Showing posts with label socialized health care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label socialized health care. Show all posts

Bart Stupak: Obamacare HHS Mandate Violates Executive Order, Statutory Law

Sept. 4, 2012 - Former Congressman Bart Stupak, a pro-life Democrat of Michigan was a key swing vote for Obamacare in 2010, is saying that Obama's HHS mandate violates not only the Executive Order, but statutory law as well.

The HHS mandate went into effect on August 1st. Many religious institutions now have about a year "to figure out how they’re going to violate their consciences," as NY Cardinal Timothy Dolan put it.

The video was made during a Democrats For Life panel discussion at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina and posted to YouTube by RedState today. But Stupak's words are not really news: He came out months ago to express his disappointment in Obama's HHS mandate and the way it approaches contraception. On February 8, 2012, for example, he said the mandate was illegal when he was interviewed by Fox's Greta Van Susteren (see below).

On March 21, 2010, reported that Democrats "reached a deal on an executive order on abortion that could hand them a victory on healthcare," and that "Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) announced a deal at a press conference. He said the deal means Democrats will have the 216 votes they need to win a healthcare reform vote on the floor." 

The title of the Order is "Executive Order: Ensuring Enforcement And Implementation Of Abortion Restrictions In The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act." The parts of the Executive Order that Stupak (and others) now object to are Paragraphs 2 and 3 of "Section 1. Policy."

"Bart Stupak was a vital swing vote in the Obamacare debate 2 years ago," says today. In March of 2010, Stupak said he could not support Obamacare unless he could be assured that abortion would not be covered by the mandate. As RedState notes, "Following an Executive Order signed by President Obama that supposedly ensured that abortion would not be covered, Stupak declared victory for the pro-life movement. This in spite of the fact that many had said the Executive Order was toothless and would not prevent anything."

Bart Stupak Chump
Found at
Jill Stanek wrote an excellent critique of the Order. In essence, she called it meaningless. She wrote, in part, that "there is no operative language in the executive order. It merely observes there are two conscience laws, like observing there are two clouds floating by. Meanwhile, Obamacare states the HHS Secretary can mandate coverage of anything s/he decides is a 'preventative service' which Kathleen Sebelius has indeed deemed contraception, the morning after pill, the IUD, and sterilization."

Fox's Greta Van Susteren interviewed Stupak for "On the Record" on February 8, 2012. Stupak said this about the the HHS contraception mandate:

".... it dealt with not only abortion, but also with the conscience clause. In fact, if you look in section one of the executive order, it's – very clearly it says – it cites the Church amendment way back in 1973, all the way to the Weldon amendment, which was in legislation that President Obama signed in 2009, in which they talked about the conscience clause and the right of individuals and institutions such as the church to not provide these services if it violates their tenets of their faith and their principles and their conscience."

The mystery in all of this is why it took so long for Stupak and others to realize that they were fooled. The Executive Order was, after all, posted to the White House website on March 21, 2010 – the same day that Stupak had his victorious press conference. Stupak was suckered, lied to by Obama and his White House operatives.

Or - maybe not. Many accuse Stupak of selling his vote to support Obama's mandate in exchange for a lot of pork to his district in Michigan.


AMA Re-Endorses Obamacare Mandate, Loses 12,000 Members

June 21, 2011 - Chicago - The American Medical Association (AMA) has suffered a significant loss of membership since 2010. The AMA is being ripped apart from within by its controversial support of the fascist "individual mandate" element of Obamacare, which requires individuals to by health care or face stiff penalties.
The AMA met last weekend to discuss Obamacare and other issues. The AMA has just re-endorsed the individual mandate. "The American Medical Association’s delegates held their annual meeting over the weekend, at which the most contested issue under discussion was the individual mandate to purchase health insurance or pay a fee," reports the American Independent, "and whether the AMA should continue, as it has since 2006, to officially support such a mandate. The mandate is a crucial component of the Affordable Care Act passed by the Democratic Congress last year." "AMA delegates voted on yesterday in favor of maintaining support for the mandate by a vote of 326-165," the AI report said. "An alternative proposal, in favor of the government encouraging the purchase of insurance through tax credits but not requiring it, was supported by delegations from several more conservative states."

Many of the AMA's member physicians do not support the unconstitutional mandate, and a lot of those doctors have dropped their AMA memberships over the past two years.

