the ACORN-Prostitution sting of last week. The MSM virtually buried the story of Obama being forced to dismiss Van Jones. Yesterday's March on Washington, a gargantuan Tea Party, is estimated by the US Parks Service and the D.C. police at over 1.5 Million people, yet most of the MSM has either ignored it or downplayed it as "tens of thousands." MSNBC admitted to "hundreds of thousands" of people, but oddly said that police estimated "tens of thousands." MSNBC, one of the MSM, just couldn't bring itself to honestly relate the much larger, actual, official estimates. The MSM, which we on the Right have accused of bias for decades, has bent over backwards in the past weeks to prove just how correct we have been. They've done it unintentionally, of course, just as a drunk who fails a breathalyzer test unintentionally proves himself guilty of having a few too many drinks. They cannot help it. It is they way they behave. Hold on, here's another metaphor: Like a duck, if it quacks like one and walks like one, it is one. The MSM has been quacking very loudly of late. RELATED: Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending in ‘tea-party’ demonstration - Daily Mail (UK) ABC Denies It Ever Said Yesterday's Protest Rally Had 1 Million People Two Million Man March Size Matters; So Do Lies The 9/12 March on Washington (Wizbang) Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom Media Bias Of The Day Black & Right Your Friendly Media Bias Reminder - Mark Hemingway PROOF: SADDAM HAD URANIUM AFP: Iraqi uranium transferred to Canada Cool Hats & Shirts for Cool Conservatives Leave a Comment... Chicago News Bench RSS Feed We're on Twitter...

Obama Protecting Patent, Copyright Thieves

Is this really the "change" you were hoping for, Obamamaniacs? Barack "Spare Change" Obama is perpetuating many of the Bush Administration policies that you - Mister and Mizz Obama Voter - hated so much. For example, this June 17 press release from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) (emphasis added): Washington, D.C. - The Obama Administration's decision to support Bush-era concealment policies has forced the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Public Knowledge (PK) to drop their lawsuit about the proposed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). EFF and PK had been seeking important documents about the secret intellectual property enforcement treaty that has broad implications for global privacy and innovation. It should be noted here that EFF is hardly a right-wing group. They are staunch defenders of free speech, especially as pertains to the Internet. They describe themselves as "the leading civil liberties group defending your rights in the digital world." Indeed, EFF stands up to everyone from government at all levels (regardless of who is in power) to corporations such as Google. More from that June 17 press release (emphasis added): Federal judges have very little discretion to overrule Executive Branch decisions to classify information on "national security" grounds, and the Obama Administration has recently informed the court that it intends to defend the classification claims originally made by the Bush Administration. Look, sometimes there are legitimate reasons to classify something. Why the Bush Administration protected violators of intellectual property, however, is incomprehensible. Even less comprehensible, however, is why Barack Obama and his henchmen are perpetuating that policy. Change! Hope! Sure, okay. RELATED: EFF Busts Bogus Internet Subdomain Patent ACTA draft leaks: nonprofit P2P faces criminal penalties (ArsTechnica) Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (video; Digital Strip Search (video; TheRealWeeklyNews) Search Google for news about "Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement" See Comments... Visit Our Online Store Chicago News Bench RSS Feed Hey! ChiNewsBench is on Twitter

Iraq More Democratic Than China Today

On Saturday, January 31, millions of people in Iraq enthusiastically turned out to excercise their still-new democratic freedom to vote for the candidates of their choice. No longer living in a dictatorship, the people of Iraq are determined to never lose their democracy. (A quick note of thanks to President Bush and all of the men and women of the US Armed Forces.) "Many people have seen Iraq as a dictatorship, but today that has changed," he said, casting his ballot in Baghdad. "Others are saying this is a sectarian government, but this isn't true. We can't be a dictatorship again and we won't be." Full Story at The Observer... Even Al Jazeera has a happy report on video (linked here and embedded below). Meanwhile, in China, democracy is faring less well than in Iraq. As another report from Al Jazeera shows (link here), nothing much has really changed since the butchery in Tianenman Square. How ironic that so many Americans are pissed off about "imposing" democracy on Iraq, but so gladly rush to do business with China's dictatorial leaders (creators of the most Orwellian Olympics since Adolf Hitler hosted them in Berlin), the iron-fisted suppressors of free speech and thought. CNB RSS Feed

Bush Hatred Subsiding Already?

