Not only is there now undeniable proof that Iraq DID INDEED have the YELLOW CAKE URANIUM that Pres. Bush said they had (and other world leaders and their intelligence services), the mainstream media are finally - slooooowly - coming around to the fact that the Leftists and Democrats were the ones who lied about it. KUDOS to the Chicago Tribune for confessing this, for apologizing for it, and for trying to set the record straight. Read this July 10 column by Nancy J. Thorner (emphasis added): An unforgivable omission July 10, 2008 On July 6th there was an AP exclusive that reported how the last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program - a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium - reached a Canadian port to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans. This removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" from the Tuwaitha nuclear complex 12 miles south of Baghdad was seed material that could have been refined into nuclear weapons. It was first discovered back in 2003 when the U.S. invaded Iraq. This AP report should have been headline news in the Chicago Tribune. After all, much of the early opposition to the war in Iraq involved claims that President Bush had "lied" about weapons of mass destruction and that Saddam posed little if any nuclear threat to our nation. The news that 550 metric tons of yellowcake uranium was removed from Iraq more or less proves that Saddam back in 2003 had his nuclear program on hold for building WMD and that he planned to boot it up again. It is unforgivable that the mainstream media, including the Tribune, has virtually ignored the AP story about the recent uranium removal from Iraq. There is an obvious answer for this purposeful oversight: it doesn't fit the media's neat storyline that Saddam Hussein's Iraq posed no nuclear threat when we invaded in 2003. --Nancy J. Thorner THANKS TO MS. THORNER for writing that. And who are the "opposition to the war in Iraq involved claims that President Bush had "lied" about weapons of mass destruction" that Ms. Thorner referred to? Tens of thousands of useful idiots, including our own Chicago City Council. READ THIS PIECE OF IDIOCY...