According to America's Medical Society (AMS), "the AMA’s membership is down 5.3% since last year, and AMA rolls have dropped almost 10.4% since 2007…considering that the bulk of AMA members are medical students (who get a free ‘member’ card) and retirees, this loss of real, active, productive physician members is astounding and devastating to the AMA." The AMS published its article on its website on June 20, 2011. Read the AMS article "AMA Loses 12,000 Members … More Obamacare Lies from the White House" here.

The AMA calls itself "the nation's largest physician group," but this is intentionally misleading. AMA membership is not nearly as large as the average American might think. Fewer than one in five U.S. physicians are members of the AMA, which is based in Chicago. That number is dwindling, primarily because of the way in which the AMA embroiled itself in the health care debate by siding with Barack Obama's fascist policy of requiring individuals to purchase health care insurance.

"Despit the hoopla and false celebration of physician 'unity,'" says the AMS, "the American Medical Association reluctantly acknowledged this past weekend that the organization has lost 12,000 members in the aftermath of their support for Obamacare. Based on the growth of more moderate/conservative doctor groups in America, the AMA is losing even more members as each day goes by..."

Another Federal Judge Finds Obamacare Unconstitutional

January 21, 2011 - Dystopia - It's all about the "individual mandate," the part of Obama's "health care reform" that requires people to purchase coverage or be fined. That's the point which, again, was the main reason why Obamacare has been called unconstitutional. The Atlantic Wire's Elspeth Reeve filed this late this afternoon: A second federal judge has ruled President Obama's health care overhaul to be unconstitutional, following a similar decision from a Virginia judge in December. And like that judge, Roger Vinson of Federal District Court in Pensacola, Florida, said the law could remain in effect while the cases make their way through the court system.... Full Article at Atlantic Wire To those of us who still honor and respect the Constitution, it is painfully obvious that the federal government cannot legally require us to purchase a product that we do not want. To many Democrats and most Liberals, of course, Judge Vinson's ruling has no meaning because they don't believe that the Constitution is valid. It is, after all, more than 100 years old. RELATED: Factbox: Lawsuits challenging U.S. healthcare reform Reuters Cuccinelli, McDonnell praise Florida ruling striking down health-care law Washington Post Obamacare and the Individual Mandate: Violating Personal Liberty and Federalism Heritage Foundation Obamacare is Great... Well Unless You Are a Union, Then You Don't Have to Suffer Under it Publius' Forum

Pollak Calls Out Schakowsky on Health Care

"If the health bill was so great, why are you trying to fix it?"

So asks Joel B. Pollak, who is running against Rep. Jan Schakowsky for the as the Republican nominee for U.S. Congress in the 9th district of Illinois. The question, of course, is aimed at Schakowsky. Pollak posed the question in a hard-hitting blog post to voters on May 12. He wrote this:

Health care reform was never Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s goal. The real aim, as she stated so openly, was to create an entirely government-controlled health care system and to “put the private insurance industry out of business.” Never mind that five of the top ten employers in Illinois are private insurance companies, and that destroying them would kill at least 56,000 jobs (and probably far more). Total control was always the goal.

Pollak is right, and Schakowsky has essentially admitted it previously. When she gave her now-infamous speech on April 27, 2009 to the Health Care for America Now rally (see video), she came right out and said that a lifelong goal of hers has been the destruction of "the private insurance industry." (See page 2, second paragraph of the transcript at right; click to enlarge.) Power lust and a deep hatred of the private sector are the primary motivations for Schakowsky and many of her fellow Democrat incumbents.

Pollak's post continued:

How else to explain the fact that she voted for $500 billion dollars in cuts to Medicare, and voted to get rid of Medicare Advantage coverage for 121,000 seniors in Illinois ? How else to explain the fact that she voted to jeopardize the future of Social Security by using new payroll taxes to pay for new health costs? How else to explain the fact that she voted for a bill whose costs begin now but whose benefits are delayed for years?  Read the rest of Pollak's post on his blog.

Pollak will be a guest on the Don Wade and Roma Show, WLS 890 AM, on Friday, May 14 at 6:34 a.m. He will discuss his reflections on the nomination of Elena Kagan by Barack Obama, among other topics. I'm sure the health care bill issue will come up, too. Pollak will speak at a rally on Sunday, May 16 in Morton Grove, IL (click on the flyer here for details).