Watching the inauguration had an unexpected effect on some people, particularly those who have hated him for so long. They suddenly realized that George W. Bush is not an evil man, after all. Oh, those people have not suddenly stopped thinking that Bush was a bad president. But many who saw the Obamas say a touching goodbye to the Bushes outside the Capitol Building on Tuesday suddenly saw a human kindness in Bush that they never dreamed was there before that moment. The moment was brief, and it was seconds before George Bush stepped into the helicopter. After final embraces, Bush paused and leaned close to Michelle Obama so she could hear him through the noise of the chopper's engines. We could not hear him. But we could plainly read his lips as he said, "Call if you need anything." Those aren't the exact words, but it's close. I wish now that I had written it down. A friend of mine who hated despised Bush for eight years saw it too, and she wrote an email about her reaction. She said she suddenly sees Bush in a new light, no longer evil. Inept, she still calls, but no longer evil. History will be fair to George W. Bush, more fair to him than were so many of his fellow Americans that he protected for eight years. Perhaps not soon or even in his lifetime, but historians will one day note the disproportionate, rabid hatred thrown at him daily, and they will marvel at the intensity of that hatred. On Tuesday, some of those haters stopped hating a man they had painted as the Second Coming of Hiter. The historians of the next generation will have no emotional investment in George Bush, either pro or con. The historians may not be kind to him, but they will not be mercilessly cruel, either. Barack and Michelle learned that George W. Bush is no Hitler. They embraced him, literally. I suspect there will be cordial phones calls between Texas and the Oval Office. Barack Obama knows that Bush is not evil. I hope the rest of America will come to grips with that, too.
I am reminded that author Carol Felsenthal has a good post today at Chicago Daily Observer, in which notes the contrast between the Bush Departure and the Clinton Departure. As all of her columns are, this one is a must-read: If George W. Bush’s approval ratings are any indication, the vast majority of Americans could not wait to see him go. But that said, at least he left in a quiet, dignified manner; nothing like the circus surrounding the White House exit of Bill Clinton eight years earlier. (I tracked Bill’s painfully long goodbye in the opening pages of my book, Clinton in Exile: A President Out of the White House.) Full Post at Chicago Daily Observer... Subscribe to Chicago News Bench


FLASH! Late breaking word out of Washington, D.C. is that Barack Obama was sworn into office yesterday! He's our newest president now! FLASH! Yesterday, just hours after Barack Obama was sworn in as president, I was approached numerous times and asked for quarters on the street! I guess now that Obama is in, everybody is in such a good mood that they assume other people just want to give away their money! Which Obama will force all of us to do soon, anyway, so what the hell! Hey, anybody want change? FLASH! Word out of Washington, D.C. is that the former president, George W. Bush, was all friendly and stuff with Mr. Obama. FLASH! Unnamed sources tell Chicago News Bench that George W. Bush was not impeached! Can you believe that? Neither was former Vice President Dick Cheney! Can you believe that?!? FLASH! Former president George W. Bush never declared martial law, nor did he suspend the presidential election of last November, despite all the lunatic paranoids who claimed to "just know that he would." FLASH! The lunatic paranoids were wrong! FLASH! Prediction! By the end of July, many of those same lunatic paranoids will finally be in mental wards, driven totally over the edge by the fact that Bush is no longer there to kick around, and by the sudden realization that all the money and time they spent on "Impeach Bush" rallies and tee shirts and bumper stickers could have gone to buy more marijuana! FLASH! Barack Obama will be vilified by those lunatic paranoids not yet committed to rubber rooms when they realize that, with Bush gone, they can't help vilifying the sitting president, no matter who he/she/it may be. Remember Lyndon Johnson? He was a Democrat! The lunatics on the Left hated him! Even more than they hated Richard Nixon, although they'd never admit that. FLASH!! ANOTHER prediction! Before the end of May, somebody in Georgia will get national news attention when they insist that a stain on the side of their barn looks like Barack Obama, and - get this! - it cries tears of blood! News crews from around the globe will not report it as some whacko Christian insane delusion. Instead, they will report it as unquestionable proof that Obame really is the messiah after all, much in the same way they report on global warming (excuse me, "climate change")! FLASH!!! By August, lunatics around the nation will experience a secular form of a pseudo-religious epiphany when they realize that the false messiah Barack Obama is, well, a false messiah. It's not his fault that he is charismatic, and I don't blame him for the fact that he's a great speaker and he looks great throwing a bowling ball! Nope! It's the fault of all the lunatics who drank pitchers and pitchers of Kool-Aid that they stirred up and sweetened themselve! FLASH!!! Another prediction! Kool-Aid could raise it's price soon, what with the economy sucking so badly despite two full years of Democrat control of the Congress. FLASH!!! One more prediction! I predict that fewer people will be drinking Kool-Aid by September! Not because of the higher cost, but because of the bitter after taste. Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

