How You Can Screw OFA's Health Care Final Push

Obama's political army, Organizing for America (OFA), will have a nationwide "final push" for Obamabots on Thursday, March 18 to "contact their Congressman/woman to support final passage of the Health Care Reform Bill. 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Thursday, March 18th." SO HERE'S MY SUGGESTION: "Volunteer" to help them! Go here: RSVP that you will show up to help make phone calls for them. Then . . . don't show up. Simple, right? It will screw up their expectations and cause them to buy too many boxes of donut holes. You'll have to give them your email address and zip code, but so what? That will put you on their email list, which I've been on for over a year and have found to be very entertaining. You can always unsubscribe, so there is no risk. This is a nationwide event. Go to OFA's web site and enter your email and zip code to find a Final Push event near you. In Chicago, the Final Push phone bank will go from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM on Thursday, March 18 at the OFA Downtown Office, 29 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 936. Your lovely host will be Robert Stephens, who can be reached at 773-348-7553. I suppose you could stand around outside with signs and placards and hand out anti-Obamacare literature if you wanted to. It would be fun to have 100 people doing that. RELATED: Obama blasts OFA e-mail for final push - Leave a Comment * Conservative T-Shirts * Follow CNB on Twitter * RSS Feed