MUST-SEE VIDEO - Health Care Bill Ripped Point by Painful Point

On April 27, 2010, U.S. Senator Johnn Barrasso (R-Wyoming) ripped apart the recently passed health care bill on the floor of the U.S. Senate. He did not shy away from rubbing Democrat noses in the stinking heap of lies and failures.
xx"A month after the health care bill was signed into law, Americans continue to learn the impacts of this bad legislation.

On April 22, 2010, the Chief Actuary of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released a report that confirms that the law will increase health care costs, raise federal spending, threaten access to care for our seniors and result in higher premiums for Americans."

~ U.S. Sen. John Barrasso web site

Barrasso gave a shocking and concise diagnosis of the health care bill, detailing its major failures in the clearest critique I've heard yet. Barrasso is also an orthopaedic surgeon and knows medicine like Comrade Barack Obama never will. He cited specific provisions of the bill and used quotes and figures from the Obama Regime's own agencies to show just how the bill falls short of living up to Comrade Obama's false promises and lies.

The Hartford Courrant sums it up well:
"The government's own Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has reported that health care costs will rise under President Barack Obama's health care bill. The unpopular law passed just a month ago through one of the most twisted and corrupt legislative processes the American people have ever seen. And now the government is admitting it will fail in one of its primary objectives: to reduce health care costs for the American people. The president and the Democrats are spending $1 trillion that we do not have and our costs will still go up."
Do you still like that "change" thing, Democrats?  We tried to warn you. You didn't listen.

Is Obama Eligible to Sign the Health Care Bill?

You tell me. I honestly don't know. I believe the bigger question is whether or not the Health Care bill was constitutionally eligible to be passed by Congress, and then to be signed by any president.

The question as to Comrade Obama's eligibility, of course, is based on the theory that he was not born on U.S. soil.

"Obama is signing the health care bill today, but will it be actually valid?" wrote Steve Cooper at The Conservative Monster. "Does he have the authority to sign this bill? Do the states have to obey this law if it is signed by an unconstitutional president that has never proven that he is a natural born citizen?"

Cooper also has a bone to pick with Google. He says he had to repost his original blog entry, because he was told by Google "that the last one was BLOCKED from their web crawlers. That is right, they said it was BLOCKED and they offered no other information. This article obviously struck a nerve, so please SHARE IT." 

Comrade Obama has still not shown us his birth certificate, and while I am not a "birther" per se, I think the so-called birthers have as much right to question Dear Leader's citizenship as anybody has to wonder aloud about 9/11 conspiracy theory, UFO theory, or whether the Easter Bunny is real. Or not. Sometimes, seemingly strange questions have a valid basis for being asked, and sometimes lead to surprising answers. I would remind my fellow Tea Partiers, by the way, that the birthers have as much freedom of speech under the First Amendment as anybody else does. The next time you hear or read a birther questioning the status of His Highness Obama's birth certificate, just smile, listen, and allow yourself to wonder, "What if they're right?"


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Comrade Obama's Socialist Celebration, April 3

The following email was blasted out by Comrade Barack Obama's propaganda machine, Organizing For Amerika (OFA). Dear Leader Barack wants all of you to spontaneously jump for joy and squeal like communist pigs on Saturday, April 3 to celebrate his regime's success in throwing the nation under the socialist bus. The email is signed by Jeremy Bird, OFA's Deputy Director. He says that the event, which will happen in cities nationwide, is to thank OFA volunteers for all their hard work to help the Democrats nationalize health care. Bird, however, forgot to include a free drink coupon. Thanks for all your hard work, comrades, now go buy yourselves some drinks! There is no word yet if any Coffee Parties will spontaneously host their own celebrations (but they're too busy doing nothing while they try to figure out what the Coffee Party's mission really is). Here's that email:

This past week, we saw what change looks like. And now, it's time to celebrate.

After a year of non-stop work from OFA volunteers like you -- reaching out to friends and neighbors; going to countless phone banks, town halls, canvasses, and rallies; placing millions of calls and emails to Congress; and so much more -- health care reform is now the law of the land.

Congratulations on making history -- and thank you!
To celebrate the biggest legislative accomplishment in generations, OFA is holding health reform celebration events across the country -- and there's one near you in Chicago on Saturday, April 3rd.