Bush Pardons Two Border Guards

Thank God, outgoing President Bush has finally pardoned two former US Border guards. Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. As recently as last November, Bush refused to pardon them, but on this - his last day to make pardons - he has finally shown mercy. In his final acts of clemency, President George W. Bush on Monday commuted the prison sentences of two former U.S. Border Patrol agents whose convictions for shooting a Mexican drug dealer ignited fierce debate about illegal immigration. FULL STORY... RELATED: ImmigrationProf Blog: Report: Bush Refuses to Pardon Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos... Border agents plead for 'Christmas pardon' (2006) FREE "NACHO RAMOS" OFFICIAL SITE Last day for Bush to issue pardons, commutations Who Will George Bush Pardon Today? Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

Still Time to Impeach Bush!!!

You have less than 48 hours to impeach George W. Bush.
Perhaps you'd like a cracker instead?

Blagojevich Beats Bush!

Democrat Rod Blagojevich has defeated George W. Bush in the race for impeachment. Today,the Illinois governor was impeached before President Bush - or VP Dick Cheney. I hate to break this to all the morons who still have "Impeach Bush" stickers on their rusty Volvos, but with just days left for the Bush Administration, dat ain't gonna happin'. Subscribe to Chicago News Bench

India Loves George W. Bush

The Bench front page... For nearly eight years, we've been hearing the twin lies that "the world hates America" and "the world hates President Bush." Just ask India's Prime Minister what he thinks of George W. Bush. The Hindu newspaper ran an article on September 27 (well before the Mumbai chaos of last week), in which he unabashedly lavished praise on Mr. Bush. “People of India deeply love you,” Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told United States President George W. Bush here on Thursday evening. The actual quote was "deeply, deeply love you." I've heard the audio. Singh continued: “In the last four and half years that I have been Prime Minister, I have been the recipient of your generosity, your affection, your friendship. It means a lot to me and to the people of India.” As Mr. Bush sat beaming in the glare of television cameras, he heard the visitor saying, “When the history is written, I think it will be recorded that President George W. Bush played a historic role in bringing our two democracies closer to each other.” Praise for George W. Bush - from a foreign leader??? This must sound like science fiction to the average American liberal, but the fact is that Bush is not the evil dictator that the lying liars have worked so hard to portray. Singh noted that President Bush made a major contribution to peace in Southern Asia. “For 34 years, India has suffered from a nuclear apartheid. We have not been able to trade in nuclear material, nuclear reactions, and nuclear raw materials. And when this restrictive regime ends, I think a great deal of credit will go to President Bush. And, for this I am very grateful to you, Mr. President.” Full Article at The Hindu... Wow. A major world leader saying that he is "grateful" to George W. Bush. Imagine. RELATED LOVE NOTES: Manmohan Professes India’s Deep Love for Bush - Prime Minister ... South Asia Investor Review: Manmohan Says India Loves Bush Bill Clinton Praises Bush : Next Stop Lauderdale Howard Dean fails again. Nagin praises Bush. Scott Allan's World Praise for George Bush's leadership skills Education The Guardian Bush's record in Africa receives well-deserved praise - Opinion ... Praise for President Bush in German Paper - Atlantic Review ... PajamaHadin » Blog Archive » ABC surprised by praise for Bush Open Letter Of Praise For George W Bush Putin criticizes NATO but has praise for Bush - International ... Well-Deserved Praise for Bush's Africa Record - Grudging Praise for Bush on Environment praise for bush from danish P.M. « The Homesick American… Rock star Bono praises Bush for AIDS plans


FLASH: President George W. Bush just issued an executive order that declares martial law and cancels out last Tuesday's presidential election. Barack Obama and his top advisors have been rounded up and sent off to one of the many secret concentration camps scattered around the US. At this writing, others who opposed Bush are being rounded up. Some are being summarily executed. (No, no, just kidding. See? For eight years the lunatics on the left have been all paranoid over nothing. And some of you morons believed that crap for the whole eight years. Aren't you just a little embarassed?)