Can you join us, to celebrate this amazing achievement? Here are the details:

What: Health Reform Celebration Event
Where: [Joey's Brickhouse] 1258 W. Belmont, Chicago, IL 60657 [MAP]
When: Saturday, April 3rd
Start Time: 8:00 PM

If you can't make it to that celebration event, see if there are others in your area or sign up to host one of your own.

OFA volunteers and staff will get together to talk about what we just did, and we'll watch a video that some folks here are finishing up now.

We've all worked hard, and there's more hard work to do. But sometimes, we all deserve a moment to just kick back, enjoy what we've accomplished, and appreciate the people we accomplished it with.

I hope you can join us in Chicago on the 3rd. RSVP here.

This was a long, hard fight. Thanks for being there to the finish, and for making it happen.

Jeremy Bird
Deputy Director
Organizing for America

OFA Health Insurance Reform Celebration and Thank You event ...

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Illinois Legislator's HB 6842 Would Allow Opting Out of Obamacare

March 26, 2010 - In spite of its reluctant Attorney General, the State of Illinois just might resist ObamaCare after all. On Thursday night, March 25, Illinois became the 40th state to introduce legislation to allow its residents to “opt-out” of the Democrats’ job-killing government takeover of health care. The bill, HB 6842, “[p]rovides that no resident of the State…shall be required to obtain or maintain a policy of individual insurance” and “[p]rovides that no provision of the Act shall render a resident of this State liable for any penalty, assessment, fee, or fine as a result of his failure to procure or obtain health insurance coverage.” Source The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) noted in a press release that "Illinois became the 40th state where legislators have introduced, or will introduce, legislation modeled after the American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act. Illinois House Bill 6842 prohibits a requirement to purchase health insurance and would provide the state with protection in a constitutional challenge of the federal health reform bill." It should come as no surprise to anyone that the driving force behind HB 6842 is - surprise! - a Republican. Even as Illinois' Attorney General Lisa Madigan (a Democrat) was saying that she would not join 13 other states' AGs in challenging "ObamaCare," State Rep Bill Mitchell (R-Decatur) introduced HB 6842 to essentially accomplish some of the same goals. Mitchell's HB 6842 is, as reported by Illinois Review, "patterned after Virginia's law undermining the federal mandate requiring individuals to buy health insurance. HB 6842 removes the requirement in Illinois, and cancels any penalties associated with the federal mandate for health insurance." Illinois is in serious financial meltdown. Governor Quinn has been weak and indecisive about how to deal with the mess. The federally mandated, nationalized healthcare that was voted on earlier this week will certainly affect every states' budgets, and profoundly, but it is too early to know just how. Illinois Democrats who have not spoken out in favor of challenging ObamaCare seem happy to play a kind of Russian roulette with the state's already-injured economy. Keep your fingers crossed that the Republicans in Springfield can guide HB 6842 through to passage. Get ready for more headlines like this one, from the Los Angeles Times: "States fighting healthcare law don't have precedent on their side." It's meant to discourage the challengers of ObamaCare, but fails to take into account a simple fact: A precedent is set when something happens for the first time. There is, as the saying goes, a first time for everything. After all, where was the precedent for a Marxist-Leninist takeover of one sixth of the U.S. economy? RELATED: Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB6842 Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB6842 It’s official: Louisiana signs on with Florida in legal challenge to HCR Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

(Video) Cantor Slams Democrats for Violence Hypocricy

Video Below: On March 25, U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) hit a bull's eye. The House Minority Whip called out Democrat Party leaders for their reckless behavior in the wake of reports of violent threats made against some members of Congress. He accused them of "fanning the flames" about recent threats of violence. The MSM, liberal commentators and many Democrats have been blaming the Republicans for inciting such threats, but Cantor sets the record straight in this short but powerful statement, in which he accused the Democrats of using the handful of threats for political gain and as a fundraising gimmick. “I have deep concerns that some — DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen and DNC Chairman Tim Kaine in particular — are dangerously fanning the flames by suggesting that these incidents be used as a political weapon,” said Cantor, who noted that his leadership position and Jewish faith have resulted in violence, including a bullet being shot through his campaign office window earlier this week. ~ Source: The Hill Even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called for the rhetoric to be toned down, saying that no one should blame members of Congress for provoking such incidents. ~ Read more at Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Big Brother Pizza, Can I Help You?

Big Brother is watching you, we know this. The Comrade Obama Regime is giving Big Bro even more power to intrude into our (theoretically) private business, and not just with nationalized health care. Here's a video (flash) from the ACLU (click to watch) that is not only funny as heck, it's a brilliant sendup of the nanny state and government intrustion into every facet of our lives. Leave a Comment * Conservative Shirts and More! Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

14 Attorneys General FileLegal Challenge to ObamaCare

I don't like to lift entire pieces from other bloggers, but I'll make an exception this time. With thanks - and apologies - to Adam Bitely at, here is his list of 14 Attorneys General (below) who have filed suits against ObamaCare. I hope Adam understands that this info needs to be gotten out there quickly, and that he'll excuse my transgression. Adam urges you all to contact your state's attorney general and ask him/her to stand up and step up to the fight and the unconstitutional government takeover of health care. Illinois AG Lisa Madigan has not joined the fight; you can tell he to step up and join the challenge to ObamaCare. Click here to tell her to! Writes Adam, "The fight to stop ObamaCare isn't over yet, and we can still win!" Now, to make it up to Adam, let me sincerely urge you all to check out, one of the best blogs on the web. The List: Ken Cuccinelli – Attorney General – Virginia Troy King – Attorney General – Alabama Bill McCollum –Attorney General - Florida Jon Bruning – Attorney General – Nebraska Tom Corbutt – Attorney General – Pennsylvania Greg Abbot – Attorney General – Texas Henry McMaster – Attorney General – South Carolina * Robert McKenna – Attorney General – Washington Mark L. Shurtleff – Attorney General – Utah Wayne Stenehjem – Attorney General – North Dakota Marty J. Jackley – Attorney General – South Dakota * Michael Cox – Attorney General -- Michigan,1607,7-164--233880--,00.html Lawrence Wasden – Attorney General – Idaho John W. Suthers – Attorney General – Colorado James D. “Buddy” Caldwell – Attorney General – Louisiana * URL added by me. Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

How You Can Screw OFA's Health Care Final Push

Obama's political army, Organizing for America (OFA), will have a nationwide "final push" for Obamabots on Thursday, March 18 to "contact their Congressman/woman to support final passage of the Health Care Reform Bill. 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Thursday, March 18th." SO HERE'S MY SUGGESTION: "Volunteer" to help them! Go here: RSVP that you will show up to help make phone calls for them. Then . . . don't show up. Simple, right? It will screw up their expectations and cause them to buy too many boxes of donut holes. You'll have to give them your email address and zip code, but so what? That will put you on their email list, which I've been on for over a year and have found to be very entertaining. You can always unsubscribe, so there is no risk. This is a nationwide event. Go to OFA's web site and enter your email and zip code to find a Final Push event near you. In Chicago, the Final Push phone bank will go from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM on Thursday, March 18 at the OFA Downtown Office, 29 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 936. Your lovely host will be Robert Stephens, who can be reached at 773-348-7553. I suppose you could stand around outside with signs and placards and hand out anti-Obamacare literature if you wanted to. It would be fun to have 100 people doing that. RELATED: Obama blasts OFA e-mail for final push - Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Anti-Obamacare Rally 5:30 PM Today, Rep Bill Foster's Office, Batavia IL

March 16, 2010 - A coalition of area Tea Party groups is hosting a rally against the Health Care Bill at the office of Rep. Bill Foster (D-Geneva, 14th District) TONIGHT from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. Foster was still an "uncommitted" vote as of yesterday. CONVINCE him to do the right thing this evening! WHERE: 27 North River Street, Batavia, IL 60510 WHAT: Demonstrate on the bridge with signs from 5:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., then march (from 6:15 to 6:30) and demonstrate at Rep. Fosters office from 6:30 to 7:30 CONTACT: Todd at or 847-305-7982 Can't make there in person? Let Rep. Foster know how you really feel about Obamacare. Remember to keep it classy, patriots! Phone: (630) 406-1114 or toll-free (866) 324-6128. Fax: (630) 406-1808 Earlier today, there was a noon rally against ObamaCare at Rep. Melissa Bean's office in Schaumburg. (See news updates here.) RELATED: Il. Rep. Bill Foster Supports Gov't Run Healthcare for Illegals Bill Baar's West Side: Bill Foster's Rangel Cash Representatives ditching Rangel's hot dirty money Illinois Review: Will someone get Bill Foster a map? Prairie Politics: Rep Bill Foster's funny with the Gettysburg Address Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Pelosi's Blitzkrieg to Government Health Care

March 16, 2010 - Rev. Isaac C. Hayes, GOP nominee for Congress in IL-2, wrote about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's move to use the "self-executing rule". The use of the self-executing rule by Pelosi and her henchmen amounts to naked power grab and an unabashed assault on the democratic process. As the Wall Street Journal notes, "Under the 'reconciliation' process that began yesterday afternoon, the House is supposed to approve the Senate's Christmas Eve bill and then use 'sidecar' amendments to fix the things it doesn't like. Those amendments would then go to the Senate under rules that would let Democrats pass them while avoiding the ordinary 60-vote threshold for passing major legislation. This alone is an abuse of traditional Senate process." Hayes' response follows: The following statement was released today by Speaker Pelosi has yet to secure the necessary votes in the House of Representative to pass the Senate's version of health care reform. The Wall Street Journal reports today that Pelosi could ask the House Rules Committee to change the rules that would allow the House to vote on the reconciliation measures without voting on the actual Senate version. Nancy Pelosi is not listening. America has said no for more than a year, yet she is stealthily considering the self-executing rule to march toward government controlled health care against their will. According to Article 1, Section 7 of the Constitution, for a bill to become law it "shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate." It is unclear whether or not President Obama supports this procedure. Speaker Pelosi is not only breaking through the will of the American people, but she is now waging a lightning war (a "blitzkrieg") on the Constitution. President Obama called for Congress to vote on the Senate bill as the Constitution requires, but Mrs. Pelosi is moving swiftly to deliver a knockout blow to liberty before the Easter recess. Editor's Note: The irony in Pelosi and the Congressional Democrats using the "self-executing rule" is that they may be performing political suicide. Most American voters do not view dictatorial, anti-democratic tactics kindly, and as more and more of them begin to understand the underhanded way that Pelosi and her gang are trying to ram this down the people's throats, the more likely it becomes that the Democrats will lose massively in the November elections. RELATED: House Democrats weigh controversial rule in health care vote Pelosi Readies “Self-executing” Fascism to Force Obamacare on Americans “Slaughter Rule” Strategy Unprecedented Democrats aren't suicidal. They're self-executing Will the Democrats 'Self Execute' on Healthcare Reform? Pelosi Procedural Trick Could Be Used To Pass Healthcare House Will 'Deem' Health-Care Passed Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed


UPDATE, March 16, 2010: Cong. Bean hears from both sides on health care Illinois Review Health Care Fight Erupts Outside Melissa Bean's Office NBC Chicago Hundreds hold suburban Chicago health-care protest KWQC 6 Health care demonstrators converge on Bean's office Chicago Daily Herald ------------ Email from Dave Seman, IL at This Tuesday, March 16th, OFA supporters will be gathering to show their support for reform outside of Congresswoman Melissa Bean's Schaumburg office. Opponents of reform will be out in force. So we need to show that Illinoisians support the President's proposal and will fight for members of Congress who support reform. Can you join us? Please RSVP now. Here are the details: What: Final March for Reform Office Visit Where: Congresswoman Melissa Bean's Schaumburg Office 1701 East Woodfield Rd. Suite 200 Schaumburg, IL 60173 When: Tuesday, March 16th 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Please RSVP here: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Thanks, Dave Seman Illinois State Director NOTE: Ah, no, I won't give out the RSVP link. Whose side do you think I'm on?!? Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed

Talking Babies Reject Obamacare

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Obama's Doctor Cousin Hates Obamacare

Dr. Milton R. Wolf is a radiologist in Kansas and a second cousin of Barack Obama, once removed. The good doctor does not like what his cousin is trying to do to what he calls "the finest health care delivery system in the world." In fact, he downright hates it. In a column written by Wolf for the Washington Times, published on March 11, he says that he feels "duty-bound to rise in opposition to Obamacare. I must take a stand for my patients, my profession and, ultimately, my country. The problems caused by government will not be solved by growing government. Now that this new era of big-government takeovers has spread to our health care system, it's not just our freedoms or our wallets that are at stake. It's our lives." Wow. There's much more to Dr. Wolf's letter, and must be read by every American. Let's hope every member of Congress reads it, too. In addition, check out Dr. Wolf's own blog, The Wolf Files, for more commentary. Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed